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Ebook TOEFL BT insider the super guide part 2

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Letter to the Editor rst, I would like to thank the editor for bringing to our attention the new activity fees that udents will be required to pay at registration next year. I myself feel that the extra hundred jllars is unjustified. It’s nice that the university wants to build a new campus center, but 1 ould have appreciated, at the very least, some advance notice about the new fees, and at ost, a say in whether or not we as a student body even wanted a new campus center to begin ith, especially if we’re going to be paying the bill for the next few years.

iERCISE 2, you briefly introduced the main speaker's opinion Now write a detailed summary of how le explains and elaborates upon his/her opinion Remember to use appropriate transitional phrases Exercise Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, create an appropriate conclusion Remember to emphasize why the main speaker holds such a strong position on the issue Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN B-Ch3 | Fit and Expiam TasK http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn Additional Practice Please read the following sample task passage Underline important information in the passage Announcement from Student Technology Services Recently it was discovered that a small group of students has been abusing the use of the Internet in campus computer labs Due to these abuses, Student Technology Services will be changing its policy concerning lab use Beginning in January, all students will be required to sign in using a valid student ID in order to use the campus computer labs Anyone without a student ID will be turned away As an additional measure, the closing time will be changed from 9:00 PM to 7:00 PM Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below Now respond to the following speaking prompt T h e w o m a n e x p re s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e b y S t u d e n t T e c h n o lo g y Services S ta te h e r o p in io n a n d e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g th a t o p in io n 414 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn ¡e read the following sam ple task passage Underline important information in the passage Letter to the Editor rst, I would like to thank the editor for bringing to our attention the new activity fees that udents will be required to pay at registration next year I myself feel that the extra hundred jllars is unjustified It’s nice that the university wants to build a new campus center, but ould have appreciated, at the very least, some advance notice about the new fees, and at ost, a say in whether or not we as a student body even wanted a new campus center to begin ith, especially if we’re going to be paying the bill for the next few years L is te n to th e fo llo w in g c o n v e rs a tio n a n d ta k e n o te s in th e s p a c e p ro v id e d b e lo w N o w re s p o n d to th e fo llo w in g s p e a k in g p ro m p t T h e w o m a n e x p r e s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e le tte r c o n c e r n in g a c tiv ity fe e s S t a te h e r o p in io n a n d e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g th a t o p in io n Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn B‘ Ch3 | Fit and Explain Task 415 Please read the following sample task passage Underline Important information in the passage Announcement from the Office of the Registrar Beginning with the upcoming fall registration period, all students, regardless of year, will be required to see an advisor before they are allowed to formally register Upperclassmen working on a concentration will need to speak with a faculty member from their respective departments Underclassmen not yet working toward a major should contact the office of the registrar to be assigned an academic advisor Students registering in person at the office will have to present a signed form from an advisor in order to register Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below T -L I Now respond to the following speaking prompt T h e w o m a n e x p re s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e b y th e O ffic e o f th e R eg istrar S ta te h e r o p in io n a n d e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g t h a t o p in io n Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn e read the following sample task passage Underline important information in the passage based guidelines provided in the Guided Note Taking section Announcement from the Office of the Registrar the interest of our student body’s health and wellness, all incoming freshmen for the next ademic year will be required to take at least two physical education classes in order to aduate In addition, other underclassmen still working to complete their general quirements may also be subject to the new policy, and should meet with their advisors to scuss the matter further Please refer to the new student handbook for complete details I Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below [ Now respond to the following speaking prompt The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made by the Office of the Registrar State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn B-Ch3 | Fit and Explain Task P A R O A T _ B [ In te g te d S p eakin g Tasks ] Speaking Task- General/Specific Task Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn ng Task 4, you will first read a short passage (75-100 words) which explains a general concept You sten to a short lecture (60-90 seconds) in which that general concept is applied to a specific situation at of the Reading ng will h a v e a title th a t in d icates th e g e n e l c o n c e p t b e in g d iscu s sed T h e re ad in g will g e n e lly basic ex p la n atio n of th e g e n e l c o n c e p t a n d o n e o r tw o re le v a n t details Lo o k a t th e e x a m p le below : Tracking ing is an educational practice in which a student’s educational focus is determined by dng the student’s inherent strengths and weaknesses Once this has been determined, udent receives an education that focuses on developing these talents While some educators endorse tracking as the best method to ensure each student’s various talents are utilized, others oppose tracking, claiming it limits a student’s choices for the future Format of the Lecture ! lecture will be on a topic related to the general concept of the reading It will provide one or two cific applications of the general concept, with points that directly relate to the relevant details of the ding passage Listen to the following lecture and look at the outline below: I M a in Id e a : Schools can influence students' future A p p lic a t io n 1: Vocational HS Students receive specialized job training at expense of traditional academic instruction • D e ta il 1: Selection based on income and likelihood of attending college • D e t a il 2: Students who attend vocational HS get job training but have little chance of attending college A p p lic a t io n 2: Advanced placement programs Advanced placement programs are for students with best grades • D e t a il 1: Students in these programs are greatly favored by top colleges • D e t a il 2: Not many students accepted into these programs, so other students' chances of getting into a good college are lessened lerstanding the Connections Between the Reading and the Lecture der to properly respond to task you must understand the connections between the reading and the ire In the case of the example above, you must understand that vocational high schools and meed placement programs are forms of tracking You must also see the connections between the ils of the reading and the details of the lecture (i.e., the way that students are selected for these rams and how those programs affect a student's future options) Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN B-Ch4 | General / Specific Task http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn Preparing Your Response H = Guided Note Taking When taking notes for task 4, it is important that you note the key points both from the reading passage and the lecture, as you will be asked to draw connections between the two As you go through the reading passage, be sure to take notes on the following: C o n c e p t - This is generally stated in the title of the passage D e fin itio n - In a few words, summarize the definition as it appears in the passage K e y P o in ts - Note whatever details are most relevant to the explanation of the concept (e.g elaboration, examples, and applications) As you listen to the lecture, be sure to take notes on these key elements: M a in Id e a - What is the lecture about? K e y P o in ts - Note relevant details, examples, or elaboration upon the main idea C o n n e c tio n s - How does the lecture relate to apply, or elaborate upon the concept in the reading passage? Exercise Below is a sample reading passage in which key points have been underlined Homeostasis Homeostasis is a natural biological process that exists in nearly all organisms or organic processes The term refers to any self-regulating process by which biological systems achieve and maintain stability If this stability is threatened or disturbed, the system responds to such changes by means of various built-in regulatory devices that work to adjust to those changes and re-establish equilibrium Homeostasis is essential to life because it allows an organism to remain within the parameters in which life can be maintained, even in the face of fluctuating conditions Please listen carefully to the following sample task lecture Complete the notes in the space R J I provided Use your notes from the passage above to draw connections M a in , idea: hu.Kw.aiA, body's self-reg o f tem.p K tL j P o in tS: C o n n e c t io n s t o th e r e a d i n g : Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn eating an Introduction r introduction should include all the elements necessary to laying the foundation for the body of your lonse Begin with a brief summary of what the lecture is mainly about Then briefly explain the overall lection between the lecture and the concept presented in the reading Look at the example below: The p ro fe s s o r d is c u s s e s th e w a y s in w h ic h a s c h o o l a d m in is tra tio n c a n in flu e n c e a s tu d e n t’s fu tu re Explain h o w h is d is c u s s io n re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f tr a c k in g The professor explains how program s such as vocation al high schools a n d advan ced placement programs can lim it a student’s options for the future This relates to the concept of tracking in that these programs are basically different forms of tracking can use the following phrases to help you create a strong introduction: Explaining the connection between the lecture and the reading Jj^Jjum m arizing the main topic of the lecture T h e p r o fe s s o r e x p la in s h o w /w h y - T h is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f - in th a t - T h e le c tu re is m a in ly a b o u t - T h is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f - b e c a u s e - Exercise Use the notes you took in EXERCISE to complete the introduction below T h e p r o fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t te m p e r a tu r e re g u la tio n in th e h u m a n b o d y E x p la in h o w h e r d is c u s s io n o f th is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f h o m e o s ta s is The professor’s discussion of relates to the concept of In the passage, the concept of in that _ Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN is defined as B'Ch | General / Specific Task http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn ¿,21 Providing Support and Elaboration After you explain the main point of the lecture and its overall connection to the concept presented in the reading, you need to start explaining these ideas in detail The exact information that you will need to include in your response will vary with each task prompt, but generally you will need to explain: Each application of the concept that appears in the lecture (there are usually or applications) The relevant details of each application How these details in the lecture relate to specific details of the concept presented in the reading In your response, it is important that you are clear as to which of your statements refer to the reading passage and which refer to the lecture Here are just a few possible examples of phrases that will help you construct your supporting statements in a clear and discernible fashion: According to the professor, ~ The reading passage says that When the professor talks about he is giving an example of - The professor mentions - , which relates directly to the concept of - Exercise Use the following questions to generate connections between the reading passage and the lecture from EXERCISE and Listen again to the lecture if necessary How does the regulation of body temperature exemplify the concept of homeostasis? In what ways is the body shown to be a ‘self-regulating’ system? W hat points in the reading passage does this relate to specifically? Use your answers to and to create a coherent explanation of how the body’s regulation of temperature illustrates the concept of homeostasis Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn The sun is used as part of a larger comparison between (D) Collapse stopped by the repulsion of sub-atom ic particles (BOTH) large stars and small stars The main point of this comparison is to illustrate how the mass of a star affects (E) Experience a more extensive collapse (Neutron stars) its life span Vocabulary Q uestion - (B) The main focus of the paragraph provides an important (F) Fate of every main sequence star (X) (G) Invisible to astronom ers (X) context clue for the meaning of this term The main focus The tw o incorrect answer choices should be fairly easy to of the paragraph is what happens when a star begins to identify; the passage clearly states that not every main run out of fuel Logically, “dwindle” must mean the same sequence star shares the same fate and that both neutron thing as "lessen.” stars and white dwarfs are visible to astronomers Both Fact Question - (D) electrons and neutrons are types of sub-atom ic particles, Paragraph clearly states that when stars run out of so the collapse of both neutron stars and white dwarfs is hydrogen (their primary fuel) they will attem pt to fuse stopped by the repulsive force between sub-atom ic heavier elements (i.e., use a secondary fuel source) As particles The remaining answer choices should be long as a star Is able to fuse heavier elements, it will remain obvious in the main sequence and its death will be delayed Negative Fact Question - (C) » Set _ p.622 Answer choice (C) is clearly contradicted by the main idea 14 Fact Question - (D) of the passage The mass of a star influences every part of The last sentence states that “The persistence of these a star's life, including how long it remains in the main myths showed how for centuries Americans selectively sequence Therefore, all main sequence stars cannot have examined evidence and distorted science in order to equivalent life spans Vocabulary Question - (B) The sentence provides an im portant context clue in stating support their own agendas against the natives.” In other words, the earth m ounds w ere misunderstood 15 Inference Question - (C) that when a state of “equilibrium ” is achieved, the force of The answer choice paraphrases important informatior, and gravity is m atched by the repulsive force between examples within the paragraph, specifically how the electrons theories weren’t so much genuine studies as they were 10 Referent Question - (D) The antecedent for “they” must be something that is visible projections of certain beliefs The following sentence indicates this: “Moreover, particular details of different to astronomers That eliminates (A) as a logical answer m ound-builder theories reflected the specific prejudices of choice Furthermore, both “they” and "neutron stars” the people w ho supported them ” operate as subjects of different clauses within the sentence, making (D) the most likely answer choice 11 Inference Q uestion - (C) 16 Vocabulary Question - (D) Look for contextual clues within the sentence It states that “many Americans accepted the m ound-builder theories as Paragraph clearly states that any star with a mass that is facts, despite the dubious evidence that supported these less than 1.5 times that of the sun will end its life as a theories.” “ Despite” indicates that the evidence didn’t white dwarf Therefore, the sun is logically destined to become a white dwarf at the end of its life 12 Sentence Insertion Q uestion - The sentence should be placed at the second square provide strong support for the theories, so it was doubtful 17 Vocabulary Question - (A) This vocabulary question requires you to understand the key idea of the passage, which is that Americans The insertion sentence contains several context clues that automatically believed that the natives couldn’t have built indicate where it should be placed First, it contains the the mounds This was a com m on assumption, or pro-form “these stars.” Therefore it needs to be placed after a sentence that discusses some type of star Second, presupposition, of the theories 18 Sentence Sim plification Question - (B) it states that these stars "test the very laws of physics.” The key idea of the highlighted sentence is the contrast of This logically m atches up with the idea that neutron stars the natives’ supposed ignorance with the theorists’ real are bizarre ignorance, which is proven by their inability to recognize 13 C ategorization Q uestion (A) R esul from the deaths of sm aller stars (White native language The correct answer choice contains these ideas and correctly connects them together The other choices either om it or distort information rjw ^ rK ) (B) Ero - i,:ie visible light (Neutron stars) 19 R eferent Q uestion - (A) Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 799 Follow the logic of this paragraph's argument The settlers some way: (A) mentions how they have always been believed that their conquests were revenge for imagined opposed even when popular, (B) explains that they were conquest of the mound-builders Thus, when the Americans popular in spite of the lack of evidence, and (E) indicates "were essentially avenging these vanished peoples," they that popular beliefs were supported and justified by the thought that they were avenging the mound-builders theories The other choices are either minor details or 20 Rhetorical Purpose Question - (D) incorrect The correct answer choice paraphrases a key idea of the paragraph, which is how some Americans used the theories for their own purposes, which included gaining native territory This is strongly hinted at when the author writes that “these theories also served the Am ericans’ agenda of seizing native lands." 21 Referent Question - (C) Read the sentence carefully The key w ord that hints at the referent is "inscribed,” as in “All of these were inscribed with different languages." Naturally, only tablets would be inscribed with a language 22 Fact Question - (B) The answer is directly stated, so skim for the sentence that contains this information It describes how the hoaxes contained “different languages, such as Mayan, Chinese, Hebrew, and Egyptian, and this supposedly proved that non-native civilizations built these mounds." 23 Fact Question - (C) Because the keywords are highlighted, simply skim the paragraph for the sentence that directly states this information It reads: “Also, early evidence includes accounts by Spanish and French explorers who stayed with various native tribes and learned of the construction of many mounds." 24 Negative Fact Q uestion - (B) This is a large negative fact question that addresses many key ideas that are discussed throughout the entire passage Thus, it is important to keep track o f the main ideas from the passage These include inherent racism of the theories, their wild speculation, and their use of unreliable evidence Only choice (B) is a minor detail, and it is actually contradicted by information in the last paragraph 25 Sentence Insertion Question - The sentence should be placed at the second square The topic of the insertion sentence is an example of how som e groups use mound-builder theories to support racist beliefs This should naturally follow the claim that some groups actually d o have racist beliefs and thus use m ound-builder theories This claim is made at the very end of paragraph 4, 26 Prose Sum m ary Q uestion - (A), (B), (E) Use the introductory sentence as a guide for selecting the correct answer choices The main focus of the introductory sentence is the popularity and prevalence of m oundbuilder theories The correct choices all address this in 8oo Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn S tudent: Is it som ething I can get done today? Like I / BT Practice Test - Listening said, I got a big project to W om an: There’s a com puter shop right across from the 'a r t cam pus bookstore They usually pretty quick work, and adding RAM is pretty simple If they ca n ’t it today, u e s tio n s -5 ) _ p.628 just buy the RAM, bring it back here, and I’ll put it in for [ Script] you Student (male): Excuse me Is this the com puter help S tu d e nt: OK I really appreciate it desk? Woman: Vup W hat can we for you? Question - Replay Student: I’m living in Granger Hall, and I’m having O W om an: OK, th a t could be due to any num ber o f problems with my Internet things Usually yeah, right OK, it looks like you Woman: OK, actually the Facilities department is In d on 't have th a t much RAM on yo ur com puter It charge of the Internet lines in the dorms, so you'll need probably runs kind o f slow in general, right? to go see them to get the line fixed O Woman: OK, th a t could be due to any number o f things Student: I just cam e from there, they said there's nothing wrong with the line, and that it had to be a problem with Main Idea Q uestion - (C) the settings on my com puter, so I should com e and talk When the student first com es to the help desk he does not to you guys yet know that he needs RAM for his com puter He only knows that his Internet connection is not w orking properly Woman: Oh OK Uh we don't have anyone w ho can go out to the dorm and take a look at your com puter right Supporting Detail Question - (B) now, so can I get your name and room number, and w e ’ll The student says that he has already been to the facilities send someone out tom orrow? departm ent, but that they told him there was a problem Student: Actually, I have a notebook, so I just brought it with his com puter, not with the Internet connection Therefore, they told him to visit the com puter help desk with me I was kind of hoping that you could help me today I got a big project to tonight Supporting Detail Question - (B) The help desk worker says that she can’t be sure, but that Woman: Sure, if you got it with you, let’s take a look the most likely problem is that the student does not have (slight pause) So when you hook up yo ur com puter you enough memory According to the wom an, the fact that don't get any connection at all? the student's com puter is slow in general supports this Student: No, I get a connection, but the dorm s are supposed to have high speed Internet, and it takes C ontent-Linking O uestion(Prediction) - (B) The student will m ost likely go to the com puter store that forever for sites to com e up the wom an has told him about to get more RAM installed Woman: OK, that could be due to any num ber of things Usually yeah, right OK, it looks like you don't have in his computer that much RAM on your com puter It probably runs kind of slow in general, right? Student: Uh, yeah, kind of Woman: W ell, th a t’s the first thing you could is upgrade your RAM Function Purpose Question - (B) The wom an is trying to indicate that while she thinks she knows what the problem is, she is not 100% sure When the student first com es to the help desk he does not yet know that he needs RAM for his com puter He only knows that his Internet connection is not working properly Student: I don ’t see how that affects my Internet connection Woman: It doe sn ’t, but if yo ur com puter can’t handle all the inform ation com ing in over the high speed connection, then it’s going to take a w hile for pages to come up D rop som e more RAM in your com puter and that shouldn i be a problem StudentW om ar, mat be expensive? i really M aybe 60 or 80 bucks Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 801 ( Q u e s tio n s - 1 _ p 630 The third way to set an advertising budget is to have the advertising goal-oriented Let’s say you w ant to increase sales, you know, by a certain amount W ell, you could Professor (male): A fam ous quote about, urn, advertising increase advertising until this goal is achieved Of goes like this: “ I know that half of my advertising budget course, there’s the chance that it may not be achieved, is wasted, but I’m not sure which half.” (laughing) So but that’s the chance you always have to take in what does that mean? Well, basically it says that it is advertising But other goals may not be simply financial very difficult to measure the effect of advertising on For example, you m ight w ant to increase the general sales, you know C ompanies know it’s important but recognition of your product o r you m ay want to reach a have a hard time knowing exactly how to set an certain num ber of viewers, listeners, or readers, you advertising b u d g e t that makes sense The reason for know, potential clients These kinds of things can be this is that advertising is not the only variable that affects m easured I mean, you can always make customer sales Other factors also com e into play These are such surveys or som ething So, w hat I’m saying is th a t your things as consum er and business confidence, levels of, advertising is not so much tied to the budget, but to, um, um, disposable income, availability of product, availability other factors that may eventually lead to increased sales of, you know, competing products, and, oddly enough, But again, this is advertising, and there are never any the weather guarantees Many com panies often decide on their advertising Well, there is a fourth method of setting an advertising budgets, um, based on the percentage of sales But this budget, and even though it is probably the worst way, I also varies according to the product being sold have to say that it's the way used by too many Pharmaceutical com panies generally allot around 20% of com panies This is what is referred to as the, um sales to advertising, carm akers about %, and other residual approach Now, “ residual’' means w hat’s left consum er goods m anufacturers average som ewhere in over In the case of such an advertising budget the neighborhood of to 10 % approach, a com pany decides on the advertising budget Now there are four basic ways to set an advertising after it finishes with all other expenditures Advertising budget The first way is through a fixed budget or an gets w hatever is left over In other words, there is no advertising budget that does not vary from ye ar to year connection between advertising and any marketing No m atter w hat the sales are, the budget stays at a fixed principles Whether advertising succeeds or fails is left percentage This can be good because the budget can totally up to chance During good times it may not matter be predictable and um, a com pany m ay not need to much, but during bad times a low advertising budget worry about overspending on advertising I mean, could contribute to the collapse of your company occasionally, in any field, there are som etim es Okay, so these are w ays a com pany can budget for advertising wars that break out, and com panies have advertising, but it doesn’t address the results of one been destroyed by them, you know A fixed budget study that found that 97% of all advertising is wasted would stop a com pany from getting involved in such a W e ’ll talk about how to more effectively reach customers war On the negative side, however, it fails to take into in the next lecture account the e ffe c t advertising has on sales I mean, if advertising is strongly influencing sales, then increasing the percentage spent on it would seem to make sense Q u e s tio n 11 - R e p la y But this would be prevented in a fixed budget system P ro fe s s o r: T h e s e k in d s o f t h in g s ca n be m e a s u re d I Another way to set an advertising budget is, um, m e a n , y o u ca n a lw a y s m a k e c u s to m e r s u rv e y s o r com petitor-based advertising The idea here is to match s o m e th in g So, w h a t I'm s a y in g is t h a t y o u r the percentage of the com petitors in your industry For a d v e r t is in g is n o t so m u c h tie d t o t h e b u d g e t, b u t to , example, if you’re a pharm aceutical com pany and you u m , o t h e r f a c t o r s t h a t m a y e v e n t u a lly le ad t o increased know all the other com panies are spending 20 % on sales B u t a g a in , t h is is a d v e r tis in g a n d t h e r e a re n e ve r a n y g u a n te e s advertising, then you the same The rationale here is that if it’s w orking for them, then it will probably w ork for P ro fe s s o r: B u t a g a in , th is is a d v e r tis in g , a n d t h e r e are you See w hat I mean? Anyway, the problem, as I see it n e v e r a n y g u a n te e s anyway, is that it's kind of a lazy w ay to m anage your advertising budget W ith a little research, um you may Main Idea Question - (D) find that increasing or decreasing the budget m ay be Very little is said about advertising itself The main point of better for your particular products this lecture is to define a number of ways to approach budgeting for advertising 802 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn future of any state and any town depended on how close The professor gives some specific statistics as to what percentage of sales is allocated to the advertising budgets of certain types of companies He specifically mentions pharmaceutical and automobile companies B Supporting Detail Question - (B) As the name suggests, goal-oriented budgets depend on reaching some target or attaining a specific outcome This could be either financial or non-financial, such as gaining product recognition This would not be directly connected to an increase in sales, but might eventually so For this it was to the railroad C alifornia began to put a lot of pressure on the governm ent to help get a railroad to California, but, well, let me ask you, w hat could encourage the railroad com pany to build a railroad to California? I m ean, it would take a lot of m oney and a lot of work to this, and w hat would they get out of it? Student B (male): Yeah, I think that in cases like this the governm ent had to give them som e m oney or som ething to encourage them to it reason, the first choice is not really correct It suggests that Student A: M aybe they could share the cost or increased sales are the only goal in such a budget something ) Supporting Detail Question - (C) The professor refers to such budgets as “lazy” in that they don't require much in the way of market or advertising research Professor: W ell, I guess I should tell you that the C ongress authorized building the transcontinental railroad in 1862 And w hat else was going on in 1862? Student B: The Civil W ar was starting 10 Supporting Detail Question - (D) The professor directly states that this is the w orst method for planning a budget It takes into account no marketing principles at all If it succeeds, it does so by pure luck, since there is really no plan behind it 11 Function Purpose Question - (A) When someone says "there are no guarantees,” they mean that the outcom e of something is not predictable Professor: Th a t’s right, and the US governm ent w as in no position to give m oney away when they had a w ar to fight So w hat they did was loan the railroad com panies m illions of d o lla rs Student A: (interrupting) But w hat good was that? This is only a loan The com panies will have to pay it back I can’t see that as much of an incentive Advertising is not a science What should w ork may P rofessor: That's true, and if all they got was a loan, I sometimes not This does not mean that most advertising doubt If the railway would have been built But the is ineffective or that marketing principles not apply; it governm ent also gave them m illions of acres of western simply highlights advertising's unpredictability land which they probably figured w asn't w orth much anyway But the railways thought that If they could sell (Q u e s tio n s -1 ) _ p 633 [O this land, they could use the m oney to repay these loans Any Idea on how they could sell land that was In the middle of nowhere? S c r ip t] Professor (male): So, when gold was discovered in S tu d e nt B: Well If you w ant my honest opinion I'd say California in 1849, there w as a great deal of interest that they'd have to trick people into buying it developed in going w est to get rich Now, imagine you're S tu d e n t A: I don't know If they gave it at a good price to a young man living in the East and you have this idea people who norm ally couldn't afford land And you’ve got that you can get rich by finding gold in California Well, to remember, it was on the railroad line your first problem is getting there So tell me, how would you get to C alifornia in 1849? P rofessor: Well, I don ’t know if they tricked people, but they did w hat any business does that w ants to sell Student A (female): I think they had to go across the country by w agon train, d idn't they? Professor: Yeah, well, that w as one of the ways The som ething They did a good job of salesm anship They advertised throughout the East and even in Europe They offered free transportation to the land And they other w ay w as to go by sea, and since there was no also offered low interest, long term loans Panama Canal, it m eant going around all of South S tu d e n t B: Did it work? America Any w ay you looked at It, getting to C alifornia was not an easy thing to But m any did it and, in doing so, shifted a significant num ber of people to California In fact, enough people lived in C alifornia by 1850 to grant it statehood Now at this same time, the railroad had been developing throuo !he East It was apparent to everyone that the P rofessor: Yes and no The main people w ho took the land were farm ers They grew crops, all right, but they had to pay the railroads to ship them to market Often they grew one crop, wheat, which depended on fluctuations on the international w heat market, som ething small farm ers had never experienced before Som etim es Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 803 groups of farm ers lived near the same railway stop, 14 Content-Linking Question - (C) Although a student suggests the railroads may have been form ing small towns But If the price of wheat, for dishonest, the professor doesn’t really agree He basically example, was low, the whole town could lose money states that they made use of some clever advertising and And it was not unusual for these farm ers to go more and attractive incentives that led people to buy the land In more into debt to the railroads Sometim es bankruptcy other words, they were clever businessmen They could caused whole tow ns to disappear and form ghost towns not force anyone to initially buy the land That would have S tu d e n t A: So what you’re saying Is that the railroads com pletely controlled the fate of tow ns In the West How been their choice 15 Supporting Detail Question - (B) did the governm ent let this happen? The professor explain? that the tim ing t a d ft r S$r P rofessor: I think they just didn't see how much power expansion of the railroad The Civil War had just begun, they were giving to the railroads when they first passed and the government needed to be more careful about how the law Yeah, you’re right The railroad could raise their It spent its money, since it seemed likely that much money prices at will They could cut off service They could drive would be needed to fight this war a town out of existence 16 Supporting Detail Question - (D) If the tow n grew only wheat and the price of wheat was S tu d e nt B: But in some way it was the farm ers’ fault for high, the town would well It, perhaps, could be argued not seeing how dependent they would be on the railroad that dependence on one crop was a bad farming practice, Professor: Maybe, but they didn’t take this lying down but, in fact, it was closer to a bad business practice They eventually banded together to fight the railroads However, it was only bad in the event of low prices for that and eventually succeeded in having laws passed that one crop In truth, all of this could be overridden by too curbed their power much dependence on the railroads Since the railroads loaned most of these farmers the money to pay for the Question - Replay land, the inability to repay the loan during a bad year could Professor: M a y b e , b u t t h e y d id n 't ta k e t h is ly in g d o w n lead to the entire tow n being abandoned, thus forming a T h e y e v e n t u a lly b a n d e d t o g e th e r t o f ig h t t h e r a ilr o a d s ghost town and eventually succeeded in having laws passed th a t 17 Function Purpose Question - (D) curbed th e ir power O Professor: Maybe, but they d idn't take this lying down The expression “to not take something lying down" means to refuse being pushed around In this case, the farmers refused to give in to the power of the railroad and even 12 Main Idea Question - (D) The California Gold Rush was mentioned, but only organized to fight it To emphasize this attitude in the farmers, the professor uses this expression because it began to stimulate the need for a transcontinental railroad A com plete picture of life in railway tow ns was not given We only know that they were farmers who were trying to survive under the power of the railroads The expansion of the railroads may be a main topic, but it seems too broad, as only western expansion is discussed In addition, it does not take into account the politics and social changes that surrounded this expansion Therefore, answer D best summarizes the entire scope of the discussion 13 Organization Q uestion - (A) The professor gives an example of a tow n which may be dependent on one crop such as wheat and how its relationship with and dependence on the railway could develop The farmers may have depended on wheat and the price of wheat, but it is not really related to how they depended on the railway The tw o were linked, but the type of dependence was not com pared by the professor No particular tow n was named, and no real statistics were given 804 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn r a u ii your work, so a couple missed assignments wouldn't be the end of the world But I got a better idea Why don’t (Q u estion s 1-5) _ p.637 you just wait until after the exam, and then those [ O Script ] assignments You know that I accept late work I just Student (male): Hi, Professor W allace, got a second? deduct points for the lateness That would be a lot better than just not doing the assignments at all Professor (fem ale): Oh, Nick Hi W e m issed you last Student: Yeah, I guess that’s a good idea Thanks week in class, w ere you sick? Student: No, It was nothing like that My anthropology class went on a research trip to study Appalachian Question - Replay communities Uh there was a memo sent out by the Student: OK but doing last week's w ork, this week's Anthropology departm ent w ork, and studying fo r the test seems like a lot Isn't Professor: W ell, it m ust have missed me because this is there any w ay you can cut me a little slack? the first I've heard of it You know in the future, you O Student: Isn't there any w ay you can cut me a little slack? should really notify your professors personally, regardless of any memos being sent out by the Main Idea Question - (D) department Although the student begins with an explanation of w hy he Student: I know I’m sorry I was just so busy getting was absent last week, his real intention in visiting his professor is to get the w ork that he missed last week ready for the trip and all Professor: So, I guess you're here about m akeup work, Supporting Detail Q uestion - (A) The professor says that regardless o f any letter that was right? sent out, the student should have personally informed her Student: Uh, yeah Professor: Well, I don't have any of it prepared, because that he was going to be absent O rganization Q uestion - (C) this is the first I’ve heard about this Uh, let's see for The easiest part is getting the notes, because there are the lectures you m issed you can just get my lecture posted on the Internet Giving the student the hom ework notes off the Internet from last week will also be relatively simple, and the Student: Yeah, I already did that professor says she will that in the next class The most Professor: OK, good R egarding the hom ew ork difficult part will be getting ready for the exam next week because the student does not have m uch tim e to get assignments I guess I can have them ready for you by caught up Thursday, and then I’ll give you a w eek to com plete them since you were out for a week H ow 's that sound? Supporting Detail Q uestion - (C) At first, the student is thinking about just skipping the Student: That’s fair enough assignments so that he can spend m ore tim e getting ready Professor: Now, the tricky one is the exam you have for the exam But the professor suggests that he them next week You really need to spend tim e going over the after the exam That way, he will at least get partial credit notes from last w eek’s lectures to prepare for that And I'm reluctant to give you an extension on the exam for the assignments because then I have to w rite a w hole new exam for you Function Purpose Q uestion - (B) The expression "to cut som eone som e slack” Is com m only Student: O K but doing last w eek's work, this w eek's used In conversational English to mean “to make an work, and studying for the test seem s like a lot Isn't allowance for someone." In this case, the student w ants there any w ay you can cut me a little slack? the professor to make an allowance for him concerning the P ro fe sso r I d o n ’t know It’s not like this w as a sudden deadlines of the assignments thing I m ean you knew about this trip, right? The responsible thing to w ould have been to com e and see m e before Then you w ouldn't be in this situation S tudent: Yeah, I guess I dug m y own grave How much is the hom ew ork from last w eek w orth? If I don't make it up, is th a t going to really kill my grade? P r o fe s s o r : Mot really Y ou’ve been fairly consistent in Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 805 ( Q u e s tio n s -1 ) _p.639 difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of their illnesses Before we get into that, however, let's detail som e of the [ i i Script ] illnesses and problem s of what is com m only referred to P ro fe sso r (female): OK, today, w e're going to talk about as Gulf War Syndrome Uh Gulf W ar Syndrom e, or a kind of unique area in medicine, the uh, illnesses that GWS, is really an am algam ation of various symptoms, have befallen veterans of some modern wars The basic and while most sufferers exhibit more than one symptom, premise that w e're working on is that a modern w ar zone they rarely exhibit all of them Obviously, that has is absolutely awash in dangerous and toxic substances com plicated the job of diagnosis Common symptoms Uh, let me just give you a couple quick examples Let's include chronic skin problems, severe headaches, say you bomb a building, and it bums Well, buildings are mem ory loss, shortened attention span, muscle pain, and full of plastic and other substances that are toxic when chronic fatigue Rarer, but more serious problems include burned, so the smoke from the burning building is increased rates of birth defects, cancer, and degenerative poisonous Uh, plus lots of modern buildings contain nervous disorders Uh, the prevalence of GWS, by the asbestos, a substance that can cause cancer if it gets way, is far more widespread in Gulf W ar veterans than into our lungs If the building is bombed, then, obviously, herbicide related illnesses were in Vietnam vets asbestos dust is going to be released into the air Uh another quick exam ple would be the use of depleted Now, there’s some controversy over exactly what the uranium ammunition by many m odern armies Depleted cause of GW S is Uh, my guess is that it is probably uranium is a form of uranium that is no longer radioactive caused by exposure to a num ber of toxins, not just one It’s used for ammunition because it is extrem ely dense Here are some of the likely candidates Depleted and therefore really good at punching through armor uranium am m unition was used heavily during the Gulf Unfortunately, upon impact, depleted uranium rounds War, and we have already discussed its potential hazards In addition, Iraq had significant stocks of burn and release toxic particles into the air chem ical w eapons, uh, nerve gas in particular Now they So, you get the point, in a w ar zone there’s all kinds of didn't use those weapons directly against US troops But toxins floating around in the air, from where they can US m ilitary leaders were worried about that possibility so enter the bodies of soldiers with relative ease Now a lot they bom bed the storage areas where those chemical of these toxins have delayed affects; that is, the damage weapons were kept Some of those chemicals probably they cause doesn’t show up for months or even years made in into the air after the bombing, and so US troops The point is that a num ber of years after a m odern war, may have been exposed to low, non-lethal levels of you’ll often start having veterans of that w ar start popping nerve agents Such exposure is known to increase the up with unexplained illnesses So, then the challenge is risk of cancer and birth defects to not only figure out w hat caused the illness, but also figure out if there is any way to treat it Let’s look at two modern Am erican wars as examples: the Vietnam W ar Question n - Replay and the 1991 Gulf W ar against Iraq O W e’ll start with the Vietnam W ar because it’s the sim pler Professor: A f e w y e a rs a f t e r t h e V ie tn a m W a r, v e te n s s ta r te d t o r e p o r t a w h o le s le w o f m e d ic a l p ro b le m s of the tw o examples A few years after the Vietnam War, U h , in c re a s e d te s o f c a n c e r, k id n e y a n d liv e r veterans started to report a whole slew of medical p ro b le m s , h ig h e r te s o f b ir t h d e fe c ts in t h e ir c h ild re n problems Uh, increased rates of cancer, kidney and liver a n d , a t f ir s t , e v e r y o n e w a s s tu m p e d problems, higher rates of birth defects in their children G Professor: a n d a t f i r s t e v e r y o n e w a s s tu m p e d and, at first, everyone was stumped W ell, it turns out that a herbicide, uh, that's a chem ical that kills plants, that the arm y sprayed over large parts of Vietnam during Main Idea Question - (C) A and B are too narrow to be the main point of the lecture, the w ar contained a chem ical called dioxin Now, dioxins and D is never mentioned in the lecture are some of the most toxic chem icals known to man, and they cause many of the same illnesses that Vietnam O rganization Question - (B) The author lists several toxic substances, such as veterans were experiencing Uh, I should also note that asbestos and depleted uranium, that are found in modem the people of Vietnam were exposed to the same toxins battlefields So, in that case, it was relatively easy to connect the dots and realize that this herbicide was probably the cause Supporting Detail Question - (C) But the next exam ple is far more complex, uh because as you'll see in a minute, soldiers in the Gulf W ar were exposed to all sorts of nasty substances That makes it 8o Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN The professor clearly states that the illnesses of Vietnam veterans turned out to be from exposure to a herbicide that was used in Vietnam, and specifically from a chemical byproduct (DDT) that was in the herbicide http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn I » " ' ' ‘ “ 'I VK UO O IIU II — \ O f professor says that there were many toxic substances soldiers may have been exposed to during the Gulf •, and that as a result, it is harder to diagnose and treat itent-Linking Question - (B) professor mentions that the people of Vietnam were osed to the same herbicide as Vietnam veterans It is efore logical to assume that they would experience the le medical problems, ction Meaning Question - (A) ;ay that someone is "stum ped” means that person s not know the answer to something Student B (male): So what changed? Professor Uh, w e ll a number of things, actually Uh, the first was that the nation grew more prosperous At the founding of the nation, or before, during the colonial period, the government simply would not have had the resources to provide free, public education to every child You also got to remember that population densities were pretty low in many places, you know people were spread out all over the place on farms, in the territories, etc So, gathering a sufficient number of children together in one place to justify the opening of a school was sometimes a difficult undertaking in itself That’s also reflected in the fact that many of the private schools were boarding tions 12-17) _p.641 schools The students lived at the schools, often quite far from their homes That simply would not have been a cript] viable option for public schools So, as the industrial ssor (male): You know these days, we just take it revolution progressed, and as towns and cities grew, inted that children are going to go to school I populations became more centralized and public , nearly every nation you could nam e uh, even education became well, more “doable.” ,-jorest ones, have some form of compulsory education But this idea is a relatively new one In fact, the right to education wasn't even listed as a basic human right until 1918 Even if you take what we view to Student A: I guess the industrial revolution and the advance of technology would have made a formal education more important also, right? be a modem, democratic country like the United States, P rofessor Sure, that's a good point Certainly, there was you’ll see that widespread educational opportunities for a shift in public opinion about the necessity of education children are a pretty recent thing Looking back on our colonial history, we’ll see that as early as the 1640s, there were laws prescribing But up until this point, we have only discussed the social factors that helped bring about this change We also need to talk about the impact of one man in particular mandatory education of some sort for children But they Horace Mann was the secretary of education for the were more like legal theory than laws actually put into state of Massachusetts He was a free thinker, an practice What's more, the schools that did exist were abolitionist, and he was deeply committed to the idea of almost entirely private schools, and so large portions of the equality o f man He led the charge in establishing the populace who couldn’t afford tuition were denied any schools f o r all children, uh, then called common schools, real educational opportunities in his state In 1837, he helped push through a state law Student A (female): Wait a minute, professor? that established publicly funded grammar schools for students aged 8-14 His efforts had kind of a cascade Professor: Uh, yeah, Nancy, you had a question? effect, and by 1918 every state in the union had Student A: Well, not really a question I’m just having a established public schools to provide compulsory hard time buying that kids got no education back then education to students N o w , that only included primary Professor: Well, education in a trade, and what we :onsider to be a formal, academic education are different :hings Let’s say you had a kid living on a farm Well, that school The growth of what we think of as the American high school is another story altogether but that’s going to have to wait for another day (id would learn the skills he needed to be farmer from his ather, and his parents would probably teach him the jasics of math, uh, maybe a little reading and writing, at lome But that kid wouldn’t have ever sat down in a Question - Replay G Professor: L o o k in g b a c k o n o u r c o lo n ia l h is t o r y , w e 'll see t h a t as e a r ly as t h e s , t h e r e w e r e la w s :lassroom to learn about say literature, or, uh, world p re s c rib in g m a n d a t o r y e d u c a tio n o f s o m e s o r t f o r listory It just wouldn’t have been considered important c h ild r e n B u t t h e y w e r e m o re lik e le g a l t h e o r y th a n 'o be sure, some children did receive an academic la w s a c tu a lly p u t in t o p c tic e iducation But they were mostly from upper class amilies, and received their educations from private tutors ¡nd in private schools Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 807 Question - Replay Student A: W a it a m in u te , professor? P ro fe s s o r: U h , y e a h , N a n c y , y o u h a d a q u e s tio n ? S tu d e n t A : W e ll, n o t re a lly a q u e s tio n I'm ju s t h a v in g a h a rd t im e b u y in g t h a t kid s g o t n o e d u c a tio n b a c k th e n M S tu d e n t A : I'm j u s t h a v in g a h a rd t im e b u y in g t h a t kid s g o t n o e d u c a tio n b a c k th e n 12 Main Idea Question - (B) The discussion focuses on how public schools developed in the America A is too broad, B is to o narrow, and D is not mentioned 13 Organization Question V A lack of government funding z z A sudden drop in population The success and availability of private schools in educating Am erican youth V The public’s perception of the unim portance of formal education The professor says that the early government simply couldn't afford public schools, and that since m ost people worked on farms, an academic education w asn't really seen as being important 14 Supporting Detail Question - (B) The professor states that Horace Mann created the first public schools, called “com m on schools," in Massachusetts 15 Content-Linking QuesX\on(Prediction) - (E) The professor says that the story o f the American high school will have to wait for another day, suggesting this will be discussed in the future 16 Content-Linking Question - (D) The professor says that laws were more like legal theory, suggesting that they were not enforced 17ẻ Function Meaning Question - (C) In conversational English, if someone does not “ buy” something, it often means they not believe it Số8hó a bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn cue waiui ly iaw co ui mi ■■ «i.i.y » - peaking cam pus jobs are really the only practical ones for serious students Task _ p.646 W om an: I guess that’s true But the university only has [ Sample Response J the best interests of the students at heart AIDS is a major health problem that greatly affects humans They just w ant new students to start off on the right foot, you know? worldwide The disease is so problematic because it is a M an highly communicative disease that infects w ithout : Maybe, but I think they are m aking a big deal discrimination and has no cure No matter where you live out of nothing I was a transfer student, and I and regardless of your race or sexual orientation, if you worked during my first sem ester here It w asn ’t make contact with the bodily fluids of any individual infected particularly stressful I mean really, w hat with this immune disease, you put yourself at risk of also you actually have to adjust to? Y ou’re a little acquiring the fatal illness Additionally, AIDS kills millions b usy fo r th e firs t tw o w eeks a fte r you transfer worldwide, and the rate of infection has steadily increased here, and then It’s like any oth e r sem ester since the start of the epidem ic in the early 1980s In sum, Heck, I even m ade the D ean's List m y first because AIDS is a highly infectious disease without a cure, it sem ester here I really don't see w hat the poses a serious risk to human health globally university is so w orried about [ Sample Response J Task _P647 [ Sample Response ] Personally, I’d rather spend my w eekends taking short trips than relaxing at home I think this is a better option because It gives me a change of scenery and because the weekends are really my only chance to travel Everyone needs a change of environm ent som etimes A fter a long week of school and work, som etim es I just need to get away for a while By taking a short trip, I can leave all my pressures behind, even if it is just for a day or two In addition, since I go to school during the sem ester and w ork during the The man does not approve of the new policy which says transfer students can't have on-cam pus job s in their first sem ester His girlfriend was going to transfer to his school, but he says she probably w on't that now, since she can’t w ork on campus Although students can w ork off cam pus, the man points out that m ost of the jobs off cam pus aren't really suitable for students The man also says that he thinks the university is kind of going overboard He says that he didn’t think his first sem ester was particularly difficult when he transferred to the school, and that the university is m aking a big deal out of som ething that isn’t really a problem semester breaks, I don’t really have tim e to take a true vacation The weekends are really my only time to travel, and I wouldn’t want to waste them just sitting at home Task _ p.649 ! G Script ] Task _ p¿¿a [ O The queen m ates with a drone, a m ale bee w hose only S c rip t ] Woman: Hey, Mike Isn't your girlfriend transferring here next semester? Man P ro fe sso r (fem ale): M ost of you already know that in a beehive, all the bees have a single m other, the queen : Well, she was But now she’s not so sure Woman: W hy’s that? Man : Because of th a t stupid rule they just made about transfer students not being able to work on cam pus She w as planning to get a campus job to help her pay her tuition W ithout that, purpose is to fertilize the queen's eggs The queen lays her eggs, which will eventually hatch and becom e w orker bees Now, w orker bees are fem ale also, and therefore are able to produce eggs As long as the queen is alive, however, the w orker bees will not lay their eggs If the queen dies, however, it threatens the entire beehive, because all reproduction stops In this situation, the w orkers will begin to lay eggs The problem with this is she probably ca n't afford to go to school here that workers are unable to mate with drones, m eaning Woman: But she could still get a job off cam pus, right? Man : Oh, please You and I both know th a t’s a their eggs are unfertilized These unfertilized eggs will hatch, but they will only produce m ore drones, not com plete joke The only off cam pus job s are at w orkers Basically, this is can be seen as a last attem pt the local bars and restaurants, and the hours to save the colony If a new queen can be found, then you have to w ork at those places are ridiculous the hive m ight survive If no new queen is found, I mean, how are you supposed to study if you however, the hive will eventually die, since the w orker Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 809 bees will eventually die, and only male drones, who are incapable of any form of reproduction, will replace them [ Sam ple Response ] The man s problem is that he isn’t doing well in his biology class, but the woman doesn't have time to tutor him She [ S am ple Response ] In the lecture, the professor explains how w orker bees can reproduce asexually if the queen dies According to the professor, the w orker bees will only lay eggs if the queen dies and the survival of the hive is in danger In this situation, the workers will lay eggs, but the eggs are unfertilized because the workers can’t mate with the drones Therefore, this is a form of asexual reproduction According to the professor, the w orker’s eggs w ill only produce drones, so if a new queen isn’t found, the hive will eventually die suggests that he should either attend a study skills workshop at the student center or that he should ask his professor to recommend a different student to tutor him I think he should try attending the study skills workshop first If his problem is his study skills, as the wom an suggests, then attending the workshop would help him not only in his biology class, but in his other classes as well Besides, the professor might not know a student who is willing to tutor him The woman already said that she was too busy to tutor him and it seems likely that other students may be just as busy as she is This shows that asexual reproduction in bees is not as good as their regular reproductive method Task _ p65i [ G Task _ p650 S c r ip t ) P ro fe sso r (male): Since the colonial era, the C hesapeake Bay in eastern Maryland has been one of [ G S c rip t ] Student A (male): Hey, Lisa, you have a minute? Student B (female): Sure, but just a minute I have biology next S tu d e nt A: Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about I was kind of w ondering if you could tutor me I’m not failing my biology class or anything like that, but my test scores are pretty low At this rate, I'll probably pass the the most important fisheries on the American east coast Oysters, clams, crabs, and num erous species of fish are all found in abundance in the Chesapeake, or at least they were in previous times In recent decades, many of the aquatic species found in the Chesapeake have undergone serious declines in population While the reasons for these declines are com plex and multi­ faceted, we can point to a few key factors class, but just barely, and it’ll drag down my One of those factors is the growth of chicken farms along GPA So I was hoping you could help me out the shores of the Chesapeake Over the last few a bit decades, chicken farm ing has become a m ajor economic Student B: Gee, Greg I’d love to help you out, but I’m activity in eastern M aryland, and huge chicken farms, pretty busy m yself this sem ester I ju s t don't som e with tens of thousands of hens, have sprung up think I really have the tim e to tutor you W hat Now, the waste from these chicken farm s is extremely exactly are you having problem s with in the high in nitrogen W hen this nitrogen-rich waste gets class? w ashed into the Chesapeake, it nourishes bacteria that Student A: M ostly just the tests I O K in the labs, and I alw ays the assignm ents, but th e re ’s so much to rem em ber for the tests Student B: Uh-huh Well, it sounds like m aybe you need to w ork on your study skills, you know w ork on finding a way to help you rem em ber the inform ation One thing you could is go down to the student services center I know they hold w eekly study skills workshops You could try attending one of those and see if it feed on nitrogen Many of these bacteria are toxic to fish and shellfish, and they kill off large numbers of fish A nother factor in the decline of aquatic species in the Chesapeake is the growth of hydrilla Hydrilla is a type of aquatic p la n t kind of like seaweed This plant has spread throughout the Chesapeake Hydrilla grows in thick, dense patches that form a kind of underwater jungle, and it decrease the levels of oxygen in the water The com bination of the thick underw ater growth and lack of oxygen drives fish away helps Student A: Yeah I guess th a t’s a thought S tu d e n t B: Or if you really think you need a personal tutor, you could go talk to your professor He 810 * S am ple Response In the lecture, the professor talks about the decline in fish m ight be able to recom m end a tu to r for you populations in the C hesapeake and the reasons for the Sorry I couldn’t be m ore help, but I've really decline According to the professor, two of the m ajor reasons got to run for this decline are the growth of chicken farm s and the Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn spread of hydrilla The professor points out that huge chicken farm s have been set up along the shores of the Chesapeake The waste from these chicken farm s contains nitrogen, which feeds bacteria that are toxic to fish The spread of an aquatic plant called hydrilla has also contributed to the decline of fish The professor states that hydrilla grows in thick patches and decreases the levels of oxygen in the water According to the professor, this drives fish away Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 811 that have been found in the Kuiper belt have not been i BT Practice Test - Writing classified as planets, even though they are sim ilar to Pluto This directly contradicts the claim in the reading that Pluto Task _ p.654 should be considered a planet just because it orbits the sun The professor also says that while Pluto's gravity is strong l O S c rip t ] enough to pull it into the shape of a sphere, this does not P ro fe sso r (female): W e all grow up learning that there necessarily classify it as a planet According to the are nine planets in the Solar System, but many professor Pluto is m ostly made up of different kinds of ice, astronom ers want textbooks to be rewritten to indicate and should therefore be considered a ball of ice rather than that there are only eight planets Specifically, they want a planet to demote Pluto from Its status as a planet Yes, like other planets, Pluto orbits around the sun and is Finally, the professor says that the fact that Pluto has moons com pressed Into a sphere-llke shape by its gravity and does not necessarily make it a planet While the reading has moons However, there are significant reasons to says that the presence of m oons is a key characteristic of question its classification as a planet planets, the professor notes that some asteroids have First of all, w hile Pluto does indeed orbit the sun, astronom ers have recently discovered that it actually lies moons as well In fact, the professor says that Pluto might actually be such an asteroid in the Kuiper belt, or a section of the solar system In conclusion, the professor's lecture largely contradicts the extending from N eptune's orbit to the sun This discovery main points of the reading W hile Pluto does orbit the sun, is indicates that Pluto is different than all other planetary spherical in shape, and has orbiting moons, none of these objects and should be reclassified as a Kuiper belt object characteristics justifies its classification as a planet or even a form er moon of N eptune's that som ehow broke free of the planet’s orbit Several other planet-like objects with sim ilar characteristics as Pluto have been found in Task _ p658 Neptune's orbit and subsequently categorized as TransNeptunian or Kuiper belt objects rather than planets Although the num ber of years a person has served in a Secondly, although Pluto’s gravitational pull is strong com pany is important, most prom otions should be based on enough to com press it into a ball, the ball it is m erit rather than seniority This is a better policy because it com pressed into is made alm ost entirely of ice - 98% prom otes higher levels of productivity, makes hard working nitrogen ice to be exact The speculated structure of Pluto is that it is com posed of one layer of frozen em ployees feel more appreciated, and results in a higher quality w orkforce over time nitrogen, a second layer of w ater ice, and a third layer of silicate and w ater ice This further supports the claim that First, basing prom otions on m erit will lead to higher levels of Pluto may be a ball of ice that has been m istakenly productivity Obviously, if em ployees know that promotions classified as a planet are based on merit, they will work as hard as possible This Finally, although Pluto has three m oons in its orbit, this should not necessarily qualify it as a planet There are many asteroid moons, or asteroids that orbit other asteroids as their natural satellite It is estim ated that about 2% of all asteroids have satellite bodies, and Pluto may very well be an asteroid with three other asteroids locked Into its orbit and functioning as asteroid moons is true because they will know that only the hardest working em ployees will be promoted If prom otions automatically go to those w ho have worked in the com pany the longest, on the other hand, there Is no incentive to work hard because one’s level of work will not affect one's chances of promotion Another im portant point is that hard working employees will feel more appreciated if m erit-based promotions are used [ S am ple Response j because their efforts will be recognized and rewarded This In the lecture, the professor discusses the reasons why is im portant because em ployees who feel they are som e astronom ers think that Pluto should not be classified appreciated are more likely to stay with a com pany over as a planet These points directly contradict the information time If hard-working em ployees feel like they are not getting in the reading, which says that it is correct to classify Pluto the recognition they deserve, they may very well move to a as a planet different com pany First, the professor points out that, while Pluto does orbit the Finally, basing prom otions on merit rather than senionty sun, it lies in the Kuiper belt, which makes it different from eventually leads to a higher quality workforce This is other planets The professor also notes that other objects because only those who are willing to work hard have any incentive to remain in the com pany In a com pany where 812 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn seniority is used to decide promotions, even som ewhat lazy employees have a reason to stay with the com pany because if they stay long enough, they are likely to be promoted However, in a com pany where all promotions are based on merit, these employees really have no reason to stay In conclusion, awarding prom otions based on m erit is really the only logical choice for a company Not only does it reward the people who work the hardest, but it also makes sure that people not sim ply sit back and “put in th e ir tim e” at the company Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 13 [...]... th in k h e s h o u ld - e ith e r - o r - Exercise 2 Use the notes you took in EXERCISE 1 to complete the Introduction below The students discuss tw o possible solutions to the man’s problem Describe the problem Then explain which of the tw o solutions you prefer and why The man's problem is that The woman suggests that he either or In my opinion, the best solution is to Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học... will then be asked to summarize and explain the major points of the lecture You will have one minute of speaking time » Format of the Lecture The lecture may be on any academic topic, but the lecture will always follow the same basic format The lecture will explain an idea and give two examples of that idea Listen to the following lecture and look at the outline below: © 4 42 M a in Id e a : There... generate connections between the reading passage and the discussion from RCISES 1 -2 -low does the issue of eating phobias and women in the military relate directly to the description sf anorexia nervosa in the reading passage? io w do the pressures wom en face in the military relate to the description of anorexia nervosa in he reading passage? Jse your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent explanation... and 2 to create a coherent concluding statement In conclusion Therefore, Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn B-Ch 5 | Problem / Solution Task 439 ^ Guided Practice 2 Exercise 1 Please listen carefully to the following task 5 conversation Complete the notes in the space provided Stu d en t's Problem.: D e ta il: solution, 1 : Detail: Solution 2: Detail: Exercise 2 Use the. .. o f education and therefore exert a controlling influence on their futures Exercise 4 Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, answer the questions below to create an appropriate conclusion 1 Briefly restate the overall connection between the reading passage and the discussion 2 Briefly summarize relevant details and/or examples from the lecture 3 Use your answers from 1 and 2 to create a conclusion... ircise 3 the following questions to generate connections between the reading passage and the discussion from :RCISES 1 and 2 How does the question of Mozart’s genius relate to the concept of nature vs nurture? What questions arise when considering Mozart's genius in light of the nature vs nurture debate? Use your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent explanation of how Mozart’s genius demonstrates the. .. caught up in the specific details of the problem, but < thorough understanding of these details is usually not necessary Only focus on the basic problem, as this is all you will need to explain in your response 2 T h e fir s t s o lu tio n t o t h e p r o b le m - Make sure you note down the basic solution to the problem Generally, it is not necessary to get all the specific details However, if the speakers... http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below student's Problem: D e ta il: Solution 1 : Detail: Solution, 2. : Detail: The students discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem Describe the problem Then explain which of the tw o solutions you prefer and why Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 1 Listen to the following conversation... to note these down 3 T h e s e c o n d s o lu tio n to t h e p r o b le m - Make sure you note down the basic solution to the problem Generally, it is not necessary to get all the specific details However, if the speakers mention any pros cons to this solution, make sure to note these down Exercise 1 Please listen carefully to the following sample task 5 conversation Complete the notes in the space... Preparing Your Response > Guided Note Taking Since each lecture for Speaking Task 6 follows the same basic format, you can use this knowledge to hel guide your note-taking While listening to the lecture, you need to make sure you take notes on the following things: The basic co n ce pt - Generally, this will be discussed in the first few seconds of the lecture Example 1 - Take notes on the first example Be

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2016, 14:54

