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English Grade 11 UNIT 1: FRIENSHIP A PHONETICS I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A change B children C machine D church A guitarist B passenger C generous D village A other B long C possible D constancy II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words A number B eager C special D affair A feeling B believe C ready D easy A acquaintance B interest C capable D sympathy B VOCABULARY I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D She has always remained ………to her political principles A loyal B loyalty C faith She was …….of hearing about their trip to India A bored B interested C keen The local people are very ……….to strangers A comfortable B hospitable C enjoyable Claire has a wide circle of friends and …………… A neighborhood B acquaintances C friendship Many of the stories are base …………….rumor A on B in C at I can’t stand people with no ……….of humor A ability B sprit C keenness I have nothing in………… with Tim A together B common C commonly The children seem to be totally capable ……….working by themselves A on B of C in Your friendship should be base on ………… trust A basic B fragile C mutual 10 Friendship is two-sided …………, it lives by give and take A affair B event C aspect 11 A(an) ……….is someone you know but he/she is not your close friend A acquaintances B friend C neighbor 12 If you only care about your interests and feelings, you are very …………… A happy B friendly C loyal 13 It is said that girls are more ………… than boys A talkers B talk C talking 14 The quality we don’t like from a friend is ………… A friendliness B loyalty C selfishness 15 Don’t believe all the ……….you hear or you’ll lose trust in life A stories B rumours C tales 16 We are easily ……….by our friends so we have to choose friends carefully D faithfully D tired D familiar D relations D under D sense D altogether D for D blind D feature D classmate D selfish D talkative D understanding D talks English Grade 11 A influenced B attracted C interested D believed 17 I want to buy a skirt for my mother She is not very tall She is of medium ………… A height B high C tall D.length 18 Is there a ……….friendship between selfish people A truthful B true C truly D truth 19 A ………….friendship is a precious relationship A sincere B mutual C generous D successful 20 A good marriage is base on …………… A trust B loyalty C secret D trust & loyalty 21 He is always loyal ……………his principles whatever happens A with B about C on D to 22 You should inform the police if you see anything …………… A suspicious B uncertain C afraid D unbelievable 23 Tom always pays for everyone when we go out He is so …………… A careful B greedy C mean D generous 24 She has all the ……………of a good teacher A behavior B qualities C features D deeds 25 You can’t always insist on your own way – There has to be some give and ……… A B make C take D to 26 My father took ……… an interest in collecting stamps He has a valuable stamp collection A on B up C in D over 27 True friendship will ………….as long as our lives A spend B take C last D keep 28 She is not determined and often changes her ideas What a / an ……………girl she is A uncertain B mutual C suspicious D changeable C GRAMMAR II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D It is possible ………… a train across Canada A take B to take C taking I think your mother should let you …………….your own mind A make up B to make up C making up I was delighted ………………my old friend again A to see B seeing C seen I’d rather ……………to Elvis than the Beatles A listen B to listen C listening Do you know what made so many people ………….their home? A evacuate B to evacuate C evacuated The exam is coming so the teacher make their students ………………a lot A study B to study C studying her parents want her ………………….a doctor A become B to become C becoming I consider it my affair ……………the newcomers in my class A to help B help C helped These employees are made……………………overtime D to be taken D made up D to be seen D listened D be evacuated D studied D became D helping English Grade 11 A to work B work C working D worked 10 The teacher never let us ………………out when …………… A to go / explaining B go/ explaining C going / explain D gone / explained 11 The Manager had some letters to sign A That he had to sign C so that he signed B for signing D which are for signing 12 He advised me ………… the facts before I made a decision ……….the job A considering / to accept B consider / accepting C consider / accept D to consider / to accept 13 It’s a nice surprise ………….you here A see B to see C seeing D seen 14 It is impossible ……… such a difficult thing without any help A to B C doing D done 15 Those tourists were …………….their journey A enough tired to continue B too tired to continue C very tired that they couldn’t continue D too tired for continuing 16 The police let him …………….after they had asked him some questions A to leave B leave C leaving D left 17 The police didn’t permit them through the military zone They forced them to go another way A going B to go C went D go 18 The water was so polluted that the explorers could not drink it A The water was too polluted for the explorers to drink B The water was polluted enough for the explorers to drink C The water was too polluted for the explorers drinking D The water was polluted enough for the explorers drinking 19 His doctor advised him ……………smoking, but he find it impossible ……… his habit A stopped / quit B To stop/ quitting C stopping/ for quitting D to stop/ to quit 20 The company was made …………….100.000 USD in taxes A pay B to pay C paying D paid 21 I hear you are preparing …………….for Australia A leaves B to leave C leaving D left 22 The children were eager ………… their parents A to see B see C seeing D saw 23 I would rather ………….at home A to stay B staying C stayed D stay 24 He refused …………….her ………….for herself A to allow / think B allow / to think C allowing / thinking D to allow / to think 25 I keep getting this pain in my leg I think I would better ……………a doctor A seeing B to see C see D x 26 It is impossible for her ………….the office A ringing B ring C to ring D rang 27 The government has few options except …………….interest rates high A keeps B to keep C keeping D of keeping 28 Have you got time …………….the report today A finishes B to finish C finishing D finished English Grade 11 29 She is in a hurry She has a train ……………… A catching B catches C to catch D caught 30 John, I have something interesting … you but you have to promise … it secret A for telling / keeping B to tell / keep C to tell / to keep D told / kept 31 The guards were watching a shoplifter ………….along the shop windows A go B to go C went D gone 32 The skiers would rather ……………through the mountain than go by bus A to travel on train B traveled by train C travel by train D traveling by train III Choose the underlined part among a, B, C or D that needs correcting The Nelsons asked us look over their plants for them while they were away on vacation A B C D I couldn’t make my car to start this morning A B C D My boss doesn’t allow me using the telephone for private calls A B C D I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study recently A B C D She has a lot exercises this evening A B C D It is impossible for me being there before 8.00 p.m A B C D I saw a man to jump through the widow five minutes ago, but I could not remember his face A B C D It was quite a surprise seeing him again A B C D That was a very old place for visit A B C D 10 I heard him to leave the house early this morning A B C D 11 All students were allowed coming in the class A B C D 12 This room is too small being in A B C D 13 Approximately70 percent of all parents let their children to attend school A B C D 14 You should make your parents be happy for the rest of their life A B C D D READING Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question MANDI’S MAKING FRIENDS My name’s Mandin Three months ago, I went to disco where I met a boy called Tom I guessed he was older than me, but I like him and thought it didn’t matter We danced a couple of times, when we chatted He said he English Grade 11 was 18, and then asked how old I was I told him I was 16 I thought that if I told him my real age, he would not want to know me, as I am only 13 After the disco, we arranged to meet the following weekend The next Saturday we went for a burger and had a real laugh Afterwards he walked to my street and kissed me goodnight Thing went really well We see each other a couple of times a week, but I have had to lie to my parents about where I am going and who I have always got on with them, but I know if they found out how Tom was they would stop me seeing him Now I really not know what to I cannot go on lying to my parents every time I go out, and Tom keeps asking he cannot come around to my house I am worried and I need some advice Why has Mandi written this? A to describe her boyfriend B to prove how clever she is C to explain a problem D to defend her actions Who is she writing to? A her boyfriend B her parents C a teenage magazine D a school friend Why is Mandy worried? A She has been telling lies B Tom has been behaving strangely C She has not allowed to go to disco D Her parents are angry with her Why can’t Tom come to Mandi’s house? A She does not want her parents to meet him B Her parents not like him C He is nervous of meeting her parents D She does not want him to see where she lives Which of these answers did Mandi receive? A Tell me what you really feel B You must start by being honest with everyone C Everyone is unfair to you D Don’t worry I am sure Tom will change his mind UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES A PHONETICS I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A hand B bank C sand D band A money B month C monkey D monitor 3, A change B hungry C stronger D singer II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words A experience B embarrass C floppy D embrace A idol B video C birthday D imagine A cotton B happen C extreme D quickly B VOCABULARY I Choose the best answer among a, B, C and D She glanced briefly … his lapel badge A in B on C at D up ……………my experience, very few people really understand the problem A To B In C With D From She made a big ………………about not having a window seat on the plane A complaint B fuss C excitement D interset He ……………… to the spot where the house used to stand A pointed B showed C directed D glanced The boy glance at me and turned away English Grade 11 A close look B looked quickly C direct look D furtive look The girl was so ……………………that she didn’t look at him in the face A shy B confident C impatient D sneaky I was taken ……………………by her story A on B up C at D in I think that pop star is the …………… of countless teenagers A image B figure C sample D idol My most embarrassing …………………happened a few years ago A knowledge B experience C understanding D reality 10 A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ………… A picture B clip C holder D cartoon 11 She ……………… shyly at him and then lowered her eyes A looked B stared C glanced D caught sight 12 This …………….girl was disliked by the rest of the class A helpful B sneaky C unselfish D generous 13 He pulled a /an ………………… of 10 pound notes out of his pocket A sum B amount C piece D wad 14 Something that is ……………….makes you feel shy or ashamed A careful B careless C sneaky D embarrassing 15 She stood in the mucky yard and hands plunged into the pockets of her ……………coat A floppy B soft C tough D gentle 16 We had an interesting journey Accommodation is free and all we had to pay ……………was meals A of B for C to D back 17 “I paid for the hat with the money you gave me for my birthday, of course, Dad” I ……… A talked B told C spoke D replied 18 I was sure that the boy was a thief He had ……………my money A given B gone C disappeared D stolen 19 The girl was busy …………… how she would be when she grew up A happy B nice C imagining D imagine 20 Lan got …………….the bus and sat down next to the boy about her age A on B in C at D up C GRAMMAR II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D When I ……………to the party, Sally and Doug …………., John ……… drinks A was coming/ had danced/ made B had come/ danced/ made C came/ were dancing/ was making D have come/ are dancing/ is making When I ………….there, dinner ……… so I had a drink first A get / is prepared B get / has been prepared C got / had been prepared D got / was being prepared We ……….your son in the school play last night He ………….a terrific acting job A saw / was doing B were seeing/ did C had seen/ had done D have seen/ has done ……………………… him? – Last night English Grade 11 A When you meet B When did you meet C When have you meet D When will you meet When we ……………… to see him last night he …………… to music A come/ is listening B had come/ listened C came/ was listening D were coming/ listens She sometimes ………………… to turn off the computer before she goes home A forgot B has forgot C is forgetting D forgets They ………………good preparation before they ………………their final examination yesterday A made / had taken B had made / took C have made/ take D will make/ take It ……………… quite often in Britain during the winter A is snowing B snows C snowed D was snowing He …………… for London one year ago A left B has left C leaves D had left 10 I ……………….to the market with my mother yesterday A go B went C have gone D was going 11 I usually …………….to school by bus A went B am going C go D have gone 12 …………… you ……………… out last night? A Did / go B Do / C Have / gone D Were / going 13 When they …………….in the garden, the phone …………… A worked / was ringing B were working / rang C worked / rang D work / rings 14 After they ……………their breakfast, they ………… shopping yesterday A have / go B had/ had C had / had gone D had had / went 15 They ……………… tea when the doorbell ……… A have/ is ringing B were having/ rang C had had / rang D having / ringing 16 I …………….know how to dance when I ……………….six years old A don’t/ was B didn’t/ am C didn’t/ was D haven’t known/ was 17 Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he ………………carelessly A drove B had driven C drives D was driving 18 He …………… up at five every morning A is getting B got C gets D was getting 19 What ………………….he ………………before you came? A does / B had / C had / done D has / done 20 While mum was watching TV, I ………………….my homework A am doing B was doing C had done D has done 21 After she ………………hospital, she had a long holiday A leaves B is leaving C left D has left 22 The film …………….by the time we ……………to the cinema A already began / got B have already begun / got C had already begun / got D already began / had got 23 When I arrived at his house, he ………………….a phone call A answers B answered C has answered D was answering 24 When we …………… at the station, the train ……………… A arrived/ had left B arrived/ left C had arrived/ had left D had arrived/ left 25 She …………….the gold medal in 1986 A wins B had won C won D has won English Grade 11 III Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting The girl was very embarrassed when she realized that the money she had taken from the boy bag was not hers A B C D I was really excited as I hadn’t never been to London since I was 10 A B C D While I did my homework, I had a good idea A B C D John’s friends had had a farewell party for him last night A B C D After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle A B C D D READING: Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank MARIA’S HOMECOMING When the bus (1)… in a small square, Maria was reading her magazin and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination “ This is Santa Teresa, ” Martin said “ I suppose your cousin will be (2)…………for us Come on I’ll carry the bag.” Maria thought, “ All those years when I (3)………….in New York, I used to dream if this moment And now it real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six She had some (4)……………….of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She didn’t know Nobody was waiting in the square Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s letter “ What are we going to now? ” asked Martin “ There isn’t (5)……………a hotel here!” A reached B got C stopped D came A expecting B waiting C welcoming D receiving A was living B have lived C live D am living A recall B memories C thinking D remembering A even B hardly C too D very UNIT 3: A PARTY A PHONETICS I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A fat B any C gas D hat A glad B geography C glass D give A hour B happy C husband D hold II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words A candle B finish C family D anniversary A relation B together C succesful D celebrate A golden B adult C perhaps D future B VOCABULARY I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum A books B sweets C gifts D things Somebody opened the door and the candle ………………… English Grade 11 A blew over B blew out C blew off D blew down A lots of foods and drinks will be served …………….the party A in B at C for D with They held a concert to mark the ……………………of Mozart’s death A occasion B anniversary C situation D remembrance When they finished singing, Lisa ……………….the candles on the cake A turned off B blew out C cleared up D brought out Jack’s mother ………………a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it A brought out B showed on C turned up D took over A date that is an exact number of years after the date of important event is a(n) ……………… A birthday B celebration C wedding D anniversary This victory was a ……………………….in our country’s history A period B milestone C memory D point of time She …………… her hands in delight A shakes B holds C grasps D claps 10 Bright posters ………………the streets on the occasion of an anniversary A decorate B clear C glorify D colour 11 We all said, “ ……………………… ” ! before Nam blew out the candles on the birthday cake A Happy anniversary B Happy New Year C Congratulations D Happy birthday to you 12 All the ……………….came to my party except Mr Long, our form teacher A visitors B partners C guests D hosts 13 On my birthday, before I blew ………….the candles, I had prayed for my future and my family A on B out C in D at 14 What are you giving ……………….her son on his birthday? A to B for C from D on 15 The climax of the New Year……………….was a firework display A celebrate B celebration C celebrator D celebratory 16 Your …………is the anniversary of the date on which you were born A wedding B birthday C party D congratulation 17 On the New Year Day, people say “Happy New Year” …………their friends and relative A with B for C from D to 18 On the occasion of Christmas or New Year, people often send each other a …………… A greeting card B name card C banker’s card D charge card 19 ………………anniversary is the day exactly 50 years after a marriage, often celebrated with a party A Silver B Copper C Diamond D Golden C GRAMMAR: II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D Mrs Kelly didn’t want ……………… on A to be operated B being operated C to operated D to be operating The bus driver was so tired of ………….the same route every day that he asked for a transfer A to drive B being driven C driving D drive No one has better qualifications Carol is certain ……………for the job A to choose B having chosen C to be chosen D being chosen The house needs ………………… A to pain B to be painting C to be paint D painting Do you want ……………………by the doctor? English Grade 11 A to examine B to be examined C being examined D being to examine Alice didn’t expect ……………………….to Bill’s party A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked The mouse family avoided …………………by coming out only when the house was empty and the two cats were outside A catching B being caught C to have been caught D to be caught My boss doesn’t …………… me to use the telephone for private calls A let B get C know D allow I think it’s no good …………………him about that A to tell B told C being told D telling 10 He enjoys …………………… the crossword puzzle in the newspaper everyday A doing C to D done 11 The fans climbed over the fence to ………………… paying A avoid B postpone C refuse D stop 12 They ……………… all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach A took B used C passed D spent 13 Keeping fit ………………….taking exercise every day! A seems B tries C concerns D means 14 Peter ………………… to go in for the exam A avoided B let C advised D decided 15 Let us know as soon as possible so that we can start …………………arrangements A make B makes C making D made 16 “I was not there at that time,” he said A He denied being there at that time B He denied that he was there at that time C He denied to be there at that time D He denied that he wasn’t there at that time 17 I don’t mind ……………… late, if it will help at all A to work B to be work C working D being working 18 I remember ……………to the zoo when I was a child A to take B to be taken C taking D being taken 19 We managed …………………… over the wall without being seen A climb B climbing C to climb D to be climbed 20 Lan expected ………………………to the university, but she wasn’t A to admit B to be admitted C admitting D being admitted 21 After their children had grown up, they decided ……………… to a condominium in the city A to move B to be moved C moving D being moved 22 Does Dr Johnson mind ……………………at home if his patients need his help A to call B to be called C calling D being called 23 You can’t help ……………… Sandra King A like B to like C liking D x 24 John had agreed ………………….me in his office A to meet B meet C meeting D met 25 It is important for the figures …………………regularly A to update B to have updated C being updated D to be updated 26 It is no good ……………………sorry for yourself A to feel B feel C feeling D felt English Grade 11 A family planning B birth control C birth rate D A& B We must struggle ………………corruption within party A against B from C at D for More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country A put up with B get rid of C take control of D cut down on The students were asked to …………reading and writing skills to the villagers A deliver B express C provide D support 10 Only highly …………… people are capable of discussing these subjects A interesting B common C literate D business 11 Family …………… is a process of controlling the number of children you have A building B controlling C housing D Planning 12 Jill ………….to decorate the hall for the get-together A volunteer B volunteered C volunteers D voluntary C GRAMMAR II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D Someone told us …………………sit on the stairs A don’t B not C not to D to not “ Would you like to stay for lunch, Claire?” , said Sarah A Sarah advised Claire to stay for lunch B Sarah advised Claire would like to stay for lunch C Sarah invited Claire to stay for lunch D Sarah invited Claire to like to stay for lunch The doctor: You must take more exercise A The doctor asked me I had to take more exercise B The doctor asked me if I had to take more exercise C The doctor asked me to must take more exercise D The doctor asked me to take more exercise Matthew: you ought to take a brake, Andrew A Matthew advised Andrew to take a brake B Matthew asked Andrew to take a brake C Matthew suggested Andrew take a brake D Matthew suggested Andrew taking a brake “ Don’t forget to ring me” A I advised David to ring me B I reminded David to ring me C I offered to be rung D You promised to ring me “Don’t touch the gates, Madam” said the lift operator A The lift operator asked the lady not to touch the gates B The lift operator told the lady not to touch the gates C The lift operator warned the lady not to touch the gates D The lift operator advised the lady not to touch the gates “I’m sorry I forgot the shopping” A Jane suggested going shopping B Jane apologized for going shopping C Jane apologized for forgetting the shopping D B & C The doctor advised him ………………….and to take up some sport A stop smoke B stop smoking C to stop smoking D to stop to smoke The conductor asked …………………………in the bus A them to please not to smoke B that they should not smoke English Grade 11 C them not to smoke D them to not smoke 10 The doctor told him ……………… sweets and chocolate to lose weight A to keep at B to keep off C to keep back D to keep up 11 If she phones, ……………….him to buy some potatoes on the way home A remember B recall C recollect D remind 12 “ Could you lend me your pen?” Tom said to Jerry A Tom asked Jerry to lend him her pen B Tom asked to lend Jerry’s pen C Tom asked if Jerry could lend you her pen D Tom asked if Jerry could lend her his pen 13 “ Right I will take the brown pair ” Andrew said A Andrew promised to take the brown pair B Andrew wanted to take the brown pair C Andrew agreed to take the brown pair D Andrew asked to take the brown pair 14 “ I will definitely return it to you tomorrow” John said A John said that he will return it to me the next day B John promised to return it to me the next day C John told that he will return it to me the next day D John decided to return it to me the next day 15 “ Let me carry your suitcase, John !” Harry said A Harry offered to carry John’s suitcase B Harry agreed to carry John’s suitcase C Harry insisted on carrying John’s suitcase D Harry decided to carry John’s suitcase 16 “ Please, wake me up at o’clock tomorrow morning “ I asked the doorman A I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock the following morning B I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock in the following morning C I asked the doorman to wake me up at o’clock tomorrow morning D I asked the doorman not to wake me up at o’clock the following morning 17 “ I wouldn’t buy that car, Janos, if I were you.” A I advised Janos of buying the car B I advised Janos not to buy the car C I advised Janos not buying the car D I advised Janos on my buying the car 18 “ would you like to come to the cinema on Saturday, Pam?” A I invited Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday B I wanted Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday C I persuaded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday D I reminded Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday 19 “ Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday ?” A He offered me to have lunch with him on Sunday B He invited me to have lunch with him on Sunday C He advised me to have lunch with him on Sunday D He asked me to have lunch with him on Sunday 20 “ Laura, don’t touch the electric wires !” A John asked Laura to touch the electric wires B John asked Laura not to touch the electric wires C John advised Laura not to touch the electric wires D John warned Laura not to touch the electric wires ** Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same “ Would you mind not smoking in this room?” she said to him → She asked him ………………………………………………………………………………………… English Grade 11 “ You should not drink too much coffee at night,” said Bob → Bob advised …………………………………………………………………………………………… “ Don’t be late for class again, Jim” → The teacher asked ……………………………………………………………………………………… “ Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight?” → Marry invited …………………………………………………………………………………………… “ All right, I’ll pick you up at pm tonight.” → She agreed …………………………………………………………………………………………… “ Don’t forget to water the flowers for me, Tom.” → Mother reminded ……………………………………………………………………………………… “ Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the money.” → He promised …………………………………………………………………………………………… III Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting David asked me telling him the time A B C D I warned didn’t to climb the mountain in such bad weather A B C D The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the hood of the car A B C D We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle A B C D All the students are looking forward spending their free time relaxing in the sun this summer A B C D D READING: Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question PARENTS’S DREAMS Parents often have dreams for their children’s future They hope their children will have a better life than they had They dream that their children will things that they couldn’t Parents who come to the U.S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here They think their children will have more career choice and more successful lives They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities They think their children will remain close to them because of this Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans Parents often dream of …………………… A their children’s making a lot of money in the future B one day seeing their children become famous people C one day living on their children’s money D a bright future for their children Parents who come home from U.S from foreign countries hope that ……………… A their children will have a lot of careers B their children become successful directors C their children will have more opportunities foe good education D their children will make a lot of sacrifices Parents think their children wikll remain close to them because …………………… A they give their children a lot of money English Grade 11 B of the sacrifices C they know their children will be successful in the future D they are living in a foreign country The word career in line is closest in meaning to ……………………… A education B travel C subject The word close in line is closest in meaning to …………………… A dear B friendly C helpful D profession D kind UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS A PHONETICS I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A earning B learning C searching D clearing A candy B sandy C many D handy A given B risen C ridden D whiten II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words A.competition B annual C final D stimulate A performence B celeblation C remember D announce A apologize B difficulty C enjoyment D remember B VOCABULARY I Choose the best answer among A,B,C and D A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other to find out who is the best at something A participation B competition C activity D performance A person who decides who has won a competition is called a(n) ………………… A referee B judge C investigator D witness Companies will now be able to ………………program on ITV and Channel A judge B sponsor C recite D announce A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of group A contestant B competitor C examinee D representative How many ……………are there in the competition? A participates B participants C participations D participative The instructor is explaining the competition’s rules ……………… the competitors A to B for C with D at To participate …………….the contest, you must be under 25 years old A for B at C in D about The teacher divided the class into three groups ……………….ten A of B with C in D for The transition from school to work does not happen smoothly to everyone A without difficulties B full of troubles C with problems D plenty of challenges 10 When someone …………a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learnt it A recites B takes part in C completes D competes 11 The role of scientists is to observe and describe the world A obey B determine C watch D keep 12.What was the …………of match? – Three goals to nil English Grade 11 A representation B participation C member D score 13 ……………most important thing when you take part in any examination is to be calm A A B An C The D x 14 At ……………end of the competition, the judge announced the results to everybody A a B an C the D x 15 Many supporters were ………at the lack of first-team opportunities A quick B disappointed C difficult D important 16 Carlos was …………….the first prize in the essay competition A disappointed B completed C excited D awarded 17 In tonight’s quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country A losers B judges C competitors D winners 18 A referee must know all the …………….of the game A events B disciplines C laws D rules 19 A …………….is a piece of paper with questions and exercises for students A worksheet B competition C question D poem 20 Some English Competition are ………… to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students A explained B participated C competed D organized C GRAMMAR II Choose the best answer among A,B,C, and D “It is you that stole my purse,” Mrs Pike said to the young man A Mrs Pike told the young man that it was you that stole her purse B Mrs Pike denied the young man of stealing her purse C Mrs Pike accused the young man of stealing her purse D Mrs Pike asked the young man to steal her purse “ Thank you very much for your help, John” said Daisy A Daisy thanked John for helping her B Daisy told John to help her C Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D Daisy would like John to help her My friend …………………………… A suggested going for a walk B suggested us going for a walk C advised to go for a walk D would like going for a walk “ I’m sorry I broke the vase,” my little son said A My little son said that he was sorry and he would brake the vase B My little son refused braking the vase and said sorry C My little son threatened to brake the vase D My little son admitted to braking the vase The police warned me against coming near the barrier A “ Please come near the barrier,” said the police B “ Don’t come near the barrier,” said the police C “ I would like to come near the barrier, ” said the police D “ Let’s come near the barrier,” said the police

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2013, 01:25


