A. Background of the Study Nowadays, English is getting more important roles in our life including Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesian government has decided that English is one of subject curriculums in Indonesian school. In learning English, there are four skills that need to be master by students. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills and speaking and writing are productive skills. The four skills are important. But, of all the four skills, speaking seems intuitively the most important. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTON There are many activities to make a fun activity in teaching speaking in the classroom. For example by using visual aids, one of them is realia. “Realia can be use to teach specific grammar points, drills and speaking.” Language teacher use realia in order to attract student’s attention and facilitate them to understand the lesson better.
HUE UNIVERSITY OF FOREING LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH RESEARCH METHOD CLASS 9_GROUP Instructor: Trương Thị Như Thủy Group members: Đinh Thị Hà Phan Thị Duyên Zơ Râm Thị Thanh Mai Ka Phu Thị Thảo Blúp Thị Viết HUE, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENT Acknowledgement Abstract Introduction Methodology Literature review Findings and discussion Implication Conclusion ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is our first experience of doing this research, so we coped with many difficulties We actually can’t finish it if we have no access to many helps Firstly, we would like to express our deepest grateful acknowledgement to Ms Truong Thi Nhu Thuy, our teacher concurrently our instructor, whose powerful encouragement, helpful comment, valuable suggestion and clearly guidance help us open up the orientation of this research and give us big motivations to finish our task Secondly, we want to utter many thanks to our subject, HUCFL second year English majored students for their truthful answers and useful opinions to complete our questionnaire Moreover, we thank from the bottom of our hearts to predecessors sharing their experience with us, which help us save time as well as avoid some small but common mistakes Last but not least, we are very much indebted to our family and our friends who created favorable condition as well as encouraged us much to this research paper ABSTRACT This topic is about HUCFL second year English majored students and their learning speaking skills in groups This topic is aimed at finding out their thought about learning speaking skills in groups, the difficulties they coped with and measures to make their learning speaking skills in groups more effective To carry out this topic, questionnaire method was used There are sections in this research: - The introduction section will give you an overview of the research The literature review section will provide definitions and finding from other researchers The methodology section presents the method used in this research The finding and discussion section contains the analysis of the data collected from the questionnaires and interpretation The implication gives some suggestions to improve the quality of learning speaking skills in groups for student The conclusion summaries the problem and point out some limitations of this research INTRODUCTION As English majored students, speaking-listening-reading-writing are four compulsory and important skills for us However, we think that speaking is the most important skill because it requires regular practice and it is the basic for other skills And learning speaking skills in groups is necessary to make much progress in this skill This shows learning speaking in groups is very important, which is the first motivation to encourage us to choose this topic In addition, learning speaking in groups is popular and close to students Therefore, they can find out interesting and useful things that can help their speaking skills better Finally, many students approve of our topic and give sincerely their attitude so it is quite easy for us to finish researching this topic LITERATURE REVIEW I.The students’ opinions about learning speaking skill in groups The use of group work in classroom activities is a method used for motivating learning and increasing the idea of pleasure through learning The current study investigates the advantages of group work in exams in the English department, in the College of Basic Education 40 students in two classes of “The Introduction of Phonetics and Phonology” participated in the study They performed six tasks; two prior to group work, two done in group work (by one group only) and two after group work The tasks were all practical, and they were based on phonetic transcription One of the groups participated in group work while the other did not This was done enable to compare the results In addition to exam results, a five-open-questions questionnaire on the students’ perception of group work was distributed to the participants Throughout the application of the study, the instructor took notes of her observation of the formation of and participation in group work It was found that the students who worked in groups did not improve However, most students reported that they enjoyed the tasks and would like to work in a group more often The method of forming a group also seemed to affect learning When a student notices a conflict between her understanding and what she hears from other group members through interaction, this forces her to reconsider her concepts and restructure her ideas to conform to the group Added to that, shy students are more comfortable working in groups, they gain more confidence in their ability to learn; students benefit from sharing their backgrounds and complement one another’s weakness (Payne & Monk-Turner, 2006; Wichadee, 2007; Badache, 2011) Highton (2006) argues that we can only learn by watching how others think and learn differently from us and this takes place through interaction On similar grounds, Larcombe et al (2007) evaluated a program for a writing group at the University of Melbourne in Australia to specify the benefits of developing the identity of thesis writers through group cooperation They concluded that the writing groups gave writers the chance to give and receive feedback on their work and to develop their identity as thesis writers Wichadee reported that students benefited from group work in their reading comprehension, for example, their reading skill improved, their interaction increased, they felt at ease, learnt more, enjoyed their time and learnt how to work with one another Effect of group work on students’ learning was further discussed by Al-Sheedi (2009), in Oman, who surveyed 240 Basic Education teachers’ opinions about the effect of using group work to enhance students’ learning of English Ninety eight percent of the teachers believed that group work improved students’ achievement Also 98% agreed that students who work in groups learn more than those who work individually They all agreed that group work is a useful technique to use in the classroom Group work technique has also proven to affect students’ attitudes towards learning The use of group work in classroom activities has shown its usefulness in many fields of education Many studies reported better learning and improved level of understanding, while others found group work to be useful in teaching communicative skills and build better debate characteristics The students who worked in groups came early and were very enthusiastic towards working in a group Link:file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Downloads/34343-125170-1-PB %20(2).pdf II Difficulties in learning speaking skills in groups for language University students Link: https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/design/instructionalstrategies/groupproj ects/challenges.html ( time: 4.00 p.m,15/04/2015) For students, there are some common challenges of group work in group Firstly, coordination costs represent time and energy that group work including the time it take to coordinate schedule, arrange meetings, meet, correspond, make decisions collectively, integrate the contribution of group members, ect If coordination are excessive or are not factored into the structure of group assignments, groups tend to miss deadlines, their work is poorly integrated, motivation suffer, and creative decline Secondly, motivation costs refer to the adverse effect on student motivation of working in groups It is involve in free riding occurring when one or more group members leave most or all of the work to a few, more diligent members Moreover, it is also about social loafing It describes the tendencies of group members to exert less effort than they can or should because of the reduced sense of accountability Next, conflict within a group can erode morale and cause members to work withdraw And the last, intellectual costs refer to characteristics of group behavior that can reduce creativity and productivity These include: groupthink, escalation of commitment, transparency, transparency illusion, common information effect III Solutions for improving and raising University students’ speaking skills in groups more effective Link: http://www.troyfawkes.com/how-to-improve-speaking-skills-in-7 -simplesteps.html ( time: 3.45p.m, 15th April 2015) https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/design/instructionalstrategies/groupproj ects/challenges.html ( time: 4.00p.m, 15th April 2015) There are some measures to improve students’ speaking skills in groups more effective First, keep group small because working in a big group we will get trouble in setting the meeting time Therefore we should design some suitable times for group meeting so that we can work effectively And we have to set up a clear schedule for the group to integrate parts Second, speaking loudly and calling attention to yourself and your friends This help group members can understand each other ideas to come to a conclusion Third, avoid using idioms, slang and mother tongue during the group working time It not only wastes time but also makes the other members can’t catch up with your mean Last but not least is fixing mistakes straight We hope that these measures will be useful for you QUESTIONAIRE Which is your opinion about learning speaking in groups? Boring C Compulsory Useful D Interesting Indicate the effectiveness of learning speaking in groups you get by circling one of the following: A 0% C Over 50% B About 50% Rank the following from to in order of preference: _ The part you like best in speaking in groups is A B exchanging ideas correcting mistakes speaking in front of many people How often you practice speaking in groups per week: A C times B time D times Circle one of the following to indicate your attitude to the following statement - Learning speaking in groups is effective: A Strong agree C Neutral B Agree D Disagree E Strong disagree Rank the following from to in order of - The most common of obstacle you get in preference: learning speaking in groups coming late having different ideas being unenthusiastic having a disparity in personal ability Which factor makes your learning speaking in groups effectively A Learning space C A good leader B Studying equipments Circle one of the following to indicate your attitude to the following statement - You have more outdoor activities( talk with foreigners, make investigations, ) by learning speaking in groups: A Strong agree C Neutral B Agree D Disagree E strong disagree Rank the following from to in order of preference To help groups’ members be more friendly, the most practical thing we should is: noshing together making a small talk before working having relaxed time to play together Which is your opinion about an ideal group A Having a scientific schedule B Being active and creative C Expressing ideas straight 11 What are some profits you make on learning speaking in groups? 10 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION According to the survey, there were 56 % of HUCFL second-year English majored students said that learning speaking in groups was interesting out of the total 25 students( which accounted for 36%) said that it was useful to learn speaking English in groups for them, and 4% students said that it was compulsory The majority of students ( accounted for 80%) said that the effectiveness of English speaking in groups they got by over 50% The remaining students said that they only got about 50% effectiveness in speaking English in groups Exchanging ideas: 44% of them thought that it was the first one,28% of them thought that it was the second one and the last percent chose that it was the third one Correcting mistakes: there were 20% of them thought it was the first one, 36% thought it was the second one, 44% of them thought it was the third one Speaking in front of many people: there were 36% of them thought it was the first one, 36% of them thought it was the second one and 28% of them thought it was the third one The survey shows that there were 44% HUCFL second-year English majored students often practice speaking English in groups time per week Moreover, there were 28% the students who often practice times, 28% students often spent times for praticing and no one didn’t practice Approximately 28% of them chose A, 68% of them chose B, 4% choose C and no one chose D This mean that the majority of them agreed that “ learning speaking English in groups is effective” and no one denied this 6 Coming late: 32% of them thought that it was the first common of obstacle they got, 4% of them thought it was the second one, 16% of them thought it was the third one, half of them thought it was the fourth one Having different ideas: 36% of them thought that it was the first one, 16% of them thought that it was the second one, in the order of 30% of them thought that it was the third one, 1-fifth of them thought it was the fourth one Being unenthusiastic: 1-fifth of them thought it was the first one, 36% of them thought it was the second one, 36% of them thought it was the third one and 8% of them thought it was the fourth one Having a disparity in personal ability: 12% of them thought it was the first one, 44% of them thought it was the second one, one-fifth of them thought it was the third one and closed to quarter of them thought it was the fourth one The majority of them agreed that the factor which make learning speaking in groups effectively was the studying equipments- it took 28% And 64% the others thought that a good leader was the factor making learning speaking in groups effectively Having the least percent 8% was the learning space “ We have more outdoor activities by learning speaking in groups” There were 44% students agreed with this statement, 28% of them strong agreed with this and 16% students thought that this was neutral The minority of them disagreed with this – 12% Noshing together was the answer that most of them chose to make group members be more friendly over 70% Besides, they wanted to make a small talk when they learn speaking in groups (accounted for 20%) The last percent was having relaxed time to play together 10 The result shows that there were over 80% students chose being active and creative In addition, their ideas about an ideal group was expressing ideas straight that accounted for 12% The last choice which 4% was having a scientific schedule 11 Most students said that learning speaking skills in groups has a lot of advantages First, they can exchange their ideas with each other Second, they can be confident to communicate in public Moreover, they can correct mistakes themselves Finally, this help them know about their friends IMPLICATION According to our survey, we have received many different ideas about learning English speaking skills in groups From that we learn some conclusions and we give some measures to help students with their obstacles First of all, most of students practiced speaking English in groups once a week, we think this is too few so that they can speak well Therefore, they should spend more time for practicing Second, the majority of students realized that having different ideas was the most common obstacle they got, but we think it isn’t a problem if every group member listens to and respects others’ ideas, then they choose the best idea Last, during the studying time, group members should be active, don’t be shy and exchange ideas confidently All of these things will help studying English speaking in groups as well as your speaking skill be more effective CONCLUSION Today, studying in groups is a very popular method for student Special for HUCFL students because this method will help them to correct mistakes themselves Therefore, it is so essential However, most of students think that they just join without contributing their ideas And this is the case of HUCFL secondyear English majored students, too That is the reason which stimulates us to study the topic: “ HUCFL second-year English majored students and learning speaking skills in groups” This research aim to raise students’ awareness of the importance of learning speaking skills in groups During the research , we got some obstacles and of course we made some mistakes From that, we can learn many useful things for our future research We hope that there are some people who are keen on this topic will make the topic be more insightful [...]... second-year English majored students and learning speaking skills in groups” This research aim to raise students’ awareness of the importance of learning speaking skills in groups During the research , we got some obstacles and of course we made some mistakes From that, we can learn many useful things for our future research We hope that there are some people who are keen on this topic will make the... All of these things will help studying English speaking in groups as well as your speaking skill be more effective CONCLUSION Today, studying in groups is a very popular method for student Special for HUCFL students because this method will help them to correct mistakes themselves Therefore, it is so essential However, most of students think that they just join without contributing their ideas And...FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 1 According to the survey, there were 56 % of HUCFL second-year English majored students said that learning speaking in groups was interesting 9 out of the total 25 students( which accounted for 36%) said that it was useful to learn speaking English in groups for them, and 4% students said that it was compulsory 2 The majority of students ( accounted... choice which 4% was having a scientific schedule 11 Most students said that learning speaking skills in groups has a lot of advantages First, they can exchange their ideas with each other Second, they 9 can be confident to communicate in public Moreover, they can correct mistakes themselves Finally, this help them know about their friends IMPLICATION According to our survey, we have received many ... review section will provide definitions and finding from other researchers The methodology section presents the method used in this research The finding and discussion section contains the analysis... To carry out this topic, questionnaire method was used There are sections in this research: - The introduction section will give you an overview of the research The literature review section... for us to finish researching this topic LITERATURE REVIEW I.The students’ opinions about learning speaking skill in groups The use of group work in classroom activities is a method used for