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Tiêu đề Supply A/ An Or The In The Following Sentences Where Necessary
Trường học Durham University
Thể loại Bài Tập
Định dạng
Số trang 5
Dung lượng 42,5 KB

Nội dung

I’m going to bed.. I’ve just bought...LP.=a Long Playing record 9.. We learnt ...English at school, but ...english we learnt was useless... I travel all over...world on business and my n

Trang 1

Supply a/ an or the in the following sentences where necessary

1.I need picture-hook to hang this picture

2 I’m going to bed I’ve got headache

3 Jim got B.Sc from Durham University in1988

4 Celia is sure she’s seen UFO(=Unidentified Flying Object)

5 I don’t know how much MP earns

6 which countries belong to NATO? (North Atlantic Treaty Organizaion)

7 I often listen to the news on BBC (=the British Broadcasting


8 I’ve just bought LP.(=a Long Playing record)

9 .Portuguese are very different from Spaniards

10.We were looking for place to spend place we found turned out to be in charming village .village was called Lodsworth

11 Yes, my name is Simson, but I’m not Simson you are looking for

12 Who’s at door? -It’s postman

13 When you go out, would you please go to supermarket and get some butter?

14 I’ve got appointment this afternoon I’ve got to go to doctor’s

15 We went to theater last night and saw Flames It’s wonderful play

16 We prefer to spend our holidays in country, mountain or

by sea

17 We have seen what earth looks like from moon

18 Where is your mother at moment? -I think she is in kitchen

19 could you pass me salt please?

20 They are building supermarket in centre of our town

21 I’d like to read newspapers like Times and Washinton Post

22 I read Econoist every week and Time magazine

23 Because of “ green house effect” climate of world is


24 We can’t be sure about history of human race, but man developed earlier than we think, though we certainly weren’t around at time

of dinosaurs

25 You’re imagining things All your fears are in mind

26 .history of world is history of war

27 What’s John doing these days?- He’s working as postman

28 .exercise is good for body

29 Look at this wonderful small computer .top lifts up

toform screen; front lifts off to form keyboard

and whole thing only weighs 5 kilos

30 My oldest son joined Navy and now my youngest wants to

join Army

31 We learnt English at school, but english we learnt was useless

Trang 2

32 .London is safe city today, but London of 18th century was pretty rough

33 What has been longest period of peace in histiry?

34 I’m not interested in price of silver or price

of gold

35 I can never regret time I’ve spent enjoying myself

36 I often listen to music and I like jazz best

37 I think red one will suit you best Red is more your colour

38 My father went to sea when he was 15

39 Do you know song about London Bridge?

40 go down Oxford Street till you come to Oxford Circus, then turn right

41 You can’t visit London without seeing Buckingham Palace

42 There is splendid view of Lake Geneva from this hotel

43 A lot of people have tried to cross Sahara without being properly prepared

44 I’ve been to Brazil and Argentina, but I’ve never been

to USA

45.I’d love to do tour of Europe capitals and visit London, Paris and Vienna

46 We’re invited to Smiths for lunch

47 We took some photos outside church

48 Tim’s been in bed for hours 49 We’ve got fine new hospital

50 Wealways go to church on Sunday

51 I travel all over world on business and my neighbour thinks my life is one long holiday You know what business travel is like.: up at dawn to catch plane; breakfast in London, lunch

in Newyork, luggage in Burmuda When you are in sky, you see only snow in Artic or Greenland You have glimpses

of Andes or Pacific You’re always exhausted Your wife or husband complains you’re never there to take children to school or put them to .bed When you get home, your neighbour says,”Another nice holiday, eh?”Give me Home Sweet Home any day!

52 I read recently in Times that the big American company, General Motors, has developed vehicle that uses power of sun instead of

petrol .vehicle is called Sunraycer Sunraycer has just taken part

in race against 25 solar-powered vehicles .route of race was from Darwin to Adelaide, immense distance Sunraycer

covered distance in45 hours at average speed of 41 miles hour

in temperatures as high as 48 degrees centigrate It beats all other cars by two and half days! Sunraycer (‘ray of the sun’ +’race’) is certainly car of future!

Trang 3

53 We wanted to reach small village and knew we must be near Then we saw woman just ahead and some children playing When we stopped to

ask way, woman said she was stranger herself We called out to children, but they ignored us Just then two men came along and we asked them way men didn’t know, but at least they were helpful “there

is signpost mile along this road,” one of them said We drove

to signpost eagerly This is what it said:NorthPole 6.000 Miles

54 During our journey we came to bridge As we were crossing bridge,

we met old man and spoke to him .man refused to answer us at first He could tell at a glance that we had escaped from prisoner-of-camp and he was afraid of getting into trouble We weren’t first prisoners of warto have escaped from camp As soon as Jim produced revolver, man proved very willing to answer our questions He told us exactly where we were and directed us to farm where we might find food

55.”I think that’s all, Mrs Grant,”Dr Grey said as she handed her list of prescriptions

list was very long and Mrs Grant almost fainted as she tried to read it She

had headache and cold and felt as if she was getting flu On top

of this, one of her children was in bed with mumps “I’ve prescribed some pills for high blood pressure as well.”Dr Grey said “Howmany do I have to take-one pill day?””No, one pill with each meal Three pills day “Mrs Grant thanked doctor and walked out of her surgery with some difficulty She staggered into local chemist’s and handed long prescription list

to Mr Burt, chemist Mr Burt greeted her cheerfully “Good morning, Mrs Grant,”he siad, glancing at list “What list! I trust you’re keeping well!”

56.This morning I bought newspaper

and magazine .newspaper in my bag but I don’t know where I put magazine

57 I saw accident this morning .car crashed

into tree, driver of car wasn’t hurt but car was badly damaged

58 there are two cars parked outside; blue one and grey

one .blue one belongs to my neighbours; i don’t know who owner

of grey one

59 My friends live in old house in small village There

is beautiful garden behind house I would like to have garden like that

60 There isn’t airport near where I live .nearest airport is 70 miles

61 George has part-time job He works 3 mornings week

62 What’s name of man we met yesterday?

63 We haven’t been to cinema for ages

64 I lay down on ground and looked up at sky

Trang 4

65.Two people were injured in accident and were taken to hospital 66 President is most powerful person in United states

67 Do you know Wilsons? They are very nice couple

68 I was ill, so I went to see doctor

69 Which is name of sea between Africa and Europe?

70 Of which country is Bangkok capital?

Fill in each blank with one suitable article where necessary.

1 Statue of Liberty was gift of friendship from France

to United States

2 .judge asked witness to tell truth

3 .Mount Rushmore is site of magnificent tribute to four great American presidents

4 .fog was so thick that we couldn’t see side of road We

followed car in front of us and hoped that we were going right way

5 It was windy morning but they hired boat and went for sail along coast In afternoon wind increased and they soon found themselves in difficulties

6 .day after day passed without news, and we began to

lose hope

7.Last night there was fog here plane crash-landed in field

near airport .crew had lucky scape one man broke his

leg, rest were unhurt

8 dead no longer need help We must concern ourselves

with living We must build houses and school

and playground

8 It is pleasure to do business with such efficient organisation

9 .man suffering shock shouldn’t be given anything to drink

10 The escaping prisoner camped in wood but he didn’t light fire because smoke rising from wood might attract attention

11 He got job in South and spent next two years doing work he really enjoyed

12 .Lake Erie is one of five Great Lakes in North America

13 .Civil war was fought in United States between 1861 and 1865

14 .Florida State University is smaller than University of Florida 15

16 .Paris of 1986’s is nothing compared to Paris

of 1968

17 I decorated children’s bedroom as fast as I could In week, I had finished

18 She has lived life of misery since death of her husband

19 There’s still doubt in my mind about whether it was right thing to do

Trang 5

20 I went to theatre last night and saw great play I thought it was good, anyway, but I read it in papers

21 I can’t wait to go on holiday, sea, sand and books, that’s what I want

22 I’m going shopping I want to buy new shoes

23 I don’t beleive him He’s liar He’s always telling lies

24 When we got to city centre, shops were still open but most of them were closed

25 Do you enjoy going to concerts?

26 Jane is teacher Her parents were teachers too

27 You need visa to visit countries, but not all of them

28 I don’t feel well this morning I’ve got sorethroat

29 What beautiful garden!

30 I must go to bank to get some money and then I’m going to post office to get some stamps

31 She has French name , but in fact she is English not French

32 You’ll find information you need at .top of page 15

33 Peru is country in South America .capital is Lima

34 .television was on but nobody was watching it

35 I lay down on ground and looked upat sky

36 Mary and I arrived at same time

37 Every term parents are invited to school to meet teachers

38 .economic situation is very bad Many people are out of work

39 There’s nice view from window You can see sea

40 .other day fire brigade were called to prison to put

out fire

41 .workmen went to church to repair roof

42 .judge decided to fine man $550 instead of sending him

to prison

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2013, 01:26

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