Học tiếng anh. Danh sách 3000 từ tiếng anh dành cho mọi lứa tuổi và giúp việc học tiếng anh dễ dàng hơn. Tìm thêm tài liệu 3000 từ tiếng anh và giải nghĩa tiếng việt để việc học dễ dành hơn nữa. abandon (v) əbændən bỏ, từ bỏ abandoned (adj) əbændənd bị bỏ rơi, bị ruồng bỏ ability (n) əbiliti khả năng, năng lực able (adj) eibl có năng lực, có tài
The Oxford 3000™ The keywords of the Oxford 3000 have been carefully selected by a group of language experts and experienced teachers as the words which should receive priority in vocabulary study because of their importance and usefulness The selection is based on three criteria The words which occur most frequently in English are included, based on the information in the British National Corpus and the Oxford Corpus Collection (A corpus is an electronically held collection of written or spoken texts, often consisting of hundreds of millions of words.) However, being frequent in the corpus alone is not enough for a word to qualify as a keyword: it may be that the word is used very frequently, but only in a narrowly defined area, such as newspapers or scientific articles In order to avoid including these restricted words, we include as keywords only those words which are frequent across a range of different types of text In other words, keywords are both frequent and used in a variety of contexts In addition, the list includes some very important words which happen not to be used frequently, even though they are very familiar to most users of English These include, for example, words for parts of the body, words used in travel, and words which are useful for explaining what you mean when you not know the exact word for something These words were identified by consulting a panel of over seventy experts in the fields of teaching and language study The words of the Oxford 3000 are shown in the main section of the dictionary in larger print, Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T d and with a key symbol immediately following The most useful parts of the entries (particular parts of speech, meanings, phrasal verbs and idioms) are marked with a small key symbol The entries for keywords often have extra information in the form of more examples of use, special notes explaining synonyms or related words, or helpful illustrations This means that the keywords make an excellent starting point for expanding your vocabulary With most keywords, there is far more to learn about them than the first meaning in the entry: often these words have many meanings, have a large family of words derived from them, or are used in a variety of patterns All of this means that each one of the keywords repays close study The list covers British and American English It is arranged to emphasize the connections between words, so that words which are very closely related (including adverbs ending in -ly and opposites starting with un-) are grouped together Some basic phrases are also included Proper names (names of people, places, etc beginning with a capital letter) and numbers are not included in the main list Aseparate list of words which are important for language study, but less important in everyday life, follows the main list Knowing these words will help you to understand more of the information given in the entries, especially regarding the word's grammar and register (whether it is formal, informal, etc.) Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! bacteria a n an indefinite article bad adj., abandon v go bad adj badlyabandoned adv ability n adj bad-tempered bag n.able adj unable baggage n adj about adv., prep (especially NAmE) prep., adv bake above v abroad balance n., v.adv ball n.absence n absent adj ban v., n adj band absolute n absolutely bandage n., v adv v bank absorb n bar n.abuse n., v academic adj bargain n accent n barrier n base accept n., v v acceptable adj based on unacceptable adj basic adj access n basically adv n basisaccident n bath n.by accident accidental adj bathroom n adv batteryaccidentally n n battleaccommodation n bay n.accompany v be v.,according auxiliary v.to prep n., v beachaccount n adj beak accurate n bear v.accurately adv v beardaccuse n achieve v beat n., v achievement n beautiful adj acid n adv beautifully acknowledge v beauty n acquire because conj.v across because of adv., prep.prep act v n., v become bed n.action n taken.action bedroom active adj beef n beer n.actively adv activity before prep.,n conj., adv actress n beginactor, v actual n adj beginning adv behalf actually n.: ad i advertisement on behalf of sb, adapt v on sb's behalf add v (BrE) (NAmE in behalf of addition n sb, in sb's behalf) in addition (to) behave v additional behaviour (BrE)adj address n., v n (NAmE behavior) adequate adj behind prep., adv adequately adv belief n adjust believe v v bell n.admiration n admire v belong v belowadmit prep.,v.adv belt n.adopt v bend adult v., n n., adj n., v bentadvance adj advanced adj beneath prep., adv advance benefitinn., v advantage n beside prep bet v., take n advantage of adventure n betting n advertise v better,best good,well i advertising n between prep., adv beyond prep., adv advertisement bicycle (also n n (also ad,bike) advert) bid advice v., n n big advise adj v bill n affair n bin affect n (BrE) v biology n n affection birdafford n v birthafraid n adj give birth (to) conj., adv after prep., birthday n n afternoon biscuit n (BrE) afterwards bit n.(especially (especiallyBrE) BrE)(NAmE abitusually afterward) adv biteagain v., n adv bitter adj prep against bitterly adv age n blackaged adj., adj n blade n agency n blame v., n agent n blank adj., n adj aggressive blankly adv ago adv blindagree adj v block n., v agreement n blonde adj., n., ahead adv blond adj.v aid n., blood aimn.n., v blowairv.,n.n blueaircraft adj., n.n board n., v.n airport onalarm boardn., v boat alarming n adj bodyalarmed n adj boil alcohol v n bomb n., v adj., n alcoholic bone n adj alive book v pron., adv alln., det., bootallow n v border n adj., adv., all right bore exclamation v boring adj.v ally n., bored adj.adj allied born: be born almost adv.v borrow v adj., adv alone bossalong n prep., adv bothalongside det., pron prep., adv bother v adv aloud bottle n alphabet n bottom n., adj adj alphabetical bound adj.: bound to alphabetically adv bowlalready n adv boxalso n adv boyalter n v boyfriend n n., adj alternative brainalternatively n adv branch n although conj brand n altogether adv brave adj adv always bread n (NAmE also A.M.) a.m breakabbr v., n broken adj amaze v breakfast n adj amazing breast n amazed adj breath n ambition n breathe v ambulance n breathing n among (also amongst) breedprep v., n brick n amount n., v bridge n v amuse brief amusing adj adj briefly adv adj amused bright anadj i a, an brightly adv.(BrE) analyse brilliant adj analyze) v (NAmE bringanalysis v n broad adj adj ancient broadly adv and conj broadcast anger v., n n broken i break angle n brother n adj angry brownangrily adj., n.adv brush n., v n animal bubble n n ankle budget n anniversary n buildannounce v v building annoyn.v bulletannoying n adj bunchannoyed n adj burnannual v adj burntannually adj adv burstanother v det., pron buryanswer v n., v bus antin prefix bushanticipate n v business n n anxiety businessman, anxious adj businesswoman n anxiously adv busyany adj.det., pron., adv but conj anyone butter(also n anybody) pron button n anything pron buy anyway v adv buyer n anywhere adv by prep., apart adv adv bye exclamation apart from (also aside careless arrestadj v., n carelessly arrival n.adv carpet n v arrive carrot n n arrow carry artv.n casearticle n n in case (of)adj artificial cash artificially n adv castartist v., n.n castle n artistic adj cat n as prep., adv., conj catch v ashamed adj category aside n adv causeaside n., v.from CD n apart from i cease askv.v ceiling n adj asleep celebrate v fall asleep celebration n aspect n cell assist n v cellphone assistance n (also cellularn., phone) assistant adj n (especially associateNAmE) v cent n (abbr c, ct) associated with centimetre (BrE)n association (NAmE centimeter) n assume v (abbr cm)v assure central adj at prep centre (BrE) atmosphere n (NAmE n atom center) n century n v attach ceremony n adj attached certain adj., attack n.,pron v certainly attemptadv n., v uncertain adj from especially in NAmE) attempted adj certificate c abbr cent prep i attend n v chain n., v n cabinet n apartment n attention chair pay n attention cable(especially n NAmE) chairman, cakeapologize n attitude n chairwoman calculate (BrEv.also -ise) v attorney n.n challenge n., v NAmE) calculation n adj apparent (especially chamber call v.,apparently n adv attractn.v chance n be appeal called n., v attraction n calmappear adj., v.,v.n change v., n adj attractive calmly adv channel n n appearance n audience camera n n chapter n n (abbr Aug.) apple August camp n., v character application n aunt n.n camping n characteristic apply v author n campaign n.v adj., n appoint authority n can appointment modal v., n n charge n., v adj automatic cannot in charge of appreciate v automatically adv charity n n (especially BrE) could modal v approach v., n autumn chart n., v adj cancel v appropriate adj available chase v., n adj., n cancer n approval n average chatavoid v., n v candidate n (of) v approve cheap adj adj candyapproving n (NAmE) adj awake cheaply cap approximate n adj awardadv n., v capable (of) adj cheat v., n.adj approximately adv aware capacity n check v., n April n (abbr Apr.) away adv capital n.,n.adj cheek n adj area awful captain n v cheerful adj adv argue awfully capture v., n n cheerfully adv argument awkward adj car n cheese n arise v awkwardly adv cardarm n n., v chemical adj., n cardboard n chemist n arms n baby n care n., v adj chemist's (BrE) armed back n.,n.adj., adv., v take care (of) chemistry n army n background n care for adv., prep cheque (BrE) (also backward around backwards career n (NAmE check)inn.NAmE) adv arrange v especially careful adj chestbackward n arrangement n adj carefully adv chew v d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! chicken n debate n., v chief adj., n debt n child n decade n chin n decay n., v chip n December n chocolate n (abbr Dec.) choice n decide v choose v decision n chop v declare v church n decline n., v cigarette n decorate v cinema n decoration n (especially BrE) decorative adj circle n decrease v., n circumstance n deep adj., adv citizen n deeply adv city n defeat v., n civil adj defence (BrE) claim v., n (NAmE defense) n clap v., n defend v class n define v classic adj., n definite adj classroom n definitely adv clean adj., v definition n clear adj., v degree n clearly adv delay n., v clerk n deliberate adj clever adj deliberately adv click v., n delicate adj client n delight n., v climate n delighted adj climb v deliver v climbing n delivery n clock n demand n., v close /kl@Us, demonstrate v NAmE kloUs/ adj dentist n closely adv deny v close /kl@Uz, department n NAmE kl@Uz/ v departure n closed adj depend (on) v closet n deposit n., v (especially NAmE) depress v cloth n depressing adj clothes n depressed adj clothing n depth n cloud n derive v club n describe v cm abbr centimetre description n.i coach n desert n., v coal n deserted adj coast n deserve v coat n design n., v code n desire n., v coffee n desk n coin n desperate adj cold adj., n desperately adv coldly adv despite prep collapse v., n destroy v colleague n destruction n collect v detail n collection n in detail college n detailed adj colour (BrE) determination n (NAmE color) n.,v determine v coloured (BrE) determined adj (NAmE colored) adj develop v column n development n combination n device n combine v devote v come v devoted adj comedy diagram n n comfort diamond n n., v adj diarycomfortable n comfortably adv dictionary n die v uncomfortable adj command v., n dying adj comment n., v diet n commercial adj difference n commission n., v different adj commitadv v differently commitment n difficult adj committee n difficulty n dig v.common adj dinnerinn.common adv direct commonly adj., v communicate v directly adv communication n direction n community n director n dirt n.company n v dirty compare adj comparison n disabled adj compete v disadvantage n competition n disagree v competitive disagreement n adj complain disappear v v complaint disappoint v n complete adj., disappointing adj v completely disappointed adj.adv complex adj disappointment n complicate disapproval n v complicated disapprove (of) v adj computer n disapproving adj concentrate v disaster n disc concentration n concept n (also disk, especially concernn.v.,n in NAmE) concerned adj discipline n concerning prep discount n concert discover v n conclude discovery n v conclusion n discuss v concrete discussion n adj., n condition n disease n conduct disgust v., n v., n conference disgusting adj n confidence disgusted adj n adj dish confident n confidently dishonest adj adv confine v.adv dishonestly disk n.confined adj confirm dislike v., n v conflict dismiss v n., v confront display v., n v confuse dissolve v v confusing adj distance n confused distinguish v adj confusion n distribute v congratulations n distribution n congress n district n connect v disturb v connection disturbing adj n conscious adj divide v unconscious adj division n consequence n divorce n., v conservative adj divorced adj v.,consider auxiliaryv.v considerable adj undo v adv doctorconsiderably n consideration n (abbr Dr, NAmE Dr.) consistn.of v document adj dog constant n adv dollarconstantly n construct domestic adj v construction n dominate v v doorconsult n consumer n dot n contact n., v double adj.,det.,adv., contain v n.,v container doubt n., v n contemporary down adv., prep adj content adv., n adj., n downstairs contest n downwards context n (also downward continent especially in n NAmE) adv continueadj v downward continuous dozen n., det adj continuously adv Dr (BrE) contract n., v BrE) abbr (also Dr NAmE, contrast n., v doctor i draft contrasting n., adj., v adj v dragcontribute v contribution n drama n control n., v dramatic adj in controladv (of) dramatically control draw under v controlled adj drawing n uncontrolled adj drawer n convenient adj dream n., v convention n dress n., v conventional adj dressed adj n drinkconversation n., v driveconvert v., n v convince driving n v cook driver n v., n n drop cooking v., n n.(BrE) drugcooker n cookien.n.(NAmE) drugstore drum(especiallyNAmE) n cool adj., v drunk adj copev.(with) v dry adj., due copy adj n., v duecore to n dull corner adj n correct dump v., n adj., v correctly during prep adv dustcost n., v.n., v n dutycottage n n DVDcotton n cough v., n each coughing det., pron.n eachcould otheri can council n (also one another) pron count v ear n n earlycounter adj., adv n earncountry v countryside n earth n easecounty n., v n eastcouple n., adj.,n.adv a couple eastern adj n easycourage adj course easily adv.n eat v.of course court n economic adj cousinn.n economy edgecover n v., n covered adj edition n n editorcovering n cow n educate v crack n., v educated adj cracked education n adj effectcraft n n crashadj n., v effective crazy adj effectively adv cream efficient adj.n., adj create v efficiently adv n effortcreature n credit n e.g abbr credit card n egg n crime either det.,n.pron., adv criminal adj., n elbow n crisis elderly adj.n electcrisp v adj criterion election n n critical electric adj.adj criticism electrical adj n criticize electricity n (BrE adj also -ise) v electronic cropadj n elegant crossn.n., v element crowd elevator n n (NAmE) crowded adj else adv crown adv n elsewhere adj emailcrucial (also e-mail) n., v cruel adj embarrass v crush v adj embarrassing cry v., n adj embarrassed ct abbr i cent embarrassment n cultural emerge v adj culture n emergency n cup n n emotion cupboard emotional adj n curb v adv emotionally cure v., emphasis n n curious adj emphasize (BrEcuriously also -ise)adv v curln.v., n empire curly employ v adj current adj., unemployed adj.n currently employee n adv curtain employer n n curve n.,n.v employment curved adj.n unemployment custom empty adj., v.n customer n enable v customs encounter v., n n cut v., n encourage v cycle n., v n encouragement cycling n end n., v in the end dad n n ending daily enemy n adj damage n., v energy n damp engage v adj danceadj n., v engaged n enginedancing n dancer engineer n n danger n.n engineering adj enjoydangerous v dare v.adj enjoyable dark adj., enjoyment n n data n.adj enormous datedet., n., v.pron., adv enough daughter n enquiry (also inquiry day n in NAmE) n especially dead ensure v adj enterdeaf v adj deal v., entertain v n deal withadj entertaining dear adj entertainer n death n n entertainment Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! industry machine n n inevitable machinery n adj inevitably adv mad adj infect n v magazine magicinfected n., adj adj n mail infection n., v adj maininfectious adj influence mainly adv n., v inform maintain v v majorinformal adj adj information n majority n n makeingredient v., n initial make sthadj., up n initially make-up n adv maleinitiative adj., n n v mall injure n injuredNAmE) adj (especially n man injury n ink n manage v inner adj.n management innocent manager n adj inquiry manner n i enquiry insect n v., n manufacture insert v manufacturing n inside prep., manufacturer n adv., adj many n., det., pron (on) v map insist n install v March n (abbr.Mar.) instance march v., n n for v instance mark n., instead market n adv instead marketing n of institute marriage n n institution n marry v instruction married adj n massinstrument n., adj n insultadj v., n massive insulting adj master n insurance n match n., v intelligence matching adj n adj mateintelligent n., v intend material n., v.adj intended adj mathematics intention n (also maths BrE, interest n.,n.v math NAmE) adj matterinteresting n., v interested maximum adj., n.adj n., adj may interior modal v adj May internal n international adj maybe adv Internet n mayor n interpret v me pron n mealinterpretation n v meaninterrupt v interruption n meaning n interval means n n interview by means of n., v into prep meanwhile adv introduce measure v., n v introduction measurement n n v meatinvent n invention n media n invest medical adj.v investigate v medicine n investigation medium adj., n n n meetinvestment v invitation meeting n n v melt invite v involve member n v involvedn.in membership memory n involvement n in memory iron n., v.of mental adj irritate v mentally adv.adj irritating mention v adj irritated menu -ishn.suffix mere adj n island merely issueadv n., v mess n it pron.,det message n its det metal n n item method itselfn.pron metre (BrE) jacket n (NAmE jam n.meter) n mg January abbr i milligram n mid- (abbr combining Jan.)form midday n adj jealous middle n.,n.adj jeans midnight jelly n.n might modal v jewellery (BrE) mild adj (NAmE jewelry) n milejob n n military adj join v milkjoint n adj., n milligram jointly adv (BrE also joke n., milligramme) v n journalist (abbr mg)n millimetre (BrE) journey n (NAmE joy n millimeter) n (abbr mm) judge n., v mind n., v judgement mine(also pron.,judgment n mineral n., adj in NAmE) n especially minimum juice n.adj., n minister n (abbr Jul.) July n ministry jumpn v., n minor adj.n (abbr Jun.) June minority juniorn.adj., n minute just n adv mirror n n justice missjustify v., n.v Missjustified n adj missing adj mistake n., v k abbr i kilometre mistaken adj keen adj mix v., n on keen mixed keepadj v mixture n adj key n., mmkeyboard abbr i millimetre n mobile kickadj v., n mobile phone kid n (also n (BrE) kill mobile) v model n n killing modern adj kilogram mom(BrE (NAmE) mum also ikilogramme) moment (alson.kilo) n (abbr.kg) Monday n (BrE) kilometre (abbr Mon.)kilometer) n (NAmE money n k, km) (abbr monitor kind n., n., v adj month n adv kindly moodunkind n adj moon n kindness n moral adj king n morally adv kiss v., n more det., pron., adv kitchen n moreover adv.kilometre km abbr i morning knee n n most det.,n.pron., adv knife mostly adv mother knitn.v motionknitted n adj motorknitting n n motorcycle knock v., n (BrE also knot n.motorbike) n mount v., n know v mountain n unknown adj mouse n known adj well mouth n knowledge n move v., n moving adj.i movement l abbr n litre label movie n n., v laboratory, lab n (especially NAmE) labour (BrE) movie theater n (NAmE) (NAmE labor) n Mr (BrE) lack v (also Mr.n.,NAmE, BrE) abbr.lacking adj lady n Mrs (BrE) lake n NAmE, BrE) (also Mrs lamp n abbr land n., v Ms (BrE) landscape n BrE) (also Ms NAmE, lane n abbr n adv muchlanguage det., pron., mudlarge n adj largely multiply v adv det., adv., n., v mumlast (BrE) late adj., adv (NAmE mom) n later adj murder n., adv., v latest muscle n adj., n lattern.adj., n museum laugh music n v., n launch musical adj.v., n law n.n musician mustlawyer modaln v lay v my det layer n myself pron lazy adj mysterious adj leadn./li;d/ v., n mystery leading adj leader n nail n leaf n naked adj league name n., v n lean v narrow adj learn nation n v leastadj det.,pron.,adv national atadj least natural leatheradv n naturally leave nature n v leave out navy n n prep nearlecture adj., adv., left adj., adj., adv adv., n nearby legadv n nearly neatlegal adj adj legally neatly adv adv lemon adj n necessary lend v adv necessarily length n adj unnecessary neckless n det., pron., adv n v., n needlesson v., modal let n v needle letteradj n negative level n., adj (NAmE neighbour (BrE) library n neighbor) licence (BrE) neighbourhood (BrE) (NAmE license) n n (NAmE neighborhood) license neither det., v.pron., adv lid n.n nephew lien.v., n nerve life n nervous adj lift v., n nervously adv.v light n., adj., nestlightly n., v adv netlike n prep.,v.,conj network n prep.,adj unlike never adv likely adj., adv nevertheless adv unlikely adj new adj.n., v limit newly adv adj limited news linen.n newspaper link n., v.n next lipadj., n adv., n next to prep liquid n., adj nice listadj n., v nicely listenadv (to) v niece n literature n night litren.(BrE) (NAmE liter) n no exclamation, det (abbr.l) No.little (also no.) abbr adj., det., number pron., adv i nobody (also nopron one) a little det., pron live /laIv/ adj., adv noise liven./lIv/ v noisy adj adj living noisily lively adv adj nonprefix load n., v noneunload pron v nonsense loan n n no local one i adj nobody nor conj., locallyadv adv normal adj., locate v n normally locatedadv adj north n., adj., location n adv northern lock v.,adj n nose n n logic notlogical adv adj note n., v.adj lonely nothing pron.adv long adj., notice lookn.,v v.,n take notice look afterof noticeable adj BrE) (especially novel n at look November look forn (abbr lookNov.) forward to now adv.adj loose nowhere adv loosely adv nuclear lord n.adj number lorry n (BrE) (abbr lose No., v no.) n nurse n adj lost nutloss n n lot: a lot (of) obey(also v lots (of)) object n., v.det., adv pron., objective n., adv adj loud adj., observation n loudly adv observe v v love n., obtain v adj lovely obvious adj lover n obviously low adj., adv adv occasion n loyal adj occasionally adv luck n occupy luckyv.adj occupied unluckyadj adj occur v luggage n ocean n (especially BrE) o'clock lumpadv n October lunch n n (abbr Oct.) oddlung adj.n oddly adv Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! p abbr i page, penny d r o f x O e h T 0 pace n pack v., n package n., v packaging n packet n page n (abbr p) pain n painful adj paint n., v painting n painter n pair n palace n pale adj pan n panel n pants n paper n parallel adj parent n park n., v parliament n part n take part (in) particular adj particularly adv partly adv partner n partnership n party n pass v passing n., adj passage n passenger n passport n past adj., n., prep., adv path n patience n patient n., adj pattern n pause v., n pay v., n payment n peace n peaceful adj peak n pen n pence n i penny pencil n penny n (abbr p) pension n people n pepper n per prep per cent (NAmE usually percent) n., adj., adv perfect adj perfectly adv perform v performance n performer n perhaps adv period n Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! overall prideofn.prep punch v., n adj., adv overcome v priestoffn.adv., prep punish v offence owe v n primary adj (BrE) punishment (NAmE adj., pron.,BrE) v primarily adv.offense) n pupilown n (especially v n ownern.,n.v purchase primeoffend minister offensive adj pure adj prince n offern.v., n purely adv princess officen.n purple adj., n principle purpose n print officer v., n n official on purpose printing n adj., n adv pursue v printerofficially n often adv push v., n prior adj oh n exclamation put v priority oiln.n put sth on prison OK (also okay) prisoner n put sth out adj., adv privateexclamation, adj old adj privately adv qualification n adj qualify v prizeold-fashioned n on prep., qualified adj probable adj adv once adv., conj quality n probably adv one n number, det., pron quantity n problem one another procedure n each otherquarter n i queen n proceed onionv.n question n., v process v adv only n., adj., quick adj produce onto v prep quickly adv producer open n adj., v quiet adj product n adv openly quietly adv production n n opening quit v profession operaten.v quite adv professional operationadj., n n quote v professor n.n opinion profitopponent n n race n., v program n., v n opportunity racing n programme n (BrE) oppose v radio n progress n., v adj opposing rail n project n., v to opposed railway (BrE) promise v., n opposite adj., adv., (NAmE railroad) n promote v n., prep rain n., v promotion n opposition n raise v prompt adj., v option n range n promptly adv or conj rank n., v pronounce v orange n., adj rapid adj pronunciation n order n., v rapidly adv proof n in order to rare adj proper adj ordinary adj rarely adv properly adv organ n rate n., v property n organization rather adv proportion n (BrE also -isation) n rather than proposal n organize raw adj propose v (BrE also -ise) v re- prefix prospect n organized adj reach v protect v origin n react v protection n original adj., n reaction n protest n., v originally adv read v proud adj other adj., pron reading n proudly adv otherwise adv reader n prove v ought to modal v ready adj provide v our det real adj provided ours pron really adv (also providing) conj ourselves pron realistic adj pt abbr i pint out (of) adv., prep reality n pub n outdoors adv realize (BrE also -ise) v public adj.,n outdoor adj in public really i real outer adj rear n., adj publicly adv outline v., n publication n reason n output n publicity n reasonable adj outside n., adj., prep., adv publish v reasonably adv outstanding adj publishing n unreasonable adj oven n pull v., n recall v over adv., prep adj receiptpermanent n adv receivepermanently v n recentpermission adj permit recently adv.v person reception n n adj reckonpersonal v personally adv recognition n personality n recognize (BrE persuade also -ise) v v pet n v recommend recordpetrol n., v n (BrE) phasen.n recording philosophy n recover v phone red adj., n i telephone n., v reducephotocopy v photograph n., v reduction n refer to(also v photo n.) photographer n reference n n reflectphotography v reformphrase v., n n physical refrigerator n adj adv refusal physically n n refusephysics v regardpiano v., n n pick v.prep regarding pick sth up region n picture regional adj n piece register v., n.n regretpig v., n pile n., v regular adj pill n.adv regularly pilot n regulation reject pin v n., v relate pink v adj., n pint(to) n (abbr related adj pt) pipe relation n n pitch n.n relationship pity n n relative adj., placeadv n., v relatively relax v.take place plain adj relaxed adj planadj n., v relaxing n releaseplanning v., n plane relevant adj.n planet n relief n plant religion n n., v plastic religious adj n., adj rely onplate v n n remainplatform v play v.,adj n remaining player remains n n pleasant remark n., v adj pleasantly remarkable adj adv unpleasant remarkably adv adj please remember v exclamation, v adj remind pleasing v adj remotepleased adj pleasure n removal n plenty remove v pron., adv., rent n.,n., v det plot n., v rented adj repairplug v., n.n repeatplus v prep., n., adj., conj p.m adj (NAmE also P.M.) repeated abbr adv repeatedly pocket n replace v poem reply n., v n reportpoetry v., n n pointv.n., v represent pointed n., adj.adj representative poison n., v reproduce v poisonous adj reputation n pole n request n., v police n require v policy n requirement n polish n., v rescue v., n polite adj research n politely adv reservation n political adj reserve v., n politically adv resident n., adj politician n resist v politics n resistance n pollution n resolve v pool n resort n poor adj resource n pop n., v respect n., v popular adj respond v population n response n port n responsibility n pose v., n responsible adj position n rest n.,v positive adj the rest possess v restaurant n possession n restore v possibility n restrict v possible adj restricted adj possibly adv restriction n post n., v result n., v post office n retain v pot n retire v potato n retired adj potential adj., n retirement n potentially adv return v., n pound n reveal v pour v reverse v., n powder n review n., v power n revise v powerful adj revision n practical adj revolution n practically adv reward n., v practice n rhythm n (BrE, NAmE), rice n v (NAmE) rich adj practise v (BrE) rid v.: get rid of praise n., v ride v., n prayer n riding n precise adj rider n precisely adv ridiculous adj predict v right adj., adv., n prefer v rightly adv preference n ring n., v pregnant adj rise n., v premises n risk n., v preparation n rival n., adj prepare v river n prepared adj road n presence n rob v present adj., n., v rock n presentation n role n preserve v roll n., v president n romantic adj press n., v roof n pressure n room n presumably adv root n pretend v rope n pretty adv., adj rough adj prevent v roughly adv previous adj round adj., adv., previously adv prep., n price n rounded adj Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! route spend v n n., adj spiceroutine n spicyrow adj./r@U, NAmE roU/ n royal spider n adj spin rub v v n spiritrubber n rubbish spiritual adj n (especially BrE) spite n.: in spite of split rude v., n adj rudely adv spoil v ruin v., n spoken speak i adj spoonruined n sportrule n n., v spotruler n n rumour spray n., v n runv.v., n spread n springrunning n runner square adj.,n.n rural v., adj.n squeeze rush v.,n n stable adj., staff n sack stage n n., v stairsad n adj stampsadly n., v.adv sadness stand v., n n safe stand upadj safely standard n., adv adj star safety n., v n staresail v., v., n n sailing start v., n n n v statesailor n., adj., salad n statement n salary station n n sale statue n n salt status n.n stay salty v., n adj same steady adj.adj., pron sample n steadily adv sand n.adj unsteady n stealsatisfaction v satisfy steam n v satisfied adj steel n adj steepsatisfying adj Saturday steeply adv n Sat.) steer (abbr v stepsauce n., v n sticksave v.,n v sticksaving out n say v sticky adj scale n stiff adj scare stiffly adv.v., n scared still adv., adj.adj stingscene v., n n stir v.schedule n., v n stockscheme n school stomach n n science n stone n adj stopscientific v., n storescientist n., v n scissors n storm n storyscore n n., v v., n stovescratch n scream n straight adv.,v., adj screen n strain n screw strange adj.n., v sea n adv strangely seal n n., v stranger search strategy n n., v season stream n n seat street n n strength n det., second stress n., v number, ordinal stressed adj adv., n stretch v secondary adj strict adj adj., n secret strictly adv adv secretly strike v., n n secretary striking adj section n string n n sector stripsecure v., n adj., v stripe n security n striped see v.adj stroke n.,n.v seed strong adj seek v strongly adv v seem linking structure selectn v struggle v., n.n selection student n self n studio n combining form selfstudy selln.,v.v stuffsenate n n stupid adj n senator stylesend n v subject n adj., n senior substance sense n.n substantial sensibleadj adj substantially adv sensitive adj substitute n., n v sentence succeed v adj., v separate success n separated adj successful adj adv separately successfully separationadv n unsuccessful September adj n such(abbr det., pron Sept.) such as n series suckserious v adj sudden adj adv seriously suddenly servantadv n suffer v v serve suffering servicen.n sufficient adj session n sufficiently set n., v adv sugar n v settle suggest v det., pron several suggestion n severe adj suit n., v severely adv suited sew adj v suitable adj n sewing suitcase sex n.n sumsexual n adj summary n adv sexually summer shaden.n sunshadow n n Sunday n v., (abbr shake n Sun.) superior shall adj modal v supermarket n shallow adj supply n., v.n shame support n.,n., v v shape supporter n adj shaped suppose sharev.v., n suresharp adj., adj adv make sure adv sharply surely adv shave v surface n she pron surname sheepn.n (especially sheet n BrE) surprise shelf n., n v surprising shell n adj surprisingly shelter n.,adv v surprised shift v., adj n surround shine v v surrounding shiny adj adj surroundings n ship n survey shirtn., n v survive v n., v shock suspect v., n adj shocking suspicion n adj shocked suspicious shoe n adj swallow shootv.v swear v shooting n swearing shop n.,n.v sweatshopping n., v n sweater shortn adj sweep v adv shortly sweet adj., shot n n swell v should modal v swelling n n shoulder swollen shout adj v., n swim v v., n show swimming n shower n swimming shut v.,pool adj n swing v shyn., adj switch sickn.,v adj switch sth off be sick (BrE) switch on(especially BrE) feelsth sick swollen side in.swell symbol n sideways adj., adv sympathetic sight n adj sympathy n sign n., v system n n., v signal signature n table n significant adj tabletsignificantly n adv tackle v., n.n silence tail n silent adj takesilk v n take sth off silly adj take (sth) silver n.,over adj talksimilar v., n adj tall adj similarly adv tanksimple n adj tap v., n adv simply tapesince n prep., conj., adv target n adj sincere task n sincerely adv tasteYours n., v sincerely (BrE) tax sing n., v.v taxi n singing n tea singer n n teach v adj single teaching sink v n teacher sir n.n team n n sister tearsit /te@ v (r), NAmE ter/ v.,n sit down tearsite /tI@n (r ), NAmE tIr/ n.n situation technical size n.adj technique -sizedn technology n skilful (BrE) telephone (also phone) (NAmE skillful) adj n., v.skilfully (BrE) television (also TV) n adv (NAmE skillfully) tell v skill n temperature n skilled adj temporary skin n adj temporarily skirt n adv tendsky v n tendency n n sleep v., tension n n sleeve tentslice n n., v term n v slide terrible slightadj adj terribly adv.adv slightly testslip n., v v textslope n n., v thanslow prep., adj.conj thankslowly v adv thanks n small exclamation, adj thank you smart adj exclamation, smash v., n.n thatsmell det., v., pron., n conj the smile definite v., article n theatre (BrE) smoke n., v (NAmE theater) smoking n n theirsmooth det adj theirs pron adv smoothly them pron.n snake theme n n., v snow themselves pron so adv., conj then so adv that theory n n soap there adv.adj social therefore adv.adv socially theysociety pron n thick adj.n sock thickly adv soft adj thickness softly n adv thiefsoftware n n thinsoil adj.n thing n n soldier think v adj., n solid thinking n n solution thirsty adj.v solve thissome det., pron det., pron thorough adj somebody thoroughly adv (also someone) pron though conj., adv somehow adv thought n something pron thread n sometimes adv threat n somewhat adv threaten v somewhere adv threatening adj son n throat n song n through soonprep., adv adv throughout as soonprep., as adv throw v adj sore throw away sorrysth adj thumb sortn.n., v Thursday soul n.n (abbr.Thur.,Thurs.) sound n., v thussoup adv.n ticket n adj sour tidysource adj., v n untidy southadj n.,adj.,adv tie v., n southern adj tiespace sth upn tightspare adj.,adv adj., n tightly adv speak v till i until spoken adj timespeaker n n timetable specialn.adj (especially speciallyBrE) adv tin n specialist n tinyspecific adj adj tip n.,specifically v adv tire speech v (BrE,NAmE), n n (NAmE) (BrE tyre) speed n tiring adj spell v., n tiredspelling adj n Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! title n to prep.,infinitive marker today adv., n when adv., pron., conj toe n whenever conj together adv where adv., conj toilet n whereas conj tomato n wherever conj tomorrow adv., n whether conj ton n which pron., det tone n while conj.,n tongue n whilstconj tonight adv., n (especiallyBrE) tonne n whisper v., n too adv whistle n., v tool n white adj., n tooth n who pron top n., adj whoever pron topic n whole adj., n total adj., n whom pron totally adv whose det., pron touch v., n why adv tough adj wide adj tour n., v widely adv tourist n width n towards wife n (also toward especially in wild adj NAmE) prep wildly adv towel n tower n town n toy n., adj trace v., n track n trade n., v trading n tradition n traditional adj traditionally adv traffic n train n., v training n transfer v., n transform v translate v translation n transparent adj transport(BrE) (NAmEtransportation) n transportv.(BrE,NAmE) trap n., v travel v., n traveller (BrE) (NAmE traveler) n treat v treatment n tree n trend n trial n triangle n trick n., v trip n., v tropical adj trouble n trousers n (especially BrE) truck n (especially NAmE) true adj truly adv YoursTruly (NAmE) trust n., v truth n try v will modal v., n tube n willing adj Tuesday n willingly adv (abbr.Tue.,Tues.) unwilling adj tune n., v unwillingly adv tunnel n willingness n turn v., n win v TV i television winning adj twice adv wind /waInd/ v twin n., adj wind sth up twist v., n wind /wInd/ n twisted adj window n type n., v wine n typical adj wing n typically adv winner n tyre n (BrE) winter n (NAmE tire) wire n wise adj ugly adj wish v., n ultimate adj with prep ultimately adv withdraw v umbrella n within prep unable i able without prep unacceptable witness n., v acceptable i woman n uncertain i certain uncle n uncomfortable comfortable i unconscious conscious i uncontrolled control i under prep., adv underground adj., adv underneath prep., adv understand v understanding n underwater adj., adv underwear n undo i unemployed employ i unemployment employment i unexpected, unexpectedly i expect unfair, unfairly fair i unfortunate adj unfortunately adv unfriendly i friendly unhappiness happiness i unhappy i happy uniform n., adj unimportant important i union n unique adj unit n unite v united adj universe n university n unkind i kind unknown i know view n., v village n violence n writer n violent adj wrong adj.,adv violently adv go wrong virtually adv wrongly adv virus n visible adj yard n vision n yawn v., n worki v., n pleasant visit v., n yeah exclamation working adj unreasonable visitor n year n worker n reasonable vital adj i n yellow adj., n world unsteady i steady vocabulary n yes exclamation, n worry v., n unsuccessful voice n yesterday adv., n worrying adj successful volume n i yet adv., conj worried adj untidy i tidy vote n., v you pron worse, worst i bad until (also till) conj., prep young adj worship n., v unusual, unusually wage n your det worth adj usual waist n i yours pron would modal v unwilling, unwillingly i wait v yourself pron wound n., v willing waiter, waitress n youth n wounded adj up adv., prep wake (up) v wrap v upon prep walk v., n zero number wrapping n upper adj walking n zone n wrist n upset v., adj wall n write v upsetting adj wallet n writing n upside down adv wander v., n written adj upstairs adv.,adj.,n want v upwards war n (also upward especially in warm adj., v NAmE) adv warmth n upward adj warn v urban adj warning n urge v., n wash v urgent adj washing n us pron waste v., n., adj use v.,n watch v., n used adj water n used to sth/to wave n., v doing sth way n used to modal v we pron useful adj weak adj useless adj weakness n user n wealth n usual adj weapon n usually adv wear v unusual adj weather n unusually adv web n the Web n vacation n website n valid adj wedding n valley n Wednesday n valuable adj (abbr Wed., Weds.) value n., v week n van n weekend n variation n weekly adj variety n weigh v various adj weight n vary v welcome v., adj., n., varied adj exclamation vast adj well adv., adj., vegetable n exclamation vehicle n as well (as) venture n., v well known i know version n west n.,adj.,adv vertical adj western adj very adv wet adj via prep what pron.,det victim n whatever det.,pron victory n wheel n video n unless conj unlike i like unlikely i likely wonder v unload iadj load wonderful unlucky wood n i lucky unnecessary wooden adj wooli necessary n unpleasant word n Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 d r o f x O e h T Language study terms Knowing these 80 words will be useful in your study of English and will also help you to use the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary more effectively It includes words to with grammar, pronunciation and punctuation abbreviation n active adj., n adjective n adverb n apostrophe n article n auxiliary (also auxiliary verb) n bracket n clause n colon n comma n comparative adj., n compound n., adj conditional adj., n conjunction n consonant n contraction n countable adj continuous i progressive derivative n determiner n dialect n entry n exclamation n exclamation mark (especially BrE) (NAmE usually exclamation point) n figurative adj full stop n (BrE) gerund n hyphen n idiom n imperative adj., n indirect speech reported speech i infinitive n inverted commas quotation marks i ironic adj irregular adj literal adj literary adj modal n noun n object n ordinal n paragraph n parenthesis n part of speech (also word class) n participle n particle n passive adj., n perfect adj period n (NAmE) phrasal verb n plural n., adj possessive adj., n prefix n preposition n progressive (also continuous) adj pronoun n punctuation n question mark n question tag (also tag question) n quotation marks (BrE also inverted commas) n reflexive adj register n regular adj relative adj reported speech (also indirect speech) n saying n semicolon n simple adj singular n., adj slang n slash n subject n suffix n superlative adj., n syllable n taboo adj tag question question tag i tense n uncountable adj verb n vowel n word class part of speech i Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 nhận link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! [...]... link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge... link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge... link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge... link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge...d Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! enthusiasm g abbr gram n i enthusiastic... đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! d 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Language study terms Knowing these 80 words will be useful in your study of English and will also help you to use the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary more effectively It includes words to do with grammar,... download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! route spend v n n., adj spiceroutine n spicyrow adj./r@U, NAmE roU/ n royal spider n adj spin rub v v n spiritrubber n rubbish... (abbr v stepsauce n., v n sticksave v.,n v sticksaving out n say v sticky adj scale n stiff adj scare stiffly adv.v., n scared still adv., adj.adj stingscene v., n n stir v.schedule n., v n stockscheme n school stomach n n science n stone n adj stopscientific v., n storescientist n., v n scissors n storm n storyscore n n., v v., n stovescratch n scream n straight adv.,v., adj screen n strain n screw strange... percent) n., adj., adv perfect adj perfectly adv perform v performance n performer n perhaps adv period n Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! overall prideofn.prep punch v., n adj., adv overcome v priestoffn.adv., prep punish v offence owe v n primary adj (BrE) punishment... download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! 0 0 0 3 d r o f x O e h T Hãy đóng góp ủng hộ Học Tiếng Anh Miễn Phí bằng cách bấm TAMP gửi 8577 và nhận ngay link download từ điển Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary cực hay Chúc bạn học tốt! title n to prep.,infinitive marker today adv., n when adv., pron., conj toe n whenever conj together adv where adv., conj toilet