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Số trang 89
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from Exercise 2: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.. argue Exercise 3: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find

Trang 1




1.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này ki m tra kĩ năng nghe hi u c a h c sinh v các ch đ , ch đi mầ ể ể ủ ọ ề ủ ề ủ ể

nh nhà tr ng – gia đình – xã h i – kĩ năng giao ti p B i c nh nghe th ng di n ra t i khách s n,ư ườ ộ ế ố ả ườ ễ ạ ạnhà hang, sân bay, văn phòng, các đ i lí nhà đ t, du l ch Hình th c bài nghe th ng là các cu c h iạ ấ ị ứ ườ ộ ộtho i, đi n đàm, bài phát bi u, bài nói chuy n v các v n đ đ c đ c p Yêu c u bài nghe g mạ ệ ể ệ ề ấ ề ượ ề ậ ầ ồcác hình th c nh : listen for specific details, listen to fill in the missing information, listeningứ ưcomprehension (listen then answer the questions, listen to retell the story,…) Đ làm ch ph nể ủ ầnghe h c sinh c n chú ý vào các yêu c u sau:ọ ầ ầ

- Nghe các con s , các thông tin chi ti t nh v trí, giá c , s đi n tho i, ngày gi ố ế ư ị ả ố ệ ạ ờ

- Nghe các s li u, tên, đ a ch , ph ng ti n, hình th c công vi c, các s c thái tình c m ố ệ ị ỉ ươ ệ ứ ệ ắ ả

- Nghe phán đoán n i dung, tìm ch đ và các thông tin đ c bi t ộ ủ ề ặ ệ

- Nghe hi u c t chuy n, thu t l i c t chuy n và n i dung chính ể ố ệ ậ ạ ố ệ ộ

1.2 M t s g i ý khi nghe: ộ ố ợ

- Chu n b t t tâm lí tr c khi nghe b ng cách:ẩ ị ố ướ ằ

+ Đ c tr c th t kĩ n i dung yêu c u, câu h i ph n c n nghe (trên đ ).ọ ướ ậ ộ ầ ỏ ầ ầ ề

+ Đoán ch đ bài nghe, liên t ng các ki n th c v ch đ nghe.ủ ề ưở ế ứ ề ủ ề

+ Chu n b các t v ng, c u trúc có liên quan (theo phán đoán).ẩ ị ừ ự ấ

+ Đoán tr c theo n i dung câu h i (có th chính xác).ướ ộ ỏ ể

- Chu n b cho bài làm b ng cách:ẩ ị ằ

+ Li t kê (trên nháp) th t các câu h i theo đ bài.ệ ứ ự ỏ ề

+ Đ kho ng cách gi a các câu h i sao cho có th thay đ i đ c đáp án.ể ả ữ ỏ ể ổ ượ

+ Đi n n i dung đoán tr c n u có.ề ộ ướ ế

- Kĩ năng nghe:

+ T p trung t i đa tinh th n, nh ng không quá lo l ng hay s t s ng.ậ ố ầ ư ắ ố ắ

+ Chú ý nghe tr ng âm, t nh n m nh, đi u l p l i.ọ ừ ấ ạ ề ặ ạ

+ Suy lu n ph n không nghe đ c theo ki n th c v văn hóa, ng pháp, ng nghĩa.ậ ầ ượ ế ứ ề ữ ữ

- Hoàn thi n bài làm:ệ

+ Ki m tra các thông tin càn thi t, tính logic, h p lí c a các thông tin nghe đ c.ể ế ợ ủ ượ

+ Ki m tra l i tính t ng thíc v ng nghĩa, ng pháp và văn phong c a các đáp án.ể ạ ươ ề ữ ữ ủ

+ Hoàn thành bài làm b ng vi c suy đoán các đáp án không nghe đ c.ằ ệ ượ

1.3 M t s đ a ch ho c ph ộ ố ị ỉ ặ ươ ng pháp luy n nghe: ệ

- Nghe tr c tuy n trên các websites nh : ự ế ư www.luyennghetienganh.com,

- Luy n nghe tr c tuy n, ngo i tuy n các ph n nghe c a TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS,…ệ ự ế ạ ế ầ ủ

- S d ng các tài li u nghe có các hi u sách.ử ụ ệ ở ệ

- Xem phim không ph đ , không d ch,…ụ ề ị

- Nghe bài hát (t t nh t)ố ấ


2.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này ki m tra kh năng nh n bi t cách phát âm các ch cái đ c g chầ ể ả ậ ế ữ ượ ạ

d i theo cách phát âm các nguyên âm, nguyên âm đôi, ba, các ph âm, chùm ph âm c a các t cóướ ụ ụ ủ ừtrong ch ng trình ho c liên quan đ n ch ng trình Ti ng Anh THPT hi n hành Đ làm t t ph nươ ặ ế ươ ế ệ ể ố ầbài t p này, thí sinh c n n m v ng:ậ ầ ắ ữ

- B ng phiên âm qu c t ả ố ế

- Các t h p ch cái s n sinh ra các âm d gây nh m l n ổ ợ ữ ả ễ ầ ẫ

- Các t h p ch cái s n sinh ra các âm đ c bi t ổ ợ ữ ả ặ ệ

- Quy t c phát âm theo cách phát âm đ c gi i thi u sách giáo khoa Ti ng Anh 10, 11, 12 ắ ượ ớ ệ ở ế

2.2 B ng phiên âm qu c t : ả ố ế

đ n ơ Nguyên âm đôi vô thanh Ph âm ụ Ph âm h u ụ thanh ữ

Trang 2

- Phát âm là /id/ n u li n tr c các t h p ch cái này là các ph âm /t/ và /d/.ế ề ướ ổ ợ ữ ụ

Ví d : started /’sta:tid/; acted /’ụ æktid/; lasted/’la:stid/; listed/’listid/;painted /’peintid/;decided/di’saidid/; provided/pr ’vaidid/; landed /’lændid/;әadded /’ædid/

Ngoài ra còn có các t b t qui t c c th g m: sacred /’seikrid/; hatred/’heitrid/;ừ ấ ắ ụ ể ồ

crooked/’krukid/; beloved/bi’lvid/; wicked/’wikid/; naked/’neikid/

- Phát âm là /t/ n u li n tr c các t h p ch cái này là các ph âm /k, f, s, ế ề ướ ổ ợ ữ ụ ʃ ʃ /., t , p

Ví d : cooked/’kukt/; laughed/’la:ft/; glanced/’glụ ænst/; washed/’wo t/; watched /’wot t/; ʃ ʃstopped/’stopt/

- Các tr ng h p còn l i phát âm là /d/.ườ ợ ạ

Ví d : earned/’ :nd/; played/’pleid/; employed/im’ploid/; died/’daid/; moved/’muvd/ụ з

b T h p các ch cái t n cùng “s”:ổ ợ ữ ậ

- Phát âm là /s/ n u li n tr c c a chúng là các âm /p,k,t,f,ế ề ướ ủ /

Ví d : caps/’kæps/; peaks/’pi:ks/; laughs/’la:fs/; tenths/’tenụ s/

- Phát âm là /z/ đ i v i các tr ng h p còn l i.ố ớ ườ ợ ạ

Ví d : hands/’hændz/; ears/’i:rz/; boys/’boiz/; apples/’æplz/ụ

c Các c p nguyên âm đ n:ặ ơ

Ví d : /i/ vs /i:/; /e/ vs /æ/; / / vs / :/; /ụ ɔ ɔ / vs /a:/; / / vs /u:/; / / vs / :/ʊ ә з

d Các nguyên âm và ph âm khác.

2.4 M t s bài t p luy n phát âm: ộ ố ậ ệ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


3.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này ki m tra cách xác đ nh tr ng âm chính c a các t đa âm ti t các tầ ể ị ọ ủ ừ ế ừ

v ng đ c ki m tra th ng có trong ch ng trình Ti ng Anh THPT hi n hành Đ làm t t ph nự ượ ể ườ ươ ế ệ ể ố ầbài t p này, h c sinh c n n m v ng:ậ ọ ầ ắ ữ

- Th nào là tr ng âm, tr ng âm chính ế ọ ọ

- Các quy t c xác đ nh tr ng âm chính c a t ắ ị ọ ủ ừ

- Ph n phiên âm các t v ng đ c gi i thi u sách giáo khoa Ti ng Anh 10, 11, 12 ầ ừ ự ượ ớ ệ ở ế

3.2 M t s qui t c đánh tr ng âm ộ ố ắ ọ :

a Đ i v i các t có 2 âm ti t ố ớ ừ ế

- Tr ng âm chính c a các t có hai âm ti t ọ ủ ừ ế th ngườ r i vào âm ti t th 2 đ i v i các đ ng t (trơ ế ứ ố ớ ộ ừ ừ

tr ng h p các âm ti t th 2 đó có ch a nguyên âm / /, /i/, ho c / /), và r i vào âm ti t thườ ợ ế ứ ứ ә ặ әʊ ơ ế ứ

nh t đ i v i các t lo i còn l i (tr tr ng h p âm ti t th nh t đó có ch a nguyên âm đ n /ấ ố ớ ừ ạ ạ ừ ườ ợ ế ứ ấ ứ ơ ә/)

1 appeal (v) / ’pi:l/ә brother (n) /’br /ә ancient /’eins nt/ә

2 appear (v) / ’pir/ә color (n) /’k l /ә annual /’ænj l/ʊә

Trang 3

3 approach (v) / ’pr :t /ә ɔ ʃ dhoti (n) /’h ti/әʊ concave /’k nkeiv/ɔ

4 arrange (v) / ’reid /ә ʒ father (n) /’f a: /ә hardly / ’ha:dli /

5 decide (v) /di’said/ mother (n) /’m /ә never / ’nev /ә

- Đ i v i nh ng t có mang ti n t , h u t , tr ng âm chính c a t đó ố ớ ữ ừ ề ố ậ ố ọ ủ ừ th ngườ rơi vào âm tiết gốc

1 become / bi’km / quickly / ’kwikli / threaten / ’ ret n /θ ә

2 react / ri’ækt / builder / ’bild /ә failure / ’feilj /ʊә

3 foretell / f ’tel /ɔ lately / ’leitli / daily / ’deili /

4 begin / bi’gin / actual / ’ækt l /ʊә treatment / ’tri:tm nt /ә

5 unknown / n’kn n /әʊ sandy / ’sændi / ruler / ’ru:l /ә

b Đ i v i các t có h n 2 âm ti t ố ớ ừ ơ ế

- Đ i v i các t có h n hai âm ti t, tr ng âm chính ố ớ ừ ơ ế ọ th ngườ r i vào âm ti t th ba k t âm ti t ơ ế ứ ể ừ ếcuối

1 family /’fæmili/ philosopher /fi’l :s f /ɔ ɔ ә biology /bai’ :l d i /ɔ ɔ ʒ

2 cinema /’sin m /ә ә character /’kærikt /ә democracy /di’m :kr si/ɔ ә

3 regular /’regj l /ʊ ә interest /’int rist/ә satisfy /’sætisfai /

4 singular /’siŋgj l /ʊ ә internet /’int net/ә dedicate /’delikeit /

5 international /int ’næ n l/ә ʃә ә different /’dif r nt/ә ә philosophy /fi’l :s fi /ɔ ɔ

- Đ i v i các t có t n cùng nh ố ớ ừ ậ ư “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “iar”, “ion”,

tr ng âm chính ọ th ngườ rơi vào âm tiết liền trước của các tận cùng này – thứ 2 kể từ âm tiết cuối

ian physician / fi’ziks n /ә musician / mj ’ziks n /ʊ ә

ic athletic / e ’letik /θ energetic / en ’d etik /ә ʒ

ience experience / iks’pri ns /ә convenience / k n’veni n /ә ә

ient expedient / iks’pedi nt /ә ingredient / in’gri:di n /ә

al parental / p ’rent l /ә ә refusal / re’fj z l /ʊ ә

ial essential / i’sen l/ʃә confidential / k nfi’den l /ә ʃә

ual habitual / hæ’bi:tʃʊәl / individual / indi’vi:d l /ʊә

eous courageous / k ’ræg s /ɔ әʊ spontaneous / sp n’tæn s /ɔ әʊ

ious delicious / de’li: I s /ʃ әʊ industrious / in’dstri s /әʊ

ion decision / di’si:zn / communication / k mj ni’kei n /ә ʊ ʃ

iar familiar / f ’mi:li /ә ә unfamiliar / nf ’mi:li /ә ә

- Đ i v i các t có t n cùng ố ớ ừ ậ “ese”, “ee’, “eer”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque”, tr ng âm chính ọ th ngườ rơi vào chính các âm tiết chứa các tận cùng này

ee refugee / refj ’d i: /ʊ ʒ employee / impl i’i: /ɔ

eer volunteer / v lɔ n’ti /ә engineer / end i’nI /ʒ ә

ese Portuguese / p tj ’gi:s /ɔ ʊ Vietnamese / vietn’mi:s /

esque bamboo / bæm’bu: / picturesque / pikt ’res /ʃә

- Đ i v i các t có t n cùng là ố ớ ừ ậ “ate”, “fy”, “ity”, “ize”, tr ng âm chính ọ th ngườ rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba kể từ

âm tiết cuối

ate dedicate / ’dedikeit/ communicate / k ’mj nikeit/ә ʊ

ity ability / ’bi:liti /ә responsibility / resp si’bi:liti /ɔ

ize recognize / ’rek gnaiz /ɔ urbanize / ’ :b naiz /ɜ ә

ety society / s ’sai ti/әʊ ә anxiety / æŋ’zai ti /ә

3.3 M t s bài t p luy n xác đ nh tr ng âm c a t : ộ ố ậ ệ ị ọ ủ ừ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


4.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này ki m tra vi c xác đ nh thì c a đ ng t (theo các nhòm thì ng phápầ ể ệ ị ủ ộ ừ ữ

nh The Present Tenses, The Past Tenses, The Future Tenses) d a vào các ng c th cho t ng câuư ự ữ ụ ể ừ

h i c th H c sinh đ c bi t chú tr ng đ n ng c nh c a l i nói, các d u hi u v th i gian (tr ngỏ ụ ể ọ ặ ệ ọ ế ữ ả ủ ờ ấ ệ ề ờ ạ

Trang 4

t , tr ng ng , m nh đ tr ng ng ch th i gian) đ xác đ nh cho đúng cách chia c a đ ng t choừ ạ ữ ệ ề ạ ữ ỉ ờ ể ị ủ ộ ừ

tr c C n n m v ng các y u t sau:ướ ầ ắ ữ ế ố

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì hi n t i đ n (The simple present tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ệ ạ ơ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì hi n t i ti p di n (The present progressive ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ệ ạ ế ễ tense)

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì hi n t i hoàn thành (The present perfect tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ệ ạ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì hi n t i hoàn thành ti p di n (The present ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ệ ạ ế ễ perfect progressive tense)

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì quá kh đ n (The simple past tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ứ ơ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì quá kh đ n (The simple past tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ứ ơ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì quá kh ti p di n (The past progressive tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ứ ế ễ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì quá kh hoàn thành (The past perfect tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ứ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì t ng lai đ n (The simple future tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ươ ơ

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì t ng lai ti p di n (The future progressive ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ươ ế ễ tense).

- C u t o, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t c a thì t ng lai hoàn thành (The future perfect tense) ấ ạ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế ủ ươ

4.3 M t s bài t p chia đ ng t : ộ ố ậ ộ ừ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


5.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này ki m tra ki n th c c a h c sinh v các t bi n th c a t v ng tầ ể ế ứ ủ ọ ề ừ ế ể ủ ừ ự ừ

- Y u t văn hóa c a các n c nói ti ng Anh ế ố ủ ướ ế

- T v ng xu t hi n trong các bài h c sách giáo khoa Ti ng Anh 10, 11, 12 ừ ự ấ ệ ọ ế

5.2 M t s bài t p xác đ nh t lo i: ộ ố ậ ị ừ ạ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


6.1 Đánh giá chung: Yêu c u c a ph n bài t p này nh m ki m tra ki n th c c a h c sinh v r tầ ủ ầ ậ ằ ể ế ứ ủ ọ ề ấnhi u m ng ki n th c nh ; ng pháp, t v ng, s hòa h p c a các y u t c u thành câu, m o t ,ề ả ế ứ ư ữ ừ ự ự ợ ủ ế ố ấ ạ ừ

gi i t , các ki n th c v c m t , m nh đ , Đ gi i quy t yêu c u c a ph n bài t p này h c sinhớ ừ ế ứ ề ụ ừ ệ ề ể ả ế ầ ủ ầ ậ ọ

Trang 5

a Xác đ nh m t trong b n ph n g ch d i b sai:ị ộ ố ầ ạ ướ ị

6.2 M t s bài t p xác đ nh t sai: ộ ố ậ ị ừ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


7.1 Đánh giá chung: Yêu c u c a bài t p này nh m ki m tra các ki n th c c a h c sinh v các tầ ủ ậ ằ ể ế ứ ủ ọ ề ừ

v ng ch c năng nh m o t , gi i t , c m ng c đ nh, thành ng , Bài t p này yêu c u đi n tự ứ ư ạ ừ ớ ừ ụ ữ ố ị ữ ậ ầ ề ừkhuy t vào câu còn ch a hoàn t t Đ làm t t bài t p này, h c sinh c n:ế ư ấ ể ố ậ ọ ầ

- Ki n th c v t lo i, đ c bi t chú ý t i các partials (t ch c năng) ế ứ ề ừ ạ ặ ệ ớ ừ ứ

- Đ ng t gi i t , đ ng t c m, các ng c đ nh, các thành ng ộ ừ ớ ừ ộ ừ ụ ữ ố ị ữ

- Cách s d ng các m o t ử ụ ạ ừ

- T lo i, s t , l i chính t khi vi t ừ ạ ố ừ ỗ ả ế

- T v ng xu t hi n trong các bài h c sách giáo khoa Ti ng Anh 10, 11, 12 ừ ự ấ ệ ọ ế

7.2 M t s bài t p v t ch c năng: ộ ố ậ ề ừ ứ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


8.1 Đánh giá chung: Bài t p này nh m ki m tra ki n th c c a h c sinh v các m ng ki n th cậ ằ ể ế ứ ủ ọ ề ả ế ứ

- Câu giao ti p, các tình hu ng ngôn ng ế ố ữ

- Các y u t văn h c, nhân v t n i ti ng, văn hóa, các m u câu ế ố ọ ậ ổ ế ẫ

8.2 M t s bài t p v ng pháp và t v ng MCQs: ộ ố ậ ề ữ ừ ự ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


9.1 Đánh giá chung: Bài Đ gi i quy t yêu c u c a ph n bài t p này h c sinh ph i có ki n th cể ả ế ầ ủ ầ ậ ọ ả ế ứ

ng pháp t t, v n t v ng khá, hi u đ c các thành ng , đ c bi t ph i n m đ c càng nhi u c mữ ố ố ừ ự ể ượ ữ ặ ệ ả ắ ượ ề ụ

t , ng c đ nh càng t t Ph n bài t p này th ng ki m tra các ki n th c:ừ ữ ố ị ố ầ ậ ườ ể ế ứ

9.2 M t s bài t p v đ c đi n khuy t: ộ ố ậ ề ọ ề ế ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


10.1 Đánh giá chung: Đ làm t t lo i bài t p đ c hi u chúng ta c n phân tích và chia nhóm cácể ố ạ ậ ọ ể ầ

lo i câu h i, vân d ng các kĩ năng gi i các nhóm câu h i c th đ hoàn thành bài t p Thôngạ ỏ ụ ả ỏ ụ ể ể ậ

th ng, bài t p đ c hi u g m hai bài đ c v i ch ng 10 câu h i kèm theo thu c các nhóm câu h iườ ậ ọ ể ồ ọ ớ ừ ỏ ộ ỏ

c th sau:ụ ể

Trang 6

Type 1: Vocabulary questions:

Khái quát: Identify vocabulary meaning (3 – 5 questions/ 1 passage)

Câu h i: ỏ - The word/ phrase “X” is closest in meaning to

- The word/ phrase “X” could/ can be best replaced by

- The word/ phrase “X” probably means

Type 2: Reference questions:

Khái quát: Identify the referent a reference word “refers to” (0 – 2 questions/ 1 passage).Câu h i:ỏ - The word/ phrase “X” refers to_

Type 3&4: Factual & negative factual questions:

Khái quát: Choose an answer that is true or untrue according to the passage

Factual (3-6 questions/ 1 passage); Negative factual (0-2 questions/ 1 passage)

Câu h i: Factual: ỏ - Which of the following statements is TRUE of ?

- It is indicated in the passage that

- According to the passage, _

Negative factual: - Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of ?

- All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

Type 5: Sentence simplification questions:

Khái quát: Find the best replacement of key information from long and complex sentences (1question/ 1 passage)

Câu h i: Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the ỏ

highlighted sentence in the passage?

Type 6: Prose Summary: Complete a summary of a passage (1 question/ 1 passage).

Type 7: Classify, categorize, organize information questions:

Khái quát: Categorize specific facts in the passage (1 question/ 1 passage)

Type 8: Inference questions:

Khái quát: Make inferences, form generalizations and draw conclusions based on what is implied in a passage (0-2 questions/ 1 passage)

Câu h i:ỏ - It is implied in the passage that

- It can/ could be inferred from the passage that

- It is suggested in the passage that

Type 9: Rhetorical purpose questions:

Khái quát: Recognize why an author explains concept in a certain way (0-2 questions/ 1 passage)

Câu h i:ỏ - Why does the author state X?

- Why does the author mention X?

- The author mentions X in order to

10.2 M t s bài t p v đ c hi u: ộ ố ậ ề ọ ể ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


11.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n bài t p này nh m ki m tra t ng h p ki n th c ng pháp, t v ng,ầ ậ ằ ể ổ ợ ế ứ ữ ừ ựnăng l c s d ng ngôn ng , và các ki n th c v văn hóa c a ng i h c Bài t p này g m 5-10 câuự ử ụ ữ ế ứ ề ủ ườ ọ ậ ồ

h i đ c phân chia theo thang nh n th c, căn c vào yêu c u v chu n ki n th c kĩ năng theo quiỏ ượ ậ ứ ứ ầ ề ẩ ế ứ

đ nh c a ch ng trình Nhìn chung các câu h i ph n này ch y u d a vào các hình th c chuy nị ủ ươ ỏ ầ ủ ế ự ứ ể

đ i câu nh :ổ ư

- Chuy n đ i câu d a vào thì c a đ ng t ể ổ ự ủ ộ ừ

- Chuy n đ i câu d a vào các hình th c câu so sánh ể ổ ự ứ

- Chuy n đ i câu d a vào kĩ năng s d ng t v ng: t , c m t , thành ng hay c u trúc c ể ổ ự ử ụ ừ ự ừ ụ ừ ữ ấ ố

đ nh ị

- Chuy n đ i câu d a vào hình thái l i nói: tr c ti p – gián ti p; ch đ ng – b đ ng; l i nói ể ổ ự ờ ự ế ế ủ ộ ị ộ ố

tr n thu t – đ o ng , nh n m nh; ầ ậ ả ữ ấ ạ

Trang 7

- Chuy n đ i câu d a trên n n t ng ki n th c v c m t và m nh đ (nguyên nhân; nh ng ể ổ ự ề ả ế ứ ề ụ ừ ệ ề ượ

b ; m c đích; tác đ ng và hi u ng; m nh đ tr ng ng ch th i gian; m nh đ l c; câu ộ ụ ộ ệ ứ ệ ề ạ ữ ỉ ờ ệ ề ượ

ch ; m nh đ đi u ki n; quan h ; ) ẻ ệ ề ề ệ ệ

11.2 C u trúc c th : ấ ụ ể

11.2.1 Time lines: Dòng th i gianờ

1 Simple Past vs Present Perfect

Eg 1 They last met 5 years ago

4 We haven’t gathered for 5 months

The last time _.

2 Before vs The first/ second/… time:

Eg 1 This is the first time they have ever eaten snails

1 Comparative vs (negative) Positive:

Eg 1 Apples are cheaper than oranges

Apples are _.

2 He drove more carefully than his brother

His brother didn’t _.

Trang 8

E.g 1 He bought his new shoes when he was on holiday.

His new shoes .

2 Don’t tough that wire

That wire .

3 You must clean the machine every time you use it

The machine .

11.2.6 Indirect speech: Câu gián ti pế

E.g 1 “Why don’t we go out for dinner?” said Lary

E.g 1 He was too young to join the army

He was not old .

2 She was such a nice girl that we loved her very much

2 Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed the match thoroughly

Although the weather .

Trang 9

3 Disabled as she was, she lived happily and thought poositively.

No matter how .

11.2 M t s bài t p v vi t chuy n đ i câu: ộ ố ậ ề ế ể ổ ph n th hai cu n sách nàyầ ứ ố


12.1 Đánh giá chung: Ph n này yêu c u h c sinh vi t essay (bài lu n) đ bàn v m t v n đ cầ ầ ọ ế ậ ể ề ộ ấ ề ụ

th nh : đ i s ng, môi tr ng, v n đ xã h i, nhiên li u, ô nhi m, l i s ng, các v n đ c a th iể ư ờ ố ườ ấ ề ộ ệ ễ ố ố ấ ề ủ ờ

đ i, đ i s ng h c đ ng, giáo d c, y t , b o v thiên nhiên, đô th hóa, toàn c u hóa, H c sinh c nạ ờ ố ọ ườ ụ ế ả ệ ị ầ ọ ầ

n m đ c các yêu c u: ắ ượ ầ

- C u trúc m t essay ( trên 200 t - t 4 đo n văn tr lên).ấ ộ ừ ừ ạ ở

- C u trúc hành văn, m i liên k t, l p lu n.ấ ố ế ậ ậ

- Cách s d ng ngôn ng , l i phân tích: đ a v n đ - gi i thích – ch ng minh – ví d ử ụ ữ ố ư ấ ề ả ứ ụ

- Liên t , m nh đ , các yêu c u l p lu n: Topic – Main idea – Main dea - – Conclusionừ ệ ề ầ ậ ậ

- Các kĩ năng c th sau:ụ ể

12.2 Kĩ năng vi t lu n c th : ế ậ ụ ể

12.2.1 Writing Essay: Kĩ năng vi t bài vănế

a Writing process: Ti n hành vi tế ế

Đây là b c chuy n hóa t các ý t ng (đã làm ph n chu n b trên đây) thành m t bài ướ ể ừ ưở ở ầ ẩ ị ộ

vi t hoàn ch nh (s n ph m cu i cùng) Tuân th 5 b c sau:ế ỉ ả ẩ ố ủ ướ

Five Writing Steps:

1 Open your notebook and word processor

2 Write the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence

3 Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning

4 Focus on the main idea of your essay

5 Use the dictionary to help you find additional words to express your ideas

b Editing Essay: S a l i bài vi t g m 2 b c sau:ử ỗ ế ồ ướ

* Grammar and Spelling: Ch a các l i ng pháp và chính t ữ ỗ ữ ả

1 Check your spelling

2 Check your grammar

3 Read your essay again

4 Make sure each sentence has a subject

5 See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other

6 Check the verb tenses of each sentence

7 Make sure that each sentence makes sense

* Style and Organization: Ch a các l i v hành văn ữ ỗ ề

1 Make sure your essay has a topic sentence

2 Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea

3 Make sure you have a closing sentence

4 Check that all your sentences focus on the main idea

5 See if your essay is interesting

12.2.2 Useful expressions: Những liên từ, hay các cụm từ hữu ích khi viết bài văn:

Useful expressions

Sequencing/ Listing First of all, First(ly), Initially, To begin with; Second(ly); Third(ly);

Next; Then; After that (this); Following this (that); Finally; The first reason is…/ The second is…; Last but not least…

Adding to what you have

said Also, Furthermore, In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Besides, As well as, Similarly, not only…but also…, even beside this/ thatContrasting In contrast to this, On the contrary, In contrast, Conversely, On the

other hand, While, Whereas, However, Despite/ In spite of, Although, Even though, Otherwise, Nonetheless

Expressing similarity Similarly; Likewise, In the same way

Showing results As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Hence, Thus,

Trang 10

Therefore, SoGiving examples For example, For instance, In particular, Particularly, That is to

say, Namely, Such asRestating In other words, That is to say, To put it simply

Inferring In other words, In that case, or else, Otherwise

Summarizing In summary, To sum up, To conclude, To recapitulate, In

conclusion, In short, In brief, In a nutshell, Lastly, Finally

12.2.3 Kinds of Essays: Các lo i bài văn c b nạ ơ ả

1 Definition Essays: Bài văn đ đ nh nghĩa v m t s v t, hi n t ng.ể ị ề ộ ự ậ ệ ượ

e.g Write an essay giving the definition of a pest

2 Classification Essays: Bài văn đ nhóm, hay phân lo i các s v t, hi n t ng.ể ạ ự ậ ệ ượ

e.g     Write an essay discussing two types of energy resources

3 Description Essays: Bài văn miêu t v m t s v t, hi n t ng.ả ề ộ ự ậ ệ ượ

e.g Write an essay to talk about your most favorite subject

4 Compare and Contrast Essays: Bài văn đ di n t s so sánh hay t ng ph n v các s ề ễ ả ự ươ ả ề ự

v t, hi n t ng.ậ ệ ượ

e.g Write an essay comparing the weather in Vancouver and Halifax

5 Sequence Essays: Bài văn mô t m t chu i, hay m t ti n trình c a s v t, s vi c.ả ộ ỗ ộ ế ủ ự ậ ự ệ

e.g.   Write an essay outlining how a person becomes the prime minister

6 Choice Essays: Bài văn mô t s ch n l a.ả ự ọ ự

e.g    Write an essay stating whether you would prefer to play hockey or lacrosse

7 Explanation Essays: Bài văn đ gi i thíchể ả

e.g     Write an essay explaining why so many Europeans moved to Canada during the

nineteenth century

8 Evaluation Essays: Bài văn đ đánh gia v s v t, hi n t ng.ể ề ự ậ ệ ượ

e.g   Write an essay evaluating whether pesticides should be used on farms

9 For and Against Essays: Bài văn đ nói v s tán đ ng và ph n đ i.ể ề ự ồ ả ố

e.g   Write an essay to show your opinion on the saying “ ”

10 Graph, Chart, Diagram Essays: Bài văn đ phân tích b ng bi u, s li u.ể ả ể ố ệ

e.g   Write an essay evaluating whether pesticides should be used on farms

12.2.4 Marking scheme: Tiêu chí ch m bài

  S d ng ngôn t đúng văn phong/ th lo i ử ụ ừ ể ạ  

  S d ng t n i các ý cho bài vi t uy n chuy nử ụ ừ ố ế ể ể  

Trang 11

  Cùng m t l i chính t l p l i ch tính là m t l i ộ ỗ ả ặ ạ ỉ ộ ỗ  

  S d ng đúng th i, th , c u trúc câu đúng ng pháp.ử ụ ờ ể ấ ữ  

Trang 12

Last name: (1)… BUTCHER … First name: (2)… ANTHONY …… Sex: (3)… MALE

Occupation: (4)… A STUDENT Date of birth: (5)… 14 APRIL 1966

Nationality: (6)… ITALIAN …… Reason for travel in the UK: (7)… TO STUDY ENGLISH ……

Person to stay with in England: (8) A BROTHER

Address in the UK: (9)… 35… Halefield road, Tottenham, (10) LONDON


Section I: Question 1-10 You will hear a conversation on opening a bank account Listen and write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer


Type of student account: the (1) current account Full name of applicant: Elme Lewis

Date of birth: (2) 14 th February 1982 Current address: (3) Smithfield Drive

Telephone: 798643 A student account offers: an account book and (4) connect card

Interest: < £600:(5) 4.5%; ≥ £600: 5.5% Overdraft: (6) £300

Documents: passport, (7) a reference letter

Identity (security problem): Name of (8) little sister: Emma

Statement: Every (9) month Special request: Open (10) Internet bank account as well

Section II: Question 11-20 You will hear a man giving a talk about grass roofs on roof tops of

building Listen and choose the correct answer marked A, B, or C.

11 Green products are aimed at _ A people who can afford to pay higher prices

B the young who are very environmentally aware

C those who care more about environment

12 Grass roofs have been used _ A on buildings in Europe

B on homes and other buildings C mostly on residential buildings

13 On the grass roof, soil or crushed stones are laid directly on top of _

A the insulation and drainage layer B the waterproof underlay

C the wooden roof deck

Question 14-20: Complete the notes below Write ONLY ONE WORD for each answer.

Grass roof (14) cooler in summer; Warmer in

winter; Little (15) maintenance Encourages (16) biodiversity

Absorb water run-off

(17) unattractive

appearance in winter Highly recommended

Thatched roof Good insulators Very (20) pricy/ pricey Not ideal for cities


Section 1 Listen and complete the form below Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for

each answer Question 1-5:

PAN ASIAN AIRWAYS - LOST PROPERTY REPORT FORM Full name: Kirsty Allen Address: (1) 48 Windham Road, Richmond

Postcode (2) RI6 GH7 Home Tel: 020 8927 7651 Mobile Tel: (3) 07754 897 432 Flight number (4) PA 365 Seat number: (5) E6 New York - London Heathrow

Trang 13

Question 6-8: Choose THREE letters from A to F What items did Kirsty’s bag contain?

Question 9-10: Choose a letter (A, B, C, or D) that correctly answer questions 9 and 10.

9 What has Kirsty done regarding to the loss of her credit card?

A informed the police but not the credit card company

B informed the credit card company but not the police

C informed both the police and the credit card company

D informed neither the police nor the credit card company

10 What must Kirsty do after the call regarding to her lost handbag?

A Call back after one hour and a half B Just wait for a call back

C Call back after one hour and a half if she has heard nothing

D Call back the next day if she has heard nothing

Section 2 Choose the correct answer.

11 The Counseling Service may contact tutors if _

A they are too slow in making assignments B they give students a lot of work

C they don’t inform students about their progress D they take students out too much

12 Stress may be caused by _

13 International students may find stress difficult to handle because

A they lack support from family and friends B they don’t have time to make friends

C they find it difficult to socialize D they are too shy

14 A personal crisis may be caused by

A studying for too long overseas B problems in the student’s country

C disruptions to personal relationships D homesickness

15 Students may lose self- esteem if

A they have to change courses B they don’t complete a course

C their family puts too much pressure on them D they have to work part-time

16 Students consult Glenda Roberts if

A their general health is poor B their diet is too strict

C they can’t eat the local food D they become obese

17 Students in financial difficulties can receive

A assistance to buy books B a loan to pay their course fees

C a no-interest loan to cover study expenses C financial help from their friends

18 Loans are also available to students who

C can’t cover their living expenses D need to buy reference books

19 The number counseled by the service last year was

20 The speaker thinks the Counseling Service

A has been effective in spite of the staff shortages B is under-used by students

C has suffered badly because of staff cuts D is not very effective


Part 1: Questions 1 – 10

Questions 1 – 4: Complete the form below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Trang 14


Name: Barbara Hill Location: (1) Southwest London Postcode: SW105

Rooms: two (2) double bedrooms The other room used as: an (3) office

Downstairs: kitchen-dinner, conservatory, and (4) lounge Pets: 2 dogs and 3 cats

Questions 5 – 7: Choose the best answer

5 Which of these extra services does the agent agree to do?

A Change the bed linen B Do some gardening work C Clean the grass

6 What does the customer want cleaned every three months?

7 What does the customer want done with clothes?

A Wash and iron the clothes B Clean and dry the clothes C Iron the clothes

Questions 8 – 10: Complete the sentences below Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

8 The agent’s address is 12 _ Amyes Road

9 Her house will get cleaned next _ Thursday

10 The maximum time of cleaning service is hours _

Part 2: Questions 11 – 20 Complete the information about the museum Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Jamestown Museum of Art Information for Visitors

Entrance fees: Adults $ (11) 15 Children $ (12) 11

Entrance is free for senior citizens on (13) Tuesday

Hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 11:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m Friday: 11:00 a.m – 7:00 p.m

Saturday – Sunday: 10:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m Mondays and holidays: closed

The map of the Museum

14 Modern art 15 City Gallery 16 Portraits 17 East Room 18 art reproductions

Notice to museum visitors

The following areas are restricted Hall of History: Closed for (19) repairs

Will reopen in April (20) Second floor: Museum staff offices Employees only All others must have

an appointment


Part 1: Questions 1 – 10 Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Beatle Road

3 bedrooms, abathroom, and a living room

Shared living room, bathroom, kitchen,

and (3) washing machine

Living room furniture $400/$340 Due to some shared facilities,

it seems (4)


Trang 15

Mead Street 2 bedrooms, aliving room,

meals $500 without (10) bathroom

Part 2: Questions 11 – 15 You will hear Anita Burroughs, an ice-skater, being interviewed about her

work For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

11 What problem did Anita have when ice-skating as a child?

A There was nowhere to practise B She couldn’t find a good teacher

C The clothes were expensive

12 She says she often does shows

A seven days a week B more than once a day C all summer

13 What does Anita find most difficult about her job?

A The performances are tiring B Practising is very hard work

C She misses her family

14 How does Anita feel about doing radio interviews?

A She prefers them to TV interviews B She doesn’t know what to say

C She looks forward to them

15 To be a professional ice-skater like Anita, you should

A work well in a team B remain serious on the ice C be a good leader

Part 3: Questions 16 – 20 You will hear five different people talking about a famous person For Questions 16 – 20, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker’s opinion of the celebrity is Use the letters only once There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

E He has a bad influence on young people Speaker 5 B 20

F He annoys a lot of people


You are going to hear a talk about security in the UK Listen to the talk and complete the statements below by writing no more than THREE words in the spaces provide You will hear the talk TWICE.

Don’t carry more (1) cash than you need for daily expenses.

When you stay at a hotel, ask the (2) manager to keep your valuables in hotel (3) safe.

Don’t keep a note of the serial (4) numbers together with your traveler’s cheques.

You should carry wallets and purses in an (5) inside pocket or a handbag.

Your passport, (6)travel tickets and other important documents should be taken special care of You can leave your (7) heavy luggage in a luggage office at most large stations and pick it up later It’s necessary to keep the receipt and check the (8) opening hours when you leave your luggage at

- Areas dealt with: (1) (the) city centre/ center (itself), North suburbs

- Rent: from (2) £250 to £ 500 a month Depends on: the area Availability (3) (a) garden garage

- Properties available: West Park Road; rent (4) £325 a month; including (5) (the) water bill

Tithe Road: rent £ 380 a month; including (6) (the) telephone/ phone rental

Trang 16

- Viewing arrangements: meet at office on (7) Wednesday/ Wed afternoon at 5.00 pm.

- Need: letter from bank; reference from your (8) employer.

- Must: give (9) two/ 2 weeks’ notice of moving in give; deposit of (10) one/ 1 month(‘s) rent

Pay for contract

LISTENING 8 You will listen to each part TWICE.

Part 1: Questions 1 – 10

Questions 1 – 4: Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.

1 What is the name of the language school?

A The George School of English B The Edinburgh School

C The Gordon Language School

2 Where is the interview?

3 What is the student’s name?

4 What is the teacher’s name?

Questions 5 – 10: Complete the form below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

11 Choose TWO letters A–E Which TWO things does the speaker mention about public clocks? C/E

12 The fact that they are in any order.

A old B accurate C useful D beautiful E free F noisy

Questions 13 – 20: Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN THRE WORDS AND/OR A

NUMBER for each answer.

of service Special feature Favourite aspect forspeakerLondon Big Ben refers to the

(13) main bell 1859 Biggest bell in England it is very (14) well-known

Vancouver (15) (the) Steam

Clock (16) 1977 Whistle sounds on the quarter hour It is charmingStrasbourg Strasbourg

Cathedral clock 1842 The clock tells the story of the (17) human journey It is a (18) work of art

Tehran (19) (the) Flower

Clock 2005 Run by a (20) computer It is an unusual design


Section 1: Question 1-10

Question 1- 4: Choose the best answer to each question.

1 Where does the conversation take place?

A in an office B in a bookstore C at a bus stop D in front of a ticket booth

2 Which office helps overseas students with their particular problems?

A Sport Club B Union Societies C Accommodation Office D Welfare Office

3 What kind of sport doesn’t the student mention?

A basketball B badminton C wrestling D motor racing

4 Where can the Filipino student find his compatriots at the school?

Trang 17

A Training sessions B Filipino Society C Badminton court D Basketball teamQuestion 5-10: Fill in the gaps numbered 5-10

Name: CAESAR; Surname: (5) Bautisto; City: (6) Manila; Subject: (7) Development Economics; Length of the course: (8) one year; Job in the future: (9) UN project adviser;

Reason for choosing this university: (10) a good reputation in economics;

Section 2: Question 11-20

Question 11-16: Answer the question by writing a word or a phrase.

11 When does the student have to move out of his present accommodation? In 2 weeks

12 For how long did the college offer him a temporary room? one month

13 Circle the problem that the student has now

14 Circle the help that the Welfare Office can give

A To provide long-term accommodation for him

B To contact the accommodation service

C To subsidize his rent payments

D To offer him a grant

15 Where could the student get money?

C From the British Council D From the Student Union

16 How much could the student get as an emergency loan?

Question 17-20: Write a word or a number in spaces provided.

17 Would the Union be able to provide a long-term emergency accommodation? No

19 Will the student apply for an emergency loan? Yes

20 How does the student feel after taking with the welfare officer? Optimistic

Heard about us from: (3) family member; Number of people: (4) 2/two;

Type of accommodation preferred: (5) flat/apartment.

PART 2: Questions 1 – 5 Listen and choose the correct letter, A, B or C

1 How long will it take to get to Paris?

A about one hour B about three hours C about four hours

2 What should passengers do with their passports?

A leave them with their steward B lock them away

C carry them at all times

3 When should passengers be in the restaurant car for dinner?

4 What will the passengers do when the train gets to the Italian border?

A change trains B go on a tour C have lunch in a local cafe’

5 What should passengers not do?

A eat their own food on the train B open their cabin window

C leave the train before it gets to Italy

PART 3: Questions 1 – 5 Listen and choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D

1 A Her concerns were expressed B She wonders if the concert was good

Trang 18

C The music was fantastic D She wandered about during the night.

2 A In a bus station B In a post office C In an airport D In a travel agency

3 A He spends half his time with his daughter B His daughter’s under a year old

C His daughter will start school in a year and a half D His daughter’s eighteen months old

4 A He’s on the basketball team B He doesn’t even like to play basketball

C He’s too short to make the team D He thinks he’s tall enough

5 A She’s thinking about her grade in the seminar B The seminar is quite realistic

C The seminar will take a great deal of time D She agrees with the man about the seminar


Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group.

41 A dictation B repetition C station D question

Trang 19

42 A dew B knew C sew D few

52 A thereupon  B thrill  C threesome  D throne

68 A supported B approached C noticed D finished

71 A bush      B rush      C pull      D lunar

72 A bought       B sought       C drought       D fought

73 A killed      B cured    C crashed D waived


Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group

4 A vegetable B university C Wednesday D television

7 A preparation B decoration C television D exhibition

10 A discovery B calculator C aero-plane D difficulty

Trang 20

11 A provide B adopt C happen D inspire

16 A interesting B surprising C amusing D successful

17 A understand B engineer C benefit D Vietnamese

20 A beautifully B intelligent C redundancy D discovery

21 A comfortable B employment C important D surprising

22 A variety B irrational C industrial D characterize

23 A colorful B equality C dictionary D vegetable

25 A difference B suburban C internet D character

26 A beautiful B effective C favorite D popular

27 A attraction B government C borrowing D visit

28 A difficulty B individual C population D unemployment

29 A biology B redundancy C interviewer D comparative

30 A conversation B isolation C traditional D situation

31 A continue B disappear C imagine D inhabit

32 A altogether B capacity C eventually D particular

33 A professor B digestion C mechanic D engine

34 A mathematics B biology C experiment D philosophy

35 A evolution B development C discovery D philosopher

36 A another B energy C centigrade D gravity

37 A evaporate B temperature C impossible D experiment

39 A abandon B discover C imagine D satisfy

40 A activity B epidemic C philosopher D significance

48 A policeman B semester C exercise D attendance

49 A vegetable B interesting C volleyball D detective

52 A interesting B important C increasing D implying

55 A biology B intelligent C environment D infrastructure

60 A revolution B responsible C renovation D regulation

62 A bacteria B dangerous C government D interesting

Trang 21

63 A attack B defeat C believe D happen

65 A accompany B responsibility C environment D prepare

67 A cinema B telephone C department D restaurant

74 A especially B beautifully C quickly D lately

75 A policeman B performer C engineer D assistant


Exercise 1: Choose among A, B, C, or D the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

1 When I got to the station, I _ John

2 When I got to the station, John _ in a coffee shop

3 When I got to the station, John _ and I didn’t see him

4 When I got to the station, John _ for me for ten minute

A has been waiting B had been waiting C was waiting D is waiting

5 When John _ here tomorrow, I _ you

C arrives/ will call D is arriving/ will be calling

6 When you _ here at this time tomorrow, I _ the room up

C Will come/ will be tidying D come/ will have tidied

7 When you _ here by this time tomorrow, I _ the room up

A come/ will have tidied B come /will be tidying

C Will come/ will have tidied D are coming/ have tidied

8 When it rains heavily, John usually _ at home

9 When it rained heavily, John usually _ at home

10 I _ on the street when it rained

A was walking B have been walking C had walked D walked

11 John _ anything since yesterday

12 In a few days, there _ an important meeting

13 How many questions _ you _ so far

14 I _ John He _ me about his trip to Singapore

A met/told B met/was telling C have met/told D met/ have told

Trang 22

15 Look! A boy _ run after a little dog.

16 This is the best book, I _

A have ever read it B have ever read C have read D read

17 That was the most interesting story I _

A have ever listened B had ever listened C had ever listened to D listened to it

18 China _ to the North of Vietnam

19 The police caught the thief who _ John’s motorcycle

20 I think that John _ the money before we need it

A have returned B has returned C will have returned D had returned

21 When I looked out of the door, I found out that my motorcycle _

A was stolen B had been stolen C has been stolen D had stolen

22 When _ you first _ Hanoi?

23 This is the first time I _ Hanoi

24 Right now, I _ some help What are you doing? Can you give me a hand?

25 Last night, while I _ a letter the phone _

26 At this time yesterday, Mr and Mrs Brown’s daughter _ the floor

A were cleaning B cleaned C was cleaning D had been cleaning

27 He hardly _ up before the sun _

A had gotten/rose B gets/rise C got/rose D gets/rises

28 In two weeks, we _ our vacation in Halong bay

A have spent B will have spent C will spend D had spent

29 In the last two weeks, we _ our vacation in Halong bay

A have spent B would have spent C spent D had spent

30 Mary _ the meal before her friends came

A was repairing B had been repairing C had repaired D repaired

Exercise 2: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket.

John has always traveled a lot In fact, he was only two years old when he first flew to the US.His mother is Italian and his father is American John was born in France, but his parents (1 meet)

had met in Cologne, Germany after they (2 live) had been living there for five years They had met one day while John’s father was reading a book in the library and his mother (3 sit) sat beside him John (4 travel) travels a lot because his parents also travel a lot As a matter of fact, John is visiting his parents in France at the moment He lives in New York now, but (5 visit) is visiting his parents

for the last few weeks He really enjoys living in New York, but he also loves coming to visit his

parents at least once a year This year he (6 fly) has flown over 5,000 miles for his job He has been working for Jackson & Co for almost two years now He (7 be) Is pretty sure that he (8 work) will

be working for them next year as well His job requires a lot of travel In fact, by the end of this year,

he (9 travel) will have traveled over 120,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia He really doesn’t like going to Australia because it is so far This time he (10 fly) is going to fly from Paris

after a meeting with the company’s French partner He will have been sitting for over 18 hours bythe time he arrives!

Exercise 3: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket.

The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising Why this (1 happen) is … happening? One answer is that it could simply be part of a natural process After all, there

Trang 23

(2 be) have been ice ages and long periods of warmth, so we could just (3 experience) be experiencing another warming trend This kind of answer (4 have) had more supporters a few years ago What scientists now (5 believe) believe is that human activity is the cause

For more than two hundred years, human (6 gradually change) have gradually changed / have gradually been changing the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution We (7 create) have created an atmosphere around the earth that, like a giant glass container, (8 let) lets heat from the sun through and then (9 hold) holds it in temperatures, and sea levels (10 keep) will

… keep rising? The general answer is unfortunately yes

Exercise 4: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket.

Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim (1 see) to have seen monsters in the sea Though

people (2 often laugh) have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which (3 at times sight) have at times been sighted are simply strange fish.

Occasionally, unusual creatures (4 wash) are washed to the shore, but few of them (5 catch) are caught out at sea Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar A small fishing-boat (6 carry) was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort (7 not damage) not to damage it in any way When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen

feet long It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail The fish,

which (8 send) has been sent to a museum where it (9 examine) is being examined by a scientist now, is called an oarfish Such creatures (10 rarely see) have rarely been seen alive by man as

they live at a depth of six hundred feet

Exercise 5: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket.

1 Isabel and I (live) _ in a room in the hotel I (get) up at five o’clock and I (have) _ ashower Isabel (stay) _ in bed I (start) _ work at six in the morning and Isabel (start) _

at six in the evening

2 We (meet) _ at three o’clock in the afternoon when I (finish) _ work I (go) back toour room and Isabel (make) a late lunch

3 Son (be) from Viet Nam He (speak) Vietnamese He can (speak) English,too He (live) with his family in HCM City He often (go) to school on Sundays topractice his English Tomorrow (be) _ Sunday He (walk) to school tomorrow Now he(read) a book

Exercise 6: Supply the right form of each verb in each blanket.

1 Where (be) your father now? - He (read) _ a newspaper

2 Listen! Mai (sing)

3 They (play) volleyball every afternoon, but they (play) badminton

4 It is 6:00 p.m Mary is at home She (have) dinner She always (have) dinner withher family around 6 o’clock

5 Ha (like) badminton She often (play) _ badminton with her friend, Lan They(play) it every Thursday afternoon They (play) _ badminton in the stadium now

6 Laura (be) _ from Canada She (speak) English and French She (come) _ toVietnam tomorrow She (stay) in a hotel in HCM City for 3 days She (visit) a lot ofplaces of interest in Vietnam

7 Which language Peter (speak) _ ?

8 He often (have) _ coffee for breakfast, but today he (eat) some eggs

9 We should (do) _ morning exercises

10 We (come) back next Monday

11 My brother can (swim)

12 He (learn) English and I (read) a book now

Trang 24

13 My friend (take) a trip to Da Lat next week.

14 Let’s (help) her

15 She (not/ want) any coffee She (want) some tea

16 Lan and Nam (see) a new film tonight

17 They (not/ go) fishing in winter

18 I (like) my English classes very much I often (practice) speaking English with

my friend Lan I (take) the English Final Test now, and my father (wait) for me infront of the school

19 Minh (be) at the library now He (sit) at a table and (read) a picturebook He usually (go) to the library when he has free time

20 We (have) a party next Sunday Would you like to come?


Exercise 1: Give the right form of the word to finish each of the following sentences.

1 They were impressed by the of the local people FRIEND

3 The they made at school will last through their life FRIEND

4 parks and lakes in Hanoi really attract tourists BEAUTY

7 They enjoyed very moment in the countryside PEACE

9 They are old enough to be of their parents DEPEND

13 We celebrate our _ day on April 30th annually UNIFY

15 They wear uniforms to school and clothes on the weekend COLOR

23 are all looking forward to the village festival VILLAGE

24 Children of the ethnic can go afford to go to school MINOR

27 Ao Dai is not usually worn at work because it is CONVENIENCE

28 , Ao dai is worn by men and women a wedding TRADITION

29 There is a football match between Vietnam and Thailand on TV at 7

30 They go to the church every Sunday They are very RELIGION

34 We are very in temples and museums in Hanoi INTEREST

Trang 25

36 English is language in Singapore OFFICE

37 More , my family and my friend’s father used to be classmates INTEREST

38 Finding the film They decided to turn off the TV to go to bed INTEREST

40 The story the tour guide told us is really INTEREST

42 An is a person who is concerned about the natural

43 She had never been greatly concerned about her _ APPEAR

44 The _ of people interviewed prefer TV to radio MAJOR

46 Due to _ the difference between urban life and rural life is more

47 The security of the earth can be threatened by _ groups TERROR

48 It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines

50 The Americans are much more concerned than the Indians and the

Chinese with physical _ when choosing a wife or a husband ATTRACT

51 He stood at the door to make sure that no one _ the party GATE

52 Her health has _ considerably since we last saw her BAD

53 Jackson had another violent _ with the referee AGREE

55 Pele Ronaldo to take part in 2002 World cup COURAGE

56 Rescue team held out little hope of finding other _ SURVIVE

57 _ of the new system will take several days INSTALL

58 The practice of being on a diet has now been so POPULAR

59 We should all the school’s regulations STANDARD

61 He was very _ of the work he had done PRIDE

62 Are there any rivers left in the world? POLLUTE

63 Freedom of is one of the fundamental rights SPEAK

64 John drives very _ He’s never had any accidents CARE

65 We always have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors

67 A doctor may prescribe if the patient has an infection BIOTIC

69 It is said the of a Swiss watch is perfect PRECISE

70 We have to decide to interview only the best six for the job APPLY

72 Such a kind man would never hurt his friend’s feelings INTEND

73 Her bedroom is decorated with her favorite souvenirs from her

74 He lost in the election because he was a weak and leader DECIDE

77 He fought the illness with courage and DETERMINE

78 Because of a car , she didn’t get to the airport in time for her

80 We are offering many special price _ on printers this month REDUCE

Trang 26

81 She seems happy in her new job REASON

82 Many people expressed _ with the whole idea AGREE

83 A lot of plants and animals could be used as medicines against cancer,

85 The song has been selected for the Sea Games 22, Vietnam OFFICE

86 The police should impose heavy fines on those who drive _ DANGER

87 _, Charles Darwin didn’t intend to publish his book On the Origin

88 The breakdown of the negotiations was not EXPECT

89 I’ll never forget the I felt in the situation HUMILIATE

90 The main goals of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are to

92 Our school set up a project to _ the library system COMPUTER

94 He is completely ! Not only is he lazy but he is dishonest too EMPLOY

95 He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later

when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs QUALIFY

96 Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid

97 It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird It has been listed as one of

98 _ children will not be allowed to cross busy roads ACCOMPANY

99 In nursing, women tend to _ men by four to one NUMBER

100 Before enrolling on a course, you should first ensure that it has

103 He was _ of the consequences in advance INFORMATION

105 Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict _ BRING

106 It’s a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to it MODERN

107 They frequently the traffic as they march through the streets MOBILE

108 Can we the meeting for next Monday at 7 o’clock? ARRANGE

109 Keith’s exam results turned out to be DISASTER

110 I think it’s sheer _ to get married in church if you don’t believe in

111 Politeness is one thing Real kindness is another You must learn to

112 Our tomatoes are nicely; they'll be ready to eat in about a week RIPE

113 Actually, there is no short cut to _ a foreign language MASTER

114 A right amount of calcium added to our food will help to _ our

117 She was knowledgeable about the history of China EXTREME

118 Many people were buried after the earthquake LIVE

120 He _ to hit me if I didn't hand over my money THREAT

122 He wished to become a university student and to _ in Medicine SPECIAL

Trang 27

123 _ your seatbelts during the plane’s take-off and landing FAST

124 Don’t forget to the boat when you are away TIGHT

125 She would have _ her dream if she had passed the entrance exam REAL

126 Farmers have to the soil before growing each crop FERTILE

128 Teachers must keep a record of students’ _ ATTEND

130 Terrorism the civilized human beings by bombing and murders DANGER

131 The book doesn’t say much about prices, but it is very about

132 _ to a new environment is a difficult thing for old people ADAPT

133 Police asked _ if they had seen the accident happen PASS

134 He was very when his cat was run over SET

135 I will resign if you continue _ what I say REGARD

136 She was late as she how much time she’d need ESTIMATE

137 These countries are _ in imports of raw cotton PREFER

138 Sam was accused of stealing some _ documents CONFIDE

139 You do not have to go Your decision must be entirely _ VOLUNTEER

140 Going swimming everyday would have very effects BENEFIT

141 It was a complete _ due to their poor planning FAIL

142 Everyone has a number of but none has many true friends ACQUAINT

143 After the explosion, only two people were left _ LIVE

144 Those group has never lost its appeal THEATRE

145 Dolphins, _ species, sometimes jump above the surface of the

146 He’s the most _, ill-mannered person I’ve ever met PLEASE

147 The situation is so _ in some countries now that it is difficult to see

148 Computers are now considered _ in the business world DISPENSE

149 The damage caused by the terrible storm two days ago was _ by

the government The real figures go up every minute ESTIMATE

150 Barack Obama is the first President of the United States with

155 Those countries are _ on other countries for most of their food DEPEND

156 She is extremely _ about the history of art KNOW

157 On my salary, we have to live as as possible ECONOMY

158 The trouble with Mr Brown is that he’s so _ One minute he goes

mad when you come late; the next he says nothing You never know where

you are!


159 I didn’t know who it was – with a mask on she was completely _ RECONGNISE

160 The surgeon tried their best to save his life, but unfortunately the

161 Oscar had eaten so much that he had to _ his belt LOOSE

162 The government decided that the country’s agricultural economy should

163 This type of behavior is no longer _ acceptable SOCIETY

164 His boss told him off because he had behaved RESPONSIBLE

Trang 28

166 This new film is _ good EXCEPT

167 There is a shortage of pure water in the city nowadays We have to use

168 The evening was spent playing and talking ENJOY

169 Traveling in big cities is becoming more and more every day TROUBLE

170 He didn’t feel happy because he worked SUCCESS

171 The students are already with the work of Shakespeare ACQUAINT

172 She’s so _ that she won’t let anything stand in the way of her ambition MIND

174 It’s of him to lose his temper like that – he’s usually very calm CHARACTER

175 Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save _

176 Her son is always mischievous and _, which annoys her very much OBEY

177 You can never be sure what my sister is going to do She is so PREDICT

179 There was a _ dissatisfaction with the government’s policies WIDE

180 I was kept _ last night by the noise from a party in the flat

Exercise 2: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

From what we had read in the (1 ADVERTISE) advertisement, it promise to be the holiday of

a lifetime – not only a quality hotel in a top (2 SEA) seaside resort, but also (3 SURPRISE) surprisingly cheap with it! We should have known it was too good to be true! We arrived at the airport to discover we only had (4 STAND) standby tickets and there was no guarantee we would

be flying Luckily, two places became free at the last minute and we took off The flight lasted at

least (5 TWO) twice as long as it should have and by the time we arrived, we were both feeling rather (6 POOR) poorly, probably because of the dubious in-flight meal we had had We were met

by our guide, who seemed (7 LANGUAGE) linguistically incompetent and understood very little of

what we said to him Instead of the hotel we had seen in the photograph back home, he took us to a

squalid little guesthouse much (8 FAR) farther / further away from the resort than we were expecting We wanted to explain that there had been a (9 DREAD) dreadful mistake but it was (10 USE) useless trying to complain – nobody could understand us.

Exercise 3: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

Centuries ago, when gold coins (1 EXCLUSIVE) exclusively were used as the money of nations and city-states, the (2 COMPARE) comparative value of each nation’s money was (3 DETERMINE) determined by the ratio of gold content of each coin Today, gold coins are “used” only by (4 COLLECT) collectors (5 NATION) national money is printed on paper Each country

has its own currency, with names such as pound, dollar, dong, yuan and so on (6 DECIDE)

Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex, and to many (7 OBSERVE) observers, one of the most (8 FASCINATE) fascinating aspects of international banking Each major currency has a “par value” that is (9 USUAL) usually defined, (10 OFFICE) officially, in terms of gold

Exercise 4: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

One (1 CHARACTER) characteristic of the modern world is that people increasingly find

themselves living side by side with people from other cultures While in the past people withdifferent cultures were able to live quite (2 SEPARATE) separately, high mobility and freedom of

movement mean that we are more likely today to be confronted with people whose way the life is(3 FAMILIAR) unfamiliar to us In such circumstances, (4 RACE) racism is a real danger

People feel a tremendous (5 LOYAL) loyalty to their own culture, and are often unwilling to

develop an (6 APPRECIATE) appreciation of the positive aspects of other cultures They may feel

that another culture presents a threat to their own (7 INHERIT) heritage, one that could even lead

Trang 29

to the (8 APPEAR) disappearance of certain aspects of their way of life Often, however, this threat

is more a matter of (9 PERCEIVE) perception than reality and different groups live in (10.

RELATE) relative harmony in many parts of the world.

Exercise 5: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

Before going to an interview, it is advisable to go through a mock interview This will giveyou the opportunity to try out your technique and answers live It is also a chance to receive

feedback that is (1 BENEFIT) beneficial in guiding you towards improving your interview style and general (2 PRESENT) presentation Just one mock interview will result in a (3 NOTICE) noticeable improvement in your interview skill Why? For the same reason that a (4 SPEAK) speech doesn’t exist while it is still on paper or floating in your head It only exists when you give it (5 ORAL) orally The first time you give it in front of an audience, it will come out nothing like the

one you prepared

It is the same with being interviewed It is not enough to look at a question and say, ‘Yeah, I knowthe answer to that one.’ You need to practise your answer live; this is not the time to talk to yourself

in front of a mirror Seek out a (6 PROFESSION) professional and have the session videotaped.

Then you will have two opinions – the interview’s and your own You will find you get a completely

different (7 IMPRESS) impression when listening to yourself than when you are watching yourself

saying something Just as your voice always sounds different on tape, so do your (8 RESPOND)

responses You will be glad the image is captured on tape and not in a potential employer’s mind For maximum effect, you should (9 VISIT) revisit your answers and go through a second mock interview This should help with any (10 EASE) unease and give you more confidence for the real


Exercise 6: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

(1)AUTHORIZE Authorities in Paris have halted the filming of scenes from (2)ACT action movies

on its streets in the wake of the recent terror attacks The city is still on high alert (3)FOLLOW

following the attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo and other attacks, which left 20 people (4)DIE dead Security has been (5)HIGH heightened around synagogues, newspaper and broadcasting offices and (6)SHOP shopping malls (7) ARMY Armed police and soldiers are clearly (8)VISION visible on the streets Security measures have now been extended to the movie (9)INDUSTRIAL industry Paris' police commander Sylvie Barnaud said: "There's a problem with these action-type

scenes, as the actors in uniform could be targets for terrorists… Also, the actors could pose

(10)CONFUSED confusion for the general public."

Exercise 7: Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.

Forests from an integral component of the (1 SPHERE) biosphere are essential to the (2 STABILITY) stabilization of global climate and the management of water and land They are home for (3 COUNT) countless plants and animals that are vital elements of our life-supporting systems,

as well as for millions of forest (4 DWELL) dwellers They provide goods for direct (5 CONSUME) consumption (including recreational activities) and land for food production They also represent capital when converted to shelter and (6 FRASTRUCTURE) infrastructure.

The two main types of forests are tropical, which are rich in (7 DIVERSITY) biodiversity and valuable tropical (8 WOOD) hardwood and temperate, which serve as the world’s primary

source of industrial wood The temperate forests (1.5 billion hectares) can be found mainly in

developed countries, whereas the tropical forests (both moist and dry, (9 TOTAL) totally about 1.5

billion ha each) stretch across the developing world Two thirds of the tropical moist forests are in

Latin America, with the (10 REMAIN) Remainder split between Africa and Asia; three quarters of

the tropical dry forests are in Africa


Exercise 1 Choose among A, B, C, or D the one that needs correcting.

Trang 30

1 Families who are enough fortunate to own a historic home may be able to get restoration fundsfrom the government.

A enough fortunate B may be C to get D how

2 The first things a new international student must do include renting an apartment, registering forclasses, and to get to know the city

A to get B first thing C international D for

3 When parents allow his children to spend many hours watching television, the children are not likely to be physically fit

A many hours B his C physically D likely

4 Christianity has become a worldwide religion since it has begun almost two thousand years ago

5 As the population of Africa continues to grow, animals will continue to lose theirs natural habitat

A theirs B continues C to grow D to lose

6 Actually, by the time Columbus arrived to America in 1492, other Europeans had already reachedthe New World

A by the time B Actually C had already D arrived to

7 The most Americans were killed in World War II than in any other war since the birth of thenation

8 Antarctica, which is largely covered by ice, receive hardly any rainfall

A largely B rainfall C receive D hardly any

9 Jessica is only an amateur, but she sings sweeter than most professionals

10 Mrs Adams was surprising that her son and his friend had gone to the mountains to ski

A her B to ski C surprising D had gone

11 A cure for the common cold, causing by a virus, has not been found

A causing B for C a virus D has not been found

12 Amelia Earhart, that was one of the pioneers in aviation, attempted to fly the world in 1937, butshe and her plane mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean

A over B that C in aviation D attempted to fly

13 His last test results showed he was the quickest typist, yet he was the less accurate of all theapplicants

A the less B last C of D the quickest

14 That secretary of mine is so efficient that she always amazes myself with her speed

A she B mine C her D myself

15 A problem it has caused setbacks and we have been forced to change the final date ofcompletion if we want to avoid being penalized

A to change B it C being D setbacks

16 It is vitally important that she takes this medication night and morning

17 Had it not been for you help me, I wouldn't have succeeded

18 Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night

A Halloween night B ghosts stories C especially D telling and listening

19 We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on our test tomorrow

20 She is a very generously old woman She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization

A generously old B her wealth C a charity D has given

21 Psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that humans have unique desires to discover andunderstand, the giving of love to others, and to fulfill their inner potential

Trang 31

C the giving of love to D their inner potential

22 The flag over the White House is risen at dawn every day by a color guard from the UnitedStates armed forces

A over the White House B is risen C at dawn D by

23 When the Panic of 1857, some US citizens who had been rich or comfortable became poor while

a few others, capitalizing on economic shifts, became richer

24 Fiorello La Guardia made a speech to the United Nations Relief Administration, which he wasthe director, stating that Europe did not experience prosperity after World War Two

A made B which C stating that D prosperity

25 Every year, tornadoes cause a lot of damages to property and a tremendous loss of human and animal life

A cause B damages C tremendous loss D animal life

26 It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass theexam A studies B attempting C pass D more

27 There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in Italy

A a B on C There was D about

28 She asked why did Mathew look so embarrassed when he saw Carole

A embarrassed B did Mathew look C saw D asked why

29 The professor together with his three students have been called to court

A to B The C have D together

30 Many deaths associated with fires are not actual caused by the flames, but are rather the result

of asphyxiation resulting from the decreased oxygen supply in burning buildings

A burning buildings B actual C Many D are

31 The rate of snow accumulation in the formation area are critical to the pace of glacial movement

32 More murders are reported in December in the United States than for any other month

33 Although Emily Dickinson publishes only three of her verses before she died, today there aremore than one thousand of her poems printed in many important collections

34 Humans who lived thousands years ago, long before alphabets were devised, they used pictures

to record events and to communicate ideas

35 More companies returned to the task of development new kinds of antibiotics, and as this book

is being prepared, a number are undergoing clinical trials

36 They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am

A planning on B attending C next D so I am

37 Today was such beautiful day that I couldn’t bring myself to complete all my chores

A myself B such beautiful C my chores D to complete

38 Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that today bears his name

A his name B bears C observers D telltale

39 Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former gold mining town 7,500 feet above sea level

A sea level B former C slopes are D Surrounded

40 The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe

A the B than C an alto D pitch

41 Pollution makes streams, lakes and coastal water unpleasant to look at, to smell, and to swim in.Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be unsafe to eat

A harvested from B coastal water C unpleasant D to eat

42 A finishing motion picture is the work of the collaboration of many individuals

Trang 32

A the work B individuals C finishing D motion picture

43 Educational films are made for schools, training films for industry; documentary films presentfact events or circumstances of social, political, or historical nature

A fact events B present C historical nature D made for

44 The train to Ho Chi Minh city left at precisely 7 o’clock as usually, but the train to Ha Noi capitalleft at half past six o’clock, which was exactly 20 minutes late

A exactly B which C as usually D precisely

45 Whether life in the countryside is better than that in the city depend on each individual’s point

of view A that B point of view C Whether D depend on

46 An increasing number of companies has changed dress codes, allowing employees to wearcasual clothing in the workjng place

A in the working place B has changed C increasing D to wear

47 Among the earliest telescopes were Galilean telescopes, modeled after the simple instrumentsbuilt by Galileo, the first person having used telescopes to study the stars and planets

A having used B telescopes C modeled D were

48 Mr Lam insisted that we show our best knowledge, our enthusiasm, our keen on work and oursense of responsibility when working in a team

49 Victims of carpal tunnel syndrome include electricians drilling holes for wiring, airline workers

to type at chest- high terminals, and check- out clerks lifting and twisting groceries to registerprices on the scanner

A include B for wiring C to type D to register prices

50 First designed in 1970, Earth Day has become an international event that dedicate to raisingconcerns about environmental issues such as pollution

A as pollution B raising concerns C First designed D that dedicates

51 It is vitally important that she takes this medication night and morning

52 Had it not been for you help me, I wouldn't have succeeded

A not B wouldn't C succeeded D you help me

53 Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night

A telling and listening B ghosts stories C especially D Halloween night

54 The WWF workers have devoted all their lives to protect all animals

55 We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on our test tomorrow

56 Humans have done great advances in technology at the expense of the environment

A have done B at the expense C advances D humans

57 There was a gradual raise in the number of literate males and females in the Lowlands

A in the Lowlands B was C raise D the number of

58 For the first time in the history of the country, the person who recommended by the president

to replace a retired justice on the Supreme Court is a woman

A is B a retired justice C to replace D who recommended

59 It is interested to compare the early stylized art forms of ancient civilizations with the modernabstract forms of art

A ancient B interested C early stylized D with

60 The latest medical report indicated that the patient’s temperature was near normal and theirlungs were partially cleared

A partially B near normal C their D latest medical report

61 Men and women in the Peace Corps work with people in the developing countries to help themimproving their living conditions

A work B improving C developing D living

Trang 33

62 Although not widely sold, that book is considered to be best book on the subject.

A best B the C sold D not

63 Because his sickness, he didn’t take part in the English competition held last Sunday

A held B take C he D Because

64 I found my new contact lenses strangely at first, but I got used to them in the end

A strangely B my new C in the end D got used

65 Dreaming, like all other mental processes, it is a product of the brain and its activity

A its activity B like all C of the brain D it is

66 Transplanting organs such hearts and kidneys had proved easier than transplanting muscles

67 On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-tipped mountains more than a mile beneath sea level

A is B more than C On D hundreds of

68 No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishaw school, Martha has moved to the staff of the Eastman school in 1925

A emphasis B satisfied C the staff of D Martha has

69 Not until much later did she realize her long-known partner had been lying her

A did she realize B lying C much D long-known

70 Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman to hold a pair of scales

A blindfolded B to hold C personified D a pair of scales

71 The novelist Shirley Hazzard is noted for the insight, poetic style, and sensitive shedemonstrates in her works

A demonstrates B for C sensitive D The

72 My father asked me where had I gone the night before

A the night B had I C before D asked

73 The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience

A tried B before C worst D The

74 Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America

A that B the largest C in D lies on

75 The most mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is presentonly before birth

A have B The most C though D some time

76 Alaska’s vast areas of untamed wilderness attracts many people who enjoy the outdoors

77 Manufacturers may use food additives for preserving, to color, or to flavor, or to fortify foods

A to flavor B fortify foods C for preserving D many use

78 Computer science which is considered by some scientists to have a much closer relationshipwith mathematics than many scientific disciplines

A much closer B than many C which is considered D some scientists

79 If one type of manufacturing expands, it is like that another type will shrink considerably

80 The Pullman strike of 1894 occurred took place during the era of rapid industrialization

A place B occurred took C of rapid D industrialization

81 Transplanting organs such hearts and kidneys had proved easier than transplanting muscles

82 On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-tipped mountains more than a mile beneath sea level A is B more than C On D hundreds of

83 No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishaw school, Martha has moved to the staff of the Eastman school in 1925

A emphasis B satisfied C the staff of D Martha has

84 Not until much later did she realize her long-known partner had been lying her

A did she realize B lying C much D long-known

Trang 34

85 Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman to hold a pair of scales.

A blindfolded B to hold C personified D a pair of scales

86 As well as being successful in his many careers, Benjamin Franklin was well-known as ascience

A being successful B careers C well-known D science

87 Lewis and Clack had been gone for such long on their expedition that many thought they were

88 Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most activist and influential first ladies

A was B most activist C influential D first ladies

89 In the 1860s Louis Pasteur discovered that bacteria in air caused the perishable food to go bad

A the 1860s B bacteria C the perishable D bad

90 Homes that have cable television get their programs from a local television station through acable connected with the set

A get their programs B from a local television station

91 My father used to giving me some good advice whenever I had a problem

A a problem B whenever C some good D giving

92 The woman of whom the red car is parked in front of the bank is a famous pop star

A is parked B of whom the C a famous pop star D front of

93 The better you are at English, more chance you have to get a job with internationalorganizations

A a job B better C are at D more chance

94 There are differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American culture

A Vietnamese B and similarities C There are D culture

95 Society will be having to change radically to keep pace with the technology available

A with B Society C available D will be having

96 All of the students in this course will be assessed according to their attendance, performance,

and they work hard

A according B they work hard C performance D All of the students

97 As seeing from the mountain top, area looks like a picturesque harbour town

A from B As seeing C harbour town D like

98 Women in many parts of the world have had lower status than men, which the extent of the gap between genders varies across cultures and times

A which B varies C parts D the gap between genders

99 Since January this year, Joe has suffered two injuries, one to his ankle and the other in New York

A New York B this year C Since D injuries

100 Most of the students are queuing in lines waiting to enter the classroom

A Most of B are C in lines D to enter

101 In the future, we will certainly lead a more healthier life

102 In the end of the story, Cinderella and the prince get married and live happily together

103 Rattan, a close relative of bamboo, is often used to make tables, chairs, and other furnitures

104 Either Mr Anderson or Ms Wiggins are going to teach our class today

105 I prefer living in a nuclear family than a joint one

106 Wind is the motion that occurs when lightest air rises and cooler heavier air replaces it

107 These exercises look easy, but they are very relatively difficult for us

Trang 35

108 A dolphin can communicate with other by making distinctive sounds

109 Salmon lay their eggs and die in fresh water, although they live in salt water when most of their

110 Rock music was original a mixture of country music and rhythm and blues

111 Before television became popular, people used to entertain each other in the evening byplaying games, and saying stories

A became popular B to entertain C each other D saying

112 My father is very busy with his business; therefore , he is always willing to give a hand withthe housework

A willing to give a hand B with C therefore D the

113 I found my new contact lenses strangely at first, but I got used to them in the end

A my new B strangely C got used D in the end

114 The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are your strongpassion and you have good health

A The first important B to become C are D you have good health

115 Hardly did he enter the room when all the lights went out

A did he enter B when C the lights D went out

116 Items of luggage whose weight exceed 50 kilograms will not be allowed on the plane

117 Heathrow is a very busy airport You always see aeroplanes landing and take off

A busy B a C landing D take off

118 In this hospital they have the best staff and equipments in the whole province It’s really high

119 My father used to giving me some good advice whenever I had a problem

A giving B a problem C whenever D some good advice

120 Daisy has such many things to do that she has no time to go out

121 Aristotle systematically set our various forms of syllogism that has remained an important reference for logic

A systematically B various C that D has remained

122 There are a number of reason why population is concentrated in temperate regions, but thewide variety and availability of animal and vegetable life may be the most important

A of reason B is concentrated C availability D the most important

123 Each chapter contains a few appendix which give additional details as supplements to the text

A contains B appendix C which D as

124 In the hot climate of India, innumerable caves serving generations of religious men as shrines and retreats A In the B innumerable C serving D as

125 Professor Benton has more experience in this type of procedure from Professor Edwards

A has B in C of D from

Exercise 2: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Australia was settled by Europeans in 1788, mainly to home

criminals, but with a little independent farmers and businessmen The

settlements were not wealthy, and there was little help available to

them in need: the poor, the sick, the unemploy, and the aged To begin

with, what little help was availably came in the form of charity:

donations of money, acommodation or medical treatment to selected


A second approach that began to emerge in the last nineteenth

century was that of “universalism” It stresses that all people in society

Trang 36

should be entitle to certain benefits-up to a minimum level and across a

restricted range of services This approach was used to arguing for the

introduction of a pension for the aged poor

10 argue

Exercise 3: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Your mind's abile to bring back experiences you have had is your

memory There are two kinds of remembered, recall and recognition For

instance, you may not be able to recall the poem your read yesterday in class,

but if you see it again, you will know it instant because you recognize it

Some fewer people have 'total recall,' often spoken of as photographic

memory A people with total recall can recite a whole page of a book he has

read only once, or play a musical composition after heard it once This is very

unusual, however, and most people have difficully in remembering even

names they heard a day before This is not because most people lack the

ability to remember, but because of they had not paid much attention to

what they heard They felt not personal reasons to remember Having a

personal reason for remembering is one of the more important factors in a

Exercise 4: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Instructors in American colleges and universities use many different

teaching methods Some instructors give assignments every days They grade

homework Students in their class have to take many quizzes, a midterm

exam, and a final text Other instructors pass only writing assignments Some

teachers always follow a course outline and usually use a text book Others

send students to the library of assignments

The atmosphere at some classrooms is very formal Students call their

instructors 'Professor Smith,' 'Mrs Jones,' and so of Some teachers wear

business clothes and make lectures Other classrooms have an informal

atmosphere Students and teachers discuss they ideas Instructors dress

informally, and students call them by their first name American teachers are

not like in their teaching styles

Exercise 5: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and the half people

inhabited the earth Now, the population is about six billion and is doing fast

Even though the rate of growth has begun to die down, most people believe

the population size may be eight billion during the next several year

If we examine the amount of land availably for this ever increasing

population, we begin to see the problem No all land is useful to us because it

cannot produce food We can cut out about one fifth at it because it is covered

by snow and ice Then we can cut out other fifth because it is desert Another

fifth is mountains The another fifth does not have enough soil for crops to

grow because it is bare rock Obvious, with so little land to support us, we

should take great care not to reduce it any more or with the rapid growing

population we may soon or later lack food to eat and place to live in

Exercise 6: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Scientist believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that

ecosystems work best when there is greater variety of species within them

This biodiversity is being losed destroying natural mechanisms that could

repair the damage caused by man

Findings show that losing plants and animals are not only reducing our

01 Scientists

02 better

03 lost

04 is

Trang 37

quality of life but actually endanger our very existence We cut down rich

rainforests and replace them with one species plantations, so as pine and

eucalyptus We plough up meadows rich on different grasses and herbs and

replace them with one grass, for instance rye or wheat

When a nature ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the

ecosystem are altered and even damaged With their biodiversity they are not

able to serve as the natural cleaners of our planet Not longer are they able to

absorb the carbon dioxide that is being produce in excess The result is global

warming, caused by the increase by the 'greenhouse effect', and ultimately, or

even 'sooner, there will be' a change in the world's climate

Exercise 7: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

The advent of the Internet may be one of the more important

technological developments in recent years Never before have such many

people had access to so many different source of information For all of the

Internet's advantages, however, people are currently becoming aware on

some of its drawbacks and are looking at creative solutions Among the

current problems, which include a general lack in reliability and numerous

security concerns, the most crucial is speed

First in all, the Internet has grown very quickly In 1990, only a few

academics had ever hear of the Internet In 1996, over 50 million people used

it Every year, the number of people with access of the Internet doubles The

rapid growth has been a problem The computer systems who run the Internet

have not been able to keep on with the demand Also, sometimes a request for

information most pass through many routing computers before an

information can be obtained A request for informations made in Paris might

have to go through computers in New York, Los Angeles and Tokyo on order to

obtain the required information

Exercise 8: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Plants and animals hold medicinal, agriculture, ecological value

Endangered species must be protected and saved of that future generations

can experience their presence and value

Plants and animals are responsible for a variety for useful medications

In fact, about forty percentage of all prescriptions written today are composed

from the natural compounds of difference species These species not only save

lives, but they contribute at a prospering pharmaceutical industry worth over

$40 billion annually Unfortunately, only 5% of know plant species have been

screened for their medicinal values, although we continue to lost up to 100

species daily The Pacific yew, a slow-growing tree find in the ancient forests

of the Pacific Northwest, was historical considered a "trash" tree However, a

substance in its bark was recent identified as one of the most promising

treatments for ovarian and breast cancer Additionally, most than 3 million

American heart disease sufferers would die with 72 hours of a heart attack

without digitalis, a drug deriving from the purple foxglove

Exercise 9: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Verbal and nonverbal messages within a same interaction can sometimes

send opposing or conflicting messages: A person verbal expressing a statement

of truth while avoid eye contact may convey a mixed message to the receiver in

the interaction Conflicting messages may occur for a variety of reason often

stemming from feelings of uncertain, ambivalence, or frustration When mixed

messages occur, nonverbal communication become the primary tool people use

Trang 38

to attain additional information of clarify the situation; great attention is placed

on bodily movements and positioning when people perceives mixed messages

during interactions Accurate interpretation of messages are made easier when

nonverbal and verbal communication complement each others Nonverbal cues

can be used to elaborate on verbal messages to reinforce an information sent

when trying to achieve communicative goals; message have been shown to be

remembered better when nonverbal signal affirm the verbal exchange

Exercise 10: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

There is not age requirement for admission to Cambridge University, although

the vast majority of undergraduates are 18 years' or old when they come into

residence All applicant will need to demonstrate that they have the maturity

and personal skills to cope on university level study A student who will be over

21 on commencing a courses is classified as a mature student

In previous year, the University has had minimum entrance requirements

for all applicants, known about matriculation requirements These included the

need for a qualification in English, a language other then English, and a

mathematical or scientific subject This requirements will be abolished from

Exercise 11: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

The traditionally Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important of

traditional Vietnamese occasion Regardless of westernization, many of the

age-old customs practiced in a tradition Vietnamese wedding continue to be

celebrated by both Vietnamese in Vietnam and oversea, often combining both

western and east elements Besides the wedding ceremony, there is also an

engagement ceremony which takes part usually half a year or so before the

wedding Due of the spiritual nature of the occasion, the date and time of the

marriage ceremony are decided in advance by a fortuner teller The traditional

Vietnamese wedding consist of an extensive array of ceremonies: the first is the

ceremony to ask permission to receive the bride, the secondly is the procession

to receive the bride (along with the ancestor ceremony in her house), the third

is to bring the bride to the groom's house for other ancestor ceremony and to

welcome her into the family, then the last is a wedding banquet

Exercise 12: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Humans express attitudes toward themself and vividly through body

movements and postures Body movements express truly messages about

feelings that cannot be mask Because such avenues of communication are

visual, they travel much further than spoken words and are unaffected by the

presence of noise that interrupt, or cancels out speak

People communicate by the way they walk, standing, and sit We tend to be

more relaxing with friends or when addressing those of lower status Body

orientation also indicate status or liking of the other individual More direct

orientation is related to a more positive attitude

Body movements and postures alone have not exact meaning, but they can

greatly support or reject the speaking word If these two means of

communication are dichotomized and contradict each others, some result will

be a disordered image and most often the nonverbally will dominate

Exercise 13: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

India have launched EDUSAT, an education satellite that can reach remote

parts of the country at a greatly reduced costly There is also ail initiative 01 has02 cost

Trang 39

supported by several majority corporations to develop a $100 laptop The

laptops have been availably since 2007 The laptops, sold at cost, will enable

developing countries to give their children a digitally education In Africa, an

"e-school program" has been launched to provide all 600,000 primarily and high

schools with computer equipment, learning materials and internet assess within

10 years Volunteer group are working to give more individuals opportunity to

receive education in developing countries through so programs as the Perpetual

Education Fund A International Development Agency project started with the

support of America President Bill Clinton uses the Internet to allow co-operation

by individuals on issues of socially development

Exercise 14: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Preparation is a key to a successful interview Is the idea of going to a job

interview make you feeling a little nervous? Many people find that it is the

hardest part of the employing process But it is not real true The more you

prepare and practice, the most comfortable you will feel You should find out as

much as possibly about the company before you go to the interview Understand

the products that they produce and the services that they provides It is also

good to know who the customers are and who the major competitors is Practice

makes perfect It will also make you feel more confidently and relaxed So,

practice your answers to common questions Made a list of questions to ask, too

Almost all interviewers will ask if you have questions This is a great

opportunities for you to show your keenness, enthusiasm, and knowledge

Exercise 15: Each of the numbered lines in the passage contains a mistake, find and correct it.

Today's computers operate using transistors, wires and electric Future

computers might use atoms, fibers and light The new NASA-developed

computing device allows machines to work much like the brain These

technology may allow fast-thinking machines to do decisions based on what

they see A planetary rover might use this technology to avoided obstacles A

spacecraft might uses the technology to avoid hazards and identify a

pre-selected landing site with very highly precision The device works much like the

brain, whose power comes from the complex networks of interconnections

calling "synapses" between brains cells Networks of these brain cells, called

neurons, allow humans to make instantly decisions based on an observed image


Exercise 1: Supply ONE suitable preposition to each of the numbered blanks.

 Dennis has given (1) up his job so he can stay at home and look (2) after the children.

 Overeating and lack (3) of exercise can lead (4) to serious health problems in later time.

 Now, don’t let us (5) down We are counting (6) on you to cook something really special for

the party this Saturday

 Not paying a visit (7) to her family last week turned (8) out to be the biggest mistake I have

ever made

 Jane has always stood (9) by her brother even when he was accused (10) of murder and

everyone refused to speak to him

Exercise 2: Provide the correct article a/an/the/x (zero article) in the following gaps.

(1) The first few days after getting home from (2) x college were okay but then I began to feel rather bored and lonely My parents were busy working and (3) x most of my friends were either away on holiday or else had (4) x holiday jobs I tried to get a job myself but without success I was beginning to wish I had not come home when I saw (5) an advertisement for holiday courses in (6) the local newspaper For (7) a small fee you could try lots of different activities organized by (8)

Trang 40

the town’s youth club Each activity lasted half (9) a day and they were all exciting I also met new people as many of (10) the tourists staying in the town joined in.

Exercise 3: Supply ONE suitable partial; preposition or an article to each of the numbered blanks.

Make a great impression The interview is your chance to show that you are (1) the best

person for the job Your application or resume has already exhibited that you are qualified Now it is

(2) up to you to show how your skills (3) and experience match this position and this company The

employer will be looking and listening to determine if you are a good fit He/she will be looking (4)

for a number of different qualities, (5) in addition to the skills that you possess To make the best

impression, dress appropriately; express your strengths; arrive early, by about 10-15 minutes; be

enthusiastic; shake hands firmly; be an active listener; sit (6) up straight and maintain eye contact;

and ask questions

After the interview, follow up (7) with a thank-you note This is a chance for you to restate your interest and how you can benefit the company Your best bet is to try to time it (8) so that the note gets there before the hiring: decision is made You should also follow (9) up with a phone call if you do not hear back from the employer (10) within the specified time.

Exercise 4: Supply ONE suitable partial; preposition or an article to each of the numbered blanks.

In developing countries, people are sometimes unaware (1) of the importance of education, and there is economic pressure (2) from those parents who prioritize their children's, making money in the short term over any long-term benefits of education Recent studies (3) on child labor and, poverty have suggested that when poor families reach (4) a certain economic threshold where families are able to provide (5) for their basic needs, parents return their children to school This has been found to be true, once the threshold has been breached, even (6) if the potential economic value of the children's work has increased (7) since their return to school.

Other problems are that teachers are often paid less than other professions; (8) a lack of good universities and (9) a low acceptance rate for good universities are evident in countries (10) with a relatively high population density.

Exercise 5: Supply ONE suitable partial; preposition or an article to each of the numbered blanks.

Last year I went (1) to Nepal for three months to work in (2) a hospital I think it's important

to see as much of a country (3) as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal The hospital let

me have (4) a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go (5) with me.

We started preparing (6) for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants

carrying our equipment It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from

snakes In (7) the jungle there was a lot (8) of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed (9) onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in (10) the heat of the day.

Exercise 6: Supply ONE suitable partial; preposition or an article to each of the numbered blanks.

When you go to the party (1) in Atlantica, don't bring (2) a gift If you do (3) so, our hosts

will believe that you think they are poor

Never arrive (4) on time in Atlantica Come one (5) or two hours late because your hosts will not be on time themselves In Atlantica, all schedules (even airline schedules) run (6) on 'elastic


(7) At dinner time, eat only what the hosts serve you If you ask for something special, (8) the host try to get what you want, even (9) if they have to go out to the store that evening And

never look at the other guests while you eat Instead, look down at your food Use a spoon for all

food, even hard foods (10) like fried meat.

Exercise 7: Supply ONE suitable partial; preposition or an article to each of the numbered blanks.

As we are proposing to sponsor (1) a student from Africa (2) on a three-month language course (3) in this country, we also intend to hold (4) a Charity Dance in the spring Such events are

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2016, 09:46

