cold, feveq sore throat, brush / brushed your teeth, comb I combed your hair, wash / washed your face, pack / packed your bag, do / did your homework Review of Units 1-3 world, around, o
Trang 1ittion
Trang 3email: com
w,\MW p ears onlongman com
and Associated Companies throughout the world.
A11 rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the Publishers.
Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder
Publisher: Christienne Blodget
Managing Editor: Marie Webster
Editor: Ian Purdon
Illustrators: K Y Chan, B Lai Siu Kuen, TeddyWong
We would like to thank @ Dorling Kindersley for the photos on pp 16,26,44 and60 We would also like to thank
dedication and professionalism are responsible for all that is good in this edition, and to my mother, Leona, who
this would not be.
Aleda Krause
Writing a children's course is a team effort I would like to thank all of the editors and the entire SuperKids team at
for her support and encouragement Lastly, I want to thank my friend Lesley who believed in me I dedicate this book
Greg Kennerly
Jessie Lin Mari Nakamura
Tim Lyon Kaoru Naritomi
Song, Na-Young DerekY Takeda
Trang 4Toble of Contents
Trang 5A $ehoa3 Fire &ri{8
Pastimes, countries and languages: build models, collect stickers, cook, ice-skate, go on the Internet, Mexico / Spanish, Japan / Japanese, Korea / Korean, Taiwan / Chinese, Australia / English
Superlatives and abilities: tallest, shortest oldest, fastest, best chess plal er soccer player actor artist singer
lllnesses and rellexive verbs: stomachache headache.
cold, feveq sore throat, brush / brushed your teeth, comb I
combed your hair, wash / washed your face, pack /
packed your bag, do / did your homework Review of Units 1-3
world, around, one meter, blue wha1e, Africa, giraffe, melon, 100 kilometers per hour, cheetah, Iand
School activities and times: have an international fair,
send the invitations, put on a play, visit a farm, pick strawberies, tonight, tomoffow, on Thursday, next week, next month
School rooms and actions: classroom plalground.
lunchroom, gym, offlice, talking to the principal doing gymnastics eating lunch looking at a magazine taking a
Chores: rake the leaves, wipe the table, take out ihe
trash, pull the weeds, sweep the steps, wash the dishes,
vacuum the carpet, make your bed, hang up your clothes,
clean up your room
Review of Units 4-6
fel1 off, broke, x-ray, cast, stitches, shot, burned, stove, bandage
Transport and adverbs offrequency: take a train, take
a bus, take the subway, go by car, walk, always, usua1ly,
sometimes, hardly ever, never
Countable and non-countable items: bou ls plates.
knives forks spoons soy \auce salt pepper sugar.
ketchu p
cake, spilled the juice, won the prize, brought the kimchi, magic show, clowns, fireworks, band, food
Review of Units 7-9
reef, go snorkeling, coral, peak, Asia, six million, canyon, deep, go hiking
wishes, paper, bamboo branches, sky, ancestor, harvest.
lantem, dragon, sweet dumplings, temple tag, troy, girl, freeze, crawl, move, hide, seek, race, kick
Assessment for Level 5
He likes to build models.
What does he like to do? / He likes to build models.
Donnv is the tallest in the c1ass.
Who's the tallest in the clas:? / Donn5.
I brushed my teeih / She didn't brush her teeth.
Did you brush your leeth? / Ye5 I did.
We're going to send the invitations tomorow When are we going to send the invitations? /
I was talking to the principal.
What were you doing? / I was talking to the
pri nc i pa)
He has to rake the leaves.
Does he have to rake the leaves? / Yes he does
I usually walk to school.
How do you get to school? / I usually walk.
There's some soy sauce / There isn't any soy sauce.
There are some spoons / There aren't afly spoons.
Is there any soy sauce? / Yes there i: / No lhere isn'r.
Are there any spoons? / Yes, there are / No, there aren't.
Toni broke the piflata.
Who broke the pinata? / Toni.
Trang 6$ in, :
Me4ieo?lThey.spenk Spanish,,
\Vholi :thp,best, chess' plavei'}, / S andy.
fair / When? / In the spring.
Where's Toni? / I thhk she's in the
Chip will you rake the leaves, please? /
:,:OK;r.€qs:*:As:ii., 1: E;,I/iiilefrtt.,:.
8.0-.Weta]<e a'lraiAto y.o$r
No,we.go.$'.oa1r:. :
.' ': 1
tet!s,*€t the table.:We, rleed some
botr.le,,/ gef some'fromthe
r;:itihfCrOm;:':::' .' ''
Who ls th at?, / That't my fiiBnd;.
Diego; l Where:s he frotx? I Heis
Hi, Diego I'm Chuck /
Hello Chuck Nice to meet
you / Nice to meet you too.
Horv tall are-you2 11'rr',),]$'
t: Lisa" look line up
I can't frnd my posters / Did you
leave therii at hsme? /.Here:thev, :
are: I found their-', ,
.:,:-4s6,.::, ,:r*;ushi;jD*.,ysu,tri&d'riu$hl?7 doh.1t
lli,'Ighkou,lt's, good lo.see.yoq, again l Thanks: {t1s' great to be.:
hefe l How w4s your fliglil? / ,,
trt' was fine; tulIlm,reg$: tired,,
Can I'.have the !9fle,'pledse?l :
Sure' Herg yolr :gQ-':': :' ,', :.;.'
, ggl ::ggiiiy, scarf;'scoote!
'r sehl sohool schedple :
, s1*1
, ; ,1kateboard, rki; desk
Trang 7Who's thot? Thot's my friend, Diego.
Where's he from?
He's from Mexico
Words O @ Listen point Soy O M Listen Number.
=E\ 41,.,, \<i7
collect stickers
Trang 8Hi, Diego.l'm Chuck.
Hello, Chuck Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too
Trang 9@ Listen Ask Answer.
Ichiro / Jopon Orono / Austrolio
$' Now moke o diolog Tolk lo your friend
Whot does she like to do?
il ii s i:
Whot do you like to do?
Whot do you like to do?
I like to ploy video gomes
I like to ice-skote, too
11,:: i;:j :t,l,iti.+ .'i,i.':lii {!ii'.'ijii'.,;';';.;,,;',1.,,.,,,
Emily / the U.K Soon Yong / Koreo
@ Listen Chonl.
Whot does she like to do?
Whot does she like to do?
She likes to go on the Internet
She likes to cook, too
Trang 10He likes to build models.
Trang 11pencil
-My Friend Chuck
by Chip Leecloss He wonts to be o
(1)mog-icion He 1zlpro cfi-gs mogic o lot He hos o
:1tt*1 i
Circle the foce with o pencil, pleose
Trang 12Hi, I'm Diego I'm going to live of Chip's house
for one yeor I'm from Mexico Icon speok
Sponish ond English, but Icon't speok Chinese.
I like to build models ond ploy soccer My
fovorite sport is soccer
S neoO Circle T = true, F = folse.
1 Diego is from Mexico
2 He con speok Sponish ond Chinese
He likes to build models
His fovorite sport is boseboll
@ etoy Ask Answer.
you like
to do?
Instruclions: Gel into poirs Ploce your counler on the stort Toke lurns lo lhrow o die To move forword, throw lhe die in order from I lo 6 You con
you throw turn When you lond on o new spoce, your porlner osks o queslion I
Trang 13Words O @ Listen point Soy. @ W Listen Number.
'. -lelle:l - j t- - -.- :l}q[.e-:J , -,,
Trang 14Who's the best
Trang 15@ Lislen Ask Answer.
pointing? / colligrophy doncing? / hockey
$i, Now moke o diolog Tolk to your friend
@@ Listen Chont.
',: +:l- '
,il: , ,
running? / tennis drowing? / moth
Fostest, slowest, oldest, youngest
Fostest, slowest, oldest, youngesl,
Fostest, slowest, oldest, youngest,
,::, '8.;.;,; 'r'"' :i :r::' llrr:::il':::ll)i'ti;!|ii '-:.:
iiiwrl:;.::ni1 i*Ypltai:illll'
::::IXijllft:::.:::, - rr'r'"1
ttlll! i:
Trang 166W
Donny is the iollest in the closs.
@ W Listen Ask Answer.
Who's the tollest in the closs? ,,$onny
in the closs? Peter.
in the closs? Beth.
in the closs? Chuck.
Trang 176 W Listen Point Soy.
She's the best ping-pong ployer in the closs'
Trang 18O@
b She's
\ CI Herikesto *:I,.:l:f!:: l_*ry:::: _l
@ nst your friends Write.
best soccer PloYer
Trang 19Words 6 @ Listen Point Sqy @ W Listen Number.
Trang 21@ Listen Ask Answer.
loy cords2
Are you reody for school?
Are you reody for school?
Are you reody for school?
Yes Yes
Did you comb your hoir? Yes, I did
Did you brush your teeth? Yes, I did
Did you wosh your foce? Yes, I did
I'm reody for school!
Trang 22@ W Listen Ask Answer.
Did you brush your teeth?
Did she brush her teeth?
he / do his homework
Yes; Idld,,l Nlo.{,didnif., :
Yes,, she did.,,l'N0, she didnt.
she / brush her
he / pock his bog you / hong up your coot she / bring her comero
O@ Listen.write.
combeddidn't pockwrote
Trang 23O @ Listen Point soy.
@ W Listen write qir, ore or ere Reod.
O W Listen write Number.
Where's the
My grondporents
He sits on the stoirs ond hos green
d o drink ot the oirport
Trang 24@ etoy Ask Answer.
Trang 256 @re Listen Point Soy Rote-ptoy.
Are you good of ice-skoting?
No, not reolly.
Trang 26& @ Reod the story Then listen lo the questions Circle.
1 i Yes, they did
Beth likes to of school.
Peter didn't comb his
fun foce bicycle pencil l
ot the omusement Pork' i
ond wosh
Trang 27ffi @ Listen to the words qnd reodings.
The blue whole
The biggest onimol in the world
long ft swims in the oceons
The tollest onimol in the world is
the giroffe It's f ive to
six meters tall.
is the cheetah.It lives in Africa,
too ft con run 100 kilom eters per
Trang 28@W Reqd Listen.write.
How mony yeors con o blue whole live?
Where does the blue whole swim?
Whot's the tollest onimol in the world?
How toll is it?
How fost con o cheetoh run?
Whot does o cheetoh like to eot?
g Reod Write.
is the fostest onimol.
3 The cheetoh con run 100
4 The cheetoh likes to eot .
6 The giroffe is the tollest
Trang 29Words O W Listen point Sqy. @ @ Listen Number.
internotionol foir
Trang 30story O@ Listen Diologs O @ Listen Point Soy.
Trang 31Con we invite
our friends?
Thonk you
Of course you con
@ Listen Ask Answer.
We're going to hove o picnic tomorrow
When ore you going to hove o picnic?
When ore you going to put on o ploy?
buy some souvenirs toke o boot ride
go to the oquorium
Trang 32We're going to send the inviiotions tomorrow He's going to send the invitotions tomorrow.
I'm / pick strowberries /
on Fridoy
When ore we going to send the invitotions? Tomorrow
When is he going to send the invitotions? Tomorrow
@ @ Listen Ask Answer.
he / ploy the drums? /
Trang 33O W Listen Poinr Soy.
to bring some posters of Austrolisn snokes and (+)-iders.
They're ve?y scory Is Diego going to speok (5)-onish of the fair? f'm studying Sponish of school I like to study longuoges
O @ Lislen write Number.
,,,1]!:", She wolks her ostrich on o strong
& There's o spider on the
,fii Eot spoghelti ond strowberries with o
Get the bug sproyl
Trang 34@ Orow o line Moke o squore Ask Answer.
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
Inshuclions: Get into poirs Toke turns 1o drow lines between two dots When you complete o squore, osk your poriner o questlon oboul the
picture Your porlner looks ot lhe word(s) in the squore ond onswers Then write your iniliols in the squore Ploy unlil qll of the squores ore finished
Trang 35Words O @ Listen point Soy @ @ Listen Number.
i L'"-"
"" -g-l[i- -e- * ."
',*p*1-g.Ygl-9-glL-, ".-t"ug-h-r-o-g-I[-_-,
Trang 37@ Listen Ask Answer.
go to the beoch / ploy volleyboll
write postcords / coll home
go on the Ferris wheel / get some cotton condy
,4 Now moke o diolog Tolk to your friend
Hey, Sondy Hey, Sondy Hey, Sondy Where were you?
I wos in the lunchroom I wos in the lunchroom
Whot were you doing?
Hey, Donny Hey, Donny Hey, Donny Where were you?
I wos in the clossroom I wos in the clossroom
Whot were you doing?
1t]5 :i
;41ri1j,,' 'r;11.,+i:l
Trang 38Iwos tolking to the principol They were tolking to the principol.
he / looking of o mogozine we / eoting lunch she / doing gymnostics
O @E@ Listen soy.
Whot were you doing?
Whot were they doing?
@ @@ Listen Ask Answer.
Trang 396 W Listen Point soy.
We hod s fire drill on Mondoy' Peter ond Chip were in
the (1)-ibrory Peter wos (2)-eoding o book' Chip wos
(3)-ooking of o mogozin e'The closs (4)-ined up' Then
they wolked to the ployground' They didn't (5)-un'
Trang 40Hi I went to the office yesterdoy I tolked to theprincipol obout the internotionol foir We invited
o lot of friends to the foir I invited my friend Koifrom the U.S., but she con't come She's going
to Toiwon in lhe spring
@ neoO Circle T = true, F = folse.
,'|, Toni went to the office yesterdoy.
2 They invited o lot of friends to the internotionol foir
3', Koi con come to the internotionol foir
4, Koi is going to Toiwon in the summer
@ fnrow o coin.Soy Mork the squore Get 4 in o row
She wos moking o poster
Trang 41words O @ Listen Point Soy O @ Listen Number.
Trang 42No, bui I'll do it now.
Does he hove to roke the leoves?
reed the col
story O@ Listen Diologs O M Listen Point Soy
cleon up your
roomhong up your
Trang 43M Listen Ask Answer.
Do you hove to moke your bed? yes!
.i: Do you hove lo sweep the steps? Yesl yes!
I hove to moke my bed ond I hove to sweep the steps.Then I hove to toke out the lrosh
&D Lislen Chqnl.
Do you hove to pull the weeds?
Do you hove to pull the weeds? Yes!
Do you hove to roke the leoves? Yes! Yes!
I hove to pull the weeds ond I hove lo roke lhe leoves
Then I hove lo toke oul the lrosh
ping-pong? / poddle
boseboll? / bot tennis? / rocket
5l Now moke o diolog Tolk to your friend
bodminton? / rockel
boseboll? / bot
Trang 44O reMrc Listen soy.
He hos to roke the leoves.
she / cleon up her room I/ brush the dog
I hove to roke the leoves.
Ye$, he does.'l No.,he,doesn1?,Yes,I do I No,,I dottiif,, , , , ' ,,:
he / moke his bed
@ @ Listen Ask Answer.
Does he hove to roke the leoves?
Do you hove to roke the leoves?
he / vocuum the corpel you / hong up your clothes she / toke out the trosh
O@ Listen.write.
roke the leoves
pullthe weeds
wosh the dishes
sweep the steps?
feed the cot?
wipe the toble?
Trang 45woshed her wotch?
hos o big mouth
ond brush your teeth
Toke o
Trang 46ploy bosketboll i ploy bodminton
pull the weeds
Trang 47O W Listen Point Sqy.Role-ptoy.
Toni, will you roke
the leoves? Peter, will you
sweep the steps?
I'll help you
Whot were you doing?
Iwos pointing o picture
Trang 48& W Reod the story Then listen to the queslions Circle.
Trang 49Iwos riding my bike
ond fell off Ibroke
my leg I went to the
hospitol The doctortook on x-roy Then
she put o cost on
finger I went to
the hospitol I got
five stitches Then
the doctor gove
me o shot.
stitches Cothy