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Dap an de thi that toeic

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PART 1 (C) He is playing an instrument (C) She's resting on a bench (A) They're looking at each other (C) The train station overlooks a parking area (B) Dishes have been placed on the table (B) Some bottles are lined up on shelves (D) One woman is standing in the doorway (D) Some people are being helped at a counter (A) One person is standing apart from the crowd 10 (B) A worker is concentrating in cutting a piece of wood PART 11 When is the inspection? (A) o’clock on Friday 12 Can you help me find my seat? (A) Certainly Please follow me 13 Excuse me, where’s the nearest pharmacy? (B) There’s one over on Main Street 14 Who should I call to confirm the reservation? (C) Call the receptionist 15 Is your pen working? (C) No, it’s out of ink 16 Why did the Kyoto office fax us this report? (A) They want us to review it 17 You’re flying to Cairo at noon, aren’t you? (B) Yes, I’m looking forward to it 18 How long I have to wait for my performance review? (A) About two weeks 19 Is this table taken, or may I use it? (A) It’s reserved, sorry 20 Would you mind turning off your mobile phone? (C) Sure, no problem 21 Where can I get directions to the convention center? (B) I can give them to you 22 When are you transferring to the human resources department? (C) On January first 23 Please be on time for the reception (B) I’ll be there by seven 24 Don’t you want to see the baseball game tonight? (A) I just don’t think we’ll have time 25 Do you need change for the vending machine? (B) I have some thanks 26 Who was hired for the manager’s position? (B) I haven’t heard yet 27 Why are you walking so fast? (A) We’re running late 28 Would you like this gift wrapped? (C) That’s not necessary 29 We’ll be able to open the shop next week (A) Will you need extra help? 30 When will construction start on the Rupert Tower? (C) Sometime next fall 31 Which Web site design you prefer? (A) This one's more professional 32 How you clean this computer screen? (B) With a dry cloth 33 Would you rather see a movie or go to a concert? (C) Either one's fine 34 Why don't we meet after lunch to discuss the budget? (A) I'll see if I'm available 35 Shouldn't these files be locked away? (B) No, they aren't confidential 36 Where should I sign my name on these forms? (C) At the bottom of each page 37 It's cold in the building, isn't it? (B) I'll turn on the heater 38 Should I edit the documents on the computer? (C) That's what I'd suggest 39 I think the warranty on my oven expired last year (C) Would you like me to check for you? 40 What you think we should call our new line of athletic wear? (A) Something that's fun and easy to remember PART 41 What does the man request? (A) Envelopes* 42 When will the delivery arrive? (B) On Wednesday* 43 What will the woman next? (C) Contact an assistant* 44 What are the speakers discussing? (C) Directions to an office* 45 Where is Mr Tanaka' office? (B) On the seventh floor* 46 What will the woman next? (D) Go to an interview* 47 Who is the woman? (B) A conference organizer* 48 What are the speakers discussing? (A) A work schedule * 49 What does the woman agree to do? (B) Change her work hours * 50 Why did the man telephone the woman? (C) He has misplaced an important item * 51 When will the man give a presentation? (B) Tomorrow morning * 52 What are the speakers planning to in the evening? (A) Attend a banquet * 53 What does the man request? (C) Get landscaping information * 54 What does the woman recommend? (B) Adding a pond * 55 What does the woman offer to do? (D) Visit the property * 56 Where the speakers most likely work? (D) A clothing factory * 57 What is the woman expecting? (C) A fabric shipment * 58 What does the man suggest? (A) Checking at a different location * 59 What is the topic of the conference? (D) Medical technology * 60 What the speaker say about Edward stenburg? (B) He made useful presentation * 61 According to the man, what will happen next month? (C) Some videos will be released.* 62 Where most likely are the speakers? (B) At a bookstore * 63 what is the man looking for? (D) A present for his son * 64 what does the woman offer to do? (D) Recommend some books * 65 why is the woman calling? (B) To find out about museum hours * 66 what has happened because of renovations? (A) Some areas of the museum are closed * 67 what does the man suggest? (C) Ordering tickets for the exhibition * 68 where does the woman most likely work? (D) At a real estate office * 69 What does the man say is important? (A) Living near public transportation * 70 Why does the woman want to call the man later? A) Some information is currently unavailable * 71 What does the Horstman company sell? (C) Tools * 72 What does the company’s product known for? (D) Being long lasting * 73 Why would listeners press 2? (A) To check on an order * 74 Why does the association want to raise money? (C) To build a playground * 75 What kind of fund-raising event will be held? (C) A concert * 76 What are the listeners asked? (A) Sell ticket * 77 What is the purpose of the call? (A) Inform the completion of the work * 78 Who is the speaker? (D) Repair shop employee * 79 When is this place closed? (C) p.m * 80 What is the conference about? (A) Sewing machine use * 81 What is being announced? (C) Roadway repair * 82 Why does the receipt have to be submitted? (C) To be repaid for parking cost * 83 Who are listeners? Restaurant employees 84 What has caused the problem? Some ingredients are missing 85 According to the speaker, what will happen tomorrow? A popular dish will be available 86 Where is the talk taking place? At a convention center 87 What does the speaker say was recently installed? Moveable walls 88 What will be offered in August? Free transportation 89 Where did the caller meet Ms Yamada? (B) At a conference * 90 What is the caller interested in discussing? (D) A job opening * 91 What will the caller probably this morning? (D) Send a resume * 92 what is the report mainly about? (C) A teaching award * 93 What did Ms Cho start? (A) A reading program * 94 What does Ms Cho plan to purchase? (D) Books * 오답보기 between/ beyond / behind 116 The survey indicated (that) almost every member of the committee found~ SJ 설명: indicate 뒤에 목적절을 수반하는 명사절 접속사 that 가 정답 오답보기 what / these /whose 117 D was honored with the employee of the year award for her ( exemplary ) performance~ SJ 설명: 귀감이 되는 ‘exemplar'가 가장 적절 오답보기 prospective, dependant, doubtful 118 ~, B is (finally) ready to launch a sequel ~ SJ 설명: be 형용사에 들어갈 품사는 부사뿐! 오답보기 final, finalize, finals 119 New employees receive a (detailed) training mannual~ SJ 설명: mannual 을 수식하는 형용사는 detailed (자세한) 120 The mailing envelop should be cut (open) along ~on the dotted blue line SJ 설명 cut 가 수동태로 형식 동사의 사용이 가능하다 open 은 형용사로써 보 어역할을 한다 오답보기 what / these /whose 121 ~, please note that it will take (approximately) to hours~ SJ 설명: 숫자 앞에는 항상 approximately, nearly, about 이 정답이이다 122 (In order to )receive appropriate uniforms, emoloyees must indicate~ SJ 설명: 동사 원형을 수반하고 있기 때문에 보기 중에는 in order to 뿐이다 오답; So that, as to 123 There was noticable (enthusiasm) among consumers~ SJ 설명: 형용사 뒤에는 명사가 정답이며 전치사구 앞에 또한 명사가 정답이다 보기 중에 사람 명사인 enthusiast 가 있었지만 가산 명사는 관사없는 절대 사 용 불가 오답보기: enthusiastic, enthusiastically, enthusiast 124 ~mechanics not only specialize in repairs, (but also) in protective maintenance SJ 설명: not ontly but also, 이번달 개의 보너스 중 그 두 번째 125 The (routine) laboratory safety inspections are conducted~ SJ 설명: inspections (검사)는 정기적이고 규칙적인 형용사와 어울린다 그러므 로 routine 이 정답이다 absent, eventual, probable 126 C has announced plans ~ a campaign in an (effort)to appeal~ SJ 설명: effort, way, ability, time, right 은 to 부정사가 형용사적 용법으로 수반된 다 어휘 문제지만 어법처럼 해결됨 오답보기: impression 127 W has requested that the analysts examine trends (more attentively)~ SJ 설명: 일반 동사와 어울리는 부사가 정답이다 examine - attentively (주의 깊 게) 오답 보기: attentive, attentions, more attentive, more attentively 128 Mr L has (advised) us about ways~ SJ 설명: 목적어가 사람은 us 라는 것을 고려 할때 suggest, propose 은 내용이나 사물 명사를 목적어로 수반하는 반면에 advise 는 사람 명사를 목적어로 수반할 수 있다 오답보기:designed, suggest, proposed 129 ~, project managers (were held) accountable for~ SJ 설명: 형용사를 수반하고 있기 때문에 타동사의 능동태는 불가능 하다 be held accountable for : ~에 책임을 지게 하다 오답 보기: be held, were holding, had held 130 ~ workers given a variety of assignments perform better than those whose tasks are (repetitive) SJ 설명: are 동사 뒤에는 형용사가 정답이다 형용사 원형 우선의 법칙으로 일 반 형용사 정답! 오답보기: repeat, repetitively, repeated 131 A company specializes in (processing) fresh fruits ~ into baby foods SJ 설명: fresh fruits 을 목적어로 삼을 만한 동명사와 내용적으로 이것을 유아식 으로 가공한다는 의미인 processing 가 가장 적절하다 오답 보기: handling, computing, trading 132 Of the four ~programs ~ tested, one made by AA is the least (expensive) SJ 설명: be 동사 뒤에 수반되는 단어는 형용사이다 오답 보기: expenses, expenditure, expending 133 While A's promotion ~ took place two months ago, his previous position has (yet) to be filled SJ 설명: have yet to 부정사: 아직 ~하지 못했다 오답보기:even, never, like 134 The finance department is predicting that we will (exceed) yearly financial target ~ SJ 설명: target 을 넘어서다 초과하다에 해당하는 exceed 가 가장 적절함 오답 보기: enter, revisit, rate 135 A Airlines recommends that the passengers arrive minimum one hour (prior to) the scheduled departure time SJ 설명: one hour 과 the time 을 연결할 품사는 전치사 뿐이다 ‘출발 한시간 전’으로 prior to 가 정답이다 오답 보기: advanced, previous, in addition to 136 An (extract) from Ms AA’s award-winning novel BB was printed on the ~~~ newspaper SJ 설명: an 이 있기 때문에 가산 명사의 단수가 와야 한다 extract 이 동사이자 명사로 ‘발췌’라는 의미가 있다 하지만 extractability 는 그다지 사용하지 않는 단순한 명사 형태일 뿐 의미상 어법상 맞지 않는다 오답보기 : extracted, extractable, extractability 137 As renowned expert in the (field) of health care policy, SJ 설명: ‘~분야에서의 전문가’가 알맞은 의미이므로 정답은 field 가 된다 오답 보기: account, chapter, focus 138 AAA Restaurant (is situated) in the heart of Tokyo, within the ~ SJ 설명: 문장에 본동사가 없기 때문에 본동사가 정답이며 빈 칸 뒤에 명사가 없기 때문에 수동태가 정답이다 오답보기 : situating, situates, has situated 139 When adding ~ contents to ~ Web site, please use highly technical terms and lengthy footnotes (sparingly) SJ 설명: 기술 용어등을 약간 사용하라는 정도의 수식이 적절하다 오답보기 : lately, distantly, vaguely 140 Increases in sales of beverages are not always ( indicative) of the purchasing trend ~ SJ 설명: be 동사 있기 때문에 형용사 원형 우선 법칙으로 be indicative of 가 정 답이다 오답보기 : indicate, indicated, indication PART 141 Construction of two tennis court ~ (will begin) on September 14 SJ 설명: 편지 쓴 날짜가 11 일 즈음이므로 14 일은 미래시제와 어울린다 142 Heavy earthmoving (equipments) will be used to ~ the site and prepare the construction SJ 설명: 공사 시작을 알리는 글이므로 중장비의 사용을 알리는 문장이므로 equipment 가 정답이다 143 They must (dispose) of waste material periodically until ~ SJ 설명: dispose of (~을 처리하다) [144-146] email 144 ~ your company credit card has (expired) SJ 설명: card 의 사용 날짜가 만기되다 145 ~ we may hold these (parts) for you SJ 설명: 교체 부품에 대한 설명이므로 these 와 어울리는 복수형인 parts 가 정 답 146 ~ a check or any other (acceptable) form of ~ SJ 설명: 지불 방법은 acceptable 방식이어야 한다 [147-149] letter 147 ~ pleased with the trip (offerings) SJ 설명: 명사 자리며 가산 이므로 복수 명사인 offering 이 정답이다 148 (As a result), we would like to cancel ~ SJ 설명: 문장과 문장을 연결하는 접속 부사 문제이며 ‘여행가는 날짜를 변경하 고 하는 편지였으며 예약 사항을 취소하고자 하는 메일이었다 그러므로 결과 적은 내용을 이끄는 as a result 가 정답이다 149 Your (understanding) is much appreciated SJ 설명: 명사인 understanding 이 정답이다 [150-152] email 150 My colleagues and I recently (reviewed) your ~ SJ 설명: recently 는 과거나 현재 완료와 어울리는 부사이다 151 (If) that particular time is not suitable, ~ SJ 설명: '만약에 시간이 적절하지 않다면, 변경가능하다‘와 같은 내용 연결이 되어야 하므로 if 가 정답이다 152 ~ the board of directors (as well as) the vice president ~ SJ 설명: 명사와 명사를 연결하는 as well as 가 정답이다 A as well as B: B 뿐만 아니라 A 도 PART [153-154] Voucher 153 What can vouchers be used for? - Being admitted to the museum 154 What is indicated about the museum? -The museum has special programs [155-156]notice 155 For whom is the notice intended? Sun Tech employees 156 What is indicated about the event? It will take place outside [157-159] Bus ticket 157.For how long will the bus stop at Palmerston North? 15 mins 158 At what time will Ms MacDougal leave Hamilton? 7:20 159 What information does NOT appear on the ticket? The type of payment used to purchase it [160-161] advertisement 160 What is being advertised? Data-management service 161 What is not indicated about Aquiline Business Solutions? It provides personalized training [162-164] letter 162 What is the main purpose of this letter? D to thank for the company 163 What is NOT mentioned as part of the trip? B beautiful parks 164 According to the letter, when would Mr O like to return Korea? C When he has free time [165-167] advertisement 165 For whom is the workshop mainly intended? A new managers 166 What topic will not be discussed in the workshop? B basic accounting skills 167 What is indicated about the workshop? D those who register early are eligible for a discount [168-171] memo 168 What is the purpose of the memo? D to provide analysis of expenditures 169 the word ‘modest’ in paragraph 1, line is closest in meaning to C stable 170 What does the memo indicate about the print cartridge used in the accounting department? B there might be less expensive alternative 171 According to the memo, what is Ms Shan currently doing? A gathering price information from vendors [172-176] Web site 172 For whom were the guidelines written? - Company employees 173 According to the guidelines, what may be different in other countries? - Daily expenses 174 What are travelers advised to do? - Be aware of their own language skills 175 What is suggested in the guidelines about meetings? - They can be added to a schedule if new business opportunities arise 176 What is NOT mentioned as an online research topic? -Airport transportations [177-180] Press release 177 What is the purpose of the press release? -To announce the creation of a company 178 What title will Allen XXX hold beginning on September 21? - Chief executive officer 179 What is indicated about CCC? - Its main office is in London 180 What does CCC plan to next year? - Expand to other cities [181-185] 181 For whom is the advertisement most likely intended? - Business owners 182 What product is NOT featured in the advertisement? - Filing cabinets 183 Accodring to the e-mail, when did Mr AAA planned to palce an order? - In September 184 What does Ms BBB advise Mr AAA to do? - Reconsider the purchasing schedule 185 How much money will Mr AAA probably pay? - 200 [186-190] 186 For whom is the letter written? - A cleaning service customer 187 What is the purpose of the brochure included with the letter? - To discribe all of the services that a company offers 188 Why might Ms CCC not receive the discount she asks about? - It is intended for customers who add monthly cleaning services to their contracts 189 What is indicuated about Ms CCC’s office? - The number of client meetings is about to increase 190 What does Ms CCC request that Mr DDD do? - Add another day of weekly cleaning service to her contract [191-195] invoice & e-mail 191 Why does Literature for Less contact Mr Hunter? To provide details about a shipment he is receiving 192 What is NOT stated in the invoice? Invoices must be included with items that are being returned 193 What is suggested about refunds in the invoice? Requests for them must be made within certain time period 194 Why does Mr Hunter write to the customer service? He received an item that he did not order 195 Who is the author of Ethics in business organization? Warren [196-200] e-mails 196 What is the purpose of the first e-mail? To update a colleague about a project 197 Who is expected to make a presentation on May 25? Wendy 198 What is stated about Ms Cheng? She will work at the marketing department 199 What will happen on January 12? The magazine will have an anniversary 200 What is NOT a likely discussion topic for the next managers’ meeting? Whether to show advertisements in archived editions [...]... request that Mr DDD do? - Add another day of weekly cleaning service to her contract [191-195] invoice & e-mail 191 Why does Literature for Less contact Mr Hunter? To provide details about a shipment he is receiving 192 What is NOT stated in the invoice? Invoices must be included with items that are being returned 193 What is suggested about refunds in the invoice? Requests for them must be made within... received an item that he did not order 195 Who is the author of Ethics in business organization? Warren [196-200] e-mails 196 What is the purpose of the first e-mail? To update a colleague about a project 197 Who is expected to make a presentation on May 25? Wendy 198 What is stated about Ms Cheng? She will work at the marketing department 199 What will happen on January 12? The magazine will have an anniversary... /their own / them 112 (With) its production rates at an all-time low, M Product, Inc., decided to ~ SJ 설명: 나머지 전치사가 너무 오답스러워 갈등의 여지가 없는 문제 ‘~한 가격 으로’ 오답보기 Except / Until / Into 113 Ms Yoon makes sure all employees she supervises have a (clear) understanding ~ SJ 설명: understanding 이 명사이며 명사 앞에는 형용사가 정답 오답보기 clearly / clarity /clears 114 The technical support department ~ customer complaints (regarding) our... 134 The finance department is predicting that we will (exceed) yearly financial target ~ SJ 설명: target 을 넘어서다 초과하다에 해당하는 exceed 가 가장 적절함 오답 보기: enter, revisit, rate 135 A Airlines recommends that the passengers arrive minimum one hour (prior to) the scheduled departure time SJ 설명: one hour 과 the time 을 연결할 품사는 전치사 뿐이다 ‘출발 한시간 전’으로 prior to 가 정답이다 오답 보기: advanced, previous, in addition to 136 An (extract)... locate, located, locates 102 The plants used to landscape the corporate headquarters (grow) well ~ SJ 설명: 주어가 plants (식물)이며 뒤에 명사가 없으므로 자동사가 정답이다 어법과 어휘를 모두 충족시키는 것은 grow (자라다)가 정답 오답보기 : explore, choose, follow 103 The managers agree with Mr G that (he) deserves the credit ~ SJ 설명: deserves 는 동사이므로 주격인 he 가 정답 오답보기 : him, himself, his 104 Tickets for the I Flower Show and other local (events) may be... closest 109 The company president recently learned that neither the vice president (nor) any of the other executives ~ SJ 설명: 어김 없이 보너스로 출제된 상관 접속사 2 문제 중 한 문제 neither A nor B 오답보기 but, and, while 110 The P Corporation is the main (distributor) of P Enterprises' products SJ 설명: 형용사 (main)뒤에는 명사 전치사 구 앞에 명사가 정답 오답보기 (distributing / to distribute / distribution 111 The members of ~ decided to create flyers... in London 180 What does CCC plan to do next year? - Expand to other cities [181-185] 181 For whom is the advertisement most likely intended? - Business owners 182 What product is NOT featured in the advertisement? - Filing cabinets 183 Accodring to the e-mail, when did Mr AAA planned to palce an order? - In September 184 What does Ms BBB advise Mr AAA to do? - Reconsider the purchasing schedule 185... 정답이다 148 (As a result), we would like to cancel ~ SJ 설명: 문장과 문장을 연결하는 접속 부사 문제이며 ‘여행가는 날짜를 변경하 고 하는 편지였으며 예약 사항을 취소하고자 하는 메일이었다 그러므로 결과 적은 내용을 이끄는 as a result 가 정답이다 149 Your (understanding) is much appreciated SJ 설명: 명사인 understanding 이 정답이다 [150-152] email 150 My colleagues and I recently (reviewed) your ~ SJ 설명: recently 는 과거나 현재 완료와 어울리는 부사이다 151 (If) that particular time is not suitable, ~ SJ... of their own language skills 175 What is suggested in the guidelines about meetings? - They can be added to a schedule if new business opportunities arise 176 What is NOT mentioned as an online research topic? -Airport transportations [177-180] Press release 177 What is the purpose of the press release? -To announce the creation of a company 178 What title will Allen XXX hold beginning on September... is the workshop mainly intended? A new managers 166 What topic will not be discussed in the workshop? B basic accounting skills 167 What is indicated about the workshop? D those who register early are eligible for a discount [168-171] memo 168 What is the purpose of the memo? D to provide analysis of expenditures 169 the word ‘modest’ in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to C stable 170 What

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2016, 13:04

Xem thêm: Dap an de thi that toeic

