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READING TEST In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes There are three parts, and directions are given for each part You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers in the test book PART 5: Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below Four answer choices are given below each sentence Select the best answer to complete the sentence Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet 101 The accounting department will aninternal audit into the company's expenditure over the last two quarters (A) conduct (C) offend (B) conducted (D) offender (C) conducting (D) be conducted 103 Ms Long is preparing for meetingwith the executives from Western Technology Institute on Thursday 102 Police officers caught the _ outside ashopping center on the afternoon of March 14 (A) she (B) her (A) offence (C) hers (B) offensive (D) herself 104.Mr Bill’s _ of the job offer at the Department of Defence Is dependent on his receiving a security clearance TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (A) accept (D) (B) acceptable (C) accepted (D) acceptance 108 The law prohibits hospitals and medical practices from distributing a patient's Information to any third party 105 The independent report on governmentinfrastructure contains _ reviews of theroad and rail networks preserve (A) person (B) personal (C) personally (D) personality_ (A) prompt (B) capable (C) extensive 109 Although some bus drivers have signed the collective pay agreement, there are many are refusing to so (D) spacious (A) what (B) which (C) who (D) when 106 the start-up venture is risky, Mr Skinneris still willing to invest $2 million of his own money In It (A) Even though (B) Despite (C) Because (D) Whenever 110 Several important diplomats were theguests attending the president's 50th birthday celebrations at his home in Bolivia (A) prior 107 It looks as though Ms Poidevan will not _ the company at the tradeshow because she is feeling unwell (B) among (C) throughout (A) represent (D) selected (B) demonstrate (C) expand 111 With Netwise Bank, you will not be chargedany additional fees for online banking TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (A) deficits (B) transactions 115 Ms Suarez for Chair of the Board inDecember 2009, and took up the position in March of the following year (C) expenses (A) was nominated (D) providers (B) was nominating 112 Sales of our car models have risen by around50 percent to the results last quarter (C) had nominated (D) will be nominated (A) matched (B) evaluated 116 The hotel management trains all its staffmembers to deal with guest inquiries (C) compared (A) courtesy (D) weighed (B) courteous (C) courteously (D) more courteous 113 attending a conference on regionaldevelopment today, the mayor will hold a press conference to discuss the election (A) According to (B) Seeing as (C) Instead of (D) Due to 114 The findings from our market research are _unexpected that we must conductanother test to confirm them (A) as (B) too (C) so (D) very 117 The ski season is over, so many peoplewill head up to the mountains this weekend for one last time (A) gradually (B) nearly (C) severely (D) formerly 118 The attorney's to the shipping company _ is to sue the port authorities for causing a loss of profit (A) judgment (B) recommendation TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) activity (D) progression 122 At the end of thetour, travelers are required to meet _ the front steps of the hotel to be picked up 119 Mr Lyall to the waiter at Mere!Beaucoup that his steak had been overcooked (A) at (B) in (A) congratulated (C) to (B) complained (D) out (C) resisted (D) demanded 123. next month, employees will have to log in on the company intranet when they arrive at work 120 The Customers’ Institute website is normally a _ primary source of information about new products (A) Starting (B) Having (A) rely (C) Taking (B) relying (D) Doing (C) reliable (D) reliably 124 It remains to be seen _Virotech'sdecision to acquire BHI Industries will result in increased profits (A) whether 121 scientists to develop n vaccine for the bird flu virus, they could potentially help save millions of lives (B) in order that (C) whereas (A) If (D) that (B) Should (C) Were (D) Unless 125 Entries lor the design competition will be accepted the month of April (A) at (B) along TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) throughout (D) white 129 The latest figures show that the unemployment rate is at its level since the oil crisis of the 1970s 126 It is expected that HX Industrial Bank will become the biggest player in local banking market (A) high (B) highly (A) eventual (C) higher (B) eventually (D) highest (C) eventuate (D) event 130 The news about the deadly terrorist attacks in Dubai people around the world 127 The proposed reduction in Interest rates will _ influence the housing market and other key economic areas (A) astonished (B) incorporated (A) adequately (C) exclaimed (B) positively (D) remarked (C) previously (D) exactly 131 Goods and services are less in North Carolina and Mississippi than they are in other parts of the country 128 The beachside resort only capacity in the busy vacation period from the end of May to the beginning of August (A) assumed (B) proficient (A) sets (C) apparent (B) reaches (D) extravagant (C) makes (D) provides 132 It Is very difficult for nongovernmental organizations to measure the _ of the aid they supply to developing nations (A) finding (B) satisfaction TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) accuracy (D) effectiveness 136 The new CEO's unconventional approach to the job some members of the board of directors (A) concern 133 The company keeps on all business deals, accounting processes, and employment matters (B) concerns (C) concerning (A) documentation (D) is concerned (B) encouragement (C) dependence 137 CFD Packing and Moving wraps each of yourhousehold items individually to ensure they are not damaged transit (D) institution (A) with 134 Even if you have a fear of public speaking, you should still force _to make presentations (B) in (C) on (A) you (D) for (B) your (C) yours 138 The airline announced that it _ refunds to customers because of delays caused by inclement weather (D) yourself (A) will not have been offering 135 from Angelica Diaz, none of the conference presenters had previous experience speaking at big industry events (B) will not be offered (C) would not be offering (A) Along (D) would not be offered (B) Away (C) Aside 139 The manager of the grocery store _ positioned the snacks and candy bars near the cash register (D) Ahead (A) supposedly (B) strategically TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) analytically (A) authorization (D) formidably (B) determination (C) consent (D) conviction 140 The hiring committee will make the final about who to appoint as the new purchasing director PART Directions: Read the texts that follow A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences Four answer choices are given below each of sentences Select the best answer to complete the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet Question 141- 143 refer to the following email TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com From: Tom Evans To: All attendees Subject: Conference program Dear attendees Thank you very much for the 3rd Annual Trade Marketing Conference This promises to be an 141 (A) reaching out to (B) signing up for (C) looking back on (D) moving away from exciting and Informative event, and I look forward to seeing you all there One of the highlights of the conference will be the keynote address by Inter nation ally-renowned trade marketing guru Gus Hobson. his presentation, you will all have the opportunity to speak to him 142 (A) Following (B) Later (C) Further (D) Considering during our open Question and Answer Forum In addition, there will be a number of other stimulating talks TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com I _a full copy of the program for your interest, outlining all session times and breaks Please 143 (A) be attaching (B) would attach (C) have attached (D) was attached take the time to look over these details as soon as you can Regards Tom Evans Conference Manager Questions 144- 146 refer to the following article Property Market Downturn Over the first quarter of _ year, there has only been $50 million of turnover in the local real estate 144 (A) that (B) each (C) every (D) this market This compares unfavorably with the $90 million recorded at the same time last year Beverley Hauritz, the chair of the Professional Realty Association, told reporters that she was not surprised by the figures, which she believes are a result of the global financial crisis _, she is 145 (A) However (B) In fact TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) Nevertheless (D) Even so anticipating an even bigger decrease next quarter, as Investors look to reduce spending even further Although there has been talk among that property prices may continue falling throughout the 146 (A) analysis (B) analyses (C) analytical (D) analysts rest of the year, Ms Hauritz remains confident that the property market will begin to pick up again in the future Her prediction is that prices will return to their previous levels by the end of the year Questions 147- 149 refer to the following notice The Formica Family and Community Club is proud to bring you the annual Formica Season of Fun Beginning on February and finishing on February 23, the Season of Fun provides local residents with a fantastic of exciting and educational events 147 (A) line (B) total (C) approach (D) range The program includes a Teddy Bears’ picnic at Holden Park, an Adventure Playground Challenge at the same venue, free street theater in the central city, and a Community Fun Run through the Vira Marine Reserve TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 163 What is this article mainly about? (C) An award-winning director (A) A recent show (D) A renowned film critic (B) A film festival (C) A live production 165 What is mentioned as something readers can find online? (D) An upcoming movie 164 Who is Theo van Saar? (A) A local cinema buff (B) A theater operator (A) Tickets to events (B) A detailed schedule (C) A series of film reviews (D) Their booking confirmation 166 What will happen at the function? (A) A political figure will speak (B) Tickets will be available for purchase (C) An exhibition will be showcased (D) People will watch a Dutch performance Questions 167- 168 refer to the following schedule Stanley Inc Orientation Program March 14 Time 8: 45 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 11:20 am 12:00 am Event Introductions and administration CEO’s welcoming address Seminar on company history Morning tea Briefing on employee guidelines Briefing on administrative practices Venue Main Lobby Main Conference Hall Main Conference hall Employee Lounge Seminar Room Seminar Room TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 12:40 am 1:40 pm Lunch** Complete tour of facilities Hedley Suite * Light refreshments will be provided, including tea, coffee, juice and fresh fruit ** A sit-down lunch will be provided Please arrive at 8:45 promptly for the start of the proceedings, when you will be given a name tag and an orientation folder You will also have a chance to chat informally with the other recruits before the CEO’s address Personnel manager Boris Hanson is in charge of the orientation program Any questions or queries about the schedule should be directed to him at boris.h@stanleyinc.com 167 For whom is this schedule probably intended? (A) New employees (A) Participants will eat a meal (B) A tour of the facilities will start (C) Light refreshments will be made available (B) Personnel staff (C) Event organizers (D) Company shareholders (D) Attendees documents will receive some 168 According to the schedule, what will happen in the Main Lobby? Questions 169- 171 refer to the following memo On behalf of the workplace issues committee, I would like to remind you all about the importance of energy conservation By reducing our energy usage in the office, we can not only save thousands of dollars on electricity bills, but we can also help the environment Moreover, being energy efficient will help boost our image in the community TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com At last month's meeting of the workplace issues committee, we came up with a list of simple measures that individual employees can take to help conserve energy Please read the following ideas, and try to put them into practicel  Switch off your computer and monitor when you take your lunch break  Do not use a screen saver on your computer Leave the blinds open so that artificial lighting can be kept to a minimum  Dress appropriately for the conditions so as to reduce usage of heating and air conditioning Take the stairs rather than the elevator whenever possible This list is an excellent start but it is far from exhaustive If you have any suggestions to add, please so Whether you are a senior manager or a junior office clerk, your input is equally valuable! You can post suggestions on the workplace issues web page on the company intranet We will then discuss your suggestions at next month's meeting of the workplace issues committee Kind regards Bethany Willets 169 What is implied about the workplace issues committee? (D) Its main purpose is to boost the company's image (A) It is comprised of environmental activists (B) It was initiated to save on overhead costs (C) It meets on a monthly basis TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 171 What is NOT a suggestion made by the committee to each employee? 170 How can readers contribute ideas? (A) meeting (A) Turning off computers whenever possible By attending a committee (B) Reducing dependence on artificial lighting (B) By contacting their manager (C) By emailing Ms, Willets (C) Installing a screen saver on their computer (D) page By posting comments on a web (D) elevator Using the stairs instead of the Questions 172- 175 refer to the following email From: Tony Cahill To: All Subject: Important Notice Everybody, The IT team will be restarting the company server tonight from pm until 12 am This is a routine maintenance procedure to ensure that our network continues to perform to a high standard Restarting the server removes a lot of the excess cache that can slow the network down You should notice improved Internet browsing and file download speeds from tomorrow However, this means that you cannot work on office computers after pm this evening, nor will you be able to access any company databases from anywhere else during this period The other important point to note is that you should log off your office computer before you go home this evening If you fail to so, the procedure may erase all of the files stored on your computer IT technicians will also go around the building tonight double-checking that all employees are logged off, as this is crucially important Should you have any questions or concerns about this procedure, please call the IT desk for support at extension 409 One of our technicians will be there to respond to your inquiry Regards, TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Tony Cahill IT Director 172 What is the main purpose of this email? (A) To warn employees about server maintenance (B) To Inform employees about a new IT policy (C) To explain a glitch In the computer network (D) IT changes To solicit feedback on recent 173 What will technicians this evening? (D) 174 Check work spaces What are employees asked to do? (A) Work remotely from home (B) Log off their computers (C) Stay late to help IT staff (D) desktop Erase excess files on their 175 The word "support" in paragraph 3, line closest in meaning to (A) Explain procedures (A) protection (B) Contact employees (B) aid (C ) Install computers (C) sympathy (D) encouragement Questions 176-180 refer to the following letter Parker & Hobbes PO Box 4399 Brisbane, Australia October 11,2010 Lynette Gallagher TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Acton Industry Level 12, Fraser Place Cairns, Australia Dear Ms Gallagher, Thank you for contacting Parker & Hobbes on October to register your interest in our services My name is Jamal Yee and I will be your point of contact at Parker & Hobbes You can get in touch with me by email, phone or fax My contact details are recorded at the bottom of this letter I would be delighted to develop accommodations solutions for your company in the Cairns area As you are probably aware, our headquarters is based in Brisbane, but we conduct a substantial amount of business in Cairns and the surrounding region Therefore, I am confident that I can arrange to design and build adequate housing for your workforce in this area Please allow me to explain the procedure from here As I understand from the initial request you sent, Acton Industry intends to begin work on the Toowumba mine, 50 kilometers southwest of Cairns, in early 2012 With that deadline in mind (and please let me know immediately if this information is incorrect), I hope to submit detailed plans of the housing complex by March 2011 for your approval As soon as the plans have been settled, the construction process should take around to months I look forward to working with you closely on this exciting project Regards, Jamal Yee Project Manager — Parker & Hobbes Email: j.yee@pandh.com Office: 03-888-9077 Cell: 012-908-907 - Fax: 03-888-9078 176 What is the purpose of this letter? (A) To promote a business opportunity (B) To respond to a client inquiry (C) To advertise a firm's services (D) To confirm a delivery 177 What sort of business is Parker & Hobbes involved In? (A) Mining (B) Investment (C) Housing TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) Resorts 178 What Industry? is indicated about Acton (B) To request Mr Yee’s personal contact details (C) To provide feedback on the designs (A) It is a brand new business venture (B) It will close its Toowumba site (C) It is headquartered in Brisbane 180 According to Mr Yee, what will probably happen soon after March 2011? (D) It will launch an operation near Cairns (A) Construction work will begin 179 Why might Ms Gallagher reply right away? (B) A draft plan will be devised (C) A mining facility will open (D) The complex will be relocated (A) To register interest in the firm’s services (D) To point out an error in Mr Yee's understanding Questions 181- 185 refer to the following article and web page Farmers’ Market Takes Off New Patronage figures show that the Dayton Farmers’ Market has become a big success The weekly market, which was launched at the start of the year, attracts on average 4000 people every Sartuday That is more than double the attendance that was initially projected Observers have been very surprised by the market’s popularity Prominent local businessman Jerome Leiter believes the market is doing so well because it provide a huge variety of fresh foods, from free range eggs and meat products to vegetables and fruits He also thinks thgw quality of the food is outstanding, so many people are choosing to shop at the market rather than at their local grocery store Heather Foster, who was the main champion of the farmers market concept, thinks it serves an important community- building function, too Foster says the market has become an important meeting place for people to get together and talk Whatever the reason, the Dayton Farmers Market looks set to keep growing There are even suggestions that it may open both days of the weekend in order to cater for the increasing demand TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com The Dayton Farmers’ Market Get your groceries as fresh as possible from the Dayton Farmers’ Market You can buy fresh produce, enjoy free food samples, and have delicious snacks and coffee from the market food stalls Here's a list of stalls and sellers: - Maggie’s (specializing in apples and pears) - Mushroom Medley (with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes) - Rennie’s Meat and Poultry (enjoy fine cut meats here) - Eggtastic! (get excellent free range eggs) - Assorted Produce (featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables) - The Marketplace Café (the best espresso coffee in the city) - Taste Sensation (with a fabulous brunch menu) The Dayton Farmers’ Market is held at the County Show Grounds every Saturday from am to pm, and every Sunday from am to 12 pm 181 What is the purpose of the article? (A) The range of food (B) The sense of community (C) The affordable prices (B) To report on the profits of a local company (D) The quality of the produce (C) 183 Who most likely is Heather Foster? (A) To promote an upcoming community event To publicize a local fundraising effort (D) To describe the success of a business venture (A) A prominent business person (B) A local farmer 182 What is NOT mentioned as a reason for the market’s popularity? (C) An advocate of the market TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) A business journalist 184 Where can customers purchase meals? (A) The Marketplace Café (B) Taste Sensation (C) Eggtastic! (D) Maggie’s 185 According to the article and web page, what has changed about the market? (A) The opening hours (B) The venue (C) The stall owners (D) The selling items Questions 186- 190 refer to the following emails From: Lee Wang To: Walhurst Group CC: Kim Alba Subject: FW: Getting Fit Dear all, This is a message from Kim Alba at Global Fitness I’ve forwarded it to everyone in the office Cheers, Lee Wang From: Kim Alba To: Lee Wang Subject Getting Fit _ Dear Mr Wang, My name is Kim Alba and I am a client consultant at Global Fitness I have an offer that I would like you, as personal development manager at Walhurst Group, to extend to all employees at your firm Global Fitness will allow Walhurst Group staff to have a 30% discount on our annual membership fees Instead of paying $1,200 per year for a subscription, Walhurst Group employees can pay just $840 That’s a saving of $360! Members are entitled to full access to all our services and facilities These include a 4-lane swimming pool, weight and fitness machines, personal trainers, exercise classes, nutritional advice TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com and much more I have attached a copy of our online brochure so those interested in joining Global Fitness can see the full range of services that we offer As a special bonus, I will even let Walhurst Group employees try out the facilities for free Walhurst Group staff members can take out a -month trial membership at no charge You can’t beat that for generosity! Thanks, Kim Alba From: Christine Strauss To: Kim Alba Subject: Re: FW: Getting Fit Dear Kim, I was interested in getting ỉn shape for the summer, so I decided to capitalize on the offer you made Walhurst Group employees I have been going to Global Fitness almost every day for the last month, and I am impressed by the amenities However, for my own workout needs, I not think that I will have much use for weight machines and personal trainers I only want to use your swimming pool and take jazz dance classes As such, I'm unwilling to pay $840 per year for the few services and facilities I will use However, I would be happy to pay a smaller amount Can you make exceptions for people in my situation? Please let me know if this is possible Regards, Christine Strauss 186 What is the main topic of the first email? (A) A business opportunity (B) A special offer (C) An innovative diet program (D) An exercise machine 187 What accompanies Ms Alba’s email? (A) An endorsement from Mr Wang (B) An information flyer (C) A discount coupon TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) A program schedule 188 According to Ms Alba, what is the standard subscription cost per year? (A) $360 (B) $840 (C) $1,200 (D) $1,560 189 What is indicated about Ms Strauss? 190 Why does Ms Strauss make a special request? (A) She cannot afford the full gym subscription (B) She does not want a year-long membership (A) She will join the Walhurst Group in the summer (B) (D) She took advantage of the trial membership (C) She will not make use of all the amenities (D) She needs special help using some facilities She is an experienced fitness trainer (C) She is a professional development manager Questions 191- 195 refer to the following notice and email Attention, please! Thank you for visiting Kent Hospital There are a few simple rules that we ask visitoors to abide by  Visitations are only allowed between am and pm Visits outside these hours may be permitted in special cases To request an offer- hours visit, please fill out a form at the front desk and speak to the receptionist  In general, each patient will only be allowed to receive three visitors at a time, if you are part of a larger group, please seek approval from the receptionist beforehand  Be courteous to other hospital patients during visits Try to keep your voice down and refrain from working up or disturbing others  Hygiene is very important at hospitals To avoid the spread of dangerous infections, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly when you enter and leave the hospital Regards TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com The Staff- Kent Hospital From: Leanne Holmes To: Barry Edwards X Subject: Visitors Dear Mr Edwards, I’m emailing you in regard to the rules for visitors to the hospital The main problem is that many visitors are not following the regulations, and this is causing problems on the medical wards Especially, there have been frequent reports about large groups of visitors that make a lot of noise and cause disruption This is neither fair to the other patients at the hospital, nor to the nursing and medical staff I very rarely have visitors come up to my desk to request an after-hours or group visit So, I think the problem is that people are unaware of the rules Perhaps we should try to place the signs more prominently around the hospital I’m sure you will have other ideas about how we can make improvements in this matter Cheers, Leanne Holmes 191 What is the notice mainly about? (A) Contact a staff member (A) The new rules related to hospital staff (B) Have a health check (B) The hospital’s emergency procedures (C) Fill out a form (D) Clean their hands (C) The regulations governing hospital visits (D) The hospital patients’ rights 192 What are visitors asked to before entering the site? TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) People visiting the hospital late at night (C) Excessively visitations strict guidelines 193 Who most likely is Ms Holmes? (D) (A) A nurse (B) A receptionist 195 What recommendation Holmes make? (C) A patient (A) Changing visitation procedures (D) A visitor (B) Reassessing the regulations (C) Repositioning the notices (D) Informing hospital patients again 194 What is Ms Holmes particularly concerned about? (A) on Disruption caused by loud visitors does Ms Patient complaints about hospital staff Questions 196- 200 refer to the following email and advertisement From: Lisa Forsyth To: Ben Rhodes Subject: Buying a car Dear Mr Rhodes, I am contacting you on the recommendation of my close friend, Dallas West, who bought a vehicle from you earlier thgis year The car I own now- a 1999 Datsun 350 hatchback- keeps breaking down, so I am looking to replace it I hope you can help me find something suitable art a reasonable price While my Datsun 350 has served the well, I really want to upgrade to a largest vehicle I am an events coordinator so I often have to transport audiovisual equipment and other cumbersome items in my car Accordingly, I would prefer something with a lot of trunk space, like a wagon or SUV But at the same time, I’m concerned about the environment, so I’d like the car to be fuel- efficient TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com Finally, my experience with the Datsun 350 has taught me that older vehicles often have mechadical problems This time, I want to get something more mordern, even if it is more expensive If you find any cars that may interest me, please let me know Regards, Lisa Forsyth 1999 Jervais XTL, $13,000 You won't find a top-quality SUV for a better price than this It comes with power steering, electric windows, a sunroof, a powerful sound system and a spacious trunk It has a metallic silver exterior and trendy black leather upholstery Don't be fooled by this vehicle's age It is an ex-rental car that received regular servicing It will outperform a car years younger, guaranteed Moreover, the Jervais XTL is incredibly cheap to run It does nearly 15 miles per gallon, meaning it consumes 30% less gas than most SUVs For a car that looks great, drives well, and won't let you down, call Rhodes Motors at 03-778-909 196 What is the main purpose of Ms Forsyth’s email? (A) To attempt to sell a second-hand vehicle (D) Her current car is unreliable 198 The word “cumbersome" in paragraph 2, line of the email is closest in meaning to (A) bulky (B) mechanized (C) To describe the kind of car she is looking for (C) fragile (D) To request a mechanical service (D) technical 197 What is suggested about Ms Forsyth? 199 What can be inferred about the advertised vehicle? (A) She is knowledgeable about cars (B) Her employer will pay for her vehicle (B) To place an order for a vehicle part (C) She is planning to buy her first vehicle (A) It has recently been reupholstered (B) It has additional unlisted accessories (C) It was manufactured years ago TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) It has been well maintained 200 What feature of the advertised vehicle may be a problem for Ms Forsyth? (A) (B) Its size (C) Its fuel efficiency (D) Its price Its age TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com [...]... chemicals TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (C) hand Refrain from closing the machine by (D) Dry the machine after cleaning 156 What can customers receive from the service center? (A) Troubleshooting advice (B) A repair service (C) A routine maintenance check (D) An extended warranty TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com... accessories (C) It was manufactured 5 years ago TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (D) It has been well maintained 200 What feature of the advertised vehicle may be a problem for Ms Forsyth? (A) (B) Its size (C) Its fuel efficiency (D) Its price Its age TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com ... simpler and more convenient for everybody Regards, Grace Sylvester Secretary — Madison County Medical Clinic 153 What is the purpose of this email? (A) To forward a document TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) To request a payment (C) To postpone an appointment (D) To renew medical insurance 154 What is Mr Malone advised to do next time? (A) Keep all documentation... the order you made with us on November 29 Our client information records indicate that you a dozen new desktop computers and a dozen 17-inch LCD monitors 150 (A) refunded TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) returned (C) requested (D) recalled Before we can make this shipment, you will need to pay a deposit of 5% of the value of the order, which comes to $600... It can provide urgently-needed funds (D) It offers training for entrepreneurs 159 What is indicated about Solutions Managers? (A) They give advice on starting a business TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) They are on call all year round (C) They have an extensive network of contacts (D) They have excellent Interpersonal skills Question 160- 162 refer to the... A speech businessman (D) by a A charity fundraising event prominent 161 According to the Invitation, what is remarkable about Mr Greig? (A) He founded a famous company TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com (B) He has a lot of experience abroad (C) He is from a poor background (D) He established many business awards 162 What is NOT indicated about the function? (A)... Ambassador Paul Haajer, who is expected to make a short speech While tickets to the first screening are still available, the opening ceremony is an invitation-only event TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 163 What is this article mainly about? (C) An award-winning director (A) A recent show (D) A renowned film critic (B) A film festival (C) A live production 165... Briefing on employee guidelines Briefing on administrative practices Venue Main Lobby Main Conference Hall Main Conference hall Employee Lounge Seminar Room 3 Seminar Room 3 TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 12:40 am 1:40 pm Lunch** Complete tour of facilities Hedley Suite * Light refreshments will be provided, including tea, coffee, juice and fresh fruit ** A sit-down... not only save thousands of dollars on electricity bills, but we can also help the environment Moreover, being energy efficient will help boost our image in the community TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com At last month's meeting of the workplace issues committee, we came up with a list of simple measures that individual employees can take to help conserve energy... main purpose is to boost the company's image (A) It is comprised of environmental activists (B) It was initiated to save on overhead costs (C) It meets on a monthly basis TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: http://www.mshoatoeic.com 171 What is NOT a suggestion made by the committee to each employee? 170 How can readers contribute ideas? (A) meeting (A) Turning off computers whenever possible

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2016, 23:35

