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bài tập từ ĐỒNG NGHĨA từ TRÁI NGHĨA có đáp án

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1 Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master BÀI TẬP: TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA - TỪ TRÁI NGHĨA * Ngoài từ vựng ý DỊCH CẢ CÂU xu hướng đề gần cho từ cho sẵn khó lại dễ dàng suy luận Nhớ dịch câu trước định đáp án * Khi làm nhìn lại YÊU CẦU ĐỀ để xem làm CLOSEST hay OPPOSITE ! Vì nhiều bạn làm OPPOSITE mà nhầm sang CLOSEST Phần OPPOSITE chắn cho lựa chọn CLOSEST cho từ cho sẵn ! Từ Đồng Nghĩa ……………………………………………………………… Đáp án …………………………………………………………………….…… Từ Trái Nghĩa ……………………………………………………………… Đáp án …………………………………………………………………….… Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Câu His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers A viewing B regard C opinion D look Câu Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth A marked B separated C shared D hidden Câu We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings That is why we not want to leave A possessed by the surroundings B planted many trees in the surroundings C loved the surroundings D haunted by the surroundings Câu As tourism is more developed, people worry about the damage to the flora and fauna of the island A mountains and forests B flowers and trees C fruits and vegetables D plants and animals Câu It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full scholarship each year A are given the right to B are refused the right to C have the right to refuse D have the obligation to Câu The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite films A businesses B economics C advertisements D contests Câu The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modern sense A terminate B prevent C initiate D lighten Câu E-cash cards are the main means of all transactions in a cashless society A cash-starved B cash-strapped C cash-in-hand D cash-free Câu Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on Earth A risks B annoyances C fears D irritations Câu 10 Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast A minor comparison B interesting resemblance C significant difference D complete coincidence Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master Câu 11 These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence A openly criticised B publicly said C publicly supported D strongly condemned Câu 12 Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as a masterpiece A an expensive work of art B a down-to-earth work of art C an excellent work of art D a large work of art Câu 13 Many parents may fail to recognize and respond to their children’s needs until frustration explodes into difficult or uncooperative behavior A slowly reaches the boiling point B suddenly becomes uncontrollable C stays under pressure D remains at an unchanged level Câu 14 Those children who stay longer hours at school than at home tend to spend their formative years in the company of others with similar aims and interests A forming a new business company B being separated from peers C enjoying the care of parents D being together with friends Câu 15 "A friend in need is a friend indeed": Our friends have voiced their strong criticism of China’s escalation of tension on our continental shelf A easing the tension B improving the condition C facing the reality D worsening the situation Câu 16 Now many people who shop at a heath food store instead of a local supermarket are much more likely to find a healthy, sugar-free beverage A full of preservatives B harmful to heath C convenient to prepare D beneficial to heath Câu 17 Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous, several adventurous tourists managed to reach the top A causing a lot of risks B bringing excitement C resulting in depression D costing a lot of money Câu 18 Dozens of applicants showed up for the vacant position, but only a handful of them were shortlisted for the interview A class B hand C small number D small amount Câu 19 Just like hearing infants who start first with simple syllable babbling, then put more syllables together to sound like real sentences and questions, deaf babies follow the same pattern A able to hear B physically abnormal C obedient to patterns D hard of hearing Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master Câu 20 Thanks to the invention of the microscope, biologists can now gain insights into the nature of the human cell A far-sighted views B spectacular sightings C deep understanding D in-depth studies Câu 21 When Susan invited us to dinner, she really showed off her culinary talents She prepared a feast – a huge selection of dishes that were simply mouth-watering A concerning nutrition and health B involving hygienic conditions and diseases C relating to medical knowledge D having to with food and cooking Câu 22 Suddenly, it began to rain heavily, so all the summer hikers got drenched all over A very tired B refreshed C completely wet D cleansed Câu 23 “It’s no use talking to me about metaphysics It’s a closed book to me.” B a book that is never opened A an object that I really love C a subject that I don’t understand D a theme that I like to discuss Câu 24 Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more welfare A rejected B sacked C reviewed D deleted Câu 25 Environmentalists appeal to the government to enact laws to stop factories from discharging toxic chemicals into the sea A releasing B producing C obtaining D dismissing Câu 26 The overall aim of the book is to help bridge the gap between theory and practice, particularly in language teaching A increase the understanding B reduce the differences C minimise the limitations D construct a bridge Câu 27 The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable part-time job A help B allow C make D employ Câu 28 My sister is a very diligent student She works very hard at every subject A clever B practical C studious D helpful Câu 29 Students are expected to always adhere to school regulations A question B violate C disregard D follow Câu 30 A number of programs have been initiated to provide food and shelter for the underprivileged in the remote areas of the country A rich citizens B active members C poor inhabitants D enthusiastic people Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master TỪ TRÁI NGHĨA Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Câu Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island The islanders even exported the surplus A excess B sufficiency C small quantity D large quantity Câu There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment A ease B attraction C consideration D speculation Câu After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released A guilty B naive C benevolent D innovative Câu affluent families find it easier to support their children financially A Well-off B Impoverished C Wealthy D Privileged Câu Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region A restrain B stay unchanged C remain unstable D fluctuate Câu In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements A something to suffer B something enjoyable C something sad D something to entertain Câu The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures A damaging B beneficial C severe D physical Câu Vietnam’s admission to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has promoted its trade relations with other countries A boosted B expanded C restricted D balanced Câu We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours A an active society B an inactive society C a physical society D a working society Câu 10 A chronic lack of sleep may make us irritable and reduces our motivation to work A uncomfortable B responsive C calm D miserable Câu 11 We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time A slow down B turn down C put down D lie down Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master Câu 12 She is a very generous old woman She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization A mean B amicable C kind D hospitable Câu 13 Her thoughtless comments made him very angry A honest B kind C pleasant D thoughtful Câu 14 We run a very tight ship here, and we expect all our employees to be at their desks by eight o'clock and take good care of their own business A organize things inefficiently B manage an inflexible system C run faster than others D have a good voyage Câu 15 Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to well at school A approves of B attends to C puts off D looks for Câu 16 It is widely known that the excessive use of pesticides is producing a detrimental effect on the local groundwater A useless B harmless C damaging D fundamental Câu 17 His dreamlike villa in the new residential quarter is the envy of his friends A something that everybody looks for B something that everybody dreams of C something that nobody wants D something that nobody can afford Câu 18 Sorry, I can’t come to your party I am snowed under with work at the moment A busy with B free from C relaxed about D interested in Câu 19 Basically, everything is the same; however, there may be some minor changes to the schedule A big B sudden C gradual D small Câu 20 Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are few and far between on the highway A easy to find B difficult to access C unlikely to happen D impossible to reach Câu 21 We managed to get to school in time despite the heavy rain A earlier than a particular moment B later than expected C early enough to something D as long as expected Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN I - CLOSEST C opinion = review: ý kiến đánh giá C shared: chia sẻ, có nhiều đối tượng = universal: chung, toàn thể - MARKED: rõ ràng, đáng ý - SEPERATED: riêng biệt - HIDDEN: giấu kín, kín đáo C => (be/ grow/ become) fond of sth: dần/ trở nên thích = love - grow + adj = trở nên D plants and animials: cối động vật = FLORA AND FAUNA: hệ thực vật hệ động vật A => be entitled to sth = be given the right to sth: trao quyền cho, ban cho C => advertisement = commercial: mục quảng cáo C initiate = pave the way for: mở đường, mở màn, mở đầu (câu khó :’( ) D cash-free = cashless: không dùng tiền mặt - free hậu tố mang nghĩa: “không có” vd: duty-free (miễn thuế), care-free (không lo lắng, vô tư lự) A => risk = threat: mối đe dọa, mối nguy hiểm 10 C significant diffreence (sự khác đáng kể) = striking contrast (sự tương phản lớn) 11 C => publicly support = advocate: ủng hộ công khai (chỉ có support + V-ing) 12 C an excellent work of art = a masterpiece: kiệt tác 13 B => suddenly becomes uncontrollable (đột nhiên trở nên không kiểm soát được) = explode (bất ngờ thể cảm xúc mạnh) 14 D being together with friends = in the company of: gắn bó với bạn bè (COMPANY = bạn bè) 15 D worsening the situation (sự làm tình hình xấu thêm) = escalation of tension (sự làm leo thang căng thẳng) (vụ Trung Quốc đặt dàn khoan Biển Đông tháng năm 2014) Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master 16 D beneficial to heath (có lợi cho sức khỏe) => health food phải là: thức ăn có lợi cho chức khỏe 17 A hazardous = causing a lot of risks: đầy mạo hiểm (đoán dịch câu - leo núi tất nguy hiểm) 18 C => handful (số lượng nắm tay, số lượng nhỏ) = small number (có yếu tố hand người (Applicants) nên số lượng amount dùng cho không đếm được) Câu 19 A able to hear = hearing: có khả nghe (phía sau có DEAF: điếc => vế trước ngược lại) 20 C insights = deep understanding: hiểu biết sâu sắc (khó suy luận - câu chống điểm 10) 21 D => culinary = Liên quan đến thực phẩm cách nấu nướng (có yếu tố dinner, dishes mouth-wastering (chảy nước miếng) (nếu suy luận từ ) 22 C => drenched = completely = ướt sũng (có thể suy luận từ việc rain heavily) 23 C => vấn đề khó hiểu với dịch qua: “Thật vô ích nói chuyện với tao metaphysics (siêu hình học)… Thực chả cần biết metaphysics chi rứa, dịch đoạn đầu biết KHOAI => Nó cần yếu tố tiêu cực => ý C tiêu cực (ý A thiếu yếu tố i/me nên bỏ) 24 A => reject = turn down = từ chối 25 A => release = discharge = thải 26 B => bridge the gap = giảm khác biết, giảm khoảng cách = reduce the differences (câu đòi hỏi suy luận - gap = khoảng cách) 27 A => help = assist = giúp đỡ 28 C => diligent = studious = chăm 29 D => adhere = follow = tuân theo (A, B, C mang nghĩa “tiêu cực” nên không hợp) 30 C => the underprivileged = poor inhabitants = người dân cư nghèo (dịch qua có “cung cấp thức ăn ….” - có cho người nghèo thôi) Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN II - OPPOSITE C small quality (số lượng nhỏ) >< abundance (số lượng lớn) (nếu suy luận được: even exported (thậm chí xuất khẩu) => abundance = nhiều >< ít) A ease (sự thoải mái) >< concern (sự lo lắng) (nếu dịch câu việc phá hủy môi trường phải lo lắng >< ease (suy từ easy: dễ dàng, thoải mái) A guilty (có tội) >< innocent (vô tội) B impoverished (rất nghèo) >< affluent (khá giả) (câu khó thật :’( - đòi hỏi lượng từ vựng nhiều) B stay unchanged (không thay đổi, thế) >< vary (biến đổi, khác đi) B something enjoyable (điều dễ chịu) >< burden (gánh nặng) (nếu suy luận được: disease = bệnh tật => từ sau phải từ không vui vẻ >< vui vẻ) B beneficial (mang lại lợi ích) >< disastrous (có hại, mang lại tai họa) (nhiều từ vựng câu nên khoai :’( ) C => restrict (hạn chế) >< promote (đẩy mạnh) (do vốn từ vựng bọn em) B => an inactive society (1 xã hội hoạt động kém) >< a 24/7 society (1 xã hội hoạt động liên tục) (24 ngày - nhớ chương trình Thể thao 24/7 t.v) 10 C calm (điềm tĩnh) >< irritable (dễ bực tức, hay cáu) (nếu dịch việc thiếu ngủ gây tác hại biết nghĩa từ uncomfortable miserable không liên quan loại được) 11 A slow down (chậm lại) >< speed up (tăng tốc) 12 A mean (keo kiệt) >< generous (hào phóng) 13 D thoughtful (suy nghĩ thấu đáo) >< thoughtless (thiếu suy nghĩ) 14 A organize things inefficiently (tổ chức thứ hiệu quả) >< run a very tight ship (điều hành hiệu quả) (dịch vế sau loại C D B gây nhầm lẫn KHOAI !) 15 B => attend to (chú trọng đến, chăm lo đến) >< neglect (sao nhãng) (có thể suy luận từ ATTENTIVELY: cách chăm chú) 10 Hoàng Việt Hưng - Trick Master 16 B => harmless (vô hại) >< detrimental = harmful (có hại) 17 C => envy (sự ghen tỵ = người muốn) >< something that nobody wants (cái chả muốn) 18 B => snowed under with sth (rất bận với) >< free from sth (rảnh rỗi, làm gì) (dịch câu suy luận !) 19 A => minor (nhỏ, bé) >< big (to, lớn) 20 A => few and far between (hiếm thấy, khó tìm) >< easy to find (dễ tìm) (DỊCH CÂU !) 21 B => in time (kịp giờ, lúc) >< later than expected (muộn dự định) ... Việt Hưng - Trick Master ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN I - CLOSEST C opinion = review: ý kiến đánh giá C shared: chia sẻ, có nhiều đối tượng = universal: chung, toàn thể - MARKED: rõ ràng, đáng ý - SEPERATED: riêng... >< burden (gánh nặng) (nếu suy luận được: disease = bệnh tật => từ sau phải từ không vui vẻ >< vui vẻ) B beneficial (mang lại lợi ích) >< disastrous (có hại, mang lại tai họa) (nhiều từ vựng câu... đến thực phẩm cách nấu nướng (có yếu tố dinner, dishes mouth-wastering (chảy nước miếng) (nếu suy luận từ ) 22 C => drenched = completely = ướt sũng (có thể suy luận từ việc rain heavily) 23 C =>

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2017, 09:08

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