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NÔNG LÂM UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE LÊ THANH HIỀN MSc., DVM ENGLISH FOR ETERINARY MEDICINE 2007 -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1: VETERINARY MEDICINE Unit 2: ANIMAL BODY Unit 3: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 15 Unit 4: DISEASE - GENERAL PRINCIPLES 26 Unit 5: INFLAMMATION 33 Unit 6: FEVER 38 Unit 7: DRUDS AND ADMINISTRATION 41 Unit 8: VACCINATION 46 Unit 9: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 52 Appendix 1: Prefix And Suffix In Veterinary Terminology 58 Appendix 2: GRAMMATICAL REVIEW 65 Appendix 3: SPECIAL ABBRIVIATIONS 72 Appendix 4: Laboratory equipment .73 Appendix 5: Vietnamese – English Animal Disease .77 Appendix 6: TRIAL TEST 81 -2- Unit 1: VETERINARY MEDICINE _GENERAL INFORMATION_ Reading Veterinary medicine is the application of medical, diagnostic, and therapeutic principles to companion, domestic, exotic, wildlife, and production animals It is also known that the medical science is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals Aside from diagnosing and treating sick and injured animals, veterinarians prevent the transmission of animal diseases to people, and advise owners on the proper care of animals Veterinarians work to ensure a safe food supply by maintaining the health of agricultural animals and by inspecting food processing industries Veterinarians are also involved in the preservation of wildlife Veterinary scientists are very important in chemical, biological, and pharmacological research In American and Canadian English, a veterinarian (from Latin veterinae, "draught animals") is an animal doctor, a practitioner of veterinary medicine The equivalent term in British English is veterinary surgeon, and both terms are often shortened to vet The word veterinarian was first used in English by the doctor Sir Thomas Browne (1605–1682) Education in veterinary medicine Many universities worldwide confer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in veterinary medicine In most countries, veterinary practitioners are regulated and registered on a national or state level While the duration and exact content of undergraduate degrees in veterinary medicine varies, they are typically from to years in duration They consist of several introductory years which may include some "pre-vet" or general scientific training These pre-clinical years provide a basis in veterinary anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, parasitology, animal breeding, botany, animal feeding and nutrition, radiology, virology, microbiology, zoology, animal -3- physiology, physics, chemistry and other important subject areas The final years of most veterinary medicine degrees consist of a greater proportion of practical clinical work (e.g internal medicine, dentistry, surgery, obstetrics) in which students are guided to apply the theory they have learned in a supervised environment When students complete their education, they are normally granted a diploma as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) As in the human medical field, veterinary medicine (in practice) requires a diverse group of individuals to meet the need of patients In addition to veterinarians, many veterinary hospitals utilize a team of veterinary nurses and veterinary assistants to completely care for healing, critical and well animals Veterinary nurses are generally registered as "veterinary technicians" in most states and are legally qualified to assist veterinarians in many medical procedures Veterinary assistants, who are not licensed by most states, but can well-trained at facilities such as The School for Veterinary Assistants, are also becoming increasingly in-demand in the veterinary industry due to a wide range of treatments and services being offered to meet the higher expectations of pet owners in the United States Question What is veterinary medicine ? Who is a veterinarian ? Make ticks in front of these statements if they mean what a veterinarian work on □ prevention of diseases in animal □ diagnose, treat sick and injured animals □ prevent transmission of animal diseaseas to people □ dealing with animal □ advise farmers how to take care animals appropriately □ ensure foodsafety for human □ preservation of wifelife How to classify animals which are subjects of veterinarians ? What is the abbreviation of the word “veterinarian” ? How many years does a student have to spend in a university to earn a diploma of veterinary medicine ? In the veterinary program, there are stages: Pre-vet or pre-clinical years, and pratical clinical work What veterinary students have to in these stages ? Nowadays, there is an emerging field related to veterinary medicine called coservation medicine What is it ? In addition to veterinarians, which other team of people are utilized by many veterinary hospitals ? How are they different ? -4- Vocabulary There are many courses taught in DVM program The list below gives their names Veterinary Parasitology Veterinary Diagnostics Animal Husbandry (Poultry) Non-infectious Diseases Animal Product Technology Animal Husbandry (cattle) Veterinary Surgery Animal Husbandry (pig) Toxicology Infectious Diseases English in Veterinary Science Wild animal diseases X - Ray Meat and Milk Inspection Veterinary legislation Undergraduate Thesis Animal Anatomy Histology and Embryology Biochemistry Microbiology Genetics Animal Physiology Bio-statistics Animal Nutrition Experimental Design Animal Breeding Environment and animal’s health Immunology Veterinary Pharmacology Artificial Insemination Veterinary Obstetrics Veterinary Epidemiology Pathology Agricultural Economics Other information (*) Some useful website in veterinary medicine APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ Consultant: A Diagnostic Support System for Veterinary Medicine http://www.vet.cornell.edu/consultant/consult.asp Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov Vet Online Professionals http://www.priory.co.uk/vetprof.htm Vet Online: The International Journal of Veterinary Medicine http://www.priory.co.uk/vet.htm Veterinary Journals Tables of Contents http://www.medvet.umontreal.ca/biblio/vetjr.html Vetscape Veterinary Internet Network http://www.vetscape.co.uk/ WWW Virtual Library: Veterinary Medicine http://netvet.wustl.edu/vetmed.htm Dept Animal Health http://www.cucthuy.gov.vn/ -5- (**) System of Veterinary Services in Vietnam The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development • Dept Animal Health; • Dept Agro-Forestry Extension City/ provincial service of agriculture: Sub-Department of Veterinary (city/provinal level); Center of Agro-Forestry Extension (city/provincial level) • Veterinary station (district level); • Agro-Forestry Extension station (district level) • Commune animal health team • • National institutes of veterinary research Livestock and veterinary material companies • Professional centres : National Diagnistic of Animal Health Centre; National Drugs & Bio-Products Control Centre No I (in Ha Noi); National Drugs & Bio-Products Control Centre No II (in Ho Chi Minh); National Veterinary Hygiene Inspection Centre No I (in Ha Noi); National Veterinary Hygiene Inspection Centre No II (in Ho Chi Minh) • Regional animal health centres: Ha noi ; Hai phong ; Vinh ; Da nang ; Tp Ho chi minh; Can tho • Airport & Border Inspection Stations (***) Education in veterinary medicine in Nong Lam University - Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Dept of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Dept of Non-Infectious Diseases and Diagnosis (Internal Medicine and Pharmacology) Dept of Infectious Diseases Dept of Pathology and Parasitology Dept of Animal Nutrition Dept of Animal Breeding and Genetics Dept of Animal Husbandry Dept of Anatomy and Surgery Veterinary Clinic -6- Unit 2: ANIMAL BODY Reading The animal body is made up of millions of cells which have all developed from one cell by a process of division during which they gradually become more specialized The specialized cells group together to form the various tissues of the body There are four basic types of tissue in the animal body: epithelium, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue From these tissues different organs or viscera are formed The organs are the well defined parts of the animal which perform particular functions Groups of organs having a particular common function are referred to as organs systems In general, the body can be divided into the following regions: the head; the neck; the trunk, which is further subdivided into two parts: the thorax and the abdomen (The two parts are separated from each other by an arched partition called diaphragm); the four limbs The viscera of the body include: - The digestive organs are concerned with the nutrition of the animal This function includes the prehension of food, its mastication, digestion, and absorption, and the initial storage of the nutrients released during digestion The digestive organs also provide for the expulsion of the unabsorbed portion of the food, and those substances that are added to the digestive tract by its large accessory glands - The respiratory organs provide for the exchange of gases between the blood and the atmosphere, and produce the voice - The urinary organs, notably the kidneys, eliminate fluid wasted and foreign substances from the blood, and regulate the water and salt metabolism of the body -7- - The genital organs are concerned with reproduction Except for the production of the germ cells, the male and female organs have different functions to perform and consequently differ markedly in their morphology These four organ systems are closely related functionally to the blood vascular and lymphatic systems, to the nervous system which controls their functioning, and to the system of endocrine glands Most of the viscera are contained in the large body cavities of the trunk Some of them, however, are embedded in the tissues of the head, neck, and in the caudal part of the pelvis, where special cavities for them not develop The viscera occupying the body cavities are covered with the same serous membrane that lines the cavities, and are separated from one another and from the walls of the cavities, which allows them a certain amount of mobility All viscera have either a lumen or an internal duct system with which they communicate either directly or indirectly with the outside, through the mouth, nose, anus, or the urogenital openings, as the case maybe -8- Vocabulary and pictures Farm Animals Cattle/Buffalo Pig, Swine Bull Boar Cock Ram Cow Sow Calf, calves Piglet Weaner, yearling Weaner Heifer Gilt Steer Barrow Beef Pork Feeder Fattener (Finishing pig) Avian: Poultry Sheep Hen, layer, laying hen Chick Started pullet Pullet, ready-to-lay pullet ewe Lamb Chicken Broiler Lamb pertaining to or emanating from members of the class Aves (a class comprising all of the birds) pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from the ox or cattle, members of the family Bovidae (a family of ruminants including cattle, buffalo, and bison) pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from dogs of, or pertaining to members of the family Felidae (the family of cats) pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from the horse pertaining to pigs Bovine: Canine: Feline: Equine: Porcine: Organs Body Head Trunk Limbs Trunk = Thorax (thoracic) + Abdomen (abdominal) Tissues: basic types Epithelium, connective tissue, muscular tissue (muscle), nervous tissue Osteology Skeleton, bone, skull, spine, vertebral column Arthrology Joint, ligament, tendon -9- Myology: types of muscle tissues Smooth muscle (non-striated involuntary) Cardiac muscle (striated involuntary) Skeleton muscle (striated voluntary) Viscera Digestive system: Digestive tract, alimentary canal Mouth, tongue, teeth (tooth), salivary glands Esophagus (oesophagus), stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus Small intestine: duodenum, jejunum, ileum; large intestine: caecum, colon, rectum Pancreas, liver, bile duct, gall bladder Masticate, mastication; digest, digestion; absorb, absorption Respiratory system, respiratory tract Nose, nostril, nasal cavity, nasal glands Larynx, trachea, bronchus(i), lungs, pleura(e), alveolus (alveoli) Exchange gases, produce voice Inhale, inhalation; exhale, exhalation Urogenital system - Urinary tract: kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, urine - Male genital/reproductive tract: testicles, prostate, sperm, penis - Female genital/reproductive tract: ovum (ova), ovary (ovaries), uterine (Fallopian) tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva; mammary glands Cardiovascular system Heart, blood, serum, plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, vascular system White blood cells = leukocytes: colorless blood corpuscles capable of amoeboid, movement, whose chief function is to protect the body against microorganisms causing disease and which comprise: granulocytes (basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils), non-granulocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes), and thrombocytes (platelets) Vascular system: including aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, sinusoids, sinuses, veins, lymphatics, spleen Lymphatics, lymphatic system: : Lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, tonsils, Peyer’s patches, immune system, lymphocytes Nervous system Brain, cortex, cerebrum, hemispheres, cerebellum, gray substance, white substance, spinal cord/nerve, neuron Endocrine glands Hormone, hypophysis (pituitary gland), thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal (suprarenal) gland, pancreas (pancreatic islets), gonads (testis and ovary), pineal gland - 10 - The girl who is running down the street might be in trouble The girl running down the street might be in trouble Nonrestrictive clause: contains additional information which is not required to give the meaning of the sentence Ex: The mouflon sheep, which is a wild Mediterranean sheep with less than 1000 animals remaining, was successfully cloned (It is not possible to use “THAT” in the place of WHICH in this sentence You also can not leave out WHO or WHICH And you have to put commas (,) at the beginning and at the end of the clause.) @ It is also possible to omit “the relative pronoun” and the verb “be” in nonrestrictive clauses before noun phrases The mouflon sheep, a wild Mediterranean sheep with less than 1000 animals remaining, was successfully cloned NOTES: Never use a preposition before THAT clause Use THAT after A noun that qualified by: only, superlative adjective (first, second, next, last) All, something, somebody, anything, anybody, and mixed antecedant (person + thing / animal) Ex.1: The cell WHICH / THAT can avoid natural defenses is nanocell The only cell THAT can avoid natural defenses is nanocell (Only use THAT, not use WHICH in this case) Ex.2: Dolly WHICH/THAT was cloned by a group of Scottish researchers is the most famous sheep in the world It is the most famous sheep THAT I have known Ex.3: All THAT a true scientist study is for human Ex.4: The farmer and his buffalo THAT are going to the field will work there until dusk Mixed antecedant THAT can be used only in restrictive clauses Double relative pronouns (whoever, whomever, what, whatever) 69 Double relative adjective {(whatever, whichever) + NOUN} Ex: Whoever is interested in the job should send his application soon (Whoever is the subject of verbs: is interested and should send) I like anyone who likes me => I like anything which you like => I like whoever likes me I hate whomever you like I like whatever you like You can take whatever book you want You can take whichever book you want Exercise : Now you have to read two or three sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning Use a relative clause in your sentence The fetal cells came from a woman Her pregnancy was ended at fourteen weeks The RNA code is then translated to protein code This is a different “language.” This photo shows an agarose gel This gel has not been used In the United States, the goal of health organizations is to quickly identify infected people These people have the highest risk of developing the disease There are several drugs These drugs can prevent tuberculosis in people Those people are at risk of becoming infected Breeding companies could sell cloned embryos in a manner similar to a way Semen is currently marketed in this way 70 Exercise 2: Reduce the relative clauses in the following sentences (if possible) Others at risk are people who are infected with tuberculosis bacteria but not have the active disease People who eat foods that contain this bacteria can get listeriosis Biotechnology has yielded new and improved medicines for animals that help lower production costs and improve animal well being by fighting diseases which are caused by bacteria and parasites Vaccines are now used to prevent diseases including: foot and mouth disease, scours, brucellosis, shipping fever, feline leukemia, rabies, and infections which are affecting cultivated fish Producing large amounts of therapeutic proteins in animal milk may be an efficient, relatively low cost method to manufacture many proteins that are used to treat human diseases or proteins that have industrial value The actual risk which is associated with this will depend on the type of animal and the nature of the genetic modification 71 Appendix 3: SPECIAL ABBRIVIATIONS Latin Expressions Referring To Textual Matters Expression Ad hoc c.f circa (c or ca.) e.g et al etc i.e infra in situ in vitro in vivo P.S Post hoc Supra vice versa Full form ad hoc confer circa exempli gratia et alli et cetera id est infra in situ in vitro in vivo post scriptum post hoc supra vice versa Literal meaning improvised Compare About Free example And others And others That is below In position In glass In the living After writing Because of this Above conversely Morden use For a specific occassion Compare About, approximately For example And other authors And others That is to say See below in the natural or original position Outside the body Inside the body Something added after signature formulated after the fact see above the opposite of a situation In scientific papers, there are some abbreviations that may be used without definition in table headings Term Amount Approximately Average Concentration Diameter Experiment Experimental Height Molecular weight Number peparation abbreviation amt approx avg concn diam expt exptl ht mol wt no prepn Term Specific gravity Standard deviation Standard error Standard error of the mean Temprature Versus Volume Week Weight year abbreviation sp gr sd se sem temp vs vol wk wt yr 72 Appendix 4: Laboratory equipment There are several things you can see in a laboratory, try to match their names and their images Beaker, Bunsen burner, burette, graduated cylinder, Erlenmeyer flask, test tube clamp, conical flask, Florence flask, funnel, 10 dropping bottle, 11 crucible, 12 volumetric flask, 13 wash bottle, 14 wire screen, 15 test tube brush, 16 test tube, 17 crucible tongs, 18 safety tongs, 19 pipette, 20 filter paper, 21 pipette pump, 22 pipette filler, 23 micropipette, 24 Petri dish, 25 balance, 26 centrifuge, 27 water bath, 28 incubator, 29 pH meter, 30 autoclave, 31 dispenser, 32 Pasteur pipette, 33 bio-shaker, 34 vortexer, 35 magnetic stirrer 73 - 74 - SAFETY IN LABORATORY There are some signs related to safety in laboratory, try to explain the meanings of these signs Toxic Chemical Sign: This is the symbol for toxic or poisonous materials Non-potable Water Sign: The non-potable water sign lets you know the water is not approved for drinking Environmental Hazard Sign: This is the symbol for a material which represents an environmental hazard Eyewash Sign: This sign is located at an eyewash station Recycling Sign: This sign is located at an eyewash station - 75 - Toxic Materials Sign:This sign indicates the presence of a toxic or poisonous material Explosive Material Sign: This symbol accompanies explosive materials Flammable Sign: This is the symbol for a flammable substance, or one which can catch fire readily Radioactive Symbol: This symbol indicates a radiation hazard 10 Chemistry Hazard Label: The hazard label is found on chemical containers It indicates health hazard, flammability, and other cautions associated with the chemical 11 Biohazard Symbol: This is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms 12 Electrical Hazard Sign: This sign warns of live electricity 13 Open Flame Prohibited Sign: If you see a No Open Flames sign, this usually implies there is a flammable or combustible material nearby 14 Corrosive Materials Sign: Corrosive materials are usually strong acids or bases They represent a hazard to your skin, and often to mucous membranes through inhalation of vapors Pay attention to the proper storage container for corrosive materials In addition, corrosive materials are reactive - 76 - Appendix 5: Vietnamese – English Animal Disease I BỆNH CHUNG CHO NHIỀU LOÀI 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tên tiếng Việt Bệnh Lở mồm long móng Bệnh Nhiệt thán Bệnh Dại Bệnh Giả dại Bệnh Sẩy thai truyền nhiễm Bệnh Lao Bệnh Phó lao Bệnh Lưỡi xanh Bệnh Sốt thung lũng Bệnh Xoắn trùng Bệnh Viêm miệng có mụn nước Bệnh Viêm da cục truyền nhiễm Bệnh Tích nước xoang bao tim truyền nhiễm Bệnh Viêm da Bệnh Toxoplasma Bệnh Giun xoắn Bệnh Nhục bào tử trùng Bệnh Cầu ấu trùng Bệnh Ghẻ Tên tiếng Anh Foot and mouth disease Anthrax Rabies Aujeszky’s disease Brucellosis Tuberculosis Johne’s disease Bluetongue Rift valley fever Leptospirosis Vesicular stomatitis Lumpy skin disease Heartwater Dermatophilosis Toxoplasmosis Trichinellosis Saccasporidiosis Enchinococcosis/hydatidosis Mange and scab II BỆNH Ở LOÀI NHAI LẠI 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tên tiếng Việt Bệnh Dịch tả trâu bò Bệnh Viêm đường sinh dục truyền nhiễm Bệnh Viêm phổi màng phổi truyền nhiễm bò Bệnh Viêm não thể xốp bò Bệnh Sốt Q Bệnh Cúm bò Bệnh Bạch huyết bò Bệnh Viêm mũi khí quản truyền nhiễm bò Bệnh Tiêu chảy có màng nhày virut bò Bệnh Xạ khuẩn Bệnh Ung khí thán Bệnh Loét da quăn tai Bệnh Tụ huyết trùng Bệnh Dịch tả loài nhai lại nhỏ Bệnh Viêm phổi màng phổi truyền nhiễm dê Bệnh Đậu dê cừu - 77 - Tên tiếng Anh Rinderpest Bovine genital campylobacteriosis Bovine contagious pleuropneumonia Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Q fever Bovine ephemeral fever Enzootic bovine leukosis Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Bovine viral diarrhoea/mucosal disease Actinomycosis Gangraena emphysematosa Coryza gangreanosa Pasteurellosis Peste des petits ruminants Caprine contagious pleuropneumonia Sheep pox and goat pox 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Lở mép truyền nhiễm dê Cạn sữa truyền nhiễm dê Viêm khớp dê Sẩy thai truyền nhiễm cừu Tiên mao trùng Trichomonas Lê dạng trùng Biên trùng Theileria Gạo bò Contagious ecthyma of goat Caprine contagious agalactia Caprine arthritis Enzootic abortion of ewes Trypanosomiasis Trichomonosis Babesiosis Anaplasmosis Theileriosis Bovine cysticercosis III BỆNH Ở NGỰA 10 11 12 13 14 Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh ngựa Bệnh ngựa Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Tên tiếng Việt Dịch tả ngựa châu Phi Thiếu máu truyền nhiễm Viêm não tuỷ ngựa Viêm não tuỷ Venezuela Viêm não Nhật Bản Tỵ thư Viêm hệ lâm ba truyền nhiễm Salmonella ngựa Đậu ngựa Viêm phế quản truyền nhiễm Tên tiếng Anh African horse sickness Equine infections anemia Equine encephalomyelitis Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis Japanese encephalitis Glanders Epizootic lymphangitic Equine salmonellosis Horse pox Enquine rhinopneumonitis Viêm tử cung truyền nhiễm Equine contagious metritis Cúm ngựa Tiêm la ngựa Lê dạng trùng Enquine influenza Dourine Enquine piroplasmosis IV BỆNH Ở LỢN Tên tiếng Việt Dịch tả lợn châu Phi Dịch tả lợn cổ điển Mụn nước lợn virus Nipah lợn Suyễn lợn Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Viêm teo mũi truyền nhiễm Bệnh viêm màng phổi truyền nhiễm Bệnh Viêm não tuỷ lợn 10 11 Bệnh Viêm dày ruột truyền nhiễm Bệnh Ỉa chảy truyền nhiễm lợn Hội chứng Rối loạn đường hô hấp sinh sản Bệnh Cúm lợn Bệnh Viêm ruột ỉa chảy vi rút Bệnh Hồng lỵ Treponema 12 13 14 - 78 - Tên tiếng Anh African swine fever Classical swine fever Swine vesicular disease Nipah virus infection Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine /Swine enzootic pneumonia (SEP) Atrophic rhinitis of swine Pleuroncumonia Enterovirus encephalomyelitis/ Teschen disease Transmissble gastroenteritis of swine Porcine epizootic diarrhoea Porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome (PRRS) Swine influenza Porcine parvovirus infection Swine dysentery 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bệnh Đóng dấu lợn Bệnh Phó thương hàn lợn Bệnh Tụ huyết trùng lợn Bệnh Phù đầu Ecoli Hội chứng Gầy còm lợn sau cai sữa Bệnh Đậu lợn Bệnh Gạo lợn Erysipelas Paratyphoid suum Pasteurellosis suum Head edema Porcine circovirus - PCV Variola suum Swine cysticercosis V BỆNH Ở GIA CẦM 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Tên tiếng Việt Bệnh Cúm gia cầm Bệnh Tân thành gà Bệnh Viêm khí quản truyền nhiễm Bệnh Viêm phế quản truyền nhiễm gà Bệnh Gumboro Bệnh Tụ huyết trùng gia cầm Bệnh Bạch lỵ gà Bệnh Viêm màng não gà Hội chứng Giảm đẻ Bệnh Đậu gà Bệnh Marek Bệnh Leuco gà Bệnh Mycoplasma Hội chứng phù đầu Chứng sổ mũi truyền nhiễm Bệnh Dịch tả vịt Bệnh Viêm gan vi rút vịt Bệnh Viêm ruột vi rút vịt Bệnh Dịch tả ngỗng Bệnh Cầu trùng Bệnh Sốt vẹt Tên tiếng Anh Highly pathogenic avian influenza Newcastle disease Avian infections laryngotracheitis Avian infections bronchitis Infections bursal disease/Gumboro disease Avian pasteurellosis Avian typhoid and pullorum disease Avian encephalomyelitis Egg drop syndrome 76 (EDS' 76) Fowl pox Avian marek’s disease Avian Leucosis Avian mycoplasmosis Swollen head syndrome Infectious coryza Pestis anatum Duck virus hepatitis Duck virus enteritis Pestis anserum Coccidiosis Psittacosis and ornithosis VI BỆNH Ở ONG, TẰM Tên tiếng Việt Bệnh Kí sinh Varroa Bệnh Thối ấu trùng ong châu Mỹ Bệnh Thối ấu trùng ong châu Âu (thối ấu trùng tuổi nhỏ) Bệnh Ghẻ ong Bệnh Ỉa chảy ong Bệnh Thối ấu trùng tuổi lớn Bệnh Vôi hoá ấu trùng ong Bệnh Chấy ong Bệnh Tằm gai - 79 - Tên tiếng Anh Varroosis/Varroatosis American foulbrood European foulbrood Acariosis of bees Nosemosis of bees Sacbrood Lime brood Tropilaplase Febrine disease of chinese silkwiren VII BỆNH Ở CÁC LOÀI KHÁC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tên tiếng Việt Bệnh virut Marburg khỉ Bệnh Mụn nước virut khỉ Bệnh Viêm gan virut khỉ Bệnh Viêm sởi khỉ Paramyxo virut Hội chứng Suy giảm miễn dịch khỉ Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh thỏ Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Bệnh Ebola khỉ Viêm quản virut khỉ Viêm đường hô hấp virut khỉ Đậu khỉ Ca rê chó Alcut chồn U nhầy loài gậm nhấm Xuất huyết thỏ Tụ huyết trùng thỏ Bồ đào cầu trùng thỏ Listeria monocytogenes gây Tên tiếng Anh Marburg virus Herpes virus Viral hepatitis Measles Simian Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Ebola virus Simian adenoviruses Miscellaneous respiratory viruses Monkey pox Canine distemper Aleurian disease of mink Myxomatosis Rabbit haemorrhagic disease Rabbit pasteurellosis Rabbit staphylococosis Rabbit listeriosis Thương hàn thỏ Phó thương hàn thỏ Cầu trùng thỏ Hoại tử Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit - 80 - typhoid paratyphoid coccidiosis necrobacilosis Appendix 6: TRIAL TEST Name: ENGLISH FOR VETERINARY MEDICINE Time: 30 minutes I Match words in the left column with their characteristics in the right column (10pts.) Abomasum Dehydration Ribosome Mitosis Peracute Oedema Crop Centriole Cytoskeleton 10 Adjuvants A its main function is cell division B provides structure for a cell C substances added into vaccine D relating to digestive system of poultry E lack of water in the body F an organelle producing proteins G relating to digestive system of rumen H very severe disease I an abnormal excess accumulation of fluid in connective tissue K division of a cell II Read the paragraphs and answer the questions (10pts.) Disease, in a general sense, can be said to be a deviation from the normal conditions of an animal Diseases caused by non-living things such as toxin, malnutrition are called non-infectious disease and obviously these cannot spread from animal to animal Diseases caused by living organisms are called infectious and all of them can be spread from animal to animal Living organisms which may infect the body and cause disease include: viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are called pathogens There are several way to spread pathogens from animal to animal for example direct contact or indirect contact Indirect contact means that pathogen spread from one to one via an intermediate carrier such as food, water or sometimes some insect such as ticks, mosquitos 11 Which is the best definition of disease? a caused by living organisms b any change the usual state c caused by non living things d spread form animal to animal 12 Which is an non-infectious diasease a disease caused by tape worms b disease caused by ingest bacterial spores c disease caused by mycotoxins d none of them 13 Diseases which spread from animal to animal via insect are called a airborne diseases b foodborne diseases c non-infectious diseases d non-contagious diseases Some bacteria are able to move Movement of a prokaryotic cell is usually by means of a structure called a flagellum (plural, flagella) Moreover, bacteria have some other similar structures - 81 - called fimbriae and pili They are structurally similar to flagella but are not involved in mobility Fimbriae are considerably shorter than flagella and are more numerous Pili are similar structurally to fimbriae but are generally longer and only one or a few pili are present on the surface Pili are involved in attachment to human and animal tissues by some pathogenic bacteria 14 According to the passage, which one relates to the capacity of a bacterium causing a disease a Pili b Capsule c Fimbriae d Flagella 15 Which one is present many on a cell’s surface a Pili b Capsule c Fimbriae d Flagella III Filling the blanks with the most appropriate words (10 pts.) 16 is an imflammation of the liver 17 is a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms, administrated for prevention or treatment of infectious diseases 18 is the number of animals in a herd or flock which are affected by the disease but which not die 19 While is the number of animals dying from disease Both terms are generally expressed as a percentage 20 is the term used to describe a disease which is continuously present in a population of animals but does not spread rapidly IV Choose the corect answer (10 pts.) 21 There are sacs that break away from the Golgi apparatus to carry the proteins and lipds to their final destination a Secretory vesicles b microfilaments c vacuole d lysosomne 22 A symtom which the animal secretes saliva or some other substance flow from the mouth is called a dehydration b staggering c lameness d drooling 23 Which symtom belongs to neurological sign? a swelling b vomitting c comatose state d laboured inhalation 24 ………… is loss of appetite especially when prolonged a anorexia - 82 - b nausea c cramp d depression 25 is a rise of body temperature above the normal whether a natural response (as to infection) or artificially induced for therapeutic reasons a toxaemia b hyperthermia c necrosis d infarction V Look at the picture and give the correct descriptions (10 pts.) : : : : : : : : : 10: - 83 - [...]... frequently bulge and break away and form drop-like sacs that are called secretory vesicles In the diagram you can see some of these vesicles as they have broken away from the Golgi apparatus Lysosome The lysosome comes from the Golgi apparatus The lysosome is also called a drop-like sac full of enzymes that move about in the cytoplasm The enzymes contained in the lysosome are used by the cell digestion They... selective destroys B lymphocytes in the bursa of Fabricius resulting in a secondary immunodeficiency An encephalitis that occurs epidemically in Japan and other Asian countries in the summer, is caused by a flavivirus (genus Flavivirus) transmitted by mosquitoes (especially Culex tritaeniorhyncus), and usually produces a subclinical infection but may cause acute meningoencephalomyelitis Any of several... from only one cell or many cells No matter how complex a tissue, organ, or organism may become, the basic unit to all living things is the cell, and that’s why it’s important to study it Organisms are classified in two ways They are either prokaryotes or eukaryotes The prokaryotes in which have no true nucleus and some organelles are absent They are mainly bacteria and the cyanobacteria (also called... approach the study of fungi? (A) Fungi are no longer classified as plants (B) Some single-cell organisms are no longer classified as fungi 16 According to the passage, how do fungi obtain carbohydrates? (A) The absorb carbohydrates from their own cell walls (B) They synthesize chlorophyll to produce carbohydrates - 24 - (C) They produce carbohydrates by breaking down chitin (D) They acquire carbohydrates from... and - 17 - lipids, especially phospholipids These lipids occur in two layers, often called the bilayer The bi-layer has globular proteins that seem to float in the lipid layer Nucleus Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus (prokaryote literally means “primitive nucleus”), but eukaryotic (eukaryote literally means “true nucleus”) cells have a distinct nucleus The nucleus is mainly made up of DNA in the form... Infestation with or disease caused by trichinae contracted by eating raw or insufficiently cooked infested food and especially pork and marked initially by colicky pains, nausea, and diarrhea and later by muscular pain, dyspnea, fever, and edema A disease of young domestic animals (as lambs and calves) that is characterized by muscular degeneration and is associated especially with inadequate intake of vitamin... which is continuously present in a population of animals but does not spread rapidly like an epizootic Sporadic is used to refer to a disease not normally present in an animal population but which appears suddenly from time to time and, equally suddenly disappears Immunity, tolerance and susceptibility When an infectious disease invades an animals body the animal may develop the ability to resist it, in... heavily infested by parasites These measures are generally best planned by the veterinary officer - 29 - 2 Pronounciation Infection infectious transmit transmission contagious Coccus Cocci rickettsia Parasites hereditary Morbidity mortality Epizootic enzootic sporadic Immunity Tolerance susceptibility Sanitation virulence microorganisms incidence outbreaks Antiseptics disinfectants Acetonemia Actinomycosis... characterized by purulent inflammation of the nasal mucosa, atrophy of the nasal conchae, and abnormal swelling and distortion of the face A disease primarily of pig but can occur in other secondary host species; caused by herpesvirus and characterized by respiratory, reproductive, and nervous signs Any of several highly variable diseases of domestic and wild birds that are caused by orthomyxoviruses and... characterized usually by respiratory symptoms but sometimes by gastrointestinal, integumentary, and urogenital symptoms — called also fowl plague Infection with or disease caused by babesias — called also babesiasis Acute food poisoning caused by botulinum toxin - 30 - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Brucellosis Classical swine fever Coccodiosis Colibacillosis Enzootic pneumoniae Erysipelas Foot and

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2016, 19:47



