a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy (mathematics) faculty of graduate studies mahidol university

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a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy (mathematics) faculty of graduate studies mahidol university

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PRIMENESS IN MODULE CATEGORY LE PHUONG THAO A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MATHEMATICS) FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY 2010 COPYRIGHT OF MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY Thesis entitled PRIMENESS IN MODULE CATEGORY Ms Le Phuong Thao Candidate Lect Nguyen Van Sanh, Ph.D Major-advisor Asst Prof Chaiwat Maneesawarng, Ph.D Co-advisor Asst Prof Gumpon Sritanratana, Ph.D Co-advisor Prof Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., Dip Thai Board of Orthopedics Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies Mahidol University Prof Yongwimon Lenbury, Ph.D Program Director Doctor of Philosophy Program in Mathematics Faculty of Science Mahidol University Thesis entitled PRIMENESS IN MODULE CATEGORY was submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) on 19 October, 2010 Ms Le Phuong Thao Candidate Prof Le Anh Vu, Ph.D Chair Lect Nguyen Van Sanh, Ph.D Member Asst Prof Gumpon Sritanratana, Ph.D Member Asst Prof Chaiwat Maneesawarng, Ph.D Member Prof Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., Dip Thai Board of Orthopedics Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies Mahidol University Prof Skorn Mongkolsuk, Ph.D Dean Faculty of Science Mahidol University iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my major advisor, Dr Nguyen Van Sanh, for his constructive guidance, valuable advice and inspiring talks throughout my study period that has enabled me to carry out this thesis successfully I am greatly grateful for having the guidance and encouragement of my Co-Advisors, Asst Prof Dr Chaiwat Maneesawarng and Asst Prof Dr Gumpon Sritanratana I would also like to thank Prof Dr Dinh Van Huynh from the Center of Ring Theory, Ohio University, Athens, USA, and Prof Dr Le Anh Vu from Vietnam National University - Hochiminh City, Vietnam I would like to express my deep gratitude to Department of Mathematics, Mahidol University, for providing me with the necessary facilities and financial support Special thanks go to all the teachers and staffs of the Department of Mathematics for their kind help and support I would like to thank all of my friends in the research group for their help throughout my study period at Mahidol University I am very glad to express my thankful sentiment to Cantho University for the recommendation and encouragement My love and dedication offer wholly to my family, for their love, sincere, intention, encouragement and understanding support throughout my Ph D study at Mahidol University Le Phuong Thao Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Thesis / iv PRIMENESS IN MODULE CATEGORY LE PHUONG THAO 5137143 SCMA/D Ph.D (MATHEMATICS) THESIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: NGUYEN VAN SANH, Ph.D (MATHEMATICS), CHAIWAT MANEESAWARNG, Ph.D (MATHEMATICS), GUMPON SRITANRATANA, Ph.D (MATHEMATICS) ABSTRACT In modifying the structure of prime ideals and prime rings, many authors transfer these notions to modules There are many ways to generalize these notions and it is an effective way to study structures of modules However, from these notion definitions, we could not find any properties which are parallel to that of prime ideals In 2008, N V Sanh proposed a new definition of a prime submodule The definition was to let R be a ring, M a right R-module, and S be its endomorphism ring If any ideal I of S and any fully invariant submodule U of M, IU ⊂ X implies IM ⊂ X or U ⊂ X, then the fully invariant submodule X of M is called a prime submodule A fully invariant submodule is called semiprime if it equals an intersection of prime submodules With this new definition, we found many beautiful properties of prime submodules that are similar to prime ideals From Sanh’s definition of prime submodules, we constructed some new notions such as nilpotent submodules, nil submodules, a prime radical, a nil radical and a Levitzki radical of a right or left module M over an arbitrary associative ring R and described all properties of them as generalizations of nilpotent ideals, nil ideals, a prime radical, a nil radical and a Levitzki radical of rings In this research, we also transfered the Zariski topology of rings to modules KEY WORDS : PRIME SUBMODULES/ ZARISKI TOPOLOGY NILPOTENT SUBMODULES/ NIL SUBMODULES PRIME RADICAL/ NIL RADICAL/ LEVITZKI RADICAL 80 pages v CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT iv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 On the primeness of modules and submodules 1.2 On problems of primeness of modules and submodules CHAPTER II BASIC KNOWLEDGE 2.1 Generators and cogenerators 2.2 Injectivity and projectivity 2.3 Noetherian and Artinian modules and rings 11 2.4 Primeness in module category 13 2.5 On Jacobson radical, prime radical, nil radical and Levitzki radical of rings CHAPTER III 24 A GENERALIZATION OF HOPKINS-LEVITZKI THEOREM 27 3.1 Prime submodules and semiprime submodules 27 3.2 Prime radical and nilpotent submodules 30 CHAPTER IV ON NIL RADICAL AND LEVITZKI RADICAL OF MODULES 38 4.1 Nil submodules 38 4.2 Nil radical of modules 41 4.3 Levitzki radical of modules 47 vi CONTENTS (cont.) Page CHAPTER V THE ZARISKI TOPOLOGY ON THE PRIME SPECTRUM OF A MODULE CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION 50 68 REFERENCES 71 BIOGRAPHY 80 Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Throughout the text, all rings are associative with identity and all modules are unitary right R-modules For special cases, we describe with a precision Let R be a ring and M be a right R-module Denote S = EndR (M ) for its endomorphism ring, Mod-R for the category of all right R-modules and R-homomorphisms 1.1 On the primeness of modules and submodules Prime submodules and prime modules have been appeared in many contexts Modifying the structure of prime ideals, many authors want to transfer this notion to right or left modules over an arbitrary associative ring By an adaptation of basic properties of prime ideals, some authors introduced the notion of prime submodules and prime modules and studied their structures However, these notions are valid in some cases of modules over a commutative ring such as multiplication modules, but for the case of non-commutative rings, nearly we could not find something similar to the structure of prime ideals In 1961, Andrunakievich and Dauns ([31], [71]) first introduced and investigated prime module Following that, a left R-module M is called prime if for every ideal I of R, and every element m ∈ M with Im = 0, implies that either m = or IM = In 1975, Beachy and Blair ([10], [11]) proposed another definition of primeness, for which a left R-module M is called a prime module if (0 :R M ) = (0 :R N ) for every nonzero submodule N of M This definition is used in the book [48] of Goodearl and Warfield in 1983, McConnel and Robson [77] in 1987 In 1978, Dauns ([4], [31], [71]) defined that a module M is a prime module if (0 :R M ) = A(M ), where A(M ) = {a ∈ R | aRm = 0, m ∈ M } For Le Phuong Thao Introduction / the class of submodules, he also created the definitions of prime submodules and semiprime submodules A submodule P of a left R-module M is called a prime submodule if for any element r ∈ R and any element m ∈ M such that rRm ⊂ P, then either m ∈ P or r ∈ (P :R M ), and a submodule N of M is called a semiprime submodule if N = M and for any elements r ∈ R and m ∈ M such that rn m ∈ N, then rm ∈ N Following Bican ([20]), we say that a left R-module M is B-prime if and only if M is cogenerated by each of its nonzero submodules It is easy to see that B-prime implies prime In [100], it is pointed out that M is B-prime if and only if L · HomR (M, N ) = for every pair L, N of nonzero submodules of M In 1983, Wisbauer ([19], [64], [100], [101]) introduced the category σ[M ], a the full subcategory of M od-R whose objects are M -generated modules Following him, a left R-module M is a strongly prime module if M is subgenerated by any of its nonzero submodules, i.e., for any nonzero submodule N of M, the module M belongs to σ[N ], or equivalently, for any x, y ∈ M, there exists a set of elements {a1 , · · · , an } ⊂ R such that annR {a1 x, · · · , an x} ⊂ annR {y} In 1984, Lu [72] defined that for a left R-module M and a submodule X of M , an element r ∈ R is called a prime to X if rm ∈ X implies m ∈ X In this case, X = {m ∈ M | rM ⊂ X} = (X : r) Then X is called a prime submodule of M if for any r ∈ R, the homothety hr : M/X → M/X defined by hr (m) = mr, where m ∈ M/X is either injective or zero This implies that (0 : M/X) is a prime ideal of R and the submodule X is called a prime submodule if for r ∈ R and m ∈ M with rm ∈ X implies either m ∈ X or r ∈ (X : M ) In 1993, McCasland and Smith ([4], [71], [74], [76]) gave a definition that a submodule P of a left R-module M is called a prime submodule if for any ideal I of R and any submodule X of M with IX ⊂ P, then either IM ⊂ P or X ⊂ P In 2002, Ameri [2] and Gaur, Maloo, Parkash ([42], [43]) examined the structure of prime submodules in multiplication modules over commutative rings Following them, a left R-module M is a multiplication module if every submodule X is of the form IM for some ideal I of R and M is called a weak multiplication Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / module if every prime submodule of M is of the form IM for some ideal I of R Although, multiplicative ideal theory of rings was first introduced by Dedekind and Noether in the 19th century, multiplication modules over commutative rings were newly created by Barnard [9] in 1980 to obtain a module structure which behaves like rings The structure of multiplication modules over noncommutative rings was first studied by Tuganbaev [97] in 2003 In 2004, Behboodi and Koohy [14] defined weakly prime submodules Following them, a submodule P of a module M is a weakly prime submodule if for any ideals I, J of R and any submodule X of M with IJX ⊂ P, then either IX ⊂ P or JX ⊂ P In 2008, Sanh ([86]) proposed a new definition of prime submodule Let R be a ring and M, a right R-module with its endomorphism ring S A fully invariant submodule X of M is called a prime submodule if for any ideal I of S and any fully invariant submodule U of M, I(U ) ⊂ X implies I(M ) ⊂ X or U ⊂ X A fully invariant submodule is called semiprime if it equals an intersection of prime submodules A right R-module M is called a semiprime module if is a semiprime submodule of M Consequently, the ring R is semiprime ring if RR is a semiprime module By symmetry, the ring R is a semiprime ring if R R is a semiprime left R-module In 2008, Sanh ([87]) studied the concepts of M -annihilators and of Goldie modules to generalize the concept of Goldie rings Following that definition, a right R-module M is called a Goldie module if M has finite Goldie dimension and satisfies the ascending chain condition for M -annihilators A ring R is a right Goldie ring if RR is Goldie as a right R-module It is equivalent to say that a ring R is a right Goldie ring if it has finite right Goldie dimension and satisfies the ascending chain condition for right annihilators By using some properties of prime modules and Goldie modules, we study the class of prime Goldie modules Le Phuong Thao The Zariski topology on the prime spectrum of a module / 66 that IN ⊂ P Then P M is a prime submodule of M and P M ⊃ IN (M ) = N Hence P M ⊃ r(N ) Since Ir(N ) = Hom(M, r(N )) ⊂ Hom(M, P M ) = P, we have √ √ Ir(N ) ⊂ IN It follows that r(N ) ⊂ IN (M ) Proposition 5.38 Let M be a right R-module which is a self-generator Let Y be a subset of X M If Y is irreducible, then J(Y ) is a prime submodule of M Proof By Theorem 5.5, we have V (N ) = V (N ) for any fully invariant submodule of M It is clear that J(Y ) is a proper fully invariant submodule of M Clearly, Y ⊂ V (J(Y )) Let I be an ideal of S and U be a fully invariant submodule of M such that IU ⊂ J(Y ) Then Y ⊂ V (J(Y )) ⊂ V (IU ) ⊂ V (IM ) ∪ V (U ) Since V (IM ), V (U ) are closed sets of X M and Y is irreducible, we have Y ⊂ V (IM ) or Y ⊂ V (U ) If Y ⊂ V (IM ) then P ⊃ IM, for all P ∈ Y It would imply that IM ⊂ J(Y ) If Y ⊂ V (U ) Then P ⊃ U, for all P ∈ Y It follows that U ⊂ J(Y ) Thus IM ⊂ J(Y ) or U ⊂ J(Y ), proving that J(Y ) is a prime submodule of M Corollary 5.39 Let M be a right R-module which is a self-generator Let N be a fully invariant submodule of M Then V (N ) is irreducible if and only if r(N ) is prime in M Consequently, X M is irreducible if and only if P(M) is a prime submodule of M Proof (⇒) by Proposition 5.38 (⇐) by Theorem 5.19 Proposition 5.40 Let M be a prime module Then Spec(M ) is a T1 space if and only if is the only prime submodule of M Proof (⇒) Since Spec(M ) is a T1 space, we have p dim M ≤ (by Theorem 5.23) Since Spec(M ) = ∅, we have dim M = 0, and hence is the maximal prime submodule of M Therefore, is the only prime submodule of M (⇐) Since is the only prime submodule of M, it is the only maximal prime submodule of M Thus p dim M = 0, and so Spec(M ) is a T1 space Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / 67 Lemma 5.41 Let M be a right R-module Let Y = {P1 , , Pn } be a finite subset of X M Then cl(Y ) = n V (Pi ) i=1 n Pi ) We have V (Pi ) ⊂ Proof By Proposition 5.12, cl(Y ) = V (J(Y )) = V ( n V( i=1 n i=1 i=1 n Q ∈ V( Pi ) Then I i=1 n Pi n V (Pi ) ⊂ V ( Pi ), for all i = 1, , n; and hence Pi ) Conversely, let i=1 ⊂ IQ It follows that IP1 IPn ⊂ IQ Since Q is a i=1 prime submodule of M, we get IQ is a prime ideal of S Thus IPk ⊂ IQ , for some n k = 1, , n Therefore Q ∈ V (Pk ), and hence Q ∈ n n Pi ) ⊂ V( i=1 V (Pi ) This shows that i=1 V (Pi ) i=1 Proposition 5.42 Let M be a right R-module Let Y be a finite irreducible closed subset of X M Then Y = V (P ) for some P ∈ X M Proof Suppose that Y = {P1 , , Pn } is an irreducible closed subset of X M Then n Y = cl(Y ) = V (Pi ), by Lemma 5.41 Since Y is irreducible, we get Y = V (Pi ) i=1 for some i = 1, , n Le Phuong Thao Conclusion / 68 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION Several authors have extended the notion of prime ideals to modules There are many way to generalize these notions, however, from these definitions, we could not find some properties parallel to that of prime ideals Recently, we are successful in introducing a new definition of such a kind of submodules and we roughly call them prime submodules (see [86]) Following this new definition, we proved many beautiful properties of prime submodules that are similar to that of prime ideals Theorem 3.2.11 in Chapter III can be considered as a generalization of Hopkins-Levitzki Theorem Theorem 3.2.11 Let M be a quasi-projective, finitely generated right R-module which is a self-generator If M is Artinian, then M is Noetherian, J(M ) is nilpotent and J(M ) = P (M ) Theorem 4.3.7 in Chapter IV gives us the relation between prime radical, Levitzki-radical, nil radical and Jacobson radical of a quasi-projective, finitely generated right R-module which is a self-generator Theorem 4.3.7 Let M be a quasi-projective, finitely generated right R-module which is a self-generator Then P (M ) ⊂ L(M ) ⊂ N (M ) ⊂ J(M ) There are many properties of the Zariski topology on the prime spectrum Spec(M ) are given in Chapter V Some of the main results are: Theorem 5.10 Let M be a right R-module Then the set B = {XfM | f ∈ S} forms a basis for the Zariski topology on X M Theorem 5.11 Let M be a right R-module If the natural map ψ of X M is surjective, then X M is compact Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / 69 Theorem 5.15 Let M be a right R-module with the Zariski topology on Spec(M ) Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) X M is a T0 space; (2) The natural map ψ : X M → X S is injective; (3) For P, Q ∈ X M , if V (P ) = V (Q), then P = Q; (4) |SpecP (M )| ≤ for any P ∈ Spec(S) Theorem 5.18 Let M be a right R-module with surjective natural map ψ : X M → X S Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) X M is connected; (2) X S is connected Theorem 5.23 Let M be a right R-module Then X M is a T1 space if and only if dim M ≤ Theorem 5.28 Let M be a right R-module with |Spec(M )| ≥ If Spec(M ) is a Hausdorff space, then dim M = Recall that a nonzero right R-module M is called retractable if Hom(M, N ) = for any nonzero submodule N of M It is clear that if M is a self-generator then M is retractable In most of the results in this thesis, we used the conditions M is quasi-projective, finitely generated and self-generator and the following question arises Do we still have these properties of prime submodules if we replace the condition ”self-generator” by ”retractable”? Let M be a right R-module The intersection of all prime submodules of M is called the prime radical of M and denoted by P (M ) The prime radical Le Phuong Thao Conclusion / 70 P (R) of a ring R is the intersection of all prime ideals of R It is the smallest ideal of R If R is commutative, then P (R) is precisely the set of all nilpotent elements of R In general, the prime radical of a ring R is exactly the set of all strongly nilpotent elements of R ([100], 2.13) We also want to find the description for the prime radical P (M ) of M We wish to answer the following question Can we describe the prime radical of a module M by term of elements as in the case of P (R)? Many authors introduce and generalize a generalization of the Zariski topology of rings to modules and call it the classical Zariski topology of M Then they investigate the interplay between the module-theoretic properties of M and the topological properties of Spec(M ) (see [15], [16], [96]) Modules whose classical Zariski topology is respectively T1 , Hausdorff or cofinite are studied, and several characterizations of such modules are given By working with Sanh’s definition, a natural question arises: What happen with the Zariski topology on Spec(M ) by using Sanh’s definition? 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Amsterdam University, 1998-2000 Master of Science (Pure Math.) Mahidol University, 2008-2011 Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) POSITION Lecturer, 1994–Present Dept of Mathematics, Fac of Education, Cantho University, Vietnam HOME ADDRESS 464 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street Cantho City, Vietnam E-MAIL lpthao@ctu.edu.vn [...]... ideal of S From these new definitions, the authors also introduced prime radical, nil radical and Levitzki radical of a right R-module M and investigated their properties in Chapter III and Chapter IV Another question is: Can we construct and generalize of the Zariski topology of rings to modules by using Sanh’s definition? The answer is positive in Chapter V of the thesis For the structure of the thesis, ... properties of nilpotent submodules of a module There are also given important results of prime radical of module Chapter IV provides the definition of nil submodule, nil radical and Levitzki radical of a module The relation of prime radical, nil radical and Levitzki radical of a module are also given in chapter IV The generalization of the Zariski topology of rings to modules is given in chapter V Finally,... submodules has a minimal element (2) A ring R is called right Noetherian (resp right Artinian) if the module RR is Noetherian (resp Artinian) (3) A chain of submodules of MR · · · ⊂> Ai−1 ⊂> Ai ⊂> Ai+1 ⊂> · · · (finite or infinite) is called stationary if it contains a finite number of distinct Ai Remarks (a) Clearly, the definitions above are preserved by isomorphisms (b) Noetherian modules are called modules... homomorphism (from a submodule of a module B) into an injective module A can be ”completed” to a ”full” homomor- Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / 7 phism (from all of B) into A Injective module first appeared in the context of abelian groups The general notion for modules was first investigated by Baer in 1940 The theory of these modules was studied long before the dual notion of projective... guarantees that every Le Phuong Thao Basic knowledge / 14 nonzero ring has at least one prime ideal Definition 2.4.4 A prime ideal P in a ring R is called a minimal prime ideal if it does not properly contain any other prime ideals For instance, if R is a prime ring, then 0 is the unique minimal prime ideal of R Proposition 2.4.5 ([48], Proposition 3.3) Any prime ideal P in a ring R contains a minimal... two-sided ideals, then the prime radical of R is a nilpotent ideal Proposition 2.5.6 ([48], Corollary 4.14) For a right or a left Artinian ring R, the Jacobson radical is coincided with the prime radical Theorem 2.5.7 ([48], Theorem 3.11) Let R be a right or left Noetherian ring and let P be the prime radical of R Then P is a nilpotent ideal of R containing all the nilpotent right or left ideals of R Theorem... ideal Theorem 2.4.6 ([48], Theorem 3.4) In a right or left Noetherian ring R, there exist only finitely many minimal prime ideals, and there is a finite product of minimal prime ideals (repetitions allowed) that equals zero Definition 2.4.7 An ideal P in a ring R is called a semiprime ideal if it is an intersection of prime ideals (By convention, the intersection of the empty family of prime ideals of. .. right Artinian), then every finitely generated right R-module MR is Noetherian (resp Artinian) Fac of Grad Studies, Mahidol Univ Ph.D (Mathematics) / 13 (3) Every factor ring of right Noetherian (resp Artinian) ring is again right Noetherian (resp Artinian) 2.4 Primeness in module category In this section, before stating our new results we would like to list some basic properties from [48] Definition... Hopkins-Levitzki Theorem said that every right Artinian ring is right Noetherian It is well-known that not every Artinian ring is Noetherian, for example the Pr¨ ufer group Zp∞ is Artinian but not Noetherian In this chapter, we prove that if M is a Artinian quasi-projective finitely generated right R-module which is a self-generator, then it is Noetherian This result can be considered as a generalization of Hopkins-Levitzki... (II)(3) in Theorem 2.3.2 is called ascending chain condition, briefly ACC Thus, Theorem 2.3.2 asserts that a module M is Noetherian if it satisfies ACC, and Artinian if it satisfies DCC Corollary 2.3.3 ([63], Corollary 6.1.3) (1) If M is a finite sum of Noetherian submodules, then it is Noetherian; if M is a finite sum of Artinian submodules, then it is Artinian (2) If the ring R is right Noetherian (resp

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