Choosing a Career, continued• Examining personal characteristics and family influences – Personal characteristics • Choosing a career is best managed by those whohave secure attachments
Trang 1Chapter 13
Careers and Work
Trang 2Choosing a Career, continued
• Examining personal characteristics and
family influences
– Personal characteristics
• Choosing a career is best managed by
those whohave secure attachments and a self-efficacy about work.
particular professions but is not an absolute predictor of career success
Trang 3Choosing a Career, continued
Personal characteristics, continued
• Specific aptitudes (e.g., artistic talent)
are more important than general intelligence
• Social skills contribute to success in
many careers
• Careers ideally match one’s interests in
the world and contribute to motivation
• It is best to find a career that is
compatible with one’s personality.
Trang 4Choosing a Career, continued
• Family influences
– Career choices are influenced by family background because parents and children often attain similar levels of education
• Middle income background is associated with high-paying professions
• Low income background is associated with “blue collar” occupations
Trang 5Choosing a Career, continued
Family influences, continued
– Parenting style is also associated with
socioeconomic status
• Middle income families encourage their children to be curious and independent, traits well suited for professional roles
• Low income families teach children to conform and obey, traits needed to
survive in subordinate positions
Trang 6Choosing a Career, continued
• Researching job characteristics
– Sources of career information include
• The Occupational Outlook Handbook –
a government document that serves as
a comprehensive guide to occupations
• It is also helpful to talk to individuals who work in particular fields of interest
Trang 7Choosing a Career, continued
Researching job characteristics, continued
• Essential information about occupations
– You should be aware of these key issues when considering an occupation:
• The nature of the work – what are the day-to-day responsibilities?
• Working conditions – is it high or low pressure? pleasant or unpleasant?
Trang 8Choosing a Career, continued
Essential information, continued
• Job entry requirements – what education and training are needed?
• Potential earnings
• Potential status
• Opportunities for advancement
• Intrinsic job satisfaction
• Future outlook – will there continue to
be demand for this occupation?
Trang 9Choosing a Career, continued
• Using psychological tests
“measure your interests as they relate to various jobs or careers”
– The primary focus is on job satisfaction, rather than success
– Scores indicate how similar your interests are to the typical interests of people in
various occupations
– However, you must ultimately decide what
is right for you
Trang 10Choosing a Career, continued
3 There are limits on your career options
4 Career choice is a developmental process
that extends throughout life
5 Some career decisions are not easily
Trang 11Models of Career Choice, continued
• Holland’s Person-Environment Fit Model
– Career choice is related to six stable
personality types, or personal
– In addition, jobs can be classified into six
work environments (see Figure 13.2).
– People are most satisfied, successful, and stable when they choose work
environments that fit their personal orientations
Trang 12Figure 13.2 Overview of Holland’s theory of occupational choice According to John Holland (1985),
people can be divided into six personality types (personal orientations) that prefer different work
environments, as outlined here.
Adapted from Holland, J L (1985) Making occupational choices: A theory of occupational
personalities and work environments (2nd ed.) Englewood Cliffs, JF: Prentice-Hall Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc
Trang 13Models of Career Choice, continued
• Super’s Developmental Model
– Super focuses on the development of
one’s occupational status over time It includes five major stages:
1 Growth stage – in childhood, fantasize
about ideal job
2 Exploration stage – realistically
consider different careers in one’s youth
3 Establishment stage – commit to a
career and learn to function effectively
Trang 14Models of Career Choice, continued
Super’s model, continued
4 Maintenance stage – at midlife, focus
is on retaining achieved status and protecting security and power
5 Decline stage – work activity
decreases as retirement approaches – Retirement brings the occupational cycle to an end
•. See Figure 13.3 for more detail and the substages
Trang 15Figure 13.3 Overview of Super’s theory of occupational development According to Donald Super,
people go through five major stages (and a variety of substages) of occupational development over the lifespan.
Adapted from Zaccaria, J (1970) Theories of occupational choice and vocational development
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Copyright © 1970 by Time Share Corporation, New Hampshire
Trang 16Models of Career Choice, continued
• Women’s career development
– 59% of adult women are in the labor force.– However, there are still gender gaps in the world of work
• Women still subordinate their career goals to those of their husbands
• Women’s careers are more likely to be interrupted by childrearing and family crises
Trang 17The Changing World of Work, continued
• Workplace trends
1 Technology is changing the nature of work
• Workers must train and adapt to keep up
2 New work attitudes are required
• Workers must take a more active role to prove that they are valuable in order to attain job security
3 Lifelong learning is a necessity
• Skills become obsolete every 10-15 years
Trang 18The Changing World of Work, continued
Workplace trends, continued
4 Independent workers are increasing
• Downsizing and outsourcing are creating more “free agents”
6 Boundaries between work and home are blurring, due to technology
7 The highest job growth will occur in the
professional and service occupations (see Figure 13.4)
8 Job sharing is becoming more common
Trang 19Figure 13.4 Fastest growth, high salary occupations According to the Bureau of Labor (2010),
between 2008 and 2018 these 20 occupations will have the largest number of job openings and provide highest pay Median annual salaries range from $85,430 (computer software engineers, applications) to
$20,460 (home health aides) (Adapted from Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011).
Source: Table 1,
Trang 20The Changing World of Work, continued
• Education and earnings
– Earnings are tied to level of education
(see Figure 13.5)
– However, many college graduates are
underemployed – “settling for a job that
does not fully utilize one’s skills, abilities, and training”
• This is most likely if college-level reading, writing, and quantitative skills are poor
Trang 21Figure 13.5 Education and income This graph
shows the average incomes of year-round, full-time workers aged 18 and over, by gender and
educational attainment As you can see, the more education people have, the higher their income tends to be However, at all levels, women earn less than men with comparable education (Data from U.S Census Bureau, 2006)
Trang 22The Changing World of Work, continued
• The changing workforce
– Today’s labor force – “those who are
employed as well as those who are currently unemployed but are looking for work” – is becoming more diverse (see Figure 13.6)
• More women are joining the labor force
• The workforce is becoming more ethnically diverse
Trang 23Figure 13.6 Increasing diversity in the workforce Women and minority group members are entering the
workforce in greater numbers than before This graph projects changes in the share of the labor force by gender and by ethnicity between 1990 and 2010 (Data from U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2002)
Trang 24The Changing World of Work, continued
The changing workforce, continued
• Today’s workplace for women and minorities
– Although illegal, discrimination against women and minorities still occurs
– Women and minorities often face a glass
ceiling – “an invisible barrier that prevents most
women and ethnic minorities from advancing to the highest levels of occupations” (see Figure 13.7)
Trang 25Figure 13.7 The glass ceiling for women and minorities A longitudinal study looked at the chances of
promotion to a managerial position in a sample of more than 26,000 adults over 30 years of career
experience This graph shows that promotion chances increased along with career experience for white men By contrast, the promotion chances of white women and black men were much lower As you can see, black women lagged far behind all groups These trends are consistent with the existence of a glass ceiling for women and minorities.
From Maume, D J (2004) Is the Glass Ceiling a Unique Form of Inequality? Work and Occupations,
31(2), 250-274 Figure 2, p 266 [Journal published by Sage]
Trang 26The Changing World of Work, continued
The changing workforce, continued
– When there is only one woman or minority
in the workplace they may become a
token, or “a symbol of all the members of
that group”
• This distinction may bring more scrutiny, stereotyping, or judgment
– Women and minorities also are less likely
to have mentors or role models of the same gender and/or race
Trang 27The Changing World of Work, continued
The changing workforce, continued
– The challenges of change
• Cultural differences in managing time and people, identification with work, and decision-making
• Prejudice in the workplace
• Affirmative action policies and perceived “reverse discrimination”
Trang 28Occupational Hazards, continued
• Job stress – sources of stress on the job
– Long work hours – the average American workweek is 48-60 hours
– Lack of privacy
– High noise levels
– Pressure of deadlines
– Lack of control over one’s work
– Inadequate resources to do the job
– Perceived inequities at work
Trang 29Occupational Hazards, continued
Job stress, continued
• Four key culprits that contribute to stress are
1 Handling “difficult” customers in service industries
2 An unpredictable economy
3 Keeping up with changes in technology
4 Learning to interact with more diverse
Trang 30Occupational Hazards, continued
Job stress, continued
• According to Karasek, two key factors
determine occupational stress:
1 Psychological demands of the job
2 Amount of decision control a worker has
• The most stressful jobs are those with high demands and low control (see Figure 13.9)
Trang 31Figure 13.9 Karasek’s model of occupational stress as related to specific jobs Robert Karasek
(1979) theorizes that occupational stress is greatest in jobs characterized by high psychological demands and low decision control Based on survey data, this chart shows where various familiar jobs fall on these two dimensions According to Karasek’s model, the most stressful jobs are those shown in the shaded area
on the lower right
Trang 32Occupational Hazards, continued
Job stress, continued
• Effects of job stress
– Increased industrial accidents
– Absenteeism
– Poor job performance
– Higher turnover rates
– Job burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and
poor job performance)
Trang 33Occupational Hazards, continued
Job stress, continued
• Dealing with job stress
– There are 3 levels of intervention:
• Intervention at the individual level
• Intervention at the organizational level
• Intervention at the organization interface” level
Trang 34“individual-Occupational Hazards, continued
• Sexual harassment
employees are subjected to unwelcome sexually oriented behavior”
– There are two types:
1 Quid pro quo – sexual acts required in
return for promotions, job security, etc
2 Behavior that creates a hostile
environment – workplaces with unwanted
sexual behavior, discussion, or material (e.g., sexually-oriented jokes)
Trang 35Occupational Hazards, continued
Sexual harassment, continued
– Prevalence and consequences
• Sexual harassment is fairly widespread
- approximately 42% of female workers
have reported it.
– 15% of male workers have, too.
• Consequences include anger, reduced self-esteem, depression, anxiety,
lowered productivity, and decreased commitment to the job and the
Trang 36Occupational Hazards, continued
Sexual harassment, continued
– Stopping sexual harassment
• Organizations should promote norms
that are intolerant of sexual
Trang 37Occupational Hazards, continued
• Both economic conditions cause
displaced workers – “individuals who
are unemployed because their jobs have disappeared”
Trang 38Occupational Hazards, continued
• The stress of job loss can lead to violence
Trang 39Balancing Work and Life, continued
• Workaholism
– Workaholics devote nearly all their time
and energy to their jobs
– There are two types of workaholics:
• The enthusiastic workaholic – one
who works excessively for the joy of it
• The nonenthusiastic workaholic – one
who feels driven to work hard, but derives less enjoyment from it
– The latter group reports lower job
satisfaction and a lower sense of purpose
Trang 40Balancing Work and Life, continued
Trang 41Balancing Work and Life, continued
• Work and family roles
– There are more dual-earner households now than ever juggling multiple roles
– Working parents are especially likely to
experience work-family conflicts.
• This can create stress
• However, multiple roles can also be beneficial for men’s and women’s health, relationships, and financial security
Trang 42Balancing Work and Life, continued
• Leisure and recreation
– 60% of workers say having leisure -
“unpaid activities people choose to engage in because the activities are personally meaningful” - is very important.– Yet, American workers work longer hours and take fewer vacation days than
Europeans (see Figure 13.14)
Trang 43Figure 13.14 American and European
vacation days American workers average 16
paid vacation days a year Most European
workers get considerably longer vacation
Moreover, these are benefits mandated by law Adapted from Mischel, L., Bernstein, J., &
Schmitt, J (2001) The state of working America
2000-2001 Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
Copyright © 2001 by Cornell University Press Adapted by permission of the publisher, Cornell University Press.
Trang 44Balancing Work and Life, continued
Leisure and recreation, continued
– Leisure activities come in many forms:
Trang 45Balancing Work and Life, continued
Leisure and recreation, continued
– Leisure activities are also beneficial to our well-being and are associated with
• Increased job satisfaction
• Improved physical and mental health
• A sense of well-being and lowered incidence of depression in those over age 55
Trang 46Application: The Job Game, continued
• Putting together a resume – some tips
1 Use high-quality white, ivory, or beige paper
for hard copies
2 Make sure there are no typographical errors
3 Keep it short (one page only)
4 Avoid full sentences, and avoid the word I
Use action words
• (e.g., “Supervised a team of 10 people”)
5 Avoid superfluous personal information
Trang 47Application: The Job Game, continued
Putting together a resume, continued
• Effective resumes contain the following:
– Heading – name and contact information.
– Objective – the precise kind of position
you want
– Education – degrees and dates.
– Experience – from most recent and
working backwards
• See Figure 13.15 for an example