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Tiếng Trung cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu. Nội dung bao gồm những cacirc;u giao tiếp đơn giản, dễ học cho caacute;c bạn mới lagrave;m quen...Tiếng Trung cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu. Nội dung bao gồm những cacirc;u giao tiếp đơn giản, dễ học cho caacute;c bạn mới lagrave;m quen...

1.01 Pronouns 您 我 你 Wǒ I Nǐ You Nín You (respected) 他 她 它 Tā He Tā She Tā It 你们 我们 他们 Nǐmen Wǒmen Tāmen You all We They 1.02 Pronouns and the verb "to be" 您是 我是 你是 Wǒ shì I am Nǐ shì You are Nín shì You are (respected) 他是 她是 它是 Tā shì He is Tā shì She is Tā shì It is 你们是 我们是 他们是 Nǐmen shì Wǒmen shì Tāmen shì You all We are They 1.03 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "student" 我是学生。Wǒ shì xuésheng I am a student 你是学生。Nǐ shì xsheng You are a student 您是学生。Nín shì xuésheng You (respected) are a student 他是学生。Tā shì xuésheng He is a student 她是学生。Tā shì xuésheng She is a student 我们是学生。Wǒmen shì xuésheng We are students 你们是学生。Nǐmen shì xuésheng You all are students 他们是学生。Tāmen shì xuésheng They are students 1.04 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "teacher" and "business person" 我是老师。 Wǒ shì lǎoshī I am a teacher 你是商人。 Nǐ shì shāngrén You are a business person 您是老师。 Nín shì lǎoshī You (respected) are a teacher 他是商人。 Tā shì shāngrén He is a business person 她是老师。 Tā shì lǎoshī She is a teacher 我们是商人。 Wǒmen shì shāngrén We are business people 你们是老师。 Nǐmen shì lǎoshī You all are teachers 他们是商人。 Tāmen shì shāngrén They are business people 1.05 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complements "man" and "woman" 你是男人。Nǐ shì nánrén You are a man 你是女人。Nǐ shì nǚrén You are a woman 他是男人。 Tā shì nánrén He is a man 她是女人。 Tā shì nǚrén She is a woman 他们是男人。Tāmen shì nánrén They are men 她们是女人。Tāmen shì nǚrén They are women 1.06 You cheeky monkey! 你 Nǐ 你是 Nǐ shì 你是木头人! You You are You are a blockhead! Nǐ shì mùtóurén! In this first lesson we will learn the pronouns, the verb "to be", and the occupations "student", "teacher", and "businessperson" After all, aren't we a little bit of all three? The simple sentence pattern of pronoun + be + complement is a a quick and easy way to convey information about people - "He is an American", "They are students", "She is my coworker" etc Once you get in the basic form, it's simply a matter of plugging in additional vocabulary (which we will in later lessons) 1.01 Pronouns 您 我 你 Wǒ I Nǐ You Nín You (respected) 他 她 它 Tā He Tā She Tā It 你们 我们 他们 Nǐmen Wǒmen Tāmen You all We They Notes: He and she have the same pronunciation in Mandarin, tā; in the written language they are differentiated by their characters, 他 for he and 她 for she To make the plural of any pronoun just add 们 men to the singular form of the pronoun Please note that the distinction between plural and singular is not quite as important in Chinese, often the plural will simply be implied by the context 1.02 Pronouns and the verb "to be" 您是 我是 你是 Wǒ shì I am Nǐ shì You are Nín shì You are (respected) 他是 她是 它是 Tā shì He is Tā shì She is Tā shì It is 你们是 我们是 他们是 Nǐmen shì Wǒmen shì Tāmen shì You all We are They Notes: The verb to be 是 shì does not decline, that is to say that its form stays the same no matter who is performing the action Compared to the English "I am", "You are", "He is", it is actually much easier, right? Also, please be aware that there are no spaces between the words in a Chinese sentence! 1.03 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "student" 我是学生。Wǒ shì xuésheng I am a student 你是学生。Nǐ shì xuésheng You are a student 您是学生。Nín shì xsheng You (respected) are a student 他是学生。Tā shì xuésheng He is a student 她是学生。Tā shì xuésheng She is a student 我们是学生。Wǒmen shì xuésheng We are students 你们是学生。Nǐmen shì xuésheng You all are students 他们是学生。Tāmen shì xuésheng They are students Notes: Nouns in Mandarin Chinese usually have a single form that is used whether the noun is singular or plural That is why 学生 xuésheng remains the same for 他是学生。Tā shì xuésheng and 他 们是学生。Tāmen shì xuésheng You can add 们 men to create a special plural form of the noun, but this is really only used in special situations, often for rhetorical effect Vocabulary point: 学 xué is, on its own, a verb that means to study Paired with the character 生 shēng it creates a new noun, student 学生 xuésheng Pronunciation point: You may have noticed that on its own, 生 shēng has a line over it, whereas when it is paired with 学 xué it does not That is because the 生 shēng in 学生 xuésheng changes to a neutral tone, due something known as "tone sandhi", which is Sanskrit for "incredibly coy linguistic term" What "tone sandhi" means is that you pronounce words differently based on the words that come before or after it Native speakers of Chinese this intuitively, as practiced foreign speakers of Chinese As a beginner student, it really isn't worth worrying about, and as an intermediate level student there will be some tricks you can learn that will help you along 1.04 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "teacher" and "business person" 我是老师。 Wǒ shì lǎoshī I am a teacher 你是商人。 Nǐ shì shāngrén You are a business person 您是老师。 Nín shì lǎoshī You (respected) are a teacher 他是商人。 Tā shì shāngrén He is a business person 她是老师。 Tā shì lǎoshī She is a teacher 我们是商人。 Wǒmen shì shāngrén We are business people 你们是老师。 Nǐmen shì lǎoshī You all are teachers 他们是商人。 Tāmen shì shāngrén They are business people >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) Vocabulary point: 老 lǎo means old, but that is not an exact translation, For starters, it is only used in reference to people, never things Secondly, it is often combined with other characters to make positions and titles of respect, such as 老师 lǎoshī teacher People often point out that 老 lǎo carries positive connotations that old does not carry in the West Since 老 lǎo refers only to people and never to things, we could translate it as senior, an English word that has both the meaning of "aged" as well as "having more authority" 商 shāng means business, and 人 means person or people, thus 商人 shāngrén literally means "business person" 1.05 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complements "man" and "woman" 你是男人。Nǐ shì nánrén You are a man 你是女人。Nǐ shì nǚrén You are a woman 他是男人。 Tā shì nánrén He is a man 她是女人。 Tā shì nǚrén She is a woman 他们是男人。Tāmen shì nánrén They are men 她们是女人。Tāmen shì nǚrén They are women >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) Notes: You will often see Woman 女 nǚ and man 男 nán used on their own as abbreviations on restrooms, forms, etc 1.06 You cheeky monkey! 你 Nǐ You 你是 Nǐ shì 你是木头人! Nǐ shì mùtóurén! You are You are a blockhead! Notes: Scattered throughout this course you will find sections at the end of some lessons labeled "You cheeky monkey!" In these sections we will teach you irreverent, bizarre, or sometimes even topical things to say Vocabulary point: 木头人 mùtourén literally means "wood head person", the meaning of which seems pretty selfexplanatory We ought to recognize 人 from the other words we have studied this lesson, such as 女人 nǚrén and 商人 shāngrén Exercises A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin 1.) 你 2.) 她 _ 3.) 我 4.) 你们 5.) 他 6.) 我们 7.) 他们 _ 8.) 您 _ B Translate the following pinyin into English 1.) nín 2.) nǐmen _ 3.) wǒ 4.) tāmen 5.) wǒmen _ 6.) nǐ 7.) tā _ C Translate the following sentences into English 1.) Wǒmen shì shāngrén _ 2.) Tā shì xuésheng _ 3.) Nín shì lǎoshī _ 4.) Tāmen shì nánrén _ D Match the character to its corresponding pinyin 1.) 是 lǎo 2.) 男 nǐ 3.) 人 nán 4.) 你 shì 5.) 老 E Chose the two characters that are not the same 生男你是 商我是们 他商我们 你他男师 F Make words by matching the two syllables, then match them to the correct characters lǎo men 我们 shāng sheng 商人 wǒ shī 老师 xué 学生 2.01 Simple questions 你是学生。 Nǐ shì xuéshēng 你是学生吗? Nǐ shì xuéshēng ma? 他是商人。 Tā shì shāngrén 他是商人吗? Tā shì shāngrén ma? 你们是留学生。 You are a student Are you a student? He is a business person Is he a business person? You all are foreign students Nǐmen shì liúxuéshēnɡ 你们是留学生吗? Are you all foreign students? Nǐmen shì liúxuéshēnɡ ma? 2.02 Countries and Nationalities 中国 Zhōngguó China 中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese people 美国 Měiguó America 美国人 Měiguórén American people 英国 Yīngguó Britain 英国人 Yīngguórén British people 德国 Déguó Germany 德国人 Déguórén German people 印度 Yìndù India 印度人 Yìndùrén Indian people 2.03 Pronouns + Nationality complement in statement and question form 我是美国人。 Wǒ shì Měigrén 你是美国人吗? Nǐ shì Měigrén ma? 他是中国人。 Tā shì Zhōnggrén 他是中国人吗? Tā shì Zhōnggrén ma? 她是德国人。 Tā shì Dégrén 你们是印度人吗? Nǐmen shì Yìndùrén ma? I am American Are you American? He is Chinese Is he Chinese? She is German Are you all Indian? 他们是英国人。 They are English Tāmen shì Yīngguórén 2.04 Nationality - a simple dialogue A 你是英国人吗? Nǐ shì Yīnggrén ma? B 是,我是英国人。 你是中国人吗? Shì,wǒ shì Yīnggrén Nǐ shì Zhōnggrén ma? A 是,我是中国人。 Shì,wǒ shì Zhōnggrén Exercises A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin 1.) 美国 _ 2.) 中国 3.) 德国 _ 4.) 印度 _ 5.) 英国 _ B Translate the pinyin into English 1.) Déguó 2.) Zhōngguó 3.) Yīngguó _ 4.) Měiguó C Transcribe the characters into pinyin and then translate into English 1.) 中国人 _ 2.) 英国人 _ 3.) 德国人 _ 4.) 美国人 _ 4.) 印度人 _ D Fill in the blanks for this dialogue A Nǐ shì _ ma? B Shì,wǒ shì Yīnggrén Nǐ shì ma? A Shì,wǒ Zhōnggrén E Match the character to its pinyin 1.) 美 lǎo 2.) 男 guó 3.) 中 tā 4.) 国 zhōng 5.) 老 měi 6.) 她 nán F Transcribe the following sentences into pinyin 1.) 她是德国人。 _ 2.) 你们是留学生吗? _ 3.) 他是中国人吗? _ 4.) 他是商人吗? _ 3.01 Asking for a first name 你叫 Nǐ jiào 你叫什么 Nǐ jiào shénme 你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? 她叫 Tā jiào 她叫什么 Tā jiào shénme 她叫什么名字? Tā jiào shénme míngzì? Notes: You are called You are called by what You are called by what name? She is called She is called by what She is called by what name? The sentence pattern for asking for a first name is: Pronoun + call (叫) + what (什么) + name (名字)? 小张: 我不知道。 Wǒ bù zhīdào 18.07 Don't we work together? - Expansion dialogue 王冬梅: 陈大同: 安娜: 你看,她是不是我们新来的同事? Nǐ kàn, tā shì bú shì wǒmen xīn lái de tóngshì? 我问一下。请问,你是我们同事吗? Wǒ wèn xià Qǐngwèn, nǐ shì wǒmen xīn lái de tóngshì ma? 是的。你是。。。 Shì de Nǐ shì 我们认识一下,这是我的名片。我叫陈大同, 她叫王冬梅。我们都是你的同事。 陈大同: Wǒmen rènshi xià, zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn Wǒ jiào Chén Dàtóng, tā jiào Wáng Dōngméi Wǒmen dōu shì nǐ de tóngshì 安娜: 王冬梅: 安娜: 陈大同: 安娜: 王冬梅: 啊,我叫安娜。很高兴认识你 。 À, wǒ jiào Ānnà Hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ 我们也很高兴。 Wǒmen yě hěn gāoxìng 你们都好吗? Nǐmen dōu hǎo ma? 很好。你呢? Hěn hǎo Nǐ ne? 我很累。好,再见! Wǒ hěn lèi Hǎo, zàijiàn! 再见! Zàijiàn! Notes: Adding 一下 yíxià after a verb conveys the idea of brevity or informality Thus, 我们认识一下 Wǒmen rènshi yíxià could be translated as "Let's get to know each other a little bit" 我问一下 Wǒ wèn yíxià could be translated as "I'll go and quickly ask (her)." However, in both cases a translator could omit the diminutive element from the translation The important idea here is that the speaker does not intend to take up too much of the other person's time, or to stand on ceremony The attitude is of friendly respect without too much ostentation However, be aware that in formal situations it could come across as being a bit cavalier 18.08 我 Wǒ 我不 Wǒ bù 我不知道 Wǒ bù zhīdào 我不知道怎么 Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme 我不知道怎么称呼 Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme chēnghu I I don't I don't know I don't know how I don't know how to address 我不知道怎么称呼他。 I don't know how to address him Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme chēnghu tā A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin 1.) 帮 _ 2.) 名片 3.) 马上 _ 4.) 职员 B Translate the following pinyin into English 1.) cāi 2.) jièshào _ 3.) guójiā 4.) míngpiàn 5.) bāng _ 6.) mǎshàng C Translate the following pinyin into English 1.) Wǒ yìdiǎn lèi _ 2.) Wǒ gāi zěnme chēnghu nǐ? _ 3.) Tā shì nǐ de tóngbāo _ 4.) Nǐ shì xīn lái de zhíyuán ma? _ D Convert the following sentences into pinyin 1.) 请问,你是我们同事吗? _ 2.) 我姓杨, 是你的经理。 _ 3.) 我们认识一下,这是我的名片 _ E Fill in the blanks 杨经理: Nǐ ! Nǐ shì lái de zhíyn ma? 安娜: Shì Wǒ _ Ānnà 杨经理: Ānnà, nǐ hǎo! Wǒ _ Yáng, shì nǐ de jīnglǐ 安娜: Yáng _ , nín hǎo! 杨经理: Nǐ bú ? 安娜: Wǒ bú lèi, wǒ kāixīn, xīngfèn 杨经理: Hǎo de, bāngbāng Xiǎo Wáng 安娜: Mǎshàng! F Fill in the blanks 大卫: Tā shì ? 小张: Tā shì lái de tóngshì Tā jiào Ānnà 大卫: Nǐ tā láizì _ ma? 小张 : Zhīdào Tā _ nǐ tóngbāo 大卫: Zhēn de ? Tā Yīngguó _? 小张: Wǒ bù _ G Match the words with the translation 1.) 同胞 Coworker 2.) 猜 Guess 3.) 同事 Introduce 4.) 国家 Compatriot 5.) 介绍 Country H Circle the character that matches the pinyin zhī : 姓 知 下 高 yuán : 知 下 累 员 xià : 老 真 下 道 piàn : 片 心 叫 职 : 知 道 忙 英 zhí : 美 职 渴 奋 I Arrange the words into sentences 1.) nǎlǐ tā láizì Nǐ zhīdào ma? _? 2.) de Tā shì tóngbāo nǐ _ 3.) xīn Nǐ shì de ma lái zhíyuán ? _ 4.) gāi chēnghu zěnme nǐ Wǒ ? _? 19.01 Mom and Dad 爸爸 哥哥 弟弟 Bàbɑ Gēge Dìdi Dad Older brother Younger brother 妹妹 妈妈 姐姐 Māma Jiějie Mèimei Mom Older sister Little sister >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) Notes: Unlike in English, there are separate terms for older and younger siblings Younger siblings usually refer to their older siblings by their family position, not their name There are also separate terms for maternal and paternal family members, which we will look at later Vocabulary point: 妈妈 māma mother, 姐姐 jiějie older sister, 妹妹 mèimèi younger sister all share the same root character, or radical, 女 nǚ which means female 好 hǎo good and 她 tā she also share this root character 19.02 How's your Mom and Dad? 萨拉: 王军: 萨拉: 王军: 王军,你好! Wáng Jūn,nǐ hǎo! 你好! Nǐ hǎo! 你爸爸,妈妈身体好吗? Nǐ bàbɑ,māma shēntǐ hǎo ma? 他们都很好,谢谢。 Tāmen dōu hěn hǎo, xièxie Notes: If there is a close relationship between the possessor and the possessed, 的 de is usually not used It should be noted here if that if 的 de is used in a relationship that is presumably close, it indicates a degree of estrangement 19.03 My Dad's from the Northeast 马特: 王军: 马特: 王军: 你爸爸是北方人吗? Nǐ bàbɑ shì Běifāngrén ma? 是啊。他是东北人, 他来自哈尔滨。 Shì a Tā shì Dōngběirén, tā láizì Hàěrbīn 你妈妈也是东北人吗? Nǐ māma yě shì Dōngběirén ma? 不是,她是南方人。 Bú shì, tā shì Nánfāngrén Notes: 东北 Dōngběi is a region of China famous among students of Mandarin Chinese for having arguably the most standard pronunciation of any area in the country Dōng means east and 北 Běi means north, altogether the region consists of the three provinces northeast of the Great Wall that were until the 19th century off limits to Han Chinese Consequently, many of the major urban areas in the region are quite new, most being around 100 years old 19.04 Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers 工人 农民 军人 Gōngrén Nóngmín Jūnrén Worker Peasant Soldier 母亲 父亲 父母 Mǔqin Fùqin Fùmǔ Mother Father Parents >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) Notes: 母亲 mǔqīn and 父亲 fùqīn are the formal words for mother and father, the first character from each combine to make the plural parents 父母 fùmǔ The character 亲 qīn indicates family relation 19.05 Example Sentences 我父亲是工人。 My father is a worker Wǒ fùqin shì gōngrén 我母亲是老师。 My mother is a teacher Wǒ mǔqin shì lǎoshī 我哥哥是军人。 My older brother is a soldier Wǒ gēge shì jūnrén 他父母是农民。 His parents are peasants Tā fùmǔ shì nóngmín >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) 19.06 He is a worker A: B: A: B: 他是谁? Tā shì shéi? 他是我哥哥。 Tā shì wǒ gēge 他也是大学生吗? Tā yě shì dàxuéshēng ma? 不是,他是工人。 Bú shì, tā shì gōngrén 19.07 She is a businessperson A: 她是谁? Tā shì shéi? B: A: B: 她是我妹妹。 Tā shì wǒ mèimei 你妹妹是老师吗? Nǐ mèimèi shì lǎoshī ma? 不是,她是商人。 Bú shì, tā shì shāngrén 19.08 Are your teachers all Chinese? 萨拉: 王军: 萨拉: 王军: 萨拉: 王军: 王军,那是谁? Wáng Jūn,nà shì shéi? 那是我们老师。 Nà shì wǒmen lǎoshī 她是哪国人? Tā shì nǎ grén? 她是中国人。 Tā shì Zhōnggrén 你们老师都是中国人吗? Nǐmen lǎoshī dōu shì Zhōnggrén ma? 不是,我们系也有外国老师。 Bú shì, wǒmen xì yě yǒu wàiguó lǎoshī Notes: 有 yǒu means to have We will look at this verb more closely in the next lesson A Transcribe the characters below into pinyin 1.) 哥哥 _ 2.) 名片 3.) 工人 _ 4.) 妹妹 5.) 姐姐 _ 6.) 弟弟 7.) 农民 _ 8.) 父母 B Translate the following pinyin into English 1.) jūnrén 2.) shāngrén _ 3.) nóngmín 4.) fùqin 5.) mèimei _ 6.) mǔqin C Transcribe the following sentences into pinyin 1.) 你妹妹是商人吗? _ 2.) 你哥哥是工人吗? _ 3.) 你爸爸是北方人吗? _ D Match the words with the translation 1.) 父亲 Worker 2.) 军人 Father 3.) 妹妹 Older brother 4.) 工人 Little sister 5.) 哥哥 Soldier E Fill in the blanks 萨拉: Wáng Jūn,nà shì ? 王军: Nà shì lǎoshī 萨拉: Tā shì nǎ ? 王军: Tā shì _ 萨拉: Nǐmen l dōu _ Zhōngguórén ma? 王军: Bú shì, wǒmen xì yě wàiguó lǎoshī F Circle the pinyin for the character 妹 : shēnɡ mèi jiàn gāo 军 : kě 农 : xiān shēn shén nóng 母 : nán 工 : gōng xiān shén máng 弟 : dì 父 : xìng xiè míng fù gāo 民 : míng G Arrange the words into sentences 1.) Zhōnggrén lǎoshī Nǐmen dōu míng mǔ wǒ xiǎo xiǎo mín ma jūn míng mèi nǚ shì ? shén _? 2.) ma lǎoshī shì Nǐ mǔqin ? _? 3.) gōngrén Tā fùmǔ shì _ 4.) shì Tā ma jūnrén yě ? _? H Select the right character for the word 1.) 名 _ (piàn) (A) 商 (B) 兴 (C) 片 (D) 绍 2.) 介 _ (shào) (A) 绍 (B) 京 (C) 屋 (D) 片 3.) 同 _ (wū) (A) 京 (B) 经 (C) 兴 (D) 屋 4.) 职 _ (yuán) (A) 介 (B) 员 (C) 片 (D) 国 20.01 Do you have a brother or a sister? - Example sentences 你有哥哥吗? Nǐ yǒu gēge ma? 你有妹妹吗? Nǐ yǒu mèimei ma? 你有弟弟吗? Nǐ yǒu dìdi ma? Do you have an older brother? Do you have a younger sister? Do you have a younger brother? 你有姐姐吗? Do you have an older sister? Nǐ yǒu jiějie ma? >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) 20.02 I don't have an older sister - Negation 我没有姐姐, 我有哥哥。 Wǒ méi yǒu jiějie, wǒ yǒu gēge I don't have an older sister, I have an older brother 王军没有妹妹, 他有姐姐。 Wáng Jūn méi yǒu mèimei, tā yǒu jiějie Wang Jun does not have a younger sister, he has an older sister 她没有弟弟, 她有妹妹。 Tā méi yǒu dìdi, tā yǒu mèimei He does not have a younger brother, he has a younger sister >> Listen to the MP3 (right click to save) Notes: The negation for the verb 有 yǒu is 没 méi In Chinese some verbs use the negation 没 méi while others use 不 bù, there is no real rule as to which verbs use which negation, so you must simply memorize which uses which 20.03 Do you or don't you have a brother or a sister? - Example sentences 你有没有哥哥? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu gēge? 你有没有妹妹? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu mèimei? 你有没有弟弟? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu dìdi? Do you (or don't you) have an older brother? Do you (or don't you) have a younger sister? Do you (or don't you) have a younger brother? 你有没有姐姐? Do you (or don't you) have an older sister? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu jiějie? 20.04 Do you have any siblings? 你 Nǐ 你有 Nǐ yǒu 你有兄弟 Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì 你有兄弟姐妹 Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi 你有兄弟姐妹吗? Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma? .you you have .you have any brothers you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any brothers or sisters? 20.05 Do you have any siblings? - Concept review dialogue 王军: 同学: 王军: 你有兄弟姐妹吗? Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma? 我有一个妹妹。你呢? Wǒ yǒu gè mèimei Nǐ ne? 我有一个姐姐。 Wǒ yǒu yí gè jiějie Notes: 个 gè is the first "counter word" or "classifier" that we will learn, and it is the one most commonly used What is a counter word, you ask? Well, remember how we said that Chinese nouns don't change forms for singular or plural? In effect, that means every noun in Chinese is the equivalent of a collective noun in English, such as water or rice Just as we would say "a bottle of water" or "a bowl of rice", we need to put a classifier in front of a Chinese noun when enumerating it There are numerous counter words in Chinese, but the basic, nearly all-purpose one is 个 gè We will be slowly learning several counter words throughout the course, and lesson 41 we will summarize the counter words that are the most commonly used 20.06 An only child 他是 Tā shì 他是独生 Tā shì dúshēng 他是独生子。 Tā shì dúshēngzǐ 她是 Tā shì 她是独生 Tā shì dúshēng He is He is an only He is an only son She is She is an only 她是独生女。 She is an only daughter Tā shì dúshēngnǚ 20.07 I'm an only child - concept review dialogue 大卫: 你有兄弟姐妹吗? Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma? 小张: 我是独生子。你呢? Wǒ shì dúshēngzǐ Nǐ ne? 大卫: 我有一个哥哥。 Wǒ yǒu yí gè gēge 20.08 Do you have a Chinese name? 马特: 李雪: 马特: 李雪: 李雪,你有英文名字吗? Lǐ Xuě,nǐ yǒu Yīngwén míngzi ma? 我没有英文名字。你有汉语名字吗? Wǒ méi yǒu Yīngwén míngzi Nǐ yǒu Hànyǔ míngzi ma? 有。我的汉语名字是"流氓"。 Yǒu Wǒ de Hànyǔ míngzi shì “liúmáng” 很好的名字。你真是个流氓! Hěn hǎo de míngzi Nǐ zhēn shì ge liúmáng! 20.09 Do you have a boyfriend? 王军: 萨拉: 王军: 萨拉: 王军: 你有男朋友吗? Nǐ yǒu nánpéngyou ma? 没有。你有女朋友吗? Méi yǒu Nǐ yǒu nǚpéngyou ma? 我有。 Wǒ yǒu 她叫什么名字? Tā jiào shénme míngzi? 她叫李雪。 Tā jiào Lǐ Xuě 20.10 他有点累。 Tā yǒu diǎn lèi 李雪有点饿。 Lǐ Xuě yǒu diǎn è He is a little tired Li Xue is a little hungry 陈大同有点忙。 Chen Datong is a little busy Chén Dàtóng yǒu diǎn máng 我有点渴。 Wǒ yǒu diǎn kě I am a little thirsty 他有点不高兴。 Tā yǒu diǎn bù gāoxìng He is a little unhappy 王军有点困。 Wang Jun is a little sleepy Wáng Jūn yǒu diǎn kùn 20.11 The Horrors of Pronunciation 没 美 妹 Méi Měi Mèi Not Beautiful Younger sister A Match the words with the translation 1.) Mèimei 2.) Jiějie 3.) Nánpéngyou 4.) Míngzi 5.) Gēge 6.) Kùn B Transcribe the following sentences into pinyin Older sister Younger sister Name Older brother Sleepy Boyfriend 1.) 你有女朋友吗? _ 2.) 我没有英文名字。 _ 3.) 你真是个流氓! _ 4.) 他有点不高兴。 _ C Translate the following sentences into English 1.) Tā yǒu diǎn lèi 2.) Nǐ yǒu Hànyǔ míngzi ma? 3.) Nǐ yǒu mèimei ma? 4.) Tā méi yǒu gēge, tā yǒu mèimei 5.) Nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma? D Circle the pinyin for the character 兄 : fāng xiōng jiàn gāo 姐 : jiě 猜 : xiān fāng shén cāi 有 : yǒu 点 : dú diǎn 独 : xìng shén fāng dú bù 流 : nǎ dōng 没 : xī gāo míng běi bù běi zì fāng fāng liú xìng méi shén E Fill in the blanks 马特: Lǐ Xuě,nǐ yǒu míngzi ma? 李雪: Wǒ _ yǒu Yīngwén Nǐ yǒu _ míngzi ? 马特: _ _ de Hànyǔ míngzi shì “liúmáng” 李雪: Hěn hǎo de _ Nǐ zhēn shì ge ! F Arrange the words into sentences míngzi yǒu Nǐ ma Yīngwén ? diǎn bù gāoxìng Tā yǒu yǒu méi dìdi yǒu Nǐ ? diǎn gāoxìng yǒu Tā bù G Circle the two characters that are not the same 没有累兄 有独美困 独哥点美 没兄累哥 I Write questions for the following answers 1.) _? 我没有英文名字。 Wǒ méi yǒu Yīngwén míngzi 2.) _? 我是独生子。 Wǒ shì dúshēngzǐ 3.) _? 我没有弟弟,我有哥哥。 Wǒ méi yǒu dìdi,wǒ yǒu gēge 4.) _? 那是我们老师。 Nà shì wǒmen lǎoshī

Ngày đăng: 12/10/2016, 11:15

