3 didn't play, ad forgotten 4 reached, had started 6 had already cleaned, had 1 had lived in Spain for six years, she went to university 2 hadn't read my email, I phoned him 3 I'd had a
Trang 1na)j JaMSUV
51 00
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Trang 4Answer key
1 Nouns, quantities and articles
1 Countable : burger, egg, grape, orange, sandwich, vegetable
Uncountable: cheese, coffee, fruit, oil, pasta, rice, salt, toast,
2 1 Would you like some coffee?
2 Have they got any money?
3 Are there any fish in the lake?
4 Can I have some paper?
5 Has she got any new friends?
6 Are there any empty tables?
7 Can I have some ice cream?
8 Would you like some lemonade?
3 He has no equipment
2 There were no buses yesterday
3 There's no water in the pool
4 We have no time for shopping
5 I have no minutes on my phone
Who plays what brother - piano instrument? Gemma - flute
Other activit i es mum - dance
classes anyone, anywhere, anyone, anything
3 1 Do you play much football?
2 Have you got many cousins?
3 Do you do much homework?
tennis mum - swimming sports centre in the town
4 Have you got many computers at your school ?
5 Do you send many text messages?
6 Do you know many people from other countries?
7 Do you eat much fast food?
8 Have you got much money in your pocket?
1 There aren't many mountains in this area
2 We have (got) a lot of ti me
3 This car doesn't use much petrol
4 Vicky hasn ' t got many friends
5 There were lots of difficult questions
6 She doesn't watch much television
7 Not many children enjoy cooking
8 There's a lot of sugar in this coffee
9 There isn't much snow here at the moment
Answer key 3
Trang 55 People use too much
6 We have too manl,J
7 We don't use enough
6 I t's
== -'- -=- - :::: N ar m and sunnl,J
10 t w as
- -'-.<-::" -::'11 London: It's about 3,5 0 ilom et r es to London
- : - " e re are about seven mi llion p e p l e
- - - ; s i ghts: There are the Gre at P l,Jram i d s
2 A 3 B
2 ( 3 A Suggested answers:
There isn't much coffee
There aren't manl,J flowers
It's March the 19th.!It's the 19th of March
There's a little salad There's a lot of fruit
Trang 6There are a few biscuits
There's a lot of water
There's someone eating/drinking/smiling
6 Present simple and continuous
2 + Iz/: cleans, fries, goes, has, plays, tries, worries
+ Is/: eats, likes, talks
+ /rz/: passes, teaches, uses, washes
4 Your parents speak
2 Does Sarah study
3 Richard doesn't live
Gorillas come from Africa They are vegetarian and eat grass
and plants, fruit, roots, shoots and tree bark They can weigh
up to 250 kg and can live for 40 years
Kangaroos come from Australia They eat grass and plants
They weigh about 55 kg Red kangaroos can live for about
20 years
Penguins come from the Antarctic continent They eat fish
The largest penguin is the Emperor penguin, which weighs
about 35 kg They live for about 15 years
Tigers come from Asia The most common tiger is the Bengal
Tiger from India They are carnivores and eat meat They
weigh about 170 kg and live for 8-1 0 years
3 live 8 are you taking
13 Bill Tony Harry Peter
Number 3 4 1 2
Job chef photographer mechanic footballer
Usual London Paris Oxford Manchester
city Current New Sydney Beijing Los Angeles
city York
14 1 lives 6 is enjoying 11 is thinking
3 are spending 8 Is/learning 13 loves
4 are teaching 9 goes 14 think
5 Does/like 10 understands
15 1 studies 6 explores 11 is sitti ng
2 spends 7 is visiting 12 talking
3 does 8 is making 13 is having
4 teaches 9 are filming 14 thinks
5 travels 10 erupt
Past simple
5 discovered 10 planned
2 IId/ : hated, needed
It!: asked, missed, stopped
Id!: agreed, closed, cried, discovered, enjoyed, planned, rained, studied, tried
3 didn't study 7 opened
4 stopped 8 did, cook
3 weren't 7 weren't
7 1 Was the film good?
2 What was his name?
3 Was the bus late?
4 Were their shoes clean?
5 When was the exam?
6 Was your grandfather an engineer?
7 Where were your trainers?
8 Were there any tourists in the museum?
9 Why were you tired?
10 Was there any snow in the mountains?
3 didn't send 7 drank
Trang 713 How did Katy travel to the shops? She went by bus
2 What did she buy? She bought some jeans
3 Who did she meet? She met a friend
4 What did she eat at the cafe? She ate a sandwich
5 When did she get home? She got home at four o'clock
14 The picture is false She didn ' t catch the bus to the shops
2 The picture is true She went to a clothes shop and bought
s ome jeans
3 The picture is true She met Sally outside the clothes shop
4 The picture is true She ate a sandwich and her friend had
a coffee at the cafe
5 The picture is false She didn ' t get home at four o'clock
3 Si x months ago 6 Two days ago
19 1 Robert and I decided
Fred: sit at desk , do homework
Kim and May : walk to school , tal k
Helen : sleep , dream about the s ea
Ben and Ale x : play basketball , w i n
1 Daisy w as having breakfast and she was l istening to the
radi o
2 Fr e d w as sitting at his desk and h e was d oing his
h mework
3 K im and May were walking to s ch ool an d they were
t alking about their homework
4 H e l e n was sleeping and she w a s d r eam i n g about the sea
5 B e n and Alex were playing bas ke t ball a nd they were
w in n ing
1 Ji m and Michael were ha v in g breakfas t at six o ' clock
2 Ji m was swimming at se v en o ' clock
3 M ichael was listening to mu sic at seve n o ' clock
4 Jim and Michael weren ' t ha ving breakf ast at seven o ' clock
5 Michael wasn't doing hom ework at f o ur o ' clock
6 Jim and Michael weren't sw i mming at four o'clock
7 Were Jim and Michael d o in g homewo rk at nine o'clock?
No, they weren't
8 Michael wasn ' t playing video games at nine o'clock
9 Jim was lying on the sofa at nine o'clock
10 Was Michael watching TV at nine o'clock? Yes, he was
1 was eating, broke
2 was painting, got
3 were, talking, came
4 were waiting, saw
5 did , buy, were shopping
6 was walking, stole
7 was lying, went
8 was sitting, flew
9 Did, drop, were running
10 was listening, told
2 was driving to the supermarket
3 was playing football at the park
4 cleaned the bathroom
5 did the washing-up
6 tidied the living room and the dining room
7 made the beds
3 Has Helen used
4 Has anyone seen
5 I've bought
6 My parents haven ' t learnt
7 Has he ever driven
8 have they broken
9 I've never eaten
10 the bus hasn't arrived
Weak 3 Strong
2 Strong 4 Weak yes 2 yes 3 no
1 She has done schoolwork
5 Strong
6 Strong
4 no
2 She has sailed through a storm
3 She hasn ' t won a prize
4 She hasn't earned any money
5 She hasn't done a parachute jump
7 Weak
8 Weak
5 no
Trang 8S has never learned
1 has just broken
10 has never flown
3 has just left
S alread\,j
6 \,jet
1 Sarah and Robert have alread\,j made their beds
2 Sarah has alread\,j done her maths test
3 Robert hasn't done his maths test \,jet
4 Sarah and Robert have alread\,j practised the piano
S Sarah has alread\,j finished dinner
6 Robert hasn't finished dinner \,jet
7 Sarah has alread\,j watched TV
8 Robert hasn't watched TV \,jet
9 Sarah and Robert haven't cleaned their teeth \,jet
1 \,jet 3 still S \,jet
2 alread\,j 4 just 6 just
2 She hasn't gone to bed earl\,j since last Sunda\,j
3 She has down loaded two new songs since \,jesterda\,j
4 She hasn't eaten school food for four weeks
S She has made some new friends since last week
6 She has been sightseeing for three da\,js
7 She has visited four new places since Saturda\,j
8 She has read two books since her holida\,j started
1 ever 4 just 7 for 10 \,jet
2 for S never 8 alread\,j 11 never
3 \,jet 6 since 9 still
Vick\,j 4 Vick\,j 7 Vick\,j and Kim
2 Mar\,j S Vick\,j 8 Mar\,j and Kim
3 Mar\,j and Kim 6 Kim
26 1 I've done the washing-up twice toda\,j
2 I still haven't finished
3 Has Ton\,j woken up \,jet?
4 It hasn't rained for two weeks
S The train has just arrived
6 The\,j still haven't made dinner
7 M\,j parents have lived here for twent\,j \,jears
8 You've never failed an exam
10 Present perfect and past simple
, , ,
1 1 spent, PS 6 Has used, pp
2 've decided, pp 7 Did Iike, PS
3 haven't finished, PP 8 read, PS
4 Did pass, PS 9 Has snowed, PP
S 's read, PP 10 didn't finish, PS
2 past simple: had, bought, spoke, left, made, ran, read,
chose, did, wrote C
past participle: had, bought, left, written, done, drunk, made,
read, spoken, taken
2 Have \,jou ever found an\,j mone\,j in the street?
3 Kat\,j started secondar\,j school in 2011
4 The\,j've had that car for three years
S I sent \,jou an email at two o'clock
6 Fred hasn't had a shower yet
7 He's already decided not to go
8 We've been here since three o'clock
9 Did he die in 2001?
10 Have \,jou seen William today?
1 Did \,jou forget
2 I've, eaten
3 It snowed
4 You've, shown
S Tom worked went
Have \,jou phoned the dentist \,jet?
No, I'm sorr\,j I dropped m\,j phone in the sink
2 Have \,jou practised the guitar \,jet?
No, I'm sorr\,j A string broke
3 Have \,jou read the book \,jet?
No, I'm sorr\,j I fell asleep
4 Have \,jou made dinner \,jet?
No, I'm sorr\,j There wasn't an\,j food in the fridge
SHave \,jou paid for the ticket \,jet?
No, I'm sorr\,j I didn't have enough mone\,j
1 wasn't 6 broke 11 have been
2 wanted 7 sta\,jed 12 has played
3 rained 8 argued 13 have read
4 drove 9 has been 14 haven't swu m
S visited 10 has improved
1 Sarah went to universit\,j sixteen \,jears ago
2 She studied biochemistr\,j for three \,jears
3 Sarah finished universit\,j when she was 21
4 She worked for SciTech for four \,jears
S She has worked for SmartLabs for nine \,jears
6 She has lived in Hertford since she was 31
7 Ben met Sarah seven \,jears ago
8 Sarah and Ben have been married for six \,jears
9 The\,j bought a house three \,jears ago
Trang 92 had never flown
3 had just eaten
4 had never used
5 had just fallen
1 They'd made the bed
2 They'd painted the walls
6 had already visited
7 had never run
8 had already worn
9 hadjust arrived
10 had never happened
3 They'd put the clothes away
4 They'd mended the bookcase
5 They'd cleaned the shoes
6 They'd hung the picture on the wall
7 They'd bought a new computer
Bill arrived at the station
2 His friends bought tickets
2 1 Katy went to a cafe
2 She met Sue
3 1 She met Sue
2 Katy went to a cafe
4 1 It started to rain
2 They stopped playing
5 They stopped playing
2 It started to rain
6 1 John's family had breakfast
2 He woke up
7 He woke up
2 John's family had breakfast
8 1 He crossed the road
3 didn't play, ad forgotten
4 reached, had started
6 had already cleaned, had
1 had lived in Spain for six years, she went to university
2 hadn't read my email, I phoned him
3 I'd had a shower, got dressed
4 had bought a ticket for the cinema, Alex invited me to a
5 Jane had learnt some Chinese at school, didn't
understand people in Beijing
6 she won her first award, had made 25 films
7 couldn't pay for the bus, someone had stolen my wallet
8 had eaten a lot of chocolate, they had lunch
9 gave me my pocket money, I had cleaned my room
1 had ever done 9 had already eaten
2 had offered 10 were
3 organized 11 arrived
4 arrived 12 had left
5 continued 13 had waited
6 waited 14 had abandoned
7 had travelled 15 returned
8 had taken 16 died
It had started raining by the time we arrived at the beach
2 I hadn't eaten breakfast, so I was hungry
3 We decided to eat our picnic, but Mum had forgotten to
pack the food
4 We bought and ate some sandwiches after it had stopped
Answer key
5 I had brought a ball with me in the car so we played games on the beach
6 All the other people had gone when we left the beach
7 I had fallen asleep in the car by the time we arrived home
2 You're going to break
3 She's not going to pass
4 Are we going to get
6 You're not going to learn
7 They're not going to finish
2 will, get
3 won't arrive
4 Will, remember
5 will pass Will
buy biscuits watch a DVD
./ /
4 won't rain 8 I'll take
1 My cousins are arriving on Sunday
2 Are you playing football this afternoon?
3 I'm not cooking dinner tonight
4 Gemma is driving to London on Friday
5 Our teacher is leaving the school in July
6 When are your parents going to the theatre?
7 He's not coming until 5 March
8 What are you doing next Monday?
Saturday 9 a.m X Amy is having a music lesson Saturday 10.30 a.m ./ Amy and Yasmin will listen to
music together Sunday afternoon X Amy is having lunch with her
g ra ndparents Sunday evening X Yasmin is revising
4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1
1 We're going to 6 He isn't going to
2 I'll 7 He's going to
3 I'm going to 8 I'll
4 is she going to 9 I'll
5 I'll 10 He's going to
1 are going to meet 6 Will,get
2 I'll get 7 '11 give
3 '11 look 8 's going to
4 are, going to 9 won't last
5 Shall I go 10 'm going to buy
Trang 102 tidlding the tents
3 swimming in the lake
SUZId I know I reallld wanted to see it but in the end I
couldn't get there
Amid What happened?
Suzld Well, I'd planned to take the bus but then mid dad
offered to drive me there It was raining so I was
hapPId to accept his offer
Amid So what was the problem?
Suzld He couldn't start the car So I went to catch the bus,
but there were no more buses
Have ldoU spoken to lennld?
Not Idet I'm too embarrassed
Well, ldoU must speak to her
But will she be angrld?
No, it'll be OK You should phone her and promise to
go round and see her tonight
SUZId That's a good idea
Amid Yes It's important to keep Idour friends
3 swimming 7 sleeping 11 practising
2 Driving a lorrld is difficult
3 Laughing a lot is important
4 Studlding historld is interesting
5 Eating fish is healthld
6 Running a marathon is hard
7 Telling lies is wrong
8 Seeing Idour friends is fun
1 singing
2 bUldin9 that phone
3 tldPing
4 arriving late
5 helping IdOU improve/improving Idour English
6 going to a concert on Saturdald
7 making the dinner
8 watching a good film tonight
2 skating 4 cldcling Paul: hates waiting in queues, enjolds finding moneld in his pocket, hates doing sport in the rain, doesn't mind sitting next to someone talking on their phone, enjolds watching adverts on TV
LUCid: doesn't mind waiting in queues, enjolds finding moneld
in her pocket, enjolds doing sport in the rain, hates sitting next to someone talking on their phone, enjolds watching adverts on TV
I Names I Bella I Charlie I Vickld I Tim
trip to E9ldPt X journalist X
2 theld didn't 3 he liked
4 he had seen
5 their familld wasn't
6 ldoU were going to Oscar and Sam
seventeen X Liverpool X football ,/
football competition ,/
footballers X
1 her best experience was going to India with her familld
2 that her ambition was to become a travel writer
3 that theld were sixteen
4 theld lived in London
Trang 112 ' I don't think we're very pretty:
3 ' My mother comes from India :
4 'I'm feeling sick:
S ' I can ' t understand this book :
6 'It doesn't belong to you:
7 ' I think my brother is already here :
8 ' My parents are arriving tomorrow :
12 1 their parents didn't understand them
2 he wasn't enjoying that book
3 it was cold there that day
4 he couldn ' t find his wallet
S those shoes didn ' t fit her
6 her friends were waiting for her
f 4
7 he was sorry , but there weren ' t any chips that night
8 she was starting a new job the following week
Revision 3 Units 13-14
2 1 s he didn ' t like that s ong
2 pla y t e nni s in th e rain
2 Could you c a rry my bags for me, please?
3 Can you do the washing-up , please?
4 Can you post th e se letters , please?
S Could you open the door, please?
9 Can you turn the music off , please?
2 Can you lend me a pen , please?
3 Could you open the window , please?
4 Could you pass the salt, please?
S Can you help me with my maths, please?
6 Can you buy some bread, please?
16 Must, have to, should, needn't
S He must do
2 He must listen to
2 I have to bring all my books and pens
2 I have to listen to the teacher
3 I have to stop talking to my friends
4 I have to turn off my mobile phone
S I have to do more homework
6 I have to revise for tests
2 You mustn't take photos
3 You must have a shower
4 You mustn't wear shoes
S You mustn't eat food
6 You mustn't smoke
7 You must use rubbish bins
Trang 1213 1 needn't 5 need to 8 needn't
2 need to 6 needn't 9 need to
3 needn't 7 need to 10 need to
17 1 We mustn't get up 5 You don't have to help
2 You mustn't smoke 6 Should I buy
3 You needn't explain 7 less had to look after
4 Ted should read 8 lamie has to practise
1 Rosie 3 Alice 5 lill's
2 Pete ' s 4 Alice's 6 Rosie Carla's 2 Me 3 Lucy 4 Tim's
2 Which 4 What
1 Who 3 Whose 5 Whose 7 Who
2 Which 4 What 6 What 8 Which
1 old 4 often 7 late 9 long
1 1 Where are you going?
2 How was the exam yesterday?
3 What did Fred say?
4 When did Paul buy his laptop?
5 Why is Milly crying?
6 How do you pronounce'comb'?
7 Where can we play tennis?
8 Who did you see at the park?
5 C
9 When will your brother go to university?
10 What were their names?
When was the match?
How are you?
Whe r e did you rent bikes?
What is his favourite colour?
When are they going on holiday?
Who did you meet at the cafe?
How do you spell 'autumn'?
Where have you been?
10 When When does Yasmin start her new job?
4 1 to school with
2 listen to
3 lunch with
4 interested in
6 What was Toby looking for?
2 What did you dream about?
3 Where does Alice come from?
4 Who are they waiting for?
5 What is Carrie worried about?
6 What did you listen to?
7 Where are they driving to?
8 Who should she talk to?
5 text messages to
6 dream about
7 sit nextto
9 What were you thinking about?
10 Who has he spoken to?
18 teaches geography, does Mr Kean teach
2 is going to eat fish and chips, is Libby going to eat
3 did Beth see at the cinema, saw Mary at the cinema
4 crashed into the cafe, did the car crash into
5 is helping Ryan , is Pete helping
2 Why did you shout at your s i ster?
3 Who cooked dinner?
4 What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
5 How often do you play sport?
6 What time do you get up on Saturdays?
7 How do you travel to America?
8 Whose tennis racket did you use?
9 How long did you spend at the swimming pool?
10 Where do you play basketball?
What went How long did you have Why Whose How often
Trang 131 I'm looking for the phone that was on my desk
2 The man that fell over the cat wasn't wearing glasses
3 We'd like to see the film that starts at six o'clock
4 The author that wrote those novels became famous
S The glass that fell on the floor is broken
1 which he bought 4 who she watched
2 who I listened S which he baked
3 which she read
1 dress which/that she bought in Paris
2 doctor who/that I saw yesterday
3 omelette which / that you made
4 musicians who / that I was thinking of
S money which/that he earns
6 letter which/that you sent last week
7 book which / that you lent to me
8 person who / that I sit behind
2 w here my brother sleeps
3 w hen w e went bowling
4 w here summers are short
S where Ryan swims
6 when I lived in Manchester
7 where you can ski
8 when the hurricane struck
7 when, night / night-time
8 where, dining room
9 who, uncle
10 that, purse / wallet
1 I'm looking for people who can make cakes
2 The watch she bought yesterday is very expensive
3 I can't buy a car that doesn't start
4 I like the time of year when everyone goes on holiday
S The boy you laughed at doesn't look very happy
6 Students who speak English often get better jobs
7 I don ' t want to work at the factory where my dad works
8 Someone has to wash up the pans you used
9 I'd like a computer that recognizes the human voice
10 The lake where you go swimming sounds lovely
a He ordered some water because he was thirsty
b He was thirsty , so he ordered some water
2 a It was very noisy, so they couldn't sleep
b They couldn ' t sleep because it was very noisy
3 a She cried because she cut herself
b She cut herself, so she cried
4 a We arrived late because there was too much traffic
b There was too much traffic, so we arrived late
S a The teacher explained it again because no one understood it
b No one understood it, so the teacher explained it again
1 Although he ' s tired, he can't sleep
2 Although it's expensive, I'm going to buy it
3 Although she works hard, she doesn't earn much money
4 Although Dave has a car, he prefers cycling
S Although we played badly, we won
6 Although she borrowed my pen, she didn't say thank you
7 Although I recognized her, I couldn't remember her name
1 When 3 While S while 7 while
2 while 4 When 6 When 8 When
2 When she saw the accident
3 While they were waiting for the ambulance
4 When the ambulance arrived
S While he was at the hospital
6 When he felt better
Trang 144 1 will go to the cinema
2 will go for a walk
4 will plal,j computer games
5 will do some gardening
3 will read her book
6 1 If l,jou go swimming, I'll come with l,jou
2 He'll be late if there's a lot of traffic
3 Thel,j'lllaugh if l,jou tell that joke
4 We'll remember him if we see him
5 If l,jou don't like this programme, we'll watch something
6 If the post office is busl,j, we won't wait
7 We won't start dinner if Sue isn't here
8 If the car isn't repaired, we won't drive to Scotland
7 arrive, '11 miss 5 needs, '11 lend
2 '11 be, doesn't wait 6 lose, won't bul,j
3 don't slow, '11 crash 7 won't win, doesn't train
4 will look, wears 8 won't help, talk
8 2 we'll probabll,j go to London b
3 then I'll go swimming e
4 there'll be traffic ja ms a
5 we'll probabll,j see a show
6 we'll get wet and cold c
10 l,jou'll get cold 6 l,jou won't pass the exam
2 l,jou won't sleep 7 she'll be thirstl,j
3 thel,j'll miss the bus/train 8 he'll lose the match
5 l,jou'll be locked out 10 I'll be angrl,j
12 If Leo is hungrl,j, he'll eat a sandwich
2 IfI like the song, I'll down load it
3 We'll go to the beach tomorrow if the sun shines
4 If l,jou feel tired, I'll carrl,j the bags
5 I'll bul,j some more food if the fridge is emptl,j
6 We won't win if we plal,j badll,j
7 If l,jou don't take an umbrella, l,jou'll get wet
8 Kim won't visit her grandparents if she has too much
9 If I don't write it down, I'll forget
10 If l,jou don't look for l,jour kel,js, l,jou won't find them
4 2 she'd do some homework
3 he'd send a text message to
4 she'd run awal,j
6 1 invited, would go
2 '11 arrive, leave
3 didn't like, wouldn't see
4 wouldn't read, had
6 wouldn't appll,j, didn't want
7 became, wouldn't bul,j
8 didn't work, would be
9 was/were, would love
5 sent, would cost 10 wouldn't put, didn't know
5 I wish we didn't live
6 I wish ml,j best friend went
7 I wish I spoke/could speak
8 I wish I didn't have to
4 5 b 6 c
c I wish the teacher would explain
d I wish the train would arrive
e I wish l,jou wouldn't open
f I wish she'd answer
7 wouldn't ask me
2 wouldn't drop litter in the street
1 I could go 3 rains 5 wasn't
2 wouldn't miss 4 wouldn't shout 6 mightlmal,j bul,j
3 more exciting than
4 the most popular
9 more expensive than
10 the most interesting
Answer key 13
Trang 156 Russia is bigger than Korea
2 Russia is the biggest country in the world
3 A computer is more useful than a phone
4 The Eiffel Tower is the most interesting building in Paris
5 Your shoes are dirtier than mine
6 Lucy is the best musician in the orchestra
7 Monday is the worst day of the week
a Health is more important than money
Theo is not as handsome as Jason
Theo is less handsome than Jason
2 Cafes are not as useful as supermarkets
Cafes are less useful than supermarkets
3 London is not as noisy as Tokyo
London is less noisy than Tokyo
4 My teacher is not as tall as me
My teacher is less tall than me
5 The floor isn't as comfortable as the chair
The floor is less comfortable than the chair
6 I'm not as beautiful as her
I'm less beautiful than her
7 Chips are not as healthy as pasta
Chips are less healthy than pasta
a My bag is not as expensive as yours
My bag is less expensive than yours
1 Emily swims better than me
2 Cathy works harder than her friends
3 You should drive more carefully
4 Ryan is talking more loudly than everyone else
5 He eats more healthily than his parents
6 I earn less than my brother
7 This train is going more slowly than the bus
a Could you speak more clearly, please?
5 more cheaply a the least
6 early 9 more slowly
7 more carefully 10 the worst
a more famous than
2 the most wonderful 9 the most beautiful
3 longer hair than building in
4 the saddest moments of 10 more carefully
5 as clever as 11 the dirtiest
6 faster than 12 more difficult than
7 the most popular
person in
25 Position: adjectives and adverbs
1 1 My parents are very friendly
2 You're wearing a new jacket
3 Has she got a good job?
4 Is that book interesting?
5 We ate in a Chinese restaurant
6 That man looks angry
7 Are your English lessons difficult?
a Famous people usually drive expensive cars
nice tall unpleasant tiny
big small
grey Russian purple Turkish blue
5 beautiful blue silk
1 They arrived early
2 I didn't play well
3 I can't find my bag anywhere
4 Where did you go yesterday?
5 I didn't see your brother there
5 ever been
6 sometimes borrows
7 probably won't
a should always
6 She answered the question confidently
7 The film is going to start soon
a You left your shoes outside
1 there 3 ever
2 early 4 almost
1 Tony will definitely pass the exam
2 It is already four o'clock
3 What are they doing there?
4 She said 'thank you' nicely
5 Are they definitely coming?
6 We've just been shopping It was fun
7 I lost my wallet last week
5 late
6 definitely
materia l glass silk stone woolle n cotton plastic
X 2 X 3 / 4 X 5 X 6 /
1 too difficult 3 too loud 5 too hot
2 too expensive 4 too tired
15 too late 5 too cold
1 isn't fast enough
2 wasn't hard/difficult enough
3 aren't clean enough
4 isn't comfortable enough
6 rich enough
7 too slowly
a clearly enough
5 isn't cheap enough
6 isn't healthy enough
7 isn't young enough
a isn't strong enough Toby is too lazy to clean his room
2 They're not old enough to go swimming alone
3 We weren't tired enough to fall asleep
4 He's too famous to travel by bus
5 She's too shy to be a teacher
6 We didn't play well enough to win
18 too small 4 too old
2 not hot enough
3 not comfortable enough
5 too high up
6 too loud
Trang 163 are too expensive
5 always walks to school
1 Gemma is going to meet me at midday
2 Tom is going to play football on his birthday
3 Bella and Emily are going to make a cake in the afternoon
4 I'm not going to do any homework on Friday evening
5 Where are you going to stay next week?
during 3 during 5 After
2 after 4 before 6 after
4 on holiday 7 i n green dress
5 w ith red hair
6 on the intern e
6 by bus 3 on a school trip 5 o n T V
2 fora swim 4 in trainers 6 wi t h g r een eyes
9 in
10 In
9 in
10 by
She was upset because it was her favourite coat
On Sunday evening she went for a walk
She saw a woman in a green coat in front of her
She followed the woman on foot
The woman was in a hurry
2 Suncream 4 Sick people
Trang 171 (ricket isn't watched in America
2 Helmets aren't worn in tennis
3 Are you paid a lot of money?
4 A lot of shellfish is eaten in (hina
e 4
5 We're never chosen for the football team
6 How many cars are made in Britain?
7 Millions of videos are down loaded every day
8 German isn ' t taught at my school
9 Are you ever left at home on your own?
10 (riminals are always caught in the end
1 The menus are designed by her brother
2 The cafe is cleaned by her sister
3 The cakes are made by her husband
4 The washing-up is done by her son
5 The vegetables are grown by her parents
6 The food is cooked by Molly
Suggested answers :
Houses are designed by architect s
Medicines are sold by chemists
Newspapers are written by journalists
Omelettes are made by chefs
Pianos are played by musicians
Planes are flown by pilots
f 2
30 Past simple passive
1 were 3 was 5 was 7 were 9 were
1 Where w ere the car s parked?
2 Was all the food eaten?
9 w ere packed
10 w asn ' t sent
3 What sort of music w as played?
4 Was anything broken?
1 Most of the cars were parked in a car park near Sally's house
2 Not all ofthe food was eaten
3 Jazz was mostly played
4 A table was broken
3 Where were the 2012 Olympic Games held?
4 Who was (oca (ola ® invented by?
5 When was Mount Everest climbed for the first time?
6 Who was the music for the ballet ' Swan Lake ' composed by?
7 When was the first mobile phone used?
8 Where were kites invented?
9 Who was the 2010 football World (up won by?
Trang 18Audioscript
< • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
~ I like fast cars
1 Have you got any bread?
2 I often eat grapes for lunch
3 Do you listen to music in the car?
4 Tony doesn't enjoy exams
S They don't understand the homework
6 Have you got any information about the museum?
7 I can't find my money
8 Lucy bought some T-shirts for her holiday
9 He arrived late because of the traffic
10 I offered him some fruit
A: Would you like a tomato with your sandwich?
B: No, thanks
2 A: Would you like something to drink?
B: Yes, please We'd like two cups of coffee
A: Anything to eat?
B: No, thank you
3 A: Can you wash the car for me?
A: There's some water in the bucket
4 A: We've got some tomatoes here
B: I can make tomato soup
A: That sounds good
S A: Are you looking for something?
B: Yes I'd like some eggs
A: Eggs are over there
7 A: I'm really thirsty I need a drink
B: I've got a bottle of water
A: Thanks!
8 A: What do you have for breakfast?
B: I usually have an egg
a concert, a postcard
an actor, an exam
the market, the radio, the university
the airport, the umbrella
~ a new coat
1 an easy question S an amazing game
2 the first prize 6 the important point
3 a brilliant film 7 a small problem
4 the old school 8 the usual song
My house has got two bedrooms There is a big bedroom
and a small bedroom The small bedroom belongs to me
and it has got a small bed, a desk and a wardrobe On the
desk is a computer and next to it is a lamp The computer
has a webcam I use the webcam when I talk to my cousin in Australia
0 1.6
Interviewer: Hello, can you confirm your name?
Yes It's 5arah Williams
Interviewer: OK, 5arah When were you born?
On the seventh of August, 2001
And where do you live?
Sarah: I live at 78 Green Avenue
Interviewer: Can you tell me about your parents? What
do they do?
Sarah: My father is an engineer My mother is a
Interviewer: What are your favourite subjects at school?
I like science and maths I also really Sarah:
enjoy music
Interviewer: So do you play an instrument?
Yes I play the clarinet
Interviewer: And what about your plans for the future?
What would you like to do when you are older?
Sarah: I'd really like to be a doctor
Interviewer: Good luck with that, 5arah So, now
How are you, Paul?
I've got an exam next week, so I'm a bit nervous You aren't normally nervous
I know, but I want to become a doctor, so the exam is very important
Yes, it's the most important subject for doctors
So, are you studying hard?
Yes I'm doing some revision at the moment But I've got a problem My cousins from Australia are going to be here for a week, and I want to spend some time with them
When do they arrive?
On the seventh The day before the exam What
do you think? Are exams more important than families?
That's difficult You need to talk to your parents
2 Some and any; indefinite pronouns
Would you like some help?
Yes, please I'm making spaghetti but there's no pasta in the cupboard
OK I'll go to the supermarket and buy some spaghetti Do we need any other food?
Let's think I've got some meat, some tomatoes and an onion So we don't need any more food But we haven't got any drinks
OK I'll get some juice What type would you like? Get any type of juice I don't mind
OK I'm going to Fred's house first and then I'll go
to the supermarket
Trang 19Mum: There's no time to go to Fred's house I need those
things immediately
Oscar: OK
~ Someone is talking to your dad Who is it?
1 He's really lazy He didn't do anything yesterday
2 Nobody enjoyed the film It was terrible
3 A: There's something on the roof of the house
B: It's a cat!
4 I went to Pat's house but there wasn't anyone there
5 My town is boring There's nowhere to go in the
6 A: I can hear somebody's phone
B: It's mine Thanks!
7 A: How much does it cost?
B: Nothing It's free!
8 Anyone can do that It's easy
9 Can we go somewhere quiet?
lOA: I don't like sport, books or computer games
B: Do you like anything?
Does anyone do anything else?
My mum goes to dance classes
John, does anyone in your family do sport?
Yes Everyone does sport I play football,
my sister and my dad play tennis, and my mum goes swimming
Is there anywhere to do sport near your house?
Yes There's a sports centre in the town
Does anyone in your family play a musical instrument?
No No one in my family plays a musical instrument
Does anyone do anything else?
My sister likes painting My dad goes fishing
May: Hi, Jill How was your holiday? Did you go
anywhere nice?
Jilt: Yes, we went to Fethiye in Turkey
May: How was it?
Jilt: Everything was perfect The weather was brilliant,
the people were friendly and the hotel was nice
May: Did you do anything interesting?
At the start of the week, we were really tired, so
we did nothing We just sat by the pool Then someone told us that we could hire a boat, so we went sailing every day
That sounds lovely And what was the food like?
It was great My favourite was something called Pili~ Dolma You make it with chicken and spices It was delicious
So did everyone enjoy the holiday?
Yes We all loved it But I don't think we'll go back
My parents prefer to go somewhere different every year
, , ,
~ We haven't got much coffee
1 There weren't many cars in the car park
2 Do you get much snow in your country?
3 I don't need much money
4 Did many people go swimming yesterday?
5 There aren't many things to do here
6 A: Do they speak French?
B: No Not much
7 They didn't eat much cake
8 There aren't many trees in this park
9 Did your teacher give you much advice about the exam?
10 I can't see many boats on the sea
Do you have much breakfast?
No, not much I normally have a little orange juice and a little toast
And for other meals, do you eat much meat?
I don't eat much meat - just a little chicken But I love fish so I eat a lot of that What do you prefer: pasta, rice or
Pasta is my favourite food I eat a lot of pasta I also eat a little rice, but I don't eat many potatoes I'm not really keen on them
Do you eat many snacks in between meals?
I sometimes have a few biscuits or a little fruit I try not to eat much between meals How about drinks? Do you drink much coffee, tea, fizzy drinks or water?
I drink a lot of water, because they say it's very good for you I don't drink any tea or coffee, and I don't drink many fizzy drinks - only on special occasions when
we go out
I live in a big city and I worry about the environment There's not enough clean air and there's too much pollution That's partly because of traffic - there are too many cars and lorries but there aren't enough bicycles Walking or cycling is better than driving, because you don't use petrol The other reason for pollution is that
Trang 20there aren't enough trees in the city Trees produce
oxygen and make the air cleaner
Another problem is that people use too much electricity
We have too many televisions and computers and other
electrical devices To produce electricity we normally burn
gas or coal and that creates carbon dioxide which is bad
for the environment At the moment, we don't use enough
solar power Solar power produces clean electricity
and it/they
He's helping her
2 She's helping them
3 They're helping him
Kim Hi, lane How are you?
4 He's helping him
5 She's helping her
6 They're helping them
Jane I'm fine What are you doing?
Kim I'm going to Emily's house
Jane Emily? But she's still at school
Kim Are you sure? I spoke to her this morning and she
agreed to meet me at four o'clock at her house
Jane Well, I saw her at school She was with Beth They
were talking to Mr Salmon
Kim Who's he? I don't know him
Jane He's the music teacher Beth and Emily play in the
orchestra I think he was talking to them about
the music concert
Kim OK So, Emily isn't at her house now What should
A: Where in the world am I? Can you guess?
B: OK It's 12 o'clock in London, that's midday What
time is it in your town?
A: It's two o'clock in the afternoon
B: What's the weather like?
A: It's warm and sunny
B: How far is it from London?
A: It's about 3,500 kilometres
B: How many people are there in your town?
A: There are about seven million
B: What interesting sights are there?
A: There are the Great Pyramids It's about 25 km from
here to the Pyramids
B: I think you're in Cairo, Egypt
A: Yes, you're right!
5 Demonstratives and possessives
, - , , , , ,
0 5.1
~ This book is interesting but that one over there is
1 The blue shirt is OK but I prefer the red one
2 A: Do you want these sweets?
B: No I want those ones
3 I don't want a small cup I'd like a big one
4 Which horse is faster? The white one or the black one?
5 The new chairs at school are really uncomfortable
prefer the old ones
6 A: Which is your bike?
Here is your sandwich, sir
No, that isn't his It's mine
Oh, I'm sorry So is the pasta yours, then, sir?
No, the pasta is my son's Mine is the burger
Are you sure yours is the burger?
Yes, of course, I am
Here are you then So that means the soup must be for the little girl
Yes, that's hers Thank you
I've also got some chips and some salad Are the chips for the children?
No, they aren't The chips are mine Theirs is the salad
OK And now for the drinks Cola for the boy
No The cola's mine
Ah, then the orange juice is his
No, no, no His is the water
So sorry There you are I think the coffee must
A: Four? Oh no We haven't got enough computers
A: Have you got anything to eat?
B: I've got a lot of bread
A: Anything else?
B: Let me see A few biscuits That's all
A: I'll have some bread, please
2 A: What's the matter?
B: There's someone in the car Look
A: You're right!
3 A: Milly and her sister are very similar
B: You mean they've got red hair
A: The one with some men and some women singing
B: This one? Yes It's good, isn't it?
5 A: I'm looking for a new phone
B: How much do you want to pay?
A: I haven't got much money
B: Well Those ones are quite cheap
A: OK I'll have a look Thanks
Audioscript 19
Trang 216
O R1.2
Mum: I'm going to make some sandwiches for a picnic
Can you help me?
Toby: Yes, of course
Mum: So what would you like in yours?
Toby: Have we got any chicken?
Mum: Yes, just a little
Toby: Can I have some mayonnaise with it?
Mum: Yes, there's some in the fridge And do you want
some salad?
Toby: No thanks But a few tomatoes would be nice
Mum: OK There you are
Toby: So, who's next? How about you?
Mum: I'd like a cheese sandwich
Toby: With anything else?
Mum: With salad please
Toby: OK And any mayonnaise?
Mum: No, thanks No mayonnaise for me
Toby: Fine That's done
Mum: So now we need to make one for your sister What
would she like?
Toby: Chicken, probably
Mum: There isn't any chicken left We put it in your
Toby: Ah Do you think she'd like some cheese?
Mum: Actually, she likes tuna and mayonnaise, and
there's some tuna in the fridge
Toby: OK I've got the tuna and here's the
Mum: Oh Toby! That's too much
Toby: I'm sure she likes mayonnaise And she can have
some salad too All done
Toby: You're welcome
Present simple and continuous
0 6.1
0 6.2
Daisy: Do you share a bedroom?
Anna: Yes, I do I share with my sister
Daisy: Do you mind sharing?
passes plays talks teaches tries uses washes worries
Anna: There's one big problem We don't go to the same
school So my sister gets up at half past six and
catches a bus at quarter past seven That wakes
me up, but I don't get up until half past seven
walk to school and it only takes ten minutes
Daisy: Are there any other problems?
Anna: Well, my sister doesn't tidy the room She leaves
her clothes on the floor That makes me angry
Daisy: Does she do anything else annoying?
20 Audioscript
Anna: She sometimes watches loud music videos on her
laptop I don't like that
Daisy: Do you do anything annoying?
Anna: Me? No I'm perfect
Hi, Jack It's Peter
Hey Where are you?
I'm sitting on a train with my family
Where are you going?
We're travelling to Scotland to visit my cousins That sounds exciting
Actually, I'm not enjoying the journey The conditioning isn't working, so it's really hot in here
So what are you doing? Are you playing games
on your phone?
No, I'm not I'm revising for the maths test
Bad luck So what is everyone else doing?
My sister's listening to music and my parents are reading Actually, no, they aren't reading now; they're sleeping
I've got to go now Enjoy Scotland I hope the sun shines
Thanks, but right now, I'm looking forward to some cold weather!
A: Tell me about this picture
B: These are my friends: Bill, Tony, Harry and Peter They all live in different parts of the world We got together last summer for a weekend
A: So who's this?
B: The one who's playing football?
A: Yes, that's right
B: That's Bill
A: What does Bill do?
B: He cooks in a restaurant He's a chef He normally works in London but at the moment he's working in a restaurant in New York
A: And who's this person?
B: The one who's repairing the car? That's Tony
A: So what job does Tony do?
B: Tony takes photos He's a photographer He lives in Paris but at the moment he's working in Sydney A: That sounds nice So, who is this? The person who's cooking food
B: That's Harry
A: And what does Harry do?
B: Harry is a mechanic He repairs cars He comes from Oxford but at the moment he's working for a company in Beijing in China
A: So there's only one more person The one who's taking a photo
B: Yes, that's Peter
A: What job does Peter do?
B: Peter plays football He's a professional footballer
He normally plays for a team in Manchester, but this year he's playing in Los Angeles
A: You've certainly got an exciting group offriends!
Trang 22~ Were your parents angry?
~ Where was Jo yesterday?
1 Was the film good?
2 What was his name?
3 Was the bus late?
4 Were their shoes clean?
5 When was the exam?
6 Was your grandfather an engineer?
7 Where were your trainers?
8 Were there any tourists in the museum?
9 Why were you tired?
10 Was there any snow in the mountains?
0 7.3
rained stopped studied tried
In the afternoon, we had a PE lesson but it rained and
I got very wet Normally I love PE but I didn't enjoy it
I stayed at school for an extra hour because of my
detention Then I waited at the bus stop for the bus but it
didn't come I walked home
My parents were worried because I was late But my mum
made a nice dinner I felt much better after that!
0 7.4
On Saturday, I woke up at 8 o'clock I decided to go
shopping, so I took the train to the town centre First I
went to a clothes shop and bought some jeans Outside
the clothes shop, I met Sally and we decided to go to
a cafe At the cafe, she had a cup of coffee and I ate a
sandwich Then I took the train and got home at half past
five I had a really nice day
0 7.5
What are the milestones in my life? Well, I was born on 7
May 2000 I started primary school in 2005 I think I learnt
to read the next year, in 2006 I first went to the cinema in
2007 That was really exciting I started language lessons
five years ago; I enjoy learning a language but it takes a
long time I started secondary school in 2012 I met my
best friend three years ago; he's in my class at school
Then I got a mobile phone last year That was brilliant
0 7.6
Ben: Did you have a good weekend?
Jack: No Not really
Ben: Why not?
Jack: Well, Robert and I decided to go cycling But we
got lost
Ben: How did that happen?
Jack: Well, we didn't have a map Robert forgot to bring
it And then it started to rain
Ben: Did you get really wet?
Jack: Yes, especially Robert He didn't have a coat But that wasn't the worst thing The chain on my bicycle broke
Ben: Oh no
Jack: We didn't know what to do My phone didn't work because we couldn't get a signal We looked for a car, but there weren't any cars on the road
Ben: So what did you do?
Jack: We walked for an hour In the end, we came to a village and phoned my dad He drove to meet us
in the car He wasn't happy!
So, what were you doing, Daisy, at 7.30
And you, Kim?
I was walking to school with May Yeah, we were just talking about our homework
Were you walking to school, Helen?
No, I wasn't I was in bed, sleeping I was dreaming about the sea I thought I was moving in a boat!
And what were you doing, Ben?
I was with my friend Alex at a sports club
We were playing basketball- and we were winning too!
~ What were you doing at half past seven?
1 It was raining when I left home
2 Jill got up and had breakfast
3 My racket broke when I was playing tennis
4 Where were you going when I saw your car yesterday?
5 They wanted to go out last night
6 They did their homework and then they went shopping
7 Did she like your new shoes?
8 A: Where were you yesterday afternoon?
B: I was visiting my grandparents
9 The film finished at four o'clock
10 Mary didn't know the answer when the teacher asked her the question
Audioscript 21
Trang 23Did your cousins visit you last weekend?
Yes, they did But things started badly
Why was that?
Well, they arrived at ten in the morning, but we
were expecting them at two in the afternoon So
we weren't ready
How embarrassing!
Yes I was doing my homework when the
doorbell rang I opened the door and there were
my cousins, my aunt and my uncle
What did you do?
My parents were out My dad was working, so
I couldn't phone him I called my mum but she
was driving to the supermarket so she couldn't
What about your brother?
My brother was playing football at the park, so
he wasn't there either
So what happened?
Well, it was embarrassing because the house
was a mess So my aunt and uncle helped me
clean and tidy the house My aunt cleaned the
kitchen and my uncle did the washing-up While
I was tidying the living room and the dining
room my cousins made the beds
Were your aunt and uncle annoyed?
Luckily, they thought it was quite funny When
my parents got home, we all laughed about it
9 Present perfect
, , , ,
0 9.1
~ 5am has been to Paris
~ 5am hasn't been to Rome
~ Have you read this book?
I haven't spoken to Jill today
Your friends have made you a cake
She hasn't phoned me
Yes, they have
Have you ever met someone famous?
Look! Your brother has fallen asleep
0 9.2
Interviewer: Today I'm talking to Lucy Pemberton She's
16 years old and she loves sailing But the most amazing thing is that she sails all over the world on her own So, Lucy, tell us about the journeys you've made
Lucy: I've sailed across the Atlantic and the
Pacific I've sailed in the Indian Ocean
I've sailed to Australia, South Africa, South America and the Caribbean In fact, I've sailed all around the world
Interviewer: That's amazing Are you the youngest
person who has sailed around the world alone?
Lucy: I think so But I haven't won any prizes
because I'm too young They say they
don't want young people to try to sail alone because it's too dangerous
Interviewer: Do you think sailing is dangerous? Have
you had any bad experiences?
Lucy: It's dangerous sometimes I've sailed
through storms They are definitely scary But I'm a good sailor
Interviewer: So how long have you spent on the boat?
In the last two years, I've spent 400 days
on the boat
Interviewer: 400 days! So what about school?
Lucy: I haven't had time to go to school this
year But I've done school work and I've read lots of books
Interviewer: Have you ever earned any money from
Lucy: No, I haven't But that's OK I sail because I
love sailing I don't do it for money Interviewer: Do you have any more ambitions? Lucy:
So what else do you have to do?
Well, we haven't written the programmes yet We can't do that until we've chosen the performers What about refreshments? Are you going to provide food and drink?
Yes, we are In fact, I've just been to the supermarket and bought lots of bottles of water, lemonade and cola
~ A: Would you like to read this book?
B: No, thanks I've already read it
A: Have you ever met the Prime Minister?
B: Yes Once
2 Harry has had that phone for five years!
3 We haven't been to the shops yet
4 Don't touch the door! I've just painted it
S A: Do you like skiing?
B: I don't know I've never done it
6 My mum has loved singing since she was a little girl
7 John has known Alex for a very long time
8 A: Let's watch this DVD
B: I'm sorry, but I've already seen it
9 Tom still hasrl't finished his homework It's ten o'clock!
10 Have they finished playing football yet?
Trang 2411 A: Do you know Sam?
B: No I've never met him
10 Present perfect and past simple
0 10.1
~ Harry bought a new watch but then he lost it
~ I have bought a new pen Look! Do you want to
try it?
They went to Istanbul, Marmaris and Bodrum, while
they were in Turkey
2 We have been to London and Oxford We're really
enjoying our trip to England
3 The train has arrived Let's get on
4 They arrived at six and left at half past seven
S Charlotte Bronte was a writer She wrote four novels
6 lac Ephron is an actor He has made a lot of films
7 Sam was cold because he forgot his coat
8 A: Can I have your homework?
B: Oh no! I have forgotten it
9 A : Are you hungry?
B: Yes, I am I haven't had anything to eat today
10 He wasn't hungry, so he didn't eat anything
For thirty years
And in that time, you've designed museums, sports stadiums, offices and schools Do you have a favourite building out of all of those?
Probably the Eldon School
Tell me more about that
Well, we started it six years ago It was a school in a poor part of London and we built a completely new school It was a lot
of work but it opened two years ago The students love it
Not only the students You won a prize for the design
Yes, that's right I won the Brown Prize last year
In fact, you've won several prizes, I think
Yes, I've been very lucky Probably the most important was the Congress Prize in America That was eight years ago
So, did you live in America?
Yes, I lived there for ten years I taught at a university, as well as running my business
But then I left and moved to London
And have you been in London ever since?
Yes, I've been here for seven years now
And are you working on any new projects?
Yes, we're building a new swimming centre We started in July this year It will
be the biggest in Britain I'm very excited
Good luck with that, Sandra
Hello, Paul Is everything OK?
Yes, thanks, Mum
Have you cleaned your room yet?
Ah There was a problem I got the vacuum cleaner out and tried to turn it on But it didn't
Oh, Paul! What about your homework? Have 1,::
'-finished that yet?
No, I'm sorry I haven't
Why not?
Well, I lent my maths book to Tom yesterd a s:
when I looked in my bag this morning, the be:;,:; wasn't there
I can't believe it So what have you done t o ac~ I've watched TV
-Mum: At least you have 't broken the TV yet!
2 Tom was nervous He'd never flown before
3 She felt sick She'd just eaten two pieces of chocc :::: cake
4 Her grandmother didn't know what to do She'c -::._ used a computer before
S I'd just fallen asleep when the sound of the phc-:: woke me up again
6 Mary had already visited Paris twice but she v.c ;; :::-i
to go again
7 This was Vicky's first race She had never run in c competition before
8 Robert had already worn the trousers, so he C OL:::' - '
-take them back to the shop
9 We were lucky We'd just arrived at the cinema -::the film started
:-10 I tried to open the door, but the key didn't worl< :
couldn't understand it This had never happenE: before
2 Katy hadjust been to a cafe when she met 5_::
3 Katy went to a cafe when she met Sue
4 When it started to rain, they stopped pla \:! ' -~
S When it started to rain, they'd already st oc:~: playing
6 John's family had had breakfast by the tir :: -;':: woke up
Trang 257 John's family had breakfast when he woke up
8 He'd just crossed the road when he saw Fred
9 He crossed the road when he saw Fred
In 1860, Robert Burke and William Wills started an
expedition to travel across Australia from south to north
No white man had ever done this before, and one year
earlier the government had offered a prize to the first
people to do it
Burke and Wills organized a group of 19 men and set off
in August Three months later, they arrived at Cooper
Creek Then, Burke, Wills and five other men continued
their journey to the north coast The rest of the men
established a camp at Cooper Creek and waited for them
to return
By the time they reached the north coast in February
1861, Burke and Wills had travelled 2,000 miles across
two deserts But the journey had taken 60 days instead of
45 days and, as a result, they had already eaten most of
their food
The return journey was terrible They were hungry and
tired and the desert was incredibly hot When they finally
arrived back at Cooper Creek on the 21 st of April, the
other men had left Burke and Wills had asked them to
wait for 13 weeks and in fact, they had waited for 18
weeks In the end, they had abandoned the camp only
nine hours before Burke and Wills returned
Burke and Wills didn't have the strength to travel any
further and both men died in June 1861
12 The future
1 I'm going to play football
2 What are you going to do?
3 They're going to be here soon
4 He's not going to stay long
No, we're not We're going to go karting
That does sound exciting How many friends are going to come?
Are you going to go somewhere afterwards?
Yes We're going to go to a cafe in town
Are you going to have lunch there?
No We're just going to have coffee and cakes
Are you going to do anything else on Saturday?
Well, mum's going to cook chicken and rice - that's my favourite
)\nc ·lS s'ne gDmg 'to if)tl'R~ tl ttl'R~!
Ed: No, she isn't She says she's going to buy
some biscuits And then we're all going to
watch a DVD together in the evening
Grandfather: It sounds like the perfect weekend But I
expect you'll have to do some homework
Ed: Actually, I'm not going to do any
homework I've already done it all Grandfather: That was very clever!
That's a great idea What do I need?
You'll need your boots, of course
OK I'll find them But I think they may be dirty
Well, you'll have to clean them quickly
OK, I'll do that
I'll get the rucksacks - and I'll take waterproof jackets, too It probably won't rain, but you never know in the mountains
Will we need some food?
Yes, we will
OK I'll make some sandwiches now
Good, and I'll buy some chocolate at the shop on the way
Toby: How about water? It's hot today
Dad: You're right I'll take two big bottles And don't forget your hat or you'll get sunburnt! OK Will you be ready in 15 minutes?
Toby: I'll try!
Hi, Yasmin It's Amy
Hi How are you?
I'm fine I wondered if you'd like to come to my house this weekend
I'd love to come! When is a good time, Amy? How about Saturday afternoon?
Oh, Saturday afternoon's not possible I'm going to the dentist I'm free on Sunday afternoon Is that OK for you, Amy?
Sorry, Yasmin I'm having lunch with my grandparents on Sunday We'll be there until
at least five o'clock Maybe in the evening on Sunday?
I can't do that, I'm afraid I'm revising my history I've got an exam on Monday morning
So how about Saturday morning? I'm having
a music lesson at 9 o'clock But I'll be free from 10.30
That's good I'm not doing anything at 10.30
You can come to my house then and we can listen to music
OK, Yasmin I'll see you then
I'm getting things ready for our picnic
A picnic?
Yes I told you about it last week We're going to the \ake )ason and his fami\~ me going to meet
us there
Trang 26OK I'll get my swimming shorts, so I can swim
in the lake, and I'll look for a ball, so we can
play football
What food are we going to take?
I've made some sandwiches and I've bought
some crisps
Have you made a cake?
No I didn't have time, I'm afraid
Shall I go to the shop and buy some cakes?
Will you get some lemonade too? Here I'll give
you some money
Thanks Oh, Mum, have you looked outside?
Look at those dark clouds It's going to rain
Don't worry The rain probably won't last long
Are you going to the shop?
Yes, I'm going to buy those cakes Then I won't
mind if it rains!
Revision 2 Units 6-12
~ A: Why aren't you cycling to school today?
B: Someone stole my bike yesterday
A: Look at those clouds It's going to rain
B: It's lucky we've got our umbrellas
2 Oh no We're late The train's just left
3 A: It's hot in here
B: I'll open the window
4 He normally swims on Thursdays but today he's
playing tennis
5 A: Have you ever visited the Eiffel Tower?
B: Yes Once A long time ago
Where are you from, Jenny?
Well, I was born in Australia and lived there for ten years But I've lived in England for eight years now
What are you doing at the moment?
Well, I've just finished school and next year I'm going to university But at the moment, I'm working in a shop, so I can earn some money
What are you going to study at university?
Computer science I did physics, maths and chemistry at school But I really love computing I hope I'll get a job as a computer programmer when I'm older
What about your job in the shop? What do you do?
It's a technology shop, so I tell people about computers, TVs and cameras It's very interesting
Have you done any other jobs?
Yes I've worked in a fast food restaurant
And I've also worked at a children's camp
So, Jenny, why would you like this job?
Hi, Ryan How are you?
Tired! I'm having a really busy day Today's the day I'm helping the leaders
So what have you done so far?
First of all, I got up really early By the time everyone else got up, I'd cooked twenty eggs for their breakfast
Did you have to do the washing up too?
Yes I did that after I'd made sandwiches for lunch Did you have any other jobs in the morning? First I tidied the tents Then I took all the rubbish
to the big bins
That's a lot of work Have you done anything else today?
Oh yes We've just been swimming in the lake That was brilliant And we're going to play football in a minute
Have you had dinner yet?
No not yet But we ate some cake about an hour ago So I'm not hungry
Do you have to help make dinner?
Yes I'm going to fry some chicken later, when the football match finishes And in fact, the leaders have already prepared the salad So there's nomuch to do Anyway, I have to go now Tom has just waved at me The football match is starting
OK Enjoy the match
Amy: But you agreed to go
Suzy: I know I really wanted to see it but in the end I couldn't get there
Amy: What happened?
Suzy: Well, I'd planned to take the bus but then my dad
offered to drive me there It was raining so I was
happy to accept his offer
Amy: So what was the problem?
Suzy: He couldn't start the car So I went to catch the
bus, but there were no more buses
Amy: Have you spoken to Jenny?
Suzy: Not yet I'm too embarrassed
Amy: Well, you must speak to her
Suzy: But will she be angry?
Amy: No, it'll be OK You should phone her and pror.::se
to go round and see her tonight
Amy: That's a good idea
Suzy: Yes It's important to keep your friends
Lucy: Hey, Paul Have a look at this website Theres::
questionnaire about the best and worst tb' "
Paul: What sort of things?
Lucy: Well, the first question is: you're in a shop 0"'::
there's a really long queue Do you wait 0'::::: ;;=_ leave the shop without buying anything]
Trang 27Paul: I think I'd leave the shop I can't stand waiting in
queues It really annoys me
Lucy: Actually, I don't mind queues I normally listen to
some music on my headphones
Paul: So, what's the next one?
Lucy: You put your hand in your pocket and find some
money that you had forgotten about
Paul: Oh yes, I love finding money in my pocket That's
one of the best feelings
Lucy: I love it too - it just doesn't happen very often
Paul: OK Number 3
Lucy: It's a PE lesson and it's raining The teacher tells
you to play football
Paul: I hate doing sport in the rain It's terrible while
you're doing it and you feel terrible afterwards
Lucy: You know what? I actually really like doing sport
and getting wet It's fun
Paul: You're strange OK, what's next?
Lucy: You're on a bus and the person next to you is
talking on their phone
Paul: I don't mind that We all use our phones
Lucy: Oh, I can't stand sitting next to someone who's
talking on their phone You have to listen to their
stupid conversations
Paul: Are there any more?
Lucy: Yes This is the last one You're watching a TV
programme and the adverts start Do you switch
to a different channel?
Paul: No I actually like watching adverts on TV Some of
them are funny
Lucy: I agree I love adverts Sometimes they're better
than the programme itself
What's your favourite activity?
I read books I love reading And what is the best experience you've ever had?
Last year I went to India with my family It was amazing
And do you have an ambition?
Yes I'm probably going to become a travel writer
Thank you very much, Mandy And now we have Sam and Oscar Hello, and how old are you?
And you, Sam?
Yes, definitely We play in the same team We love it
Interviewer: What is the best experience you've
ever had?
Sam: Last year we played in a big football
competition Our team won
Oscar: Yes, that was my best experience, too
So is your ambition to become footballers?
Oscar: No We won't become footballers It's
too difficult Sam: We're good, but you have to be
1 She's American 4 You're American
2 They're American S He's American
Revision 3 Units 13-14 R3 1
~ I invited my brother but he refused
1 It was good to see you yesterday Thank you for
2 I asked Kim about the film She said
3 My dad's new car is rubbish It keeps
4 Would you like my advice? I think you should
S I saw Lucy after school She said
6 That song was really good I'd like
A: Do you play tennis at all?
B: Yes, at school But I hate it It's really boring
2 A: What are you doing today?
B: Not much Would you like to go and play football? A: Yes That's a good idea
B: OK Let's go
3 A: Can you play tennis?
No, not today I'm too tired
How about you?
No, I can't I've got a lot of homework
Do you want to play tennis?
Yes, I'd love to I'll go and get my racket
OK See you in a minute
Do you play football?
Yes I love it How about you?
I couldn't use a computer when I was 14
2 Can you cook now?
Trang 285 Can you do maths problems now?
No, I can't
6 But I can use a computer now
7 I can't run fifteen hundred metres now
S I couldn't drive a car when I was 14
0 15.2
I wish I was young again There were so many things I
could do then I loved basketball, for example, and could
shoot baskets all day I haven't played basketball for
years, sadly And when I was young I could ice skate, too
But last year I went with my granddaughter and I fell
over six times The other thing I loved when I was small
was climbing trees I could climb really high Now I'm too
scared that I'll fallout
I suppose there are some things I can do now that I
couldn't do when I was younger I remember when I was
twelve, trying to put up a tent I couldn't do it It was
embarrassing But I can do it now, without any problem
And, of course, I can cook Amazingly, when I was twelve
I couldn't even cook an egg, but in the end I became a
chef and I can cook anything And best of all, I can now
sail a boat When I was young, I'd never even been on a
boat, and I'd certainly not sailed one Sailing is a fantastic
0 15.3
~ Could you check my homework, please?
1 Can you tidy your room?
2 Could you carry my bags, please?
3 Can you do the washing-up?
4 Can you post these letters?
5 Could you open the door, please?
Ben, Katy, we're going out now We'll be back
at about nine tonight
What are you going to do while we're out?
Can I invite Sue, Jess and Anna to our house?
No, that's too many You can have one friend
OK I'll phone Sue Can we rent a film?
Yes That's OK
And can we get a pizza as well?
No, you can't That's too expensive There's
some food in the fridge You can eat that
So, what about you, Ben?
Can I cycle into town and meetTom?
You can meetTom But you can't cycle It's
icy and that makes it dangerous You can
walk or take the bus
I'll take the bus And can I have some money
to buy a burger?
Sorry I said Katy can't buy a pizza, so I can't
give you money for a burger But you can
spend your own money, if you have some
OK I think I've got some
Right We're off Have a good time and be
So, how is John getting on?
Not very well, I'm afraid In fact, I'm very disappointed with him this term What's the problem?
Well, first of all He's often five minutes late for my lessons That's not acceptable He must arrive on time every day
And when he does arrive, he's often forgotten his book or his pen He must bring all his books and pens to every lesson Otherwise, he won't know what we're dOing
Yes, I understand Is there anything else? I'm afraid there is When he's in class,
he must listen to the teacher and concentrate on his work He often talks
to his friends He must stop doing that
It's bad for him and it's bad for his friends too I've even caught him looking
at his mobile phone He must turn off his phone before the lesson starts - or I'll have to take it away from him
OK I'll talk to him about that
Thank you And then there's homework
Is there a problem with that?
Yes He must do more homework It's the only way to improve And then, when we have tests, he must revise for them If not, he'll fail the exam
OK I can see John's not doing very well I'll have to talk to him about it I promise he'll improve from now on Thank you very much
So, tomorrow is the big day We're going to go out on safari and hopefully show you some wonderful animals
in their natural surroundings This will be a great day out but there are a few important rules to make the day more enjoyable and safer
First of all, safety You mustn't leave the vehicle - unless
I say it's OK You may think it's safe but there may be danger that you can't see So you must listen to me and follow my instructions
When we see animals, we must talk quietly Loud noises scare animals away
You mustn't feed the animals It's bad for the animals and it's dangerous for you!
Of course, you absolutely mustn't smoke The bush is dry and cigarettes can cause a fire very qUickly
These are the vital rules There are a few other pieces of general advice You don't have to bring a camera with you We have a photographer and he'll take photos for you We'll also provide a picnic, so you don't have to bring
Audioscript 27
Trang 29food or water either But you must wear sun cream The
sun is very hot in the middle of the day
Oh yes, and one piece of good news, we're leaving at 10
o'clock, so you don't have to get up early! Sleep well and
I'll see you tomorrow
~ Do I have to bring my PE kit?
1 We mustn't get up late tomorrow We've got an exam
2 Look at the sign You mustn't smoke here
3 You needn't explain what happened
4 Ted should read that book
S You don't have to help me carry the bags They aren't
6 Should I buy this? It's expensive
7 Jess had to look after her little brother yesterday
8 Jamie has to practise the piano every day
Revision 4 Units 15-16
Charlie: So, Grandpa, were things very different when
you were young?
Grandpa: Well, my parents didn't have a car, so we had
to walk to school every day But that was OK because I could talk to my friends And we didn't have to go home straight after school
We could play football in the street or go to our friends' houses We didn't have to ask our parents for permission
Charlie: Did you have much money?
Grandpa: No, we didn't We could buy sweets
sometimes but we couldn't buy music or
clothes In fact, I had to wear my brother's
clothes when he'd finished with them
Charlie: What a out school? Was that different?
Grandpa: We got a lot of homework but we couldn't
look things up on the internet; it didn't exist
We had to go to the library and find the answers in books It took a long time In those days, boys didn't have to do cookery
We had to learn woodwork So I could make
a box but I couldn't cook an egg!
Mum, Rob has just called He wants to go the
cinema tonight Can I go?
Have you done your homework yet?
No, not yet
Well, you must finish your homework first
And can you tidy your room too?
Do I have to? I haven't got a lot of time
Do your homework first Then, if you've got time,
tidy your room If not, you can do it tomorrow
OK And can I stay in town with Rob after we've
seen the film?
What time does it finish?
Mum: At 8 o'clock? I've got a meeting at school I can't
miss it It's very important
Tom: What about Dad?
Mum: He can probably collect you Phone him at work
and ask him
Tom: OK I'll do it later
Mum: No, you must do it now, or you'll forget
Tom: OK Could you pass me the phone?
17 Question words
~ How do you get to school?
1 When was the match?
2 How are you?
3 Where did you rent bikes?
4 What is his favourite colour?
S Why is he laughing?
6 When are they going on holiday?
7 Who did you meet at the cafe?
8 How do you spell 'autumn'?
9 Where have you been?
10 When does Yasmin start her new job?
~ What insects are you afraid of?
1 Who do you go to school with?
2 What music do you listen to?
3 Who do you have lunch with?
4 What sports are you interested in?
S Who do you send text messages to?
6 What do you dream about?
7 Who do you sit next to?
~ Whose umbrella is this?
1 Whose is that book?
2 Who's the best basketball player in your class?
3 Who's that in the green coat?
4 Whose idea was this?
~ How long have you lived here?
1 How often do you clean your teeth?
2 How much did your watch cost?
3 How long does it take to get from London to Beijing
by plane?
4 How much does an elephant weigh?
S How long is a year?
6 How often have you been to concerts?
7 How long does your phone battery last?
8 How often does the moon go round the Earth?
9 How much coffee do you drink?
10 How often are the Olympic Games?
Q: What is your earliest memory?
A: Sitting in a high chair in my parents' kitchen
Q: How long have you known your best friend?
A: For twenty years We met at school
Q: Who is your hero?
Trang 30A: Meryl Streep I think she's simply the best film actress
Q: Where would you most like to live?
A: In Paris There's so much history, so many great
buildings - and the best food in the world
Q: How many pets have you had?
A: I've never had any I'm allergic to most animals!
Q: When were you happiest? Why?
A: Last week Because I was with my family
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment?
A: I was talking to a journalist about my latest film and
I couldn't remember the name of the director!
Q: How often do you eat chocolate?
A: Every day, if possible
Q: What is your favourite word?
A: Friendship
Q: How do you relax?
A: By going to the gym - or by eating chocolate
18 Question tags
0 18.1
~ You spoke to your teacher, didn't you?
1 The meal was nice, wasn't it?
2 Max is quite annoying, isn't he?
3 People drive on the right in Britain, don't they?
4 That phone isn't cheap, is it?
S You can swim, can't you?
6 You haven't tidied your room, have you?
7 They don't believe us, do they?
8 We're going to win, aren't we?
9 That wasn't funny, was it?
10 You've got your umbrella with you, haven't you?
0 18.2
~ It's cold, isn't it?
~ You come from America, don't you?
~ I'm not late, am I?
~ It's not raining, is it?
1 You're Turkish, aren't you?
2 The window is open, isn't it?
3 You saw the film, didn't you?
4 She doesn't like football, does she?
S It wasn't very interesting, was it?
6 Bella will pass the exam, won't she?
7 There are two train stations here, aren't there?
8 You didn't miss the bus, did you?
Your name is Kim March, isn't it?
Yes, that's right
You aren't David March's sister, are you?
No, I'm not I haven't got a brother
I've met you before, haven't I?
~ The girl that plays the piano is called Sally
1 I'm looking for the phone that was on my desk
2 The man that fell over the cat wasn't wearing glasses
3 We'd like to see the film that starts at six o'clock
4 The author that wrote those novels became famous
S The glass that fell on the floor is broken
0 19.2
This is the person who we watched playing tennis
2 This is the person who watched us playing tennis
3 This is the boat that I won in the competition
4 This is the boat that won the race
S These are the people who we cooked a meal for
6 These are the people who cooked a meal for us
3 He spoke to his mum and
4 I can't play the piano but
S I drank the mango juice and
6 Would you prefer coffee or
7 I ate the pizza but
8 He didn't wash his face or
9 I'd like a burger and
10 He looked for his sister but he
0 20.2
~ I didn't have much money, so I didn't buy the jacket
I didn't buy the jacket because I didn't have much money
He ordered some water because he was thirsty
He was thirsty, so he ordered some water
2 It was very noisy, so they couldn't sleep
They couldn't sleep because it was very noisy
3 She cried because she cut herself
She cut herself, so she cried
4 We arrived late because there was too much traffic There was too much traffic, so we arrived late
S The teacher explained it again because no one understood it
No one understood it, so the teacher explained it again
0 20.3
Beth: Where were you yesterday?
Vicky: I had to go to the hospital because I hurt my foot Beth: How did you do that?
Audioscript 29
Trang 31Vicky: It happened while I was coming home from the
sports centre There are no street lights on Sandy
Lane, so it was really dark There was a hole but I
didn't see it I tripped and fell over
Beth: Ouch! So what happened next?
Vicky: I couldn't walk or even stand up There was no
one else on the street, so I had to phone my
Beth: Did they take you to the hospital?
Vicky: Yes When we arrived at the hospital, I had to wait
for two hours That was difficult because my foot
was really hurting Finally, they did an X-ray
Beth: And what was the result?
Vicky: Although it was very painful, the foot wasn't
broken They put a bandage on it and gave me
crutches to walk with
Beth: How do you feel now?
Vicky: It doesn't hurt too much now, but I can't walk or
sit at a desk at the moment So no school for me!
Beth: That's lucky, isn't it?
Revision 5 Units 17-20
~ Why did you open the window?
1 How long have you lived here?
2 Who did you see yesterday?
3 Whose is this book?
4 Which school do you go to?
S Who's playing the piano?
6 You like football, don't you?
~ I was tired, but I played football
1 I think you're sixteen Is that correct?
2 We helped this person
3 We watched TV while we were eating dinner
4 I don't like tea and I don't like coffee
S The person that Jill visited is a doctor
6 The phone was too expensive, so I didn't buy it
21 Zero and first conditional
Welcome to Master Brain, a quiz show to find the
brainiest person in the country If this is the first time
you've listened to the show, here are the rules
1 If you give a correct answer, you get two points
2 If you give a wrong answer, you lose one point
3 If you don't answer in ten seconds, you get no points
and the next player tries to answer
4 If the next player answers correctly, he or she gets
one point
S If you answer five questions correctly, you get two
extra points
6 If two players finish with the same score, there is
one more question, and the first person to answer
correctly is the winner
Those are the rules Now on with the show
30 Audioscript
Amy: Are you doing anything interesting this
Louise: Maybe My aunt and uncle and my cousins may
be coming this weekend
Amy: So what will you do if they come?
Louise: I'll play tennis with my cousin, Tanya My
brother will probably go to the cinema with my other cousin, Jason
Amy: What will your parents do?
Louise: They'll go for a walk in the country with my
aunt and uncle
That sounds nice
But they might not come They've got a problem with their car and they live fifty miles away
So what will you do if they don't come?
I'll read my book
What about your brother?
He'll play computer games
And your parents?
They'll probably do some gardening
I hope they come It sounds like your weekend will be more interesting, if they do
~ If you sell your bike, you'll get a lot of money
1 If they arrive late, we'll miss the film
2 I'll be angry if Emily doesn't wait for me
3 If you don't slow down, we'll crash
4 Ted will look silly if he wears that hat
S If Jack needs the book, I'll lend it to him
6 If you lose that watch, we won't buy you a new one
7 Lucy won't win the race if she doesn't train harder
8 They won't help you if you talk to them like that
Ben: The holidays start on Friday
Toby: At last! Have you got any plans?
Ben: It really depends on the weather If the weather's
good, then we'll go to the beach
That sounds good And if the weather's bad Then we'll probably go to London
Mmm That sounds good too Which would you rather do?
Ben: I don't know If we go to the beach, then I'll go swimming in the sea I love that But the problem
is we have to drive a long way And if we don't leave early in the morning, there'll be traffic jams
I can't stand that
Toby: So would you prefer to go to London?
Ben: Well, if we go to London, we'll probably see a show - a musical or something like that That'll
be exciting But we'll only go to London if the weather's bad And if it rains all day, we'll get wet and cold That's not much fun
Toby: Well, I'd love to go to London So if you don't want
to go, let me know and I'll go!
Trang 32If I saw someone stealing a book in a shop, I'd
probably tell the shop assistant
What would you do if your teacher didn't come to
your class?
If my teacher didn't come to my class, I'd
probably do my homework Then I'd have less
homework to do after school
What would you do if you were in a bathroom
and couldn't open the door?
If I couldn't open the bathroom door, I'd send a
text message to my parents
What would you do if you accidentally broke a
window in your parents' house?
If I broke a window in my parents' house, I'd run
away and hide!
What would you do if you were at a cafe and
your food was cold?
If my food was cold, I'd complain to the waiter
What would you do if you found a wallet in the
If I found a wallet in the street, I'd look for a name
or address inside it
0 22.2
~ If they watch that film, they'll love it
1 If there was a problem with my phone, I'd take it
back to the shop
2 If you clean the car, I'll pay you five pounds
3 I'll make dinner tonight if you're tired
4 If you got every answer right, your teacher would be
very surprised
5 If your parents heard that song, they probably
wouldn't like it
6 I'd lend you my bike if you needed it
7 Those eggs will break if you drop them
8 Your teacher wouldn't laugh if your phone rang in
9 If your bike doesn't work, my brother will repair it
23 I wish
0 23.1
My school starts really early every day I wish it
started later, so I could stay in bed longer
2 Those cakes are much too expensive I can't buy
them I wish they were cheaper
3 I'm no good at making cakes I wish I could make a
really nice cake
4 They only sell bread in this shop I wish they sold
0 23.2
1 It's five past three! I wish the train would arrive
2 I wish he wouldn't sing in the shower He sounds terrible!
3 Look at this mess! I wish he'd tidy his bedroom
4 I wish she'd answer her phone Her ringtone is so
3 If Ifind your keys
4 My family would eat more fish
5 If they lived near the sea
6 My mum will get a bigger car
24 Comparison: adjectives and adverbs
3 Dora is shyer than Beth, but Rosy is the shyest of all
4 Dora is the most popular Beth is more popular than Rosy
~ My room is tidier than my brother's
~ Isabel has the tidiest desk in the office
1 I think this is the slowest train in the world!
2 Ed looks thinner than Oscar
3 Football is more exciting than cricket
4 Football is the most popular sport in the world
5 This is the hottest day of the year
6 I think we'll win That team is worse than ours
7 This is the prettiest village in the whole country
8 Mrs Symons is the best teacher in the school
9 Taxis are more expensive than buses
10 Biology is the most interesting of all my subjects at school
0 24.3
~ Daisy isn't as old as Ed
1 Gemma isn't as happy as Charlie
2 Daisy isn't as short as Gemma
3 Ed isn't as tall as Daisy
4 Charlie isn't as fat as Andy
5 Daisy isn't as young as Bella
0 24.4
~ Henry gets up later than his brother
1 Emily swims better than me
2 Cathy works harder than her friends
3 You should drive more carefully
4 Ryan is talking more loudly than everyone else
5 He eats more healthily than his parents
6 I earn less than my brother
7 This train is going more slowly than the bus
8 Could you speak more clearly, please?
Audioscript 31
Trang 3325 Position: adjectives and adverbs
I was at Giorgio's last night
Is that the new Italian restaurant? How was the
Not bad I had a bowl of pasta with a delicious
creamy sauce, and an enormous chocolate cake
Sounds nice
And I met some interesting new people too
-the O'Sullivans They're a really nice Australian
family The daughter, Katy, is my age She's
lovely She was wearing a beautiful blue silk
What are they doing here?
Her dad is an architect He's designing a boring
modern office block in London, I think But
they're also restoring an old stone house in the
I know that There's a little red sports car outside
Yes That's her mum's car
~ We never play tennis
1 You're always hungry
2 Doyouoftencomehe~?
3 She certainly works hard
4 Have you already finished?
5 It's the first time I've ever been on a plane
6 My brother sometimes borrows my bike without
asking me
7 It probably won't rain tomorrow
8 You sh uld always clean your teeth in the morning
Ben: Hi, Jack How are you?
Jack: Not bad, Ben I've just finished my maths
It was quite difficult, wasn't it?
I always find it difficult! So why are you phoning?
Oh yeah Have you ever been to a basketball
match, Jack?
No I've never done that, but I'd love to
Well there's a match on tomorrow Can you
I definitely want to The thing is I'm probably
going to the cinema with my family
They won't mind, will they?
OK I'll ask my parents Anyway, I have to go
Dinner is almost ready
OK, Jack Can you call me back and let me
Jack: I'll call you later tonight, Ben
~ Frank isn't strong enough to carry that box
1 Toby is too lazy to clean his room
2 They're not old enough to go swimming alone
3 We weren't tired enough to fall asleep
4 He's too famous to travel by bus
5 She's too shy to be a teacher
6 We didn't play well enough to win
32 Audioscript
Receptionist: So, madam, I hope you enjoyed your stay
Actually, no I didn't I have to say I was very disappointed
too small- much too small There wasn't enough space for two people And the shower wasn't hot enough; the water was warm but it never got really hot Receptionist: I'll talk to the plumber about that
comfortable enough I didn't sleep well for the whole week And the sheets on the bed were too old I even found a hole
in one of them
Receptionist: Yes That's very bad
night, so I wanted to open the window
But the window was too high up I had to stand on a table to reach it
Receptionist: That must have been annoying
next room were too loud I could hear their television all night I couldn't get to sleep
Receptionist: I'm very sorry you had such a bad
experience I'll call the manager and you can discuss it with her
Revision 7 Units 24-25 R7.1
Will the box fit in the car?
Hmm I don't think so The car's too small
Why did you choose the Western Hotel?
Because the Western isn't as big as the Classic and it's more modern
Have you got a lot of work at the moment? Well, I'm busy enough but not too busy
Which one are you going to buy?
I'm definitely going to buy the cheapest
4 A: How old is your son?
B: He's 15, but he isn't as tall as me yet
5 A: Are you warm enough?
B: Yes, thanks
A: Hello Can I help you?
C: Yes, please I'd like some apples
A: We've got these red apples
C: Hmm They look too big I prefer the green ones I'll have four of them
A: OK Anything else?
C: How much are the peaches?
Trang 34A: 90 cents each
C: That's too expensive
A: You could have apricots They're less expensive
They're 60 cents each
C: OK I'll have five of them
A: How about some strawberries?
C: Are they sweet enough?
A: You can try them
C: Thank you Hmm Yes, I'll have 400 grammes of these
A: OK Would you like anything else?
C: Yes, please Some tomatoes
A: We've got lots of different tomatoes Which would
you like?
C: Which are the cheapest ones?
A: The large ones over here
C: Hmm They look too old
A: What about the small ones over there? They're more
expensive They're 3 Euros a kilo
C: Hmm But they look nicer I'll have half a kilo of them
A: Here you are Anything else?
C: No that's enough This bag's already too heavy
can't carry any more
Dad, I've got some more details about the
football tour to Bristol
When is it happening?
In November
What are the dates?
We go on the 12th and come back on the 14th
And how many matches are you playing?
We've got two matches The first match is
on Tuesday afternoon, against the Dolphin
School The second match is on Wednesday
morning against Avon College
So you've got a match on Tuesday afternoon
What are you doing for the rest ofTuesday?
Let's have a look in the morning, we're going
to look around the city and visit the museum
In the evening, we're going out to have a pizza
at the Pizza Shed
So what time do you leave on the Monday?
Well, it says that we leave school at about four
o'clock in the afternoon
And what about when you come home? What
time will you get back here?
OK It says that the coach will leave Bristol at
lunchtime on Wednesday So we should get
back at about four o'clock in the afternoon
Can you collect me then?
So, that's on the 14th of November Let's have
a look in my diary I've got a meeting in the
morning on the 14th, but I should be able to
leave by 3.30
~ We stayed in Paris for three days
~ We visited the Eiffel Tower during our stay
1 George fell asleep during his science lesson
2 Mandy slept for two hours
3 Kate has been at this school for three years
4 We can talk about it during lunch
5 You'll have to wait here for half an hour
6 A loud noise woke them up during the night
7 The microphone stopped working during the concert
8 We're going to camp here for a week
Pele was born on 21 st October 1940 in Brazil He is often called the greatest footballer of all time In 1956, at the age of only 15, he joined the Santos football club and stayed with the team until 1974
By the time Pele was 16, he had also started playing for the Brazilian national team and in 1958 he won the World Cup for the first time In total, he played for Brazil for 14 years and during that time, Brazil won the World Cup three times
After eighteen years at Santos, Pele left Brazil and ended his career in America He played his last match ever on the 1 st of October 1977 During his whole career, 'The King
of Football' amazingly scored 697 goals in 753 matches
27 Prepositions of place and movement
~ They live in a nice town
1 You'll find the book on the shelf
They waited at the station for two hours
We've moved to a house on Preston Street
Is everyone in the car? OK Let's go
I'll see you at the football match tomorrow
He dropped his wallet on the ground
Is Gemma still in bed?
Who's that in the photo?
Can we see a film at the cinema this week?
lOA: I can't find the keys
B: They're at the bottom of my bag
You start by going down the slide into the water You swim across the lake and get onto the island Then you run across the bridge and go into a tunnel and crawl through it When you come out of the tunnel, you have
to climb up a ladder onto a platform You walk along the bridge and go around a tower and then jump off the platform into the water again Finally, you swim to the beach and then run from the lake to the finish line as fast
as you can
28 Expressions with prepositions
~ In your opinion, is English more difficult than maths?
1 Do you go to school by bus?
2 Where can you go for a swim?
3 Are you going on a school trip this year?
4 Can you go to school in trainers?
5 What are you going to watch on TV tonight?
6 Do you know anyone with green eyes?
Audioscript 33
Trang 350 2S.2
About the boy who went missing on a school
David: No, I haven't What happened?
all the museums and then most children went
David: Did he get lost?
pupils met at the train station, but they were in
a hurry and the teacher was checking the pupils
very qUickly He saw a boy in a green jacket and
In fact, it was a different boy
David: So where was the boy?
London! The teacher realized his mistake and
tried to contact the boy by phone, but his phone
wasn't working
David: What happened in the end?
David: Wow! The teacher probably felt very bad about
Revision 8 Units 26-28
~ They arrived at six o'clock in
3 We went swimming every day during
bookshop to get a book for school I'd just left the
Vicky: What was she doing?
Carlo: She was going to the park So I decided to go
with her But on our way there it started to rain
Vicky: I know It rained really hard yesterday, didn't it?
Carlo: Yes, there was a big storm So instead of going to
the park, we went into Milton's
Vicky: The department store?
the rain stopped In the end, we were there from
2.30 to 4 o'clock
Carlo: We looked at the clothes department on the
ground floor and then we went up to the cafe
and watched the rain When it stopped, we went
outside again
Vicky: Did you go to the park in the end?
then I realized I'd left my book in the cafe at the
cup on top of it and then forgot about it
Vicky: Did you go back?
29 Active and passive
, , ,
0 29.,
It's sold in a bookshop
often eaten with burgers
a pool
30 Past simple passive
How many people were invited?
Fifty! Where were all the cars parked?
eat cake all week!
Emma: Lucky you! What sort of music was played?
Trang 36Jazz mostly My parents have some friends who
are musicians and they were brilliant
Great And was anything broken?
Actually there was one thing A table got broken
when my cousin, Leo, fell down the stairs and
crashed into it
Was he OK?
Yes - well, he was OK until my mum saw
the table!
1 Fizzy drinks were invented in 1770
2 The Statue of Liberty was designed by Auguste
3 The 2012 Olympic Games were held in London
4 Coca Cola® was invented by John Pemberton
S Mount Everest was climbed for the first time in 1953
6 The music for the ballet 'Swan Lake'was composed
by Tchaikovsky
7 The first mobile phone was used in 1973
8 Kites were invented in China
9 The 2010 football World Cup was won by Spain
Revision 9 Units 29-30
1 They made it in China
2 They are sold in supermarkets
3 They didn't invite me to the party
4 They didn't make them in China
S It isn't sold in supermarkets
6 They invited us to the party
Farmers grow the tomatoes in Spain When they are ripe,
they pick them, wash them and check them for quality
Then they cut them in half and dry them in the sun
When the tomatoes are dried, they put them into jars
with olive oil Then lorries deliver them to countries across
Europe People buy sun-dried tomatoes in supermarkets
and eat them in salads or with pasta
Revision 10 All units
~ They travelled across the bridge
1 It's going to rain
2 His car isn't as new as hers
3 She's been in the taxi for half an hour
4 There aren't enough chairs
S She's just eaten
Frank: Hi, Oscar How's the holiday?
Oscar: Great Scotland is really interesting And the sun
is shining What's it like in England?
Frank: Hmm.It's raining here at the moment Anyway,
when did you arrive?
Oscar: Three days ago We drove to Edinburgh and
spent the night there
Frank: What did you do in Edinburgh?
a walk with our friends
Did you stay at your friends' house?
Yes, and we'll be there tonight too
So what are you doing today?
Well, I wanted to climb one of the mountains but my dad hurt his knee while we were cycling,
so that's not possible now I think we might go for a picnic today or we might go to a lake and sail We haven't decided yet
It sounds really good I'd like to go there one day
1 When are you going on holiday?
2 Can I go to the cinema?
3 What do you do on Saturday mornings?
4 It's cold today, isn't it?
S Can you drive a car?
6 How long have you lived here?
7 Where are you?
8 Are you feeling hot?
9 When did you see that film?
No, never I'm really excited
Are you going to get a prize?
I'm not sure Mr Simms gives the prizes but he hasn't told anyone who's won them
But you won the long jump event on sports day
Yes But they don't give many prizes because there are a lot of people and there isn't a lot of time
So who gets prizes?
The people who try the hardest and go to most clubs
You go to lots, don't you?
If I went to four or five, I'd probably get a prize But I only go to football, cricket and athletics
It must be hard to win a prize, then So when does the evening start?
In two hours I have to go home and get ready I'm going to wear a suit and tie
Does everyone wear that?
Not everyone But most people want to dress smartly
It sounds good I wish I was invited
Well, Harry, if you play more sport, you m'ght
be able to go next year
Aud ioscr;m 35
Trang 37Test 1 Name 1' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - '
Nouns, quantities and articles
1 Complete the table Mark the nouns which
don't have a plural form with a cross
I a aft some a cup a litre a kilo I
~ Would you like ClJI\, apple?
1 We have 1 homework for tomorrow
2 2 of rice costs the same as 3 of
orange juice
3 Sue usually has 4 banana after lunch
4 I'd like 5 potatoes, please
S My father will be home in 6 hour
6 Will drank 7 glass of milk
7 I'd love 8 of coffee with milk
8 Great Britain is 9 island off the western
coast of Europe
9 I think there's 10 bread left in the kitchen
3 Circle the correct option
~ What's your father's job? He'sGYthe fireman
1 We started school on -/the 7th of September
2 Did you see a/the film about lions last night?
3 Shall we listen to a/some music?
4 This book is much better than -/the one we read
last week
S Does your brother play a/the piano?
6 (ould you put -/some water in the kettle, please?
7 -/the vegetables are good for you
8 Some of my family members don't have a/the
mobile phone
9 I have to write an/the address of our school on this envelope
10 Would you like a/some sugar in your tea?
4 Choose the correct letter A, B or C
Hi John How are you? I'm very busy at ~ ~ moment because
we have 1 _ exam in 2 _ French next week, so I have to study a lot I think learning 3_ languages is very important, but I find it difficult Luckily, we have 4_ excellent teacher who helps me a lot
Did you know my older brother David is
5 _ architect? He is designing 6_ large house in
7 _ city we used to live in when we were 8 _ He is planning to work in other 9 _ next year
Anyway, I have 10_ homework for tomorrow, 50 I have to go now
Bye for now
-( ( the ( an ( the ( some ( child ( cities ( the
-36 Tests © Oxford University Press 2014 Photocopiable
Trang 38Test2 Name
Some and any, indefinite pronouns
1 Circle the correct option
~ Would you like any@cake?
1 We haven't had any/some snow this year
2 Did you do anything/everything interesting last
3 We don't usually get some/any homework on
4 I know some/any people like this film, but I don't
5 Anyone/No one in our class has an expensive
mobile phone
6 Somebody/Everybody left a green bag in the
7 My auntie gave me a/some good advice
8 Tanya didn't go anywhere/nowhere on holiday
She stayed at home
9 I haven't got any/some money with me
10 Shall I get you some/any water?
Complete the sentences with some, any, every
~ There is no cheese left in the fridge
soVVt-e body ate it
1 1 body likes this film It's the worst film
2 I haven't seen 2 one this morning
3 My teacher is on holiday 3 where in
4 4 thing she cooks is excellent
5 5 one in our class knows him This is his
first day at our school
6 We have to tell 6 one about the light not
working, so that 7 one can repair it
7 I'm afraid you can't do 8 thing to help
8 I can't find my glasses 9 where
9 This fruit is very expensive Not 10 one
can afford it
3 Read the answers and write the questions
~ t-t ~ve we got ~v\'!::j VVt-~LIz?
Yes, we've got some milk
No, there isn't any yoghurt in the fridge
around, because it is usually really busy We couldn't find 6 open either It was a public holiday! Luckily, we had lunch with us - we had
banana, and 9 or juice In the end,
we only spent 10 in town
_ /5 My score _ / 2 ~
© Oxford University Press 2014 Photocopiable Tests 37
Trang 39Test 3 Name I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - '
1 Circle the correct option
~ Does she have9much friends?
1 I need to buy 'a few/a little lemons to make a
2 Were 2much/many journalists waiting for the pop
star to come out? Yes, 3a lot/a little
3 I haven't got 4many/much money - just
sa few/a little coins
4 Does this car use 6a lot of /a few petrol? No, not
5 My grandfather needs sa little/much help to get
6 Was there 9much/many damage to the car after
the accident? No Just lOa little/a few
2 Tick (I') the sentences that have the same
meaning and cross (X) the ones that have a
different meaning
~ a There's a little milk in the fridge
b There is too much milk in the fridge L
1 a There are too many things in my bag
b There is too much in my bag._
2 a We haven't got enough bread
b We have a little bread._
3 a They are making a lot of noise
b They are making too much noise._
4 a I have a lot of friends
b I have lots of friends _
5 a There were a few strawberries left
b There were enough strawberries left._
3 Are the sentences correct (I') or incorrect (X)?
Correct the mistakes
~ Ted only likes a little films L t4 few
1 I had too much colds last year _ _ _ _
2 My mother didn't cook enough food for our
guests _ _ _ _
3 There is lots of microwaves in this shop!_
4 There were lots of snow last winter _ _ _ _
5 I can't find enough information about it in this book _ _ _ _
6 Our teacher only has a few time this afternoon
7 There isn't enough seats _ _ _ _
8 Would you like some soup? Just a lot of, thank you _ _ _ _
9 I've put too many sugar in your tea _ _ _ _
10 We don't have a lot of dictionaries _ _ _ _
4 Choose the correct letter A, B or C
Last year, my family moved from the countryside to the city because it used to take my father ~ ~ time
to get to work ' lot of people living in our street and sometimes there can be 2 noise, but it's only 3 way away from my school, so I don't have to walk too far There are 4 _ _ _ rooms
in our house but we only use S of them My favourite room is my bedroom It's not a big room, but there is 6 room for a bed, a wardrobe,
a table and a chair I have 7 pictures on the walls and there are S books lying on my desk, because I don't have 9 room to put them anywhere else It's a small room, but I like it and
it only takes '0 while to tidy up
~ ® too much B a little C too many
1 A There is a B There are C There are a
2 A not enough B lots of C too much
3 A enough B a few C a little
4 A many B a little C much
5 A lots of B a few C a little
6 A not enough B much C enough
7 A a few B much C a little
8 A too many B too much C not enough
9 A too many B much C not enough
10 A a few B enough C a little
My score _ /20
38 Tests © Oxford University Press 2014 Photocopiable
Trang 40Test4 Name L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Personal pronouns; impersonal
there and it/they
1 Complete the text with the words in the box
You can use them more than once
I there he she the~ ymt it her they're
Hi Jenny,
How are ~ l:;jou ? I'm staying with my auntie Stella and
uncle David at the moment Do you remember 1_ ?
2_ met them last summer 3_lovely! They live
near the sea _ is not far from where I live They
have a parrot called Archie and s_ can talk! Auntie
Stella works in a shop 6_ loves her job because she
meets lots of people Uncle David is a manager in the
same shop, which means that 7_ is 8_ boss 9_
is a clothes shop Sometimes I buy my clothes 10_
You must come with me next time!
See you soon,
2 Correct the sentences
~ Do you know he? Do l:;jOU ~V\,ow 11~vv\'?
1 She's a cat in the garden
2 What time is it? Is five o'clock
3 There are 30 km to the beach from my town
4 My brothers they never listen to music
5 My father is an architect He's a good job
6 They are a lot of people in the streets today
7 Is the 12th of Ju Iy _ _
8 My sister is a teacher She husband is a policeman
9 I love funny films It make me laugh
10 There is raining today _
3 Complete the sentences
~ We have a new teacher called John f-te is very nice
1 was sunny last week
2 There are high mountains near my house
_ _ are called the Alps
3 My cousin lives in Scotland a beautiful country
4 When does the train leave? leaves at two o'clock
5 a new shop in our street
6 We have a new car very small
7 about 2 km from my house to school
8 28 students in our class
10 Those are the new students over there Do you know ?
_ 15
4 Circle the correct options
~ ~ hey are lots ofTV programmes in my country lThey/there show cartoons and films for children My younger sister loves watching 2it/them 3My/her mother likes the film channel 41t/she shows
a lot of films every day SHim/My father watches the news channel 6He/it likes to know what is new in the world I don't watch much TV 7Me/l prefer listening
to music 8There/They are a lot of good songs on my iPod My favourite band is called 'Home' 9It's/There's
a new band with five musicians 10They're/lt's all famous in my country
I My score - I 20
© Oxford University Press 2014 Photocopiable Tests 39