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Ebook TOEFL BT insider the super guide part 1

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About This Book BT TOEFL Insider: The Super Guide is a complete English skills book designed for students intending to take the BT TOEFL exam. It is designed to give students a complete understanding of all of the BT TOEFL sections and what is expected of test takers, as well as to provide students with useful skills and strategies for meeting those expectations. To achieve these goals. BT TOEFL Insider: The Super Guide contains the following: Four sections that focus specifically on each section of the ¡BT TOEFL J Detailed explanations of each BT TOEFL question type Specific strategies to solve each question type ■ Guided and unguided practice to learn and then perfect English skills ■ Supplemental activities designed to develop technical language skills Vocabulary previews and reviews to build academic vocbaularv • Full answer key with detailed explanations of each question A complete BT TOEFL Practice Test What is the TOEFL? The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a vital measure of proficiency in English. The TOEFL covers the essentials of English, including listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The TOEFL focuses on the effective application of English in academic situations. The test is designed to assess how foreign students will perform in an Englishonly academic setting. The test requires not only the understanding of given material, but also the effective application of that material for specific academic purposes. The TOEFL assumes that test takers have a mastery of the basic principles of English, and such mastery is essential for success on the test. This point cannot be overemphasized. Gaining a proficiency in the fundamentals of English (grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills) is the first step to success on the TOEFL. The TOEFL, therefore, leads to the right direction in English study because it requires the realistic application of the test takers English abilities. 4 About the tBT The BT TOEFL is the newest version of the TOEFL exam. It was first instituted in the United States in 2005. The BT TOEFL is largely based on a communicative approach to language learning. It places a great deal of importance on the ability to communicate effectively in English in an academic environment. It is the first version of the TOEFL exam to assess English proficiency in all four language areas (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). It is also the first version of the exam to require that test takers apply these skills in an integrated fashion. Therefore, the BT TOEFL represents a more authentic, but also more challenging, assessment of English proficiency. The BT TOEFL is an Internetbased test. This simply means that the test data will be transmitted to ETS scoring centers via the Internet. Test takers will still have to report to authorized test centers to take the test Changes in the ¿BT TOEFL (InternetBased TOEFL) The BT TOEFL not only reflects a change in the way the test is administered, but also in the format of the test itself. Some of the major changes on the test are listed below: ■ Elimination of the grammar section The BT TOEFL contains no explicit testing of grammar. Rather, knowledge of grammar is tested through the test takers ability to comprehend the reading and listening sections, and also by the range of grammar structures employed in the speaking and writing sections, and the accuracy with which they use those structures. ■ Addition of a mandatory speaking section Previous versions of the TOEFL had no speaking evaluation. However, test takers could take the TSE (Test of Spoken English) as a supplement to provide them with an evaluation of their speaking ability. On the BT TOEFL, for the first time, all TOEFL test takers will be evaluated on their speaking abilities. ■ Inclusion of integrated tasks The BT TOEFL speaking and writing sections have integrated tasks which require the test taker to first read and listen to material, and then incorporate that material into their response. The objective is to more effectively mimic the type of speaking and writing that students will be required to do in a true academic setting. ■ Lengthening of reading and listening tasks The reading passages and the lectures that appear on the BT TOEFL have been lengthened. The reading passages are now typically around 700 words, and the lectures typically last from 46 minutes. ■ Changes in question types There have been significant changes in the question types that appear in the reading and listening sections. Questions now ask not only about basic factual and inferred information, but also about the relationships between different ideas and the pragmatic purposes of discourse. (4 Implications for Test Takers The changes made in the BT TOEFL have important implications for test takers. The BT TOEFL is a far more holistic test than earlier forms of the TOEFL, and test takers will have to be truly proficient in English in order to succeed. In earlier forms of the TOEFL it was possible to “study for the test. Specifically, it was possible for students with high grammar and vocabulary abilities, but with poor communicative abilities, to do relatively well on the TOEFL. This will no longer be a realistic option. Students who possess poor communicative abilities in English will have little chance of success on the BT TOEFL. Therefore, mastery of fundamental English skills is an essential part of BT TOEFL preparation.

Study Smarter, Not H arder e S u p e r GUt CONQUER T O E F L (BT 4SIDE ★★★★★ The Super Guide Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn LinguaForum TOEFL' iBT INSIDER: The Super Guide C o p y r ig h t © 0 b y L in g u a F o ru m Inc No unauthorized photocopying Ah r ig h ts re s e rv e d N o p a rt o* th s boo«, m a y b e re p ro d u c e d o r tra n s m itte d in a n y fo r m o r b y a n y m e a n s , e le c tro n ic o r m e c h a n ic a l, in c lu d in g p h o to c o p y in g , re c o rd in g , o r a n y o th e r in fo rm a tio n s to g e a n d re trie v a l s y s te m w ith o u t th e w r itt e n p e r m is s io n o f th e p u b lis h e r F o r in f o r m a t io n a b o u t l i n g u a l o r m n I O i l I, / B T I \ S I I ) I - R : T h e S u p e r G u id e e m a il u s a t in f o @ lm g u a fo r u m c o m T O E F L ' is a r e g is te r e d t r a d e m a r k o f E d u c a tio n a l T e s tin g S e rv ic e T h is b o o k h a s b e e n n e ith e r r e v ie w e d n o r e n d o r s e d b y E T S ftxintadui the¡Republicoft Jichco Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn TOEFL® ÍBT INSIDER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The Super Guide Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn >vcdbyETS i> Reading Section p a R1 / \ 17 i BT Reading Question Types 23 Ch Basic Comprehension Questions Ch inferencing Reading & Reading to Learn Questions E3 Thematic Reading Practice Ch Earth Sciences 62 Ch Natural Sciences 78 Ch Physical Sciences 94 Ch Social Sciences 110 Ch Archaeology & Anthropology 126 Ch Economics 142 Ch History 158 Ch Art & Literature 174 i|L is te n in g Section 191 Ch Main Idea Questions 197 Ch Supporting Detail Questions 11 Ch Content-Linking Questions 225 Ch Organization / Rhetorical Connection Questions 239 Ch Organization Questions 253 Ch Identifying Relationship Questions 267 Ch Stance / Attitude Questions 281 Ch Function Questions 295 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn [...]... 60- 61 25 23 22 24 23 22 59 58 56-57 21 19 18 21 20 19 55 54 53 17 16 15 18 17 16 52 51 50 14 13 12 15 14 13 49 48 47 11 10 9 12 11 10 46 45 44 7 6 5 9 8 7 42-43 41 40 4 2 6 5 4 38-39 36-37 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 Range Comparison for Listening 29-30 26-28 22-25 18 - 21 15 -17 12 -14 9 -11 5-7 1- 4 0 -1 28-30 25-27 22-24 19 - 21 16 -18 13 -15 10 -12 7-9 4-6 0-3 65-68 60-64 56-59 53-55 50-52 47-49 44-46 40-43 34-39 31- 33... 31 31 31 11 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn Comparison of /BT, CBT, and PBT TOEFL Scores Internet- Computer- based Total based Total 12 0 12 0 11 9 11 8 11 7 11 6 11 4 -11 5 11 3 11 1 -11 2 11 0 10 9 10 6 -10 8 10 5 10 3 -10 4 10 1 -10 2 10 0 98-99 96-97 94-95 92-93 90- 91 88-89 86-87 84-85 83 81- 82 79-80 77-78 76 74-75 72-73 71 69-70 68 66-67 65 64 62-63 61 59-60 58 57 56 54-55 53 52 51. .. 46 44-45 10 9 8 12 11 10 43 41- 42 40 7 6 5 9 38-39 36-37 34-35 4 6 5 4 32-33 3 31 31 31 3 1 0 0 0 0 8 7 2 1 0 28-30 26-28 21- 24 17 -20 14 -16 11 -13 8 -10 5-7 1- 4 0 -1 28-30 25-27 22-24 19 - 21 16 -18 13 -15 10 -12 7-9 4-6 0-3 64-67 59-63 56-58 52-55 48- 51 44-47 40-43 34-39 31- 33 31 31 31 31 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN 10 Range Comparison for Reading http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn TOEFL Score Comparison... 220 217 213 210 207 203 200 19 7 19 3 19 0 18 7 18 3 18 0 17 7 17 3 17 0 16 7 16 3 16 0 15 7 15 3 15 0 14 7 49-50 48 47 14 3 14 0 45-46 44 13 3 13 0 12 7 43 41- 42 40 12 300 297 293 290 287 283 280 277 273 270 267 263 260 257 253 250 247 243 240 237 233 230 227 13 7 12 3 12 0 Paperbased Total Internet- Computer- based Total based Total / 677 673 670 667 660-663 657 650-653 647 640-643 637 630-633 623-627 617 -620 613 607- 610 ... ->-69 Unguided Reading ch 4 Ch.5 Social Sciences 11 0 Ch.7 ch 8 History 15 8 Art & Literature J-59 17 4 Vocabulary Preview 11 1 Vocabulary Preview 17 5 Guided Reading 1 , 2 11 2 Guided Reading 1 , 2 Unguided Reading 11 6 Unguided Reading 17 6 18 0 Vocabulary Review 12 0 Vocabulary Review i8 i, / 'BT Practice 12 1 /BT Practice 18 5 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn 17 y iBT TOEFL. .. 487-490 11 7 11 3 11 0 10 7 10 3 10 0 97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 63 60 57 53 50 47 43 40 37 33 30 27 23 20 17 13 10 7 3 0 39 38 36-37 35 34 33 32 30- 31 29 28 26-27 25 24 23 22 21 19-20 18 17 16 15 14 Range Comparison 483 480 477 470-473 467 463 460 457 450-453 447 443 437-440 433 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Internetbased Total 11 1 -12 0 96 -11 0 79-95 65-78 53-64 41- 52 30-40 19 -29 9 -18 0-8 273-300... 613 607- 610 600-603 597 590-593 587 580-583 577 570-573 567 563 557-560 553 550 547 540-543 537 533 527-530 523 520 430 423-427 420 417 410 - 413 407 400-403 397 390-393 387 Computer-based Total Paperbased Total 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 517 513 380-383 377 370-373 363-367 357-360 353 347-350 340-343 333-337 330 323-327 317 -320 313 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 I 507- 510 503... of the test than on scores from other sections TOEFL Score Comparison for Reading Internet- Computer- Paper- Internet- Computer- Paper- based Reading based Reading based Reading based Reading based Reading based Reading 30 29 28 30 29 28 67 66 64-65 28 27 26 27 26 25 63 61- 62 59-60 24 23 21 24 23 22 58 57 56 20 19 17 21 20 19 54-55 53 52 16 15 14 18 17 16 51 50 48-49 13 12 11 15 14 13 47 46 44-45 10 ... 0-8 273-300 243-270 213 -240 18 3- 210 15 3 -18 0 12 3 -15 0 93 -12 0 63-90 33-60 0-30 640-677 590-637 550-587 513 -547 477- 510 437-473 397-433 347-393 310 -343 310 http://www.lrc-tnu.edu.vn ịẠ What the BT TOEFL Looks Like The /BT TOEFL takes about four hours The sections are presented in the following order: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing There are two versions of the test, and the version which you... 7 Guided Reading 1, 2 Vocabulary Review 12 8 *3 2 13 6 /BT Practice J-37 Economics 14 2 Unguided Reading ch 6 12 6 Vocabulary Preview M3 Vocabulary Review 14 8 *5 2 /BT Practice *53 Unguided Reading Physical Sciences 94 Vocabulary Preview 95 Vocabulary Preview Guided Reading 1 2 96 Guided Reading 1, 2 iốo mo Unguided Reading Vocabulary Review i0zi Vocabulary Review /BT Practice ->-05 /BT Practice 16 4 16 8

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2016, 14:45

Xem thêm: Ebook TOEFL BT insider the super guide part 1

