@ Listen, point and repeat.. W Listen, point and repeat... @ Listen, point and repeat... Listen to the CD, point to the corresponding frame and re peat each sent ence... List en to the C
Trang 1~ H.Q Mitchell
Trang 21 1-i4!11() ••.••• •••••••.•••.•••.•••••••••••••••.•• •••••••.•••.•• ••.•••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••.•• ••.•••.••••••• :!
2 Scho()1 12
3 Family and friends 22
4 Y()U and me 32
5 Toys and games 4:!
6 My body 52
jr Fooct ~2
8 My house jr2 Pidure Dictionary 82
Special days 85
C::lJ1t"'OlJ115 •••• •••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••.•.••••••.••.•• •••• •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••.•• fljr
Trang 3Find and stick Then listen and sing
1 Tu.rn to the back of the book fin.d the appropriate stickers and stick them on the page_ listen to the song an.d sing_
Trang 4f{iJJ Listen and circle
3 Play the game Move Q step forward for Hello and one step backwards for Goodbye
Trang 5@ Listen, point and repeat ® ,.,
L listen to the d ial ogu e on the CD Po int to the corresponding frame and re peat each sentence_
Trang 6ti}J Listen and tick (V") ® ~
and answer in pairs SA , ~ HO eoI'm l tlh e two picturK " es
• lm What' s your narn e? SB : Hi Ki , m f My nam e's N ick
Trang 7W Listen, point and repeat
Trang 8~ Listen and tick (V) G "
3 L ' lsten to the CD an d tLCk h on e 0 f t h e two pictures
an cant wh-{ l e poinHng to the co rresponding numbers
Trang 10@ Listen and tick (11) ® ~
Trang 11@ Make finger puppets Use the cut-outs on page 87
1 Turn to p 87 cut out each character an.d glue I tape the two ends together
2 Use your finger puppets and s ay , SA : Hello ! I ' m B e tty What ' s your name ? S8: Hi, Betty! My name ' s Ran
Trang 121 Listen to five numbers on the CD, one for each row Circle the n.umber heard , as many times as i.t appears in each row
2 PLay the Number Game
Trang 14-Listen and tick (V) ® ~
2 Listen to the CD and tick one of the two colours
3 Play the Touch the colour game Say a colour e g <green' and Ss find and touch an object of that colour
Trang 15@ Listen, point and repeat
Trang 16~ Listen and circle
2 listen to the CD and circte one of the two pictures
3 Play the guessing game, SA : What's this? S8: It's a ruler
Trang 17@ Listen, point and repeat ®
1 Listen to the CD, point to the corresponding frame and re peat each sent ence
Trang 18Listen and t· Ick (v) U r 2\ ~5-
Trang 19let's play
@ Look and listen Then play ®
computer? S8: Yes, it is
Trang 21@ Make classroom objects
1 Make classroom objects out of plasticine
2 Ask and answer in palrs about the plasticine objects, SA : What's that? S8: It's a desk
Trang 22On a piece of paper trace, mal<e and colour
- 1 Trace the bus on a piece of paper and colour it Make hole s in the wheel s and fix them onto the bus) using butterfly dips
2 Listen to the CD Qnd sing the song turning the wheels of the bus
Trang 23@ Listen and sing QV
1 Listen to the CD and sing the song
Trang 24ID Listen and match CV
, e'
Trang 25o Listen, point and repeat ® , "
f List en to the CD , point to the corresponding frame and repeat each sentence
Trang 26Listen and circle CV ~
-2 Listen to the CD and circle one of the two plctures
3 Ask: and answer questions about the family photos, SA : Who 's that? 58= It's my father
Trang 27@ Listen, point and repeat ® -4
1 listen to th e CO , po i nt to th e corre s ponding pi c ture and repeat each s entence
Trang 28o Find and stick Then listen and point
Trang 29Lefs play
1 Listen to the CD and repeat each sentence 00 the rol e p l ay SA : Is that your sister? S8 : Yes , it is SA : Is that your father?
ss : No , it isn ' t It ' s my grandfather
Trang 30Listen and tick (VO)
Trang 31@ Make a family album
• "
1 Draw and colour the members of your family to make Q famity album
2 Pre se nt th e m em bers of your family from the family album , e g This is my mothu This is my father
Trang 32Match the families Then say and point
Draw a family
t Matc h t h e correct family mem bers (male cat -fem a le cat -kitten) In pair s, point and say the members of each family
(f at h e r cat - mot h er cat - baby cat)
2 Draw an ani m al fa m ily a n d pre s ent it
Trang 331 Listen and sing ® , ,
Trang 34-Listen and circle ® ~
lis ten to the CD and circle the correct numbers
Play the Circle the numbu! game
Trang 351 Listen, point and repeat CV ,
1 Listen to the di.alogue on the CD_ Point to the corresponding frame and repeat each sentence_
Trang 38Find and stick Then listen and point
Trang 39Let's play "
@ Look and listen Then play Use the cut-outs on page 89
1 listen to the CD and repeat each sentence Tum to p 89, cut out the cards and play the guessing game , SA: Is it a girl? S8: Yes
SA: Is she sad? ss : Yes, she is SA : I s she fat? 58: No , she isn't SA: It 's number four
Trang 40Listen and trace a tick (v) or a cross (X) ® ~
Trang 41o Make a stick and plasticine figure,
-o Show and tell
1 Make a stick and plasticine figure, giving it (a) characteristic Cs) using the adjectives you have learnt
2 Present the figure, e g She 's happy She 's fat
Trang 42Match and say
M atch each child with his / her Qge and then with the map of his/ h e r country and say , e.g He / She is (years old )
Trang 431 1
1 li s t e n to th e s ong and s ing
Trang 44• • ist en to the CD and tick (V) if the command corresponds to the picture or cross (Xl if it doesn't
: P l ay the Tony says! game
Trang 45o Listen, point and repeat ® ,.,
L listen to the dialogue on the CD Point to the corre sponding frame and repeat each sentence
Trang 46~ Find and stick Then listen and match
··· · ··· ,-", 4
/-Tur n to the back of the book, find the appropriate stickers and stick them in the activity Listen to the CD and match each child
' th the corresponding toy
Draw a picture of your favourite toy and present it in pairs, SA ; I have got a plane ss : I have got a kite
Trang 47@ Listen, pOint and repeat ® -4
Trang 48Liste n and circle ® ~
Lis ten to the CD and circle one of the two pictur e s
1 Pl ace a cross (Xl next to t h e toy s you haven ' t got In pair s, talk about the toy s you hav e n ' t got, e g _ I hav e n ' t got a bik e
Trang 491 Listen to the CD and repeat each sentence Turn to p 91, cut out the cards and play the card game, SA: Have you got a plane?
S8 : No, I haven't SA : Have you got a ball? S8: Yes, I have SA : Thanks
Trang 50Listen and· circle ( ~ ~ 2\ ~ ~
Trang 511 1
L Mak e a toy poster with crayons/finger paints
2 Present the toy poster, SA: I have got a robot and a ball 8 I have got a plane and a kite
Trang 52Colour the dots and say
Colour the shapes that have got a black dot in them to reveal the four sports_
Trang 53.~/
1 Listen to the song and point to the corresponding pi.cture _ Then, sing and do the actions
Trang 54Listen and number (1 -4) ® \
P l ay the Tany says ! game
Trang 55@ Listen, point and repeat ® -4
Trang 56» Listen and circle ®
2 li sten to the C D Qnd circle one of the two pictures
3 Draw a picture of a fu nny monster and present it , SA : She has got three ears 58 : He ha s got five arms
Trang 57o Listen, point and repeat ® ,.,
Little Red Ridin Hood
Trang 58Look at activity 2 and say
_ i s ten to the CD and drcler one of the two pictures
: L oo k at activity 2 and play a guessing game, SA : It hasn ' t got teeth It hasn ' t got big toes S8 : It ' s (pointing to the
cor responding picture)
Trang 59Lefs play
@ Pla y,
L Play the Guess the monster! game
Trang 611 Turn to p.93 and cut out the parts of the body of little Red Riding Hood and the wolf _ Make the puppets
2 Pr e sent the puppets , SA : She has got small/eet ss : He ha s got a big mouth and big teeth
Trang 62What an i ma l s live in different cou n tries? Draw and say
Po i n t t o the a nimaLs a n d the countries an d s ay t h e nam es
raw an animaL and prese n it , e g_ This is a bear It lives in R uss i a
Trang 63@ Listen and sing CV
1 Listen to the song and sing
Trang 642 listen to the CD and circle on.e of the two pictures
3 Play the guessing game , Guess the fruit!
Trang 65W Listen, point and repeat ® -4
Trang 66o
® Listen and circle what the people like QV \
Look and tick (v) what you like Then say
' -,
fish and grapes _
Trang 67, pOint to the correspond" Ing f rame and
66 1 Listen to the CD " "p,.t 'a<h "nt,n"
Trang 68Find and stick Then listen and number (1 -4)
2 Tu rn to the back of the book, find the appropriate stickers and stick them in th e activity li s ten to the CD and number t h e
pi ctures according to the descriptions
3_ raw food you don't like on a paper plate and present it , SA : I don't like burgers S8: I don't like i ce crl!am
Trang 69Let's play
1 listen to the CD and repeat each sentence Make the fruit to Jilt in the fruit stand Qnd do the rote play, SA: Three bananas, please S8 : Here you are SA: Thank you
Trang 70o Look, listen and match ® ~
1 listen to the CD and match the boy with the items he likes and the girt with the ones s he doe sn1t like
2 look at the pictures and tick (01') if the people like the item of food or cross ( )C ) if they don't like it
Trang 71o Make a food mobile
@ Look and say ~ si '
1 Make a food mobile
2 In pairs , say what food items you Like/don't like, SA : I like carrots and ice cream I don't like bananas
S8 : I don ' t like pizza I like ice cream and burgers
Trang 721 Point to the pictures and say the food
Trang 73@ Listen and sing Then match ® ,., ••
Trang 74o Listen and circle ®
2 listen to the CD and circle the room in which each chUd is
Trang 75@ Listen, point and repeat ®
1 listen to the dialogue on the CD Point to the corresponding frame and repeat each sentence
Trang 76~I
o Find and stick Then say
E{JjJ Play
2 Turn to the back of the book, find the appropriate stickers and stick them in the activit~ Then say where each item is
3 Play the memory game Look at the previous actiVity and in pairs ask questions about the location of the item in the room
Trang 77o Listen , point and repeat ® ."
tJooo<X><><><><x><x><x>oo<><><><x>< § n 0 W W t) i t e
L listen to the story on the CO, point to the corresponding frame and repeat each sentence
Trang 78~,
o Listen and number (1 -4) ®
@ Look at activity 2 Ask and answer
2 listen to the CD and number the pictures depending on the order you hear each exchange
3 look at activity 2 and, in pairs, ask each other questions about where each item of clothing is, S A: Where are the shirts?
SS : They're on the bed
Trang 79Lefs play
W Look and listen Then play Use the cut-outs on page 95
1 Li s t e n to the CD and repeat each sentence TUrn to p 95 and cut out the cards Play th e guessing game, SA : His shirt is blue
S8 : It 's number si x SA : Her book is red S8 : It ' s number one
Trang 80@ Look and say
1 In pairs • t a k e tur
It's/The y ' re on/in/under the ns to ask an.d answer questions ab out the poslhOn of th' mgs mdicated by the b rLght outline , e . g Where's/are ?
Trang 811 Make a poster of your bedroom
-1 Make a poster of your bedroom Draw the poster, draw items of clothing/toys, cut them out and glue them on the poster
2 Present your poster , This is my bedroom My red shirt is in the wardrobe My shoes are under the desk My computer is on the
Trang 8584
" " " \ w ,\ , \ '- '\
Clothes · , ,
Trang 86@ Sing a song
Make a card
L listen to the CD and sing the song (Track 69)
2 Take an A4 piece of card and fold it in half -Draw a Christmas picture on the outside_ Use ver~ bright colo urs _ Write a
Christmas wish and your name inside
Trang 87@ Make a Mother's Day card
b To make the card
Q Cut out page 71 , Workbook Colour the }low e r and cut it out
b Fold a piece of paper or card Stick your flower on the card Write your Mother ' s Day wish
- _ '
Trang 89I "
Trang 93,
Trang 97Trang 100
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Copyright © 2009 MM Publications
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Produced in the EU
C11 08004007 -5670
ISBN: 978-960-443 - 812-9
Trang 101Student's Book
Teacher's Resource Book
Workbook with free