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  • Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there.


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1|Page KEY ENGLISH TEST Listening 0085/02 SAMPLE TEST Time Approximately 30 minutes (including minutes’ transfer time) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to so Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there Listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully Answer all the questions While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper You will have minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet Use a pencil At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES There are five parts to the test Each question carries one mark You will hear each piece twice For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers 2|Page * © UCLES 2015 (Entry 2) 500/2416/4 Cambridge English Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International 3|Page Pag e2 Part Questions 1-5 You will hear five short conversations You will hear each conversation twice There is one question for each conversation For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer Example: 0How many people were at the meeting? 13 30 3What will the weather be like? A B C✓ 1Where is the woman going to go on holiday this year? Canada Italy A Turkey B C 4How far is the nearest supermarket? A B C km km km 2What time was the man’s appointment? A B C 5Which table does Sally like? KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test B C 4|Page KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test [Turn over 5|Page Part Questions 6-10 Listen to Tom talking to a friend about a sports afternoon What sport did each person do? For questions 6-10, write a letter (A-H) next to each person You will hear the conversation twice Tom Example: D People Sam Jane Paul 10 A basketball Sports B football C golf D horse-riding City Part 2010 Questions 11-15 B City 2001 Listen to Jenny talking to Mark about buying a computer game For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C C City 2100 You will hear the conversation twice The name of the computer game is A 11 The game is not good for people under A Example: eight B ten C twelve A Cambridge B London C Peterstown A 29 Hunter Road B 29 Walker Street C 29 Marsden Street A Monday B Thursday C Friday A £26 B £30 C £48 Susan E skiing F table-tennis Anne 12 G tennis H volleyball 13 14 15 Pag e3 KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test Black's PC shop is in The address of the shop is The last day you can get a free game is The computer game cost ✓ 6|Page [Turn over KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test Pag e4 Part Questions 16-20 You will hear a man asking for information about a train Listen and complete questions 16-20 You will hear the conversation twice Part Questions 21-25 You will hear some information about a museum Listen and complete questions 21-25 You will hear the information twice TRAIN Newcasttle To: Manor House Museum YOU CAN SEE: Downstairs: Entrance Hall: Ford Room: Day of journey: 16 Train leaves at: 17 Return ticket costs: 18 £ Food on train: 19 Drinks and Address of Travel Agency: 20 22 Sttreett old phottos 21 picttures of Ittalian ………………………… Upstairs: more tthan 150 ……………………………… ………………………………… from films and TV 22 Left: Right: 23 Price of guide book: 24 £ Museum closes at: 25 You now have minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet [Turn over KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test 7|Page TAPESCRIPT - SAMPLE TEST Man Hello – I have an appointment to see the dentist at eleven Woman Man Woman Oh dear, you're very late That was over half an hour ago What time is it now? It's eleven forty This is the Cambridge Key English Test Listening Test, Sample Paper There are five parts to the test Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five We will now stop for a moment before we start the test Please ask any questions now because you mustn’t speak during the test What time was the man’s appointment? Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause Pause Now look at the instructions for Part One What will the weather be like? Man I hope you have a nice holiday with lots of sun Woman Man Woman Thanks, but I heard the weather forecast and it isn't very good Is it going to rain? It's worse than that It's going to snow! Pause You will hear five short conversations You will hear each conversation twice There is one question for each conversation For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right answer Here is an example: How many people were at the meeting? Woman Man Woman Man Were there many people at the meeting? About thirty That's not many No, but more than last time Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause Woman How far is the nearest supermarket? Man Woman Well, Man Johnson's is the best one but that's nearly five kilometres away Isn't there one nearer? Well, there is one three kilometres away but it's not very good Pause The answer is 30, so there is a tick in box C Now we are ready to start Look at question one How far is the nearest supermarket? Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause Pause Where is the woman going to go on holiday this year? Man Are you going to go on holiday with your sister again this year? Woman Yes, she comes home from Canada tomorrow, and then we're going to go away next week Where are you going? I've booked a hotel in Turkey My sister wanted to go to Italy again, so I hope she doesn't mind Man Woman Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause Pag e5 Which table does Sally like? ManWhat are you looking for, Sally? SallyAMan tableSally for my bedroom There are some small round ones there I think I’d prefer that small square one Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause This is the end of Part One Pause [Turn over KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test 8|Page Now look at Part Two Pause Listen to Tom talking to a friend about a sports afternoon What sport did each person do? For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person You will hear the conversation twice Pause GirlDid you go to the sports afternoon last Friday, Tom? I couldn't go Tom Yes, we had a great afternoon We all did a new sport I had some horse-riding lessons GirlReally! What did the others do? Tom Well, Sam was happy There's a dry ski slope there so he went skiing GirlReally? Did Jane the same thing? Tom She didn't want to She played volleyball with some other people She was tired after the game GirlWhat about Paul and Susan? Tom Well, Paul wanted to try basketball, but they don't that on Fridays - so he did golf And Susan did very well She played in a football team and got two goals! GirlGreat .Did anyone play tennis? Tom Nobody did that Anne didn't want to anything but she had to play something so she had a game of table-tennis GirlDid she like that? Tom Yes – I think so GirlWell, I hope I can go next time Pause Now listen again Repeat Pause This is the end of Part Two Pause Now look at Part Three Pause Listen to Jenny talking to Mark about buying a computer game For questions 11-15, tick A, B or C You will hear the conversation twice Look at questions 11-15 now You have 20 seconds Pause Now listen to the conversation Jenny Hi, Mark What are you doing? Mark Hello, Jenny Shopping for a present for my little brother KET Handbook 2004 - Listening Sample Test 10 | P a g e KEY ENGLISH TEST Reading and Writing SAMPLE TEST Time hour 10 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to so 0085/01 Part Questions 28 – 35 Read the article about a boat called Tara Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space For questions 28 – 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet _ The boat Tara The sailing boat Tara, (0) ………… part of a science project to learn about the air, sea and ice in the Arctic The scientists could not build a camp on the Arctic ice because it was too dangerous (28) ………… decided to use Tara as a camp instead and (29) ………… September 2006, the scientists sailed the ship into the ice This is (30) ………… the ship stayed for many months Soon Tara was caught in the ice The boat (31) ………… with the ice, and travelled over 5,200 kilometres (32) ………… that time the boat crossed the North Pole The scientists could hear the ice making strange noises (33) ………… they did not worry too much On the 500th day in the ice they (34) ………… had a small party Then, (35) ………… four days later, the ice broke and Tara was free Example: A B C A was B were C be Answer:0 _ 28 A It B He C They 29 A to B in C at 30 A where B which C when 31 A moves B moved C moving 32 A Until B Since C During 33 A but B if C because 34 A often B already C even 35 A quite B just C still Part Questions 36 – 40 Read the descriptions of some things in a house What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there There is one space for each other letter in the word For questions 36 – 40, write the words on your answer sheet Example: You go to sleep on this b Answer: b e d 36 You turn this on when it starts to get dark l 37 You can watch different programmes like the news on this t _ 38 This is on a wall and you can put books on it s 39 You look through this to see outside w _ 40 You go up these to the next floor s _ Part Questions 41 – 50 Complete the letter from David to his music teacher Write ONE word for each space For questions 41 – 50, write the words on your answer sheet a m Example: _ Dear Mrs Farr, I (0) ………… very sorry but I can’t come to my music lesson (41) ………… Wednesday this week I (42) ………… to go to the dentist (43) ………… school that day I fell off my bike yesterday and broke (44) ………… tooth! (45) ………… is a free appointment this Wednesday and it’s important I see the dentist soon (46) ………… it's okay with you, I (47) ………… like to have a lesson this Saturday Can you phone my mother to tell (48) ………… what time you will (49) ………… free? Our telephone number is 455902 She usually comes home (50) ………… work at six o’clock David Part Questions 51 – 55 Read the invitation to a picnic and the email Fill in the information in Peter’s notes For questions 51 – 55, write the information on your answer sheet _ TO CLASS C From: Katy Please come to a picnic at 12.30 p.m next Sunday in King’s Park The bus stops outside There’ll be lots of food - but bring something to drink Louise 577021 To: Peter Louise’s picnic next weekend is on Saturday now but the time hasn’t changed Let’s meet at my house at 11.30 a.m Come on your bike so we can ride there together Call me this evening Peter’s Notes Picnic King’s Park Where: Who to phone tonight: 51 Day of picnic: 52 Time of picnic: 53 Take for picnic: 54 Travel there by: 55 p.m Part Question 56 You have seen this notice in your school SPORTS CLUB We want to start a sports club after school What’s your favourite sport? Why you like it? How well can you play it? Write to: Sudesh, Class You want to join the sports club Write a note to Sudesh and answer the questions Write 25 – 35 words Write the note on your answer sheet Reading and Writing answer key - SAMPLE PAPER Orde r Key Order Key 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E B F C A B B C A A B C A C C H D A F B C A C B A C B C 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 B A B C A C B light television shelf window stairs on have after / at a / my / one There If would/ 'd her be from / after Katy (on)(next) Saturday 12.30 (something to)(a) drink (my) bike/bicycle 1a Flight delayed A, here is some information about a flight which is delayed (Hand candidate booklet to A, open at Task 1a) B, you don't know anything about the delayed flight, so ask A some questions about it (Hand candidate booklet to B, open at Task 1a) Use these words to help you (Indicate prompt words) Do you understand? (If necessary, repeat instructions) (If necessary) Now B, ask A your questions about the delayed flight, and A you answer them Flight 312 London to Dubai – hours late because of bad weather New travel time: 11.20 a.m Passengers please wait in airport restaurant Listen for more information Flight delayed ♦ flight number ? why / late ? short delay ? where / passengers wait ? when / plane leave ? 1b Tourist information centre B, here is some information about a tourist information centre (Turn over B’s booklet to show Task 1b) A, you don’t know anything about the tourist information centre, so ask B some questions about it (Turn over A’s booklet to show Task 1b) Use these words to help you (Indicate prompt words) Do you understand? (If necessary, repeat instructions) (If necessary) Now A, ask B your questions about the tourist information centre, and B you answer them Sun Beach Tourist Information Office Find places to eat and where to stay Our staff speak Spanish, English and Italian On sale: maps, postcards, guidebooks Daily a.m – 5.30 p.m www.SunBeach.com Tourist information centre ♦ opening times ? information about restaurants ? staff speak English ? buy postcards ? website ? 1a Flight 312 London to Dubai – hours late because of bad weather New travel time: 11.20 a.m Passengers please wait in airport restaurant Listen for more information 1b Sun Beach Tourist Information Office Find places to eat and where to stay Our staff speak Spanish, English and Italian On sale: maps, postcards, guidebooks Daily a.m – 5.30 p.m www.SunBeach.com 1a Flight delayed ♦ flight number ? ♦ why / late ? ♦ short delay ? ♦ where / passengers wait ♦ when / plane leave ? ? 1b Tourist information centre ♦ opening times ? ▪ information about restaurants ? ▪ staff speak English ? ▪ buy postcards ? ▪ website ?

Ngày đăng: 13/08/2016, 16:40

