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¿on camo/ eels 4
ỉ Ũ ISMART EDUCATION Hanoi Transforming Education
NAM HOC 2016 — 2017
Trang 2
unt 1 Whole numbers
Lesson 1 — Hundred thousands and millions
(: Essential question: What vocabulary terms will help you discuss the digit
You will
e Learn about the place value, face value, hundred thousands and millions
* Digits:0 1234567 8 thousands >> đ ` @ + 9 jĐ Ơ $ 5Š *% © xo # 3 8 % & Ỳ ¥ s $ =
» The place value of 5 is 5000000 * The face value of 5 is 5
* Standard form: 5892643
* Expanded form: 5000000 + 800000 + 90000 + 2000 + 600 + 40 +3 * Word form: five million, eight hundred ninety two thousand, six hundred
and forty three
What’s-the: big-idea?
¥_ The face value of each digit has a fixed value regardless of the place it
occupies |
v⁄_ |fanumber consists of more than one digit, then each digit has a value according to the place it occupies This value is called the place value
Trang 3
1 How can you describe these numbers? Complete the sentences
a The place value of 6 in 36000 is
b The number 1530000 has 5 ïn the 5-2 2 c5: place c The face value of 7 in 3470000 is
2 Write 1583018 in word form and expanded form
Word form: HÉkn TT KT HH KĐT K15 1H11 Expdnded ÍOrm: - ¿c1 2 22211211121 121E5211111111 115111511111 1x1 12 11 1e
3 Complete the place value table with suitable digits
M | Hth] 1th] Th | H | T | O
a Two hundred and four
b Three thousand and
c One million
*Note: M: Millions HTh: Hundred thousands
TTh: Ten thousands Th: Thousands H: Hundreds
T: Tens O: Ones
Y Talk and write about it
Complete the sentences
KĨ, TÍN maununaesacuuasoaaa.b value of each number has a fixed value
regardless of the place it occupies
L1 The value changes according to the digit’s place
Q In the number 1234567, the 1 is in the ccceceeeeeeeeees
Trang 4
Lesson 2: €omparisons
e Learn about whole numbers, comparisons, ascending order and descending order - AGG KeXfel Ul oh ay * Wholenumbers:0 1 3 14 59 102 195632 * Compare: 16 = 16( 16 is equal to 16) 15 > 13 (15 is greater than 13) 102 < 200 ( 102 is less than 200) oo [ Beauale |
Compare: Tell how amounts are the same or different
Numbers are said to be in ascending order when they are arranged from
the smallest to the largest
Numbers are said to be in descending order when they are arranged from the largest to the smallest
Trang 5
1 How can you compare these numbers? Complete the sentences
with words and symbols (<, =, >)
a 2 3 means that WO ϧ .s cà: three b 25> 1] meœns thot twenty-five is eleven
2 The table shows how mơny pop, rock and rap CDs were sold
| Type of CD Number sold i
Pop 1435066 Rock 1727921
Rap 2004370
Write the numbers in ascending order: sccecesy ceseesesesesesesey ceeeeeseseeeeeees
3 Abel bought 12 apples, Barbara bought 36 apples, Amelia bought 24 apples and Aurora bought 6 apples Which of the following statements is
Aurora bought a greater number of apples than Abel
Barbara bought a greater number of apples than Amelia
Amelia bought a less number of apples than Aurora
Barbara bought a less number of apples than Abel
o Talk and write about it
Complete the sentences
Q Numbers are said to be in when they are arranged from the smallest to the largest
Q Numbers are said to be in descending order when they are arranged from
Trang 6
Revision for Unit 1
1 The numbers in the map are the populations of some cities in the US Write each population in the place value chart
Hundred Ten Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Ones thousands | thousands
2 Use the given words to complete the sentences
thousands _ digits word
a The number 7ó49 has Íour
c “Three hundred thirty-two thousand, nine hundred sixty-nine” is the Ko nộ form for the number 332969
Trang 7
3 A teacher used symbols to compare numbers, as shown below:
99 >75>50>25
| Which of the following statements is the correct comparison in words?
A Ninety-nine is less than the other numbers
B All numbers are equal to one another
C Ninety-nine is greater than the other numbers D Twenty-five is greater than the other numbers
A Morgan had 96 game cards, Jack had 53 and Abel had 75 Which expression best describes the comparison between the numbers?
A 96 > 53> 75 B.75>96>53 C.96>75 > 53 Answer:
5 Write the given words in numbers One example has been done for you
a Four hundred and five thousand: 405000
b Six million, seven hundred and two: cccecceeeeeececeeeeees
c Three hundred twenty-six thousand, one hundred and three:
Trang 8Lesson | — Weight weight? You will
e Learn about weight
Essential question: What vocabulary terms will help you discuss units of
© Convert between weight units
£ Vocqabulary 20g 10g 5g es Gram (g) Quintal Pan balance Kilogram (kg) Electronic balance /
Table of Weight Units
ton quintal kilogram
Trang 9VOP> N OOF & VAP> Practice!
'o Elizabeth:is sion in dinoffice: She handles a humbeitaf files Which
_50 kg
gin weigh úp to 10kg Whieh'öf he followin
estimation will be reasonable for the weight of an empty file?
900 g 20 kg
John carries a bag of vegetables, as shown below Which estimation of the weight that John carries is reasonable?
80g oe
3kg, rg anf)
100kg ”
Albert fills his backpack and waits to — weigh it He puts it on a scale which
is the weight of the backpack?
Trang 10
: 4 Calculate
TZTONS eas veemenae weens nme annnnnnn quintals 3 quintals= -2209W/ 10H kg
T quintal + BQQ0g= wis ss sass wan bane kg Dee ssa excts ote T1! TT g
| 5 Estimate the weight of an apple
| A 5g B 50g C.5000g | D 50000g
6 Mai is 9 years old What is an approximate
estimation of her weight?
&/ Talk and write about it
Complete the sentences
"âm is equal to 100 kilograms
H 1060 lhiogrems ïsenuol lo Ï as aise cas tees oe ne
L1 Gram œnd kilogram ore the unifs oŸ -
Trang 11LESSON 1 Revision for the respiratory system
Exercise 1: Match the pictures to the right words
4 TAY xygen
| ⁄
Lo ` Na
Exercise 2: Answer the questions below
Ỉ - How many noses do you have? TL have 0ne.nase Nà 1S 8935E4135430142513E48
- Do you need oxygen?
Yes.,d nsed oxysyen —==
- Do your eyes belong to the respiratory system?
Nc.„.LE dosen.E., -ec
- Name some parts of the respiratory system
Trang 12LEssoN 2 Revision for the circulatory system
Exercise 1: Unscramble the letters to make the correct words
Exercise 2: Circle the parts which do NOT belong to the circulatory system
Nose Windpipe Heart Veins af
Blood Oxygen Lungs Arteries
Trang 13
LESSON 3 Revision for the excretory system
0 2 «}< `
1 A Kidneys B Ureter C Bladder
2 A Heart B Ureter C Urethra
3 A Windpipe B Ureter C Bladder
| 4 A Bladder B Nose C Kidneys
5 A Veins B Kidneys C Urethra
Exercise 2: Circle 4 words which are of the excretory system
Exercise 1: Circle the word which doesn’t belong to the excretory system
Trang 14Ỉ
LESSON 4 Revision for the nervous system
Exercise 1: Label the parts of the nervous system
Exercise 2: Put the words into the correct columns
Nose Oxygen Heart Blood Brain
Kidneys Spinal cord Arteries Bladder Veins
Windpipe Ureters Urethra
Respiratory Circulatory Excretory Nervous
Trang 15LESSON 1 Food groups
Big question: How are foods sorted into groups?
You will
e Categorize foods into groups
¿- Vocabulqry
Vitamins and Minerals
* We need to eat food to stay alive
° Foods in ‘proteins’ group help you grow properly They are body building foods
* Foods in ‘vitamins and minerals’ group keep you healthy They are
protective foods
Trang 16i Practice!
Exercise 1: Write down the names of two foods in the following categories
ai” Body DuIdING TOOdS: š sessseseisnsensininndtiotinetoilrdioltilollSSAEVISECGDAEESEEMSSRSUSeE
b Energy giving T00dS ? sissies aemmmnnnnmnmenmecmmnenmnnennseneras GC; ProtectiVe TOOUS 1sansssearnsntresaeseasnosnanitiisdiiilsliSvEAAES0EESASHAASUSSOGSSE1AAEESSSEE
Exercise 2: Unscramble the letters to make the right words
QOFD DYRAMIP - DOFO GORUPS — = wsissessssenrersisrecveesesesees PRETOINS Hpesesuensevennsencanserersestans CGABROTHDARYES @siessicvssssivecaveveranesey
Exercise 3: Answer the following questions
1 Why do you need to eat food?
COU cues mas ci
2 Talk and write about it
H Fưðđ8 Iđ săxezzsszs group help yoy grow properly They are foods
LÌ Foodsin and group keep you healthy