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Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH Chủ đề 2: MÔI TRƯỜNG Tài liệu dùng để học từ vựng theo chủ đề phục vụ cho kì thi THPT Quốc gia ADMIN:VÕ MINH NHÍ Tiếp sau chủ đề 1-GIÁO DỤC chủ đề MÔI TRƯỜNG,đây chủ đề nhiều bạn quan tâm dự đoán xuất đề thi năm A-TỪ VỰNG I Danh từ chủ đề môi trường: Environmental pollution: ô nhiễm môi trường Contamination: làm nhiễm độc Protection/preservation/conservation: bảo vệ/bảo tồn Air/soil/water pollution: ô nhiễm không khí/đất/nước Greenhouse: hiệu ứng nhà kính Government’s regulation: điều chỉnh/luật pháp phủ Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân Shortage/ the lack of: thiếu hụt Wind/solar power/energy: lượng gió/mặt trời Alternatives: giải pháp thay Solar panel: lượng mặt trời Woodland/forest fire: cháy rừng Deforestation: phá rừng Gas exhaust/emission: khí thải Carbon dioxin: CO2 Culprit (of): thủ phạm (của) Ecosystem: hệ thống sinh thái Soil erosion: xói mòn đất Pollutant: chất gây ô nhiễm Polluter: người/tác nhân gây ô nhiễm Pollution: ô nhiễm/quá trình ô nhiễm Preserve biodiversity: bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học Natural resources: tài nguyên thiên nhiên Greenhouse gas emissions: khí thải nhà kính A marine ecosystem: hệ sinh thái nước The ozone layer: tầng ozon Ground water: nguồn nước ngầm The soil: đất Crops: mùa màng Absorption: hấp thụ Adsorption: hấp phụ Acid deposition: mưa axit Acid rain: mưa axit Activated carbon: than hoạt tính Activated sludge: bùn hoạt tính Aerobic attached-growth treatment process: Quá trình xử lý sinh học hiếu khí dính bám Aerobic suspended-growth treatment process: Quá trình xử lý sinh học hiếu khí lơ lửng II Tính từ chủ đề môi trường: Toxic/poisonous: độc hại Effective/efficient/efficacious: hiệu Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân Thorny/head-aching/head splitting: đau đầu Serious/acute: nghiêm trọng Excessive: mức Fresh/pure: lành Pollutive: bị ô nhiễm III Động từ chủ đề môi trường: Pollute: ô nhiễm Dispose/release/get rid of: thải Contaminate/pollute: làm ô nhiễm/làm nhiễm độc Catalyze (for): xúc tác (cho) Exploit: khai thác Cut/reduce: giảm thiểu Conserve: giữ gìn Make use of/take advantage of: tận dụng/lợi dụng Over-abuse: lạm dụng mức Halt/discontinue/stop: dừng lại Tackle/cope with/deal with/grapple: giải Damage/destroy: phá hủy Limit/curb/control: hạn chế/ngăn chặn/kiểm soát Cause/contribute to climate change/global warming: gây ra/góp phần vào biến đổi khí hậu/nóng lên toàn cầu Produce pollution/CO2/greenhouse (gas) emissions: tạo ô nhiễm/khí CO2/khí thải nhà kính Damage/destroy the environment/a marine ecosystem/the ozone layer/coral reefs: phá hủy môi trường/hệ sinh thái nước/tầng ozon/rặng san hô Degrade ecosystems/habitats/the environment: làm suy thoái hệ sinh thái/môi trường sống Harm the environment/wildlife/marine life: gây hại cho môi trường/đời sống tự nhiên/đời sống nước Threaten natural habitats/coastal ecosystems/a species with extinction: đe dọa môi trường sống tự nhiên/hệ sinh thái ven bờ/giống loài có nguy tuyệt chủng Deplete natural resources/the ozone layer: làm cạn kiệt tài nguyên thiên nhiên/tầng ozon Pollute rivers and lakes/waterways/the air/the atmosphere/the environment/oceans: làm ô nhiễm sống hồ/luồng nước/không khí/bầu khí quyển/môi trường/đại dương Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân Contaminate groundwater/the soil/food/crops: làm ô nhiễm nguồn nước ngầm/đất/thực phẩm/mùa màng Log forests/rainforests/trees: chặt phá rừng/rừng nhiệt đới/cây cối Address/combat/tackle the threat/effects/impact of climate change: giải quyết/chống lại/ xử lí đe dọa/ảnh hưởng/tác động biến đổi khí hậu Fight/take action on/reduce/stop global warming: đấu tranh/hành động/giảm/ngăn chặn nóng lên toàn cầu Limit/curb/control air/water/atmospheric/environmental pollution: hạn chế/ngăn chặn/kiểm soát ô nhiễm không khí, nước, bầu khí quyển, môi trường Cut/reduce pollution/greenhouse gas emissions: giảm ô nhiễm lượng khí thải nhà kính Offset carbon/CO2 emissions: làm giảm lượng khí thải carbon/CO2 Reduce (the size of) your carbon footprint: làm giảm (kích cỡ của) dấu chân carbon bạn Achieve/promote sustainable development: đạt được/thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững Preserve/conserve biodiversity/natural resources: bảo tồn/ giữ gìn đa dạng sinh học/tài nguyên thiên nhiên Protect endangered species/a coastal ecosystem: bảo vệ chủng loài có nguy tuyệt chủng/hệ sinh thái ven bờ Prevent/stop soil erosion/overfishing/massive deforestation/damage to ecosystems: ngăn chặn xói mòn đất/sự đánh bắt cá mức/sự phá hủy rừng diện rộng/sự tàn phá hệ sinh thái Raise awareness of environmental issues: nâng cao nhận thức vấn đề môi trường Save the planet/the rainforests/an endangered species: cứu lấy hành tinh/những khu rừng nhiệt đới/loài động vật có nguy tuyệt chủng B-PHÂN TÍCH MỘT SỐ TỪ VÀ CỤM TỪ THƯỜNG GẶP Các vấn đề môi trường carbon footprint: tổng cộng thải chất carbon dioxide cá nhân tổ chức khí ga nhà xanh khác tạo hành động hàng ngày họ Ex: She"s been on three international flights this year, so she"s worried about her carbon footprint (Cô ta chuyến bay quốc tế năm này, cô ta lo lắng chất thải cacbon mình.) the greenhouse effect: tăng trưởng khối lượng chất carbon dioxide khí khác không khí mà phần lớn nhà khoa học cho gây ấm lên trái đất Ex: Pollution from cars, factories and planes all contribute to what"s known as the greenhouse effect (Sự ô nhiễm từ xe hơi, nhà máy máy bay gây gọi ảnh hưởng nhà xanh.) Ex: We need to lower our greenhouse gas emissions so that we can reduce the threat of global warming ( cần giảm thải khí gây hiệu ứng nhà kính để giảm nguy trái đất ấm lên.) Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân global warming / climate change: tăng trưởng người gây nhiệt độ trái đất Các nhà khoa học sử dụng thuật ngữ “sự thay đổi khí hậu” phần giới trở nên lạnh thay ấm Ex: We need to lower our greenhouse gas emissions so that we can reduce the threat of global warming (Chúng ta cần giảm thải khí nhà xanh để giảm đe dọa ấm lên trái đất.) pollution: phá hoại gây cho nước, không khí…bằng chất thải độc hại Ex: Many of the workers complained that the pollution from the factories was making them ill (Nhiều công nhân than phiền ô nhiễm từ nhà máy làm cho họ ốm bệnh.) Các giải pháp môi trường a bottle bank: thùng lớn mà người bỏ chai không vật thủy tinh khác vào để chất thủy tinh sử dụng lần Ex: We use the bottle bank in town to recycle our green, brown and clear bottles (Chúng ta sử dụng ngân hàng chai trung tâm để tái sử dụng chai màu xanh, nâu trong.) recycle: thu nhặt xử lý rác thải để sản xuất vật liệu hữu ích mà sử dụng lại Ex: It"s possible to recycle plastic drink cups to make pencils (Có khả tái sử dụng ly nhựa để làm bút chì.) organic: không sử dụng chất hóa học nhân tạo việc trồng trọt nuôi thú vật để lấy thịt sản phẩm khác Ex: Even though organic food is a bit more expensive I think it tastes so much better because they don"t use any chemicals in making it (Mặc dù thực phẩm đắt tiền nghĩ ăn ngon họ không sử dụng chất hóa học để trồng nó.) conserve energy / electricity / power: giữ bảo vệ không phí phạm Ex: To conserve electricity, he turned his central heating down and wore more clothes instead (Để tiết kiệm điện, giảm máy sưởi trung tâm mặc thêm áo.) wind farm: tua bin (các cấu trúc cao với quạt mà quay gió) sử dụng để sản xuất điện từ lượng gió Ex: Everyone says they think wind farms are a good idea but no-one actually wants them near their house because they make such a racket (Mọi người nói họ cho nông trại gió sáng kiến hay không thật muốn chúng gần nhà chúng tạo ồn ào.) C-MỘT SỐ DÀN Ý VÀ BÀI VIẾT VỀ CHỦ ĐỀ MÔI TRƯỜNG 1.Save Environment Introduction: Our natural environment and surrounding provides us with everything that we ever need We get air, water, food, and everything else from the environment Why should we save environment? Global warming is a serious environmental issue The continuous emission of carbon dioxide by thermal power generating units is the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases Natural resources are limited If the natural resources such as oil, coal, etc are used, one day the world may fall short of these resources Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân High-level of environmental pollution is detrimental for human and animal health Forests are fast depleting It may cause soil erosion and drought situation Excessive use of pesticides and contamination of soil have negatively affected soil output These fruits and vegetables are not very healthy for human health How to save environment? We should save drinking water Water is a precious component of our environment It should never be wasted We should never pollute water Efforts should be made in making significant reduction in both domestic and industrial disposal in water bodies As far as practicable, the waste products should be recycled to make new items The domestic and industrial garbage should be segregated as recyclable and non-recyclable before being dumped There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by planting just one tree every-month We can make donations to NGOs that are engaged in planting trees, or in any-way working towards saving the environment Safer environmental friendly car and vehicles should be used For short distances, people should be encouraged to use bicycle in place of motor based vehicles The use of environment unfriendly materials such as plastic should be discouraged Instead of dumping domestic garbage in the pond, lake or river, these should A lot of environmental problems would disappear if we stop using petroleum, coal and natural gas as raw-materials for power generation The focus should entirely shift on renewable sources of energy The use of renewable sources of energy (example solar energy) would help saving the environment from global warming Paragraph on Save Earth On July 26, 2015 By Team WorkCategory: Environment 2.Save Earth We live on planet earth We get everything for our life from mother earth We should save our planet earth to ensure that our future generations get a safe environment How to save the earth? We can save our planet earth by saving our trees, natural vegetation, natural resources, water, electricity We can take measures for controlling environmental pollution and global warming Save trees We should plant new trees plant trees The schemes afforestation and reforestation should be wholeheartedly supported Save natural vegetation We should use less paper We can make arrangement for recycling of used paper and other natural products Plants and trees covers and holds the surface of the earth Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân Save natural resources We all know that the supply of natural resources such as minerals, stones, coal, oil, etc are limited We can save electricity by putting off the lights when not in use Or we can switch to fans instead of air conditioners during nights Save water Water is life It is the basic necessity for every human being living on this planet We can stop throwing wastes into open water bodies At home, we can use water cautiously and ensure that it doesn’t get wasted Remember, a large many people are still deprived of safe pure water “Be the change that you want to see in this world.” Save environment from pollution Don’t pollute water by not throwing wastes into waterborne Minimize air pollution by reducing harmful emissions Use less car, less machines, less electricity, and less plastic goods.Eat organic foods Save earth from global warming Industries should regularly check that their machines are emitting smoke within permissible limits Ensure that wastes are discharged only after treatment 3.Global Warming Introduction: Global Warming means gradual increase in world’s temperature caused by greenhouse gases The impact of global warming can be seen in sea level, crops, rainfall, and human health What causes Global Warming? Massive deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, industrial emissions, etc have resulted to an increase in green-house gases around earth’s atmosphere The greenhouse-gases trap Sun rays in the earth’s atmosphere causing the temperature to rise resulting in what is known as global warming The heat would have otherwise released if the greenhouse-gases were not present in such huge quantity The warming of atmosphere due to the presence of greenhouse-gases is called greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases The main greenhouse gas that is responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide(CO2) Others include nitrous-oxide, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane, etc Greenhouse gases come from various sources Carbon dioxide (CO2): The major greenhouse gas is Carbon dioxide The sources of carbon dioxideincludes: Burning of fossil fuels Levels increases as a consequence of deforestation Methane (CH4): Methane is responsible for about 20% of the greenhouse effect The sources of methane includes: Rice, Paddies, Burning of wood, Cattle, Wetland, Land fields, etc Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC): About 15% of greenhouse effect is due to these gases In case of heat absorbing power it is thousand times more effective than CO2 The sources of chlorofluorocarbonincludes: Air conditioning industry, foam packaging industry, etc Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide is responsible for 5% of the greenhouse gases Its sources are: Coal burning, Breakdown of chemical fertilizers, Biomass burning, etc How to control global warming? Stop deforestation (cutting of trees) Start and adopt afforestation (establishment of new forests), reforestation (reestablishment of old forests) and other forest conservation methods, Reduce the use of fossil fuels in power and electricity generation 4.Water pollution Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies It occurs as a result of introduction of pollutants in water Water is life Still, we contribute in polluting the water bodies in several ways Water Pollution is mainly caused as a result of improper discharge of household and industrial chemicals wastes into the water bodies These dangerous chemicals (in the form of solid, liquid or gases) mixes with water and make it unsafe for living bodies Water pollutants cause harm to human-beings, animals, trees and other constituents of environment The sources, effects, and control measures of Water Pollution are discussed below Sources The Sources of water pollution are: Industry: Effluents from the factories Sewage: From human excreta to liquids of house hold works, drain water containing feces, urine and other pollutants Physical Pollution: heat and ionic radiation Different household activities Agriculture: Different chemical fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides used in agricultural field are washed out rain water and pollute by the different water bodies Minerals: Minerals above a certain level in the soil or present in the rocks, mix with water and results in pollution Effect of water pollution on human health Presence of toxic metals in water may cause skin disease, dysentery, amoebiasis, anorexia, etc Radioactive substances present in water may lead to radioactive pollution causing cancer Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân In polluted water the different water borne virus, bacteria, and protozoa are present They cause small diseases likely pox, chicken pox, dysentery, amoebiasis, tuberculosis etc Control of water pollution The toxic industrial and agricultural runoff should be properly treated before mixing with water sources Drinking water should be properly treated to make it free from any germs The sewage system should be much more scientific The waste water should be purified before it goes to the river The toxic chemicals from industries should be properly treated prior to discharge into the environment Cultivation of Salvinia and Azolla in the pond or lake can fix toxic metal and hence metal pollution can be reduced The domestic or household effluents should be discharged properly 5.Short Paragraph on Environment Environment consists of both living and non-living things that surround us There is a relationship between living beings and the environment There is no doubt for the fact that man is an intelligent animal Man is able to influence environment with his activities The effects of man’s activities on environment have been both positive and negative On one hand, the scientific inventions of man has made human life comfortable On the other hand, these inventions have caused danger for the sustainability of our environment We travel in vehicles that uses petroleum and emits harmful gases causing air pollution Many of the things of our everyday life such as lights, refrigerator, fans, television, etc run on electricity However, the fossil fuels that are burned to produce electricity causes an increase in greenhouse gases These gases trap the temperature and don’t allow it to get released As a result, the planet earth’s temperature increases that damage the environment This increased in earth’s temperature is called global warming Human-beings are most powerful and intelligent among all living creatures Thus, it is the responsibility of every human-being to protect and save the environment, so that the future generation may enjoy the gifts of nature and environment Lưu ý:Khi viết paragraph bạn không xuống dòng,bài viết bạn tham khảo cách diễn đạt ý cách dẫn dắt vấn đề Write a paragraph of about 140 words to state the reasons for many species extinction In my opinion, there are a lot of reasons for species extinction First of all, the habitats of animal and plant species are being destroyed This leads to the fact that animals have no place to live in As a result, they die Besides, lots of species have become extinct because of pollution Finally, human beings keep hunting animals illegally for fur, skins, food and other valuable body parts Because of this, the number Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân of these animals is getting smaller and smaller day by day To sum up, habitat destruction, pollution and illegal hunting are primary causes of species extinction Write a paragraph of about 140 words to suggest measures/solutions to protect rare and endangered species from extinction From my point of view, there are a lot of measures to protect rare and endangered species from extinction First of all, we should protect wildlife habitats by planting more trees or establishing more reserves This helps these species have safe places to live in Besides, we should raise people’s awareness of the conservation need so that they will be willing to contribute to protecting the species that are in danger Last but not least, governments should enact laws to prevent these from being illegally hunted In general, we can take a large number of measures to protect rare and endangered species from becoming extinct D-NGUỒN KIẾN THỨC THAM KHẢO Các bạn tham khảo thêm từ vựng,cụm cấu trúc +SÁCH GIÁO KHOA CƠ BẢN TIẾNG ANH 10: Unit 9,10,11 +SÁCH GIÁO KHOA CƠ BẢN TIẾNG ANH 11:Unit 10,11 +SÁCH GIÁO KHOA CƠ BẢN TIẾNG ANH 12:Unit 10 E-BÀI TẬP Choose one word whose stress pattern is different Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D A human B species C exist D planet A affect B water C supply D destroy A pollutant B condition C influence D however A respect B decrease C city D order A environment B consequences C agriculture D organizing A sprite B sprout C sprint D splinter A schedule B sketch C skin D shine A splendid B splat C shrill D splay A shrew B shrink C shroud D shabby shoulder B shock C splash D sharp 10 A Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer to complete each sentence 11 Sulphur dioxide is one of several ………… that are released into the atmosphere by coal - fired power stations A polluting B polluted Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 C pollutants D pollution - Trang | 10 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân 12 In Vietnam, many animals have become _ due to the irresponsible activities of people A endanger B dangerous C danger D endangered 13 Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a of the oil spill A cause B consequence C link D interference 14 You can't expect to have any friends if you don't any effort to befriend with other people A make B C offer D express 15 She always calm throughout all the crises of her life A thinks B remains C does D acts 16-25: Choose an option A, B, C or D that best suits the meaning of the underlined word(s) 16 Animals should not be captured for recreation and entertainment A used B hunted C kept D kidnapped 17 Discharging chemical pollutants into the environment is a cruel action to the environment as well as the future generation A Releasing B Filling C Making D Adding 18 There is such a rapid decrease in the number of rare animals that some of them are even predicted to become extinct in near future A slow B undesirable C speedy D moderate 19 The offspring of some animals can be very vulnerable and need special care to be able to grow A friends B parents C young animals D eggs 20 The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized A participation B objection C intervention D campaign Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C an D) one best answer to complete each sentence 21 It is no use to school if you to work hard A going… not ready C going… are not ready B to go… not ready D go… are not ready 22 The boy _ went to the hospital to ask for doctor's help A whose sick sister C who his sister is sick B whose sister sicked D whose sister was sick 23 moved to that city recently A A number of Vietnamese have B A number of Vietnamese has C The number of Vietnamese has D The number of Vietnamese have 24 Fish have nostrils are used for smelling not for breathing as many people would believe A they B what C whom D that 25 Farmers supply crops with phosphorous in areas have removed it from the soil A because long years of cultivation B where long years of cultivation C with long years of cultivation Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 11 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân D by long years of cultivation Each of the following sentences has four underlined words or phrases A, B, C an D Circle one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct 26 The environment is frustrated at many activities of human beings A B who irresponsibility is causing great damage to their surrounding C D 27 The recycling of waste paper and old newspapers help us save a A B C great amount of wood D 28 Because of the interference of human beings, many animals have A B C become extinction D 29 The survive of endangered species depends a great deal on the A B C awareness of human beings D 30 Naturalists have identified at least four hundred of species of mammals A B and six hundred types of birds in the state of California C D 31 Scientists have how to predict an earthquake A looked for B invented C discovered D searched 32 Most wine bottles are made of green, brown or clear A metal B wood C Plastic D glass 33 is a person who studies the natural relationships between the air, land, water, animals, an plants A A doctor B A therapist C An ecologist D A teacher 34 Car is the main reason for the city's pollution A exhaust B rubbish C garbage D dump 35 The sun, water and the wind are other sources of energy A renewable B reused C alternative D exhausted C make D renew 36 Solar panels are used to _ satellites A power B release 37 We should try to make _ of the facilities we have already had A a break B use Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 C effort D advantage - Trang | 12 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân 38 We need to cut down on our fuel _ by having fewer cars on the road A consuming B consume C consumer D consumption 39 Water power energy without pollution A gave B gives C is giving D has given 40 Air is caused by many reasons like heating coal, using so many cars A polluting B polluted C pollution D pollute 41 The dam back the water suddenly gave way A holding B to holding C hold D being held 42 Some buildings by bombs are still burning A being hit B hit C hiting D both A&B 43 People to smoke have to leave the building A wanted B wanting C wants D to be wanted 44 A plane into the sea may have been a terrorist target A which crashed B crashed C who crashed D where crashed 45 The shot that day signaled the start of the American Revolution A firing B when fired C fired D to fired 46 Henry VIII was the only king of England six wives A marry B to whom marry C married D to marry 47 John F.Kennedy was the last US President A assassinated B assassinating C assassination D to be assassinated 48 The government has little money to tackle the many social problems A to which B with which C by which D of which 49 New Zealand was the first country women the right the right to vote A gave B to give C given D give 50 I think China will be the next country the Olympic Games A to host B will host C host D hosted 51 Let's try to agree on a time we can all get together A which B where C x D at 52 Please pay all the bills are due this week A x B that C when D they 53 Take in the roll of film Uncle Peter took at the reunion A what B with which C x D whom 54 Annie found the souvenirs that wanted at the gift shop A x B where C she D which C whom D whose C which D whose 55 That's the doctor for Cliff works A that B which 56 The switch, is on the back, is off A that B where 57 She is the writer who Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 13 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân A I saw on TV B I saw her on TV C is her I saw on TV D saw on TV 58 I know the man who _ there A live B living C lives D life 59 The longest bridge in this area is the seven-mile bridge, you will need to cross to reach Key West A that B which C and D it 60 I know I have seen that woman before, I can't _ where A wonder B assume C recall D recognize 61 How much did they charge you that? A for B about C of D to 62 Please don't mention it my husband, but I paid $10 this hat A for/in B of/above C to/for D over/by 63 To improve teamworking, students are often asked to to produce a group report or presentation together A assist B unite C cooperate D assemble 64 I meant the car with petrol before we left A to fill B filling C fill D to be filled 65 As soon as the teacher came back into the room, the students stopped _ A talking B to talk C talk D and talked C didn't C not to 66 He ordered them it again A don't B not 67 We had to turn their invitation to lunch as we had a previous engagement A over B out C up D down 68 I hope we will be able to avoid _ anyone A disappointment B disappointing C disappointed D disappoint 69 While politicians argue about nuclear weapons, ordinary people are simply concerned _ staying alive A of B with C for D in IV reading Read the following passages and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space The threat to the environment Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger Many (70) of animals are threatened, and could easily become (71) if we not make an effort to (72) them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are (73) for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (74) an sold as pet For many animals and birds, Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 14 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân the problem is that their habitat - the (75) where they live - is disappearing More (76) is used for farms, for houses or industries, and there are fewer open (77) than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (78) wildlife The most successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only ones (79) unless we can solve the problem 70 A marks B more C species D forms 71 A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct 72 A harm B safe C protect D serve 73 A hunted B chased C game D extinct 74 A lively B alive C for live D for living 75 A spot B point C place D site 76 A earth B land C soil D area 77 A spaces B air C up D parts 78 A spoil B harm C wound D wrong 79 A survived B over C missing D left Read the passage about nature and choose the best answer A, B, C or D Gone forever Animals share the Earth with us They fascinate us with their beauty, their grace, and their speed We love observing their behavior, and learning more about their habits But just loving them is not enough All of these animals are endangered Many of them have died, and without special care, they may someday disappear from the Earth Each species of animals is special Once it is gone, it is gone forever The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa It once had no natural enemies, but is now endangered - killed for its ivory tusks Grizzly bears like to wander great distances Today, because forests have been cleared to make room for people, the grizzly's habitat is shrinking and the grizzly is disappearing The giant panda of Asia is a fascinating and unique animal Yet there are only about 1,000 still living in the wild Ocean - dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well Beautiful birds like the great green macaw are also reducing greatly in number Unfortunately, it is people who cause many of the problems that animals face We alter and pollute their habitats We hunt them for skins, tusks, furs, and horns We destroy animals that get in the way of farming or building And we remove them from their natural habitats and take them home as pets The world is made up of many living things, and each thing is dependent on the others to survive If we allow even one species on Earth to become extinct, it has an impact on other living things and changes our world When we mention any endangered wild animals, let's hope that we never again have to say, "Gone forever" 80 Which of the following is NOT an opinion? A It is important for us to take care of endangered animals B The black rhinoceros is the most frightening animal in Africa Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 15 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân C The fastest land animal, the cheetah, also lives in Africa D If we don't protect endangered animals now, we will regret it in the future 81 The word habitat in paragraph means A an animal's natural environment B a bear's thick wool coat C a bear's den D an animal's vision 82 Which of the following does NOT support the main idea of the article? A Ocean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well B Beautiful birds like the great green macaw are also becoming extinct C Wherever people are careless about the land, there are endangered species D The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa 83 What will happen to some animal species if current trends continue? A Their numbers will increase B There will be no significant change C They will become extinct D They will move to other habitats 84 How does the author feel about the fate of endangered animals? A disinterested B concerned C pleased D confused IV reading Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D The growth of cities and the (85) of industries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries brought increasing pollution of the rivers and waterways As a consequence, water purification treatments (86) become more and more important as a means of providing safe (87) _ The most widely used method of water purification is water filtration plants (88) remove impurities from the water by passing it (89) _ sand, and in some systems, treating the water with elements such (90) chlorine Filtration systems (91) _ in Western Europe The first treatment plants were built in 1829 to purify the River Thames in England In 1854, the (92) _ for water treatment plants became recognized and the need for pure water a matter of public concern when a London cholera epidemic was (93) _ to a public well Most cities, first in England, then in the U.S and later throughout the world, developed filtration plants to avoid the cholera outbreaks that frequently ravaged (94) communities 85 A growing B decline C labour D development 86 A will B have C has D had 87 A milk B beer C water D sailing 88 A when B who C which D for Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 16 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân 89 A through B above C under D around 90 A like B as C of D from 91 A begins B used C removed D began 92 A need B cost C liking D popularity 93 A traced B blamed C caused D explained 94 A its B her C their D other C 11 C 21 C 31 C B 12 D 22 D 32 D C 13 B 23 A 33 C A 14 A 24 D 34 A A 15 B 25 B 35 C D 16 C 26 C (whose) 36 A D 17 A 27 C (helps) 37 B C 18 C 28 D (extinct) 38 D D 19 C 29 A (Survival) 39 B 10 C 20 C 30 B (of) 40 C 41 A 59 B 77 A 42 D 60 D 78 B 43 B 61 A 79 A 44 A 62 C 80 C 45 C 63 C 81 A 46 D 64 A 82 D 47 D 65 A 83 C 48 B 66 D 84 B 49 B 67 B 85 D 50 A 68 B 86 B 51 C 69 B 87 C 52 B 70 C 88 C 53 C 71 D 89 A 54 C 72 C 90 B 55 C 73 A 91 D 56 C 74 B 92 A 57 A 75 C 93 A 58 C 76 B 94 C Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 - Trang | 17 - Hoc – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam CTV:Võ Minh Nhí Tài liệu học tập group Luyện Thi Tiếng Anh cô Nguyệt Ca cô Hoàng Xuân LỢI ÍCH CỦA HỌC TRỰC TUYẾN Ngồi học nhà với giáo viên tiếng Chủ động lựa chọn chương trình học phù hợp với mục tiêu lực Học lúc, nơi Tiết kiệm thời gian lại Chi phí 20% so với học trực tiếp trung tâm LÍ DO NÊN HỌC TẠI HOCMAI.VN Chương trình học xây dựng chuyên gia giáo dục uy tín Đội ngũ giáo viên hàng đầu Việt Nam Thành tích ấn tượng nhất: có 300 thủ khoa, khoa 10.000 tân sinh viên Cam kết tư vấn học tập suốt trình học CÁC CHƯƠNG TRÌNH HỌC CÓ THỂ HỮU ÍCH CHO BẠN Là khoá học trang bị toàn kiến thức theo chương trình sách giáo khoa (lớp 10, 11, 12) Tập trung vào số kiến thức trọng tâm kì thi THPT quốc gia Là khóa học trang bị toàn diện kiến thức theo cấu trúc kì thi THPT quốc gia Phù hợp với học sinh cần ôn luyện Tổng đài tư vấn: +84 (4) 3519-0591 Là khóa học tập trung vào rèn phương pháp, luyện kỹ trước kì thi THPT quốc gia cho học sinh trải qua trình ôn luyện tổng thể Là nhóm khóa học tổng ôn nhằm tối ưu điểm số dựa học lực thời điểm trước kì thi THPT quốc gia 1, tháng - Trang | 18 - ... C 21 C 31 C B 12 D 22 D 32 D C 13 B 23 A 33 C A 14 A 24 D 34 A A 15 B 25 B 35 C D 16 C 26 C (whose) 36 A D 17 A 27 C (helps) 37 B C 18 C 28 D (extinct) 38 D D 19 C 29 A (Survival) 39 B 10 C 20 ... dioxide(CO2) Others include nitrous-oxide, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane, etc Greenhouse gases come from various sources Carbon dioxide (CO2): The major greenhouse gas is Carbon dioxide The... A 42 D 60 D 78 B 43 B 61 A 79 A 44 A 62 C 80 C 45 C 63 C 81 A 46 D 64 A 82 D 47 D 65 A 83 C 48 B 66 D 84 B 49 B 67 B 85 D 50 A 68 B 86 B 51 C 69 B 87 C 52 B 70 C 88 C 53 C 71 D 89 A 54 C 72 C