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REVIEW 10 1. The bicycle he lent me badly needed . a. to clean b. cleaning c. clean d. to be cleaning 2. We were surprised the village was way from the road. a. such long a b. such a long c. a so long d. a so far 3. Tom is looking forward to his new job on Monday. a. be starting b. starting c. start d. be started 4. that we were late, we began to run. a. We knew b. To know c. Knowing d. As knowing 5. She has work to do that she gets very tired. a. so many b. much more c. too much d. so much 6. He saw a young man on the pavement outside the shop. a. stood b. standing c. has stood d. was stood 7. Henry a rich man today if he had been more careful in the past. a. would be b. is c. will be d. was 8. Let the boy it himself before you offer to help. a. trying b. to try c. will try d. try 9. The man his car outside hasn’t come back for it yet. a. whom he left b. who he left c. who left d. whose 10. She has neither read the book nor the film. a. saw b. see c. sees d. seen 11. We are going on a picnic tomorrow. a. next day after b. the next after c. the day after d. after 12. She returned to the shop to buy the skirt but found that they it. a. had sold b. sold c. have sold d. would have sold 13. The meeting be held this coming Thursday after all. a. isn’t b. won’t c. doesn’t d. hasn’t 14. By next Saturday Tom a whole month without smoking a cigarette. a. will go b. will have gone c. has gone d. has been going 15. I would rather at home this evening. a. to stay b. stay c. stayed d. will stay 16. He likes to go for a holiday his wife. a. less b. without c. except d. unless 17. She’s old, and she can’t climb the stairs on a. her own b. one own c. herself d. her alone 18. She doesn’t think he’ll come to her party, and a. nor we do b. nor us c. neither do we d. either do we 19. We all your help in this matter. a. estimate b. enjoy c. appreciate d. evaluate 20. Mrs. Smith always likes someone to her to the bus stop at night. a. go b. company c. join d. accompany 21. There was nothing to eat in the refrigerator or in the cupboard. a. at last b. at least c. at once d. at all 22. Ever he was in junior school! Nicholas has wanted to become a doctor. a. after b. always c. next d. since 23. I’m afraid that we don’t have any sizes in stock, madam. a. higher b. larger c. greater d. taller 24. The new secretary in the sales department is a fast typist but her letters are full of spelling a. wrongs b. faults c. tricks d. mistakes 25. It will rain later so we should go and have our picnic now. a. preferably b. probably c. likely d. usually 26. The young wife blames her sterility her old husband. a. for b. on c. to d. with 27. He has a date with his girl friend but she stand him a. up b. by c. for d. upon 28. Do you agree me the need for more schools? a. with/about b. with/for c. with/on d. a & b are correct 29. Is he going to agree our suggestion? a. with b. to c. for d. on 30. I think he is his time looking for a job there; they are not taking any staff on at present. a. wasting b. losing c. spending d. missing 31. You’ll have to hurry because the train leaves in ten minutes. a. latter b. last c. latest d. least 32. This meat is rather tough; you have to it for a long time. a. chew b. bite c. eat d. swallow 33. Tom has given up smoking. From this sentence we know that a. Tom has never smoked b. Tom has just put out his cigarette c. Tom used to smoke d. Tom has offered everyone a cigarette 34. Unless you can swim, you aren’t allowed to sail this boat. Which sentence below is nearest is meaning to the one above? a. Anyone who wants to sail this boat must be able to swim b. If you can’t swim, you’ll have to go in this boat c. You may sail this boat whether you can swim or not d. The only people allowed to swim are those in the boat 35. I’m not sure you’ll like George. The speaker of this sentence thinks that a. You’ve met George and liked him c. You’re going to like George if you meet him b. You’ve met George and didn’t like him d. You haven’t met George and may not like him 36. The woman was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage. We understand from this sentence that a. not much damage was caused because the woman was very weak b. someone else, not the woman, caused the damage. c. the woman wasn’t strong, but she caused great damage. d. the woman, though quite strong, caused little damage herself 37. I never want to see another film about space travel. The above sentence suggest that the speaker a. hasn’t seen a film about space travel b. is tired of seeing films about space travel c. has enjoyed all the film he has seen about space travel d. is anxious not to miss the next film about space travel 38. Since giving up his job. Jim has had nothing to do the company. a. about b. from c. to d. with 39. Since you’ll be seeing him tonight, you might give him this letter. a. well enough b. as well as c. as well d. as good as 40. I wish they to see us more often. a. will come b. would come c. came d. have come 41. You will do as I tell you, ? a. won’t you b. wouldn’t you c. do you d. don’t you 42. Could you please me to the nearest post office? a. explain b. point c. indicate d. direct 43. We would contact your nearest relative any accident occurring. a. on account of b. in spite of c. in the event of d. in place of 44. He is very of his conduct and promises never to behave like that again. a. sorry b. miserable c. ashamed d. guilty 45. She is young for the job, but on the other she is well qualified. a. case b. hand c. chance d. event 46. The company is steps to improve the bus service at night. a. going b. setting c. taking d. putting 47. He has an open on the subject, so you could easily persuade him. a. brain b. mind c. sense d. head 48. I usually take sandwiches for my lunch, but and then I go to a café. a. again b. once c. now d. before 49. Mr. Smith is very fat; he ought to some weight. a. give b. lose c. waste d. slip 50. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she me and walked on. a. refused b. ignored c. banned d. denied 51. She is the most manageress we have ever had. a. good b. working c. active d. efficient 52. Everyone Alan was invited to the party. a. not b. apart c. but d. though 53. These bananas rather hard. a. feel b. touch c. sense d. taste 54. Did you remember to the cat? a. eat b. milk c. feed d. give 55. His face looks , but I can’t remember his name. a. similar b. alike c. memorial d. familiar 56. The station is too away for us to walk. a. long b. far c. way d. distant 57. Did you break that window on ? a. deliberation b. purpose c. intention d. reason 58. They left the room they had finished their exam. a. while b. once c. soon d. during 59. The sudden noise made me . a. frighten b. jump c. startle d. shudder 60. Do you think it’s possible to on nothing but fruit and vegetables? a. eat b. live c. enjoy d. make 61. As his car had broken down she gave him a a. drive b. carry c. lift d. passage 62. He won’t be able to pay for the car his father’s help. a. until b. except c. unless d. without 63. It was a wonderful play, with a of over fifty actors and actresses. a. cast b. list c. team d. programme 64. He refused to give up, he’d won a million pounds. a. despite b. however c. even though d. as though 65. They were for smuggling jewellery into the country. a. judge b. arrested c. accused d. warned 66. goes the bus; now we will have to walk! a. On time b. At once c. There d. Early 67. There aren’t many books in the library as there used to be. a. quite b. rather c. such d. so 68.The children threw snowballs at on their way to school. a. themselves b. another c. each other d. their own 69. He is a friendly person, who well with everyone at the office. a. gets on b. takes place c. sets up d. turns out 70. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight. a. care b. prevent c. protect d. ensure 71. you work harder, you are going to fail your exams. a. If b. Unless c. Although d. Because 72. A passer-by who actually witnessed the robbery now been found. a. was b. had c. has d. is 73. He’s so about his success that he doesn’t like to talk about it. a. thoughtful b. modest c. honest d. sincere 74. If you feel ill, the doctor usually your temperature. a. inspects b. examines c. test d. takes 75. If we had invest our money in a different company. a. ever b. once c. just d. only 76. British Rail regrets passengers that the London train is running 15 minutes late. a. informing b. to inform c. inform d. for informing 77. The guide walked so that most of the party could not keep up with him. a. fast b. quick c. rapid d. lively 78. The motorist was from driving for six months and ordered to pay a £200 fine. a. stopped b. banned c. restricted d. forbidden 79. An enormous of rubbish had built up in the factory yard over the years. a. hill b. pile c. lot d. tower 80. I’m really tired this morning. I wish I to bed so late last night. a. hadn’t gone b. didn’t go c. haven’t been d. don’t go 81. My mother said my room was in terrible mess and told it immediately. a. to tidy b. that I tidy c. me to tidy d. I tidied 82. All these photographs with a very cheap camera”, he said. a. have taken b. had taken c. were taking d. were taken 83. The country’s wealth comes chiefly from its many . a. herd of cattle b. herd of cattles c. herds of cattle d. herds of cattles 84. We invited them although we didn’t know very well. a. her or him. B. she or he c. her or he d. she or him. 85. By the time she research the dentist, the pain in her tooth a. stopped b. had stopped c. has stopped d. has been stopped 86. He drove off as soon as the light green. a. turned b. has turned c. is turning d. was turning 87. He said he would pay back the money the sake of peace in the town. a. to b. in c. by d. for 88. The police say they have some important clues the murder. a. on b. about c. to d. in 89. Most days we went for a walk after lunch. a. along the sea b. in the beach c. in the sand d. along the beach 90. He used to be much shorter than his sister; now he’s taller than . a. she is b. she c. she does d. she’s 91. You’d better take a bus. It’s . a. far b. distant c. long d. a long way 92. “Thank goodness you have come ,” she exclaimed in relief. a. finally b. at the end c. lastly d. at last 93. These days British people to book their summer holidays in December or January. a. usually b. often c. will d. tent 94. I am happy to your invitation. a. take b. agree c. accept d. consent 95. Everyone in the village it difficult to resist the stranger’s charming smile. a. made b. had c. found d. felt 96. In her she was a famous tennis player. a. day b. year c. age d. hour 97. She is to leave as soon as possible. a. anxious b. cautious c. worried d. nervous 98. Robert and Anna have after only two years of marriage. a. split up b. broken down c. departed d. divorce 99. Though I’m really a very person, I can’t wait for you any longer. a. patient b. sensitive c. modest d. sociable 100. He was deaf to everything than what he wanted to hear. a. other b. apart c. else d. except 101. The box office is open for ticket sales. a. daily b. day c. in day d. daytime 102. Everyone in the department was with the sack unless they worked harder. a. promised b. bribed c. threatened d. warned 103. He me to buy my air ticket immediately or it would be too late. a. advised b. insisted c. convinced d. suggested 104. his exhaustion, he won the marathon by nearly three minutes. a. Although b. Despite c. In spite d. However 105. If you were coming, I would have baked a cake. a. I’ve known b. I’d known c. I’d have known d. I’ll know 106. She heated the chocolate until it , then poured it over the cake. a. formed b. melted c. changed d. flooded 107. Since you’ll be seeing him tonight, you might give him this letter. a. well enough b. as well as c. as well d. as good as 108. It was purely chance that the mistake was discovered. a. by b. in c. as d. from 109. The pop star, name is on everyone’s lips, is organizing an international charity concert. a. which b. whom c. that d. whose 110. I couldn’t resist having another slice of cake even I was supposed to be losing weight. a. although b. however c. otherwise d. though 111. While they were on holiday their house was broken and some valuable paintings were stolen a. down b. into c. about d. away 112. Wait he is in a good and then ask him to lend you the money. a. frame b. character c. manner d. mood 123. In my , the best way to travel is by train. a. mind b opinion c. concern d. advice 124. You have no to borrow my bicycle without asking my permission. a. use b. choice c. right d. pleasure 125. I seeing John tomorrow so I will give him your massage. a. shall be b. may be c. would be d. could be 126. I am him to arrive on Sunday. a. expecting b. waiting for c. attending d. awaiting 127. I must go to the library today to these books. a. exchange b. displace c. replace d. alter 128. They were each black shoes and stockings. a. wear b. wearing c.wore d. worn 129. The cake delicious. a. looks b. smells c. taste d. feels e. sounds f. a, b are correct g. a, b, c are correct 130. She returned to the shop to buy the skirt but found that it a. bought b. had bought c. had been bought d. have been bought 131. All visitors are requested with the regulations. a. agree b. consent c. assent d. comply 132. Have you been able to book us a tennis for this evening? a. pitch b. court c. field d. ground 133. it was only seven o’clock, he had already started work. a. Though b. Since c. So d. If 134. His parents never allowed him . a. a smoking b. to smoke c. smoking d. some smoke 135. He has at last succeeded becoming a doctor. a. for b. in c. on d. of 136. I’m going to the USA for my holidays. I’ve been for nearly a year now. a. investing b. earning c. spending d. saving up 137. The job was more difficult than I expected it to be. a. would b. had c. have d. might 138. Picasso, works inspired many artists, lived until he was a ripe old age. a. who b. which c. what d. whose 139. We couldn’t see much because there was only a light in the room. a. dark b. dull c. dim d. pale 140. The children won’t go to sleep we leave a light on outside their bedroom. a. except b. otherwise c. unless d. but 141. To an apple, you need a really sharp knife. a. peel b. poach c. shred d. grate 142. The night before an important event like an interview, you try to go to bed early. a. always b. need c. have to d. should 143. I wonder if there’s any connection his disappearance and the theft? a. to b. between c. about d. of 144. Candidates should note that the for entries for the examination is 2 nd December. a. deadline b. term c. period d. closure 145. You really can’t trust Pauline. One day she’s your best friend and the next day she can you in the back. a. hit b. stab c. cut d. punch 146. What you say is true, but you could have it more tactfully. a. talked b. phrased c. observed d. remarked 147. She prides herself never having had a day off sick. a. in b. on c. for d. of 148. My brother can 6 languages fluently. a. talk b. speak c. say d. tell 149. It was such a funny joke that I couldn’t stop a. me laughing b. to laugh c. from laughing d. laughing 150. I’ll give you a lift to the station if in a hurry. a. you’re b. you were c. you’ll be d. you’d be 151. I was amazed. I asked my father if I could borrow his car and he “Yes!” a. spoke b. said c. told d. talked 152. When I said I liked my mother’s new hat, it was a - I didn’t want to upset her. a. good lie b. kind lie c. white lie d. black lie 153. When I asked her if she knew where my watch was, she just her shoulders and said had no idea. a. lifted b. moved c. hunched d. shrugged 154. I’ve only seen a ghost once, but it really made my hair . a. stand up b. stand on end c. lift up d. turn to grey 155. Angle warned anyone what she had told me. a. that I didn’t tell b. that I told c. me to don’t tell d. me not to tell 156. The should always fit the crime. a. punishment b. punish c. punishing d. punished 157. Jamie asked me where but I had to tell him I had no idea. a. Judith is b. is Judith c. was Judith d. Judith was 158. Michelle says she here a few minutes. a. was b. would be c. is d. will be 159. Don’t touch the cat, he may you. a. kick b. tear c. scream d. scratch 160. He stood on one leg, against the wall, while he took off his shoe. a. stopping b. staying c. leaning d. supporting 161. If he drinks any more beer, I don’t think he’ll be to play this afternoon. a. skilled b. capable c. possible d. fit 162. it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat. a. In spite b. In spite of c. However d. Although 163. As far as I’m it’s quite all right for you to leave early. a. concerned b. regarded c. consulted d. bothered 164. I know him by but I have no idea what his name is. a. sight b. myself c. chance d. heart 165. The picture is , the thief will be most disappointed when he tries to sell it. a. priceless b. invalid c. unprofitable d. worthless 166. You go to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse. a. ought to b. ought c. rather d. better 167. Only a few of the children we brave enough come loser. a. for b. in order c. so d. to 168. Since my father died, my closest is my cousin. a. relative b. parent c. person d. related 169. His parents think it’s time he married. a. gets b. got c. will get d. would get 170. The soldier was punished for to obey his commanding officer’s orders. a. refusing b. regretting c. objecting d. resisting 171. Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to a habit of using the office phone for personal calls. a. make b. do c. have d. break 172. I wish you stop interrupting me whenever I speak. a. will b. would c. did d. might 173. He has just bought expensive new furniture. a. an b. some c. these d. those 1) fast: Moving, operating, acting in a short time in succession. It's more generic and descriptive. examples: (adj): He drives a fast car. (adv): He is driving fast. 2) quick: for sudden, prompt, or immediate action or process. examples: (adj) He took a quick shower. He is quick in his response (adv) He quickly raised his hand to answer the question. The rescue team ran quickly to the scene. 3) rapid: used for processes that is done fast in phases such as growth examples: (adj) China has experienced a rapid growth in the last 10 years. His talent has help in a rapid rise through the corporate ladder. (adv) Water level has rised rapidly in the last 24 hours. 4) swift: something moving, coming, or happening quickly without delay. examples: (adj) A swift decision is needed to deal with the crisis. The coast guard needs more swift boats. (adv) She swiftly took actions in response to his veto. example: He's quick to blame the rapid growth of the motorcycle usage on the increase in traffic accidents, and that swift actions need to be taken to reduce the number of deaths caused by people driving fast and carelessly. Test and Check have different meanings: Test (as a noun) is the mean or the standard that something is to be measured against. For examples, a blood test is to determine the blood type, whereas blood check is to determine if the patient is HIV positive. examples: "I need to test these students to see if they qualify for the next level." (in this example, the test is the "standard' or "a set of measurement" to test the students against, for example, if some students did not pass the multiplication table, they should not be placed in 4th grade. "I think I did good in the math test since it did not heavily emphasize on memorization" Check: Something not as rigorous as a test examples: "I want to check with my friends to see if they want to take the English test." "Make sure you check the car thoroughly before buying it." "Can you check again if the English test is not so hard compared to last year's." "The purpose of the test is to check how good is your logical thinking." There were 3 mice got drown in the bucket of milk. Two of them died for not doing anything. The third one tried swimming really hard that he turned the milk into butter and survive. http://rilwis.tk/software/2007/11/18/learning-english-resources-mot-so-tai-lieu-hoc-tieng-anh/ . station is too away for us to walk. a. long b. far c. way d. distant 57. Did you break that window on ? a. deliberation b. purpose c. intention d. reason. was way from the road. a. such long a b. such a long c. a so long d. a so far 3. Tom is looking forward to his new job on Monday. a. be starting b. starting

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2013, 21:51

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