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HỘI CÁC TRƯỜNG CHUYÊN VÙNG DUYÊN HẢI VÀ ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Điểm Bằng số ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LẦN THỨ VIII MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - KHỐI 10 Ngày thi: 18 tháng năm 2015 Thời gian: 180 phút Đề thi gồm: 10 trang (Thí sinh viết câu trả lời vào bảng cho sẵn đề) Giám khảo Giám khảo Số phách Bằng chữ A LISTENING (40 points) • • • HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU Bài nghe gồm phần, phần nghe lần, mở đầu kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu Mở đầu kết thúc nghe có tín hiệu nhạc Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có nghe Part 1: You will hear an English woman called Britta talking to an interviewer about her life in Berlin, the capital of Germany For each question, circle the correct answer (10 points) How long has Britta lived in Berlin? A four years B six years C twenty years What does Britta say about living in Berlin? A She can’t sleep at night because of the traffic noise B She misses the museums and theatres in Bonn C She likes living in a big, busy city The area of Berlin where Britta lives is A a rather expensive place to live B a good place to eat out C a long way from the city centre Britta says that her nephew, Philippe, likes going A to the park with her B to the shop with his parents C to a gallery with her Britta has a lot of friends who A live near her B work with her C are still in England Your answers Part 2: Listen to a talk and decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F) Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (10 points) Loans that are used to buy a home are known as mortgages A deposit can be worth about a tenth of the price of a home One of the mistakes banks made was they gave out loans to candidates with good credit report One result of the crisis is that a lot of mortgages went unpaid The speaker feels that banks alone are responsible for the crisis Your answers Page of 10 Part 3: You will hear a woman talking to a man about joining a drama club Complete the note below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer (20 pts) MIDBURY DRAMA CLUB Background Example: Answer  Club started in 1957  prize recently won by (1) section  usually performs (2) plays Meetings     next auditions will be on Tuesday, (3) help is needed with publicity and (4) rehearsals take place in the (5) hall nearest car park for rehearsals in Ashburton Road opposite the (6) Costs  annual membership fee is £ (7)  extra payment for (8) Contact  secretary’s name is Sarah (9)  secretary’s phone number is (10) Your answers 10 B LEXICO-GRAMMAR (60 points) I Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (20 pts) When we start work in the morning, I usually at the schedule for the whole day A glimpse B watch C monitor D glance Scottish pound notes are not legal in England A tender B money C exchange D value If you’re interested in a career in , you must be prepared to work hard for little money A acting B playing C performance D stage Mrs Smith always likes someone to her to the bus stop at night A go B company C join D accompany After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building A sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully B sent faithfully flowers all week to the cemetery C sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week D sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers I don’t like Anthony, he seems to take too much in criticizing everyone A joy B fascination C pleasure D entertainment Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to be A insufficient B perverse C trivial D imperative He found that the test was child's A play B games C matches D delight The unscrupulous salesman the old couple out of their life savings A deprived B swindled C robbed D extracted 10 _ for Tom's opposition, we would have agreed to the contract A Be it not B Would it not have been C Should it not have been D Had it not been 11 Sheila couldn’t attend the meeting as the date with her holidays Page of 10 A clashed B struck C opposed D occurred 12 Our town has a real problem with youth crime, many other British towns A so B nor C as D like 13 It was Martin who the initiative in introducing our guests to the princess A adopted B took C led D pursued 14 I was proud to be out for special praise for my performance A selected B singled C separated D distinguished 15 The teacher gave me some advice on which college to enrol A nonsensical B sound C loud D preposterous 16 She did six hours’ studying a day for her exam A solid B heavy C strong D big 17 He opened the account with a(n) to running up a healthy overdraft A aim B view C purpose D plan 18 I haven’t got the time to my own work, help you with yours A leaving aside B not counting C let alone D apart from 19 Helen was very much in of her father A respect B awe C regard D admiration 20 are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century A Diamonds B Because diamonds C That diamonds D Diamonds, which Your answers 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 20 II Read the following text which contains 10 mistakes Identify the errors and write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes (20 pts) Example: Line 1: ever => never Line The market for tourism in remote areas is booming as ever before Countries all across the world are active promoting their 'wilderness' regions – such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands and wetlands – to highly spending tourists The attraction of these areas is obvious: by defining, wilderness tourism requires little or no initial investment But that does not mean that there is no cost Like the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development recognized, these regions are fragile (i.e highly vulnerable of abnormal pressures) not just in terms of the culture of their inhabitation The three most significant types of fragile environment in these respects are deserts, mountains and Arctic areas An important character is their marked seasonality Consequently, most human acts, including 10 tourism, are limited to clearly defined parts of the year 11 Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural beauty and the unique culture of its 12 people And poor governments in these areas have welcomed the 'adventure tourists', 13 grateful for the currency they bring For several years, tourism is the prime source of foreign 14 exchange in Nepal and Bhutan Tourism is also a key element in the economics of Arctic 15 zones such as Lapland and Alaska and in desert areas such as Ayres Rocks in Australia and 16 Arizona’s Monument Valley Your answer: Line Mistakes Corrections Page of 10 10 III Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes There is an example at the beginning (0) (10 pts) He finds it hard to put _ the noise of the nearby factory Answer: up with Hardly anyone would have thought that the boxing champion would give after the first round Would you mind turning the radio down a little? I’m feeling weary the noise it’s making That chair is not very strong Do you think it is your weight? Leave me alone I’m not the mood for your silly joke He never told us he was Italian and that his real name was Franco We all knew him the name of Eddie The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd looked Guess who I bumped in town Our old physics teacher, Mr Watson I’m sorry to hear that Dick and Peter have fallen .They were such good friends Don’t worry The pain should wear fairly soon 10 If everyone chips we can get the kitchen painted by noon Your answers 10 IV Use the word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences to form a word that fits suitably in the blank There is an example at the beginning (0) We had an interesting about football DISCUSS Answer: discussion She has a attitude towards life CARE Most peasants were living in subhuman conditions as the Feudalism had them for a long time POOR It’s undeniable that the of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death DIAGNOSE Many diseases which were once thought _ now can be routinely treated CURE Are all those they put in food really necessary? ADD Your presence has enriched our lives MEASURE Doris Carter, who is 107 today, puts her down to having a loving family and seven cups of tea a day LONG Film studios spend millions of dollars on for new movies PUBLIC The trouble with Mr Brown is that he’s so One minute he goes mad when you come late then he says nothing You never know where you are! CONSIST 10 This matter is very Don’t discuss it outside the office CONFIDENCE Your answers 10 C READING (60 points) Page of 10 I Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes (15 pts) Phobias, such as an extreme fear of spiders or heights, can cause genuine suffering In the past, one (1) to treatment involved the use of mind-(2) drugs, although these often caused undesirable (3) - effects in the patient Another common method still in use is behavioural therapy This involves exposing people to their particular phobia under controlled (4) The (5) behind this is that a new memory can be created which says the feared object or situation in (6) is safe In most cases, the effects seem to be more positive than those achieved through chemical intervention Most recently, in 2009, a series of (7) experiments led by Elizabeth Phelps at New York university looked at the way ‘fear memories’ were retrieved and the way they could be manipulated Originally, the experiments had been (8) on laboratory rats Every time the rats were exposed to a certain sound, they were given an electric shock, so they learnt to fear the sound Scientists (9) it was possible to eliminate that fear through ‘extinction training’, in which the rats were then exposed repeatedly to the sound without any electric shock The timing of this training was (10) Fear of the sound was only erased in those rats that were trained after an interval of a few minutes but no longer than a few hours after the fear memory was revived Phelps’ study, on human (11) given electric shocks when shown coloured cards, was (12) on the rat tests A year after the experiments, nineteen of her (13) took part in further tests Those who had received ‘extinction training’ more than six hours after the fear memory was revived still showed signs of fear towards the coloured cards Those who had been trained quickly showed no signs of fear - (14) that the fear memory had been eradicated The research team’s (15) seemed to offer hope for a new form of phobia treatment A way B means C method D approach A altering B changing C adapting D transferring A other B after C side D over A examples B conditions C cases D rules A action B theory C practice D process A front B mind C question D point A pioneering B leading C main D breaking A found out B taken part C looked into D carried out A gained B discovered C acquired D wondered 10 A meaningful B urgent C crucial D foremost 11 A volunteers B nominees C candidates D applicants 12 A derived B aimed C designed D based 13 A members B interviews C subjects D people 14 A indicating B pointing C noting D gesturing 15 A findings B intentions C options D summaries Your answer: 10 11 12 13 14 15 II Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap Use only ONE word in each gap Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes There is an example at the beginning (0) (15 pts) Example: when THE BLOOD MOON A lunar eclipse occurs (0) the Earth’s shadow falls directly onto the moon (1) happens as a result is that the moon stops being a silvery white colour and turns coppery red instead; the sort of colour usually only seen in the sky at dawn or sunset An astronaut on the moon, looking towards Earth (2) a lunar eclipse, would see a black disc, surrounded (3) a bright red ring It’s the light from this red ring which is reflected back to the dark Earth from the moon’s surface In ancient times, long (4) any of this was understood, the lunar eclipse was known (5) a blood moon and was thought to be an omen of disaster Page of 10 Total eclipses can only occur when there is a full moon, and then only if it is lined (6) with the Earth in a particular way (7) easily obscured by cloud cover, blood moons are fairly common, and it is relatively easy to calculate where and when you might be (8) to see one For example, in 1504 Christopher Columbus was stranded in Jamaica and (9) dire need of provisions, but the local inhabitants were reluctant to help Columbus knew that a lunar eclipse would occur on 29 February, however So, the day before, he warned local leaders that the moon would disappear (10) they helped him They remained skeptical But when the moon slowly started to change colour, they became so frightened that they started to bring food Your answers 10 III Read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes (15 pts) Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy Civil government also had to be put back on a peace time basis and interference from the military had to be stopped The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North, though less spectacularly Industries had to adjust to peacetime conditions: factories had to be retooled for civilian needs Financial problems loomed large in both the North and the South The national debt had shot up from a modest $65 million in 1861, the year the war started, to nearly $3 billion in 1865, the year the war ended This was a colossal sum for those days but one that a prudent government could pay At the same time, war taxes had to be reduced to less burdensome levels Physical devastation caused by invading armies, chiefly in the South and border states, had to be repaired This herculean task was ultimately completed, but with discouraging slowness Other important questions needed answering What would be the future of the four million Black people who were freed from slavery? On what basis were the Southern states to be brought back into the Union? What of the Southern leaders, all of whom were liable to charges of treason? One of these leaders, Jefferson Davis, president of the Southern Confederacy, was the subject of an insulting popular Northern song, "Hang Jeff Davis from a Sour Apple Tree", and even children sang it Davis was temporarily chained in his prison cell during the early days of his two-year imprisonment But he and the other Southern leaders were finally released, partly because it was unlikely that a jury from Virginia, a Southern Confederate state, would convict them All the leaders were finally pardoned by President Johnson in 1868 in an effort to help reconstruction efforts precede with as little bitterness as possible What does the passage mainly discuss? A Wartime expenditures B Problems facing the United States after the war C Methods of repairing the damage caused by the war D The results of government efforts to revive the economy The word "Staggering" is closest in meaning to A specialized B confusing C various D overwhelming The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to A developing B ruined C complicated D fragile According to the passage, which of the following statements about the damage in the South is correct? A It was worse than in the North B The cost was less than expected C It was centred in the border states D It was remedied rather quickly Page of 10 The passage refers to all of the following as necessary steps following the Civil War EXCEPT A helping soldiers readjust B restructuring industry C returning government to normal D increasing taxes The word "task" refers to A raising the tax level B sensible financial choices C wise decisions about former slaves D reconstruction of damaged areas Why does the author mention a popular song? A To give an example of a Northern attitude towards the South B To illustrate the Northern love of music C To emphasize the cultural differences between the North and the South D To compare the Northern and Southern presidents The word "them” refers to A charges B leaders C days D irons Which of the following can be inferred from the phrase " it was unlikely that a jury from Virginia, a Southern Confederate state, would convict them"? A Virginians felt betrayed by Jefferson Davis B A popular song insulted Virginia C Virginians were loyal to their leaders D All of the Virginia military leaders had been put in chains 10 It can be inferred from the passage that President Johnson pardoned the Southern leaders in order to A raise money for the North B repair the physical damage in the South C prevent Northern leaders from punishing more Southerners D help the nation recover from the war Your answers 10 IV Read the following passage then the tasks that follow (15 pts) THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE AND DISABILITY A The Alexander Technique is a method of psychophysical re-education developed by F Matthias Alexander more than a century ago, initially as a result of trying to solve a vocal problem It is a technique for the elimination of ingrained habits of 'misuse' that interfere with the healthy and harmonious functioning of ourselves as a whole, often the underlying cause of many conditions, such as back pain, neck and shoulder tension, fatigue, breathing disorders and other stress-related illnesses B Our natural reflex mechanisms for balance and posture are largely dependent on the coordination of the head, neck and back The Technique addresses the causes of 'misuse' and lack of poise that may be interfering with this relationship When these mechanisms are allowed to work in harmony, 'good use' spontaneously returns, resulting in easier breathing, freer, lighter movement and a greater ability to control our reactions and our movements In other words, the Technique enables us to 'use' ourselves better, and, in that sense, is concerned with helping anybody - the so called 'able bodied' as well as disabled people to overcome their disabilities Hence, the Alexander teacher's approach when working with the disabled is, in essence, the same as with any pupil of the Technique C For example, if we take a violinist with a 'misuse' problem of the upper limbs causing technical limitations to his or her playing, the Alexander teacher will work on improving the pupil's overall 'use' by encouraging the inhibition of the habitual muscular tension pattern that interferes with the co-ordination of the head/ neck/ back relationship in order to enable him/ her to play with more ease Similarly, when working with a pupil who has lost mobility in the left arm from a stroke, the teacher will first of all address the head/ neck/ back relationship, and the inhibition of extraneous tension that prevents maximum use of the affected limb In this way, it is possible to enable the stroke patient to retrain mobility of the paralysed part of the body Page of 10 D The approach and what results can be expected vary greatly depending on the disability For the stroke patient, especially if lessons are commenced early after the stroke, the Alexander Technique can play an important role in rehabilitation and mobility retraining With a blind person, the work is likely to focus instead more directly on eliminating tension habits that have developed to compensate for the loss of sight, e.g insecurity leading to stiff and overcautious walking, balancing difficulties and poor head poise E Working with the disabled pupil, the Alexander teacher can offer help with everyday activities, things that the average person takes for granted, such as the ability to brush one's teeth, shave, tie one's shoelaces or cut a slice of bread By looking at compensatory tension patterns, the teacher can, in many instances, help the disabled person find a new means whereby they can perform these everyday tasks F In this respect, the lessons may extend to include the disabled person's carer, for example the person who regularly has to help someone in and out of a wheelchair Using the Alexander Technique, the carer learns not only to lift and give support in the most efficient way to avoid damaging his/her own back, but, as the two learn together, they also become better skilled at working out strategies enabling the disabled person to become more independent G There are, of course, several factors which have to be taken into consideration when working with disabled pupils They may suffer intense pain and discomfort, loss of kinaesthetic awareness (sometimes with total loss of sensitivity in parts of the body), severe lack of co-ordination, loss of mobility, memory loss, blindness, deafness, and speech impairment The effect this has on the person's emotional and psychological state also has to be taken into account Some disabled pupils may need longer lessons, because of the time required to move them from the wheelchair, take off casts, slings and other movement aids, etc Others may only be able to concentrate for short periods of time and, therefore, require shorter lessons more frequently It often requires a certain amount of inventiveness on the part of the Alexander teacher, both as far as practical arrangements and the approach to teaching are concerned, a challenge that, in most cases, is greatly rewarded by the positive results A The Reading Passage above has seven paragraphs (A-G) Choose the most suitable heading from the List of Headings below Write the appropriate numbers (i-xii) in boxes 1-5 Paragraphs C and G have been done for you List of Headings i Co-ordination - important for all ii Tension and daily routine iii Brushing one’s teeth and slicing bread Paragraph A iv Fitting the technique to the disability Paragraph B v Challenges for the Alexander teacher Paragraph C xi vi Musical solutions Paragraph D vii Potential drawbacks Paragraph E viii Helping the disabled through their helpers Paragraph F ix Pain problems Paragraph G v x Better body ‘use’ for all xi Retraining limbs xii Breaking bad habits B Complete the summary below using information from the passage You may use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each blank You may need to CHANGE THE FORM of the word(s) Write your answers in Boxes 6-10 Example: Alexander Matthias _ the technique named after him more than a hundred years ago Answer: developed With the Alexander Technique, people are in a psychophysical way The Technique works on the body’s reflex mechanisms/ reflexes so that they all operate 7. As a result, bad habits are 8. and the individual is able to live a healthy life Alexander’s technique can help any of us to use ourselves better As regards 9. person, the expected results and exact method used vary, according to the disability of the individual, e.g shorter and more regular sessions in the case of clients who find it difficult to Page of 10 concentrate With disabled clients, in fact, a number of factors have to be considered, and for the teacher, who often needs to be very inventive, this is 10. _ Your answers 10 D WRITING (40 points) I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sentence before it (7.5 points) Mr Foster asked me to write this letter to you 4It is at _ Everybody was honoured by the boss with the exception of one clerk 4All but _ My brother works better when he is pressed for time 4The less _ She is proud of being such a good cook 4She prides _ 'Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,' she said 4She flatly _ II Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between TWO and SIX words, including the word given (7.5 points) By the end of the meeting, the committee had agreed on the next step REACHED 4By the end of the committee meeting, an what to next Henrik was very pleased to be selected for the team DELIGHT 4Much he was selected for the team I really felt relieved on completion of my thesis SENSE 4I felt a completed my thesis Dawn’s boss is constantly criticizing her work FAULT 4Dawn’s boss her work I saw a TV programme last month, which was very similar to this one BEARS 4This TV programme the one I saw last month III.(25 pts) Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your view on the following statement: Technology has made the world a better place to live in _ _ Page of 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -THE END - Page 10 of 10 ... then he says nothing You never know where you are! CONSIST 10 This matter is very Don’t discuss it outside the office CONFIDENCE Your answers 10 C READING (60 points) Page of 10 I Read the... loyal to their leaders D All of the Virginia military leaders had been put in chains 10 It can be inferred from the passage that President Johnson pardoned the Southern leaders in order to A... Write your answers in Boxes 6 -10 Example: Alexander Matthias _ the technique named after him more than a hundred years ago Answer: developed With the Alexander Technique, people are

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2017, 01:22

