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Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Part 1&2: Getting started + Listen and read I. AIMS: 1. General knowledge: After learning the lesson, the students can: + Talk about their plans in the future and make arrangements. + behave politely towards the others. a. Vocabulary : ( n) upstairs, downstairs, a fax machine, a public telephone, a mobile phone, (v) arrange, agree, invite b. Structures : * be + going + to-infinitive. * be + V_ing * Could I………………………… ? 2. Skills : Develop the students' reading & speaking skill. 3. Attitude : Help the students give and reply to suggestions politely. II. PREPARATIONS: 1. References : Teacher’s and students’ books. 2. Method : communicative approach. 3. Teaching aids : cassette, pictures, word charts,… III. TEACHING STEPS: 1. Classroom procedures : - Greeting. - Cheking attendance: 2. Review of the previous lesson : - T: check the sts’notebooks and their writing of the revision lesson. 3. New lesson: Part 1&2: Getting started & listen and read Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm up Introductio n T: ask the sts to tell the meaning of the pictures in 1( V-mese) Sts: answer the questions T: Nga is going to invite Hoa to see a movie, let’s listen to their conversation. Sts: listen and repeat the new T: What is it? Sts: It’s a fax machine. T: What do we use it for? Sts: We use it to sent letters, messages in words,…. New words: ( n) upstairs, downstairs, a fax machine, a public 13 Week 2 Perious 4 D of Pre: 01/09 D of tea: 12/09 Week 3 Perious 7 D of Pre: 05/09 D of tea: 18/09 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen Comprehen sion-check. Practice Summary words after the teacher. T: explain some structures and gives examples T: ask the students to listen to the conversation and read it in pairs. Sts: answer the questions and read the conversation . T: gives some questions on the conversation Sts: read the conversation and answer. Sts: read the conversation aloud and answer the questions T: ask the sts to reproduce the conversation and the structures and give some examples about each structure. telephone, a mobile phone, (v) arrange, agree, invite Structures: * be + going + to-infinitive. * be + V_ing * Could I………………………… ? Questions: 1. What would you say when you pick up the phone? 2. What would you say when you are the caller? 3. True or false? + Nga invites Hoa to her house. + Hoa is the caller. + they will meet in front of the theater. Keys to the exercise: Who : a. Nga………………… b. Nga……………… c. Nga………… d. Nga……………. e. Hoa……… f. Nga………… Exercises: Sts have to do the exercises 1&2 in the Workbook IV.HOMEWORK: + Read the conversation well and do the exercises. + Prepare the part 3: SPEAK. V/ EXPERIENCES. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEME 14 Week 3 Perious 8 D of Pre: 06/09 D of tea: 19/09 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen Part 3: Speak & Listen I. AIMS: 1. General knowledge: After learning the lesson, the students can: + Talk about their plans in the future and make arrangements. + behave politely towards the others. + Talk about their plans in the future and make arrangements. + behave politely towards the others. a. Vocabulary : ( n) upstairs, downstairs, a fax machine, a public telephone, a mobile phone, (v) arrange, agree, invite ( n) upstairs, downstairs, a fax machine, a public telephone, a mobile phone, (v) arrange, agree, invite b. Structures : * be + going + to-infinitive. * be + V_ing * Could I………………………… ? 2. Skills : Develop the students' speaking & listening skill 3. Attitude : Help the students give and reply to suggestions politely. II. PREPARATIONS: 1. References : Teacher’s and students’ books. 2. Method : communicative approach. 3. Teaching aids : cassette, pictures, word charts,… III. TEACHING STEPS: 1. Classroom procedures : - Greeting. - Cheking attendance: 2. Review of the previous lesson : - T: ask the sts to take roles and reproduce the dialogue in 2 and answer the questions : 1. Where does Nga invite Hoa to? 2. Where will they meet? 3. What time will they meet? 3. New lesson: Part 3: Speak & listen Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm T: ask the sts some questions . Questions : 15 Week 2 Perious 4 D of Pre: 01/09 D of tea: 12/09 Week 2 Perious 4 D of Pre: 01/09 D of tea: 12/09 Week 3 Perious 7 D of Pre: 05/09 D of tea: 18/09 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen up Pre- speaking While- speaking Post- speaking Pre- listening While- litening Sts: answer the T’s questions [ T: asks the Sts to look at the sentences in exercise 1 and read them aloud. T: explain some of the difficult words and ask the sts to repeat the words. T: ask the sts to arrage the sentences into a conversation. Sts: arrage the sentences and read the conversation aloud. T: ask the other sts to correct. Sts: read the conversation and fill in the blanks in exercise 2 with suitable sentences. T: ask the sts to work in group of 2 making similar conversation based on the open conversation 2. Sts: fillin the blanks and give them on the board. Sts: correct and read the conversation in pairs. T:remind the sts of the new words and structures learnt in the lesson. Sts: describe the person they like T: hang the poster and ask the sts to think of the missing information beforehand for the gists. Sts: look at the map and guess the missing words or phrases. T: asks the Sts to look at the 1. What would you say when you answer the phone? 2. What would you say first when you make a phone call? Newwords : (n) conert, band, corner, Expr: great, me too Answer key : 1.b 2.f 3.j 4.a 5.i 6.c 7.e 8.k 9.g 10.h Questions on the conversation 1: 1.What time will Eric& Adam meet? 2. What time does the concert start? Conversation 2 : Ba:…… Bao: May I speak to Ba, Please? This is Bao. Ba:………. Bao: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Ba:…. Bao: Would you like to play chess tonight? Ba:……… Bao: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Ba: …. Bao: Where will we meet ? Ba:… Bao: Is 2.00 o’clock all right? Questions : Can you tell some thing about the missing information ? 16 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen Post- listening poster and listen for the first time. T: explain some of the difficult words and ask the sts to repeat the words. Sts: listen and and repeat the expressions. Sts: listen for the last time and give the answer. Sts: correct the answer. T: ask the sts to fill in the blanks and reproduce the dialogues ( individually) Sts: work in pair and read the conversations aloud Sts: other sts correct and read them again. T:remind the sts of the new words and structures learnt in the lesson. Answer key : Message: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning. Tel. number: 64683720942. IV. HOMEWORK : - Learn the new words and read the lesson well. - Prepare the next part: Read- of the Unit 2. V/ EXPERIENCES. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS 17 Week 3 Perious 9 D of Pre: 08/09/2007 D of tea: 20/09/2007 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen Part 4: Read I. AIMS: 1. General knowledge: After learning the lesson, the students can: + Talk about their plans in the future and make arrangements. + know the person who invented the telephone. a. Vocabulary : Emigrate, transmit, cunduct, lead to, deaf-mute, experiment, assistant, b. Structures : * be + going + to-infinitive. * The Simple Past tense. * Could I………………………… ? 2. Skills : Develop the students' reading skill. 3. Attitude : Help the students give and reply to suggestions politely. II. PREPARATIONS: 1. References : Teacher’s and students’ books. 2. Method : communicative approach. 3. Teaching aids : cassette, pictures, word charts,… III. TEACHING STEPS: 1. Classroom procedures : - Greeting. - Cheking attendance: 2. Review of the previous lesson : - T: ask the sts to take roles and make a phone call to invite his/ her friend to a party 3. New lesson: Part 4: Read Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm up Pre-read T: let the sts play a game. Sts: listen and play the game: “ find someone who….” T: hang the picture and ask some questions about it. Sts: look at the picture and answer. Ex : Find someone who: - Usually help people - Doesn’t speak a lot in public - Always goes to the library - Sometimes tell funny stories. - Smile alot Questions : 1. Who is it? 2. What did he invent? 3. when was it invented? 18 Bu Nho Senior High School Teacher: Nguyen Dinh Luyen While- read Post-read T: ask the sts to read the text beforehand for the gists. Sts: read and recognize the new words T: explain some of the difficult words and ask the sts to repeat the words. Sts: listen and and repeat the new words T: give some questions Sts: answer, using the new words. Sts: read the text (silently) and answer the questions about it. T: ask the sts to od the true – false sentences about Bell. Sts: read the text aloud and do the exercise . Sts: other sts correct and read them again. T:remind the sts of the new words and structures learnt in the lesson. New words : Emigrate, transmit, cunduct, lead to, deaf-mute, experiment, assistant, Questions: 1. Who is in the picture? 2. When was he borned?Where? 3. What did he invent? When? 4. Who did he work with? Keys of the exercise: 1. a.F b.F c.T d.F e.F f.T 2. d – e – a – g – c – b - f IV: HOMEWORK : - Learn the new words and read the lesson well. - Prepare the next part: Write- of the Unit 2. V/ EXPERIENCES. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 . students can: + Talk about their plans in the future and make arrangements. + behave politely towards the others. + Talk about their plans in the future and. words and ask the sts to repeat the words. Sts: listen and and repeat the expressions. Sts: listen for the last time and give the answer. Sts: correct the answer.

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2013, 01:26

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