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Mathematical reasoning beginning 1 p91 180

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I"._-2MAITCAL REASONING " BCOTTNINO Doto Anolysis ond Probobility q, v l r \,t ci Point to the picture thot hos one butterfly Point to the picture thot hos two butterflies Point to the picture thot hos three butterflies l+ Point to the picture thot hos the f ewest butterflies Point to the picture thot hos the most butterflies Point to the picture with the biggest butte rfly Point to the picture with the smollest butterfly - , -'= Critical Thinking Co -'' www CriticalThinking com 800-458-4g49 Number ond Operotiors int to eoch group with 3, then po int to eoch group with + Po 92 uoro Anotysts ond Hrobobtltty Count oloud, then point to the cor rect numbe? 1 How mony children ore in the picture? How mony tricycles ore in the picture? We show thqt there is the some number of things in groups by connecting things in one group with things in the other group Drow o line segment to connect eoch tricycle with o child O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co " www CriticalThinking com 800-458-4849 MnrgEmarrcnL REnsorurrua* BeorNNruo Doto Anolysis ond Point to each group with t+ fish Po int to eoch group with fish O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co -' www.CriticalThinking com ' 800-458-4849 -:\^ArrcAL ReasoNrNe-" BearnNrNO Doto Anolysis ond ProbobilitY Count oloud, then Point to the cor rect numbe? we show thot there is the some number of things in in the groups by conn e,c.ting things in one grouP with things other grouP How mony children ore in the top picture? How mony cor SeotS ore in the bottom picture? Drow o line segment to connect eoch child with o cor seot' + How mony cor seots ore not connected to o child? :20OgTheCriticalThinkingCo',.wwwCriticalThinkingCom.S00-458-4849 MnrHEmnrrcnL REnsoNrruo* Beorrunruo Number and Operot How mony trees? Color t?ees How mony bolloons? Color + bolloons o 2009 The critical Thinking co." www.criticalThinking.com 800-458-4849 ,tril+ :trnrrcal Reasonruo- BeornnrNa Number ond Operotions Point to the pictures thot have three things in them @@ Teoching note: ff your child is determining the set of fhree by counting,off ryft er proise ft is importont thot recognize "threeness" when the objacts are in different artongements As your child moves obout -.1e room, house, yord, or ploy arao, osk for exomples of three things :rildren I 2009 The Critical Thinking Co.-' www.CriticalThinking.com ' 800-458-4849 MnrHen,terrcel RresorurNa* Brarnxrse Soy Top or Bottom to tell each locotion Top or Bottom? Top or Bottom? Top or Bottom? Top or Bottom? o 2009 The critical Thinklng co.-' www.criticalThinking.com'800-458-4E-:' ,-5AL REASONING- BEGINNINC l\u[lugl'ullu uPEl ul rvrrJ Point to the Pictures thot hove f our things in them 5oy how you tell the pictures hove four things in them ftry Teoching n61s: is importont rf your child is dete.rminingrheset of four b-y-counting, offerproise'Asrtyour child moves erent oirongements thot childre n r"ro,qi.ii"fournass" when thZ objects ore.in diff things' of four exomples osk for oreo, ploy obout the room, hir,r.,yord, or 800-458-4849 o 2009 The critical Thinking co." www.criticalThinking'com ' MnrrEnnerrcaL REnsoxrxo- Beernnrno the leost orange juice? Which gloss hos the most o?onge juice? Wh ich gloss hos Which cloud hos the most roindrops? Which cloud hos f ewest roindrops? '100 O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co." www.CriticalThinking.com 800-458-4&-,? MnuEmerrcal REesonrno* Beorrunrno Point to eoch obl ect ond soy its shope ond color 166 O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co." www.CriticalThinking.com 800-458-48-:= MnrsEmarrcnl Reesonrxe* BeorNnrruo Geometry Point to the obi ect in eoch g?ouP with the most corners ond soy its shope Teoching Note: A squore is olso orectongle so either onswer is occeptobla' o 2009 The critical Thinking co." www.criticalThinking.com ' 800-458-4849 tb/ MeruE,tlarrcnl Rensonrna Touch ond soy the nome of eoch item in the pottern Then soy the nome of the obj ect behind the green curtoin thot will continue the pottern 168 O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co "' www CriticalThinking.com 800-458-4849 -f.AL REA5oNING* BE6INNIN6 "ow line segments to motch the numerots on d fingers \ \ f : c ntica l rhinking co *' www.criticarrhinking.com 800-45g-4g49 trtrrfnlTrcrL Rreso.o.g- Bagnr.m.r, I CAN YOU FIND ME?TM* f'm one of five f rogs, perched on o log We are oll in a line, enj ying sunsh ine My sister's up f ront My brother in the bock f'm not third or fourth, qnd rny nome is Zock Of the f rogs thot you see, lell rne now, you find me? *For more activities like this, see our Can you Find ll O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co , www.CriticalThinking.com ; :MATTcAL REnsorurrua^ Beorrururno of each itern in oy the nom e of the ame ,qj ect behind the g?een curtoin thot will continue 7ne pottern e critical rhinking co.* www.criticarrhinking.com 800-45 8-4g4g ) MnrlEn,tnrrcel Reesorurrue* BeerrururNo Point Gz to the obj ect thot hotches the description the g?een sguore the ?ed trion gle the blue circle t+ the g?een trion gle the blue ?ectangle the red sguore 172 o 2009 The Critical Thinking co." www criticatThinking.com 800-458-4 LJuIu /,lnqtysts qnq rroooDiltTy Point to the picture with burgers ond sodo Point to the picture with t+ burgers ond ice cream bors Point to the picture with burgers ond sodos Point to the pictu?e with burger,l ice creom bor, ond sodo Point to th e pictu re with the rnost burgers - The Critical Thinking Co." www.CriticatThinking.com 800-458-4849 MnrgEn,tlrrcaL REesorurruo." Beorrururrue Doto Anolysis ond pr ovorite stuff ed onimol tr s to onswer the Question: How rnony dogs are there? Whot onimol group hos less thon three? I How mony more beors are there thon dogs? O 2009 The Critical Thinking Co , www.CriticalThinkinn Touch ond count the pictures in eoch g?oup bolloons stors beors fish opp les frogs clowns - Critical Thinking Co "' www CriticalThinking com 800-458-4849 MnrtEmnncal REasonrruo* BearrunrNe Look Doto Anolysis ond probr of the other page to onswe? the guestions How rnony stors? How rnony bears? Which is rno ?e? How rnony fish? How rnony frogs? Which is mo re? How rnony opp les? How rnony fish? Which is mo re? How mony clowns? How rnony bears? Which is rno re? Point to the figure thot rnotches the description the red circle the blue rectongle the g?een sguore r+ the blue trion gle the block squore the red rectangle the g?een trion gle 21,-49 The Critical Thinking Co." www.CriticalThinking com 800-458-4849 MarHemarrceL REasorurruo-" BeornrurNo Numben ond Op Toe Counting So ng Touch your toes f or eoch ve?se,b.ginn ing with the big toe This little piggy went to morket: This This little piggy stoyed home: little piggy hod roost beef : This little piggy hod none: This little piggy cri ed, wee, weel" oll the woy horne! t+ rnony toes did we cou nt? Drow o line segrnent to connect eoch dog to its birthdoy biscuit This dog is yes?s old This dog is yeors old This dog is o year older thon the youngest dog - : The Critical Thinking Co.-'' www.CriticalThinkinq.com 800-458-4849 179 MeruEmnrrcrl REnsoNrNe* BeernNrno Number ond Ope This is Anno's birthdoy coke How old is she now? Drow the condles Anna will need next yeor How old will she be then? ... www.criticalThinking.com'800-458-4E-:' ,-5AL REASONING- BEGINNINC lu[lugl'ullu uPEl ul rvrrJ Point to the Pictures thot hove f our things in them 5oy how you tell the pictures hove four things in them ftry Teoching n61s: is importont... soy the color of her shirt Teoching Note: Similor situotions could be estoblished with toys g1d gcJed or1] yith your chi.ld ns yourihild is troveling, comment obout which cor is first ot o troffic... re : 2009 The Critical Thinking Co " www.CriticalThinking com 800-458-4849 13 MergemnrrcaL REnsonrno- Beernrurrua 1 Point to the longest line segment Point to the shortest line segment Drow

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2017, 12:00

