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Boost writing 1 teacher s book

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Writing 1: o Age-oppropriote and cross-curriculor topics N Models of good writing os well os exomples of bod writing".. All About MeSUBJECT Art and Literature WRITING SKILT Writing clear

Trang 2

The Boost! Skills Series is the definitive ond comprehensive level series of skills books for junior English leorners The series hos been developed oround oge-oppropriote, cross-curriculor topics thot develop students'criticol thinking ond exominotion techniques It follows on integroted skills opprooch with eoch of the skills brought together ot the end of eoch unit.

four-The twelve core units in Boost! Writing 1 follow o cleor ond tronsporent structure to moke teoching and leorning eosy ond fun The writing skills build ond progress ocross the four levels of Boost! Writing ond ore correloted to the next generotion of tests

of English.

You will find the following in Boost! Writing 1:

o Age-oppropriote and cross-curriculor topics

N Models of good writing os well os exomples of bod writing" Writing proctice thot builds from sentence ond porogroph levels to full-length possoges

Activities thot provide qn opportunity to creote o wide voriety

of text Wpes (essoys, letters, emoils, etc.)

Trang 3

& find the topic directly relates to their

own lives and study

a be engaged and motivated to learn

Kefore Yoax WnX*e

Samples of good and bad writing are presented with

a noticing task

Students will

a learn to distinguish between good and bad writing

& discover the writing skill for themselves

without the need for long explanations

I hi mynomes scot ili hiy ra're i3 ttcl'j

2 icomeiiomouilrdlio

3 mymotherito singerond myfother toMiter

idon t hoveonY broth€6oi$sers

idon't like reodingbooks much

myfdvorite schoohublectb engnsn

t 1 0

,&nxdXCI &&

The CD at the back of the Student Bookprovides audio support for all reading passagesplus the audio for the Integration listening tasks



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, t ,I,

Trang 4

WrXtXmg FN'act&ce

Practice based around a writing model is followed

by more personalized writing practice

Students will

* develop the skills needed for accurate and

effective writing through model-based practice

t be able to follow guidance to write their own



After every two core units

there is a review which

consolidates the writino

skills already studied

honttro!tus, sh%s old por&s rnqp

Q r"".ir" ,t" ,."r"n.* - ' ' t' '' "" ' ;:::i*'

".oye,n two p.rag,aph5,

Q co.rrntu tr"

Trang 6

CD Script p 9 2

Trang 7

All About Me

SUBJECT Art and Literature

WRITING SKILT Writing clearly in English

WRITING TASK Write sentences about yourself

Writing clearly in English

To wnite well in English, you need to write clear'ly To do this, you need to do the following:

1 Use CAPITAL lettens You should always use a capital for'

the finst letten of the f irst wond in a senten ce [His family was big.)

the pronoun, I lMary and I went to the store.)

the finst letter in the names of people lBob Smithl and places(Sydney, Australia)

the finst letter in the names of languages and nationalities[Chinese)

the finst letten in the first, last and all impontant wonds in the titles of movies (The Lion,the Wtch and the Wardrobe) and books (Forever in B/uel

2 Use punctuation You should use

a peniod [.] to show whene a sentence finishes [The cat was big.)

a question mark [?] at the end of a question lWas your lunch good?)

o an exclamation mank [!] to add emphasis to a sentence [The movie was so scary!).

3 Use spaces You should

leave one space between each wond [He is good not Heisgood.)

leave one space aften a punctuation mank (He is smart, isn't he?not He is smart,isn't he?) not leave a space between a word and a punctuation mank lHe is nice not He is nice )

1 Hi My nome is foy

2 I come from Koreo

3 My mother is o pointer ond my fother is q moth teocher

[Students' onswers con vory]




I hove o younger sister

My fovorite sport is soccer

My fovorite food is pizza




Trang 8

All About Me

ffi, what are your favonite books amd movies? &iseuss Srour answers"

d&* Read the parasraphs.

@" @y name is @nY" 0'm 12 Years olde

@ *" from @onodo'@ fother is alawyer ond my mother is a dentisto p ttave

J,u'rounn"r sister6 @y fovorite book is 'g'"rt', lnd tr'e @rocotate @ctorYJ' fr7 rovoritu movie is "@odagoscard'

@y favorite school subject is


@w about You?


h e l l o my$am{,r 1ul;" i'm 1.1 y " o r r p l A ; f c o - l f r o , , l r h e ( l n i f e $ t a t e s my

f a t h e t f rfu doctorpnA nylnotherf,sp s e c r e l a r y l ! " a v e

o n{y o u nge r 6 rofh e tla nd

- The first one because t'he wriler usee capit al

1 Which porogroph is eosier to reod? WhY? b"t"rs, periods and epaces.

2 In the first porogroph, circle the CAPITAL letters ond periods (.) you con find

3 In the second porogroph, drow o slosh ( / ) where you think there should be o spocebetween words

Trang 9

I comefrom Ausl,ralia

mymotheriso singerond myfother isowriter

My mother ie a einqer and my l79her is- a y.v7it,9y,

idon't hoveany brothersorsisters

I don't have any brolhers or sist ers

idon't like reodingbooks much

I d o n ' t l i k e r e a d i n g b o o k s m u c h myfovorite schoolsubj ectis english

Vy fayorite school eubject, ie Englieh

U s e a c a p i t a l l e t t e r / ( n o t i ) w h e n t a l k i n g a b o u t vourself Also use a caoital letter at the start of names ( p e o p l e , c o u n t r i e s , l a n g u a g e s , b o o k s a n d m o v i e s )


Trang 10

ffi **u** sentenees about yourself.


is a doctor.

I come from the Unit ed 9t atee

Trang 11

Hello therel MY n7me i?, M?*,

I hove one olderbrolher.

M y f a t h e r is a t e a c h e r a n d m y m o t h e r i s a n a c t r e s s

Read the sentences from Activity E

on page 11 to a elassmate and write

down eaeh other's sentences

lhave one older sister and onq y.qynqer sie.ter

My favolite movie is 1pider'Man2

Trang 12

Nome: Closs: Dote:

O Rewrite each sentence using capital letters, spaces and periods in the right

Trang 13

In the Neighborhood

WRITING SKILI Making paragraphs

WRITING TASK Write a paragraph about your neighborhood

To give students practice wniting paragnaphs, you can use the following activity

1 Give students two groups of foun sentences each In each gnoup, thnee of the sentencesshould be nelated to the same main idea and should go together to fonm a panagraph Thefounth sentence should not be connected to the main idea

2 Have students decide which sentence does not belong in each panagnaph

3 Then have them use the nemaining sentences to wt'ite out two panagnaphs following the

g u i d e l i n e s a b o v e


Trang 15

fu'$3r ry*{ghir,as"h***'{ is *;a{i*d SanEmam;d*_ng, ,Th,q1e- alg ry1any sho,ps and somep.arke, ?eople are friendly aqd fi99i7 ryy ye_igl1b9yl\o_9Q, ! li]ke living in Sangnamldoyg.

,, ,,'tr:4: :

P a r a g r a p h s m a k e y o u r id e a s

c l e a r a n d e a s y t o r e a d


Trang 17

ffi nu, the sentenees in the right orden.

a It's in Kowloon in Hong Kong

b All in oll, I like living in Ho Mon Tin

c There ore mony houses ond oportments there

d I like the clossrooms ot my school

e The ployground is greot, too

f t go to Ho Mon Tin Elementory School

g My neighborhood is colled Ho Mon Tin

h People ore friendly ond nice in my neighborhood

ffi Writ" the sentences above in two paragraphs.

l.ir.l :

;,,,,,';,t919'-!lqMalri,llE!gn"_tt-tafy?g!ggJ,tt !trlgwlee{titr,,t!gtg-I-u,nq,ltlylketh9


-g)ga, "i*y7At my sah o ol T h e pl ayq,ro u1npl ;g;r-e a1'., X o o

My'ttg|glhpdlgp{ip !!llg-dHg tvt4 Tin There are manyhousee and aparrmentsthere

Trang 21

Hello there!

!lYlllr'r''r'''" " "' '

SUBJECT Sports and Leisure

WRITING SKILL Writing to a pen pal

WRITING TASK Introduce yourself in an email

Writing to a pen pal

Wniting an email is a great way to intnoduce yourself to a pen pal This kind of email tells thingsabout you and your' life Fon example, it can talk about youn family, whene you live and what youlike to do Youn email should also ask questions You can ask the penson you ane wniting toabout his/her hobbies, intenests and likes and dislikes These questions will give your pen palmone subjects to write about in his/hen nesponse Howeven, your questions should not be toopersonal (Are you rich?)

When you wnite an email to a pen pal, thene ane sevenalthings you should keep in mind Fir^st,

as emails are usually infonmal, you can stant with a fniendly gneeting, such as:

Hi! He//o! Hello there! He/ Hi(pen pals name)/

Similanly, you can finish your email with an infonmal closing, like one of the following:

Please write back soon P/ease write back ASAP! Best wishes! Bve!

Bye for now! Thatb a//for now!

Finally, the panagnaphs in your^ email should follow the nules discussed in Unit 2 Rememben tognoup nelated information togethen

Trang 23

W n l t i n g to a p e n p a l

W r i t i n g a n e m a i l i s a g r " e a t w a y t o i n t r o d u c e y o u r s e l f t o a p e n p a l T h i s k i n d o f e m a i l t e l l s t h i n g s about you and your' life.

{q|} Write the answer to each question in the hox"

Whot's your nome?

Whot ore the people in

your neiqhborhood like?

Where do you comefrom?

5ydney, Australia

Whot sports do you

Whot is yourneighborhood colled?

Trang 24

Use the informatisn in Activlty D on page 20 to cornplete the enlai!.

It's locoted iy1 6y Ausluralia

My fovorite book is qs3 The Suitlan Games

My fovorite movie is qet Eragon

I olso Iike sports I like {?} volleyballmost of oll, but I'm olso into (e! basketball

g , t e n n i e


Are you into {1s}

ond volleyball

-) , I go to {i1} 5ethany Academy

*aj 5ydneyschool subject is 1:s3 ecienqgHow obout you?

My neighborhood is colled {le}

There ore mony qrs; parksqtal schools

Trang 25


Work vuitlr a e lassmtate Ask eaeh q&'lestlom amd wvritc thc answrer

Whot's your nome?

1 Harry ?oller movieg

{SF Write a paragreph ahsut yeur €la$srylate Mslmg the ir.rfonrmati@n from ,&, &, f sr

& in AetXvity F

H e g o e s t o Y o n g e a n E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l l t i s l o c a t e d i n S e o u l i n K o r e a H i s f a v o r i t e

s u b j e c t , is E n g l i s h


Trang 26

Nome: Closs:

@ Answer the questions

Whot is vour nome?

Whqt grode ore you in?

Whot ore your hobbies?

Who is your fovorite singer?

Who is your fovorite octor?

Whqt foods do you like to eot?

@ Use the information from Activity A to write an email to a pen pal'

Trang 27

Good Times

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITING SKILL Brainstorming

WRITING TASK Complete a brainstorm diagram about your hobbies


Befone you write, it is a good idea to plan what you ane going to say Bnainstonming is the finststep in this planning lt means to think about lots of different ideas Brainstonming allows you to

icome up with ideas without wonnying about gramman, wond choice or sentence structure

Ther.e are sever.al differ-ent ways to bnainstonm, but one of the most populan is to necond ideas

in a br"ainstorm diagnam When brainstorming in this way, the main idea is wnitten in a box

in the centen of the diagr"am ldeas nelated to this main idea are then necorded in bubblesattached to the box Lines extendrng from the bubbles ane used to note down details which :suppot t these ideas When complete, the diagram pnovides a "map" you can use to organlzeyour" ideas into paragraPhs

you may wish to emphasize the following to your students before having them bnainstorm. Thene ane no cornect on inconrect answers when bnainstonmtng

They do not need to use eveny idea they br^ainstorm in thein wniting

They can come up with ideas by thinking of words and wh- questions nelated to the main

i d e a



Trang 28

@r@ CD script on p 92.

Trang 29

B r a i n s t o r m i n g

Brainstorming is the first step in writing lt means to think about lots of different ideas and then

to show them in a diaoram.

ffi Ur" the words given to complete each diagnam.

Whot extreme sports would you like to try? Where could you do these sports?

Trang 31

Listen and complete tlre diagrarn.

Whot is your fqvorite seqson? Whot do you like to do during this seqson, ond who do you like to do it with?

Wfrite a paragreph usimg t$rc diagram

My f avorite seaeon ig summer I go to the beach with rny f amily I go swimming wi1"h my dad and brother I like skaEeboarding with my brother or by my-self, I also lkg to ride my bicycle with my best friend.



Trang 32

N o m e : Closs: Dote:

@ Brainstorm the topic.

Whqt ploces would you like to visit on your vocotion? Why would you like to visit these ploces?

@ Write a paragraph using the diagram.


@ Pearson Education Asia Limited 2007 B o o s t ! W r i t i n g 1 @

Trang 33

You are going to visit a

n'rontlrs" Read the emaiN

sehool's Welesme Club

schoo! in lfancouwer" Ca*qada, for threexroqx received fr*m a studemt im the

I'm reolly looking forword to meeting you when you orrive.

I'll meet you ot the oirport ond help you while you ore here.

But first, I'd like to get to know you Pleose send on emoil

ond tell me oll obout yourself! :-)


My nameis KimbeTly,but my friends juet ca!! rne Kim l'm12years old I cometrom Melbourne lt's in Aust ralia My father is a teacher and my molher is a

w rit er I h av e t w o older b r other s

My f av o rit e b o ok is W at e r ship D ow n I r e ally like h orc or m ovi e s H ow ab o ut y o u?

I also like e?orte I like swimming most of all, but,l'm algo into lable lennis andhockey Are you into sport s, too?

? l e a s e w r i t e b a c k s o o n

K i m

Trang 34

{ ; &ra ir:storrm e*s&r tCIpie"

Whot ore your fqvorite TV shows?

Why do you like these shows?

Trang 35

Cool Critters

SUBJECT Science and Nature

WRITING SKILT Using titles and headings

WRITING TASK Make titles and headings about your favorite animals

Using titles and headings

Titles ane important because they tell you quickly and cleanly what a passage is about [the

main ideaJ They ane usually found at the top of a passage and ane often the finst thing you

notice when you nead something They focus youn attention on the main idea of a passage

befor e you begin to nead it This helps you undenstand what you ane r"eading mone easily Titlesnonmally appean in the centen on on the left-hand side of the page, and ther.e is usually a blankline between the title and the finst line of the passage You can use the main idea fr.om the

centen box of a bnainstonm diagr.am to help you wt ite a title

Headings can be found above different panagnaphs in a passage They tell you what each

panagnaph is about by summanizing its main idea In this sense, they ar e like titles for

panagraphs As headings appean above the par agnaphs they summanize, they also help showyou whene new ideas begin When you wnite headings, it is impontant to nemember that all ofthe ideas in a panagr^aph should be nelated to its heading You can use infor.mation fnom the

b u b b l e s i n a b n a i n s t o n m d i a g n a m t o h e l p y o u c o m e u p w i t h h e a d i n g s

Titles and headings should not be complete sentences, and they genenally do not contain


Heoding 1: Boord gomes

Heoding 2: Card gclmes

Heoding 3: Computer gomes

2 Title: The books I likeHeoding 1: Scory booksHeoding 2: Exciting booksHeoding 3: Funnybooks

1 Animols in the zoo

2 The closses I toke

3 The pets I like

4 Slow onimols

5 Inventions in my house

6 Wild onimols


Trang 37

[Jsing titles and ]readings

T i t l e s a r " e i m p o r t a n t b e c a u s e t h e y te l l u s q u i c k l y a n d c l e a r l y w h a t a p a s s a g e i s a b o u t [the main

i d e a ] H e a d i n g s c a n b e f o u n d a b o v e d i f f e n e n t p a n a g n a p h s H e a d i n g s t e l l u s w h a t e a c h p a r a g r a p h

i s a b o u t "

,*{eaf,g|, write titles and headings

Whot onimols doyou like? Think oboutonimols os pets,onimols in the wildond olso some smortonimols


Whot foods do you .Iike? Think obout i,fruit ond vegetobles,snock foods ond olsofoods you con get inrestour0nts

Trang 38


Trang 39

headings and paragraphs.

Title: The onimols I like

l{eading: Smart aryliYqle,

PanaEnaph: Ilike doqs

b eit, or lie down,

becouse they con leorn tricks They can leorn

Heading: fungle onimols

Fanagraph: I reolly like _ lrigers They ore very big and etT ong

They can hunt well, ond they ore beayt'ifw!

fuffi Write two of your own headlngs \# and two semtences about eaeh.

Title: School subjects I like

H e a d i n g : 9 c i e n c e

ParaEraph: I like sciencebecause llikelearning about differentkindg of plantsand animals I aleo, enjoy doing science experiments, My fauorite- e'xp-eriments

a r e a b o u t , t h e w e a t h e r Heading: Hisiory

Faragraph: IreallylikeLigl.oyy.!likelgayfinq4bo-9!,?ast eventsandhowthe;y


T h e p a r a g r a p h s h o u l d

s u p p o r t t h e h e a d i n g

Trang 40

N o m e : C l q s s : Dote:

O write titles and headings.

Whot gomes do

you like? Think

obout boord gomes,

cord gomes ond

computer gomes


H e o d i n g L :Heading 2:

Heoding 3:

Whot books do

you like? Think

obout scory books,

exciting books ond

funnv books


H e o d i n g 1 :Heoding 2:

onimols live in the zoo?

closses do you toke?

pets do you like?

Whot oni

H e o d i n g :

mols ore slow?

Whot inventions ore in your house?

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2016, 21:33

