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Dai Tu secondary school I. Fill in the blanks with: of, about, up, at, with, after 1. You must queue in a long time before the box-office 2. The main film comes the news 3. Mary was .the seaside for three days 4. I am sure my plan 5. The naughty pupils laugh .the newcomers 6. The show usually begins a cartoon. II. Fill in the blanks with: during, about, up, of, out, into, with 1. The table of my teacher is full .books. 2. If we fall asleep the performance, it's a waste .time 3. Girls burst .tears when the price killed himself. 4. The curtain was pulled the scenery looked beautiful. 5. We can leave the ending of the story. 6. Mr. Green was busy his work all day. III. Fill in the blanks with: for, of, from, in, with, about,up, on, at 1. What is rubber most useful ? We've seen knives made steel 2. This cake is made .milk, butter and flour. That television set is made Japan. 3. Alice's school has just set .a workshop. 4. Tom is not old enough to work machines. 5. They are telling their father .new workshop. 6. They said upper boys would make furniture .the canteen. 7. What's the trouble .Tom? Tom always takes good care .his teeth. He is afraid .pulling it out. 8. I saw a car .the way to the fair. IV. Complete the text by filling the spaces with the correct prepositions: Mr. Lovell was accused .treating the dogs badly. They all belonged her and they all suffered neglect. This was one reason her neighbours complained .them and why they wanted to prevented her .the poor condition the animals. The judge has said that he does not believe .punishment for cases like this and that sending her .prison would be " completely wrong". Some structures: - With a view to doing smt: Với mục đích để làm gì - To be far from doing smt: Nó còn xa để làm gì - Chance of doing smt: Cơ hội để làm gì - Suspect smb of doing smt: Nghi ngờ ai làm điều gì - Forgive smb for doing smt: Tha thứ cho ai về việc gì - It's no good/ It's no use doing smt: Thật vô ích làm gì - There is no point in doing smt: Không có ích lợi - Have difficulty in doing smt: Gặp khó khăn trong việc gì - A waste of time/ money doing smt: Tốn tiền, mất thì gian làm gì - Accuse smb of doing smt: Buộc tội ai làm điều gì - Appove/ disappove of: Chấp thuận hay không chấp thuận làm gì WORD FORMATION Greenocean 981 Dai Tu secondary school 1. Noun: ( suffixes) age: village al: refusal, burial ance: assistance an: Cambodian ant: assistant er: teacher, cooker dom: freedom ee: employee eer: engineer ess: actress hood: childhood ice: service ing: leaning, feeling ion: discussion tion: organization ism: socialism ist: artist ity: similarity ment: agreement ness: darkness our: behaviour ship: friendship th: length, strength ty: poverty, liberty or: error, doctor 2. Adjective: ( suffixes) able: fashionable al: classical ar: popular ic: domestic, historic an: Roman ean: European ent: different ant: important ese: Vietnamese ish: foolish, selfish ive: active, effective less: useless, harmless ful: hopeful, careful like: businesslike ly: lively, costly ous: dangerous some: handsome ward: northward y: hearty, sporty 3. Verb: ( suffixes) ate: vacinate fy: classify en: shorten ize: organize miss: missunderstand ise: promise 4. Prefixation and their meaning: + Negative: un: unhappy, unlucky dis: dishonest, disunion non: nonsense il: illegal im: impossible in: inactive, incapable ir: irregular, irresponsible + Opposite: dis: disagree, disappear + Repetition: un: unlock, undo re: rewrite, review, retell Greenocean 981 Dai Tu secondary school Modal verb + Perfect infinitive ( Dùng cho quá khứ) 1. Must + have + V(p 2 ): Chắc chắn rằng Dùng để diễn đạt một sự phỏng đoán hay suy diễn về việc chắc chắn đã xảy ra trong quá khứ Eg1: I rang but there was no answer => Everybody must have gone out Eg2: The phone rang but I didn't hear it => I must have been a sleep 2. May/ might/ could + have + V(p 2 ): Có lẽ đã Dùng để suy đoán một việc có thể đã xảy ra trong quá khứ Eg1: Why wasn't Mary in class? => She may/ might/ could have been sick Eg2: I can't find Peter anywhere. => He might have gone shopping 3. Can + have + V(p 2 ): Chắc rằng không Dùng để diễn đạt một việc mà bạn nghĩ rằng nó chắc chắn không xảy ra Eg1: He walked from London to Cambrige in three hours => He can have done it on that time. Someone must have given him a lift. Eg2: He has two bottles of Coke and he has got drunk. => He can have got drunk of Coke. He must have drunk alcohol with it 4. Need + have + V(p 2 ): Lẽ ra phải Eg1: You need have watered the flowers. They all died now Eg2: She need have been careful. They need have helped each other. 5. Needn't + have + V(p 2 ): Lẽ ra không cần phải Eg: He needn't have watered the flowers. It was raining all day 6. Should + have + V(p 2 ): Lẽ ra nên làm Shouldn't + have + V(p 2 ): Lẽ ra không nên làm Eg: We bought her a doll for Christmas but she didn't like => We should have asked her first. Greenocean 981 . ean: European ent: different ant: important ese: Vietnamese ish: foolish, selfish ive: active, effective less: useless, harmless ful: hopeful, careful like:. miss: missunderstand ise: promise 4. Prefixation and their meaning: + Negative: un: unhappy, unlucky dis: dishonest, disunion non: nonsense il: illegal im:

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2013, 01:25

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