What is grammar?Grammar drived from Greek “grammatike” meaning “to write”Kinds of grammar:Prescriptive grammar: to be phrased as prohibition standard grammarDescriptive grammar: to describe the grammatical system of a language (e.g to describehow to play football: using a ball, hand and a basket...)Grammar development:•Traditional grammar: grammar teaching at school, parts of speech, The traditional categories•Immediate constituents: using techniques for displaying sentence structure is the use of immediate constituent (IC) analysis•Phrase structures and transformational grammar:Phrasal structure: the division of a sentence into parts, or constituents, and the division of those constituent into subparts.the transformational rules can be informally thought of as an instruction to change one structure to another•Functional grammar: showing grammar communicating meaning in social interaction.
Trang 1- What is grammar?
Grammar drived from Greek “grammatike” meaning “to write”
- Kinds of grammar:
Prescriptive grammar: to be phrased as prohibition - standard grammar
Descriptive grammar: to describe the grammatical system of a language (e.g to describe
how to play football: using a ball, hand and a basket )
• Phrase structures and transformational grammar:
- Phrasal structure: the division of a sentence into parts, or constituents, and the division
of those constituent into subparts
- the transformational rules can be informally thought of as an instruction to change
one structure to another
Functional grammar: showing grammar communicating meaning in social
Ngu* phap 2
Trang 2Grammar Morphol ogy
s Adjecti
Trang 3s Pronoun
s Preposition
s Conjunction
s Int
Trang 4Phra ses
P, AdjP, Adv
Trang 5S e n t e n c e s
Trang 6usingSubordinators
Trang 7them,cannotcount
- the
Trang 8donotexclude
Trang 9• Can
Trang 10exclu
Trang 11in general
In particular
Trang 121, Is it right to say that right wrongs no man?
2, One can not right all the wrongs in the world
3, Cure that cold with a drink of hot lemon before you go to bed
4, Drink this quick ! Don’t let it get cold
5,Before the fire, there had been a plague, the like of which had not been known before and has not been seen since
6,It is a common failing to suppose we are not like other men, that we are not as other people are
7,As your doctor, I must warn you that the results of taking this drug may be very serious
8, Growth in weight results in the development of muscles and fat
9, Warm pan, sift dry ingredients and stir well
10,Dry hair thoroughly with warm towel and comb
Unit 1 - Phrases - clauses - sentences
1.1. Definition
A group of one or more than one words, equivalent to a part of speech
A phrase consists of (Pre-modification) + Head + (Post-modification)
d, Prepositional phrase (Pre.P):
in the class pre NP
a noun phrase dominated by a preposition
1.2 Kinds of phrase: 5
a, Noun phrase (NP): a phrase in which there is a noun as a head
a beautiful girlsN head
girlpremod N head
a beautiful girl in the classpremod N head postmod
b, Adjective phrase (Adj.P): a
phrase in which there is an adjective as a head
than I did
premod Adv
Trang 13e, Verb phrase (VP): a group of one or more than one verbs in which there is a verb as a
- Structurally, there are 2 kinds of VP:
• Finite verb phrase: a verb phrase whose verb element agrees with the subject in
person and number
• Non - finite verb phrase: a verb phrase whose verb element does not agree with
the subject in person and number
- Infinitive non-finite verb phrase:
+ “To” infinitive non-finite verb phrase: To learn English is difficult
+ Bare infinitive non-finite verb phrase: Run away is what I could do then
-Ing participle non-finite verb phrase: My duty is learning English
-Ed participle non-finite verb phrase: Asked a lot of questions, she was tired
Non-finite VPs
• Finite VPs (V, V-s & V-edl, etc.) have
tense and mood of a certain
They go there very often.
He goes there twice a week.
(Tense: past; mood : indicative)
We went there yesterday (Tense:
past; mood : indicative)
•Non-finite VPs (to V, ing &
V-ed2) do not have tense and mood
They want to go there then She enjoyed watching TV.
Can be used either with Present or Past tense)
• Finite VPs often have their own
If she liked, she could go.
S +V-edl
• Finite VPs often appear in the
simple, compound or complex
sentence (making up finite
Finite VP Nonfinite
-Ing participle NFVP-
- Infinitive
a He
3rd person, is_3rd person,
sing FVP - simple have learnt FVP -
Trang 142. CLAUSES
2.1 Definition a part of a sentence, conveying an independent supposition
2.2. Clause elements : S,V,0,C,A
a. Object: - Directobject (Od.): I like him
S V Od
- Indirect object (Oi) + Od: I gave him a book
S V Oi Od
b. Complements:
- Subject complement (Cs): to describe or indicate the characteristics or feature of the
subject - after copular verbs (link verbs)
+ BE group: be, appear, seem, feel, look, see, sound, smell, taste , expressing the
current attribute:
He appears tired
They elected him chairman
I have my car repaired
I saw her sleeping in the garden
He made me cry
They found her a good wife
S V Oi Co They found him a good wife
S V Oi Od
They found a good wife for him
He gave a book to me
- Adjective complements (Cadj.)
1’ m happy to meet you
S V Cs Cadj
- Prepositional complement (Cpre.)
She is interested in making up all day
- Adverbials:
+ Semantically: adverb of time, place and process (manner)
He worked hard at school then
Trang 15(generally speaking, in fact, to be honest, to tell the truth )
Conjuncts: peripheral to the structure of the clause and connective fonction
Secondly you have to learn French
+ Simple sentence : Tom saw Mary
+ Compound sentence: Tom saw Mary and he ran away + Complex sentence: When Tom saw Mary,he ran away
+ Dependent clause: When he saw Mary, he ran away
b, According to clause elements and verb complementation: 7 kinds
Trang 16C2, Non - finite clauses: a clause whose verb element is a non
-finite verb phrase
- Infinitive NFC:
+ “To” infinitive non - finite clause:
To learn English is difficult
+ Bare infinitive non - finite clause:
All I did was hit him on his head
-Ing participle non - finite clause:
The teacher being ill we missed our lesson
- Ed participle non - finite clause:
Given a beautiful present, she was happy
His job finished, he went home
C3, Verbless clause: a clause whose verb
element is absent He went to bed angry
<-> When he was angry, he went to bed
She stayed at home jobless
<-> Because she was jobless, she stayed at home
Ex: 11
d, According to syntactic function of the clauses: 2
- Independent clauses (main/super ordinate) :
He ran away when I turned out
- Dependent clauses (sub-clause/subordinate)
What he wants is what I want
Functionally : Ithink that you can do it if you try
‘a’ is the superordinate to ‘b’ or ‘c’ is the
Trang 17subordinate to ‘b’ ‘b’ is the superordnate to
subordinate to ‘a’
Trang 271. Traditional classification: Subject + Predicate
2. Modern classification:
S-V-O-C-A Obligatory: 7 pattern
clauses Optional: Adverb of
She went to London last Sunday.
Aplace Atime The plane took off immediately.
Ex: 99
3.3. Classification
a. According to communicative functions (purposes of utterances): 4
a. Statements (Declarative): usually with the word order: S-V
- Affirmative: I’ll speak to him tonight (+)
- Negative: I won’t speak to him (-)
b. Questions (Interrogative): Normally with the inversion of the first auxiliary
verb or modal verb - called the operator - and the subject
Do you like cat?
Op SQuestions are sentences marked by one or more of these three criteria:
- The placing of the operator in front of the subject (S-operator inversion):
Do you like coffee?
- The initial positioning of an interrogative or “Wh-” element:
What do you like?
- Rising intonation: You know him?
Ex: 15
c. Commands (imperative): sentences which have no overt grammatical subject and
whose verb element is in imperative
Be careful
Don’t be silly
Someone open the door
Don’t someone open the door Let’s go
Let him know
Don’t let him go
Let him not go
Trang 28d. Exclamations: sentences which have an initial phrase introduced by “what” or “/zow”
without the inversion of subject and operator
How + adj/adv + S + V! How beautiful she is!
What +NP + S +V! What a beautiful girl she is!
Sometimes, we have verbless utterances in exclamation (in spoken language)
b. According to their structures:
Simple Compound Complex sentence Mixed Simple Complex
s Word group: (Premod) + Head + (Postmod)
Head: equivalent to a part of speech
Trang 29Grammatical units
are analyzed into
Clauses are analyzed
into Phrases are
analyzed into Words
are analyzed into
51, 53,
56, 57
1.3. Syntac tic
Sentences are used
to build Clauses are used to build Phrases are used
to build Words are used to build
Trang 304. Objec
t complement
5. Subjec
t complement
6. Attribute
Trang 317. As modifi
of othe
r nounTom
is a teacher
I gave him a book
They electe
d him chairman
My mothe
r is an actress
This is
Trang 32I went
to grocer store
Trang 33Ex: 54 56 57,
2 Noun phrases
2.1. Definition: NP is a phrase, in which there is a noun as a head
2.2. Kinds of NP: 2 kinds: Basic Noun phrases and complex noun phrases
2.2.1 Basic NP (BNP):
a. Definition: Basic NP (BNP) is:
- a N P
- consists of (Pre-modification) + Head
- functions in the sentence as S, O and C
b. Elements of the BNP:
1. Basic noun phrase is only one word:
Books are friends She is my friend
Cs S Cs
2. The head of the Basic noun phrase is realised by:
- A common noun with zero modifier:
Pens are used for writing
- Proper noun with/without modifier realised by closed system items:
(A) Mr John wants to see you
- Common Noun with closed system item:
a/my/this book
- Pronoun with zero modifier:
like him Od
IsNothing compares to
interrogative deter
indefinite deter
Trang 34children
some children
Trang 35every
- Quantifiers: much, e.g: much water
- As whole (inclusives): all, both, hlf, e.g: all the book
- Multipliers: double, twwice, three times, e,g: dounle your salary
- Fractions: third, two-thords; e.g: one-third of this book
- Numeral: + Close-
system: many, little, few e.g: many books, few apples
Trang 36+ Open class:
Trang 37of
Trang 38deal
Trang 39one,
Trang 40book,
Trang 41second,
Trang 43Premodification
Trang 443
Trang 45+
Trang 46+
Trang 48The elements of
-The head:
the item around which the other components cluster and which dictate
s concor
d with other elemen
ts in the NP
n of a CNP
are noun phrases (N.P)
Functions: S, O, C Premodification + Head Premodification: Closed system items Permanent features
Can be only one word
Premodification + head
Premodification : closed
system items
Only permanent features
Premod + head + postmod
+ open class items (chiefly)+ closed system items (optional)Premod (perm.) + Head + Postmod (temp)Permanent and temporary features
Trang 49on of a CNP
Complex Noun Phrase
Closed sys
Chiefly (đế phân biệt với BNP)
e. g: beautifulgirl CPNGrocerstores
Premodificatio Hea
Open clas
Adv/Prep NFC1 Rel.ClPre-deter
Deter deter art
Adjs Parts N
Trang 50All my first student BCN
Premodification and postmodification: (self-study) trang 18,19,20,21 SGK
Ex: 248 249 250
2.3. Multiple Premodification and Multiple postmodification
2.3.1 Multiple Premodification
- The items can be premodifiers:
Predeter + deter + postdeter + adj + part + N + Nhead all the three
beautiful black little dancing school girls
prede deterpost adj.gen colour age size part Ns N-head
- Any change in set sequence will lead to change in meanings:
a beautiful black young girl - a beautiful young black girl his last
interesting novel - his interesting last novel
- Cases of premodified premodifiers:
the consumer goods prices increase control
the extremely out dated point of view
Ex: 257 258 259 260 261 262
2.3.2. Multiple postmodification
- The items can be postmodifiers:
Nhead + Adv/ Pre.P + NFC1 + Rel.Cl
Predet + deter + postdet + adj + part + N + Nhcad + Adv/Pre.P + NFC1+ Rel.Cl
all the three beautiful black young little dancing girls in the corner talking to the director
who waved to you when you entered
- Any change in set sequence will lead to change in meanings
- Cases of modified postmodifiers:
the construction of the northern part of our country a
young son from his first marriage to a British actress
Trang 51good, hot, little, young, fat, etc.; colour: black, white, etc or shape: square,
1.2. Forms: no agreement with nouns
1. Simple adjs (root):
good, big, long, rich, nice,
2. Derived adjs: (prefix or suffix + root)
beauty (n) => beautiful (a) (suffix can create a new part of speech)
happy (a) => unhappy (a) (prefix can create a new lexical meaning)
3. Compound adjs (root + root): good-looking, kind-hearted
4. Adj phrases: asix year old boy
a far more easily intelligible speech
5. Nouns as adj: a silver cup; a church lower
6. Participles as adjs:
-Ing parti.: indicating characteristics, features, functions, quality of the
noun -Edparti.: expressing sth affected or attitude to sth This film is very
We are interested in this film.
7. Ad vs as Adjs: the uj? train, the above statement
1.3. Syntactic features: 4
1. They freely occur in an attributive position, i.e they can pre-modify a noun :
- Attributive position:
This pre-noun position is called attributive because the adjective attributes a quality or characteristic to the noun
a love relationship (adjectival attributive) (functioning attributively)
- Sometimes, adjectives can be postpositive attribute (post-modifier):
There’s nothing new, but something important
I have a house larger than yours
2. They can freely occur in predicative position, i.e they can function as: Cs & Co: The man seemed old
They painted the door blue
3. They can be pre-modified by intensifiers :
very, quite, rather,
The children are very happy
This is so difficult
4. They can take comparative and superlative forms whether inflectional
The children are happier now
They are the happiest people
(beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful)
Trang 521.4. Syntactic functions of adjectives: 5
a. Modifiers: Pre-modifier and post-modifier:
- Adjectives are attributive when they pre-modify nouns:
This beautiful painting is his
The only child can do it
His main argument is on how to learn well
- Sometimes, adjectives can be post-modifier (or postpositive attribute):
Anyone intelligent can do it
There’s nothing new, but something important
I have a house larger than yours
b. Complements:
Predicative adjectives can be:
(i) Cs (in intensive relationship with S):
Your daughter is intelligent
He’s rather careless
(it) Co (in intensive relationship with O):
I consider him foolish
c. Head of a noun phrase:
- Substantivised adjectives (the + adj.) can function as heads of NPs (as S, C, O and Cprep.):
The poor are causing the nation’s leaders great concern
They will help only the humble poor
d. Supplementive adjective clauses:
Nervous the man opened the letter.
The man, Quietly assertive, spoke to the assembled workers.
When ripe, the apples are sweet.
e. Exclamatory adjective sentences :
How good of you!
How wonderful!
1.5. Sub-classification of adjectives :
a. According to syntactic functions: central, attributive, predicative.
- Central adjectives can function both attributively and predicatively
a hungry man ~ The man is hungry
- Attributive adjectives can be attributive (^modifier) only, e.g
The political situation
My former friend
He’s an out and out scoundrel/ an utter fool / a mere boy
- Predicative adjectives can be predicative (=complement) only
He’s afraid to do it
I’m sorry (about/for)
The doctor made the patient well