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TÀI LIỆU ÔN IOE LỚP Mary tells her brother that the Earth round A is B was C have been D will be Instead of about the good news, Peter seemed to be indifferent A exciting B to excite C being excited D to be excited The "Ao dai", which is the pride of Vietnamese women, has never been A on fashion B after fashion C out of fashion D in the fashion A computer file can be upload to for others to download easily A an internet B an informative C a website D a stage skirt is so/ old that I/ don't want to/ This stripe/ wear at all This stripe skirt is so old that I don't want to wear at all has been made,/ little/ Very/ progress/ has it? Very little progress has been made, has it? who are causing/ the problem./ It's only/ a tiny minority/ of people It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem Taking/ won't you?/ to my house, your brother Taking your mother to my house, won't you? may prove/ too/ Buying/ new furniture/ costly Buying new furniture may prove too costly 10 She couldn't help/ at home alone/ in the evening./ when she stays/ being afraid She couldn't help being afraid when she stays at home alone in the evening 11 trying to answer/ four questions./ he would/ The speaker said/ confine himself The speaker said he would confine himself trying to answer four questions 12 great explorers./ the/ was/ Christopher Columbus/ one of Christopher Columbus was one of the great explorers 13 a writer./ I have/ great/ admiration/ for her as I have great admiration for her as a writer 14 to take/ our holidays/ this year./ We plan/ abroad We plan to take our holidays abroad this year Fill in the blank 15 Mindful of the danger of tropical storm, I decided not to _ _ out go 16 At first I enjoyed listening to him but after a while I got tired of hearing the same story again _ _ _ again and 17 Clothes help show what work they and whether they are rich or _ _ _ _ poor 18 Do you think "jeans" will be out of fa_ _ _ _ _? shion 19 It's five years _ _ _ _ _ we last met each other since 20 Casual clothes are comfortable clothes that you choose _ _ wear in your free time to 21 When you go through customs, your bag may be checked _ _ a customs officer by 22 It is compulsory to wear a safety _ _ _met on a motorbike hel 23 Ha: "Let's go to the concert this Sunday?" - Tu:"_ _ _ don't we go to the mountains instead?" Why 24 Marconi invented radio about a hundred years _ _ _ ago Match the words with the correct pictures A H D I F J 10.B Choose the best answer 25 Peter decides abroad when he is 20 years old A to study B studying C studies 26 You bought this pair of trouser yesterday, ? A didn't you B weren't you C did you 27 mail may be sent to you although you don't want it A Spam B Useful C Junk 28 Harry quited video games in 2000 A to play B playing C played 29 It's wonderful weekend with your friends by the sea A spending B spends C to spend Fill in the blank 30 LI_ITATION M AC_ESS C 31 WE_CAM B ME_NS A 32 WEB_ITE S FAR A_AY W 33 PROD_CE U WITH_ UT O 34 WE _ KEND E FR_ END I 35 TROUS_ R E YEST_RD_Y E/A 36 A_ROAD B SHO_S E 37 CH_TTI_G A/N TAL_ K 38 CHA_ NEL N REA_ LY L 39 AD_ANTAGE V TY_E P 40 WI_H S EV_RYONE E C E 8.G D studied D were you D Available D play D spend VILL_GE SU_FER N_VER WONDER_UL DECI_ E PA_ R STU_Y SPE_K CR_ATE ELECTR_NIC WI_DOW A F E F D I D A E O N Leave me out There are English words, each with a redundant letter You have to take that redundant letter out from each word to make it correct 41 changnel electeronic Gergman cureate advanstage messeage 42 waiy readlly bano taype evergyone cassestte 43 tradio picthure frieand deavelop tomoerrow educhation 44 hentertain trefuse remeamber documeant minde persionality 45 diffetrence togeather hunderline phronounce hahead heach other Choose the best answer 45 Long wishes he have to clean all the windows A don't B doesn't C wasn't D didn't 46 We can send messages and pictures to friends by using a A radio B TV C cell phone D cassette player 47 Choose the word that has different stress pattern: A entertainment B education C development D interactive 48 Trung will have an English test tomorrow so he refused chess with me A play B to play C playing D having played 49 I remember her somewhere A meet B meeting C met D to meet 50 Would you mind not on the radio until I’ve finished typing the document? A to turn B turing C being turned D to be turned 51 Ha: "What make you and your sister from each other?" - Thu: "Our personalities." A different B difference C differ D differently 52 Let's dance together, ? The party is so wonderful A shall we B shan't we C will you D won't you 53 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently A article B admire C adult D ahead 54 Remote controls are used with TV A to interacting B to interactive C interact D to interact Cool pair matching 1 C F E J B D G I A 10 H Fill in the blank 55 It isn’t necessary to finish the w_ _ _ to day (ork) 56 Sally fi_ _ _ _ _ managed to get a job (nally) 57 That’s the last time I go to that res_ _ _ _ _ _ t (tauran) 58 “I ad_ _ _ e you to take a holiday,” the doctor continued (vis) 59 If you don’t rest you_ _ _ _ f you really will be ill (rsel) 60 I sh_ _ _ _ like someone to take me out to dinner (ould) 61 Martin may not be very well but he still m_ _ _ _ es to enjoy life (anag) 62 They’ll have to t_ _ e the dog on holiday with them (ak) 63 My aunt got he_ _ _ ly stressed because her marriage broke up (avi) 64 I can’t believe that he p_ _ _ ed the exam (ass) 65 This is the f_ _ _ _ st way to get to the city center (aste) 66 If anyone s_ _ _ _ eds in solving the problems, it will probably be him (ucce) 67 We arrived too late to see the f_ _ st film (ir) 68 “Would you _ _ _ d not smoking in here?” (min) 69 He wrote the _ _ _ _ er in two hours (lett) 70 “Why don’t we go _ _ t for a walk?” (ou) 71 In _ _ ite of his age, Mr Benson runs miles before breakfast (sp) 72 I was very i_ _ _ _ _ _ ted in our conversation (nteres) 73 Why _ _ d you that ? (di) 74 These b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ves are my own work (ookshel) 75 I don’t play _ _ _ _ is as well as you (tenn) 76 I haven’t b_ _ n to the dentist’s for two years (ee) 77 Whe_ _ _ er she went to Paris she bought a new dress (nev) 78 I spent s_ _ _ n years at secondary school and then I went to university (eve) 79 It’s not _ _ _ th living to make her change her mind (wor) 80 He said he was not guilty of st_ _ _ ing the car (eal) 81 Is this the o_ _ y way to reach the city centre? (nl) 82 He never suspected that the m_ _ _ y had been stolen (one) 83 It’s my o_ _ _ _on that you should take more exersise (pini) 84 I was going to leave, but be _ _ _ _ e of what he said, I didn’t (caus) Leave me out There are English words, each with a redundant letter You have to take that redundant letter out from each word to make it correct 85 haccident chaicken triep shorry dealicious whaiter 86 qhuestion heveryone pareants mondey motorhbike hexersise 87 shecondary shchool maost anshwer treaffic muoney 88 antherm neation cutrrency bheauty gardden Sheptember 89 neccessary chealthy shometime holideay phostcard trecent 100 chontinue bechause shickness hatmosphere dreshs realigion 101 He was very s_ _ _ y that he didn’t see Andrey on her trip to London (orr) 102 It’s th_ _ _ ht that the accident was caused by hu _ _ n error.( oug) (ma) 103 “Will you be vi_ _ _ ing the Taj Mahal when you go to India?” he asked Elizabeth (sit) 104 “I think you sh_ _ _ d try the chicken Marengo,” said the waiter.( oul) 105 This is the most del_ _ _ _us cake I have ever tasted (icio) Rerwite the following sentences that keep the same meaning 106 The qu_ _ _ ions are so easy that everyone can answer them (est) 107 The boy will rec_ _ve some money to continue his study His par_ _ts died in a traffic accident (ei) (en) 108 They are producing m_ _ _ rbikes in Vietnam (oto) 109 I wasn’t there ye_ _ _ _day, so I didn’t know who he was (ster) 110 If you not try hard, you can’t pass the e _ _ _ ination (xam) 111 They spe_ _ more money, they had to w_ _ k harder (nt) (or) 112 People t_ _ _ ght that the cover was m_ _e of iron (hou) (ad) 113 He went to London He had lived th_ _e when he was a boy (er) 114 Jane was a_ _ ent from class because of her sickness (bs) 115 The pa_ _ _ ge was too heavy for Peter to carry.( cka) Leave me out There are English words, each with a redundant letter You have to take that redundant letter out from each word to make it correct 116 shoeuld somehone loeck fineish pharty chourse airphort 117 Althought airpaort haccident haeppen probject phlane churtch 118 wnedding htouse brecause thoink footlball footbeall eleactricity 119 heldful beautieful huseful thomeless chieldlike frienhdly infhormation 120 schoolarship footlish rainny cleoudy shnowy skandy floggy Choose the best answer 121 You should the train instead of the bus A take B to take C taken D to taken 122 I’m sure that someone forgot _the door A to lock B to locking C locked D locking 123 They this house ten years ago A bought B have bought C had bought D were bought 124 The course finished _ a big party A within B with C without D with to 125 We _ a pop star onto the chat show, but he didn’t turn up A have invited B invited C have been invited D had invited 126 _ she said that she would come, I don’t think she ever will A Although of B Although C Although even D Although to 127 The plane had _ left the airport when the accident happened A hard B hardly C not hardly D not hard 128 You feel now because you didn’t sleep very well last night A tiring B tired C to tired D to be tired 129 When did you the project? A started B start C starting D to started 130 Their wedding will be held in a _church A love B lovely C loved D lovedly Fill in the blank 131 fat_er h foo_ _ all tb y_ _ ng ou p_ _ sent re 132 swi_ming m bi_ _hday rt c_ _fee of wo_ _d ul 133 jun_le g be_ _use ca dr_ver i p_ty i 134 f_om r o_ner w a_ _ut bo chil_ _en dr 135 co_ _d ul b_ _ause ec rou_h g w_en h 136 lov_ _y el sl_ep e _now k f_ _st ir 137 aft_ _noon er was_ing h co_ _uter mp ma_ _ine ch 138 prep_ _ e ar prep_ _ _ tion ara convenie_ _ e nc c_ _municative om Fill in a suitable word 139 My father _ _ _ _ to play football when he was young (used) 140 Jane gave me a present on _ _ last birthday (my) 141 “Let’s _ _ swimming” (go) 142 “Would you _ _ _ _ a cup of coffee?” (like) 143 We got lost in the jungle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we didn’t have a map (because) 145 I last saw Bob when I _ _ _ in Ho Chi Minh City (was) 146 It is a three-hour drive _ _ _ _ Hanoi to Namdinh (from) 147 It’s a pity you didn’t tell us _ _ _ _ _ this (about) 148 They think the owner _ _ the house is abroad (of) 149 The children couldn’t go swimming because _ _ _ sea was very rough (the) 150 I have to this job because I _ _ _ _ no choice.( have) Fill in letters 151 When did you fi_ _ t know him? (rs) 152 Th_ _ r trip lasted three day (ei) 153 It m_ _ rain hard this afte_ _ oon, so take the rain c_ _ t with you (ay) (rn) (oa) 154 She h_ _ to the wash_ _ g up but she didn’t (ad) (in) 155 English is e_ _ y to learn (as) 156 Don’t leave the l_ _ hts on all n_ _ ht, you will w_ _ te electricity (ig) (ig) (as) 157 The furniture was t_ _ old to keep (oo) 158 Gary is the b_ _ t guitar_ _ t in her class (es) (is) 159 Since the inve_ _ ion of computer, people have saved a lot of time (nt) 160 It’s nec_ _ _ ary for everybody to clean up their neighborhood once a week (ess) Fill in a suitable word 171 It is necessary _ _ finish the work today (to) 172 Sally finally managed _ _ get the job (to) 173 This is _ _ _ last time I go to this restaurant (the) 174 “ I advise you to _ _ _ _ a holiday,” the doctor continued (take) 175 “If you don’t rest yourself _ _ _ really will be ill (you) 176 The doctor told _ _ _ that he work too hard (him) 177 Those pictures _ _ _ beautiful (are) 178 It was _ _ interesting film (an) 179 What is _ _ _ weight of your suitcase? (the) 180 How tall _ _ Peter’s father? (is) Leave me out 181 afforbd buey beegin recad regraet machaine 182 Noebody deany baeautiful voaice geirl chlass 183 finod maneager anyewhere teaecher stuady traevel 184 accheptable posshible achtive passieve attreactive farmous 185 sherious dangetrous childisch shelfish intereshting boreing Fill in a suitable word 186 He can’t _ _ _ _ _ _ to buy the car (afford) 187 Shirley didn’t begin to read _ _ _ _ _ she was eight (until) 188 Mrs Taylor regretted buying the _ _ _ _ _ _ –hand washing-machine (second) 189 Nobody can deny _ _ _ _ she has a beautiful voice (that) 190 Jane is the tallest girl _ _ her class (in) 191 They couldn’t find _ _ _ manager anywhere (the) 192 Their teacher is making _ _ _ _ study hard (them) 193 As I get older , I want _ _ travel less (to) 194 I have never _ _ _ _ to Liverpool in my life (been) 195 My father _ _ _ _ _ _ very little French (speaks) Fill in each blank a letter 196 You don’t have to fin_ _ h the work today (is) 197 Sally finally succe_ _ ed in getting a job.(ed) 198 I cert_ _ nly won’t go to that restaurant any more (ai) 199 You’d be_ _ er take a holiday (tt) 200 Unless you r_ _ t yourself you really will be ill (es) 201 What I should like is to be t_ _ en out to dinner (ak) 202 Martin’s p_ _ r health can’t prevent him f_ _ m enjoying life (oo) (ro) 203 They can’t leave their dog b_ _ ind when they are on holiday (eh) 204 The br_ _ k-up of the marriage made my aunt heavily stre_ _ ed (ea) (ss) 205 I find it h_ _ d to believe that he passed the exam (ar) Leave me out 206 feaster caenter phroblem meost pherson saolve bhreakfast 207 hoeur warite shuggest shoauld twhile beafore intearest 208 tealk theat wheatever beook tenanis deantist witheout 209 draess seaven shecondary unhiversity nheed cheange miend 210 fathaer herie theough fore tchese nhever ceity Fill in a suitable word 211 There’s no faster way _ _ _ _ this to get to the city center (than) 212 He is the most likely person to succeed _ _ solving the problems (in) 213 We didn’t arrive early enough _ _ see the first film (to) 214 I’d _ _ _ _ _ _ you didn’t smoke in here (rather) 215 It took him hours _ _ write the letter (to) 216 My father suggested we should go out _ _ _ a while (for) 217 Though Mr.Benson _ _ old, He runs miles before breakfast (is) 218 It was interesting _ _ talk to you (to) 219 Whatever _ _ _ you that for ? (did) 220 I made these bookshelves_ _ _ _ _ _ (myself) 221 You play tennis _ _ _ _ _ _ than I (better) 222 It’s two years _ _ _ _ _ I went to the dentist’s (since) 223 She never _ _ _ _ to Paris without buying a new dress (went) 224 After _ _ _ _ _ _ spent seven years at secondary school I went to university.( having) 225 There’s no need to make _ _ _ change her mind (her) 226 He denied for _ _ _ _ _ _ stolen the car (having) 227 Isn’t there _ _ _ other way to reach the city centre (any) 228 At no time _ _ _ he suspect that the money had been stolen.(did) 229 If I _ _ _ _ you, I’d take more exercise (were) 230 She persuaded me _ _ _ to leave.(not) Fill in each blank a letter 231 He greatly regretted not s_ _ ing Andrey on her trip to London (ee) 232 The a_ _ident is thought to have b_ _ n caused by human error (cc) (ee) 233 He asked Elizabeth if she w_ _ ld be visiting the Taj Mahal when she went.( ou) 234 The waiter reco_ _ ended us to try (mm) 235 I have never tasted such a dil _ _ ious cake (ic) 236 They’re such easy q _ _ stions that everyone can answer them (ue) 237 The boy whose p _ _ ents died in a traffic accident will rec _ _ ve some money to continue his study (ar) (ei) 238 Motorbikes are be_ _ g produced in Vietnam (in) 239 If I had been there yes _ _ rday, I would have k _ _ wn who he was (te) (no) 240 Unless you try h_ _ d, you can’t pass the exa_ _ nation (ar) (mi) 241 The m_ _ e they spent mo_ _ y the harder they had to work (or) (ne) 242 The cover was tho_ _ ht to h_ _ e been made of iron (ug) (av) 243 He went to London w _ _ re had lived when he was a boy (he) 244 Bec_ _ se Jane was sick, Jane was a_ _ ent from class (au) (bs) 245 The package was so h_ _ vy that Peter couldn’t c_ _ ry it (ea) (ar) Fill in a suitable word 246 If I were you, I’d take the train instead _ _ the bus (of) 247 Someone must _ _ _ _ forgotten to lock the door (have) 248 They have owned this house _ _ _ ten years (for) 249 At the _ _ _ of the course, there was a big party (end) 250 The pop star _ _ _ _ we invited onto the chatshow didn’t turn up (that) 251 Despite her saying that _ _ _ would come, I don’t think she ever will (she) 252 _ _ sooner had the plane left the airport than the accident happened (No) 253 Had you slept _ _ _ _ last night, you wouldn’t feel tired now (well) 254 How long is it _ _ _ _ _ you started the project ? (since) 255 The church where their wedding will be held _ _ lovely.( is) Leave me out 256 angymore foothball paresent btirthday seuggest goeing shwimming 257 courshe pharty hinvite cheatshow teurn drespite chome 258 shoon plaene heappen naight leong phroject cheurch 259 whedding theair whedding jhungle mape geive singce 260 shtudy abrout leife shtructure pleant hanimals thousehold Fill in each blank a letter 261 My fa_ _ er doesn’t play football anymore (th) 262 I was given a present on my last b_ _ thday (ir) 263 She su_ _ ests going swimming (gg) 264 He i_ _ ited me a cup of tea (nv) 265 If we had _ _ d a map, I wouldn’t got lost in the jungle (ha) 266 I haven’t seen Bob s_ _ ce I was in Ho Chi Minh City (in) 267 It takes th_ _ e hours to drive from Hanoi to Namdinh (re) 268 I wish you had told us a_ _ ut it (bo) 269 The o_ _ er of the house is thought to be abroad (wn) 270 The sea was t_ _ rough for the children to go swimming (oo) 271 How long h_ _ e you known him (av) 272 They h_ _ a three-day trip (ad) 273 In c_ _ e it rain hard this afternoon, take the r_ _ n coat with you (as) (ai) 274 She forgot do_ _ g the washing up (in) 275 It is _ _ sy to learn English (ea) 276 If you le_ _ e the lights on all night, you will w_ _ te electricity (av) (as) 277 It was such old fur_ _ ture that we couldn’t keep it (ni) 278 No one else in Gary’s cl_ _ s plays the gu_ _ ar as well as her (as) (it) 279 Since the com_ _ ter was invented, pe_ _ le have saved a lot of time (pu) (op) 280 Every_ _ dy needs to clean up their n_ _ ghborhood once a week (bo) (ei) Fill in a suitable word 281 You need _ _ finish the work today (to) 282 Harry finally succeeded _ _ getting the job (in) 283 I certainly will _ _ _ _ _ go to this restaurant (never) 284 “You’d _ _ _ _ _ _ take a holiday ” the doctor said to him (better) 285 Unless _ _ _ rest yourself you really will be ill (you) 286 “_ _ _ work too hard” the doctor sai to him (You) 287 _ _ _ beautiful those pictures are (How) 288 _ _ _ _ an interesting film it was! (What) 289 How heavy _ _ your suitcase? (is) 290 What _ _ Peter’s father’s height? (is) 291 The car is _ _ _ expensive for him to buy (too) 292 It wasn’t until Shirley was eight years _ _ _ _ she began to read (that) 293 Mrs Taylor wished she hadn’t bought the second-_ _ _ _ washing-machine (hand) 294 It can’t _ _ denied that she has the beautiful voice (be) 295 Nobody _ _ Jane’s class is as tall as her (in) 296 The manager was no _ _ _ _ _ to be found (where) 297 They are _ _ _ _ _ made to study hard (being) 298 The older I get, _ _ _ less I want to travel (the) 299 Never have I been to Liverpool in _ _ life (my) 300 My father speaks _ _ _ _ _ _ any French (hardly) Fill in country fifth located women with spoken over ethnic important including Brazil, the largest (301) in South America and the (302) largest country in the world, is (303) in the Eastern half of South America The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly, and fun- loving nature Brazilian (304) _ are considered to be among the best dressed in the world Brazil is a federal republic (305) 23 states The capital city is Brasilia Portuguese is the official language and it is (306) with a distinct Brazilian accent Brazil has a population of (307) _ one hundred and thirty-eight million, which is made up of people of many different races and (308) group A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships, machines, and military weapons Mining is also an (309) industry Agriculture is another important industry Many crops are exported, (340) _ coffee, cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn and fruit Reorder the sentences 341 I / / not have / a new / dictionary _ 342 I wish / new / had / I / a / dictionary _ 343 People / hour / this computer / repaired / an / ago _ 344 This / ago./ computer / repaired / was / an hour _ 345 someone / Did / broke / vase?/ that _ 346 that / vase / Was / broken / someone?/ by _ 347 eighteen / began / We / when I / driving / was _ 348 eighteen / have / We / driven / I was / since _ 349 last / him / days ago./ I / saw / two _ 350 days / not / him / two / I / have / seen / for _ Leave me out Attractived Attrachtively Beautifuy Busily Careful Carefully Eager Eagerly Easy Excitedly Fortunate Fortunately Happy Happily Loud Productively Proud Proudly Rare Rarely Recent Scientifically Simple Simply Useful Usefully Useless Confident Confidence Convenient Beautifubly Careless Easily Full Loudly Quick Recently Sleepy Uselessly Convenience Careful Careless Eager Fierce cẩn thận cẩu thả háo hức Dữ tợn to,lớn (Vui vẻ) Happiness Kind (tử tế) Kindness Ready (sẵn sàng) Readiness Sad (buồn) Sadness Shy (e thẹn) Shyness Sick (bệnh) Sickness Useful (có ích) Usefulness Weak (yếu) Weakness Willing (sẵn lòng) Willingness Brighte Carelessly Economical Fully Popular Quickly Regular Sleepily Wasteful Different Brightlly Busiy Constant Constantly Economically Excited Gentle Gently Popularly Productive Quiet Quietly Regularly Scientific Successful Successfully Wastefully Wide Difference Important Great Happy

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2016, 17:28

