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Ngày đăng: 02/05/2017, 09:30
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Tài liệu tham khảo | Loại | Chi tiết |
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8. R. S. Karinen and A. O. I. Krause,New biocomponents from glycerol, Applied Catalysis A, vol. 306, pp.128–133, 2006 | Khác | |
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12. María Dolores González, Yolanda Cesteros, Pilar Salagre, Establishing the role of Brứnsted acidity and porosity for the catalytic etherification of glycerol with tert-butanol by modifying zeolits, Applied Catalysis A: General 450, pp.178–188, 2013 | Khác | |
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16. Andreas Martin and Manfred Richter, Oligomerization of glycerol, a critical review, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol, 113, 100–117, 2011 | Khác | |
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21. M. Pagliaro, R. Ciriminna, H. Kimura, M. Rossi, and C. D. Pina, Recent advances in the conversion of bioglycerol into value-added products,European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, vol. 111, no. 8, pp. 788–799, 2009 | Khác | |
22. N. Rahmat, A. Z. Abdullah, and A. R. Mohamed, Recent progress on innovative and potential technologies for glycerol transformation into fuel additives | Khác | |
23. R. S. Karinen and A. O. I. Krause, New biocomponents from glycerol, Applied Catalysis A, vol. 306, 2006 | Khác |