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48 -49, 62 - 63; Aga I(owalska: 18-79, 26-27, 36-37, Z8 - 39, 42-43, 50-S 1, 60-61, 66-67: Paul Eric Roca: 4-5, 6-7,28, 54-55, 64-65, 72-72;lomike Tejido: 2
(bottom), 3, 16-77, 24-25, 29, 44-45, 52-s3, s8-59, 68-69, 7 4-7 5.
Trang 4ffi Motch.
L I like ice creom o
2 This is my bockpock o
3 I hove o brother o
tl I con ploy soccer o
six boll green
eight doll blue
nine book purple
ten kite yellow i
Trang 5Open your book.
Close your book
Close your book
Come to the boord
Open your book.Close your book
Trang 6ffi Do the puzzle.
Trang 7Are you sod?
No, I'm not
Trang 11o
$le# ir,%fl' i*#YffiiWiWk'
Trang 14ffi Find qnd circle.
Trang 16@ Unir2
Trang 17& '.-''* '{'-.'' '''','''-.'''''''
f {
Trang 18Excuse me Moy I
borrow your eroser?
ffi Motch.
@ Unn2
Trang 19W Unscromble.
cesuxE em
ueSr eerH oyu roe
Trang 20She's ot the hospitol.
He's ot the hospitol
He's of home
@ Unit2
Trang 21ffi Find ond write.
-t-;i:iii' il:,
Trang 24soup
steokfrench fries
Trang 25ffi Motch.
She wonts steok
Trang 26I don't hove oronges.
She hos peoches
Trang 28Do you wont on opple?
No, thonk you
Trang 29peoch?oronge?
r' 7a
Trang 32W Circle.
Trang 33i brown shoes groy ponts
Trang 34'm mli-.n1ito*yonr 2 ffi,*;&*i*&",r
ffi dru
Trang 35W Wrile ond color.
Trang 36ffi Motch.
T-shirt ond block ponts
Trang 37ffi Motch.
l eight, four, three,
nine, two, seven, six
2 seven, one, three,
nine, nine, one, six
3 seven, five, three,
Trang 38cootsweoter
Trang 39Is he weoring o sweoter ond ponts? Yes, he is No, he isn't.
No, she isn't
ls she weoring o T-shirt ond shorts? Yes, she is
Trang 42ffi Circle.
Trang 43;illr$-lrp
Trang 46Hi! I hove o new gome Con I ploy, too?
Hi! I hove o new gome
Trang 48ploy the guitor
ploy the guitorwotch TV
o Is she doing homework? o No, he isn't
@ Unirs
o Is he ploying the guitor? o Yes, they ore
Trang 50ffi Unscromble.
!.,:i , ilir
E l., ii,:ll{iri: , lr}
8.llll:;-;",&r.*Sll:il ,.:.&:.r,.,.
Trang 51r ffiB Morch.
l, There's o clock next to lhe bed .
Trang 52ffi Do the puzzle,
l There ore two bookshelves in the bedroom
5 There ore two clocks in the living room,
6 There's one toble in the kitchen
@ Unir6
Across )
Trang 53Wwrite.
Trang 54.a JJ
@ Unt6
Trang 55?1,\c/F -&.r **"r*
,;i:',4: .';-,'] ,,if*
'rrtdr -y&a*?S$*f &,r*?".i-q"*rru *r,,*h,4 r?!li*,f
Trang 56w$ffiffiff11*rxi$l$rillrtllilltf l
@ Unir6
Trang 58ploying bookshelf next to
lfu s4 ' & q.!& r"
i+* n i I l i t(-J
Trang 61ffi Find ond write
o^ 1i i
Trang 62i o snock lunch breokfost dinner i
, *{ r
Trang 64It's eight o'clock.
It's time for bed
Good night, Mom
It's eight thirty
It's time for bed
@ UnitT
Trang 66He wokes up ol seven fifteen in the morning.
He goes to bed ot ten o'clock ot night
She goes to school ot eight thirty in the morning.She comes home ot four forty-five in the ofternoon
I When does he woke up?
2 When does he go to bed?
3 When does she go to school?
t{ When does she come home?
Trang 67W Fill in the chort Then wrile.
ploys the guitoreots lunch
six fifteenone o'clock
ot night
in the evening
wotches TVwotch TV
twelve thirtyeight thirty
in the morning
ot night.ot
Trang 68) tr
Trang 70r korote closs English closs swimming closs donce closs l
& n"rr,
@ Unirs
Trang 72-.-*,,1,'' fi
Yes, I con Let's ploy!
Hi Con you ploy soccer?
Trang 74I Conodo Brozil South Koreo
Trang 75l a i.'l : l r: l r l l il l l l : i i t l L
Trang 831,,.'1,.'J;ir{'"-'-,, 3
i ' ; ,r l
l:lli* -., ,,,
is q seven-level
course thqt motivqtes children
by linking the English clqssroom
to the wider world.
motivote them to speok English.
in every unit provide proclicol links
io other school subjecis.
by oword-winning
universol vqlues such os being kind