PCCP COMMUNICATION Cite this: Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 Received 3rd February 2015, Accepted 16th June 2015 Nature of the interaction between rare gas atoms and transition metal doped silicon clusters: the role of shielding effects† c Vu Thi Ngan,*a Ewald Janssens,b Pieterjan Claes,b Andre ´ Fielicke, d b Minh Tho Nguyen and Peter Lievens* DOI: 10.1039/c5cp00700c www.rsc.org/pccp Mass spectrometry experiments show an exceptionally weak bonding between Si7Mn+ and rare gas atoms as compared to other exohedrally transition metal (TM) doped silicon clusters and other SinMn+ (n = 5–10) sizes The Si7Mn+ cluster does not form Ar complexes and the observed fraction of Xe complexes is low The interaction of two cluster series, SinMn+ (n = 6–10) and Si7TM+ (TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn), with Ar and Xe is investigated by density functional theory calculations The cluster–rare gas binding is for all clusters, except Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+, predominantly driven by short-range interaction between the TM dopant and the rare gas atoms A high s-character electron density on the metal atoms in Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+ shields the polarization toward the rare gas atoms and thereby hinders formation of short-range complexes Overall, both Ar and Xe complexes are similar except that the larger polarizability of Xe leads to larger binding energies Atomic clusters emerge as interesting materials in the size regime between single atoms and nanoparticles, whose properties are strongly influenced by confinement effects Understanding of their size and composition dependent structures and properties is primordial for further usage The interactions between clusters and rare gas (RG) atoms are of crucial importance in many experimental techniques For example, RG complexes are used for action spectroscopy in cluster science due to the inherent weak interaction,1 Ar titration and tagging have been used to obtain isomer-specific photoelectron spectra for 2D and 3D gold a Department of Chemistry, Quy Nhon University, Quy Nhon, Vietnam E-mail: vuthingan@qnu.edu.vn b Laboratory of Solid State Physics and Magnetism, KU Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium E-mail: peter.lievens@fys.kuleuven.be c Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technische Universita¨t Berlin, Berlin, Germany d Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Tables and figures providing more detailed information, divided into four parts: analysis of the mass spectra, dependence of the cluster–RG binding energy on the used functionals, interaction of SinMn+ (n = 6–10) with rare gas atoms (Ar, Xe) and interaction of Si7TM+ (TM = Cr, Mn, Cu and Zn) with rare gas atoms (Ar, Xe) See DOI: 10.1039/c5cp00700c 17584 | Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 clusters2,3 and isomer selective infrared (IR) spectra of niobium clusters.4 In most experimental studies, it has been assumed that the RG atoms not significantly influence the intrinsic structure and properties of the bare clusters, and are therefore called messenger or spectator atoms A negligible influence of the RG atoms is inferred from their low adsorption energies and from insignificant differences in measured IR spectra of elemental clusters and their Ar-complexes, such as for Vn+,5 Nbn+,6 Tan+ (n = 6–20),7 Sin+ (n = 6–21),8 as well as for binary SinV+ and SinCu+ (n = 6–11) clusters.9 Nevertheless, such an assumption is not always applicable Stronger cluster–RG interactions, which cause discernible changes in the IR spectra of the bare clusters, were observed for some Con+, Aun, and doped AunY clusters.10–12 Moreover, the RG tagging of some oxide clusters changes the energetic ordering of the isomers, in which case a low-energetic structural isomer, and thus not the ground state structure of the bare cluster, is probed in the experiment.13 A simple electrostatic picture was put forward to explain the stronger influence of the RG atom, analogous to models often used to interpret the interaction of RG atoms with metal surfaces14 or metal complexes.15 Much effort has been devoted to reveal the nature of interaction between RG and metal surfaces12,16 or metal-atom complexes.14,17 There are also a lot of experimental and theoretical results for transition metal cations interacting with RG atoms.18 However, only a few studies have been reported on RG interaction with clusters In this communication, we demonstrate that the interaction of cationic transition metal (TM) doped silicon clusters with rare gas atoms is predominantly driven by short-range forces, while the long-range forces become dominant in some cases where the s-electron density on the TM atom along the principal axis hinders the formation of short-range RG complexes due to its shielding effect Experimental methods Mass spectrometric experiments are performed in a molecular beam setup, which contains a dual target-dual laser vaporization This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Communication cluster source19 and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer Two independent Nd:YAG lasers vaporize the target materials and create a plasma Subsequent injection of a short pulse of helium cools the plasma and leads to condensation in the clustering channel This condensation room is followed by a thermalization room, which is thermally isolated from the main body of the source and cooled by a continuous flow of liquid nitrogen The source parameters are optimized for the formation of cold singly transition metal atom doped silicon clusters A temperature controller allows for stabilization to any temperature in the 80–320 K range The formation of cluster–argon and cluster–xenon complexes is induced by addition of a fraction of Ar or enriched 129Xe to the He carrier gas, respectively After expansion into vacuum the cluster distribution in the molecular beam is analyzed using a reflectron time-offlight mass spectrometer.20 Computational methods The clusters and their complexes are investigated computationally using density functional theory (DFT) The hybrid B3P86 functional is chosen because its good performance for transition metal doped silicon clusters was proven in the previous studies in which computed vibrational spectra were compared with experimental infrared multiphoton dissociation (IR-MPD) spectra.9,21 A comparison of other functionals including the M06 functional,22 which is well known to be suitable for weakly bound systems, has been already made in the previous study on the structure determination of SinMn+.21 M06 calculations give similar energetics to B3P86, but still not describe the system that well, even when including the RG ligands, at least in terms of the vibrational spectra In the present study, the RG–cluster PCCP binding energies are also calculated using the two functionals (B3P86, M06) (cf Table S1, ESI†) In general, the M06 gives energetically the same picture as B3P86, but consistently B0.1 eV higher RG binding energies Therefore, our discussion hereafter is only based on the B3P86 calculations The 6-311+G(d) basis set is applied for the silicon and transition metal atoms The aug-cc-pVDZ-PP basis set, which explicitly treats up to 26 outer electrons, is used for the Xe atom and includes scalar relativistic effects that are important in predicting the binding energies between metal ions and rare gas atoms.23 All calculations are performed using the Gaussian 03 package.24 Natural population analysis is done using the NBO 5.G program All energies are corrected with zero-point energies (ZPEs) computed at the same level of theory Mass spectrometric observations Typical mass spectra of rare gas complexes of manganese doped cationic silicon, SinMnm+ÁRG (n = 7–17, m = 0–2, RG = Ar and Xe), are shown in Fig The upper trace shows manganese doped silicon clusters and their argon complexes measured with the cluster source at 80 K and 1% of Ar in the He carrier gas The mass spectrum in the lower trace is measured using 0.5% of isotopically enriched xenon (129Xe) in the carrier gas and the source at 120 K The xenon atom is able to attach to silicon at this temperature and therefore, additionally to SinMnm+ÁXe, Xe-complexes are seen for the pure silicon clusters The relative intensities of the different species were obtained by fitting the natural isotope distributions of the different species to the measured mass spectra This way partly overlapping species (because of the isotopic broadening) have been deconvoluted Fig Mass spectra showing the formation of complexes of SinMn+ with Ar (upper trace) and Xe (lower trace) Bare silicon and Sin+–Xe clusters are marked with red stars and green squares, respectively Manganese doped silicon clusters are represented by the grid lines, doped cluster–RG (RG = Ar, Xe) complexes are indicated by blue lines and cluster–Ar2 complexes by green lines This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 | 17585 PCCP Communication This is required since the atomic mass of Mn is only u less than twice that of the most abundant 28Si isotope and thus significant overlap of the isotopic patterns of pure Sin+2+, SinMn+, and SinÀ2Mn2+ takes place As an example the resulting intensities obtained in the measurements using Ar are plotted in Fig S1 in the ESI† for Sin+, SinMn+, SinMn2+, SinMn+ÁAr, SinMn+ÁAr2, and SinMn2+ÁAr From this, the cluster size dependent fraction of RG complexes can then be calculated This fraction is defined as FRG ¼ I ðSin Mnþ Á RGÞ þ I ðSin Mnþ Á RG2 Þ I ðSin Mnþ Þ þ I ðSin Mnþ Á RGÞ þ I ðSin Mnþ Á RG2 Þ with I(SinMn+), I(SinMn+ÁRG), and I(SinMn+ÁRG) representing the integrated abundances of the cluster, its RG and RG2 complexes, respectively These fractions are plotted in Fig 2a for SinMn+ÁRG (n = 5–16) for RG = Ar (red squares) and RG = Xe (black dots) The degree of RG complex formation can provide precious structural information.2,3,24 It was, for example, previously demonstrated that no Ar-complex formation was possible (at 80 K) on pure cationic silicon clusters or on endohedral TM-doped silicon cations, while Ar does adsorb on cationic exohedrally TM-doped (Ti, V, Cr, Co, or Cu) Si clusters.25 Because of its higher polarizability, Xe complexes have been observed for both pure Si clusters and endohedral TM-doped Si clusters.8,26 The propensity for RG complex formation, as observed in Fig 2a, is expected to depend on the strength of the bond between the SinMn+ cluster and the RG atom The reduced complex formation at the critical size of n = 11 is attributed to the encapsulation of the dopant atom from this size onwards, in line with the observations for other dopants (Ti, V, Cr, Co, and Cu).25 Surprisingly, the propensity of Ar and Xe complex formation for Si7Mn+ is exceptionally low, an effect that has not been observed for any of the other TM dopants studied before In order to understand why the fraction of Si7Mn+ÁRG complexes is so much lower than those of other SinMn+ (n r 10) clusters, we set out a theoretical study of the chemical bonding of Ar and Xe atoms with two series of clusters: SinMn+ (n = 6–10) and Si7TM+ (TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn) The former series allows the size-dependence of the interaction to be studied, while the latter series concentrates on the role of the electron configuration of the dopant atom Interaction between SinMn+ (n = 6–10) and Ar, Xe atoms Structures of SinMn+ clusters were unambiguously identified on the basis of a comparison between measured infrared multiple photon dissociation spectra on the cluster–rare gas complexes and calculated harmonic vibrational counterparts using DFT at the B3P86/6-311+G(d) level.21 The potential energy surface of the cluster was carefully investigated by searching various structural isomers at different possible spin states The SinMn+ clusters were concluded to favor the high-spin states such as septet and quintet, while low-spin states (singlet and triplet states) are less stable These results were later on confirmed by the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy.27 In the present study we focus on the cluster–rare gas interaction in the experimentally observed complexes Structurally, only the exact binding position of the rare gas atom is unsure, as the available IR spectrum was not very sensitive to this We therefore have searched different isomers of the rare gas complexes and found only two isomers for Si7Mn+ÁRG and one stable isomer for other SinMn+ÁRG Due to the weak interaction, the rare gas attachment does not lead to changes in the electronic/spin state of the clusters The most stable structure of the complexes, consisting of cationic SinMn+ (n = 6–10) and RG = Ar or Xe, are presented in Fig For Si7Mn+ÁRG, two stable structural isomers, Com-A and Com-B, have been identified The RG directly binds to the Mn dopant atom along an axis connecting the Mn atom with the center of the cluster (principal axis) Com-B of Si7Mn+ÁRG is an exception in which the RG is bound to the Mn dopant in such a way that the Mn–RG bond is nearly perpendicular to the C2 axis of Si7Mn+ The SinMn+–RG bond dissociation energy (BDE) is calculated as: BDE(SinMn+ÁRG) = E(SinMn+) + E(RG) À E(SinMn+ÁRG) Fig (a) Cluster size dependent fraction of RG complexes, FRG, for SinMn+ (n = 5–16) for RG = Ar (red squares) and RG = Xe (black dots) (b) Calculated cluster size dependent binding energies between SinMn+ (n = 6–10) and Ar (red squares) or Xe (black dots) 17586 | Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 BDE amounts to B0.1–0.2 eV for SinMn+ÁAr and B0.4–0.5 eV for SinMn+ÁXe with n = 6, 8–10 For Si7Mn+ much smaller BDE are found The stationary structure Com-A of Si7Mn+ÁAr even has negative BDE after correction for ZPEs, meaning that such a complex will only be metastable Com-A of Si7Mn+ÁXe has an This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Communication PCCP Fig Structures of SinMn+ÁRG (n = 6–10, RG = Ar, Xe) Red spheres are Si atoms, purple spheres Mn atoms and blue spheres RG atoms Selected bond lengths are given in Å, the upper values for the Ar-complexes, and the lower values for the Xe-complexes The numbering of the atoms of Si7Mn+ is applied also for its RG complexes exceptionally low BDE of only 0.03 eV The BDE of Com-B is 0.02 eV for Si7Mn+ÁAr and 0.14 eV for Si7Mn+ÁXe Complexes with a BDE larger than B0.15 eV (such as for SinMn+ÁRG with n = 6, 8–10 and RG = Ar, Xe) are observed in the mass spectra with higher abundances Calculations using the M06 functional that also accounts for dispersion interactions give a similar picture, but the interaction energies are consistently B0.1 eV higher (Table S1, ESI†) These BDE values are consistent with the typical adsorption energies of RG on metal surfaces (being B0.1–0.2 eV).28 The lower BDE of Com-B, for both RG = Ar and RG = Xe, is in line with the low fraction of RG complexes observed for Si7Mn+ (cf Fig 2a) For the ease of comparison, the dependence of the computed BDE on the cluster size is plotted in Fig 2b Qualitatively, this plot reproduces the size dependence of the RG complex formation on cluster size in Fig 2a In summary, using DFT calculations, we could reproduce the peculiar behavior of the Si7Mn+ toward RG atoms and conclude that the calculated BDE is proportional to FRG In an attempt to explain the exceptionally low BDE(RG– Si7Mn+) of Com-A and Com-B, the nature of interaction between SinMn+ and RG atoms is analyzed For n = 6, 8–10, the Mn–RG distance is calculated to be around 2.6 and 2.8 Å for Ar and Xe, respectively Com-A of Si7Mn+ has slightly larger bond lengths of 2.7 and 2.9 Å for Ar and Xe, respectively Assuming that the nature of interaction in Com-A is similar to that of the SinMn+ÁRG (n = 6, 8–10) complexes, the difference in bond length indicates that the RG interaction with Si7Mn+ in Com-A is expected to be weaker than that with other cluster sizes Although Com-B of Si7Mn+ is energetically more stable than Com-A, the Mn–RG distances in Com-B are much longer, being 3.44 and 3.24 Å for Ar and Xe, respectively Noting that both complexes have a septet electronic state as also the bare Si7Mn+ cluster, the nature of the cluster–RG interactions in the Com-A and Com-B must differ significantly from each other Four factors usually contribute to the binding energy of complexes: (i) overlap of orbitals from the two interacting fragments (i.e., cluster and RG atom) leading to a polarization and charge transfer; (ii) repulsion between occupied orbitals of the two fragments; (iii) polarization contribution of the RG This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 atom caused by a positive charge at the binding site (i.e., the Mn dopant atom), and (iv) long-range interaction forces caused by higher-order polarization effects and dispersion energy The last factor is dominant in the case of no orbital overlap Of these four factors, (ii) induces a decrease in binding energy while the other three tend to increase the bond strength Let us now analyze in detail these different contributions to the BDE of the SinMn+ÁRG (n = 6–10, RG = Ar, Xe, Com-A considered for Si7Mn+) complexes (i) A careful investigation of the valence molecular orbitals (MOs) of the SinMn+ clusters and their RG-complexes points out that the np atomic orbitals (AOs) of the RG atom (3p for Ar and 5p for Xe) strongly overlap with MOs having large contributions of 3d AO (Mn) of SinMn+, causing a charge transfer of B0.1 e from Ar to Mn, and B0.2 e from Xe to Mn However, the orbital overlaps in the complexes of Si7Mn+ are weaker, thereby leading to a smaller charge transfer (being only 0.07 and 0.14 e for the Ar- and Xe-complex, respectively) In combination with the earlier discussed size dependence of the SinMn+–RG bond length, it can be concluded that the orbital overlap contribution to the BDE of the SinMn+ÁRG (n = 6, 8–10) complexes is significant, while it is smaller for Si7Mn+ÁRG The RG atom is thus less polarized by interaction with MOs of Si7Mn+ than by MOs of the other SinMn+ sizes Natural population analysis of the occupation of Mn orbitals in SinMn+ provides us with two reasons for the special behavior of Si7Mn+ Firstly, both the 3d and 4s shells of Mn in Si7Mn+ are half-filled (3d54s1) while in the other cluster sizes there are nearly electrons in the Mn 3d orbitals (3d64s0) The half-filled Mn 3d shell in Si7Mn+ is more stable than the Mn 3d6 configuration of the other SinMn+ sizes, leading to a smaller polarization toward AO-np (RG) Secondly, the large electron density of AO-4s (Mn) of Si7Mn+ hinders polarization of 3d orbitals (Mn) toward AO of RG This can be considered as a shielding or screening effect Similar shielding effects likely also hamper the formation of a bond between the isolated Mn+ cation (3d54s1) and Ar.18 It should be noted, however, while the IR-MPD spectrum for Si7Mn+ÁXe gives favorable agreement for the calculated spectrum of the isomer shown in Fig with the 3d54s1 local configuration at the Mn atom,21 an Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 | 17587 PCCP independent experimental study finds a magnetic moment at the Mn of only mB.27 (ii) It is found that the repulsion contribution is negligible in SinMn+ÁRG complexes for n = 6, 8–10, whereas it is significant for Si7Mn+ÁRG Indeed, Si7Mn+ has two occupied MOs (HOMO and HOMOÀ5, Fig 4) having large contributions of AO-4s (Mn) These MOs are characterized by large lobes along the C2 axis and pointing out the Si7Mn+ molecule, which is elucidated by its Mn 3d54s1 electronic configuration The contribution of AO-4s (Mn) to the MO of Si7Mn+ is pictorially emphasized by plots of total and partial density of states shown in Fig S2 of the ESI.† The HOMO and HOMOÀ5 of Si7Mn+ cause a strong repulsion upon interaction with the occupied AO-np of the RG atom along the C2 axis As a result, their energies largely increase in Com-A of Si7Mn+ÁAr leading to a change in the energetic ordering of the MOs relative to those of bare Si7Mn+ (cf Fig 4) In particular, the HOMO of Si7Mn+ correlates with the complex’s LUMO, and the LUMO of the Si7Mn+ with the complex’s HOMO The swap between HOMO and LUMO destabilizes Com-A, which is witnessed by its negative BDE A similar reasoning holds for Com-A of Si7Mn+ÁXe But the larger polarizability of Xe, which compensates the negative contribution of the repulsion, results in a small positive BDE of 0.03 eV (iii) The dipolar polarization significantly contributes to the binding energy as the positive charges on the Mn atoms in SinMn+ are rather large, amounting to B0.8–1.0 e However, for Si7Mn+, the existence of a big lobe of s-character electron density on the C2 axis prevents the polarization of the charge of Mn toward the RG atoms, due to the shielding effect In this case, the shielding of the AO-4s (Mn) has a two-fold effect including the less effective nuclear charge (leading to the weaker polarizability by charge) and the less orbital overlap between AO-3d (Mn) and AO-3p (Ar)/5p (Xe) (iv) The long-range contribution which is caused by higherorder polarization and dispersion is expected to be much Communication smaller than the other three contributions because of the relatively short bond lengths in these complexes In summary, the binding energy of the SinMn+ÁRG (n = 6, 8–10 and RG = Ar, Xe) complexes is mainly determined by the polarization of the RG atoms by the orbital overlap and the large positive charge on Mn Such bonding mechanism is similar to the familiar explanation for the short-range RG interaction with metal surfaces and metal complexes.29 The interaction in Com-A of Si7Mn+ is different There are two positive and one negative contribution to its BDE The positive contributions include the polarizations by orbital overlap and by positive charge on Mn, but they are smaller than those of the other cluster sizes due to the screening effect of the AO-4s on the Mn dopant We now turn to an understanding of the nature of chemical bonding in Com-B of Si7Mn+ÁAr and Si7Mn+ÁXe The different contributions to the BDE of Com-B in comparison with Com-A are as follows: (i) Comparing the MOs of Com-A and Com-B of Si7Mn+ we find that the orbital overlap contribution is much smaller in Com-B than that in Com-A Indeed, the charge transfer from RG to Mn in Com-B is only 0.01 and 0.07 electron for Ar and Xe, respectively, as compared to values of 0.07 and 0.14 electron for Com-A with Ar and Xe (ii) The repulsion contribution in Com-B is much weaker than that in Com-A, because the 4s electron density located out of the C2 axis is smaller than those on the axis Therefore the ordering of MOs in Com-B is similar to that in the Si7Mn+ cluster and there is no switch between HOMO and LUMO of Si7Mn+ upon formation of Com-B (cf Fig 4) (iii) Due to the weaker effect of out-of-axis s-electrons, the polarization contribution of the positive charge of Mn towards the RG atom is larger in Com-B than in Com-A (iv) The long-range contribution plays a more important role to the BDE of Com-B due to the absence of orbital overlap, which leads to a long distance between Mn and RG atoms Fig Selected frontier orbitals of Si7Mn+ and Com-A, Com-B of Si7Mn+ÁAr The upper row shows the LUMOs, the middle row the HOMOs, the lower row the HOMOÀ5 for the bare cluster and Com-B, and the HOMOÀ3 for Com-A Purple spheres are Mn atoms, grey spheres Si atoms and blue spheres Ar atoms 17588 | Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Communication Moreover, the RG atom in Com-B is not only interacting with the Mn but also with the Si atoms (numbered 1, 2, and in Fig 3) In summary, for Com-B of Si7Mn+ the polarization by orbital overlap and repulsion contributes much less to the bonding, whereas the polarization by positive charge and long-range effects including dipole and higher-order polarization bring about the most important parts to the BDE Due to the main contribution of polarization, the Xe atom possessing higher polarizability interacts stronger with Si7Mn+ than the Ar atom, leading to the remarkable observation that the Mn–Xe bond distance (3.24 Å) is shorter than the Mn–Ar distance (3.44 Å) in Com-B Hence, the nature of the interactions between the RG atoms and SinMn+ (n = 6, 8–10) is predominantly characterized by a polarization of the RG atom due to the orbital overlap and to the positive charge on the Mn dopant This model for the interaction was used to rationalize the bonding of RG with several pure or doped Si clusters25 and in the Con+ÁAr (n = 4–8) metal cluster complexes.10 It is also a popular model to explain the interaction of RG atoms with metal surfaces and metal ion complexes.14,17,29 Avoidance of the symmetrical axis for binding was also found for the Mn+Á(H2O) complex.15 Interaction between Si7TM+ with TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ar, Xe atoms The role of the electronic structure of the dopant atom is unraveled by studying the cluster–RG interaction along the Si7TM+ series with TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn The clusters are assumed to all have a TM-capped pentagonal bipyramidal structure with C2v symmetry For Si7Cr+, Si7Mn+, and Si7Cu+ such structures have been identified by combined IRMPD spectroscopy and DFT studies.9,21,30 No IRMPD data are available to confirm the computed structure for Si7Zn+ The clusters have 6A1, 7A1, 1A1, and 2A1 ground electronic states for Si7Cr+, Si7Mn+, Si7Cu+, and Si7Zn+, respectively For each cluster isomer we have investigated different spin states from singlet up to octet and there is little doubt about the ground electronic state of the investigated clusters The Si7Cr+, Si7Mn+ favor highspin states while Si7Cu+, and Si7Zn+ favor low-spin states, alike the corresponding isolated metal cations The isolated cations Cr+ ([Ar]3d54s0) and Mn+ ([Ar]3d54s1) have half-filled 3d shells, while the Cu+ ([Ar]3d104s0) and Zn+ ([Ar]3d104s1) have totally filled 3d shells Comparison of the RG interaction with Si7Zn+ and Si7Cu+ to that with Si7Mn+ reveals a stabilizing role of the filled versus the half-filled 3d shell in the RG interaction with the TM-capped pentagonal bipyramidal silicon clusters Comparing the interaction of RG atoms with Si7Cr+ to that with Si7Mn+ emphasizes the role of the shielding effect of the s-electron in the bonding Complex Com-A with an Ar atom is only metastable for Si7Mn+ while it is stable for Si7Cu+ and Si7Cr+ with BDEs of 0.22 and 0.19 eV, respectively, even though the Ar–TM bond lengths in Si7Cu+ÁAr and Si7Cr+ÁAr (2.46 and 2.82 Å, respectively) are This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 PCCP comparable to that in Com-A of Si7Mn+ÁAr This result means that the nature of interaction of the Ar atoms with Si7Cu+ and Si7Cr+ is different from that of Ar with Si7Mn+ A similar conclusion can be drawn for the corresponding Xe-complexes (cf ESI†) Similar to Si7Mn+, Si7Zn+ forms two complexes Com-A and Com-B with BDE values of À0.40 and 0.01 eV for Ar, and À0.11 and 0.10 eV for Xe, respectively This indicates that the nature of the RG interaction with Si7Zn+ and Si7Mn+ is rather similar However the BDEs of the RG complexes of Si7Zn+ are even lower than those of Si7Mn+ Experimentally, no adsorption of Ar on SinZn+ clusters is observed To investigate further the orbital overlap, the overlap populations (based on the C-squared population analysis, SCPA31) between the AOs of Ar and TM dopant atoms in Com-A of Si7TM+ÁAr are plotted in Fig It can be seen that the orbital overlaps for TM = Cr, Cu are much stronger than for TM = Mn, Zn The AO-3s (Ar) hardly participate in the overlap, and therefore are not shown in Fig The AO-3p (Ar) overlap strongly with the AO-3d, 4s, and 4p of TM = Cr or Cu The AO-3d (TM) overlap less with AO-3p (Ar) in Si7Mn+ÁAr and the population overlap becomes even zero in the case of Si7Zn+ÁAr For the latter, there only is overlap between AO-4p (Zn) and AO-3p (Ar), meaning that the shielding effect of Zn is so strong that the AOs-3d not participate at all in the overlap, which leads to a polarization The valence electronic configuration of the TM atom in the bare cluster Si7TM+ computed using NBO analysis are Fig Overlap population between atomic orbitals of Ar and the dopant atoms in Com-A of Si7TM+ (TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn) The curves are overlap populations for 3d(TM)–3p (Ar), green curves 4s(TM)–3p (Ar), and black curves for 4p(TM)–3p (Ar) The BDEs of complexes are 0.19, À0.25, 0.22, and À0.40 eV, respectively TM red for the Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 | 17589 PCCP [3d4.9 4s0.2], [3d5.1 4s1.0], [3d9.9 4s0.3], and [3d10.0 4s1.2] for TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn, respectively Both Cr and Mn thus maintain their half-filled 3d5 shell, while both Cu and Zn atoms have a filled 3d10 shell in the Si7TM+ clusters The electron populations of the Mn and Zn 4s orbitals in the Si7TM+ clusters are much larger than those of Cr and Cu Therefore, the weak orbital overlap of Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+ is not related to the stability of half-filled or filled 3d shells of the TM atom, but rather to shielding effects of their 4s electrons Regarding the shapes of the frontier MOs (Table S6 of the ESI†), the Si7TM+ (TM = Cr, Mn, Cu, and Zn) clusters have similar LUMOs The Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+ clusters have a similar HOMO with a large s-lobe along the C2 axis whereas Si7Cr+ and Si7Cu+ have a HOMO with a nodal plane containing the C2 axis The MOs with a large s-character on the C2 axis are unoccupied in the latter Swaps of HOMO and LUMO, relative to the bare clusters, are found for Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+ when forming Com-A but not for Com-B In all cases, the Xe-complexes are similar to the Ar-complexes, except that the polarizability of Xe is larger than that of Ar, leading to larger polarization energies and thus larger BDEs of the Xe-complexes Conclusions In conclusion, the nature of the interactions of RG atoms with most of the investigated exohedral transition metal doped silicon cluster cations (SinMn+ with n = 6, 8–10 and Si7TM+ with TM = Cr, Cu) are predominantly characterized by a polarization of the RG atom due to the orbital overlap and the positive charge of the clusters Both Ar and Xe atoms can form similar complexes, but the interaction of the dopant atoms with Xe is stronger due to a larger polarizability related to the larger size of the Xe atom Si7Mn+ and Si7Zn+ appear to be special cases The RG atom tends to avoid binding with the Mn and Zn dopants on the C2 axis to form Com-A due to a shielding effect of the dopant s-electron density Formation of Si7TM+ÁRG complexes having the Com-B shape is essentially characterized by long-range interaction forces The findings of the present study can be generalized as follows: clusters having high electron density of s-character toward the principal axis of the molecule are expected to be prevented from complexing by a polarization of the RG atom and a repulsion with the occupied orbitals of the RG atoms, overall leading to a weaker interaction energy in the resulting RG-complexes, and thereby limiting the formation of the latter Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO-Vlaanderen), the KU Leuven Research Council (GOA 14/007) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within FOR 1282 (FI 893/4) VTN thanks the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant 104.06-2013.06 17590 | Phys Chem Chem Phys., 2015, 17, 17584 17591 Communication References W H Robertson and M A Johnson, Annu Rev Phys Chem., 2003, 54, 173–213 W Huang and L.-S Wang, Phys Rev Lett., 2009, 102, 153401 S Gilb, K Jacobsen, D Schooss, F Furche, R Ahlrichs and M M Kappes, J Chem Phys., 2004, 121, 4619–4627 A Fielicke, C Ratsch, G von Helden and G Meijer, J Chem Phys., 2005, 122, 091105 C Ratsch, A Fielicke, A Kirilyuk, J Behler, G von Helden, G Meijer and M Scheffler, J Chem Phys., 2005, 122, 124302 (a) A Fielicke, C Ratsch, G von Helden and G Meijer, J Chem Phys., 2007, 127, 234306; (b) P V Nhat, V T Ngan and M T Nguyen, J 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