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CMTR502 GX m5

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Cấu trúc

  • Slide Number 1

  • Module Objective(s)

  • Why Non ROUTE?

  • Two Non ROUTE Options

  • Pre-Defined Measurements

  • “Same” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “Opposite” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “High Res.” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “Accel” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “Accel Time” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “Velocity” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “gE” Pre-defined Measurement

  • “Orbit” Pre-defined Measurement

  • User-defined Non ROUTE Measurements

  • User-defined Measurement Setup

  • “User” Measurement Options

  • “User” Measurement Options (continued)

  • “User” Measurement Options (continued, still)

  • “User” Measurement Options (continued, still, again)

  • dHFD Measurements

  • Quick Review

Nội dung

Non ROUTE Mode 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] Module Objective(s) To instruct the new GX Series Microlog user on how to set up and collect measurements that were not downloaded to the Microlog from Machine Analyst (Non ROUTE measurements) 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] Why Non ROUTE? • Provides opportunity to perform meas not downloaded within a ROUTE from Machine Analyst software • Facilitates “field analysis” • Non ROUTE meas may be saved and uploaded to MA hierarchies 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] Two Non ROUTE Options quickly perform one of the preset “standard” measurements set up and perform a new User defined measurement 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] Pre-Defined Measurements • Use the arrow buttons to highlight the desired meas and press Enter The measurement’s data display screen appears • Press an Enter button to save the data • Each saved pre-defined measurement is sequentially issued a numerical name, starting at 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Same” Pre-defined Measurement • Same – measurement’s configuration is based upon the highlighted measurement in the Microlog’s ROUTE mode Its setup is the Same as the “active” measurement in the “active” ROUTE • Allows you to quickly collect measurements that are identical to your “active” ROUTE measurement, but from various sensor positions for analysis purposes 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Opposite” Pre-defined Measurement • Opposite – setup is identical to the “active” measurement in the “active” ROUTE, except it collects the Opposite data format • For example, if the “active” ROUTE POINT collects FFT spectrum data, the Opposite non ROUTE measurement collects time waveform data, and vice versa 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] “High Res.” Pre-defined Measurement • High Resolution – setup is identical to the “active” measurement in the “active” ROUTE, except its Lines/Samples setting is doubled to a maximum of 12,800 lines • For example, if the “active” ROUTE POINT’s Lines/Samples setting is 400 Lines, the High Resolution non ROUTE measurement’s Lines/Samples setting is 800 Lines • This allows you to quickly take a high resolution look at your active ROUTE measurement 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Accel” Pre-defined Measurement • Accel – performs a “standard” type vibration Acceleration measurement • Units - Accel (Gs) Display Format - Spectrum High-pass frequency - 1.1 Hz Fmax - 10 kHz Lines/Samples - 800 Lines Averages – Coupling – ICP Input Channel – X Overlap – 50% Detection – Peak Sensitivity – 100 mV / EU Window – Hanning Type – Spectral etc 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Accel Time” Pre-defined Measurement • Accel Time – performs the same “standard” type vibration Acceleration measurement, but collects time waveform data • Units - Accel (Gs) Display Format - Time High-pass frequency - 1.1 Hz Fmax - kHz Lines/Samples – 6400 lines/16384 samples Averages – (time sync.) if a trigger is defined for the active ROUTE point, if no trigger is detected, only average is taken Detection – RMS Sensitivity – 100 mV / EU Window – Hanning Type – Time etc 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 10 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Velocity” Pre-defined Measurement • Velocity – performs a “standard” type acceleration to velocity vibration measurement • Units – A -> V Display Format - Spectrum High-pass frequency - 1.1 Hz Fmax - kHz Lines/Samples - 400 Lines Averages – Detection – Peak Sensitivity – 100 mV / EU Window – Hanning Type – Spectral etc 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 11 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “gE” Pre-defined Measurement • gE - performs a “standard” type enveloped acceleration vibration measurement • Units – Enveloped Acceleration Display Format - Spectrum Band pass frequency - gE BPF #3 (500 Hz – 10 kHz) Fmax - 10 kHz Lines/Samples - 400 Lines Averages – Detection – Peak Sensitivity – 100 mV / EU Window – Hanning Type – Spectral etc 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 12 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “Orbit” Pre-defined Measurement • Assumes • Input channel – X/Y Detection – RMS Lines/Samples – 200 lines / 256 samples • Displays Orbit Setup screen where you set the following options: • Units Coupling Filter Sensitivity Trigger Ext trig slope Trigger level 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 13 [Code] SKF [Organisation] User-defined Non ROUTE Measurements 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 14 [Code] SKF [Organisation] User-defined Measurement Setup • Measurement configuration remains active until modified, allowing you to easily re-apply your user-defined non-ROUTE measurements • Default function button – press to reset all User screen settings to the factory set default values of an acceleration measurement 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 15 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “User” Measurement Options • Change Name – enables you to enter an identifying POINT name and description for the new user defined POINT • Display Format – determines how to display the measurement’s data Options are: Spectrum, Time, Phase, and Orders • Units – derives the measurement type and units • Coupling – determines the type of signal acquired for the measurement Options are: AC, DC, or ICP • Input Channel – choose from X, Y, Z, X&Y, or Z&Y • Detection – determines signal detection and scaling Choose from: RMS, Peak, Pk-Pk, True Peak, or True Pk-Pk • Sensitivity – sensor sensitivity 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 16 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “User” Measurement Options (continued) • Filter – in accordance with Units setting, the drop-down list displays three types of filter settings, High-pass filter settings, Enveloper Band pass filter settings, and the HFD measurement setting • • Fmax - enter the FFT upper full-scale frequency, up to 40,000 Hz • • Window – the type of window used in the FFT processing Lines/Samples – determines the resolution of the spectrum Note - increased resolution requires increased time for data collection and consumes more storage memory Averages - determines the number of average samples taken for the measurement 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 17 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “User” Measurement Options (continued, still) • Avg Overlap – overlap processing is advantageous when the time required to gather a time record is much longer than the time needed to calculate an FFT spectrum (on GX, occurs at frequencies below kHz) Below kHz, 50% overlap is a reasonable setup • Avg Type • Spectral - the summation of the magnitude of each spectral line is divided by the total number of averages • Time Sync – requires trigger - components within signal that are synchronous with the trigger are reinforced, while noise averages out • Ext trig slope – select plus or minus to determine whether the trigger occurs on a rising or descending signal • Trigger Level – enter a trigger level value 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 18 [Code] SKF [Organisation] “User” Measurement Options (continued, still, again) • Bin Zeroing – works in conjunction with the High Pass Filter setting Choose from: • On – Zeroes everything out below the High Pass Filter setting in the FFT • Off – The device does not zero out all recorded FFT values beneath the selected High Pass Filter value • It is recommended that you set Bin Zeroing to On, in order to comply with the CMVA60 Microlog’s Low Frequency Cut-off parameter 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 19 [Code] SKF [Organisation] dHFD Measurements • GX supports dHFD measurements (digital High Frequency Detection), an emulation of HFD measurements supported by the CMVA60 and CMVA65 Micrologs • Because of differences between the CMVA and CMXA platforms, not all signals will produce identical HFD (CMVA) and dHFD (GX) readings • • • Set Units to gE Set Filter to HFD Set Detection to either RMS or True Peak Other Detection settings produce repeatable dHFD readings, but will not necessarily match readings obtained from MA ROUTE POINTs 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 20 [Code] SKF [Organisation] Quick Review 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 21 [Code] SKF [Organisation] ...Module Objective(s) To instruct the new GX Series Microlog user on how to set up and collect measurements that were not downloaded to the... required to gather a time record is much longer than the time needed to calculate an FFT spectrum (on GX, occurs at frequencies below kHz) Below kHz, 50% overlap is a reasonable setup • Avg Type • Spectral... Frequency Cut-off parameter 2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 19 [Code] SKF [Organisation] dHFD Measurements • GX supports dHFD measurements (digital High Frequency Detection), an emulation of HFD measurements

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2017, 23:28

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