Singapore and Malacca Strait Regulations (Part 1 background and guidance)

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Singapore and Malacca Strait Regulations (Part 1 background and guidance)

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PorE Bockground ond Guidonc@ \ Buoy Tender 'KN Jadoyot' (Courtesy Nippon Foundofion) effori expended in hydrogrophic surueys of the srroirs rogether wirh experi wreck ossessmenr, L:i:-Irt^b":: l":ento,much sofer ploce lhon,ii used to be with respect to.position keeping ond knowledge o[ under*ote l^T119^t^" :*:l-,ty the increosing.size cnd, number,of ships poses oongers Nevertheless, ever-present ond requiring wotchkeeping stondords of the hiqhest orde problems, wiih ihe;isks of collisioi ond grounding r Some pertinent siotistics will put some perspective on the oroblems: The distonce through the portion of the Stroits within the TSS is obout 265 miles the conholling depth in the eostbound lone ot Buffolo Rock is 22.7 m ond r m wesrbound poinrs include one Forhom Bonk (oFB) Goor posr beocons ot t,aOo m, rqkong beocons or :lTglr:ll?fh.k" duu m ond the westbound lone in the Singopore Stroit oi 530 m the officiol rules for rhe srroirs require o.3'rz'm UKC fo, ;hip;;iouu r5 m in drought ond ships corrying hozordous corgoes should opply o rirnilor t5L.on.u ot Eostern Bonk outhorities recommend o m UKC ollowonce ' The lost moior.improvement to.novigotionol focilities in the Stroits took ploce in the lote I 99Os ond included o number n"f nquls"tiolol oids corelully positioned to demorcote the revised TSS The improvements 9t, extended the TSS ond rntroduced StrqitRep, with continuo_us rodor coveroge ond sofety odvisories Other improuements ot the time included DGPS, continuous shore-bosed vHF listening worch -ond speed limits for certoin or"or ih" TSS itseliwos otro i''jror"J to include Deep,Woter routes in criticol oreo-s Rodor surveillonce t tt'r" si-itr r"a r"'i"'y r"rr"ges to shipping commenced with the inhoduction of the,stroiiRep WS These "a'iJ"iif:; improvemeni of novigoiion in the Stroits, os reduced qccident stotiirics hove sho-n *"r" "^."ptio*il;;;lJ#;r- ;e L PorE L: I Bockground ond Guidonc@ LLl- r l-.l L_ f - - ' L- r f- - L_ l_.- Ll1 '- L_ 11 LL- Joponese finonciol conhibution to novigolionol qids in the oreo hos been significont ond, os the for eosiern economies of Koreo ond Chino continue to grow, oiher noiions now contribufe Todoy the oim is io hove on inclusive opprooch to ihe Stroits, mointoining the woterwoy os one freely open to world shipping By befter ensuring the sofety o{ the Stroits, oll concerned hope to minimise occidenls ond ollo- unimpeded hoffic flow The porlies contribufing to the elfori include the shipping industry, the liitorol stotes ond the mojor user noiions, with Jopon, Koreq ond Chino ot the forefront The effort to improve sofety is multi-functionol ond multi-notionol ln 2007 o mojor diplomotic meeting held in Singopore sow, for the first time, internoiionol ogreement bringing into effect UNCLOS orticle 43* The meeting olso so- ogreement providing o mechonism for future cooperotion within o newly formed Cooperotion Forum The MEH is o proiect run under the ouspices of IMO thot seeks io integrote oll novigotionol informotion, including reol-time troflic conditions, to befier monoge troffic in the Stroiis li is on ongoing proieci heodquortered ot Botom lslond (lndonesio) ond, ouer the next few yeors, most ships tronsiiing the Stroits will form o port of the triol phose lntegrotion will include o new hydrogrophic survey of the TSS to produce seomless elecironic choris for the whole trock o morine informoiion ond infrostructure system iniegroting stote of the ort morine novigotionol technologies, of which ENCs ond ECDIS ore the bockbone The MEH system will provide vitol morine in{ormolion, such os tides ond currents, to ships in reol-time, ollowing integroted digitol electronic novigotion This will enoble occurote novigotion for The MEH is every ship, which will in turn significontly improve novigotionol sofety L a: lr THAILAND SoutheastAsia E []lS aid VTS l )-' :/ n TTDAUAS Sllonsw|]Telemel.csyslenrllndonsa) Pobnlrar T DAUA S Slations l[,ra ays a) Beh{en 8alaff n(erconn€.t viy rL- Slal ons lYth Penans Tanjuns L J tr:::::,:T,:n ,o :r -'r,.l ' lnte Lr'I= L- T DAL Slaron!,/Als P, senAlS Sl:,.ns:nn Teeme r.T DA Sl:li.ns Lndonera Un!e'Fu S-le [rEr]prore.l Areavr rA IJ|_: l-! l ngapore Daia center and !a Porr K ans oaia Cen(er LL -/ !-L_'L- LLLLL S [,4arine Electronic Highway (MEH) - rr rL- l DaG Ccnre, and Prolecl Ba am MEl Fal'onal S Stal'ons Bou afd Posbe Expansion ^daies Data WlS IV A L AY S IA : SUN4ATERA a 50 101t r5u 200 25a INDONESIA (iom-"lres 'Ariicle {3 - Novigoiioncl ond sofety cids ond other improvements ond the prevention, reduction ond conirol of po luiion User Siotes and Stotes borderlng o siroit should by ogreement cooperoie: io) n the esbblishment ond mointenonce in o srroit o{ necessory novigotionc ond sofety oids or other improvemenis in oid of iniernotionol novigotion; ond ib) for ihe prevention, reduction ond conirol of pollution from ships Port I Bockground ond Guidonc@ 1.3 E a s Speciol lssues From both ihe ship monogement viewpoint ond from the perspective of the Shipmoster, there ore points orising [rom recommendolions in this publicotion thol require speciol ottention When quidonce is qiven, difficulties oiire in specifying feotures thot moy olreody oppeor or differ to o shipt Sofety Moiogement System The primory issues tor speciol ottention ond upgrode of the Possoge Notes provided in Pqrt ore os follo*s: Bridge monning levels for the possoge through the Stroits engine monning levels for the possoge through ihe Strqits opplicotion of speed controls {see Annex I ) speciol novigotion for bunkering, storing ond crew chonges off Singopore troining in bridge teomwork speciol issues reloting to ECDIS L3.1 Bridge Monning levels The Possoge Noies mention strengthening of the bridge teom for: Possoges of high hoffic densify oreos requiring o high degree of teomwork The Moloccc ond Singopore Stroiis eoch meet both criterio ond so demond speciol ottention to bridge monning levels Therefore, th.e,ship monogers procedures (lSM Code) should determine bridge monning levels for the Sloirs AccJrdingly, discussion oF this is omitted from this guide Whotever monning system opplies, fogether with suitoble experience ond troining, it is essentiol thot oll teom members ore fully owore of their duties ond thot cross checking of octions is on integrol port oT the novigoiion Considerotion should be given io the need for o helmsmon 1.3.2 \ Engine Room Monning Levels I The rules specified ot Annex (see Rule 8) require oll vessels to mointoin o sofe speed oi oll times ond to hove moximum stote of monoeuvring reodiness To comply, the engine room should be on stondty conditions ihrouqhout the Stroits bui monning levels in the engine room will depend on the engine control system fitted ' Ships without bridge control musl hove the engine room monned ot oll times ships with bridge conrrol must hqve.monqgement policies (under the ISM Code) describing engine room monning in the circumstonces For instonce, the procedures should specify when the enqine room should be monned I.3.3 Speed of VLCCs ond Deep Drought Vessels VLCCs ond deep drought vessels novigoting in the Siroits of Molocco ond Sinoopore sholl, qs for os procticoble, proceed ot o speed of not more ihon 12 knots over the ground in the flllowing oreos: ii is sofe ond (o) At One Foihom Bonk troffic seporotion scheme (b) Deep woter routes in the Phillip Chonnel ond in lhe Singopore Stroit (c) w.estbo-und 1one1!elw99n posirions 01 "'t 2.51 0l"l Ll3'N, (Refer to Annex 'N, 't 03'52 I 5'E ond 0t"I L59'N, I 03'50.21 103'49.08'E ond 0]"08.65'N,103"r'r'.30'E l: Rules for Vessels Novigoting through the Stroits of Molocco ond Singopore) 'E ond berween posirion L r-: Port I Bockground ond Guidonc@ I-.I L: -, -/ L: r-J L_ t L_ 1_' r - L: L: L: -Ll r-L' L:' L: L_Ll t_ -.L: L' L' I 3.4 Use of Engines ol 2006 noles thot speed odiustment is infrequently used for collision ovoidonce, yei ohen oppeors vitol for locol sofety lt recommends thot greoter use is mode of this fociliiy for collision ovoidonce Shipmosters should ensure thot oll OOWs ore prepored lo use the engines The MPA circulor 20 L3.5 Storing in Tronsit -1 Ships frequently coll ot or off Singopore for sfores, bunkers or crew chonges However, close quorter situotions orise if they ore sloring in the troffic lones, especiolly between ihe Nipo onchoroge ond Botu Berhonti Generolly Singopore WS does not recommend storing 'Off Port Limits' (OPL), recommending only port entry However, the following procedures ore commonly procticed -t Eostbound: 'lO4'E), An eostbound proctice is to rendezvous OPL to the south-eost of Chongi (oher longitude keeping well to the south of the centreline of $e lone Eostbound tonkers ore normolly in the looded condition, ond course olterotion ocross the lones into Singopore is unwise Deviotions while looded moy require speciol qgreement under the terms of lhe chorler porty or bill of loding, where voyoges must be occomplished without deviotion ond with utmost dispotch Westbound: Westbound storing OPL offords limited seo room ond oppeors difficult Locol odvice from ogencies indicotes thot some westbound ships toke stores off Chongi before becoming too closely involved with the high density troffic off southern Singopore Alternotively, o less sotisfoctory storing oreo is reported off Nipo beocon or onchoroge is sought within port limhs For gos corriers the primory onchoroge is ot ALGAS, close to Sulton Shool, which is olso used for storing For port enfry lo ALGAS o pilot is required ond full port dues ore poyoble* Gos corriers entering Singopore must reloy their in-port progromme to the Port Operotions Control Centre (POCC), providing detoils of eoch horbour movement, ond here ogents Eia -f J I -r I - t_I -{ L_ . L_- L: l_l_ -z L' qssist Storing procedures should be ogreed with locol ogents well in odvonce of orrivol, poying porticulor respect to the timing of the operotion qnd its locoiion l 3.6 SingoporeAnchoroges There ore some 90,000 ship movements in ihe Singopore Stroits in o yeor ond fhere ore opproximotely 400-500 ships ot onchor on ony one doy, with oll of the onchoroges being heovily utilised While ot onchor, the ships perlorm o voriety of octivities such os toking stores, looding bunkers, owoiting orders, undergoing mointenqnce ond repoiri/off-hire or *oiiing to enter shipyords More thcn 957 of the ships stoy for less thon lO doyi Movemenls in ond oround the onchorogei require extreme coution ond coreful plonning There ore 3y' onchoroges oround the port oreo of Singopore An A3 fold-out chori showing the locotion ond purpose of eoch onchoroge oreo is ovoiloble in Annex y' Some onchoroges in the Eqst ond West of Singopore ore height reslricied oreos Mqsters ore to check with locol ogents regording the use of these onchoroges wifh respect to their oir droft ) L_l -a L_) .4 L- t: f J L: L: -.r r + with ALGAS overcrowded gos corriers moy be red;rected to (o) ASUBA/ASUBB if bunkering, (b) AMFR, or (c) ASSPU,/ASH see chort 5502 for onchorage obbrevictions ond detoils These oddiiionol onchoroges ore more likely to be used if ihe ship h bunkering, ottrocting reduced port costs t._ PorE I Bockground ! ond Guidonc@ :I i i, i'l E :g :[...]...I Bockground Port ond Guidonc@ E Long N E Nome Type A1 Bukit Jugro Lighthouse 2' 42 Toniung Rhu (Pulou Corey) Light Beocon € :.- 43 :- One Fothom Bonk (Permotong Sedepo) ' 25 .1 None Fl W l0 2'50.3 l0l ' 17 .0 None Fl W5sec Lighthouse 2'53. 31 100' 59.72 o Fl (4) 50 .1 1 01 One Fothom Bonk {South Gool Post) Resilient Light Bn 2 48.66 10 0'56.r'9 45 One Fothom Bonk (North Gool Post) Resilient Light... {North-west) tighl Rocon Choroclerislic 44 46 \ Lql Light Buoy 48.80 2'55.0 1 00' 50.90 Light Buoy 48o Botu Mondi Light Beocon r'8b Pulou Jemur Lighthouse 2 2' None 24 sec W 20 Ronge(M) 15 sec l,t QW 1l a (6)+LFl W l5 sec 12 l0 ll Fl Y sec None Fl (4) Y 10 sec None Va (6)+LFl l0 sec 52 .17 10 0" 4t 08 None Fl {2) 52.0 10 0' 34.0 None Fl W 10 sec W5sec 20 t8 Toble 2 - Visuol qnd Rocon Novigotionol Aids A number... include: \ - Strosselink Pte Ltd I 16 , Chongi Rood #03-03C Everitt Building Singopore 41 9 21 8 Molocco Singopore Stroits Pilots Pte Iel : +65 6242 4263 Fox : +65 6442 4263 Iel : +65 6270 271I Fox : +65 6270 2 711 Emoil : I O2F Posir Ponjong Rood 1 I ! I i ! Ltd a #08- 01 Citilink Worehouse Complex Singopore E 18 530 I a Emoil : 'Pirocy ond Armed Robbery Agoinst Ships' - L l" Port ond Guidonc@ l- t _ ,r = -.a t_a -J L: I Bockground 1. 5 References ] t I- r_: L' No I l 1 Title Publisher/Author Chortsl 358, 2403, 38 31, 3833, 39 40, 39 46, 3947, 4039, 4040, 40 41 , 4042 British Admirolty Lotesl ed Chorts 7 1 252, 7 1 254, 7 1 256, 7 1 257, NGA Lotest ed British Admiroliy Lolest ed Briiish Admirolt), Lotesi ed British Admirolty Lotest... Volume 3 (NP 203) t_- 7 tfl_ a -a l_. -. ) l_ )-/ l_- l_ Dole 7 1 259, 7 List 1 265, 7 1 27 of Lights - Volume l, 7 - 1 27 5, 7 1 71 285, 7 258, I 440 (NP 44) F (NP 29) of Rodio Signols - Volumes 2, 3, 6 &7 (Port 2) 8 The Moriners Hondbook (NP I OO) British Admirolty Lotest ed 9 Oceon Possoges of the World (NP 1 36) Briiish Admiroliy Lotest ed 10 Pirotes & Armed Robbers : Guidelines on Prevention for Mosiers... Phillip Chorinel -8 Shoir 1" 06' N 10 3' 44'E Yes L_L-J Singopore Sfroit Buffolo Rock Buoy -8 i" 10 ' N r03'r'8' E L J Singopore Stroit Botu -8 t' 12 ' N I 03' 53', E No Singopore Stroit Horsburgh -8 t" 20' N 10 4'20'E No l J l_l J L: Molocco Stroit 14 ',N t03" I 9', F + J tt_tL-. L- r- Berhonti f -/ tl -r Ll -r L L -./ Lf -r Lt , L- tL\ -/ L: LL r/ L: Vorioble lo 1/ zkt Toble 3 - Admirolty Tide... Reporling Cenlre (o) Telephone (b) Telefox +60-320 31- 0 014 / +60-32078+60-32078- 57 69 (c) Emoil 57 63 lndonesion Seo Securily Commond (collsig PUSKODAT) (o) VHF Rodio ch r6 {b) HF Rodio (c) Telephone 7 01 5 KHz +62-77 8- 41 3 498 / +62'77 8- 41 38 i- 44 lndonesion Morine Police (o) VHF Rodio (b) Telephone ch 16 +62'778- 312 433 -_ For guidonce on onti-pirory plons olso... 2004 tl Bridge Procedures Guide ICS 2007 12 Bridge Teom Monogement Nquticol lnstitute )nd Ld l3 Bridge Wotchkeeping Nouticol lnstituie 2nd Ed 14 Possoge Plonning Nouticol lnstitute l99A l5 Ships'Routeing tMo 2 01 0 16 Pirocy ond Armed Robbery Agoinst Ships OCIMF 2000 17 MPA Singopore - Port Morine Circulors MPA As issued l8 Singopore Port lnformolion MPA Lotest ed 19 Singopore Tide Tobles MPA Lotest ed... obout 25 nm northwesi o{ One Fothom Bonk or, closer to Singopore off Korimun lslond, opproximotely O1 " l0' N ond 10 3' 27'E Disemborkotion tokes ploce eiiher off the Singopore pilot boording grounds i{ inbound or in position 0'l for vessels tronsiiing into ihe Chino Seo ' I 5'N '10 4' 05'E i i i i 1. 3 .19 Pilotoge (Horbour) More pilots ore being recruited ond troined to improve the Singopore pilotoge... indicotion of spring tide moximo Eosl-Going Streqm Wesl-Going Streom EBB TIDE FTOOD TIDE (krs) (krs) The Brothers t.2 t.t North Durion 1. 6 2.2 Phillip Chonnel 3.5 2.5 Buffolo Roci< 1. 8 1. 6 Botu Berhonli 6/ 4.0 Horsburgh 3.7 2.2 L -g LLLL-! l .L l -g L' L_I Toble 4 - Moximum Spring 15 Tide Port I Bockground _l ond Guidonc@ I The strong currents off Botu Berhonti ore probobly due to the relotively shollow woier

Ngày đăng: 16/07/2016, 18:46