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Week 6 Unit 3 AT HOME Period 17 Lesson 5 Write Aim: Practicing writing a description of a room. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a room in their house. Skill: Writing and Speaking. Aids: Text-book, posters. Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 5’ 8’ 10’ 14’ I. Warm up: Chatting Questions: a. Which room is this ? b. Telling me the things you know in this room. Keys: the bed, the clock, the table, the chair, the shelf, the books, …. II. Pre-writing: 1. Pre-teach vocab. 1. a folder: 2. beneath (pre.) 3. a dish-rack: 4. a lighting fixture 5. a wardrobe: 2. Answering the questions: a. What is on the left of the room ? b. Where is the bookshelf ? c. What is there on the right of the room ? d. What is there on the table ? III. While-writing: (Exer. 2 P.33) - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Look at the picture on page 32 and answer the questions. - Asking the questions. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking pronunciation & meaning. Realia: This is a folder. Translation: How can we say “beân döôùi” in English ? Picture: What do you call this picture in English ? Picture: This is a lighting fixture. Picture: This is a wardrobe. - Checking memory: R . O . R - Giving instructions. Read the description of Hoa’s room and answer the questions. - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back. - Giving instructions. Now use the words given in - The whole class take part in the activity. - Taking part in building the lesson. - Repeating in chorus & individually. a folder beneath a dish-rack a lighting fixture a wardrobe - Copying new words in notebooks. - Reading the description of Hoa’s room and answering the questions. - Working indivi. and then comparing with a partner. - Working in 4 groups to write 33 7’ 1’ Model: This is Hoa’s kitchen. There is the refrigerator in the right corner of the room. Next to the refrigerator are the stove and oven. On the other side of the oven there is a sink and next to the sink is a tower rack. The dish rack is on the counter next to the right side of the window and beneath the shelves. On the shelves and on the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea… IV. Post-writing: Correction of the passages of the groups. V. Homework: Writing the descriptions of living-rooms or bedrooms in your house. the exer. 2, page 33 to write a description of the kitchen. Work in 4 groups. The group that has the least mistakes and is the fastest will be the winner. - Monitoring & assisting. - Correcting the mistakes of the Ss’ descriptions. - Setting the task for Ss. - Giving instructions. Write the description of living-rooms or bedroom in your house. the description of the kitchen on the posters. - Hanging the posters on the board. - Correcting the descriptions with teacher. - Taking notes in notebooks. Week 6 – 7 Period Test Period 18-19 Aim: Checking Ss how to use the vocabulary and the grammars structures that have learnt Objective: By the end of the test, students will be able to remember the vocabulary & use the grammar structures more fluently. Skill: Writing, Reading and Listening. Aids: Test papers. Procedure: Name: TEST ONE Class: English 8 Marks I. Choose the best answer firm a, b, c, d: (3ms) 1. It is ………… to leave medicine and chemicals around the house. a. interesting b. hard c. dangerous d. safe 2. The place where the children without parents live is called …………. a. bus – stop b. orphanage c. petrol – station d. school 3. The synonym of “sociable” is ………………… 34 a. reserved b. kind c. generous d. outgoing 4. He was French although he later ………… to the United States. a. emigrated b. moved c. born d. transmitted 5. You can use a ………. to receive the message when you are out . a. mobile b. telephone directory c. answering machined. address book 6. You use a ……………. to cook rice. a. steamer b. rice – cooker c. saucepan d. frying pan 7. I’m sorry I have to be out, so you must cook dinner ………… a. alone you b. yourself c. myself d. on you 8. No. She is not ……………… to do this job. a. experienced b. enough experienced c. enough d. experienced enough 9. Last year, Lan ……… in Hue. a. lives b. lived c. is living d. was living 10. Children …………… play with matches. a. should b. shouldn’t c. ought to d. have to 11. The moon ……………… around the sun. a. didn’t move b. doesn’t move c. wasn’t moving d. don’t move 12. A …………… is the person who can neither speak nor hear. a. deaf – mute b. boy c. assistant d. engineer 13. I will come and pick you ………. at 4 o’clock tomorrow. a. up b. over c. above d. under 14. She has to ………… to the dentist’s. a. going b. went c. goes d. go 15. Would you like ………….her a message. a. to leave b. leaving c. leave d. to be left II. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers for the questions below: (2,5ms) Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in the nineteenth century, and later came to the United States. Several members of his family did a great deal to encourage him to the field of science. His father helped him a lot by supervising his work with the deaf. When he worked with the deaf and investigated the science acoustics, his studies eventually led to invention of multiple telegraph and his greatest invention – the telephone. He dedicated the last quarter century of his life to advances in aviation. Notes: aviation: hàng không , acoustics: âm học, dedicate: cống hiến Questions: 1. What was Alexander Graham Bell’s greatest invention ? a. multiple telegraph b. telephone c. aviation d. acoustics 2. To what did Bell dedicate the last years of his life ? a. acoustics science b. aviation c. adventure d. architecture 3. How many years did Bell dedicate to aviation ? a. 100 b. 50 c. 35 d. 25 4. What can we conclude about Alexander Graham Bell ? a. He worked very hard, but he never succeeded. b. He spent so many years working in aviation because he wanted to be a pilot. c. He dedicated his life to science and the well-being of mankind. d. He worked with the deaf so that he could invent the telephone. 35 5. Which of the following is Not True ? a. Bell was born in the 18 th century. b. Bell worked with the deaf. c. Bell experimented with the science of acoustics. d. Bell invented a multiple telegraph. III. Part 3 - Writing: Do the exercises as directed in the brackets (2,5ms): 1. The television / be / shelf / next / lamp. (Make the complete sentence) --- > …………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. The boy isn’t very tall. He can’t play volleyball. (Combine into one, using ENOUGH) --- > …………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Nam failed his English test because he didn’t study hard. (Make a question with: Why) --- > …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Nga has a movie ticket. (Finish the sentence below with your own words). --- > Nga is going………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. The garbage is full. (Finish the sentence below with your own words). --- > He must…………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV. Part 4 – Listening: Listen and choose the correct answer: (2ms) 1. Date: …………………………… a. December 13 th b. December 30 th c. September 13 th d. September 30 th 2. Time: …………………………… a. 8 o’clock. b. 18 o’clock c. After lunch d. After dinner 3. For: ………………………………… a. the principal, Mr. Ba b. the doctor, Mr. Ba c. the customer d. the manager, Mr. Ba 4. Taken by: …………………………………… a. the assistantb. the student c. the patient d. the seller. The end • Keys: I. 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.b 11.b 12.a 13. 14.d 15.a II. 1.b 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.a III. 1. The television is on the shelf next to the lamp. 2. The boy isn’t tall enough to play volleyball. 3. why did Nam fail his English test ? 4. Nga is going to see a movie. 5. He must empty the garbage. IV. 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.a • Comments: • Result: Mark Class 0 ---- >4.9 5 ---- >6.4 6.5 ---- >7.9 8 --- >10 36 Unit 4: OUR PAST Aim: Helping students: - Talk about past events. - Express feelings. - Distinguish between facts & opinion - Write a short imaginary story. Language focus: 1. Simple past tense . 2. Prepositions of time: in, on, at, after, before, between (review) 3. Structure with: Used to. Unit Allocation: Lesson 1 Getting Started Listen and Read – Lang Focus 1 Listening & reading the dialogue about the life many years ago. Lesson 2 Speak Practice talking about the way things used to be & the way they are now. Lesson 3 Listen Listening to the story for the main idea. Lesson 4 Read Reading the story “The lost shoe”. Lesson 5 Write Writing a passage a short imaginary story. Lesson 6 Language focus Further Practice using the prepositions of time, the simple past & structure with: Used to 37 Week 7 Unit 4 OUR PAST Period 20 Lesson 1 Getting Started – Listen & Read Aim: Reading the dialogue about the life in many years ago. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the structure with: Used to and know about the life in the past. Skill: Reading, Speaking and Listening. Aids: Text book, pictures . Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 4’ 20’ I. Warm up: (Getting Started) Possible keys: - the TV, the radio, the mobile phone - the lighting fixture, the modern clothes. - The school uniforms, …… II. Presentation: 1. Pre-teach vocab. 1. to look after: 2. equipment (unc.) : 3. a folk tale: 5. Great-grandma 2. Set the scene: 3. Guiding questions: a. Did grandma live in the city when she was young ? b. Did she go to school ? - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Look at the picture in your books and write the things that do not belong to the past. Work in 2 groups to write the things on the board. In 3 minutes the group has more and right things will be the winner. - feeding back. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking pronunciation & meaning. Synonym: give me the synonym of “to take care of” Example: Washing-machine, electric fan,… are the equipment. Example: Tam Cam, So Dua…… are folk tales Explanation: What do you call the mother of your grandparents ? - Checking memory: R . O . R - Setting the scene. Nga’s Grandma is talking to her about her past time. Now guess the answers for 2 questions. - Writing Ss’ answers on the board. - Taking part in the activity. - Working in pairs then in 2 groups. - Taking part in building the lesson. - Repeating in chorus & indivi. to look after equipment folk tale great-grandma - Copying new words in noteb. - Listening to the teacher & guessing the answers in pairs. 38 8’ 10’ 3’ 4. Listen and answer: (tape transcript in teacher’s book) 5. Listen and repeat: 6. Practice with a partner: 7. Language focus: She used to live on a farm. S + used to + infinitive …… Usage: expressing an action that happened in the past and no longer happened in the present. III. Practice: Word-cue drill Model: S 1 : Did you use to live in Hue ? S 2 : No. I used to live in Hanoi. a. live / Hue / Hanoi. b. have / long hair / short hair. c. get up / late / early. d. walk to school / go by bus. IV. Production: (Exer. 2 P. 39) Keys: a. She used to live on a farm. b. She had to stay at home and helped her mother. c. Nga’s great grandmother used to cook the meals, clean the house … d. They lit the lamp and told stories. e. She asked her to tell the tale. V. Homework: (Exer. 3 on page 39). Model: F O - Letting Ss listen to the tape twice. - Letting Ss listen to the tape the third. - Giving feed back. - Letting Ss listen to the tape again. - Asking Ss to practice in pairs. - Setting the scene to introduce the new target lang. by asking the question: where did grandma live when she was young ? - Presenting new target language - Checking concept. Meaning: Tell me the Vietnamese meaning of the sentence. Form: How to form this pattern ? Use: What is the pattern used for ? Pronunciation. How do we pronounce used to ? - Giving instructions. Use the cues to make the complete sentences with Used to. - Running through the cues. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Read the dialogue again and give the answers for the questions on page 39. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting - Feeding back. - Setting the task for Ss. - Giving instructions. Read the sentences in the exer. 3 - Giving teacher the answers. - Listening to the tape & checking the answers. - Comparing the answers with a partner. - Correcting the wrong answers - Repeating the dialogue. - Practicing in close pairs. - Listening and answering the question. - Answering the questions to show how to know the new target language. - Copying the new target lang. in notebooks. - Listening & taking part in the model with teacher. - Practicing in close pairs and then open pairs. - Working in pairs to give the answers for the questions. - Correcting the wrong answers. - Taking notes in notebooks. 39 a. I used to live on a farm.  b. There wasn’t electricity.  on page 39 and decide which sentences are Fact or Opinion. - Modeling. Week 7 Unit 4 OUR PAST Period 21 Lesson 2 Speak Aim: Practice speaking the dialogue about the things in the past & in the present. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the ways things used to be and the way they are now. Skill: Speaking and Listening. Aids: Text book, pictures . Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 5’ 15’ I. Warm up: Jumbled words Model: acr ----- > car • rieletcity ------ > electricity. • menttaenterin ------ > entertainment • martke ----- > market • permasuket ----- > supermarket II. Pre-speaking: Guiding questions. 1. Where did they live in the past ? and now ? - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Arrange these letters to make the meaningful words. Work in two groups - Modeling. - Feeding back. - Congratulating. - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Look at the pictures on page 40 and work with a partner to answer - Carrying in the activity. - Working in two groups, in turns, writing the correct words on the board. - Choosing the winner. - Looking at the pictures and working in pairs to answer the questions. 40 10’ 12’ 3’ 2. How did they travel ? and now ? 3. What about electricity in the past ? and now ? 4. How did they work in the past ? and now ? 5. Did the children go to school in the past ? and now ? 6. What did the children play in the past ? and now ? III. While-speaking: Keys: 1. They used to live in small houses, and now they live in big houses or building. 2. They used to walk, and now they can travel by cars, motorbikes. 3. They didn’t used to have electricity, and now the electricity is everywhere. 4. They used to work hard, and now they have a lot of time for entertainment. 5. Most children used to stay at home, and now they all go to school. 6. The children used to play traditional games such as: Hide & Sick, Skipping rope, …… Now they can play modern games as video games. IV. Post-speaking: Model: Last year, I used to get up late on Sundays. I used to go fishing with my old friends. I used to cook the meals myself… V. Homework: Writing 5 sentences about the things you used to do in the past. Model: I used to eat hamburger. the questions. Use Used to to talk about the actions in the past. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Correcting & conducting the feed back. - Giving instructions. Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions about the things in the past and the things at the present. - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back. - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Now tell your partner about the things you used to do last year. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back. - Setting the task for Ss - Giving instructions. Write 5 sentences about the things you used to do in the past. - Modeling. - Correcting if necessary. - Practicing speaking in close pairs and then open pairs. - Practicing speaking in close pairs. - Practicing speaking in open pairs. - Taking notes in notebooks. 41 Week 8 Unit 4 OUR PAST Period 22 Lesson 3 Listen Aim: Practice listening to a story. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a story for the main idea. Skill: Listening, Speaking & Writing. Aids: Text book, tape . Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 5’ 12’ I. Warm up: Pelmanism run fly ride eat sit go be rode went were ran flew ate sat II. Pre-listening: 1. Pre-teach vocab. 1. foolish (a.) 2. greedy (a.) 3. gold (unc.) 4. to lay – laid – laid: 5. amazement (unc.) 2. Prediction: - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Work in 2 groups. Each group choose 2 cards and turn them up. If they match, you will get 1 mark. If not, the other group will choose. - Choosing the winner & congratulating. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking pronunciation & meaning. Explanation: The boy can’t understand or do the easiest things, so we say he is foolish. Explanation: being always got more. Realia: What do you call it in English ? Explanation: The chickens lay eggs. Translation: How can you say “söï ngaïc nhieân” in English ? - Checking memory. Wh & Wh - Carrying out the activity. - Working in 2 groups. - Choosing the winner & congratulating. - Taking part in building the lesson. - Repeating in chorus & indivi. foolish greedy gold to lay amazement - Copying new words in notebooks. 42 foolis h gold greed y amazemen t lay [...]... letter to a friend Language focus: 1 Adverbs of manner 2 Model: Should 3 Command, request and advice in report speech Unit Allocation: Lesson 1 Getting Started Listen and Read Listening & reading the dialogue between Jim and his Mom for details about his study Lesson 2 Speak – Language focus 2 Practice talking about one’s study and further practice of the model Should Lesson 3 Listen – Language focus 1... assisting - Correcting and conducting feedback - Asking Ss to practice asking and answering the questions in pairs Reading the story individually to check the prediction - Comparing with a partner - Correcting the correct sentences - Reading the passage and answering the questions individually, then comparing with a partner - Correcting the wrong answers - Practicing asking and answering the questions... chorus & individually Antonym: Give the opposite of wisdom being foolish Explanation: There are many a stripe stripes on tigers Explanation: In the past, the rich a servant often had servants in their house Picture: You can see many straws a straw in the picture Translation: How can you say to escape trốn thoát in English ? Picture: What is the buffalo to graze doing? - Copying new words in - Checking memory... Ss know the story tiger appeared ? - Giving possible answers a He was in his field c What did the tiger want to know ? It grazed nearby d What did he do before going home b c The tiger wanted to know ? why the strong buffalo was the e What did he do when he return ? servant and the small man was the master d He tied the tiger because he didn’t want the tiger to eat his buffalo e When he returned, he... stripe: 3 a servant: 4 a straw: 5 to escape: 6 to graze to escape a servant a straw wisdom a stripe - Asking Ss some questions about - Answering the questions as folktales well as possible - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning lesson - Repeating in chorus & individually Antonym: Give the opposite of wisdom being foolish Explanation: There are many a stripe... as I was in the field and my buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and I was its master I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom The tiger wanted to see it but I told it that I left the wisdom at home that day Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo I went to get some straw and burn the tiger The... assisting - Feeding back Keys: a Lan: Did you eat rice for lunch ? b Nam: I rode a bike to school c Minh: Where were you yesterday ? d Ba: I had Math and English 48 - Choosing the winner and congratulating - Doing the exer individually & then comparing with a partner - Correcting the mistakes if necessary 8 IV Activity III: (Exer 4 page 45) - Giving instructions Work in pairs and look at 4 pictures on page... in chorus & individually Explanation: Tam’s step-mother cruel is always cruel with her Synonym: Give me the synonym of upset very sad Translation: How can we say a fairy nang tien in English ? Explanation: Clothes that are a rag torn and very old are called rag Explanation: We call a king’s son a prince a prince - Copying new words in - Checking memory: R O R notebooks - Giving instructions The sentences... the dialogue for details and practicing the usage of adverbs of manner Lesson 4 Read Reading for details about different ways of learning vocabulary Lesson 5 Write Writing letters to friends Lesson 6 Language focus 3 – 4 Practice in commands, requests and advice in reported speech 50 Week 9 Lesson 1 Getting Started – Listen & Read Period 26 Aim: STUDY HABITS Unit 5 Listening and Reading the dialogue... questions - Answering the questions individually - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning lesson - Repeating in chorus & individually Realia: What do you call in a report card English ? Translation: How can we say pronunciation “cách phát âm” in English ? Explanation: If you are bad at a to improve certain subject, you must improve that subject Explanation: . great-grandma - Copying new words in noteb. - Listening to the teacher & guessing the answers in pairs. 38 8 10’ 3’ 4. Listen and answer: (tape transcript. meaning. Antonym: Give the opposite of being foolish. Explanation: There are many stripes on tigers. Explanation: In the past, the rich often had servants

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2013, 11:46

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