Tần suất xuất hiện UTM – Có thể xảy ra ở trẻ em, người lớn – Chiếm 9.5% các ca ung thư mới (Mỹ) – 100000 canăm–50000năm ca tử vong Do UTM – Chẩn đoán phân tử: chẩn đoán, Xên đoán cho các trị liệu Tần suất xuất hiện UTM – Có thể xảy ra ở trẻ em, người lớn – Chiếm 9.5% các ca ung thư mới (Mỹ) – 100000 canăm–50000năm ca tử vong Do UTM – Chẩn đoán phân tử: chẩn đoán, Xên đoán cho các trị liệu
BỆNH BẠCH CẦU KHÔNG ÁC TÍNH WHITE BLOOD CELLS Monocytes (BC đơn nhân) • have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells • help to break down bacteria • Size: 12-‐15 um • # 5.3% blood Neutrophils (BC trung Bnh) • • • • • kill and digest bacteria and fungi the most numerous type of white blood cell first line of defense when infecMon strikes Size: 10-‐12 um # 62% blood Lymphocytes • create anMbodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potenMally harmful invaders • Size: 7-‐8 um or 12-‐15um • #30% blood Basophils (BC ưa kiềm) • small cells appear to sound an alarm when infecMous agents invade your blood • secrete chemicals such as histamine, a marker of allergic disease, that help control the body's immune response • Size: 12-‐15um • #0.4% blood Eosinophils (BC ưa acid) • • • • AVack and kill parasites, destroy cancer cells, Help with allergic responses Size: 10-‐12um # 2.3% blood WBC count • people produce about 100 billion white blood cells a day • The total white blood cell count normally ranges between 4,000 and 11,000 cells / microliter WBC disorder • Too few or too many white blood cells indicates a disorder • Leukopenia: – WBC< 4,000 cells /microliter of blood, – people more suscepMble to infecMons • Leukocytosis: – WBC>11,000 cells / microliter of blood – Disrupt cell development – release abnormal cell Leukocytosis (Ác tính) • Leukocytosis is a condiMon characterized by an elevated number of white cells in the blood, which is usually due to: • Bacterial infecMon such as appendiciMs, tonsilliMs, ulcers and urinary tract infecMon • Leukemia • Pregnancy • HemolyMc disease of new born • Following exercise • EmoMonal stress • Food intake Leukopenia (Không ác tính) • Leukopenia is a condiMon characterized by a decreased number of white cells in the blood, which is usually due to: • Viral disease such as measles and infecMous hepaMMs • Some bacterial infecMons such as typhoid fever, brucellosis, and typhus fever • Rheumatoid arthriMs • Systemic Lupus Erythematosis • Certain drugs such as radio therapy and chemotherapy Leukopenia - ClassificaMon • Neutropenia • Lymphocytopenia Lymphocytopenia • Acquired – AIDS – Other infecMous disorders, including hepaMMs, influenza, TB, typhoid fever, and sepsis – drugs, or autoimmune disorders • Hereditary – Aplasia of lymphopoieMc stem cells – Idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia – Immunodeficiency with thymoma – Severe combined immunodeficiency associated with a defect in the IL-‐2 receptor γ-‐chain, deficiency of ADA or PNP, or an unknown defect Lymphocytopenia-‐ Diagnosis • Clinical suspicion (repeated or unusual infecMons) • CBC with differenMal • Measurement of lymphocyte subpopulaMons and immunoglobulin levels Lymphocytopenia-‐ Treatment • • • • Treatment of associated infecMons Treatment of underlying disorder SomeMmes IV immune globulin Possibly hematopoieMc stem cell transplantaMon Neutropenia • ReducMon in blood neutrophil count May have no symptom • occur in viral infecMons such as influenza, bacterial infecMons such as tuberculosis, myelofibrosis, or deficiencies of vitamin B12 or folate (folic acid) • received radiaMon therapy • drugs (phenytoin, chloramphenicol, sulfa drugs) • drugs used in cancer treatment (chemotherapy),toxins (benzene and insecMcides) Neutropenia- Diagnosis • Clinical suspicion (repeated or unusual infecMons) • Confirmatory CBC with differenMal • EvaluaMon for infecMon with cultures and imaging • IdenMficaMon of mechanism and cause of neutropenia Neutropenia- Treatment • Treatment of associated condiMons (eg, infecMons) • SomeMmes anMbioMc • Myeloid growth factors • DisconMnuaMon of suspected eMologic agent (eg, drug) • SomeMmes corMcosteroids [...]...Leukopenia (Không ác tính) • Leukopenia is a condiMon characterized by a decreased number of white cells in the blood, which is usually due to: • Viral disease such as measles and infecMous