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Tiếng Anh và mức độ quan trọng đối với cuộc sống của học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam.Khi nhắc tới tiếng Anh, người ta nghĩ ngay đó là ngôn ngữ toàn cầu: là ngôn ngữ chính thức của hơn 53 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, là ngôn ngữ chính thức của EU và là ngôn ngữ thứ 3 được nhiều người sử dụng nhất chỉ sau tiếng Trung Quốc và Tây Ban Nha (các bạn cần chú ý là Trung quốc có số dân hơn 1 tỷ người). Các sự kiện quốc tế , các tổ chức toàn cầu,… cũng mặc định coi tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ giao tiếp.

SISalllS!16U3 sJauJeal 6unoA a6p!Jqwe~ •• Cambridge YDung Learners English Tests Cambrid e Fl ers Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, CapeTown, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Toko Cambridge University Press 79 Anson Road, #06-04106, Singapore 079906 www.cambridge.org This FAHASA reprint edition is published by Cambridge University Press for Ho Chi Minh Book Distribution Corporation (FAHASA) © Cambridge University Press 2009 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2009 FAHASA reprint edition 2009 Printed in Vietnam by FAHASA Printing Factory ISBN 978-0-521-18201-0 Student's Book FAHASA reprint edition Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will refuain, accurate or appropriate Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter This FAHASA reprint edition of ISBN 978-0-521-73939-9 is for sale in Vietnam only Contents Test Listen.in.g Readin.g an.d Writin.g 11 Test Listen.in.g 24 Readin.g an.d Writin.g 31 Test Listen.in.g 44 Readin.g an.d Writin.g 51 Speaking Tests Test 64 Test 70 Test 76 Test Listening Part - q,uestions Listen and draw lines There is one exampLe Helen Kat~ I:larr~ Sarah Sall~ David Michael Listen ing Part - q,uestions Listen and write There is one exampLe RICHARD'S FAMILY I , Oldest persall: g!.q~.?~?th~t Name: Age : lives wLth: her Job: FavourLte hobb~: Test Part - q,uestions Where did VicR!:I 's grandpa get these things? Listen and write a letter in each box There is one example sea painting butterfl~ plate , D gold mirror D horse picture D silver comb D garden painting D listening A B c o E F G H Test Part - questions li~ten and tick (V) the box There is one example How is Bill going to get to the football game? BO Where are Dad's ke~s? BO cO Where is Dad going to go first? cO Listening What happened to Tom last Saturda~? sD cD Which is the team's new football shirt? sD What time will Bill's football game finish? sD cD When I buy Friends Like ? ? ? When I buy Friends Like Where I now Frida~ in ner cupboard no last blue cneap - Examiner's copy (JQ ::r:" ::::I ~ ~ '" "C ~ III -I ~ - - - - -~ - - , - - Where I now ' CoLour ? CoLour - Cheap I expensive ? Cheap I expensive - Lucy's new shoes Information exchange Daisy's new shoes C)) C)) black last Saturday yes under h.er bed Colour When I buy Friends like Where I now CY:l - J Cheap I expensive expens ive Cheap I expensive ? ? ? ? ? - ~ - - - - Where I now Friends like When I bU!:J Colour Lucy's new shoes Daisy's new shoes Information exchange - - - Candidate's cop~ CI'Q ,;::::s ~ "C II> " III -I II> ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - Test Spealdng ~ QI C ~ a w>< (Y') .='I o otJ '" Q.I c otJ Q.I I- I 68 X Blan.k Page :< w 70 , -:' - Test Spealdng ~ DO U III ~ QI ~ "d "d C d U 71 .J Age Name ? ? ? Age Name Wh.en I buy a weeR ago Spot months brown pupp~ Examiner's copy ()Q :::l :=:- ~ ~ -0 '" N III ~ -4 ~ - - - - - - -~ - - - - Wh.en I buy CoLour ? CoLour , Wh.at pet ? HeLen's pet Information exch.ange Wh.at pet Mich.ael's pet I'.) -;> When I bu.y ~esterday When I bu.y Name Snowball Name -;> Age months -;> -;> Age What pet Colou.r Rltten whlte " Helen's pet Colou.r What pet Michael's pet Information exchange Candida.te's copy ~ IIQ :l ;::;- ~ ~ "C "" t-I III -t ~ - - - - -~ Test Spealdng =" c U In ~ QI oIJ d -a -a c: d U -a c: d In '- QI c: ~ d >< w 74 (Y) BlanR Page 75 SpeaRing 76 Test Spealdng 77 -.,J ? ? Day Time I start ? , o'clocR Time I start Water cold no Interesting I boring interesting Tue s da~ NicR Day Teach.er's name Emma's swimming lesson Information exc h.ange Examiner's copy OQ ::l :=:- ~ "t:I '" II> w III II> ~ -: -: ~ - Water cold Interesting I boring ? ? Teach.er's name William's swimming lessons = c.o .J - - - - - - ? Water cold Water cold - ? Interesting I boring Interesting I boring borLng ~ es ? Time I start Q 30 Time I start Day S aturda~ Day ? Teach.er's name Vic k~ Emma's swimming lesson Teach.er's name WiLLiam's swimming lessons Information exchange - - - - - Candidate' s cop~ til OQ :::l '" ~ "C til VI W III -I ~ - - - - - :~ - - :: - : - - - - - - -" Test Speaking Q.I I- I I I 80 Yo [...]... because tt was too 16 Reading and Writing (4) so I had to ride to the farm It took a long time to get there on m~ bike! But now we have a little bridge over the river, it onl~ ~akes two (5) ! I often help at the farm now I can sit on the bridge and look at the swans and catch much bigger fish too! Example garden farmer wings brave minutes forest dangerous l~ing in viting watch (6) Now choose the... Ln the cupboard 3 Harr~ 4 Emma put twelve Ln the ·cake 5 When theLr father came Ln, the children the kLtchen floor 6 Emma and Harr~'s father looked LnsLde : 7 Dad called the cake took the butter and chocolate from the 19 Test 1 Part 6 - 10 q,uestions Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines A famous artist Examp le There qr,c: usuall~ a lot... of most famous artLsts Ln the world was Claude 3 Monet He started to paLnt 160 ~ears , when he was 20 ~ears old He paLnted a lot of pLctures, but ~ ~ou want to bu~ 4 now, ~ou must be ver~, ver~ rich People can stLll 5 museums to see them there Monet enjo~ed paintLng pLctures of flowers and water, so he 6 paLnted the countr~side and the sea He also lLked 7 paLntLng pLctures of people... cut somethlng lLke meat, ~ou can use these If ~ou have to go outslde at nlght, take thls wlth ~ou to help ~ou see It lS a klnd of smallllght meals Man~ people carr~ one of these, but ~ou 6 can also flnd them In homes and offlces You can use them to talk to people who are far awa~ You use these to eat lce cream or soup from a bowl, or to put some sugar In a drlnk 8 the sun man~, man~ ~ears... mouth 3 The bo~ who has hurt hls leg has a number on the back of hls T-shlrt 4 Someone has left a belt on the swlng whlch ls near the bo~s 5 Two of the people In the plcture are just watchlng the game 6 There ls a lot of trafflc on the road outslde the park 7 All three bo~s are wearlng the same klnd of hat, but each hat ls a different colour 13 Test 1 Part 3 - 5 questions Bett!j is taLking to her friend,... lsn't It! (Examp le) C I'm surprlsed too! 0 Thls ls the flrst tlme E B~e! F Yes, I dld Here It ls G Yes, we are We've got lots of food! H Great It wlll be cold later See ~ou later 15 Test 1 Part 4 - 6 questions Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to the numbers 1-5 There is one examp Le There's a rtver at the end of our g~:.?~~ so I ftSh there sometlmes Across... hLs paLntLngs He couldn't sell them, so he was ver~ poor, but now people love them 20 Reading and Writing are have see its their ~our 2 a some the 3 ago onl~ since 4 it one him 5 visit visited vis iting 6 well often ever 7 if so or 8 An~ All This Example q -see seeing sees 10 not no-one nothing 21 Test 1 Part 7 - 5 q.uestions Read the diar~ and write the missing words Write one word on each line Saturda~... The Newspaper Office €t;~/ton

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2016, 09:37



