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LÝ THUY ẾT NG ỮPHÁP ÔN THI T Ố T NGHI ỆP Bài 1: CÁCH DÙNG CÁC THÌ * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PRESENT VÀ THÌ PRESENT CONTINUOUS * SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ SIMPLE PAST * SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT * SO SÁNH THÌ PAST PERFECT VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE FUTURE VÀ THÌ FUTURE CONTINUOUS * SO SÁNH THÌ FUTURE PERFECT VÀ THÌ FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS BÀI CÂU ĐI ỀU KI ỆN * Type I: ĐI ỀU KI ỆN CÓ TH ỂX Ả Y RA Đ Ư Ợ C (probable condition) * Type II: ĐI ỀU KI ỆN KHÔNG CÓ TH Ậ T Ở HI ỆN T Ạ I (Present- unreal Con) * Type III: ĐI ỀU KI ỆN KHÔNG CÓ TH Ậ T Ở TRONG QUÁ KH Ứ (Past-unreal Condition) Bài 3: TH ỂTH ỤĐ Ộ NG Bài M ỆNH Đ Ề QUAN H Ệ8 BÀI 5: CÂU T Ư Ờ N G THU Ậ T 10 A Câu phát bi ểu (statements in reported speech) 10 B CÂU H Ỏ I (Questions in reported speech) 11 C CÂU M ỆNH L ỆNH (Commands in reported speech) 11 Bài 6: DANH Đ Ộ N G T Ừ& Đ Ộ N G T ỪNGUYÊN M Ẫ U 12 A DANH Đ Ộ NG T Ừ : (Gerund) 12 B Đ Ộ N G T ỪNGUYÊN M Ẫ U: (Infinitive) 13 C Đ Ộ N G T ỪNGUYÊN M Ẫ U KHÔNG “TO” (Bare Infinitive) 14 Bài 7: CÁC HÌNH TH Ứ C NH Ấ N MẠ NH 15 A NH Ấ N MẠ NH Đ Ộ NG T Ừ 15 B NH Ấ N MẠ NH NH Ấ N MẠ NH M Ộ T T Ừ , MỘ T CỤ M T Ừ , M Ộ T M ỆNH Đ Ề À 15 C NH Ấ N MẠ NH B Ằ NG CÁCH Đ Ả O NG Ữ (Inversion of subject and verb) 15 Bài 8: M ỆNH Đ Ề SAU WISH 16 A Present wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past simple 16 B Past wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past perfect 16 C Future wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + could / would + verb 16 Bài 9: M Ộ T VÀI C Ấ U TRÚC THÔNG D Ụ NG 16 Bài 10: CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P T Ừ19 [A]: CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P TÍNH T ỪĐ Ơ N (Formation of simple adjectives) 19 [B]: CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P TÍNH T ỪKÉP (formation of compound adjectives) 19 [C]: CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P DANH T Ừ (Formation of simple nouns) 19 [D]: CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P DANH T ỪKÉP 20 CÁCH THÀNH L Ậ P Đ Ộ N G T Ừ 20 Bài 11: S ỰHÒA H Ợ P GI Ữ A CH ỦT Ừ& Đ Ộ N G T Ừ20 [1]: Hai hay nhi ều ch ủt ừs ốít đ ợ c n ối b ởi liên t ừAND đò i h ỏi M Ộ T đ ộ n g t ừs ốnhi ề u 20 [2]: Hai ch ủt ừđ ợ c n ối v ới b ằng AND mà tr c ùc ch ủt ừđ ầ u có EACH, EVERY, MANYA, NO đ ộ n g t ừph ải s ốít 21 [3]: Khi hai ch ủt ừđ ợ c n ối b ởi OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR… đ ộ n g t ừHÒA H Ợ P v ới ch ủt ừg ần nh ất 21 [4]: Khi hai ch ủt ừđ ợ n ối b ởi AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH đ ộ n g t ừHÒA H Ợ P v ới ch ủ t ừth ứnh ất 21 [5]: M Ộ T danh t ừt ập h ợp (collective noun) c ần m ột đ ộ n g t ừs ốnhi ều ta ng ụý nói t ới t ừng cá nhân t ạo nên t ập h ợp ; nh ưng đ ộ n g t ừv ẫn s ốít ta ng ụý nói chung, coi c ảt ậ p h ợp nh ưm ộ t đơn v ị 21 [6]: Khi ch ủt ừlà danh t ừcó hình th ức s ốnhi ều nh ưng ngh ĩa l ại s ốít đ ộ n g t ừchia s ốít 21 [7]: Khi ch ủt ừlà danh t ừch ỉ tr ọng l ợ n g, đo l n g, giá c ảhay giá ti ền đ ợ c coi s ốít, đ ộ ng t theo sau c ũng s ốít 21 [8]: Khi ch ủt ừlà đại t ừb ất định nh ư: everyone, something, nobody…thì độn g t ừtheo sau ph ải s ố 21 [9]: Trong câu b đầu b ằng THERE độn g t ừhòa h ợp v ới ch ủt ừtheo sau 22 [10]: Độn g t ừcó ch ủt ừlà đại t ừquan h ệthì ph ải hòa h ợp s ốv ới ti ền v ị t ừc ủ a đại t 22 Bài 12: GI Ớ I T Ừ22 [A]: M Ộ T s ốgi ới t ừch ỉ th ời gian thông d ụ ng (Some common prepositions of time) 22 [B]: M Ộ T VÀI gi ới t ừch ỉ v ị trí thông d ụng (Some common prepositions of position) 23 [C]: Gi ới t ừtheo sau tính t ừ: (Prepositions following Adjectives.) 23 Bài 13: CÁCH BI ẾN ĐỔI CÂU 25 Bài 1: CÁCH DÙNG CÁC THÌ (THE USE OF TENSES) * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PRESENT VÀ THÌ PRESENT CONTINUOUS * Thì Simple Present dùng để ch ỉ m ột hành độn g di ễn th ời gian nói chung, không nh ấ t thi ết ph ải th ời gian hi ện t ại Th ời gian nói chung th ời gian mà s ựvi ệ c di ễ n m ỗ i ngày (every day), m ỗi tu ần (every week), m ỗi tháng (every month), m ỗi n ăm (every year), m ỗi mùa (every spring / summer / autumn / winter)… - He goes to school every day - Mrs Brown travels every summer * Thì Present Continuous dùng để ch ỉ m ột hành độn g đa ng x ảy (a current activity) hay m ộ t s ựvi ệc đa ng làm bây gi ờ(now/ at present/ at this moment), hôm (today), tu ầ n (this week), n ăm (this year)… - We are learning English now - Mary is playing the piano at the moment Hãy so sánh: - I work in a bakery every day - I’m working in a bakery this week * CHÚ Ý: (1) + Thì Simple Present th ườ n g dùng v ới độn g t ừch ỉ tri giác (verbs of perception) nh ư: feel, see, hear… độn g t ừch ỉ tr ạng thái nh ư: know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe… + Ng ồi dùng Simple Present v ới độn g t ừ: be, appear, belong, have to… + Thì Simple Present dùng v ới tr ạnïng t ừch ỉ t ần su ất l ặp l ặp l ại (adverbs of frequency) nh ư: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally, rarely, never… - That child needs care - This book belongs to me - He never comes late + Chúng ta c ũng dùng Simple Present để ch ỉ m ột chân lý hay m ột s ựth ật hi ển nhiên (a general truth) - The sun rises in the east - Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom (2) Thì Present Continuous dùng để ch ỉ hành độn g m ột t ươ n g lai g ần (a near future action) th ườ n g v ới tr ạng t ừch ỉ t ươ n g lai nh ư: tomorrow, nextweek, next month, next year, next summer… * SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ SIMPLE PAST * Thì Present perfect (Hi ện T ại H ồn Thành) dùng để ch ỉ m ột kh ứkhông rõ th ời ểm liên l ạc v ới hi ện t ại * Thì Simple Past (Quá Kh ứĐơn ) dùng để ch ỉ m ột kh ứcó th ời ểm rõ r ệt c đứt v ới hi ện t ại + CHÚ Ý: (1) Thì Present Perfect th ườ n g v ới nh ững t ừnh ư: up to now, up to the present, so far (cho t ới nay), not … yet (v ẫn ch ưa), for, since, ever ( đ ã t ừng), never, several times (nhi ề u lầ n), just (v a), recently (v ừa m ới), lately (m ới đâ y) - Have you ever seen a tiger? - The train has not arrived yet - We have lived here for years - The bell has just rung (2) * Thì Simple Past thườ ng v ới tiếng th ời gian kh ứ xác định như: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last summer, ago - We came here a month ago - He went to the cinema yesterday * Thì Simple Past dùng để chuỗi hành động xảy khứ - He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out * SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hồn Thành) dùng để kết moat tình trạng (the result of the present state), việc xảy kh ứ không rõ th ời điểm, lập lập lại nhiều lần kéo dài đến + Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hiện Tại Hồn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để s ự tiếp diễn hành động (the continuity of an action) cho t ới - I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet - He has been living here since 1975 - We have been working in the garden all morning + Thì Present Perfect Continuous dùng v ới động t nh ư: lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay… - They have been learning English since 1995 - The chair has been lying in the store window for ages * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy khứ - I met him in the street yesterday + Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) dùng để hành động kéo dài kh ứ tươ ng ứng với hành động khác kh ứ - I met him while he was crossing the street - She was going home when she saw an accident + Thì Past Continuous diễn tả hành động kéo dài điểm th ời gian xác định kh ứ hai hành động liên tiếp song song v ới - My father was watching TV at o’clock last night - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT + Thì Past Perfect (Quá Khứ Hồn Thành) dùng để hành động xảy trước hành động khác khứ (past action) - When he had finished his work, he went home - By the time I arrived at the station, the train had gone + Thì Past Perfect diễn tả hành động xảy trướ c điểm thời gian xác định kh ứ - By 10 o’clock last night, I had gone to bed * SO SÁNH THÌ PAST PERFECT VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Past Perfect Continuous (Quá Khứ Hồn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động trướ c hành động khứ khác xảy Hãy so sánh: - She had been studying English before she came here for classes (Hành động had been studying xảy liên tục cho t ới hành động came for classes xảy ra) - She had studied English before she came for classes (Hành động had studied chấm dứt trướ c hành động came for classes) Và so sánh: - It had been raining when I got up this morning (M ưa d ứt th ức dậy.) - It was raining when I got up this morning (M ưa th ức dậy.) * SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE FUTURE VÀ THÌ FUTURE CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Future (Tươ ng Lai Đơn) diễn tả hành động xảy (có th ời gian xác định tươ ng lai); Future Continuous (T ương Lai Tiếp Diễn) diễn tả hành động liên tiến điểm thời gian xác định tươ ng lai - He will go to the stadium next Sunday - We will / shall have the final test Hãy so sánh: - I will eat breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc gi sáng mai, bắt đầu dùng b ữa điểm tâm.) - I will be eating breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc gi sáng mai, dùng b ữa điểm tâm.) + Trong mệnh đề trạng từ th ời gian (adverb clause of time) hay mệnh đề điều kiện (adverb clause of condition), Simple Present dùng để thay cho Simple Future - I shall not go until I see him - If he comes tomorrow, he will it + Chú ý: WILL dùng cho tất * SO SÁNH THÌ FUTURE PERFECT VÀ THÌ FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Future Perfect (Tươ ng Lai Hồn Thành) dùng để hành động hồn thành tr ước hành động khác tươ ng lai hay điểm th ời gian t ương lai - The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing - By next Christmas, he will have lived in Dalat for years + Để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động, dùng Future Perfect Continuous (Tươ ng Lai Hồn Thành Tiếp Diễn) - By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling through Russia - By next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years BÀI CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN (Conditional Sentence) Một câu điều kiện có hai mệnh đề: mệnh đề điều kiện (tức mệnh đề phụ) gọi mệnh đề có if (If-clause) mệnh đề kết gọi mệnh đề (main clause) - If he works harder, he will succeed in his examination (if-clause) (main clause) * Type I: ĐIỀU KI ỆN CÓ THỂ XẢY RA ĐƯỢC (probable condition) 1/ Ý nghĩa: Loại điều kiện dùng để diễn tả việc xảy xảy tươ ng lai; có nhiều hy vọng xảy 2/ Thì củûa độäng từ: If- clause Main clause Simple present Simple future (shall / will + verb) - If the rain stops, we shall go for a walk - He will come if you call him * Ngồi dùng khiếm khuyết động từ nh ư: CAN, MUST, MAY … để thay cho shall will mệnh đề - If you ask me, I can help you - You must study harder if you want to pass the coming exam * Mệnh đề mệnh lệnh thỉnh cầu: - Come to me if you need help - If you have time, perfect your English * Type II: ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở HIỆN TẠI (Present- unreal Con) 1/ Ý nghĩa: Loại điều kiện diễn tả điều kiện khó xảy hay s ự việc không th ực tươ ng lai 2/ Thì củûa độäng từ: If-clause Main clause Past Subjunctive Present Conditional (Quá khứ giả định) ( Should / would + verb) - If I had a lot of free time, I would go swimming I haven’t got free time, so I won’t go swimming) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - If Tom were here, he would know the answer Tom isn’t here, so he doesn’t know the answer.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - I would call him if I knew his number I don’t know his number, so I won’t call him) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile * Quá khứ giả định hình thức khứ đơn động từ ngoại trừ động từ “to be” có hình thức WERE cho tất * COULD, MIGHT… dùng để thay cho should hay would - If John worked hard, he could pass his exam * Type III: ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở TRONG QUÁ KHỨ (Past-unreal Condition) 1/ Ý nghĩa: Loại điều kiện dùng để diễn tả điều kiện hồn tồn không thực không xảy khứ 2/ Thì động từ: If-clause Main clause Past perfect Perfect Conditional (Should/ would have + past participle) - If he had had a lot of money, he would have bought a bigger house - I would have taken you to the movie if you had come to see me yesterday * “If” lượ c bỏ có đảo ngữ (thườ ng dùng hình th ức nhấn mạnh) - Were I rich, I would help you If I were rich, I would help you.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - Had he known the truth, he would have been very angry If he had known the truth, he would have been very angry) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile * Ngồi liên từ “if” ra, câu điều kiện bắt đầu liên từ khác nh ư: suppose, supposing that (giả sử như), on the condition that (v ới điều kiện là), as long as, so long as, provided that (miễn là), in case (trong trườ ng h ợp) , even if ( cho là) - As long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with pleasure * Hai tiếng có nghĩa phủ định: unless (trừ phi), but for (nếu không) - He won’t come unless you call him He won’t come if you don’t call him.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - But for the storm, he would have arrived much earlier Bài 3: THỂ THỤ ĐỘNG (THE PASSIVE VOICE) * Thể chủ động (active voice) cách đặt câu mà chủ từ đóng vai trò chủ động - Mr Brown wrote the report yesterday - He has already finished his homework * Thể thụ động (passive voice) cách đặt câu mà chủ t đóng vai trò bị động - That house was built 100 years ago - Those windows are painted blue Passive sentence: S + be + past participle 1/ Hãy quan sát ví dụ sau: * Active: Tom broke the chair yesterday SVO * Passive: The chair was broken by Tom yesterday S be + P.P by doer 2/ Ghi nhớ:ù: Cách đổi câu từ active sang passive: * Lấy túc từ (O) câu chủ động xuống làm chủ từ (S) câu thụ động * Nhận xét xem động từ chia câu chủ động nào, ta chia TO BE viết động từ dạng khứ phân từ (p.p) * Lấy chủ từ (S) câu chủ động xuống làm doer câu thụ động, nh viết BY đằng trướ c * Trạng từ giữ nguyên không đổi thườ ng đặt cuối câu (nếu trạng t thời gian) 3/ Một vài ví dụ khác: + (a) simple present: [Subject+ am / is / are + P.P ] - Mr.Green teaches history History is taught by Mr.Green + (b) present perfect: [ S + has / have + been + p.p ] - He has just done his homework His homework has just been done by him + (c) present continuous: [ S + am / is / are / + being + p.p] - She is cleaning the windows The windows are being cleaned by her + (d) simple past: [ S + was / were + p.p] - The boss sacked ten workers Ten workers were sacked by the boss + (e) past perfect: [ S + had been + p.p] - Mary had written the letter The letter had been written by Mary + (f) Past continuous: [ S + was / were + being + p.p] - The police were questioning Tom Tom was being questioned by the police + (g) simple future: [ S + will / shall + be + p.p] - John will deliver the letter The letter will be delivered by John + (h) Modal verbs: [ S + must / can / may … + be + p.p] - He must it right now It must be done by him right now + (i) special structures: [ S + is / are going to + be + p.p] - The engineers are going to build the bridge The bridge is going to be built by the engineers (… áp dụng với cấu trúc khác như: have to, had to, used to, ought to …) + (j) objects: - They gave me a present yesterday I was given a present yesterday(by them) A present was given to me yesterday(by them) (Nếu sau BY them / people / someone / somebody…ta bỏ đi) + (k) perception verb with bare infinitive: [ S + be – p.p + to inf ] - I never hear him shout at his children He is never heard to shout at his children + (l) perception verb with present partciple: [ S + be – p.p + V-ing ] - I saw the boy coming into the room The boy was seen coming into the room + (m) With ‘make’: [ S + be – made + to inf ] - They made me it I was made to it + (n) With ‘let’: [ S + be – let + bare inf ] - They let him it He was let it + (o) With ‘begin or start’: [ S + begin / start + to be + p.p ] - They began to build the house in 1980 The house began to be built in 1980 + (p) With “say, report, rumour…’: - People say that prevention is better than cure It is said that prevention is better than cure Prevention is said to be better than cure (…cách đổi áp dụng cho động từ như: SAY, REPORT, THINK, BELIEVE, RUMOUR…) + (q) câu mệnh lệnh: [ Let + O + be – p.p ] - Open the door, please Let the door be opened, please Bài MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ (RELATIVE CLAUSES) Mệnh đề quan hệ mệnh đề bắt đầu đại từ quan hệ (relative pronouns) như: who, whom, which, whose, that - The man who met me at the airport gave me the money Trong câu trên, mệnh đề “who met me at the airport” mệnh đề quan hệ “who” đại t quan hệ dùng để thay tiền vị từ (antecedent) “the man” mệnh đề lại “The man gave me the money” mệnh đề 1/ Hãy xem ví dụ: - The man gave me the money He met me at the airport The man who met me at the airport gave me the money - This is the man We saw him at the party yesreday This is the man whom we saw at the party yesterday - The pencil belongs to me It is in your pocket The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me - The car is very expensive He bought it The car which he bought is very expensive - There is the man His wallet was stolen There is the man whose wallet was stolen - The tree should be cut down The branches of the tree are dead The tree whose branches are dead should be cut down 2/ Cách dùng đại từ quan hệä: Chủ từ (subject) Túc từ (object) S hữu (possessive) For people (Chỉ ngườ i) Who / that / whom / who / that / whose For things, animals (chỉ vật, thú vật) Which / that / which / that / whose Thông thườ ng ta dùng that để thay cho who, whom which - The man that met me at the airport gave me the money - This is the man that we saw at the party yesterday - The pencil that is in your pocket belongs to me - The car that he bought is very expensive 3/ Phân loại: Ta cần phân biệt mệnh đề quan hệ làm hai loại: mệnh đề xác định (defining relative clause) mệnh đề không xác định (non-defining relative clause): (*) Defining clause:(hoặc Restrictive clause) - The man who met me at the airport gave me the money Ta gọi mệnh đề who met me at the airport mệnh đề quan hệ xác định cần thiết để định nghĩa giải thích cho tiền vị từ the man Nếu nó, t the man m hồ ta ngườ i đàn ông - The book (which / that) you lent me is very interesting - The man (whom / that) you met yesterday is coming to my house for dinner (*) Non-defining clause: (hoặc Non-restrictive clause) - Shakespeare, who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”, died in 1616 Ta gọi mệnh đề who wrote “Romeo and Juliet” mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định bổ túc thêm nghĩa cho tiền vị từ Shakespeare nên dù có bỏ mệnh đề nghĩa câu văn rõ ràng Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định thường ngăn cách b ởi dấu phẩy (trước sau mệnh đề) không dùng that để thay cho who, whom hay which - My brother Jack, who came here last night, is an engineer - That house, which was built a few months ago, doesn’t look modern - Vietnam, which lies in Southeast Asia, is rich in coal Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định dùng tiền vị từ tiếng xác định: th ườ ng danh t riêng ngườ i hay địa danh (Mr Brown, Vietnam…), danh t v ới tính t định (this, that…) hay tính từ s hữu (my, his, her, their…) ta tự qui định lấy - A man, who said he knew my father, asked me for money 4/ where, when why mệnh đề quan hệ: - That is the village in which I used to live That is the village where I used to live - Sunday is the day on which most people rest Sunday is the day when most people rest - There must be a reason for which you said that There must be a reason why you said that In (on / at) which - (place) where On (in / at) which -(time) when For which (reason) why Where when dùng để gi ới thiệu mệnh đề xác định mệnh đề không xác định - We visited the town where I was born.(defining) - I bought them at the supermarket, where I met Mrs.Brown.(non-defining) - I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris.(non-defining) - I think that was the time when I lost all my money.(defining) Why thườ ng dùng mệnh đề xác định thườ ng theo sau a reason hay the reason - That is the reason why I didn’t come to the party yesterday Where, when why gọi trạnïng từ quan hệ (relative adverbs) BÀI 5: CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT REPORTED SPEECH Có hai cách thuật lại l ời ngườ i khác noiù: cách trực tiếp cách gián tiếp Trong câu trực tiếp (direct speech), ta nhắc lại nguyên văn l ời ng ười nói - He said: “I have lost my pen.” Trong câu giánùn tiếpáp (indrect speech) hay câu t ườn ng thuậtät (reported speech), ta diễn tả t tưở ng câu ngườ i khác nói mà không cần lập lại nguyên văn câu nói họ - He said that he had lost his pen A Câu phát biểu (statements in reported speech) 1/ Ví dụ: - He said: “ I have lost my pen this morning.” He said that he had lost his pen that morning - She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.” She told him that she would go with him the next day 2/ Ghi nhớ: muốn đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta phải: + Giữ nguyên đxộng từ gi ới thiệu said đổi said to thành told có túc từ + Bỏ dấu hai chấm (:) ngoặc kép (“…”) thêm liên t that + Thay đổi đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ s hữu… theo qui tắc sau: Ngôi th ứ đổi thành thứ chủ từ mệnh đề Ngôi thứ đổi thành th ứ túc t Ngôi thứ giữ nguyên không đổi + Thay đổi động từ câu trực tiếp cách cho lùi kh ứ bậc Cụ thể sau: Direct speech Reported speech - simple present - simple past - present continuous - past continuous - present perfect - past perfect - simple past - past perfect - past continuous - past perfect continuous - present perfect cont - past perfect continuous - simple future - present conditional (should/would) - past perfect - unchanged (không đổi) - perfect conditional - unchanged + Thay đổi số từ thời gian n chốn - now - then - today / tonight - that day / that night - tomorrow - the following day / the next day - yesterday - the previous day / the day before - next week / month… - the following week / month… - last week /month… - the week before /the month before… - the day before yesterday - two days before - the day after tomorrow - in two days’ time - ago - before - tomorrow morning - the following morning - last Tuesday - the Tuesday before - right now - at once - here - there - this / these - that / those - He said: “ I’ll come here to take this book.” He said that he would come there to take that book - They said to us: “You must this work right now.” They told us that we had to that work at once Chú ý: * Khi câu trực tiếp biểu thị tập quán, thật hay chân lý đổi sang câu gián tiếp động từ không thay đổi - The lecturer said: “The earth moves round the sun.” The lecturer said that the earth moves round the sun - The teacher said to them: “The Second World War ended in 1945.” The teacher told them that the Second World War ended in 1945 * Khi câu động từ giới thiệu đơn, động từ câu gián tiếp không đổi từ th ời gian n chốn giữ nguyên - The doctor says to her: “You will have to stay here until tomorrow.” The doctor tells her that she will have to stay here until tomorrow B CÂU HỎI (Questions in reported speech) 1/ Ví dụ: - She said to me: “Do you like swimming?” She asked me if I liked swimming - Tom said: “Has she finished her home work?” Tom wanted to know if she had finished her homework - He asked me: “Why did you come home so late last night?” He asked me why I had come home so late the night before - Mary said: “ What’s he doing now?” Mary wondered what he was doing then 2/ Ghi nhớ: + Đổi said thành asked (có không túc t theo sau), wondered hay wanted to know (không có túc từ) + Bỏ dấu hai chấm (:), dấu ngoặc kép (“…”) dấu chấm hỏi (?) gi ữ lại questionword (nh what, where, how…) câu hỏi nội dung (Wh-questions) thêm if (hay whether) câu hỏi có hay không (Yes-no questions) C CÂU MỆNH LỆNH (Commands in reported speech) 1/ Ví dụ: - The teacher said: “Go to the blackboard, John.” The teacher told John to go to the blackboard - He said to them: “Don’t be late tomorrow.” He told them not to be late the next day 2/ Ghi nhớ: + Đổi said hay said to thành told hay asked buộc phải có túc t theo sau + Dùng to để thay cho dấu hai chấm ngoặc kép câu mệnh lệnh xác định dùng not to câu mệnh lệnh phủ định Tóm tắt câu gián tiếp (reported speech) Statements (Câu phát biểu) * S + said + (that) + clause * S + told + O + (that) + clause Commands (Câu mệnh lệnh) * S + told + O + to infinitive * S + told + O + not + to infinitive Wh-questions (Câu hỏi nội dung) * S + asked + (O) + wh-… + clause * S + wondered + wh-… + clause * S + wanted to know + wh-… + clause Yes-no questions (Câu hỏi có không) * S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause * S + wondered + if /whether + clause * S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause Bài 6: DANH ĐỘNG TỪ & ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU ( GERUNDS & INFINITIVES) A DANH ĐỘNG TỪ: (Gerund) Danh động từ có cấu trúc giống phân từ ( tức động từ thêm ING): talking, learning, cutting, lying… Danh động từ, tên gọi, động từ dùng danh từ Danh động từ chủ yếu đứng vị trí, thực chức năng, danh từ câu Nó th ườ ng được: 1/ Dùng làm chủ từ: (subject) - Swimming is good for our health - Being friendly will bring you friends 2/ Dùng làm túc từ cho động từ: (object of a verb) - These boys like swimming - My brother practises speaking English every day 3/ Dùng làm bổ ngữ cho chủ từ: (subject complement) - My hobby is swimming - Seeing is believing 4/ Dùng làm túc từ cho gi ới từ: (object of a preposition) - He is fond of swimming - She is interested in learning English 5/ Dùng câu ngăn cấm ngắn (short prohibition) để thành lập danh t kép (compound noun) - No smoking - No talking, please - a swimming pool - a dining room - a washing machine 6/ Dùng sau tính từ s hữu: - Please forgive my coming late - His driving carelessly often causes accidents 7/ Dùng sau số động từ số cách diễn Dùng MỘT độngMỘT cách diễn đạt định như: admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise, postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, be worth, be busy, it’s no use, there’s no… - We enjoy listening to music - I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes B ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU: (Infinitive) Động từ nguyên mẫu thường có gi ới từ to đứng trước (to do, to learn, to help, to advise…) dùng trườ ng h ợp sau: 1/ Làm chủ từ (subject), túc từ (object) bổ ng ữ (complement) câu: - To conceal the truth from her was foolish - He wanted to become a spaceman - What he asked for is to be left alone 2/ làm tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ: - He was the first man to leave the room - English is an important language to master 3/ làm trạng từ diễn tả nội dung sau: * Mục đích hành động - He went to the station to meet her - He bought a dictionary to study English * Kết quả, hậu (sau TOO +Adj / Adv) - She is too tired to go for a walk - The box was too heavy for her to carry * Hiệu (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH) - I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box - He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi 4/ Dùng sau số động từ định như: afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like… - They promised to come back soon - He can’t afford to take a taxi …và Dùng sau MỘT số động từ có túc từ (verb + obj + to inf) nh ư: advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, teach, tell, want, warn… - They don’t allow us to smoke in the office - I taught myself to play the guitar + Chú ý: Một số động từ theo sau danh động t động t nguyên mẫu có khác biệt nghĩa câu (*) Remember + gerund: nh lại việc thực - I remember posting the letter Remember + to infinitive: nh để thực - I remember to post the letter (*) Stop + gerund: ngưng thực việc làm - She stopped mending the dress Stop + to infinitive: ngưng làm việc khác để làm việc - He stopped to have a drink (*) Try + gerund: thử làm việc - I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better Try + to infinitive: cố gắng làm việc - They tried to work as hard as they could (*) Mean + gerund: mang ý nghĩa - Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year Mean + to infinitive: dự định làm việc - He means to take the coming exam (*) Forget + gerund: quên điều xảy - I forgot telling her this story Forget + to infinitive: quên làm điều - I forgot to tell her about this (*) Regret + gerund: hối tiếc việc xảy - She regrets going to a village school Regret + to infinitive: hối tiếc làm việc - The party was great He regretted not to go there C ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO” (Bare Infinitive) Đây động từ nguyên thể không kèm v ới to (infinitive without to) s dụng trườ ng hợp sau: 1/ Dùng sau động từ khiếmám khuyết (Modal verbs) nh ư: can, could, may, might, must, ought to… - You may go now - They must finish the work by now 2/ Dùng sau động từ : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP… - I helped the child tidy his desk - He had a painter paint the gate - They let him enter the room without a ticket - My parents make me go to bed early 3/ Dùng sau BUT, EXCEPT với Dùng với nghĩa “ngoạiïi trừ” - Why don’t you anything but complain? - She agreed to everything but help him with the homework 4/ Dùng sau động từ giác quan như: see, watch, hear, notice, observe, spot… - We heard them sing all morning - He saw the thief enter the hall Chú ý: ta biết phân từ (present participle) dùng cho động t để diễn tả hành động tiếp diễn Còn động từ nguyên thể dùng tr ườ ng h ợp hành động hồn tất - I watched them playing football for a while (trận đấu tiếp diễn) - I watched them play football yesterday afternoon (xem tồn trận đấu) Bài 7: CÁC HÌNH THỨC NHẤN MẠNH (FORMS OF EMPHASIS) A NHẤN MẠNH ĐỘNG TỪ Để nhấn mạnh động từ câu xác định, ta đặt DO DOES (nếu đơn) DID (nếu khứ đơn) trướ c động từ dạng nguyên mẫu TO - I did see him at the airport yesterday - I know that you don’t expect me to go; but I go - He does wish he could speak English fluently Để cho câu mệnh lệnh tr nên lịch h ơn thuyết phục h ơn, ta dùng DO tr ước câu mệnh lệnh - Do help me, please - Do be careful when you cross the road Trong câu phủ định, ta đặt NOT sau động từ dùng NEVER trướ c DO, DOES, DID - I know not anything about that - They succeeded not in their scheme although they tried very hard - She never does help her friends - I never did hear anything like that before Trong câu mệnh lệnh phủ định, ta đặt YOU DON’T động từ - Don’t you forget it - Don’t you speak to me like that B NHẤN MẠNH NHẤN MẠNH MỘT TỪ, MỘT CỤM TỪ, MỘT M ỆNH ĐỀ.À Ta dùng cấu trúc “It + is / was + ……… + that…” để nhấn mạnh t (word), cụm t (phrase) hay mệnh đề (clause) Nếu mệnh đề tại, ta dùng “It is …… that…”; mệnh đề khứ, ta dùng “It was……that…” - It was Mr.Brown that I met at the theatre yesterday (nhấn mạnh t ừ) - It was at the theatre that I met Mr.Brown yesterday (nhấn mạnh cụm t ừ) - It was because it rained heavily that we couldn’t go to the lecture (1 mệnh đề) - It is the smoke from that factory chimney that pollutes the air C NHẤN MẠNH BẰNG CÁCH ĐẢO NGỮ (Inversion of subject and verb) Hình thức đảo ngữ thườ ng dùng để nhấn mạnh khi: 1/ Đưa trạnïng từ phủ định (negative adverbs) hay cụmïm từ tương đương (equivalents) đầu câu Thườ ng từ như: hardly, scarcely, no longer, never, never before, seldom, rarely, nowhere, in no circumstances, on no account, not until, not only… but also, no sooner… than… - Never have I seen such a wonderful thing - Seldom does she help her friends - Nowhere else can he find so many happy people - Rarely did he smile at me 2/ Đưa ONLY, SO, MANY A TIME, SUCH… đầu câu - Only then did she realize her mistakes - So big was the liner that it couldn’t enter the harbour 3/ Xóáa liên từ IF câu điềuàu kiệnän - Had I met you before, we could have been friends - Were I rich, I would travel around the world - Did I know him better, I would give him some advice 4/ Đưa trạng từ nơi chốn (adverb of place) đầu câu kết HỢP v ới động từ chuyển động như: lie, stay, stand, sit, come, move, go… (Trong tr ường h ợp đảo ng ữ ta không dùng trợ động từ.) - On the top of the hill stands a village school - By his side sat his faithful dog - Near the church lies an old ruined cottage - There comes the train Bài 8: MỆNH ĐỀ SAU WISH CLAUSES AFTER WISH Động từ WISH thường dùng để diễn tả l ời ao ước xảy khứ, tươ ng lai A Present wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past simple * ý nghĩa: Diễn tả l ời ao ướ c trái v ới - I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework I don’t have enough time) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - They wish they didn’t have to go to class today They have to go to Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile class) - He wishes he was rich He is not rich.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile B Past wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past perfect * ý nghĩa: Diễn tả l ời ao ướ c trái v ới kh ứ - I wish that I had gone to the cinema last night I didn’t go to the cinema.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - She wishes she had been here yesterday She wasn’t here yesterday.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile C Future wish: S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + could / would + verb * ý nghĩa: Diễn tả l ời ao ướ c xảy t ương lai - We wish you could come to the party tonight You can’t come.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - Mary wishes that she would come with us Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile She won’t come with us.) Bài 9: MỘT VÀI CẤU TRÚC THÔNG DỤNG (SOME COMMON ENGLISH STRUCTURES) [A]: USED TO + Infinitive (đã từng…) thói quen kh ứ - My father used to smoke a lot; but now he doesn’t any more - When I was a little boy, I used to swim in the river BE USED TO + V-ing / Noun (quen v ới…) tươ ng v ới Be accustomed to - My mother is used to getting up early - I have been used to the hot weather here [B]: BECAUSE + Clause (bởi vì…) gi ới thiệu mệnh đề trạng từ nguyên (adverb clause of reason)â - I couldn’t come to class yesterday because I was ill - Because the weather was bad, the flight was put off BECAUSE OF + Phrase (bởi vì…) dùng cụm từ danh t sau because of (preposition) - I couldn’t come to class yesterday because of his illness - Because of the bad weather, the flight was put off [C]: ALTHOUGH + Clause (mặc dù…) gi ới thiệu mệnh đề trạng t s ự nh ượng (adverb clause of concession) - They came to the concert though it was raining heavily - Although it is a very hot day, I shall go for a walk IN SPITE OF + Phrase (mặc dù…)dùng cụm từ danh t sau in spite of (prep) hay despite - They came to the concert in spite of the heavy rain - In spite of a hot day, I shall go for a walk [D]: SO + Adj / Adv + THAT + Clause (quá…đến nỗi…) gi ới thiệu mệnh đề chỉ kết (adverb clause of result) - He is so famous that everyone knows his name - They discussed so hotly that they forgot to come to the conclusion SUCH + (A / An + Adj + Noun) + THAT + Clause (quá… đến nỗi…) - He is such a famous man that everyone knows his name - It was such a hot discussion that they forgot to come to the conclusion TOO + Adj / Adv + (For someone) + TO + Infinitive (quá…đến nỗi không ) - It is too late to go to the movies - The lecture was too boring for us to listen to - He spoke too fast for me to understand him [E]: SO THAT + Clause (để…) gi ới thiệu mệnh để trạng từ mục đích (adverb clause of purpose) - I’m studying hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates - The man spoke loudly so that everyone would hear him clearly TO } IN ORDER TO} + Infinitive (để…) gi ới thiệu cụm động từ nguyên mẫu SO AS TO} mục đích (Inf phrase of purpose) - I’m studying hard in order to keep pace with my classmates - So as not to be late for class, John must get up early - We learn English to have better communication with other people [F]: Adj / Adv + ENOUGH + (for someone) + TO + Inf (đủ… để…) - The questions were easy enough for her to answer - The teacher spoke clearly enough for us to understand him [G]: IT + Takes / Took + SOMEONE + TIME + TO + Inf (ai để làm việc gì…) - It took me five minutes to walk to the post office - It takes us two hours to fly from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City [H]: HAVE + Object + Past Participle (nh làm …) hình th ức sai khiến (causative form) - Mary is going to have her hair done - He had his car washed yesterday [I]: IT + BE + Adj + (for someone) + TO + Inf - It is difficult for us to master a foreign language - It is dangerous to drive too fast [J]: … AS + Adj / Adv + AS … (…cũng như…) so sánh (comparison of equality) - My book is as interesting as yours (Quyển sách hay sách bạn.) - He is not as (so) tall as his father (Nó không cao ba nó.) - His car runs as fast as a race car (Xe h chạy nhanh nh xe đua.) Nhưng: - My house is the same height as his My house is as high as his.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile … short Adj-ER + THAN … (…h ơn…) dạng so sánh h ơn (comparative) tính ngắn Tính từ ngắn tính từ có vần như: hot, cold, sad… tính t có hai vần tận –ow, -et, -y, er, -le như: narrow, quiet, happy, clever, gentle… - Today is hotter than yesterday (Hôm nóng h ơn hôm qua.) - This street is narrower than that one … MORE + long Adj + THAN … (…h ơn…) dạng so sánh h ơn tính từ dài, th ường có t hai vần trở lên như: careful, beautiful, dangerous… - This chair is more comfortable than that one - She is more careful than him Ta dùng far, much, a little, a bit…trướ c so sánh h ơn - A water melon is much sweeter than a lemon - His watch is far more expensive than mine … the short Adj-EST (…nhất) dạng so sánh cực cấp (superlative) tính t ngắn - He is the oldest in his class (Nó ng ười l ớn tuổi l ớp) -Tom is the happiest man on earth (Tom người hạnh phúc đời) … the MOST + long Adj (…nhất) dạng so sánh cực cấp tính t dài - His car is the most expensive - Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in the city Một số tính từ có hình thứ so sánh riêng như: Good better best Bad worse worst Little less least Many/ much more most Far farther/further farthest/ furthest … MORE + Adv + THAN … ( h ơn…) dạng so sánh h ơn trạng t ừ, tr trạng t có vần như:hard, fast, early, late - He speaks English more fluently than she does - She drives more carefully than he does - He works harder than I … the MOST + Adv (nhất) dạng so sánh cưc cấp trạng t - Among his friends, he drives the most carefully - His car runs fastest Nhưng so sánh của: well better best Và badly worse worst The MORE…, the MORE… (càng … càng…) dạng so sánh kép (double Comparative) - The more you study, the smarter you will become - The sooner you take medicine, the better you will feel - The earth is getting hotter and hotter Bài 10: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TỪ (WORD FORMATION) [A]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ ĐƠN (Formation of simple adjectives) Noun + suffix Adjectives -ful Harmful, useful, successful, hopeful, helpful, peaceful… -less Childless, odourless, careless, hopeless, harmless, useless… -ly Manly, worldly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, friendly… -like Childlike, godlike, lifelike, ladylike, manlike… -y Healthy, dirty, dusty, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sandy… -ish Childish, boyish, girlish, mannish, selfish… -al Natural, national, industrial, agricultural, cultural, magical… -ous Dangerous, courageous, poisonous, mountainous… -ic Artistic, electric, electronic, alcoholic, economic… -able Respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable… [B]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ KÉP (formation of compound adjectives) Formula Công thức) Adjectives Adj + adj Red hot, dark blue, light green… Adj + present part Sweet-smelling, ill-dressing, good-looking… Adj + past part Ready-made, soft-spoken, long-lived, white-painted… Adj + noun-ED Left-handed, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, mild-mannered… Noun + adj Homesick, seasick, lovesick, worldwide,nationwide,snow-white Noun + present part House-keeping, heart-breaking, hair-raising, breath-taking… Noun + past part Home-made, man-made, hand-made, sun-burnt… Noun + noun-ED Lion-hearted, coffee-coloured, heart-shaped… Adv + present part Hard-working, ever-lasting, well-being… Adv + past part Well-prepared, well-known, newly-married, dearly-loved… [C]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP DANH TỪ (Formation of simple nouns) Formula Nouns Verb+ER/ OR / ANT Teacher, manager, driver, actor, director, attendant, assistant… Verb + ION / TION Action, invention, construction, direction, revolution, decision… Verb + MENT / AL Development, appointment, refusal, removal, approval… Verb + ING Swimming, teaching, jogging, training, building… Adj + NESS Kindness, goodness, happiness, sadness, darkness, ilness… Adj + TY Safety, loyalty, cruelty, variety, ability, honesty… Adj + TH Length, depth, width, truth, warmth, strength… Adj + DOM Freedom, wisdom, boredom… Noun + IST / IAN Guitarist, novelist, violinist, musician, physician, historian… Noun + ISM Patriotism, capitalism, socialism, heroism… Noun + SHIP Friendship, leadership, scholarship, comradeship… Noun + HOOD Childhood, brotherhood, neighbourhood, parenthood… [D]: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP DANH TỪ KÉP (formation of compound nouns) Formula Compound nouns Noun + noun Alarm-clock, church bell, coffee cup, newspaper, post card… Adj + noun Grandfather, blackboard, high school, redhead, yellow fever… Adv / prep + noun Overcoat, overtime, overman, undergrowth… Gerund + noun Dining room, dressing table, swimming pool, driving licence… Noun + gerund Weight-lifting, lorry driving, fruit picking Noun + verb-ER / OR Bus-driver, holiday maker, dressmaker, film director… CÁCH THÀNH LẬP ĐỘNG TỪ Formula Verbs DIS + verb Dislike, disagree,discharge, disinvest, dislocate… Mis + verb Misunderstand, misread, mislead… Out + verb Outrun, outnumber, outweigh, outlive… Over + verb Overact, overpay, overheat, overturn, overchange… Re + verb Rewrite, reread, retell, recall… Under + verb Undercharge, underdevelop, underdo, underline, undersign… Adj + EN EN + Adj / Noun Weaken, sharpen, tighten, loosen, shorten, foften… enrich, enable, enlarge, encourage, endanger… Noun / Adj + ISE / IZE Sympathise, economise, socialize, memorize, industrialize… Bài 11: SỰ HÒA HỢP GIỮA CHỦ TỪ & ĐỘNG TỪ (THE AGREEMENT OF A VERB WITH ITS SUBJECT) Theo luật chung động từ hòa hợp v ới chủ từ nóù- t ức – chủ t số động từ theo sau số ngược lại chủ từ số nhiều theo sau động số nhiều Tuy mhiên, ta ý 10 luật đặc biệt sau: [1]: Hai hay nhiều chủ từ số nối b ởi liên từ AND đòi hỏi MỘT động t số nhiều - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly - Tom and Mary were late yesterday Tuy nhiên, hai chử từ diễn tả ngườ i, vật hay ý tưở ng chung động t số - Bread and butter is my daily breakfast - To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life [2]: Hai chủ từ nối với AND mà tr ướ cùc chủ từ đầu có EACH, EVERY, MANYA, NO động từ phải số - Each boy and girl has a textbook - No teacher and student is present [3]: Khi hai chủ từ nối OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR… động t HÒA HỢP với chủ từ gần - He or you are the best student in this class - Neither Jack nor I am willing to that [4]: Khi hai chủ từ đượ nối AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH động từ HÒA HỢP v ới chủ từ thứ - John, as well as you, is responsible for this act - Tom, with his friends, is in the car [5]: MỘT danh từ tập hợp (collective noun) cần động từ số nhiều ta ngụ ý nói t ới t ừng cá nhân tạo nên tập h ợp ấy; động từ số ta ngụ ý nói chung, coi tập h ợp nh đơn vị - The family of this dead soldier is noble - The family go to the movies every Sunday morning [6]: Khi chủ từ danh từ có hình thức số nhiều nh ưng nghĩa lại số động t chia số - No news is good news - Physics is more difficult than chemistry Các danh từ thườ ng gặp như: news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics, phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines… [7]: Khi chủ từ danh từ trọng lượ ng, đo lườ ng, giá hay giá tiền coi số ít, động t theo sau số - Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money - Five hundred miles is a long distance [8]: Khi chủ từ đại từ bất định như: everyone, something, nobody…thì động t theo sau phải số - Nobody has opened the door - Is everyone present? [9]: Trong câu bắt đầu THERE động từ hòa h ợp v ới chủ từ theo sau - There stands a pagoda facing the little lake - There were a lot of people at the meeting [10]: Động từ có chủ từ đại từ quan hệ phải hòa h ợp số v ới tiền vị t đại t - He works for the factory which makes cars - The man who is living near my house teaches us English Bài 12: GIỚI TỪ PREPOSITIONS Giới từ (preposition) từ dùng để nối danh từ (noun) đại t (pronoun) v ới nh ững thành phần khác câu - He goes to school every day - I usually get up at six o’clock - He’s been waiting for her since early morning [A]: MỘT số giới từ thời gian thông dụng (Some common prepositions of time) * AT: Ta dùng at với điểm th ời gian (times) at o’clock at 11.45 at midnight at noon at lunchtime - Tom usually leaves work at o’clock Ta dùng at thành ngữ sau: At night - I don’t like going out at night At the weekend / at weekends - Will you be here at the weekend? At Christmas / at Easter - We give each other presents at Christmas At the moment / at present - Mr Benn is busy at the moment At the same time - Ann and I arrived at the same time At the age of… - Tom left school at the age of 16 / at 16 * ON: Ta dùng on v ới ngày tuần (days) ngày tháng (dates) on March 12th on Friday on Christmas Day - They got married on March 12th Ta nói: on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Saturday night(s) on the morning of the fifth … - I usually go out on Sunday evenings * IN: Ta dùng in v ới khoảng th ời gian dài h ơn nh ư: tháng (months), năm (years), mùa (seasons): in April in 1968 in (the) winter in the 18th century in the 1970s in the Middle Ages Ta nói: in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s) - I’ll see you in the morning.(nhưng I’ll see you on Friday morning.) Ta không dùng at / on / in trướ c last next: - I’ll see you next Friday - They got married last March Nếu sau in khoảng th ời gian th ời gian t ươ ng lai: - The train will leave in a few minutes a few minutes from now) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - Jack’s gone away He’ll be back in a week a week from now.) Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile - They are getting married in six months [B]: MỘT VÀI giới từ vị trí thông dụng (Some common prepositions of position) * AT: Ta dùng at ta muốn nói có mặt kiện xảy (someone is at an event) như: at a party at a meeting at a conference at a concert at a football match at a cinema - Were there many people at the party? - I saw Jack at the football match on Saturday Chúng ta nói: at home at university at the seaside in bed on a farm at work at a station at sea (on a voyage) in hospital at school at an airport in prison - Julia is studying medicine at university - Tom’s father is in hospital - Have you ever worked on a farm? * IN: Ta dùng in v ới thành phố (cities) làng mạc (villages) - His parents live in London - He was born in a small village near Manchester Ta thườ ng nói: in a room in a building in the water in a row /in a line in a garden in a park in the sea in a queue in a town in a country in a river in an armchair in a picture in a photogragh in a mirror in the sky in your hand in a newspaper in your hand in the mountain - “Who is that woman in that photogragh?” - It was a lovely day There wasn’t a cloud in the sky - Don’t sit in that armchair It’s broken.(nh ưng Don’t sit on that chair.) at the top, at the end of the street, at the back, at the bus stop at the bottom, at the corner of the street, at the front, at the door - Who is that man standing at the door? - Write your name at the top of the page - Jack’s house is a white one at the end of the street - There’s a telephone box at / on the corner of the street Nhưng: - The television is in the corner of the room on the ceiling, on the wall, on the floor, on a page on a board, on a shelf, on a chair, on your nose on the left on the right on the ground on the beach on an island on the coast on a road on the way - In Britain we drive on the left.(…on the left-hand side.) - Our flat is on the second floor of the building - Tom spent his holiday on a small island off the coast of Scotland [C]: Giới từ theo sau tính từ: (Prepositions following Adjectives.) Có số tính từ mà theo sau chúng buộc phải có gi ới t định (theo cấu trúc Adjective + preposition) Hãy học thuộc lòng nhóm tính t d ưới đây: * nice / kind / good / generous / mean / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / (im)polite / rude / unreasonable OF someone (to something): - Thank you It was very kind of you to help me - It’s stupid of her to go out without a coat She’ll catch cold Nhưng: (to be) nice / kind / good / generous / mean/ (im)polite / rude/ (un)pleasant / (un)friendly / cruel TO someone: - She’s always been very nice to me - Why were you so rude to Ann? * angry / annoyed / furious ABOUT something * angry / annoyed / furious WITH someone FOR doing something - What are you so angry about? - They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party * delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something: - I was pleased with the present you gave me - Were you disappointed with your examination results? * bored / fed up WITH something: - You get bored with doing the same thing every day * surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something - Everybody was very surprised at the news * excited / worried / upset ABOUT something: - Are you excited about going on holiday next week? - Ann is upset about not being invited to the party * afraid / frightened / terrified / scared OF someone / something: - “Are you afraid of dogs?” – “Yes, I’m terrified of them.” * proud / ashamed OF someone / something: - I’m not ashamed of what I did In fact I’m quite proud of it.” * jealous / envious / suspicious OF someone / something: - Why are you always jealous of other paople? - He didn’t trust me He was suspicious of my intentions * aware / conscious OF something: - “Did you know they were married?” – “No, I wasn’t aware of that.” * good / bad / excellent / brilliant / hopeless AT (doing) something: - I’m good at repairing things * married / engaged TO someone: - Linda is married to an American * sorry ABOUT something: - I’m sorry about the noise last night We were having a party Nhưng: sorry FOR doing something: - I’m sorry for shouting at you yesterday Nhưng cách nói dùng thường h ơn: I’m sorry I … - I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday * (feel / be) sorry FOR someone: - I feel sorry for George He’s got no friends and no money * impressed BY / WITH something: - I wasn’t very impressed by the film * famous FOR something: - Florence is famous for its art treasures * responsible (TO someone) FOR something: - Who was responsible for all that noise last night? - I’ll be responsible to the principal for my teaching * different FROM (or TO) someone / something: - The film was quite different from what I expected * interested IN something: - Are you interested in art and architecture? * capable / incapable OF something: - I’m sure you are capable of passing the examination * fond OF someone / something: - Mary is very fond of animals She has three cats and two dogs * full OF something: - The letter I wrote was full of mistakes * short OF something: - I’m a bit short of money Can you lend me some? * tired OF something: - Come on, let’s go I’m tired of waiting * keen ON something: - We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on going out in the rain * similar TO something: - Your handwriting is similar to mine * crowded WITH (people): - The city centre was crowded with tourists Tuy nhiên, có vài tính từ mà theo sau chúng nh ững gi ới t khác nghĩa chúng khác nhau: - Swimming is good for health (B lội có l ợi cho s ức khoẻ) - Jack is good at Japanese (Jack giỏi tiếng Nhật) - Mary is very good with her hands (Mary khéo tay) - Mr Brown is good to all of us (ông Brown tử tế v ới tất chúng tôi) Bài 13: CÁCH BIẾN ĐỔI CÂU (TRANSFORMATION) Cách biến đổi câu cách ta viết lại câu theo cấu trúc m ới (th ường cho tr ước) mà không thay đổi nghĩa câu ban đầu * Ví dụ 1: Hãy viết lại câu sau đây: - He didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ill Because of…… Theo ví dụ trên, ta viết lại câu “Because of…” , có nghĩa ta biến mệnh đề “ he was ill” thành cụm từ, sau “because of” ta phải dùng cụm t Nh vậy, câu viết lại là: Because of his illness, he didn’t go to school yesterday Hoặc Because of being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday Hoặc Because of his being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday * Ví dụ 2: Hãy viết lại câu sau đây: - They built that house a century ago That house…… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu “That house” – túc t – có nghĩa ta viết lại câu dạng bị động (passive voice) Như vậy, câu viết lại sau: That house was built a century ago * Ví dụ 3: Hãy viết lại câu sau đây: - He didn’t go out because he didn’t have time If…… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu “If”, có nghĩa ta viết lại câu thành câu điều kiện thật khứ (loại 3) động từ khứ Câu viết lại nh sau: If he had had time, he would have gone out * Ví dụ 4: Hãy viết lại câu sau đây: - The last time I saw her was five years ago I haven’t………… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại hồn thành câu bắt đầu “I haven’t……” I haven’t seen her for five years (ago không dùng hồn thành, nên ta dùng for để thay thế.) * Ví dụ 5: Hãy viết lại câu sau đây: - His house is bigger than mine My house isn’t……… Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại chuyển thành dạng so sánh thể phủ định My house isn’t as big as his Hay My house isn’t so big as his (house) [...]... simple adjectives) Noun + suffix Adjectives -ful Harmful, useful, successful, hopeful, helpful, peaceful… -less Childless, odourless, careless, hopeless, harmless, useless… -ly Manly, worldly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, friendly… -like Childlike, godlike, lifelike, ladylike, manlike… -y Healthy, dirty, dusty, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sandy… -ish Childish, boyish, girlish, mannish,... scarcely, no longer, never, never before, seldom, rarely, nowhere, in no circumstances, on no account, not until, not only… but also, no sooner… than… - Never have I seen such a wonderful thing - Seldom does she help her friends - Nowhere else can he find so many happy people - Rarely did he smile at me 2/ Đưa ONLY, SO, MANY A TIME, SUCH… ra đầu câu - Only then did she realize her mistakes - So big was... tr ừ các trạng t ừ có một vần như:hard, fast, early, late - He speaks English more fluently than she does - She drives more carefully than he does - He works harder than I do … the MOST + Adv (nhất) là dạng so sánh cưc cấp của trạng t ừ - Among his friends, he drives the most carefully - His car runs fastest Nhưng so sánh của: well better best Và badly worse worst The MORE…, the MORE… (càng … càng…)... He spoke too fast for me to understand him [E]: SO THAT + Clause (để…) gi ới thi u mệnh để trạng từ chỉ mục đích (adverb clause of purpose) - I’m studying hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates - The man spoke loudly so that everyone would hear him clearly TO } IN ORDER TO} + Infinitive (để…) gi ới thi u cụm động từ nguyên mẫu SO AS TO} chỉ mục đích (Inf phrase of purpose) - I’m studying hard... something * angry / annoyed / furious WITH someone FOR doing something - What are you so angry about? - They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party * delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something: - I was pleased with the present you gave me - Were you disappointed with your examination results? * bored / fed up WITH something: - You get bored with doing the same thing... something: - Why are you always jealous of other paople? - He didn’t trust me He was suspicious of my intentions * aware / conscious OF something: - “Did you know they were married?” – “No, I wasn’t aware of that.” * good / bad / excellent / brilliant / hopeless AT (doing) something: - I’m good at repairing things * married / engaged TO someone: - Linda is married to an American * sorry ABOUT something:... something: - Who was responsible for all that noise last night? - I’ll be responsible to the principal for my teaching * different FROM (or TO) someone / something: - The film was quite different from what I expected * interested IN something: - Are you interested in art and architecture? * capable / incapable OF something: - I’m sure you are capable of passing the examination * fond OF someone / something:... animals She has three cats and two dogs * full OF something: - The letter I wrote was full of mistakes * short OF something: - I’m a bit short of money Can you lend me some? * tired OF something: - Come on, let’s go I’m tired of waiting * keen ON something: - We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on going out in the rain * similar TO something: - Your handwriting is similar to mine * crowded... room without a ticket - My parents make me go to bed early 3/ Dùng sau BUT, EXCEPT với Dùng với nghĩa “ngoạiïi trừ” - Why don’t you do anything but complain? - She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework 4/ Dùng sau các động từ chỉ giác quan như: see, watch, hear, notice, observe, spot… - We heard them sing all morning - He saw the thief enter the hall Chú ý: như ta đã biết hiện tại phân... đã xảy ra - I forgot telling her this story Forget + to infinitive: quên làm điều gì - I forgot to tell her about this (*) Regret + gerund: hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra - She regrets going to a village school Regret + to infinitive: hối tiếc sẽ làm việc gì - The party was great He regretted not to go there C ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO” (Bare Infinitive) Đây là động từ nguyên thể không đi kèm v ới to (infinitive

Ngày đăng: 03/09/2016, 19:38

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