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Tiếng Anh và mức độ quan trọng đối với cuộc sống của học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam.Khi nhắc tới tiếng Anh, người ta nghĩ ngay đó là ngôn ngữ toàn cầu: là ngôn ngữ chính thức của hơn 53 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, là ngôn ngữ chính thức của EU và là ngôn ngữ thứ 3 được nhiều người sử dụng nhất chỉ sau tiếng Trung Quốc và Tây Ban Nha (các bạn cần chú ý là Trung quốc có số dân hơn 1 tỷ người). Các sự kiện quốc tế , các tổ chức toàn cầu,… cũng mặc định coi tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ giao tiếp.

·· ~ Cambridge Young Learners English Tests " Cambridge Young Learners English Tests C ambrid e Fl ers Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521693325 © Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2007 Printed in China by Shenzhen Donnelley Printing A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-0-521-69332-5 978-0-521-69333-2 978-0-521-69334-9 978-0-521-69335-6 Student's Book Answer Booklet Cassette Audio CD Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios Contents Test Listening Reading and Writing 11 Test Listening 24 : Reading and Writing 31 Test Listening 44 Reading and Writing 51 SpeaRlng Tests Test 64 Test 70 Test 76 Test Listening Part - questions - listen and draw Lines There is one examp Le William Sarah Sall~ Tom Richard David Kat~ Listening Part - questions Listen a.nd write There is one exa.mple Hello I I saturday Please come to my party on at , Regent Street It will start at Please bring and and please wear (Ask your mum or dad to my dad) Test I Part - questions A man at the zoo gave the animals the wrong food to eat What did each kind of animal eat today? Listen and write letter in each box There is one example the monRe~s the lions D the camels D the bears D the insects D the dolphins D listening A B c o E F G H Test I Part - questions Listen and t ick (V ) the box There is one example Where is Aunt Ma~ going to pla~ volle~ball? s~ Who else is going with Aunt cD Ma~? ·, t - o What has Aunt Ma~ sD cD sD cD lost? • , listening Wnat time will tne game start? sO Wnat nas Aunt Ma~ forgotten toda~? sO cO cO Wnat will Tom tnis evening? sO cO Test I Speaking :::TI Q U III ~QI d ""d ""d C d U ""d C d III ~ QI C E d w>< (Y) 68 Blan.k Page • 69 Test Speaking :::n a o u III ~ QI C ~ d w>< QI U C QI ~ ~ ""d QI s: +oJ ""d C J U 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Test Spealdng " ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ::TI Q u III , ~QI d - -a -a c d U ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , , ,,, ,, ,, ,, , QI u C QI 10- QI ~ -a QI c , -a -c u ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 71 -J How old Who gave When I use Like computer games 7 7 Howold Who gave When I use Like computer games monster games after sch.ool Uncle Harry month.s bedroom III Examiner's copy tI> -t ()'Q :l ;::;- ~ tI> "'" , III ~ - - - - -_ Where I computer Betty's computer III Informa.tion exchange Where I computer David's computer N .J W - - ? Like computer games space games Like computer games ? When I use When I use grandmother Who gave/ ? weeke nds How "OLd ~ e ars How oLd ? ? Where I computer llving room Where I computer Who gave Betty's computer David's computer Information exchange III Candidate's copy O'Q :I ~ ~ ~ V> N II> ;t ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - Test Speaking :::n DO ~-~~ u '" d "'tS "'tS ~QI C d U ~ d '" C ~~ QI E d w>< I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 74 X Blank Page 75 Speaking :::TI c o U C III ~ QI ~ >< d w 76 Test Speakin g :::TI c o u ~Vl QI pi d ""d ""d C d U ~ ~ ""d C u I I I I I X 77 Where I read Why lUke ? ? Where I read Wh9 lUke - It's about space garden aunt 120 Th.e SLlve r Planet - - Examiner's cop9 O'Q ~ ::=:- III /I) "'C " IN III ;;t ~ - - - - - - - - - Who gave ? Who gave - How man9 pages ? How man9 pages - Name ? David's favourite book Information exchange Name Emma's favourite book - J 0:> grandfa th.er bedroo m It's abo ut a nima ls Who gave Where I read Why I like CD - J How many pages 54 How many pages Why I like Where I read Who gave Name Th.e Ch.oco lat e Mouse ? ? ? ? ? David's f avourite book Name Emma's favourite book Information exchange Candidate's co py I CI'Q ~ ::: ~ II> "C VI IN Ul ;t ~ - - - Where I read Why lUke ? ? Where I read Wh9 lUke - It's about space garden aunt 120 Th.e SLlve r Planet - - Examiner's cop9 O'Q ~ ::=:- III /I) "'C " IN III ;;t ~ - - - - - - - - - Who gave ? Who gave - How man9 pages ? How man9 pages - Name ? David's favourite book Information exchange Name Emma's favourite book - J 0:> grandfa th.er bedroo m It's abo ut a nima ls Who gave Where I read Why I like CD - J How many pages 54 How many pages Why I like Where I read Who gave Name Th.e Ch.oco lat e Mouse ? ? ? ? ? David's f avourite book Name Emma's favourite book Information exchange Candidate's co py I CI'Q ~ ::: ~ II> "C VI IN Ul ;t ~ - - - Test Speal< (Y') ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 X [...]... going to give her? sO 2 cO Howman~ friends is Sarah going to go out with? sO 28 c~ cO Li stening 3 Whaes the film about? sO 4 cO What will Sarah have for dinner? sO 5 Whaes Bett~'s phone number? 456 61 456 65 456 69 sO cO 29 · Test 2 Part 5 - 5 questions listen and colour and draw and write There is one example - 30 Test 2 Re~ding and Writing Part 1 - 10 questions - Look and read Choose the correct words... next to: school : 5 Colour of teacher's car: 25 Test 2 Part 3 - 5 q,uestions Helen's mum forgot to take lots of things with her to work today Where did she leav'e each thing? Listen and write a letter in each box There is one example san.dwich.es 26 comb D watch D umbrella D diction.ar~ D glasses D listening / A B c D E F ~l , I I" ~~ ~l Y' ~' G H 27 Test 2 Part 4 - 5 questions l isten...Test I Part 5 - 5 questions Listen and colour and draw and write There is one example 10 Test 1 Reading and Writing Part 1 - 10 questio ns - look and read Choose the correct w ords and write t hem on the lines There is one exampLe geograph~ an engineer offices Businessmen, businesswomen and secretaries work at their desks in these places 1 2 a dentist 3 art 4 5 6 libraries 7 8 airports... 'Last summer ~ou an excellent pnoto of a circus I sent it to a competition in one of m~ 5 22 magazines ' Now I want be a pnotograpner wnen I'm older! Blank Page 23 Test 2 Listening Part 1 - 5 questi.ons - Li.sten a.nd draw Lines There i.s one example Paul Emma Michael 24 Dais~ Bett~ Sall~ Listening Part 2 - 5 questions Listen and write There is one exampLe TuesdCly Will start on: 1 Will... jungles and forests ver~ Reading and Writing Examp Le mucn ever~ man~ 1 wnen so tnen 2 from for of 3 Tnere Tnose Tne~ 4 tneir our nis 5 fall fell fallen 6 calls called calling 7 if tnan but 8 to two too q use used using quickl~ quicker quick 10 21 Test I Part 7 - 5 questions Read the diary and write the missing words Write one word on each line Tuesday September 4 Examp Le I · I I was eating TnlS... his hand 4 The four pirates who are wearing T-shirts with stripes are pla~ing volle~ball 5 The pirate with the long hair is maRing a castle on the beach 6 The blue butterflies are smaller than the butterflies with red spots 7 Under one of the trees, there is a box which is full of gold treasure 13 Test I Part 3 - 5 questions Sarah is talking to her teacher, Mrs Brown, about which they are visiting Q... th.ere are lots of interesting th.ings to learn h.ere on th.e first floor Turn righ.t at th.e top of th.e stairs ~et, but before h.a~ past two 15 Test I Part 4 - 6 questions Read the stor~ Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to the numbers 1 -5 There is one example Mum an.d Michael arrived home at midn.ight after a visit to Gran.dmother's There was n.o moon , an.d there were n.o stars... Un.cle Joh.n.'s I was in bed Come in It's (5) an.d dark outside ' 'We kn.ow!' said Mich.ael an.d laugh.ed ExampLe moon tumed cold closed dream excited pocket (6) Now choose the best name for this brave pulled stor~ Tick one box Mich.ael's famil~ camp in th.e garden Mich.ael's dad comes h.ome late Mich.ael an.d Mum get Dad out of bed D D D 17 Test I Part 5 - 7 questions look at the pictures and... Th.e man wh.o is pla~ing th.e drum is taller th.an th.e man wh.o is pla~ing th.e guitar 5 Th.ere are some plants and flowers in boxes under th.e windows of th.e h.ouses 6 Th.e policeman h.as lost h.is h.at and h.e is looking for it 7 Th.e th.ree lines of flags are all th.e same colour h.eav~ 33 Test 2 Part 3 - 5 questions ALex is taLking to her mum about going out Read the conversation and choose... A policeman came and, togetl1er, tl1e~ pusl1ed tl1e car off tl1e road (Tl1at's enougl1!' William's dad tl1ougl1t (I must l1ave a new car I'm going to bu~ tl1e silver one tl1at I saw ~esterda~.' So on 5aturda~, l1e bougl1t a new car William and l1is dad wanted to tr~ it so tl1e~ drove into tl1e town After l1a~ an 110ur, tl1e~ decided to stop because tl1e~ were l1ungr~ Tl1e~ found a place for tl1e car

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2016, 09:32