Anxiety Disorders, continued • Anxiety disorders “are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety”.. Anxiety Disorders, continued • Panic disorder “is
Trang 1Chapter 14
Psychological Disorders
Trang 2Abnormal Behavior, continued
• The medical model applied to abnormal behavior
behavior as a disease” and has become the main way of thinking about mental illness today
(see Figure 14.1)
patient care
Trang 3Figure 14.1 Historical conceptions of mental illness Throughout most of history, psychological disorders were thought to be caused by demonic possession, and the mentally ill
were candidates for chains and torture.
Trang 4The medical model, continued
– Diagnosis – “involves distinguishing one illness from another”.
– Etiology – “refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of
an illness”
– Prognosis – “is a forecast about the probable course of an illness”.
Abnormal Behavior, continued
Trang 5Criteria of Abnormal Behavior
1. Deviance – the behavior must be significantly different from what society
Trang 6Psychodiagnosis: The Classification of Disorders
Statistical Manual (now in its fourth revision and referred to as the DSM-IV)
to classify disorders
clinicians to make more consistent diagnoses
Trang 7Classification of Disorders, continued
• The multiaxial system
– The DSM has five “axes” or components
1. Axis I: criteria for diagnosing most disorders.
2. Axis II: specific to personality disorders.
3. Axis III: patient’s general medical condition.
4. Axis IV: psychosocial and environmental problems.
5. Axis V: global assessment of functioning.
Trang 8Classification of Disorders, continued
• Controversies surrounding the DSM
dimensional approach.
Trang 9Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
• Epidemiology is “the study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a
• Prevalence “refers to the percentage of the population that exhibits a disorder
during a specified time period”
disorder (see Figure 14.4)
Trang 10Figure 14.4 Lifetime prevalence of psychological disorders The estimated percentage of people who have, at any time in their life, suffered from one of four types of psychological
disorders or from a disorder of any kind (top bar) is shown here Prevalence estimates vary somewhat from one study to the next, depending on the exact methods used in sampling and assessment The estimates shown here are based on pooling data from Wave 1 and 2 of the Epidemiological Catchment Area studies and the National Comorbidity Study, as
summarized by Regier and Burke (2000) and Dew, Bromet, and Switzer (2000) These studies, which collectively evaluated over 28,000 subjects, provide the best data to date on the prevalence of mental illness in the United States.
Trang 11Anxiety Disorders, continued
• Anxiety disorders “are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive
apprehension and anxiety”
• Generalized anxiety disorder “is marked by a chronic, high level of anxiety
that is not tied to any specific threat”
• Phobic disorder “is marked by a persistent and irrational fear of an object of
situation that presents no realistic danger”
Trang 12Anxiety Disorders, continued
• Panic disorder “is characterized by recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that
usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly” (see following animation sequence)
• Agoraphobia “is a fear of going out to public places”.
their homes out of fear of the outside world
Trang 13Anxiety Disorders, continued
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) “is marked by persistent,
uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to
engage in senseless rituals (compulsions)”
sexual acts
on by obsessions
Trang 14Anxiety Disorders, continued
Obsessive -compulsive disorder, continued
Trang 15Anxiety Disorders, continued
• Etiology of anxiety disorders
– Biological factors
sensitive to internal physiological symptoms of anxiety and overreact with fear when they occur
Trang 16Anxiety Disorders, continued
Etiology of anxiety disorders, continued
one neuron to another”, may underlie anxiety
Valium) suggest that these chemical circuits may be involved in anxiety disorders
Trang 17Anxiety Disorders, continued
Etiology of anxiety disorders, continued
• Conditioning and learning
conditioning, by making the person feel less anxious
more than others, however
Trang 18Anxiety Disorders, continued
Etiology of anxiety disorders, continued
• Cognitive factors
Trang 19Anxiety Disorders, continued
Etiology of anxiety disorders, continued
• Stress as a factor
disorders were more likely to have experienced severe stress one month prior to the onset of their disorder
Trang 20Somatoform Disorders, continued
• Somatoform disorders “are physical ailments that cannot be fully explained
by organic conditions and are largely due to psychological factors”
• Somatization disorder “is marked by a history of diverse physical complaints
that appear to be psychological in origin”
Trang 21Somatoform Disorders, continued
• Conversion disorder – “is characterized by a significant loss of physical function
with no apparent organic basis, usually in a single organ system”
Trang 22Somatoform Disorders, continued
• Hypochondriasis (or hypochondria) “is characterized by excessive
preoccupation with health concerns and incessant worry about developing physical illnesses”
often become frustrated with the medical establishment
Trang 23Somatoform Disorders, continued
Etiology of somatoform disorders
• Personality factors
personalities (those who thrive on the attention that illness brings)
Trang 24Somatoform Disorders, continued
Etiology of somatoform disorders, continued
• Cognitive factors
them into perceived symptoms of distress
deviation from perfect health is seen as a sign of illness
Trang 25Somatoform Disorders, continued
Etiology of somatoform disorders, continued
• The sick role
Trang 26Dissociative Disorders, continued
• Dissociative disorders “are a class of disorders in which people lose contact
with portions of their consciousness or memory, resulting in disruptions in their sense of identity”
Trang 27Dissociative Disorders, continued
• Dissociative amnesia & fugue
– Dissociative amnesia “is a sudden loss of memory for important personal
information that is too extensive to be due to normal forgetting”
severe trauma or stress
Trang 28Dissociative Disorders, continued
Dissociative amnesia & fugue, continued
• Dissociative fugue is a disorder in which “people lose their memory for their
sense of personal identity”
know who they are, where they live, or who they know
Trang 29Dissociative Disorders, continued
• Dissociative identity disorder (DID) “involves the coexistence in one person of
two or more largely complete, and usually very different, personalities”
own name, memories, traits, and physical mannerisms
them can be extreme (e.g., different races or genders)
Trang 30Dissociative Disorders, continued
• Etiology of dissociative disorders
causes are largely unknown
emotional trauma that occurs in childhood
Trang 31Mood Disorders, continued
• Mood disorders “are a class of disorders marked by emotional disturbances that
may spill over to disrupt physical, perceptual, social, and thought processes”
• Major depressive disorder is one in which people “show persistent feelings of
sadness and despair and a loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure”
Trang 32Mood Disorders, continued
Major depressive disorder, continued
prevalence is 16.2%)
diagnosed with depression
and women and could result from greater stress and abuse that women experience
Trang 33Mood Disorders, continued
• Bipolar disorder (once known as manic-depressive disorder) “is marked by
the experience of both depressed and manic periods”
feeling of invincibility
of depression (see Figure 14.10)
Trang 34Figure 14.10 Common symptoms in manic and depressive episodes The emotional, cognitive, and motor symptoms exhibited in manic and depressive illnesses are largely the
opposite of each other.
From Sarason, I.G., & Sarason, B R (1987) Abnormal psychology: The problem of maladaptive behavior (5th ed., p 283) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall © 1987
Prentice-Hall Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc
Trang 35Mood Disorders, continued
• Mood disorders and suicide
60% of completed suicides
those who have had depression
Trang 36Mood Disorders, continued
• Etiology of mood disorders
– Genetic vulnerability
• Concordance rates, or “the percentage of twin pairs or other pairs of
relatives that exhibit the same disorder”, suggests there is a genetic basis for mood disorders
14-19% for fraternal twins who share fewer genes but the same environment
Trang 37Mood Disorders, continued
Etiology of mood disorders, continued
– Neurochemical & neuroanatomical factors
the result, of the onset of mood disorders
Trang 38Mood Disorders, continued
Etiology of mood disorders, continued
– Neuroanatomical factors, continued
subjects (see Figure 14.12)
regulation of mood and depression
Trang 39Figure 14.12 The hippocampus and depression This graphic shows the hippocampus in blue The photo inset shows a brain dissected to reveal the hippocampus in both the right
and left hemispheres It has long been known that the hippocampus plays a key role in memory, but its possible role in depression has only come to light in recent years Research suggests that shrinkage of the hippocampal formation due to suppressed neurogenesis may be a key causal factor underlying depressive disorders
Trang 40Mood Disorders, continued
Etiology of mood disorders, continued
– Cognitive factors
helplessness”, in which people become passive and “give up” in times of difficulty
style” in which people attribute setbacks to personal flaws
Trang 41Mood Disorders, continued
Etiology of mood disorders, continued
problems put themselves at risk for depression
Alloy’s (1999) studies (see Figure 14.14)
Trang 42Figure 14.14 Negative thinking and prediction of depression Alloy and colleagues (1999) measured the explanatory style of first-year college students and characterized them as
being high risk or low risk for depression This graph shows the percentage of these students who experienced major or minor episodes of depression over the next 2.5 years As you can see, the high-risk students, who exhibited a negative thinking style, proved to be much more vulnerable to depression (Data from Alloy et al., 1999)
Trang 43Mood Disorders, continued
Etiology of mood disorders, continued
Trang 44Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• Schizophrenia literally means “split mind”.
• Schizophrenic disorders “are a class of disorders marked by disturbances in
thought that spill over to affect perceptual, social, and emotional processes”
class of disorders
Trang 45Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• General symptoms
1. Irrational thought
• Delusions “are false beliefs that are maintained even though they clearly
are out of touch with reality”
by an external source
• Delusions of grandeur are irrational beliefs that one is “extremely
important or famous”
Trang 46Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
General symptoms, continued
2. Deterioration of adaptive behavior
3. Distorted perception
of a real external stimulus or that represent gross distortions of perceptual input” are common symptoms
4. Disturbed emotion (either “flat” affect or inappropriate emotions for a
Trang 47Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• Subtypes
1. Paranoid type
• Paranoid schizophrenia “is dominated by delusions of persecution along
with delusions of grandeur”
against them
2. Catatonic type
• Catatonic schizophrenia “is marked by striking motor disturbances,
ranging from muscular rigidity to random motor activity”
Trang 48Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Subtypes of schizophrenia, continued
3. Disorganized type
adaptive behavior is seen”
Trang 49Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Subtypes of schizophrenia, continued
Trang 50Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• Positive versus negative symptoms
by Andreasen (1990) and others
flat affect)
bizarre behavior)
Trang 51Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• Course and outcome
Trang 52Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Course and outcome, continued
Trang 53Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
• Etiology of schizophrenia
– Genetic vulnerability
suggesting a genetic basis for the disease (see Figure 14.17)
– Neurochemical factors
Trang 54Figure 14.17 Genetic vulnerability to schizophrenic disorders Relatives of schizophrenic patients have an elevated risk for schizophrenia This risk is greater among closer
relatives Although environment also plays a role in the etiology of schizophrenia, the concordance rates shown here suggest that there must be a genetic vulnerability to the disorder These concordance estimates are based on pooled data from 40 studies.
Trang 55Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Etiology of schizophrenia, continued
– Structural abnormalities in the brain
schizophrenia have enlarged brain ventricles (see Figure 14.18)
of the disorder
Trang 56Figure 14.18 Schizophrenia and the ventricles of the brain Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates around the brain and spinal cord The hollow cavities in the brain filled with CSF are
called ventricles The four ventricles in the human brain are depicted here Studies with modern brain-imaging techniques suggest that an association exists between enlarged ventricles
in the brain and the occurrence of schizophrenic disturbance.
Trang 57Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Etiology of schizophrenia, continued
part by various disruptions in the normal maturational processes of the brain before or at birth” (Brown, 1999)
Trang 58Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Etiology of schizophrenia, continued
– Expressed emotion (EE) is “the degree to which a relative of a schizophrenic
patient displays highly critical or emotionally overinvolved attitudes toward the patient”
to relapse because they add stress
Trang 59Schizophrenic Disorders, continued
Etiology of schizophrenia, continued
– Precipitating stress itself may trigger the onset of schizophrenia in someone
who is already vulnerable to the disease
Trang 60Application: Eating Disorders, continued
• Types of eating disorders
– Eating disorders “are severe disturbances in eating behavior characterized by
preoccupation with weight and unhealthy efforts to control weight”
Trang 61Application: Eating Disorders, continued
Types of eating disorders, continued
– Anorexia nervosa “involves intense fear of gaining weight, disturbed body
image, refusal to maintain normal weight, and dangerous measure to lose weight”
laxatives and excessive exercise to eliminate food and/or burn calories
Trang 62Application: Eating Disorders, continued
Anorexia nervosa, continued
• Amenorrhea (ceasing of menstrual cycles).
Trang 63Application: Eating Disorders, continued
Types of eating disorders, continued
– Bulimia nervosa “involves habitually engaging in out-of-control overeating
followed by unhealthy compensatory efforts, such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, abuse of laxatives and diuretics, and excessive exercise”
problems, metabolic, and gastrointestinal problems
Trang 64Application: Eating Disorders, continued
Types of eating disorders, continued
– Binge-eating disorder “involves distress-inducing eating binges that are not
accompanied by the purging, fasting, and excessive exercise seen in bulimia”
Trang 65Application: Eating Disorders, continued
• History and prevalence
middle of the 20th century
gender gap is likely due to the unrealistic cultural standards for weight in Western societies
developing bulimia