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Unit1 (Kiều Tính)

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Revision and introduce English 12 P. Syllabus: 1+2 Period 1&2 Time: 90 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: Checking the student's experiences through their summer holiday. Resume the grammar. Introduce the book to the students. B. Teaching aids needed: Test paper, books. C. Teaching method: Communicative approach D. Procedure: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: No. 3. New lesson: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES A. Warm up: Making learning atmosphere Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the students. B. Presentation: Test - Checking the student's experiences through their summer holiday. Resume the grammar. - Gives the requests of the test. - Gives students test papers. - Asks them to do in 20 minutes. (After 20 minutes) - Asks students to stop. - Corrects. - Asks them to correct their own. + Introduce the English 12 to students.: - Guides students about the new book. - Guides them: + How to learn each lesson + How to learn each section of the lesson. + How to study at the class + How to prepare the lesson at home… Introduces the new book. Listen to teacher. B. Presentation: Test - Listen. - Get the test. - Do the test. - Stop, listen and correct. + 4. Summary: Demand students to master: 1. The grammar of the test. 2. The main content of the English 12. 3. Master the learning methods. 5. Homework: - Prepare the section A (The Reading part of Unit one). E. Comments: Theme: You and me Unit 1: HOME LIFE P. Syllabus: 3 Period 1 - Reading - Time: 45 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -understand more about home life. -use vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson through exercise. B. Teaching aids: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects C. Teaching method: Communicative approach D. Procedure: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I. Warm up ( 5 min.): *Work in pairs : -T asks Ss to complete the sentence by filling the gaps with the suitable words. ………… build the house and…………. make it home. - Calls some Ss to answer. - Keys: Men………… women……… - T asks Ss to explain the meaning of the sentence. - Lead in the new lesson: home life. II. Presentation ( 35 min.) 1. Pre-reading: * Pair work - Asks Ss to look at the picture in textbook to discuss the Qs given (page 12) - Gives more Qs to make the description easier: + Who do you think they are? + Where is the family? + What is each member of the family doing? + Is the family happy? Why (not)? - Calls some pairs to answer and give feedbacks. - Introduces the text. *New words: - shift (n) : (explanation) - supportive of (n) : (explanation) - willing (to do ST) : (action) - Greeting. - Answering. - Work in pairs. - Answer. - Answer. ( In English or Vietnamese ) - Work in pairs. * Suggestion: - Parents and children. - At home. - The mother is helping the daughter with her study, the father is playing with the son. - Depend on Ss. - Answer. - obedient (adj) : (action) - secure (adj) : (explanation) 3. While-reading: - Asks Ss to listen to the tape. - Asks Ss to read the passage silently to understand about it. a. Task 1 : Choose the best answer - Gets Ss to read the requirement of task 1. - T asks Ss to read through 5 sentences and T helps them if necessary. - Asks Ss to work in pairs and choose the answer. - T gets Ss to share the answers with their groups. - Call 2 Ss of 2 groups to write down the answers. - T checks and give feedbacks: - Let Ss explain some sentences if necessary. b. Task 2 : Answer the questions: - Checks if Ss can answer the comprehension Qs without reading the text again. If Ss cannot, T gets them to read the Qs carefully and underline the key words to do task. - Gets S to check theirs answers and explain their choices. - Calls some Ss to read theirs answers and explain their choices. - Comments and gives feedbacks. 4. Post- reading: - Give some Ss handouts and asks them to fill in the table the missing information from the reading text (work in groups of 4). Work father mother children -washing dishes -cooking ……… * - Checks and gives feedbacks. - Let Ss compare the family described in the text with your own family (basing on the handouts). - Tells each group to choose a secretary to note down all of others’ ideas. - Asks the secretary to report their ideas. - Comments and corrects Ss’ mistakes. III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5 min.): - Listen to the tape. - Read the passage silently. - Find out new words. - Listen. - Read the task. - Read through 5 sentences. - Work in pairs. - Share the answer. G1 G2 …. … Feedback: 1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B ; 5-A; - Explain. - Work in pairs. Feedback: 1. Very busy. They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night. 2. She is always the first one to get up in the morning to make sure that her children leave home for school having eaten breakfast and dressed in suitable clothes. She always makes dinner ready before her husband comes home. 3. The daughter helps with household chores: she washes dishes and takes out the garbage. She also looks after the boys/her younger brothers. The father sometimes cooks/does some cooking or mends things around the house at weekends. 4. She attempts to win a place at university. 5. Because they are very closed – knit and supportive of one another. They often share their feelings and whenever problems come up, they discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly. - Work in groups. - Check. - Work in groups. - Report their ideas. - Listen and comment. - Asks Ss to learn by heart new words and do the tasks again. - Guides Ss to prepare for part B. Write down the homework requirements. E. Comments: Theme: You and me Unit 1: HOME LIFE P. Syllabus: 4 Period 2 - Speaking - Time: 45 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - understand more about home life, the relationship and responsibilities of family's members. - develop speaking skills: discuss home life, the relationship and responsibilities of B. Methods : Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D. Procedures: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I. Warm – up ( 5 min.): Network - Ask Ss to find out as many as possible words related to household chores. - Calls some Ss to write on the board. - Gives comments. II. Presentation ( 35 min.): 1, Pre – speaking: Task 1: Read the following statements and tick the ones that apply to you and your family. - Asks Ss to work in pairs, exchange the ideas. Expected words: - cleaning the floor - cooking - doing the washing up - washing clothes - tidying the kitchen - ironing clothes - hanging dry the clothes - repairing/ mending things - taking care of the baby - taking out the garbage - Work in pairs - Present in front of the class Feedback: In my family both my father and mother go to work. Almost all members of my family share the household chores. Washing the dishes and cleaning the house are what I often do help my parents. We all like watching films on TV when we have free time at weekends. The person I often share my secrets with is my sister. I always ask my parents for advice before household chores - Calls some Ss to talk about their families in front of the class, using the information in task 1. - Gives feedback 2, While – speaking : Task 2 : Pair works - Have Ss to work in pairs, asking each other about their family. - Gives some special expressions * Could you tell me who… ? * By the way who in your family ……. ? * What about your …. ? - Calls some Ss to act out in front of the class. - Gives comments. Task 3 : Ask about your partner’s family. - Asks Ss to study the table carefully. - Have the Ss to work in pairs, asking about the partner family life, noting down the answers in the table. -Calls some pair to act out in front of the class. - Gives comments. 3, Post – speaking :Report the information - Have Ss to work in pair. - Calls some Ss to report in front of the class. - Corrects and give comments. making an important decision. - Work in pairs . Expected questions : 1. Could you tell me who works in your family? 2. By the way who in your family does the washing up? 3. What about your brother ? Does he share the household chores? 4. What’s your responsibility in the family? 5. What exactly do you have to do? 6. How do you share the household chores? 7. What interests do your family members share together? 8. What do your family members often do together in your free time? 9. Who do you often share your secrets with? 10. Who do you often talk to before making an important decision? Sample dialogue : A: - Hi,…Could you tell me a bit about your family life ? B: - Sure, no problem. A: - Who works in your family? B: - Both my parents. My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher. They work 8 hours a day. A: Do you help them with the household chores? B:- Of course. I help my mother in the kitchen and wash the dishes. A: -What about your father? B: -He cleans the floor and sometimes when my mom is out of on business he cooks for us. A: - What interests do your family members share closely? B: - Watching films. We often watch films on TV on Saturday evening when everybody is free. A: - Who do you often share your secret with? B: - Mother. I think she understand me well. A: - So she is the person you often talk to before making an important decision? B:- No, in fact both my parents help a lot when I have problems. A: - You must be very happy in such a family .Thanks for giving me time. Bye. B: - Bye. Expected answer: I’ ve just talked with B about her family life. She told me that both her parents go to work, so they are very busy. So she has to shares the household chores .She often helps her mother in the kitchen and washes the dishes after meals. His father is also willing to help with the housework. He cleans the III. Consolidation & Homework( 5 min.) - Write a short paragraph about your friend’s family . - Prepare part C house and sometimes when B’s mom is out on the business. All the members of her family enjoy watching films together on Saturday evening. She shares her secret with her mother because she thinks that her mother understand her well. ;however, both parents help her make important decisions. E. Comments: Theme: You and me Unit 1: HOME LIFE P. Syllabus: 5 Period 3 - Listening - Time: 45 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - understand more about home life - develop listening skills: listening for main ideas and specific information B. Methods : Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards… D. Procedure: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES . Warm – up (5’) : Jumbled word Rearrange the letters to make a meaningful word. RINENOU - Which word can go with “reunion”? II. Presentation( 35 min) 1, Pre – listening * Describing the picture - Asks students to work in pairs, look at and describe the picture (p16), using the cues: 1. What is happening in the picture? 2. How many pictures are there?/ who are they? 3. How are they feeling? / How do they look? -> REUNION -> Family reunion Describe the picture by answering the questions suggested answers: 1. A family is having a big meal. 2. There are 9 people. 3. They are very happy. - Calls some students to answers - Gives feedback and introduce the topic of the lesson: Now we will listen a conversation in a family reunion. * Vocabulary: Listen and repeat - Plays the tape and ask Ss to read after the tape twice. - Explains new words : - leftovers (n) thức ăn thừa - spread ( v) /spred/ trải ra 2, While – listening Task 1: True or False statements - Asks students to read through the questions - Plays the tape two times - Asks Ss to do individually then compare the answer with a partner. - Plays the tape again, have students listen and check the answers - Calls some Ss to give the answers - Checks and gives feedback. Task 2: Note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families. - Asks students to read through the questions. - Let them do the task without listening again. - Plays the tape twice . - Asks students to do Task 2 then compare the answer with a partner. - Plays the tape again, have students listen and check the answers - Asks some students to read the answers - Checks and gives feedback. 3, Post – listening : Discussing - Read through the questions - Work individually to do the task - Compare the answers feedback 1. T 2. F ( They not a very close – nit family, they rarely get together as a family any more.) 3. F ( It is about 180 kilometers from they ….) 4. T ( There are 4 children in Paul’s family) 5. T ( There are too many people to cook for, they end up going out to dinner a lot.) - Read through the questions. - Work individually to do the task - Try to do the task without listening again. - Compare the answers - Listen again and check the answers feedback: Paul Andrea His family members are not very close. His family is a close - knit one. The families often eat the meal the mother cooks at The family often goes out to eat when they get - Asks Ss to work in groups, discuss the questions: The importance of family in a person's life - Asks some students to present their discussion in front of the class. - Gives feedback III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5 min.): - Summarize main points. - Write about family reunion. - Prepare Part D home. together. - Work in groups, discuss the questions - Report their discussion feedback: Family is very important. It’s a place where people can share their secrets and find solutions to problems that arise. Only in family, we can enjoy love and comforts. We are sure to be welcome back when we have disappointments or failures in life. E. Comments: Theme: You and me Unit 1: HOME LIFE P. Syllabus: 6 Period 4 - Writing - Time: 45 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - understand more about home life - develop writing skill: Writing about family rules B. Methods : Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards… D. Procedure: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I. Warm – up (5’):Joining the elements in the table: In one minute make as many sensible sentences as you can by Joining the elements in the table: - Calls some Ss to read their sentences. - Corrects and gives feedback II. Presentation ( 35 min.) 1, Pre – writing Task 1: What rules do you have in your family? My parents (not ) let come home late My mother (not) be allowed do the household chores My father (not ) have to use the family motorbike I ( not ) permit talk on the phone with friends feedback +Have students revise the verbs * let sb + V *allow sb + to V *have to + V (obligation) *permit sb + to V + Writing outline: - Asks Ss to work in group, go through the lists of family rules given and add some more . - Calls on some Ss to give their answers, - Writes on the BB and give comments. 2, While – writing : Task 2: Write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules. - Asks Ss to use the outline to write a letter about their family rules, begin as follows: Every family has its own rules. Mine has a few. First,…. 3, Post – writing ( correction ) - Asks two students to write on the board - Corrects mistakes and give feedback for the whole class - Collects student’s papers, give comment and correct some serious mistakes III. Consolidation & Homework ( 5 min.) - Write the letter again in notebooks. - Prepare part D 1. My parents don’t let me come home late. 2. My father permits me to use the family motorbike. 3. I have to do the household chores. 4. My father doesn’t have to do the household chores. 5. I am allowed to talk on the phone with friends. Expected outline: - In my family, all members have to do household chores. - I have to prepare meals when mother is out. - My parents don’t let me use the family motorbike. - My parents permit me to go out with my friends but they don’t allow me to come home late at nights. - I am allowed to talk on the phone. * some more rules: - watering the plants and flowers - cleaning the house, tidying up the kitchen - looking after younger sisters and brothers …. Sample writing : Every family has its own rules. Mine has a few. First, I have to prepare meals because my mother is busy with her work. Next I am permitted to watch TV after I have finished my homework. My parents also let me talk on the phone with friends but I am not allowed to use it too long. Sometimes my parents permit me to go out with my friends but they don’t allow me to come home late at nights .They never let me use the family motorbike because I don’t have a driving license. Every day, after doing morning exercises, I water the plants and flowers, and then I clean the house, tidy the kitchen and scrub the toilet. I have one sister and one brother, so I help my parent to look after them. Despite the rules, we all feel comfortable and safe because our parents always want the best things for us. E. Comments: Theme: You and me Unit 1: HOME LIFE P. Syllabus: 7 Period 5 - Language focus - Time: 45 minutes. Preparing date:……/……./ 200…. Teaching date:……/……./ 200…. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish and pronounce correctly the ending sounds / s, z / . - use correctly the Simple past, past continuous and present perfect B. Methods : Communicative approach C. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, textbook, workbook, cards… D. Procedure: 1. Class organization: 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I. Warm – up : tongue twisters. - Hangs a poster on the B.B, Ask Ss to read the tongue twisters as quickly as possible. If one read 3 times he wins. She sees Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits. - Asks Ss to pick out the word containing the ending sounds / s, z / and put in the correct column. . - Writes on the B.B II. Presentation ( 35 min.): A. Pronunciation: *Listen and repeat - Plays the tape, Ask Ss to read after the tapes. - Explains new words : * beak (a small bird with a crooked nose ) - Asks Ss to remark the ending sounds / s, z /. - Calls some Ss to read and correct mistakes. * Practice reading the sentences - Plays the tape, Ask Ss to read after the tapes. - Calls some Ss to read and correct mistakes. B. Grammar : Tense revision 1. Tense revision : - Hangs a poster, Ask Ss to do the exercise . - Calls a student to do on the B.B while the other practice individually. - Corrects and gives feedback. Read the tongue twisters / s / / z / sits sees shines * /s/ for verbs and nouns ending in voiceless consonant, including [ t, p, k , f, ] * / z / for verbs and nouns ending in a vowels , in other consonant sounds except [ s, ∫ , t∫ , dЗ, z ] - Listen and repeat. - Read Poster : Use the correct tenses: simple past, past continuous or present perfect. 1. When you (buy) that car? - I (buy) it 2 year ago. 2. At this time yesterday we (play) football. 3. At 7 p.m last Sunday we (visit) the zoo. 4. When I (have ) dinner, my friend (call). 5. I (already/see )Titanic. feedback: -> 1. did….buy ; bought 2. were playing 3. were visiting 4. was having ; called

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2013, 01:25

