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GA 6

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UNIT 8: PERIOD 52 :LESSON 5 :C1,2 *Objective :By the end of this lesson ,Ss will be able to use CAN and CAN’T to talk about What you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road. *Teaching Aids : Poster *Procedure : Time Techniques Content 5’ 12’ 18’ 8’ 2’ I.warmer : Guessing game Individual work II.Presentation: -Introduce the lesson -Pre teach vocab picture situation realia situation // picture antonym situation -Check Matching -Set the scene -Text -T elecits -T explains the lesson -Concept check III.Practice :Picture drill IV.Production :Write it up -Ss look at the pictures and write Can or can’t ( individual ) -Share and compare -Correct V.Homework : D R I V E R ( It is a job ) Lesson 5 C 1,2 New words : -a policeman: cảnh sát -difficult(a):khó khăn -a sign:biển báo -one-way :chiều -(to) park : đậu xe -(to) turn left :quẹo trái -(to) turn right:quẹo phải -(to) go straight : đi thẳng Picture of a policeman C1 P.89 The sign says, “ You can park here” The sign says, “ You can’t park here” -CAN : có thể + V(ìnf) -CAN’T : không thể 1.You can turn left 2.You can turn right. 3.you can park here. 4.you can’t go straight 5.You can’t ride a bike Exercises C2 p.89 Fill in the blank with Can or Can’t 1. can 2. can’t 3. can 4. can’t -Learn new words, structure. -Do exercises C1 P.75. -Prepare Lesson 6 : C3,4 UNIT 8: PERIOD 53 : LESSON 6 : C3,4. *Objective : By the end of thios lesson , Ss will be able to use Must or Mustn’t for obligation / prohibition. *Teaching Aids : Pictures *Procedure : Time Techniques Content 5’ 12’ 18’ 8’ 2’ I.Warmer:Matching -individual work II.Presentation: -Introduce the lesson -Pre teach vocab situation // picture situation // // // -Check ROR -Set the scene -Ss listen and read C3 P.60 -T explains the leson -Concept check III.Practice :Picture drill. IV.Production : Listen -Prediction the order -Listen and Check V.Homework : Pictures – words 1.turn left 2.turn right 3.go straight 4.stop Lesson 6 : C 3,4 New words : -dangerous(a) :nguy hiểm -an accident :tai nạn -an intersection:giao lộ -(to) slow down:giảm tốc độ -(to) go fast: đi nhanh -(to) warn:cảnh cáo -(to) help :giúp đỡ C3 Page 60 The sign says, “ stop” We must stop. We mustn’t go straight MUST( bắt buộc ) + V(inf) MUSTN’T( cấm ) Pictures 1.You must go straight. 2.You must stop. 3.you must slow down 4.You mustn’t turn left. 5.you mustn’t park here. Prediction C4 P.91 Anser key: 1c 2d 3e 4a 5g 6h 7f 8g -Learn new words, structure -Do exercises 6 P.94( textbook ) -prepare Unit 9 (A1,2) . -Prepare Lesson 6 : C3,4 UNIT 8: PERIOD 53 : LESSON 6 : C3,4. *Objective : By the end of thios lesson , Ss will be able to use Must or Mustn’t for obligation /. here. Prediction C4 P.91 Anser key: 1c 2d 3e 4a 5g 6h 7f 8g -Learn new words, structure -Do exercises 6 P.94( textbook ) -prepare Unit 9 (A1,2)

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2013, 01:25

Xem thêm: GA 6


