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QUANTIFYINGSOLARRADIATIONATTHEEARTHSURFACEWITHMETEOROLOGICALANDSATELLITEDATA Jedrzej S Bojanowski ֒ Examining committee: Prof dr ing W Verhoef University of Twente Prof dr Z Su University of Twente Prof dr K Dabrowska-Zieli´ nska ֒ Prof dr G de Leeuw Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Dr B Baruth European Commission Joint Research Centre Finnish Meteorological Institute ITC dissertation number 242 ITC, P.O Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands ISBN: 978-90-6164-371-5 Cover design by Zosia Dzier˙zawska Printed by ITC Printing Department Copyright c 2013 by Jedrzej S Bojanowski ֒ This book was composed and typeset using LATEX by Jedrzej S Bojanowski ֒ QUANTIFYINGSOLARRADIATIONATTHEEARTHSURFACEWITHMETEOROLOGICALANDSATELLITEDATA DISSERTATION to obtain the degree of doctor atthe University of Twente, on the authority of the rector magnificus, prof dr H Brinksma, on account of the decision of the graduation committee, to be publicly defended on Wednesday 15 January 2014 at 14.45 hrs by Jedrzej Stanislaw Bojanowski ֒ born on February 1982 in Warsaw, Poland This dissertation is approved by Prof dr A K Skidmore, promoter Dr ir A Vrieling, assistant promoter To Zosia, my family and friends Acknowledgements One could imagine that carrying out a PhD research is but an intellectual challenge, backed by a good deal of hard work, and that what one learns during the PhD project is specialized knowledge of a relatively narrow discipline This was my conviction, at least, when I decided to start a PhD study funded by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and academically supervised by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science andEarth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente Four years later, as I am writing these acknowledgements, I know that writing a PhD is a truly transformative experience; to such an extent that I feel a different person now For this transformation, I am indebted to all the great, knowledgeable and kind people I was honoured to work with during these last four years in the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland First and foremost, my deepest appreciation goes to my supervisors from ITC: Andrew Skidmore and Anton Vrieling If someone would ask me to describe perfect supervision, I would simply explain the way how Andrew and Anton supervised my PhD project I am proud and grateful for having had the possibility to work with them, and to learn from them Moreover, I truly hope that I will be able to employ a similar professionalism while developing my own research career I would look forward to continue working with Andrew and Anton in the future, since it was not only scientifically exciting, but also immensely satisfying on a personal level I owe my gratitude to Andrew for all his enthusiasm and help when, many years before I started this PhD thesis, we examined opportunities for carrying out a PhD at ITC Working under Andrew’s supervision had for long been a dream start of a research career for me Consequently I was very happy when eventually we found an opportunity to realize this During my PhD project, Andrew always watched over me, making sure that my research was going in the right direction; vii viii steering me if necessary, but usually not directly and explicitly I often needed quite some time and reflection to value his advice, and to realize how apt it was I truly appreciated this stimulating way of supervision: the kind without ready, final answers, but where I was expected to find a solution myself I will always be grateful to Anton for the tremendous work he put in writing research papers with me He revised each paper several times and patiently taught me how to present my results properly It is from him that I learned conscientiousness and attention to detail, two things I cannot imagine my research work without today I would also like to thank Anton for rescuing me, often perhaps unknowingly, in moments of despair, when I was convinced that my PhD project was heading in the wrong direction The other persons at ITC that I wish to thank are Kees de Bie and Valentijn Venus, for their kind help in defining the research plan of my PhD project, and Esther Hondebrink-Lopez and Loes Colenbrander for their outstanding help withthe formalities during the project, and in the preparation of the final thesis I am indebted to Bettina Baruth for giving me the opportunity to join the AGRI4CAST team atthe Joint Research Centre Bettina dedicated a lot of her time to me atthe beginning of the PhD project, and helped me in defining the research goals that formed the basis of my project I truly appreciate her readiness to share knowledge and expertise with me I hope that the results of my PhD project will prove beneficial to the AGRI4CAST team I would like to thank Marcello Donatelli for the discussions we had; they were not limited to solarradiation modelling, but touched on a lot of scientific issues in general Our discussions were extremely inspiring and stimulating for me, and resulted in the joint research paper that is presented as Chapter of this thesis Working with Marcello was not only enlightening, but also very enjoyable My work in the Joint Research Centre was made pleasant in large part due to my excellent colleagues from the AGRI4CAST team A special thanks to Gregory Duveiller, Lorenzo Seguini, and my office-mate Andrea Maiorano, for scientific discussions, their support, and patience in listening to my thoughts and complaints I am grateful to Allard de Wit and Gerbert Roerink for the collaboration atthe beginning of my project The conclusions of the joint paper (Chapter 3) prepared a solid ground for my further research I would like to express a special word of thanks to J¨org Trentmann and Christine Traeger-Chatterjee for introducing me in the CM SAF community Our discussions during the CM SAF meetings definitely enriched my thesis and, moreover, assured me that satellite climatology is a discipline I want to explore further (as I am currently doing) ix I also express my sincere gratitude to Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zieli´ nska, a member ֒ of the examining committee of this thesis Although she was not involved in my PhD project, she provided a great contribution to starting up my research career, without which I would have never achieved what I have I am grateful for all the support I received from Heike Kunz, Reto St¨ockli and Christof Appenzeller, as well as from all my esteemed colleagues at MeteoSwiss during the last months of my PhD project Finishing the thesis was a tough period for me, and I truly appreciate the encouragement they all gave me Regrettably, I cannot acknowledge by name all my fantastic friends in Italy, because the list would not fit in here Particular appreciation goes out to my friends from the volleyball and basketball teams: Pallavolo Ispra, Ispra Lakers and I Trigliceridi They all know that without training several times per week, I would not have found the energy and stamina to proceed with my thesis I will be forever indebted to my beloved friends in Warsaw, whom I had left when I decided to study abroad, and who make Warsaw a place that I am determined to come back to some day Regardless of how long and of how far away from Warsaw I am, I always feel their support and friendship, and it motivates me to carry on with what I am doing Lastly, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank my whole family for all their love and encouragement: especially both my parents, who raised me giving me work ethic and humility, and supported me all my life with remarkable steadfastness My mother, whose moral support has been indispensable My father, who drove a truck for thousands of kilometres to help me relocate between Poland, Italy, and Switzerland My brother Michal, who shared with me his own PhD experience, and cheered me up when I got lost in my research My grandmother Konstancja, professor of biochemistry, whose interest and academic advice have been much appreciated My aunt Agnieszka, who taught me mathematics and (perhaps more importantly) analytical thinking And most of all my loving wife Zosia, to whom I dedicate this book, who is the best person in the world, and who makes every place where we live feel like home Z¨ urich, October 2013 Samenvatting Zonne-energie drijft fysische, chemische en biologische processen aan die plaatsvinden in de atmosfeer van de aarde, en bepaalt daardoor het klimaat en maakt organisch leven op aarde mogelijk Zonnestraling levert de energie die planten nodig hebben om te groeien Kennis betreffende de ruimtelijke verspreiding en temporele variabiliteit van de zonnestraling die het aardoppervlak bereikt is belangrijk voor het monitoren van gewasgroei en voor prognoses van gewasopbrengst Naast andere weervariabelen, zoals luchttemperatuur en neerslag, is zonnestraling een essenti¨ele parameter voor de meeste gewasgroeimodellen Tegenwoordig wordt zonnestraling direct gemeten in de meeste Europese landen, maar de dichtheid van meetstations is te beperkt voor een betrouwbare interpolatie van de gemeten waarden Daarom zijn verschillende methoden ontwikkeld om zonnestraling te schatten voor plaatsen waar dit niet direct gemeten is Deze omvatten empirische en fysisch-gebaseerde modellen, numerieke weervoorspellingsmodellen, en schattingen afgeleid van satellietwaarnemingen Dit proefschrift verkent deze verschillende methoden, en heeft tot doel de schatting van de dagelijkse zonnestraling op het aardoppervlak, hetgeen gebruikt wordt voor operationele gewasgroeimodellering in Europa, te verbeteren Het MARS oogstvoorspellingssysteem van de Europese Commissie wordt hier gebruikt als het voornaamste toepassingsvoorbeeld, omdat het nauwkeurige recente gegevens over zonnestraling nodig heeft om het gewasgroeimodel te draaien Dit proefschrift presenteert een uitgebreide evaluatie van de nauwkeurigheid en een zorgvuldige onderlinge vergelijking van zonnestraling-datasets voor Europa; deze zijn afgeleid van satellietwaarnemingen, empirische zonnestralingmodellen, en weervoorspellingsmodellen Daarnaast geeft dit proefschrift richtlijnen met betrekking tot hoe een langdurige naadloze tijdreeks in raster formaat van dagelijkse zonnestraling gemaakt kan worden voor Europa, gebruikmakend van twee momenteel beschikbare producten die zijn afgeleid van geostationaire satelliet- 137 138 Samenvatting waarnemingen, de Europese heranalyse (ERA-Interim), en weerstationgegevens De twee voornaamste bevindingen van dit proefschrift kunnen als volgt worden samengevat: Een 30 jaar lange tijdreeks van dagelijkse zonnestraling aan het aardoppervlak kan gemaakt worden door het samenvoegen van een dataset gebaseerd op de Meteosat First Generation satellieten (1983–2005, Satellite Application Facility for Climate Monitoring) met een product gebaseerd op Meteosat Second Generation satellieten (vanaf 2005, Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility) Deze tijdreeks kan worden verlengd met recente gegevens van het product gebaseerd op Meteosat Second Generation De ERA-Interim heranalyse van het Europees Centrum voor Weersverwachtingen op Middellange Termijn (ECMWF) kan worden gebruikt als back-up voor de satelliet-gebaseerde schattingen van zonnestraling voor een operationeel systeem Afgezien van satelliet-gebaseerde schattingen, kan zonnestraling voor elke locatie in Europa worden geschat met dagelijkse gegevens over zonneschijnduur, bewolking, en luchttemperatuurverschillen, met behulp van empirische zonnestralingmodellen die zijn gekalibreerd met ´e´en van de twee nieuwe kalibratiemethoden ge¨ıntroduceerd in dit proefschrift Deze twee kalibratiemethoden — auto-kalibratie en satelliet-gebaseerde kalibratie — vereisen geen stationsmetingen van zonnestraling, die klassieke model-kalibratiemethoden wel nodig hebben Vergelijking met meetstationgegevens toonde aan dat zonnestraling, geschat met deze nieuw-gekalibreerde modellen, een vergelijkbare nauwkeurigheid heeft met de schattingen die gebaseerd zijn op modellen gekalibreerd met gemeten zonnestraling In dit proefschrift zijn beide kalibratiemethoden alleen toegepast en ge¨evalueerd voor weerstations in Europa, maar voor andere continenten zijn deze methoden in principe ook toepasbaar Dit proefschrift laat zien dat zonnestraling geschat met Meteosat-waarnemingen veruit de beste bron zijn voor langdurige naadloze tijdreeksen in raster formaat van zonnestraling voor Europa, die kunnen worden verlengd met recente gegevens De betrouwbaarheid van dergelijke schattingen wordt gewaarborgd voor de toekomst door de te lanceren Meteosat Third Generation satellieten, die volgens planning operationeel zullen zijn tot 2038 Hoewel het proefschrift zich richt op de behoefte van zonnestralingschattingen voor het monitoren van gewasgroei, kunnen zowel de hier gedemonstreerde methoden als de conclusies van dit proefschrift mogelijk waardevol zijn voor andere disciplines, zoals op het gebied van hydrologie, ecologie en 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Cartography in Warsaw There he worked as a researcher in the years 2006–2009 on the application of satellitedata for monitoring of agriculture In 2008 he gained further research experience working as a trainee on remote sensing of burned areas in the Global Environment Monitoring Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy In 2010–2012 he was contracted as a doctoral scientist in the Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit of the Joint Research Centre The research conducted there, academically supervised by the Faculty of Geo-Information Science andEarth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, resulted in this thesis Since March 2013, he is working as a post-doctoral researcher atthe Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss in Z¨ urich His research interests include satellite climatology, remote sensing of vegetation and geostatistics 149 ITC Dissertations Series http://www.itc.nl/research/phd/phd graduates.aspx 151 ... composed and typeset using LATEX by Jedrzej S Bojanowski ֒ QUANTIFYING SOLAR RADIATION AT THE EARTH SURFACE WITH METEOROLOGICAL AND SATELLITE DATA DISSERTATION to obtain the degree of doctor at the. .. Solar radiation data sources Direct measurements of solar radiation at weather stations are the most accurate source of solar radiation data, provided that the equipment is well-maintained and. .. of solar radiation reaches the earth s surface (Fig 1.1) The solar energy reaching the earth surface, referred throughout this thesis as surface solar radiation, global radiation or simply solar