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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 11: National parks

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Giáo án English 10 UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS Date of preparing: I/ Aim • Theme: National Parks • Pronounciation : / d / - / t / • Grammar: - Conditional Type II/ Teaching aids: Cards; posters, real things, pictures III/ Division of the unit Period 1: Reading Period 2: Speaking Period 3: Listening Period 4: Writing Period 5: Language focus UNIT 11 : NATIONAL PARKS PERIOD 1: READING PERIOD 65 Date of teaching: I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Use vocabulary items related to national parks - Guess the meaning of words based on contexts - Scan for specific information about national parks II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may not know much about conservation, so T should be ready to help them IV Procedure Time Steps Work arragement WARM UP - Sts close their books 5' -T asks the Ss to answer the following questions while Whole class looking at the pictures: 1) What can you see in these pictures? 2) Where can they live together? In the mountains or in the national parks? Suggested answers: 1) I can see trees, plants, animals, mountains, caves 2) They live together in the national parks - T introduces new lesson : National parks 10' 7' BEFORE YOU READ - Ss work in pairs to look at the picture in page 112 and answer the questions1,2,3 in this page - T goes round to help - T correct the information before class Suggested answers: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t Cuc Phuong, Nairobi, Everglades I can see butterflies,1,000-year-old trees, elephants, dears, … -T introduces the three national parks in the map Vocabulary : - recognize (v) - species(n) - survive(v) survival(n) - toxic (a) - contaminate(v) contamination(n) WHILE YOU READ - Before reading these three paragraphs, T asks Ss to look at the pictures, the headings and the first sentence of each paragraph Then answer the following questions: What national parks are described? Where are they? What are the most important features of each of the national parks? Suggested answers: Pair work Individual work They are Cuc Phuong, Nairobi, Everglades They are in Vietnam, in the U.S.A and in Kenya Cuc Phuong has 1,000-year-old trees, has plants and animals from both tropical and temperate zones, Everglades has the orphanage, where lost of orphaned animals are taken care of 7' Task 1: - Ss open their books and read in silent the three paragraphs by following the cassette player once to practice new words -Ss work in pairs to find the words in the passage that Individual work best suit each of the given definitions - T goes round to help Ss Answer keys of task1: Example 4.survival contain sub-tropical species contamination 7' 7' and Pairwork Task 2: - Ss read the text in silence and the task - Ss read the given questions, T explains new words (if any) - Ss interchange in pairs -T goes round to check - T corrects the information before class -T asks one or some Ss to read the questions, the others answer the questions before the class, the rest listen and compare with their results ,then give comments or correct them( if any) Answer keys of task 2: 1-(The area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park is) 200 square km Pair work 2-Because the rainy season is over 3-They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival 4-In the Orphanage, orphaned and/or abandoned animals are taken care of 5-Everglades National Park is endangered because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water 6-If more chemicals are released into the water, plants and animals will die/ be killed / destroyed AFTER YOU READ - Sts work in groups to choose the places they like to come, interchange and discuss following the request of this task EX: Why you like to visit Cuc Phuong national park ? - Because we can look at the 1,000-year-old trees - T asks Ss to pay to the different ideas of each paragraph to answer the question “Why?” - T goes round to check Group work - T corrects them before the class 2' WRAPPING Summarise the main points Assign homework : Retell the main ideas of the reading passage * Remark: UNIT 11 : NATIONAL PARKS PERIOD 2: SPEAKING Whole class PERIOD 66 Date of teaching: I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - practice speaking about the plan of their excursion - use conditional sentence type to tell about what happened/ didn’t happen in the past II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about an excursion, so T should be ready to provide some IV Procedure Time Steps Work arragement WARM UP - Sts close their books 5' - T asks Ss: Last year we had a camping trip at school Whole class Tell me what you prepared for that trip - Ss practice in groups to remember what they prepared - T goes round to help Ss, then asks one or two of them to report - T introduces new lesson : Today we’re going to speak about Nga’s class’s excursion to Houng Pagoda and their regrets Suggested answers: We prepared food, drinks, tents, blankets, candles, … 10’ PRE-SPEAKING: - T explains the new words, structures and expressions for Ss to interchange in pairs - Ss study them by learning their meanings and repeating after T Vocabulary: - - turn out(v) - - poisoning(a) - - unfortunately(adv) : unluckily (adv) - - disaster(n) - - consequence(n) - - luggage(n) Structure: If clause( had+PII) Main clause( would +have+ PII) EX: 1) If I had seen you , I would have given you a lift 2) If he hadn’t been lazy, he would have passed the exams Pair work WHILE SPEAKING 10' Task1: - Ss open their books and read carefully the sentences in column A and column B, then combine the things in column A with the corresponding consequences in column B - Ss practice in groups - T goes round to help and check - T asks one S of each group to report his group’s result before the class, the rest listen and compare with their results ,then give comments or correct them( if any) Suggested keys of task 1: F D 10' E H G B C Individual work Pair work A Task 2: - Ss read the request of task carefully to talk about what they wish had or hadn’t happen - Ss continue their talk, using the ideas in task - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words (if any ) Suggested keys of task 2: If we had brought food and drinks, we wouldn’t have Group work 7' 3' spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning , we would have enjoyed our visit If we had had raincoats, we wouldn’t have got wet and have got a cold If some us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we would have had clothes and money with us If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we wouldn’t have got lost If we hadn’t thrown waste in the forest, we wouldn’t have got a fine If we had stayed there more than one day, we would have been able to visit all the pagodas POST SPEAKING: Task 3: - Ss work in groups to talk about what they did or did not in the past - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words (if any ) - T asks one S of each group to report to the class what his group has discussed - T corrects these reports before class WRAPPING Summarise the main points Assign homework : - Learn by heart new words and structures - Make sentences, using conditional sentence type - Prepare “Listening” * Remark: Individual work and Pairwork Whole class UNIT 11 : NATIONAL PARKS PERIOD 3: LISTENING PERIOD 67 Date of teaching: I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - listen to a piece of information about Cuc Phuong national park - listen to fill the blanks, to answer questions, an to summarize the main ideas II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may find some proper names in the tape difficult, so T should write them on the board before Ss listen to the tape IV Procedure Time Steps Work arragement Warm up - Ss close their books 5' - T asks the Ss to think out some national parks in Whole class Vietnam and write them in the card board national parks in Vietnam Suggested answers: They are Cat Ba, Cat Tien, Cuc Phuong, Bach Ma - T introduces new lesson: Today we’re going to listen about Cuc Phuong national park BEFORE YOU LISTEN: - Ss practice in groups, asking and answering the four questions in task page 115 Suggested answers: 1/ It is in the South West of Hanoi 2/ It contains over 200 square km of rainforest 3/ It is during the dry season, from October to April, when rainy season is over 4/ Butterflies, caves, mountains and the 1000-year-old Pair work 10' trees can be seen there - T turns on the cassette player once for Ss to listen and repeat the given words or phrase - Ss repeat these words and phrases before class - T asks Ss to tell the meanings of new words( if any) - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words they don’t know (if any ) Vocabulary: - threatened and endangered species: - attack(v) - ethnic minority: EX: Muong, Meo, Ede, Monong are ethnic minorities in Vietnam - T lets Ss read the words ( will appear) in the tape script, pay attention to the way of pronunciation and the meanings (if any) - Ss read these words in silent - T corrects them before the class WHILE YOU LISTEN: 10' 10' Task1: - T asks Ss to read the sentences given and underline the important words - T explains the sentences that Ss don’t understand - T turns on the cassette player twice - Ss listen and fill in the blanks - T asks Ss to interchange the information they’ve heard with his/ her partner and corrects them Answer keys of task1: 1.1960 2.160 km south west of 1oo,ooo visitors about 2,000; 450 surprise attack Task 2: - T asks Ss to read the questions to understand them well before listening - Ss listen for the first time, T checks if Ss have the answers - Ss listen for the second time, T checks again - Ss listen for the third time, T presses the button “pause” Individual work Group work right after the answer for Ss to understand more clearly - Ss work in pairs to discuss and prepare - Tasks some pairs of them to ask and answer before the class Suggested answers of task 2: It belongs to provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa It is about 160 km They come there to see the work being done to protect endangered species Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in the spring of 1789 They live mainly on bee keeping and farming 7' 3' AFTER YOU LISTEN: - Ss work in groups to share the information they’ve listened about the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park - T asks one S of each group to report to the class what his group has discussed -T corrects these reports before class WRAPPING Summarise the main points Assign homework : - Learn by heart new words, rewrite what they remember about the passage they’ve listened to * Remark: UNIT 11 : NATIONAL PARKS PERIOD 4: WRITING Individual work and Pairwork Whole class PERIOD 68 Date of teaching I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - practice writing a friendly letter of invitation and understand its organization as well as some phrases of accepting and confusing an invitation - write a friendly letter of invitation, based on the given situations II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may not be familiar with expressions used in an invitation letter, so T should teach them IV Procedure Time Steps Work arragement WARM UP - Sts close their books 5' -T uses an envelope with a stamp and asks some Whole class questions: 1/ What is it? 2/ How often you write it? 3/ Who you often write to? 4/ Have you ever received a confusing letter from your friends? 5/ Have you ever refused an invitation? - T introduces new lesson: A letter of acceptation or refuse Suggested answers: 1/ It’s a letter/ an envelope 2/ Sometimes/ Once a week/… 3/ I often write to my friends 4/ Yes, I have 5/ / Yes, I have BEFORE YOU WRITE: Task 1: - T explains the new words and expressions (if any) Pair work Vocabulary: - I’d like to / I’d love to: - I’m afraid I can’t / I’m sorry I can’t - That’s a great idea/ That’s a good idea - delighted (a) - Ss open their books and read carefully the expressions, used in accepting and confusing an invitation - Ss work in groups to discuss and fill in the opened 10' letters - T asks some of the to read aloud these three letters before class Suggested answers of task 1: I’d like to / I’d love to I’m sorry I can’t because(I’d love to but…) 10' I’d be delighted to WHILE YOU WRITE: Task 2: - T asks Ss to read the letter in the textbook carefully Individual work and underline the new words or phrases (if any) - Ss Practice in pairs to select and rearrange these Pair work statements in order to make a meaningful letter - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words (if any) Suggested answers of task 2: D E C A F 6.B AFTER YOU WRITE: 15' 5' Task 3: - Ss work in individual ,read the request of this task carefully to understand the its content and its aim - Ss think of the greeting, the organization, the ending of the letter they’re going to write first Then think of the reason why they refuse or accept the invitation - Ss work in groups ,practice writing a short letter of accepting and confusing an invitation to visit about Cuc Phuong National Park - T goes round to help them or gives the meanings of new words (if any ) - T may ask one of the to read his letter aloud before class Suggested answers of task 3: Dear Thanh, Thanh you for inviting me to join your picnic to Cuc Phuong National Park, I’d like to but I cannot because I’m very busy learning my old lessons to prepare for my coming test Let’s go another time Love, Lien WRAPPING Summarise the main points Assign homework : - Rewrite their letters at home * Remark: Group work Whole class UNIT 11 : NATIONAL PARKS PERIOD 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS PERIOD 69 Date of teaching: I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - pronounce correctly two consonants /t/ and /d/ in separate words and in speeches - know how to use conditional sentence type II Materials Textbook, handouts III Anticipated problems Ss may make mistake when using the third conditional, so T should prepare a lot of practice IV Procedure Time Steps Work arragement WARM –UP: (5ms) -Ss close their books 5' -Ss listen to T carefully and say what s the are going to Whole class learn today -T reads -Ss listen and answer -T introduces new lesson: Today we’re going to study conditional sentence type after practicing the two consonants /t/,/d/ 1.team, toe , ten ,top, tooth, plant, protect, hoped 2.damp, door, damage, doctor, intend, cleaned Suggested answers: The sounds /t/,/d/ 10' PR0NUNCIATION: (8ms) Activity 1: Listen and repeat - Ss listen to the cassette player these two consonants (once) to realize the difference among them - Ss repeat after T once -T write their phonetic symbols on board and numbers them: (1)/b / and (2)/p / -Ss close their books and speak aloud the number of the sound T reads Activity 2: Practice these sentences - Ss listen and repeat after T twice -Ss practice reading these sentences - T walks round to help GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: Pair work 10' 7' * Conditional sentence type : Structure: Conditional sentence type : Unreal in the past If clause Main clause had+ PII would/should…+have +PII Activity 1: ( Exercise 1- Page 119) - Ss read the example carefully - T presents the structure of conditional sentence type - T tells Ss the difference between type1,type and type 3, then asks Ss to give examples - Ss practice in groups - T walks round to help - One S of each group reads his sentence before the class - Ss practice in pairs to give the right form of the verbs in brackets - T walks round to help - Each S reads his sentence before the class Suggested answers: had known had had would have gone would have passed could have enjoyed had known had stopped had called Activity 2: (Exercise 2- Page 119) - Ss practice in pairs ,rewrite these sentences with conditional sentence type - T walks round to help( clauses after “because” are used in if clause, in sentence the main clause is used in conditional sentence type because of the word “ now”) - One S of each group reads or writes his sentence before the class Suggested answers: If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly, the accidents wouldn’t have happened If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I would have woken him up If Hoa hadn’t lent me the money, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the car If Mary hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured Individual work Group work 8' 5' If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now If had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi Activity 3: (Exercise 3- Page 120) - Ss read this exercise carefully to understand the situation clearly to use the given information to make conditional sentence type - Ss practice in pairs - T walks round to help - One S of each group reads his sentence before the class Suggested answers: If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying , If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone to the beach yesterday If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr Lee said during the dinner WRAPPING Summarise the main points Assign homework : - Learn by heart new structures - Make sentences ,using conditional sentence type - Review from unit to unit 11 to the test * Remark: Whole class

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 15:41

