Một Tài liệu rất hay được cô Vũ Mai Phương biên soạn năm 2017 nhằm phục vụ kì thi THPT quốc gia cũng như các cuộc thi toeic. Có tuyển tập bộ tài liệu trong tay bạn còn lo lắng gì nữa. Đây là bài mở đầu nhé Chú ý tải các phần tiếp theo nha (mình đã đánh số rồi không sợ nhầm). Cám ơn cả nhà
Trang 1Make the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions
1 The twentieth century saw a rapid rise in life expectancy due to improvements in public health, nutrition and medicine
A span B anticipation C expectation D prospect
Answer: A Life span /spæn/ = life expectancy / k`spekt nsi/: tuôi tho
Anticipation / æn,t s `pe n/ (n): d kiên
Prospect /`pr spekt/ (n): triên vong, tiêm n ng, kh́ch hàng ti m n ng
2 Take out our contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills
A.in great expense B.of great value C.at reasonable price D.in great detriment
Answer: A Costly /`k stli/ (adj): tôn kem Value /`vælju:/ (n): gí tr
Expense / k`spens/ (n): chi phi.; Reasonable /`ri:zn bl/ (adj): h p li; Detriment /`detr m nt/ (n): gây thiêt hai
3 Carbohydrates are plentiful in nature where they serve as an immediate source of energy
Answer: B plentiful /`plent fl/ (adj) phong phu
Abundant / `b nd nt/ (adj): phong phu Obscure / b`skj (r)/ (adj): m hô, tôi nghia
Unstable / n`ste bl/ (adj): không ôn đinh Reliable /r `la bl/(adj): đang tin cây
4 A monument was erects in memory of those who died in the disaster at Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Answer: D Catastrophe /k `tæstr fi/ (n): th m h a
Monument /`m njum nt/ (n): t ng đai Frontier /`fr nt (r)/ (n): biên gi i
5 Computers are recent accomplishments in our time
A structures B achievements C calculations D documents
Answer: B accomplishment / `k mpl m nt/ = achievement / `t i:vm nt/ : thành t u
Structure /`str kt (r)/ (n): câu truc; Calculations /,kælkju`le n/ (n): t́nh tón
Document /`d kjum nt/ (n): tài li u
6 John has thorough knowledge of the history of arts
Answer: C thorough /` r or ` :ro / = complete / k m`pli:t/: t ng th , toàn di n, hoàn h o
Practical /`prækt kl/ (adj) th c tê, thiêt th c
7 Do your parents hold with your smoking?
(BÀI T P T LUY N) Giáo viên: NGUY T CA
Các bài t p trong tài li u này đ c biên so n kèm theo bài gi ng Bài 5 T đ ng ngh a (Synonym) và t trái
ngh a (Antonym) thu c khóa h c Luy n thi KIT-1 môn Ti ng Anh – cô Nguy t Ca t i Hocmai.vn, đ giúp
các b n ki m tra, c ng c l i ki n th c đ c giáo viên truy n đ t trong bài gi ng t ng ng s d ng
hi u qu , B n c n h c tr c bài gi ng sau đó làm đ y đ bài t p trong tài li u này
Trang 2Answer: C -> hold with st/V-ing = approve st/V-ing : ng h vi c gì
Approve / `pru:v/ (v): ng h
8 Really bright comets, which scare some people, occur only a few times each century
Answer: B -> scare sb = frighten /`fra tn/ sb : làm ai ho ng s
Affect / `fekt/ (v): nh h ng (affect on) Comet /`k m t/ (n): sao chôi
Attract / `trækt/ (v): thu hut Attract sb’s attention: thu hut s ch́ ́ c a ai
9 Named of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity
Answer: B Conserve / k n`s :v / (v): b o t n
Anonymity /,æn `n m ti/ (n): giâu tên; Presume /pr `zju:m or pr `zu:m/ (v): đoan; Reveal / r `vi:l/ (v): làm l
10 Henry has found a temporary job in a factory
Answer: C Impermanent / m`p :m n nt/ (adj): không lâu dai
Temporary / `tempr ri/ (adj): t m th i Genuine /`d enju n/ (adj): thât, ch́nh x́c Genuine job: công viêc
cô đinh lâu dai
11 Mr Smith’s new neighbors appear to be very friendly
A amicable B inapplicable C affectionate D futile
Answer: C Affectionate / `fek n t/ (adj): tr̀u m n, c m mên
Inapplicable / , n `pl k bl or n`æpl k bl / (adj): không phu h p
Futile / `fju:ta l or `fju:tl/ (adj): vô ich
12 She left school and immediately started to make her on way without help them from her family
A find her living B.try her living C hold her living D earn her living
Answer: D T lâp cuôc sông
13 If the weatherman has predicted accurately, tomorrow will be a perfect day for our picnic
Answer: B Correctly / k `rektli/ (adj) = Accurately / `ækj r t/ (adj): ch́nh x́c
14 The snarling dog on my doorstep disconcerted the potential thief
Answer: A Frustrated / fr `stre t d/ (adj): gây lung tung, thât vong, mât binh tinh
Disconcert /,d sk n`s :t/ (v): làm ai th y lo l ng, xâu hô, ĺng t́ng
Snarl / sn :l / (v) gâm g , càu nhàu Potential / p `ten l/ (adj): tiêm
15 Manufacturers spend millions of dollar on advertising to entice people to buy their product
Answer: C Entice / n`ta s/ = Tempt / tempt/: thu hut, hâp dân, d dô, lôi keo
Entertain / ,ent `te n/(v): làm ai gi i tŕ Encourage / n`k r d / Force / f :s/
16 Now many people who shop at a health food store instead of a local supermarket are much more likely
to find a healthy, sugar free beverage
A convenient to prepare B beneficial to health
C harmful to health D bull of preservatives
Answer: B Beneficial to health / ,ben `f l/: có l i cho s c khoe
To tr c phu âm đoc la / t /, tr c nguyên âm đoc la /tu/
17 Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as a masterpiece
Trang 3A an expensive work of art B A down-to-earth work of art
C an excellent work of art D A large work of art
Answer: C Masterpiece / `m :st pi:s/ (n): t́c ph m nghê thuât kiêt xuât
Excellent / `eks l nt/ (adj) tuyêt v i, c c ki tôt Down-to-earth: th c dung
18 E-cash cards are the main means of all transactions in a cashless society
A cash-starved B Cash-strapped C cash-in-hand D cash-free
Answer: D Cash-free, cashless: không dung tiên m t
19 Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on Earth
Answer: A Risk (n): nguy c = Threat / ret/ (n): môi đe doa
Annoyance / `n ns/ (n) điêu gây kho chiu Irritation /, r `te n/ (n): ḱch th́ch, khó ch u
20 His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers
A viewing B regard C opinion D look
Answer: C Review / r `vju:/ = Opinion / `p nj n/ : đanh gia, quan điêm
21.The government is subsidizing the ship building industry
Answer: A Subsidize /`s bs da z/ (v): tr câp C̀n aid /e d/ (v): viên tr
22 The new air conditioner was installed yesterday
Answer: B Install / n`st :l/ (v): cài đ t, l p đ t
Inspect / n`spekt/ (v): kiêm tra Deliver /d `l v (r)/ (v): cung câp
23 Elephants will become extinct if man continues killing them
Answer: C Extinct / k`st kt/ (v): tuyêt chung
Die away: m dân, yêu dân rôi biên mât Die down: gi m đô m nh, m dân
Die off: chêt dân, nôi tiêp nhau, con nay đên con khac cho đên khi hêt
Die out: châm d t s tôn tai
24 The price of gasoline fluctuates daily
Answer: C Fluctuate /`fl kt ue t/ (v): biên đông, thay đôi
Spin out: duy tri cai gi lâu nhât co thê
25 A funhouse mirror can really distort your image!
Answer: A Distort /d `st :t/ (v): làm ḿo Deform /d `st :t/ (v): làm bi n d ng
26 The teacher offered bonus points as an incentive to completing the homework
A a goal B a stimulus to action C a deterrent D a valuable
Answer: B Incentive / n`sent v/ (n): nhân tô khuyên khich, th́c đ y
Stimulus /`st mj l s/ (n): s ḱch th́ch Deterrent /d `ter nt/ (n): ng n ch n
Trang 427 The ring is a circle without a break, i.e without the end or the beginning It is eternal Eternal things are immutable and indestructible
Answer: B Eternal / `t :nl/ (adj): v nh c u Immortal / `m :tl / (adj): bât t
Impermanent / m`p :m n nt/ (adj): không bên v ng = temporary
Finite / `fa na t/ (adj): h u han
28 A nuclear, power plant gives off less radiation than a granite structure of similar proportion, such as a Lincoln Memorial
Answer: D Give off = emit / i`m t/ (v): th i ra
Confine / k n`fa n/ (v): gi i han, h n chê Repel / r `pel/ (v): đây lui
29 Every library has a catalogue which shows on a particular subject can be found
Answer: A.catalogue / `kæt l / (n): danh muc Directory / d `rekt ri/ (n): th m c
Brochure / `br (r)/ (n): tài li u, cuôn sach nho
30 In the United States, not all states allow capital punishment, and in those that do, before it can be carried out there may be many years of appeals
Answer: D Capital punishment / `kæp tl `p n m nt/: H̀nh ph́t cao nh t, t h̀nh
31 Much vocational training is done by private institutions which are sometimes called proprietary schools
Answer: C Vocational / v `ke nl/ (adj): thuôc vê nghê nghiêp
Occupational /, kju`pe nl/ (adj): nghê nghiêp
32 In many countries people who are jobless get unemployment benefit
Answer: A unemployment benefit = dole / d l/ : tr c p th t nghi p
Pension / `pen n/ (n): l ng h u Scholarship / `sk l p/ (n): h c b ng
33 When the fire got out of control, firemen tried their best to extinguish it
Answer: D extinguish = put out : d p t t
C̀n: Put off: s hõn l i, châm lai, s l ng tranh Put down: đ xuông, đan ap, t c quyên
Put out: chê tao
34 The Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of an epoch of exodus from rural areas to cities
Answer: B epoch / `i:p k/ (n): kho ng th i gian
C̀n: Migration / ma ` re n/ (n): di c
35 We had to list the chronology of events in World War II on our test
A catastrophe B time sequence C disaster D discrepancy
Answer: B Chronology / kr `n l d i/ (n): niên đai, tr̀nh t th i gian
C̀n: Discrepancy / d s`krep nsi/ (n): S kh́c bi t
36 You may find that jogging is detrimental to your health rather than beneficial
Answer: D Detrimental / ,detr `mentl/ (adj): bât l i, gây thiêt hai
Trang 5C̀n: Facile / `fæsa l/ (adj): dê dai Depressing / d `pres / (adj): buôn chan
37 The power failure at dinnertime caused consternation among the city’s housewives
Answer: C Consternation / ,k nst `ne n/ (n): s ng sôt
Dismay / d s`me / (n): ng ngàng
C̀n: deliberation / d ,l b `re n/ (n): suy nghi cân nh c ki l ng
38 The hostess was affronted by Bill’s failure to thank her for dinner
Answer: B Affront / `fr nt/ = insult / n`s lt/ (v): x́c ph m
39 The differences between British and American English are comparatively small
Answer: B Comparatively / k m`pær t vli/ = relatively /`rel t vli/ (adv): t ng đôi
Straightly: không tôn tai
40 The design of wildlife refuges is still a matter of considerable controversy
Answer: B Controversy / `k ntr v :si/ (n): gây tranh cai Debate / d `be t/ (n): tranh luân C̀n:
significance / s `n f k ns/ (n): s quan trong
41 Do we have enough people on hand to help us move our stuff into the house
Answer: C Có đ sô l ng ng i s n sang giup hay không nên chon available
C̀n: indisposed /, nd `sp zd/ (adj): làm m t l̀ng
42 The white blood cell count in one’s body may fluctuate by 50 per cent during a day
Answer: D Fluctuate / `fl kt ue t/ (v): biên đông = vary / `ve ri/
C̀n: Undulate /` ndjule t/ (v): uôn l n Multiply /`m lt pl / (v): nhân lên
Disminish / d `m n / (v): gi m thi u
43 Kent, often called “the garden of England”, and the Vale of Eve sham are famous for horticultural produce
A fertilizers and pesticides B fruits and flowers
Answer: B Horticultural /,h :t `k lt r l/ (adj): trông trot, làm v n
C̀n: fertilizer /`f :t la z (r)/ (n): phân bon Pesticide /`pest sa d/ (n): thuôc tr sâu
44 Those children who stay longer hours at school than at home tend to spend their formative years in the company of others with similar aims and interests
A being separated from peers B forming a new business company
C being together with friends D enjoying the care of parents
Answer: C i cung ban be Company (n): s đông hanh
45 British army units are stationed in several countries throughout the world
A are installed B have a spot C are pulled down D have a base
Answer: B Station /`ste n/ (n): đia điêm Spot /sp t/ (n): đia điêm
46 The introduction of appropriate farming practices to Vietnamese farmers can help them achieve a higher output
A productivity B renovation C guideline D achievement
Answer: A output = productivity /,pr d k`t v ti/ : s n l ng
Trang 647 Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world
Answer: A Diversity = Variety : phong ph́, đa d ng
48 Biologists have introduced a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species
C weak and easily hurt D strong and unusual
Answer: C vulnerable /`v ln r bl/ = weak and easily hurt : y u đu i, d b t n th ng
49 A series of ingenious inventions in Britain provided the impetus for the Industrial Revolution
A clever B minor C mechanical D intricate
Answer: A Ingenious / n`d i:ni s/ (adj): kh́o ĺo, tinh xao
50 Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous, several adventurous tourists managed to reach the top
A causing a lot of risks C costing a lot of money
B bringing excitement D resulting in depression
Answer: A.v̀ Hazardous /`hæz d s/ (adj): nguy hiêm
C̀n: resulting in depression /d `pre n/ : dân đên suy thoai
Giáo viên: Nguy t Ca Ngu n : Hocmai.vn