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Reading test toeic (6)

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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes There are three parts, and directions are given for each part You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers in the test book PART 5: Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below Four answer choices are given below each sentence Select the best answer to complete the sentence Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet 101 When the room during a fire drill, pleaseproceed calmly but quickly (A) exiting (B) to exit (C) exited (D) exits (C) so (D) and 104 Conference Room A will temporarily close until .of the adjacent wing has been completed 102 The teacher needs to learn how to explaindifficult concepts more _ (A) construction (B) constructing (C) construct constructed (A) simple (D) (B) simply (C) simplicity 105 The new anti-cholesterol drug is the _ ofyears of research and countless safety trials (D) simplest (A) production 103 Officers will not allow visitors to enter they are not wearing a guest pass (B) produce (C) product (A) yet (D) producer (B) if TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 106 The Hannaford Holding Firm _last weekthat it will not meet its earnings quota for the next quarter (C) suggests (D) offers (A) announces 110 Responding to an increase in demand for soy-based products, corporate (B) is announced (C) announced (D) was announced executives decided to lower prices 107 The blueprints that were to be delivered to the contractor today were mistakenly left the architect's office (A) at (B) from (C) on (D) for participate (B) arrive (C) appear (D) attend recommends (B) advises (B) their (C) theirs (D) themselves (A) create (B) creating (C) creation (D) creatively 112 A delay in construction _ adverse weatherconditions has put the entire project behind schedule 109 The fact that unemployment figures continueto be high that real recovery is stillmonths away (A) them 111 A successful employee volunteer program willhelp a positive public image for thefirm 108 All interested students are invited to the pottery workshop that will be held in the art room this Saturday (A) (A) (A) due to (B) because (C) in order to (D) since 113 Ricky Luis, a company salesman, was by the CEO for his record-breaking May figures TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (A) congratulated (B) entrusted 117 It is safe to say that, thus far, secondquarter earnings have far surpassed shareholder _ (C) realized (A) expected (D) demonstrated (B) expectations (C) expectantly (D) expects 114 The committee's of the cause of the accident determined that no one was at fault (A) variety (B) suspicion (C) analysis 118 Despite the recent financial troubles of itsgovernment, Greece remains as popular a destination for honeymooners Italy (D) formula (A) In (B) as (C) than (D) more 115 Experts are unsure whether a for fullyelectric cars will succeed in America (A) reaction (B) market (C) purchase 119 Homebuyers must pay attention to several-features of a property, including _ location and resale value (D) fuel (A) specific 116 When the Jones Brothers Bakery produced asurplus, it used to _ make deliveries ofthe extra food to a homeless shelter (B) reluctant (C) accountable (D) qualified (A) regular (B) regularly 120 Surveys show that consumer spending on Junk food _ increases during economic recessions (C) regulates (A) (D) regularity frequently TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) approximately (C) mistakenly (D) gratefully company payouts to employees' retirement accounts 121 Diana Lee wants the corporation to pursuean even market than it has in the past (A) wider (B) wide (C) widened (D) widely despite (B) whereas (C) without (D) because specified (B) specifications (C) specifying (D) specifies (B) terminating (C) terminally (D) to terminate (A) allotment (B) opportunity (C) evidence (D) index 126 A federal safety inspector ordered that the _ malfunctioning valve sensor on the mining machine be replaced 123 A representative from the client's firm will oversee the work to ensure that all of the project are met (A) terminate 125 According to state law, an _ of 15 units in the apartment complex will be set aside as low-income housing 122 Students who complete the quiz on economic theory _ referring to their notes will receive 10 extra points (A) (A) (A) eventually (B) routinely (C) sensitively (D) difficultly 127 Artist George Sheffield was recently featured in a daring postmodern art at the Wilkes Museum 124 After much discussion among the board, the decision has been made (A) exhibits (B) exhibited TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) exhibition (A) optimistic (D) exhibiting (B) alarmed 128 A group of neighbors the fire burning in the building by the time emergency responders arrived on the scene (C) familiar (D) rewarding (A) had extinguished (B) extinguished (C) extinguishes 132 Under continual pressure from workers, the manager is considering _ eight marketing department trainees instead of just six (D) will have extinguished 129 A personal scandal forced the politician to drop out of the race in the _ stages of the campaign (A) Initialed (B) initially (C) initialize (D) Initial (A) to hire (B) the hiring (C) hires (D) hiring 133 Release of an update packed with new features for last year's Fantasy World II is sure to please gaming 130 Fewer open positions within the company mean that the application and interview processes have become _ competitive (A) enthusiastically (B) enthusiasm (C) enthusiastic (D) enthusiasts (A) nearly (B) highly 134 A new high-security online system city residents to renew their auto and boat registrations over the Internet (C) usually (A) affirms (D) hardly (B) contains (C) enables (D) rejects 131 The entrepreneur is but his investors are beginning to doubt the business will remain profitable TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 135 Mr Singh has requested that the board _ to reinstate him as the company’s chief financial officer (C) Following (D) With (A) choose (B) chooses (C) chosen 139 The manager cited Mr Aman's performance in both the sales and human resources departments when presenting him with the award (D) had chosen 136 Dr Wu _ presented his argument for making a monetary contribution to the children’s charity (A) passionately (B) passionate (C) passions (D) impassioned 137 of the two subjects in the experiment realized that they were being given placebos instead of the real medication (A) divergent (B) customary (C) resultant (D) exemplary 140 While the intentions of the new vice president are _, he has demonstrated poor execution (A) laudable (A) Most (B) notorious (B) Either (C) effective (C) Several (D) desperate (D) Neither 138 _ over 30 years of experience in the legal field, Dr Hicks knows how to win for you (A) Regarding (B) Between TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com PART Directions: Read the texts that follow A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences Four answer choices are given below each of sentences Select the best answer to complete the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter Michelle Stevens 4121 Moss St St Petersburg, FL 59340 TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Dear Valued Banking Customer: We here at Florida National Bank have always promised to put you and your banking needs first.Now, we are happy to introduce a policy change that we think _ the International transactions of 141 (A) has facilitated (B) will facilitate (C) facilitating (D) had been facilitating our customers Starting next month, we will begin .all bank fees on both incoming and outgoing wire transfers 142 (A) waiving (B) handling (C) doubling (D) deleting for international banking transactions In the current economic climate, we believe it is wise to encourage our clients to deal internationally, not discourage them This fee cancellation should just that, and it’s another example of how we’re working _ our customers 143 (A) to satisfy (B) satisfactorily TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) satisfying (D) satisfaction Thank you for your continued support, Dick Johnson CEO, Florida National Bank Questions 144-146 refer to the following announcement The World Hunger Council is committed to doing all we can to fight the problems of hunger and poverty in our world To this end, we are putting on a “Race Against Hunger” event on the weekend on August 21st The primary _of this event is to raise money for the council’s upcoming charity 144 (A) shot (B) concern (C) sign (D) goal drive for Africa, where we will be partnering with the organization Food Relief to deliver food supplies to rural African villages We with Food Relief many times in the past and are quite confident in 145 (A) will cooperate (B) cooperates (C) would be cooperating (D) have cooperated their ability to help us in this endeavor TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Anyone interested in participating in the race should register at http://hungerrace.org Also, all racers will be required to raise $150,100% of which will go towards ending hunger In Africa Questionsabout the event can be directed to Pam Smith, charity for the World Hunger Council, at 146 (A) coordinated (B) coordination (C) coordinating (D) coordinator 555-2940 Thank you for fighting with us to make the world a better place, and see you at the racel Questions 147- 149 refer to the following pamphlet Welcome to Camden Provincial Park, one of the country’s oldest and most celebrated natural spaces!The 745 acres of the park were to the provincial government by entrepreneur and 147 (A) programmed (B) granted (C) assumed (D) revealed naturalist John Camden in 1899 Since then, the area has been instrumental in the preservation of theyellow-petaled sprite flower and the western brown shrub bush These species grow _ in this 148 (A) even TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) To explain better sales techniques (D) To summarize a set of data 158 What customers think of the Timekeeper watch? (A) They feel it should be more durable (B) They find its functions difficult to use (C) They appreciate that it is dependable (D) They like its sophisticated design Questions 159- 161 refer to the following itinerary Itinerary- Travel Plus Tour Company Tour: City Highlights Tour, Barcelona Date: April 24, 2011 All tours begin at the Travel Plus Tour office, on the first block of La Rambla Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the first time listed on this itinerary 8: 15 8:30-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:45 11:45-1:00 1:00-2:30 2:30-4:30 4:30-5:00 Meet at tour office, introduction of guide Walk to and tour the gothic cathedral, including 30 minutes of guided explanation inside and 30 minutes free time No food or drink inside! Tour nearby ruins of the ancient Roman site of Barcino Visit the Pablo Picasso Museum Please note: the museum is quite large, so budget your time to see only those exhibits in which you are most interested Walk to a nearby restaurant for a traditional Spanish lunch The cost of the meal is NOT include in the price of this tour Take the metro to the SagradaFamilia cathedral and tour the structure Take the metro to ParcGuell and tour the fountains, sculptures, and grounds Take the metro back to the tour office, or depart from the group at ParcGuell 159 When should tourists arrive at the tour office in the morning? (A) 8:00 (B) 8:15 TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) 8:30 (D) 10:00 161 What is NOT mentioned about the tour? 160 Which is true about according to the itinerary? ParcGuell (A) It is near the tour office (B) It features artwork (C) It is surrounded by skyscrapers (D) It is modeled on the SagradaFamilia (A) Participants must pay for lunch themselves (B) Only a selection of Picasso’s work willb viewed (C) Food and beverages are prohibited in the gothic cathedral (D) Tour members must return to the company's office at the end Questions 162-165 refer to following notice Drimbal Information Systems is an exciting place! As usual, there are many events, updates, and opportunities taking place in the coming month Below are a few that pertain to all employees Please notify Gail McPherson in Human Resources if you have any questions * The company's annual softball tournament is scheduled for the weekend of June 11 Due to an increase in interest last year, we're going to be requiring everyone who wants to play to register This cannot be done online—you must fill out the proper form and deliver it to Bob Billing, the event coordinator, at least one week before game day Forms can be found in Mr Billing's office * As Drimbal continues to grow, we are taking on more and more international contracts With this comes the need to modify our business practices to take into account the needs of foreign clients Helen Daniels from sales will be giving a lecture on this topic on Tuesday June 14 in Conference Room B Everyone is encouraged to attend * And finally, you've probably noticed that the employee website has beenupdated New features include recent sales figures, upcoming building maintenance Information, and a quote of the day from our CEO We'd love to hear whot you think—share your feedback with Arthur Mainz in IT! 162 Why was this notice mainly created? (A) To inform the staff of the month’s events (B) To report the results of a softball tournament (C) To introduce newly hired staff members TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) To encourage workers to use the new website 163 Who is most likely an expert on foreign business relations? (A) Arthur Mainz (B) Bob Billing (C) Gail McPherson (D) Helen Daniels It is recommended to be made online (C) It should be submitted a week in advance(D) It is being organized by Human Resource 165 What is NOT found on the updated website? 164 What is mentioned about softball registration? (A) (B) It will begin the weekend of June 11 (A) Scheduling details for repair work (B) Feedback from employees (C) Inspiration from the CEO (D) Updated company sales information Questions 166-168 refer to the following email Lee Bright Fillmore Bank RE: Account fee Dear Mr Bright: Thank you for your email dated Oct 14 regarding a fee charged to your checking account In answer to your question, the fee of $25 was charged because your average daily balance for the month of September dropped below $5,000 This is In line with the policy that governs your account, which is a Privilege Plus account To avoid this fee in the future, please maintain an average daily balance of $5,000 In the account Or, you can switch to a different type of checking account The Privilege Basic account, for example, has no minimum balance requirement Of course, It also does not entitle you to the benefits of Privilege Plus status: free checks and debit cards, enhanced online security, and online banking services at no charge If you would like to make a change, you can contact a customer service representative at 5552904 Also, because you are such a valued customer, we will go ahead and refund the fee in question However, this is a one-time action; in the future, any fees will be applied to your account So we encourage you to take the necessary steps to ensure that your account remains In good standing As always, thank you for banking with us TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 166 Why was this email written? (A) To respond to a customer inquiry (B) To announce a policy change (D) They balances (C) To advertise to a new customer 168 What does the bank agree to do? (D) To apologize for an error (A) Change Mr Bright's account type 167 What la mentioned about Privilege Basic accounts? (B) Provide Mr Bright with new checks at no cost (A) They aren't able to be used with checks (C) (B) Plus They are more popular than Privilege (C) They require customers to pay monthly fees aren't penalized for low Give Mr Bright another chance (D) Alert Mr Bright prior to charging more fees Questions 169- 172 refer to the following article This past Thursday, more than 400 people showed up to the Stinson Auditorium for Professor John Wallace wasn’t among them It was not until after everyone had taken their seats in the auditorium that they learned the professor would not be able to make it Wallace have issued multiple apologies to the people of Stinson, assuring the the error was an accident Early reports indicate that a scheduling mixup kept the professor from making his appearance At the time when he was supposed to be speaking to a crowd here in Stinson about literary history, he was giving a lecture on modern journalism at an event in Pittsbutgh Representatives for Professor Thus far, it appears as if they have forgiven him Tickets for his rescheduled Stinson appearance, this coming Saturday afternoon, have already sold out It is likely that attendees are most excited to hear the professor talk about his latest bestselling novel, The Artificial Writer But he has made it clear that this is not a press tour Instead he will stick to his planned talk on the history of the novel in Western literature 169 (A) What is the article mostly about? A disturbance on a college campus TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) The rescheduling of a speaking event (C) A recently released book about writing 171 What did Professor Wallace talk about in Pittsburgh? (A) Current journalistic issues (D) The reason a planned book signing was canceled (B) The development of the Western novel 170 What Saturday? (C) is likely to happen on A historical aspect of literature (D) His latest novel (A) Four hundred people will travel to Pittsburgh (B) No one will show up to see Professor Wallace 172 What Is implied about Professor Wallace? (A) He is unapologetic about his mistake (C) People from Thursday’s event will demand a refund (B) His speeches are in high demand (C) He enjoys speaking about his books (D) Professor Wallace will speak to a full auditorium (D) He did not want to speak at the Stinson Auditorium Questions 173-175 refer to the following letter 5904 Oakdale Way Dallas, TX Dear Mr Yolis Thank you for your order placed on March 2nd, which included two paperback murder mysteries by author Anne Stevenson Our records indicate that this was the 20th order you've placed with us here at Mail-Away Books! We can’t thank our loyal customers like you enough, and we hope you'll accept the enclosed gift of the crime thriller A Dangerous Time, by Frederick Sutherland Enjoy! We'd also like to extend to you an otter to join the Mail-Away Books Champion Customer Club Membership is entirely free for you—only our best customers are invited to join! As o member, you'll receive special discounts on bulk orders and advance notification of upcoming book releases Plus, you'll be entered Into our annual Champion Customers Club raffle, for a chance to win o $500 gift certificate to Mail-Away Books! All you have to lo join is fill out and mail back the form enclosed We hope you'll consider becoming a Mail-Away Books Customer TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Champion! Sincerely Deborah Deloux Founder Mail-Away Books 173 What is the purpose of the letter? (C) ZivYolis (A) To offer Mr Yolis a gift certificate (D) Frederick Sutherland (B) To confirm Mr Yolis’s recent order 175 What Champion Customer Club members NOT receive? (C) To inform Mr Yolis that he has placed more than 20 orders (D) To invite Mr Yolis into a customer loyalty program 174 Which author’s book will accompany this letter? (A) Anne Stevenson (B) Deborah DeLoux (A) A collection of mysteries (B) Previews of new books (C) Large orders at lower prices (D) A spot in a raffle drawing Questions 176- 180 refer to the following information Perfect community living is here, and its name is Green Cliff! Construction has been slow,but we wanted to get everything just right And now we have 58 units of stylish, modemliving spaces available in a variety of sizes and rent levels You have to see them to believethem! Our pre-registration period ends today, May t Over half of the apartments are already filled, and to show our gratitude to these early leasers, the Green Cliff community is| throwing a public barbecue party on Friday, May 15 There will be free food, drinks, and even a temporary swimming pool that we’re renting for the day! For those of you who are thinking about moving into Green Cliff but haven't decided yet, this is the perfect opportunity for you to come see what it’s all about! The party runs from noon to 6:00 pm and is open to the public We know you’ll be impressed by this complex and community like none other Our central garden offers a place for residents to get together and relax in the shade of tall palm trees The community gym is free of charge for resident use and features all of the most modem TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com exercise equipment And our security can’t be beat Still not convinced? Sign a lease ^before May 31 and we’ll pay your first month’s stay What are you waiting for? 176 Where would the information most likely appear? (A) In a city planning manual (B) In a home design magazine (C) In an advertising brochure (D) In a book of coupons 177 In paragraph 1, line 2, the word “just" is closest in meaning to (C) It is open to all community members (D) Organizers planning it yet have not finished 179 What is NOT listed as a feature of Green Cliff? (A) A community security system (B) A resident- only swimming pool (C) A contemporary design style A central meeting area (A) fairly (D) (B) exactly (C) only 180 What is offered to those who secure a lease before the end of the month? (D) nearly 178 What is said about the event on Friday? (A) It will last all day (B) Advance registration is required (A) Lower monthly payment (B) Homemade barbecue (C) One free month of rent (D) An exercise machine Questions 181- 185 refer to the following emails Date: 01/15/2011 From: Edna Perth To: Alex Young Subject: Facilities at the Grand Alex, As requested, I toured the facilities at the Grand International Hotel a week ago Their two firstfloor ballrooms should be large enough to accommodate the main conference events Also, just down the hall are several smaller meeting rooms where we can stage the panels and seminar discussions TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Unfortunately, our options for dining are not as conveniently positioned The hotel runs an openair courtyard café just outside the main ballrooms, but there isn’t much seating space—only about 100 chairs A more spacious and elegant choice would be the Grand International Restaurant, but it’s on the third floor, on the other side of the hotel I'll leave it to you to decide which location would be best for the introductory luncheon on the first day And, of course, I still haven't heard when exactly the conference will be held Haven’t you picked a weekend yet? As soon as you do, please contact Regina Lim, the events coordinator at the Grand International Her number is 555-6392 Date: 01/24/2011 From: Alex Young To: Edna Perth Subject: RE: Facilities at the Grand Edna, thanks for your email, and I apologize for my delay In getting back to you To answer your last question—yes, a date for the conference has been set It will run from Friday February 16, to Sunday, February 18 I've already called Regina, and everything is arranged As for Friday's luncheon, I believe the outdoor dining area will be adequate We don't expect mow than 80 participants to be there for the introductory event Then, for the group lunch on Sunday can use the hotel's main restaurant Have you started preparing your presentation? I just spoke with Bill Waters, who’s giving keynote address on Sunday, and he was quite nervous In fact, I should go help him with it now See you soon, TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com -A lex 181 According to the first email, what is uncertain about the conference? (B) January 15 (C) January 24 (D) January 31 (A) Its focus (B) Its location (C) Its attendance 185 Where will Friday’s luncheon most likely be held? (D) Its starting date (A) 182 What has Mr Young already done? (B) At Restaurant (A) Hosted a luncheon with conference participants (B) Led a tour of the hotel’s facilities In one of the smaller meeting rooms the Grand (C) In one of the main-floor ballrooms (D) At the open-air courtyard cate (C) Confirmed the conference date with the hotel (D) Prepared a speech for Mr, Waters 183 Who works International Hotel? for the Grand (A) Bill Waters (B) Regina Urn (C) Edna Perth (D) Alex Young 184 When was Ms Perth at the hotel? (A) January International TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Questions 186- 190 refer to the following advertisement and email Available for a Limited Time Only! Fine Foods Delivered, the highest- rated gourmet caterer in Scarborough, is currently offering its biggest sale ever When you order a minimum of three platters of our new and improved Asian appetizers, you’ll get half off the rest of your order- no matter how large! And, as if that weren’t enough, we’re waiving delivery costs on all orders in the Scarborough area! All you need to is email us and provide the promotional code found at the bottom of this page Go ahead- Fine Foods await! To: Fine Foods Delivered From: Stan Manala Subject: Your promotion Hello, I am Interested In taking advantage of promotion CVX-194, which I saw advertised by your company I am putting on a dinner party for friends and colleagues at my home next month, and my original idea was to order three platters of your traditional appetizers, plus six entrée items and four desserts Obviously, though, I would like to save on my order, so I am now thinking of getting the Asian appetizers instead of the traditional ones Can you tell me what type of appetizers come on the platter? Also, is the size the same as that of the traditional appetizers? Additionally, I’m still unsure exactly how many people will be attending the event, but I’m fairly certain it will be between 10 and 15 Is the amount of food I described enough for a maximum of 15 people, or would you recommend another entrée? Ideadlly, I would like to place my order in the next few days, and then call in and add more if I learn that more people are coming Wouldthis be possible? I eagerly await your reply Stan Manala 186 What is being advertised? (D) Reduced prices on catering (A) A delivery service in Scarborough (B) Gourmet food at a local restaurant 187 What is indicated about delivery in the Scarborough area? (C) A newly created catering dish TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (A) it Only local residents are eligible for (B) It will be provided at no cost (C) it The company has never charged for (D) Rates have been cut by half (A) advertising (B) evaluating (C) performing (D) hosting 190 What is implied about Mr Manala's event? 188 What does Mr Manala NOT inquire about? (A) It is a formal business function (A) What Asian appetizers are (B) At least ten people will attend it (B) The deadline for placing an order (C) Its purpose is to celebrate Asian cuisine (C) If he can modify his order later (D) The amount of appetizers per platter (D) He has participated in it several times in the past 189 In the email, the phrase ‘putting on' in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to Questions 191- 195 refer to the following letters Dear Mr Cobb I am writing to express interest in the advanced graphic design position your company has advertised on the website QuickJobs.com After reviewing in detail the specifications for the job, I believe I am an eligible candidate My 12-year career in graphic design began with the firm Vista Solutions, where I interned as a recent college graduate For two years, I gained practical experience working with the top TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com graphic software programs in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment From there, I moved on to an associate designer position with FDM Graphics I remained with this company for six years during which l earned the Employée of the Year award twice Most recently, I worked for your competitor New Salem Design, as a senior graphics editor for four years You can find more details about my work history in my resume, which is enclosed Also, I am including a small portfolio of some of my most successful projects I would love the opportunity to discuss this material with you in person Sincerely, Lena Fitch Dear Mr Fitch, Thank you for your interest in working with us here at Belfry GD, and for submitting the cover letter and resume After carefully reviewing your portfolio and work experience, I agree that you would be a tremendous asset to our company The next step is for you to come in for a personal interview with me and a few of my colleagues in the advanced graphic design department In particular, I am interested in hearing more about the récognition you received during your time with FDM graphics We have allotted Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, for interviews Please contact our human resources director, Isaac Reginatti, at 555-1959 to reserve a lime slot for your Interview I look forward to making your acquaintance and discussing this opportunity further T.M Cobb Director, Advanced Graphic Design Belfry GD 191 How did Ms Fitch hear about the opening? (A) Through an online posting (B) In a letter from Mr Cobb (C) From a competitor (D) At a university job fair 192 What accompanies the first letter? (A) A copy of Ms Fitch's schedule (B) A list of job requirements (C) Ms Fitch’s educational history TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) Samples of graphic design work (A) Associate designer (B) Graphic design intern (C) Senior graphics editor (D) Advanced graphic designer (B) To describe the duties of an open position 195 What is Ms Fitch asked to do? (A) Send in a resume and cover letter (C) To invite a job applicant for an interview (B) Contact Mr Cobb's colleagues (C) Apply for a human resources position (D) Choose an appointment time 193 What is the purpose of Mr Cobb’s letter? (A) To explain the schedule of a parttime job (D) To request more information from a candidate 194 Which of Ms Fitch’s assignments is Mr Cobb interested in hearing about? Questions 196-200 refer to the following schedule and email Classical Events presents cellist Daniel Leesburg, live in concert with a limited number of appearances over the next few months Leesburg's popularity is such that some of the shows have already sold out, and tickets for the rest are going fast You don't want to miss this once in alifetime opportunity to see Daniel Leesburg perform at a concert venue near you Reservations can be made at www.classicalevents.com/leesburg Date Jul-7 Jul19 Aug Aug Location Danville Elmwood Heights Mill Valley Eagleton Ticket price $350- $ 180 $45, all seats $25- $400 $20- $ 120 Aug 16 Corwin Spring $40-$230 Notes Already sold out Just 10 seats left! Already sold out Only $120 tickets remaining Plenty of tickets remaining in all sections From: Tara Marcum To: Evan M Huang TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Subject Daniel Leesburg Evan, have you seen the schedule of Daniel Leesburg's performances in our area? I know we've talked in the past about going to see him play if we ever got the chance, and this seems like the perfect opportunity! Can I assume that you’d be interested in catching one of these concerts? Unfortunately, two of the shows are already sold out, so our options are somewhat limited My first,choice would have been to attend the performance in Danville, as that is the closest venue to both I our homes, but there are no tickets remaining Whatever we decide, it needs to be soon because it looks like the shows that haven't sold out might so soon! I propose that we opt for the Corwin Springs performance, as this is only an hour’s drive away and there appear to be a variety of reasonably priced tickets available If you agree, we need to set our budget and find out what types of seats we could afford with that I've never been to the Corwin Springs venue, so it might be worth a call to earn more I know you’re busy these days, but in the interest of obtaining the best seats possible, let’s move on this quickly! Your friend Tara 196 Which city is NOT offering variablepriced ticketing? (C) Soliciting information performance venue (A) Mill Valley (D) Organizing the purchase of concert tickets (B) Elmwood Heights about a (C) Danville 198 In the email, the word “catching" In paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to (D) Eagleton (A) contracting 197 What is Tara’s email mainly about? (B) holding (C) attending (D) trapping (A) Asking an acquaintance to purchase some tickets (B) Introducing a friend to a classical musician TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 199 How much might Tara have paid for a ticket to her first-choice concert? (A) $25 (B) $100 (C) $230 (D) $400 200 What does Tara NOT Imply about Corwin Springs? (A) Its tickets are likely to sell out quickly (B) It still has affordable tickets left (C) It is a reasonable distance from her home (D) Its concert venue is one of the nicest in the area TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com [...]... hear the professor talk about his latest bestselling novel, The Artificial Writer But he has made it clear that this is not a press tour Instead he will stick to his planned talk on the history of the novel in Western literature 169 (A) What is the article mostly about? A disturbance on a college campus TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) The rescheduling of... this service, please let us know at least 48 hours In advance 152 (A) advantageously (B) advantages (C) advantageous (D) advantage We look forward to your stay with us TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com PART 7 Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles letters, and advertisements Each text is followed... around the city Please call us to set up an appointment for the time and place most convenient to your schedule We look forward to your visit Thompson Vision Care team – TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 153 Why did Ms Wong receive this note? 154 What is indicated about Thompson Vision Care? (A) To thank her for her continued business (A) It has more than one... direct all questions to the Administration Department See you on Friday! 155 Where will buses take employees after the event? (A) To a parking garage (B) To the auditorium TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) To the office building (D) To the anniversary celebration 156 Which information is NOT provided about the event? (A) Its starting time (B) Its location (C)... you emphasize its durability instead of its functionality 157 What is the purpose of the email? (A) To get feedback on a customer survey (B) To introduce a new product TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) To explain better sales techniques (D) To summarize a set of data 158 What do customers think of the Timekeeper watch? (A) They feel it should be more durable... grounds Take the metro back to the tour office, or depart from the group at ParcGuell 159 When should tourists arrive at the tour office in the morning? (A) 8:00 (B) 8:15 TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) 8:30 (D) 10:00 161 What is NOT mentioned about the tour? 160 Which is true about according to the itinerary? ParcGuell (A) It is near the tour office (B)... this notice mainly created? (A) To inform the staff of the month’s events (B) To report the results of a softball tournament (C) To introduce newly hired staff members TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) To encourage workers to use the new website 163 Who is most likely an expert on foreign business relations? (A) Arthur Mainz (B) Bob Billing (C) Gail McPherson... be applied to your account So we encourage you to take the necessary steps to ensure that your account remains In good standing As always, thank you for banking with us TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 166 Why was this email written? (A) To respond to a customer inquiry (B) To announce a policy change (D) They balances (C) To advertise to a new customer 168... Camden Provincial Park ! Questions 150-152 refer to the following email From: info@incahotels.net To: sarah.brogen@mail.com Subject: RE: reservation request Dear Ms Brogen, TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Thank you for your interest in our hotel You have requested one double room for check-in on June 7and check-out on June 13 I'm pleased to report that we do have... gift certificate to Mail-Away Books! All you have to do lo join is fill out and mail back the form enclosed We hope you'll consider becoming a Mail-Away Books Customer TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Champion! Sincerely Deborah Deloux Founder Mail-Away Books 173 What is the purpose of the letter? (C) ZivYolis (A) To offer Mr Yolis a gift certificate (D) Frederick

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2016, 23:35



