Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage Chapter The Analysis and Design of Work Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education Developing a Work-Unit Activity Analysis U 4-2 Structural Configuration Divisional • workflow departmentalization • low level of centralization • semi-autonomous • flexible and innovative • sensitive to subtle differences across products, regions and clients 4-3 Importance of Job Analysis to HR Managers Work WorkRedesign Redesign Performance PerformanceAppraisal Appraisal HR HRPlanning Planning Training Training&&Development Development Selection Selection Career CareerPlanning Planning Job JobEvaluation Evaluation Job JobAnalysis Analysis Job Job Analysis Analysis 4-4 Job Analysis Information 4-5 Job Analysis Methods 4-6 Job Design and Job Redesign 4-7 Four Approaches Used in Job Design Motivational Biological Perceptual-motor 4-8 Job Characteristics Model A model of how job design affects employee reaction Job Characteristics Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback 4-9 Trade-Offs Among Job Design Approaches Approach Motivational Mechanistic Biological PerceptualMotor 4-10 Summary Job analysis and design is a key component for a competitive advantage and strategy Managers need to understand the entire work-flow process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness and have clear, detailed job information Work-flow design - process of analyzing tasks necessary for production of a product or service, prior to assigning tasks to a particular job category or person Work-flow analysis is useful in providing a means for managers to understand all tasks required to produce a high-quality product and the skills necessary to perform those tasks Managers can redesign jobs so the work unit is able to achieve its goals while individuals benefit from motivation, satisfaction, safety, health and achievement 4-11