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GA 10NC-Unit 1-3

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UNIT 1: SCHOOL TALKS Period 3: (LISTENING) Time: 45 minutes Date of preparation: 5.9.2006 Date of teaching: 8.9.2006 I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : 1. Educational aim: To help the pupils listen and understand what Mr. Ba says about his school days in the past. From that, pupils themselves can recollect and tell about their school days in Elementary or Lower Secondary Schools. 2. Language: - Language function: Talking about school activities. - Vocabulary: Recite, left-handed, oversleep, strict, hit. - Structures: Review of the simple past tense. 3. Skills: Listening. II. METHOD: integrated, mainly commmunicative. III. TECHNIQUES: Gap-filling, True-False, Question-Answer. IV. TEACHING AIDS NEEDED: Textbook, tape, cassette player. V. PROCEDURE: Teaching steps and time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Stabilization:(2’) II. Presentation of the new material: (40’) -Checks absence … WARMER: (5’) PRE – LISTENING: (10’) -Tell the pupils the aim of exercise a: to learn some new words appearing in the listening text. -Teaches the words: + Recite (v) : to retell, tell again. + Oversleep (v) (overslept – overslept) : to sleep longer or later than one intened. Eg. I overslept and was late for work. + Left-handed (adj) : (Example) I write with my left hand. I hold chopsticks with my left hand… So I am a left-handed person. + Strict (adj) : (Example) If we are late for class, my teacher will not allow us to go into the clas. When we don’t prepare lessons, he will punish us …He is really strict. + Hit (v) : (Action) -Asks the pupils to work in pairs to fill in the -The monitor answers. -Listen. -Copy down the words, their meanings. -Work in pairs to do the gaps with the words provided. -Asks some pupils to give the result. -Feedback. -Answer keys: 1. strict 2. overslept 3. hits 4. village school 5. left-handed 5. recite WHILE – LISTENING: (17’) * Exercise b: -Introduces the situation. -Instructs the pupils to do the exercise. -Plays the tape twice and lets the pupils to decide which statements are true and which statements are false. -Asks the pupils to work in pairs to compare the results. -Asks some pupils to stand up and give the result to the class. -Feedback. -Answer keys: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F -Listening Script: Nam : When did you start school, granddad? Mr. Ba: Well, … er … I was born in 1936 and I started school when I was six. It was just a village school with only five rooms. I stayed there till I was eleven. Then I transferred to a bigger school in town. Nam : And what can you remember about your first school days? Mr. Ba: (laughs) In the beginning, I was terrified because, you know, I am left-handed and my teachers made me write with my right hand. All of them were kind but very strict. They hit me on the fingers when I wrote with my left hand. Nam : And when you were eleven, you studied in town. Was it far from your home? Mr. Ba:Well, about 4 km. Every day I had to get up very early and walk to school because there was no transportation. exercise. -The pupils on duty give the result. -Listen. -Copy down the answer keys. -Listen. -Listen. -Listen and do the exercise. -Work in pairs to compare the results. -The pupils on duty give the result to the class. -Listen. -Copy down the keys. 2 III.Homework: (3’) I didn’t get a bike till I was eighteen. However, I was never late for school except one day when I overslept and arrived at school 15 minutes late. Nam : Were you punished by your teachers? Mr. Ba: Certainly. I was asked to write one hundred times the sentences: “I must leave home early. I must not arrive late.” But I was never hit, never. Nam : And did you have to do much homework? Mr. Ba: Homework? I don’t remember any homework. I just learned my lessons at home and recited them in class. The teachers never thought of it. Nam : So were your school days the happy days in your life? Mr. Ba: Yes, I think so. * Exercise c: -Tells the pupils the aim of the exercise. -Instructs the pupils to do the exercise. -Plays the tape twice and lets the pupils to find the answers to the questions. -Asks the pupils to work in pairs to compare the results. -Asks some pupils to stand up and give the result to the class. -Feedback. -Answer keys: 1. He was six. 2. Because his teachers hit him on the fingers (when he wrote with his left hand). 3. On foot. 4. Because he was late for school. 5. By writing 100 times the sentences: “I must leave home early. I must not arrive late.” POST – LISTENING: (8’) -Asks the pupils to work in groups of 3 to tell about a memory about school that they remember most. -Asks two or three pupils to stand up and speak to the class. -Asks the pupils to learn the new words , prepare SPEAKING. -Listen. -Listen. -Listen and do the exercise. -Work in pairs to compare the results. -The pupils on duty give the result to the class. -Listen. -Copy down the keys. -Work in groups of 3 and speak. -The pupils on duty speak to the class. -Listen and keep in mind. 3 V. Self - evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 . Listening. II. METHOD: integrated, mainly commmunicative. III. TECHNIQUES: Gap-filling, True-False, Question-Answer. IV. TEACHING AIDS NEEDED: Textbook,. in the listening text. -Teaches the words: + Recite (v) : to retell, tell again. + Oversleep (v) (overslept – overslept) : to sleep longer or later than

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2013, 01:27

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