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" -;JSTRATEDON MARITIMETRAFFICSAFETY LAW 17th Including a Edirion Servicesof Marii,imeTraffic Arivisory Service ll-=_:_rr April, 2003 Navigation Safety Division, Guard and Rescue Department, Japan Coast Guard Center Contents Ou tline of M ar it i m e T ffi c S a te ty L a w Purpose of this Law' Sea areas where the Law is applicable "" Traffic Routes """ Vessels which receive special treatment in application Rules in Traffic Notification concerning navigation of huge vesselsor other particular ' 22 vessels and instructions to be gjven to these vessels of the Law Routes I Traffic restrictions for prevention of danger B T , i p - h t s1 oh e c a r r i e d h v s a i l i n g u p s s e l sn f l e s s t h a n m e t r e s i n ' 30 l e n r t t h a n d v e s s e l sr r n d e r n a r s Prevention of danger """"""""'29 """"" ""' 10 Other matters 11 Navigalion Control Signals at Irago Suido Traffic RouLe and """""""" Misusima Traffic Route 12 Notification Concerning Designation Ou tline of t he S e rv i c e (T ffi c of Tracks in Obatake Seto """"' a d v i s o ry Servi ce C enter) " " " " ' """"""""' T o k y o w a n T r a f f i c A d v i s o r yS e r v i c eC e n t e r Port of Nagova I \ u v J Trailic Adviso.rr 30 30 31 34 35 35 37 Servico Contpr O s a k a w a n T r a f f i c A d v i s o r y S e r v r c eC e n t e r """""""" 39 B i s a n S e t o T r a f f i c A d v i s o r y S e r v i c eC e n t e r """"""""' 41 K u r u s i m a K a i k r v o T r a f f i c A d v i s o r y S e r v i c eC e n t e r 'fraffrc Advisory Kanmon Kaikyo S e r v i c eC c n t e r ht't t t vtl C'T ,[a/-o ! """" 43 """" 45 Outline of Maritime Traff ic Safety Law t6ry6 wan Pu r p o s e o f th i s L a w The purpose of this Law is to ensure the safety of ships' traffic by prescribing special modes of navigation and by effecting control for preventing danger to ships' traffic in the traffic congested areas S e a a r e a s wh e re th e L a w i s a p plicable Yokohama -G The sea areas where this Law is applicable are Tokyo Wan(Bay), Ise Wan and Seto Naikai(Seto Inland Sea) The boundary of Tbkyci Wan is delineated by a line drawn from Su-no-Saki Lighthouse in Chiba Prefecture to Turugi Saki(old name:Ken Saki) Lighthouse in Kanagawa Prefecture The boundary of Ise Wan is delineated by a line drawn from O Yama Ttiangulation in Aichi Prefecture to lzika Lighthouse in Mie Prefecture, a line drawn from Tatuma Saki Lighthouse in Aichi Prefecture to the southern tip of Saku Sima and a line drawn from the southern tip of Saku Sima to Hazu Misaki The boundary of Seto Naikai is delineated by a line drawn from Kii Hino Misaki Lighthouse in Wakayama Prefecture to Gamoda Misaki Lighthouse in e \-c st c- Al -e' ? f^ r" '€-',^ Yokosuka ^9\-u @ u Tokusima Prefecture, a line drawn from Sada Misaki Lighthouse in Ehime Prefecture to Seki Saki Lighthouse in 6ita Prefecture and a line drawn which is the eastern boundary of Kanmon Ko(port) T r a f f i c R o u te s There are eleven traffic routes established in the sea areas where the Law is applicable : Uraga Suido Traffic Route and Naka-no-Se Tlaffic Route in Tokyo Wan Irago Suidri Traffic Route in Ise Wan Akasi Kaiky6 TYaffic Route, Bisan Seto East Tlaffic Route, Uko East Tlaffic Route, Uko West TYaffic Route, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route, Bisan Seto South Ttaffic Route, Mizusima Traffic Route and Kurusima Kaikyo Ttaffic Route in Seto Naikai Special traffic rules mentioned in Paragraph below are enacted in these traffic routes Turugisakl (old nam;!(ensaki) I : I Non-applicaba l er e a s Port areas Applicableareas ' -\l Tokyo Wan ,a'.:) (): ships'traiiic b1' prescribing : : ' : r ) : ' p e v e n t i n gd a n g e r t o s h i p s ' Yokohama ,:e Toky'6 Wan(Bay), Ise Wan and :': :1' a line drawn from Su-no-Saki Kisarazu ,.ci name:Ken Saki) Lighthouse in :rv a line drawn from d Y"-" :.r.ouse in \lie Prefecture, a line P:r:eclure to the southern tip of :::r o: Saku Sima to Hazu Misaki : :rv a line drawn from Kii Hino ' t ianrocla \Iisaki Lighthouse in \! ai: Yokosu ka Liqhthouse in Ehime Pre- Li-::t' 3n(1 a line drawn which is Traffic Route 7,200m l o f r o m 3,820m l0o from 320m 2800 from 2"600m o f r o m 4,030m 0o from ) T u r u g i s a ft J (old namiensaki) fl l,2oon \,1 P o s i t i o n@ D a i n i k a i h ol i g h t D a i n i k a i h ol i q h t D a i n i k a i h ot i i h t D a i n i k a i h ot i ! h t 21o from Position @ Uraga Suidd Traffic Route a-l Non-applicabl.g areas Port areas : A p p l i c a b l ea r e a s , a b c Id { \ g 2r600m 3201 from f 32Om 2801 from B, 700m 901 from 4,650m 90] from z'SOOrn 90" from tl,gSOt 901 from 3,9!Qm 3000 from D a i n i k a i h ol i g h t D a i n i k a i h ol i g h t K a n n o n s a k il i g h t A s i k a s i m al i g h t z A s i k a s i m al i g h { K a n n o n s a klii g h t D a i n i k a i h ol i g h t Morosaki, I r a g o S ui d /o N o n - ap p l i c a b l e a Port areas I reas/>r, i an# I t,! Akasi tl _ -.-. _o_/ Kaiky6 Traffic Route f r o m H i r a i s ol r a 45Om 215: f r o m E s a k il a g 46: b ,630m c , 0 m - ' f r o m E s a k il r g d , 0 m 'f r o m E s a k il i g t f r o m E s a k il r g e.3,110m 31o 1,950m 2l5o f r o m H i r a i s ol r a ago ontl Suid6 Trg[Jir 1l Signal-Statil K u r u s i m aK a i k y o n - a p p l i c a b l ea r e a s - o lragoSuido Traff ic Route v Suido Traffic Route from a.2,34Om 91o from b 2,690m 35Oo c 2,400m 72 : ' f r o m d.2,610m l7l" from K a m i s i m al i o h t K a m i s i m al i d h t I r a g o mi s a k i i g r r t l r a g o m i s a klii g h t Port areas K u r u s i m a K a i k y T r a f fi c R p u t e , o a.2 4I0m 15bn T r O mH y u z t n S r - J : h.2 52Om 197: from Ryuzrnsrn: : c I 50m l r o m r r a r S lrr g l : 5y^ d , I m 299" from Uzuhana gn: e 640m 59"30' f rom Osima TrrangL f 680m 49: fron1.€. =€ PA is tq d '62 z> = > q = !E x€ o EN *o €q 93 cB dd s g:t {i rI s b tr E o o - o RadarSeruiceArea and LocationReportLine Nam LO€IOn us UragaSu6o Trafiic RouteSodh Lrne N N F+ n: 5c F93 E : Ec Ood eiEs€i 3t: i.e i > o i l s a F; Eo 1F >=: ;68;^ o N x qai E ei Jd9t tr€ i== E E >ood o ii.lr l;8€d 3;82.F3," * 3t x,.0e 9FEEE 3E.E Feca#rfEE iJ:FE A line drawn at 270' from lhe lighthous on the breakwaleral HamakanayaPon to lhe @asl UragaSuiJoTEfiic Rste west UW A lire driln fiomtc liohhos o llp mrtEdl breahatd Lrne al Yoko$kaPqt t0 he nqfidn sd ot Sau Shima UragaSuidoT.afiic Rde Nodh UN Lrne A line drawn al 270' lrom the B Lighl Buoy at Nakanos in Tokp Bay lo lhe @asl FlonmokuOltinO HE Lrne A line drawn al 90' lrom Honmoku Warnrno Signal Stalionlo lhe 8,400 reler point Kawasaki OgishimaOtling KE Ltne A line drawn at 90' trom the Tonen Ogishima Easl Sea Ebnh Lightto the 9,900 reter point Tokyo Bay Nodh N A line drawnal 269' 30 trom chiba Lioht Bea@n Lrne lhroughTokyoLiohl Bea@nlo the 2,600reter point Chiba Otfing Kisarau fraiic Route Lrne A line drawn at 225' lrom ChabaLighl Bea6n to the 15.900meler mint Lrne A linedrarn al 210' iiom lh€ No lghl Euoyin Kigrau Pon pn b he bdndary lire t[q{h tiE N0.6Lrghl&oy in tE w F88s; I' IE t: Urayasu Chiba City Kawasaki City KeiF &a Benh Lighl r a :' x6 t-i t- Yokohama City 6E =x rY PR 5(, €e Y A E u E ob 0E = E! c E 89 I f P3i c ? e s ef oE S 5ee i6p E>E t = ; j 6! c oEg iiia 6 C4 4.5 'A5Ec- b cs9 s9 I i Eit > o>.4 gt ; = I "ii ", :e o o hg E Ee 6-afiq F t €d sa ? E dF c E Lighlhouse at Breakwater at Hamakanaya Port d= oa : U N +I € E{E -9o 690 :6P ;b E ;" q € E E' :g€ a FuttsuCity ?u6i vE d g oz-il,s\ror rre oay, _(l?99!i2:-:r(!{:{L'qr-tltejr_exl{4y)_ Srrhs.ri6tLrn ! mefhnd I.requenq: 1,651 kHz Call name: Osaka Marchisu Iift)adcast time: Japanese: livery hour l5-:!O and 45-0O Itnglish: I,very hour 00- l5 and :|o-45 ralonh.rna_ {l?q8r-qll4r} Weather adivsory (I,)$ki, Jizoski) Schedule ofentry ()f huge vessels into seaway 'l'idal curenl and tide informati()n I.ive camera Navigational safety informtkln Web site address http:,/,/w.()sakawan.kaiho-mlit-go-jp,/ (Renew ewry l5 minutes) Weather adivsory (llski, Jiz,oski, Murotosaki and Shi()nomieki) 'l'idal cureot and lide inlormati(rn Navigalional safety information (if any inf()rmati()n) im,)de htlp://w ,sakawan.kaih().mlit.sojtr/imoda/ jsky h(lp:,/,/M.(,sakawan.kaih{'.mlil.sojp,/jskay,/ c7 web hltD://w.(Nakawan.kaihr).mlil.ao.jp/ (Renew e\ruru l5 minrdes) eNcb / schedule ol entry ol la4Je vessels into seaway lnfornration ofworking c()ndition of fishing boat Weather advisory lnformati()n of conslructi()n works Facsimile service rna,r.rn-ri^n r,r riiql ,!.r-Anr- /t n1.,\ VHIi telephone Call nanre: ()saka Marchisu Call frequencf : CH16 Communicati()n frequenqy: CH14 and CH22 'l'elephone: ' 0791{t2-:l(}:t0- I lr)c:ation of ship MoveDrents of other ships OtheN l.'ishing boats in operati()n Navigation method Individualinformation Seawayinformation warnrng Warning Warning OllreN Specialinformation ' vnl tetepn()nc Call name: ()saka Marchisu Call frequency: CH 16 ror preventr()n or c(nnsr()n for avoidance of running alJround and other risks t() cored navigalion method a.rtrnr!t^n rr Navigationcontrol i.rn frA^rran,ar VHI,'teleph()ne Call name: Kobe H()an (l(;l)) Frequen(y: CH 12 and CH 16 l)SC Nlll)l': (X)4:110501 VHI.'telephone Call name: Hiroshima H()an (lNF)) I.'requency: CH12 and CH16 I)SC, NIII)I': oo4:iIotiol Telephone: ()799-tl2-:Joi-12 I.'u: 0799-ti2-:J0:J3 Others Reception of seaway informalion and instructk)ns regarding navigatk)n bascd on the Marine 'l'raffic Safety law Applicable ship: (;ianl ships, elc Recep{k}n of seaway inforrilation and navigali()nal rec()mrnendati()n Applicable ship: (l) Ships wilh gross t(rnnat{e of IO,(XX) tons or nx)re ((;iant ships excluded) (2) Ships lowinc (or pushinF) an object measurinA 150 rn or bnger and shoner than 2(X) m in lotal length Ileceptk)n of seaway infornrali()n Applicable ship: Ships with gross t()nnue (,f :J,(XX)t('ns ()r m(,re and less lhan to,(X)o tons ((;ianl ships excluded) ( Reporton location) ahin thai chnrrld Huge Vessel Ships with gros tonnage of 3,000tons or more (Giant ships excluded) Ships towing (or pushing) an object measuring 100 m or lonser and shorter than 200 m in total lensth Dehils of remrt (1) Shiprsname (2) Passing time Qapanese Standard Time in 24-hour system) (3) Abbreviation ofpassing line (4) Others Oensth of an obiect towed (or nushed) etc.) Method Call name: Osaka Marchisu Call frequency: CH16 Communication frequency: CH14 and CH22 ' Teleohone: 079$82-3030-I I A) I 0) q m I { = a I E L z C a ; ; * ; E E m g m tr { e- a 5il g!) 6': 5a => N R oo 58 -B { d { b+ 3{ lE o< !6' go = d 6i[ =' A) CL g) @ l !) z g) gr -r (! o; ;i c n -Ct E:X = n;'i * :v on Wesl Breakwater Port 11;ys;seKobe : r it +E oi t ? q A :=*- 2:: ! EE=I -+q -+ !:! ci.i,lro9 i:t g s ri.ER ! ael r;ilEa l \cnDi z i S E Zi l5 c 1.: L i_ 4=lrl tdi: UE €s 3Y No.1OLightBuoyat North Harimanada Seaway KobePort Light OsakaPort 9OEHO gEgE€ =.al iFIXi,o,! x 'l E?f 6E >O()(JF 3Ee >li AE Line :5: r!: t+ -t :in NA p ^! E e EG E + 1E ! F ,j gE '! = fi a =o F (:r EZ'{ i! ; i ! E!I E } ! EE ! !5q : ! C 'i f, c g ; EH= i F ZE : i E:i $ E c ,\ E : = =tr: -i 4.: t.: E{ i.EaB 10 EfF Ei EEa z }.: t !>: #r"iEEj'riEs E € € ] a '=35 ';a? i 5; hr 20km \,10 h 5;3a3iis-pEv 535 E!-R-+E=U.E h c i< : ^ 3- EF = aE $€eEE c) Locationreportline vg E- f r egEi z, Radarservicearea 8E o.E = ; Eg :cR q *F E i5 o x a 15 Ee :o : - ;? E b E i&.9 c cv c:: iFai{ Tomooashima Suido- se9 9s :* :E :.s:r.4.4j:32 I E: =v 5"#.E*i5 3: ii :!2 {tt:| :.:.:7 OsakaBay -u tr= s ; = : ;4 !: ,E :i : E !' $i€ 3$ i6 66.9, Nare Lo€tion Akasi Kaikyo Soulh AS Lire A lire drawn at 90' lrom the lighthous on Sano Hig6hi Brealsater al Tsuna Pon to th€ 20.9 km @int Akasi lGikyo Est AE Lire A lire driln al 180' lrom Kobe Lighttpu$ to th€ 21.0 km poinl Al6i AN Ure A lire drM E6l Harim AHLire A line onmcling ltp lighthous on Wesl grealilaler at Eigashina Pon and No.to Light B€y in Harimnada fSrth Seilay Aksi Kailqo Wo6l AW Lire A lire @nrecling the lightfpue on W6t Brealsatq Light Bmy in Harlmnada l',bnh Seaway Kaikyo f.brtl d 90' hom Hirais Light B€a@n to tt€ 9.3 kn point at Awaii Murostu Pod and f.lo.10 38 (D BisanSetoTraffic AdvisorvServiceCenter ( Outlineof Duties) ltem Details Regul&r broadcast R6trictions Iarge-*ale OtheE Special broadcast E Internet (Conforming srvi@ Ircation OtheF information Individual ! Seaway information Speial information Shimotsui, of giant boats Warning Warning Warning OtheE beacon and previous noti@ and Jizozaki) ships at inteection in Mizushima Seaway 'Signal Signal Navigation in operation for prevention of collision for avoidance of running aground to cor@t navigation method ontrol ontrol telephone : 0877-49-5166 (For the day) 0877-49-5167 (For the next day) Sub*ription telephone : 0877-49-1041 Sub*ription telephone : 08?7-49-1199 jp,/imode/ jplezwebl jsky/ and other method risks at Mizushima Seaway ba*d on the Marine Traffic at eaway in Mizushima Port ba*d on the Harbor Safety Iaw Regulation indicator oanel 'VHF telephone Marchisu Call name : Bisn Call frequency : CHl6 Communication frequency : C}l: 14 and CH22 Sub*ription telephone : 0877 -49-2220- ' VHF teleohone Marchisu Call name : Bisn Call frequenty : CHl6 Communication frequency : CHl4 and, CH22 of *away information and instructions regarding navigation ba*d on the Marine Traffic Safety Iaw Applicable ship: Giant ships, et R@eption of *away information and navigational r6ommendation Applicable ship: Ships with gros tonnage of 10,000tons or more (Giant ships excluded) Reeption of *away information Aooticable shin ' Shins with cross tonnase of ofi) tons or more (shins wirh rhp t.tal lpnqfh of 70m or more voyaging through Mizushima Seaway) and le than 10,ffi tons (Giant ships excluded) control English : 2,019kH2 Sub*ription Hectric Movements of other ships 'Reeption Navigation min http://www.bisan*to.kaiho.m1it.go http://www.bisansto.kaiho.mlit.go http://www.bisan*to.kaiho.mlit.go.ipl of ship 'Fishing 'Othere with to reqular broadeast) 'Movements Othe6 signal Infomation Trouble uency English:2,0l9kHz Japane:1,655ktl2 Call name: Bisan Marchisu Broadcast time Bisan Japane : Every hour 15-30 and 45-00 English : Every hour 00- 15 and 30-45 Frequency : Japane: 1,65lkHz Call name : Bisan Marchisu Broadcast timea : As n46ary Pre*nt weather (Aonoyama, Mushima, (Conformins to reqular broadcast) Facsimile *rvie freq on saway navigation marine a@ident Schedule of entry of giant ships into saway Pre*nt control signal u*d for Mizushima Seaway R6trictions on saway navigation Telephone ervice o Communication method etc Schedule of entry of giant ships into *away PIwnt control sienal ued for Mizushima Seawav and Drevious notie Wealher warning-and advisory isued Pre*nt weather (Aonoyama, Mushima, Shimotsui, and Jizozaki) Restrictions Fishing boats in operation on *away navigation Construction Othes Marine accidents and other works law VHF teleohone uau name: Aooe noan IJUU, Frequency : CHl2 and CH16 DSC NBDP:004310501 VHF teleohone uau name: Hrroshrma Hoan Frequenty: CH12 and CHl6 DSC, NBDP:004310601 ldN[, Sub*ription telephone: O877-49-2220- Fax : 08??-49-1413 Othere ' Betric indicator panel ( Reoorton location) Shiothatshouldreoort ' HugeVeswl ' Ships with gross tonnage of 3,000tons or more (ships with the total length of 70 m or more voyaging through Mizushima Seaway)(Giant ships excluded) q q c c F' om z f, m € z a = z r a c z r c m m C C = = = f m r tr 9> Method of remrt VHFtelephone Callname:Bisn Mrchisu Calltrequency: CH16 Communication frequency:CH14andCH22 Subscriptiontelephone:0877-49-2220-| q T =9 A) CL A) d? ?i' z d* f OD = a o o F € ot C o o z= 8t 9t q *9 Details of reDort (1) Shiprsname (2) Passing time (apanese Standard Time in 24-hour system) (3) Abbreviation of passing line l6 d o ? { d5 J { 'a o q) llI z i N N tl t :l i6r A i3 9:iEeip ie t rrY ;hF e : E i: E : EEi 6Ei:6 = 6;i c N X l E.^E E N = - o !€=Ele.g;Elt: : *i; ,*i !Y :;.i& ? i;Et e pin H€ = r'i aEl!g:Hli! : ; E z i sEE z i H a E i"?.;lq-?,;lE b =EE8 igE88i;dE 'i^&9 d > T i n *883.; F: :c 97a i -E ,3Ei; : -U ! ; Ec 9E-E" : E gF H I v J 7r q.9 N F gi =( gu5 cE E E f e eE i c t M = ? L co E,^ E; c -3 o.! F9 e2 "6 -= 6= Q? X I ': cF FE c.= : pg !r $ >6 F: : ^ F ; ; 50s i ;; !! Y Y s9 6; '!6 dF ! d 49 o I.EeB E ^ i; E @r X< v>,il o P.= : i : F " :f lP € ) " : 3= E Fp:e:e,E Y ".Y*,Ybrr t 3I t c -; c c o; o c > >@ ; ?K oo :>x !6 i^a ca E l >@ '= cu cF q o t 3: ; t ;-r oi e; o x E x4 x4 3' >E OU Eg*t*;* a,x c d r d c "'.9 0.9 -9 ii € Fo'F € l NZ ol SP ei ql Xl ol 3.E tsE t !i c e F @ q = al lFo :rl vl frv ol o!: ?dE Y.e ! Ei o O t J a ; : C ! d a a ! ; x? ! - OI dil = = q 9o - F b =E:! i;ri: d7 30 FO E q UFY K - 9"6t6o q> itr b i -d4^: ol ul : = > ! > ql =i iil d :-blF"a!: F+.= l'F; iia A=: ?x- q ol U [...]... Regulation and Maritime Notification Safety Agency No 29 of 1976 9 Prevelrtiorl of dal-:,' 7 Traffic restrictions for nrevention of danger The Maritime Safety Agency may place restrictions on traffic in the areaswhere there is danger to ships' traffic, due to construciton or similar works or sinking of vessels The master of the vessel whic danger to other vessels' traffic shou a cardinal mark in new Maritime. .. oS u i d O Traffic Route o :: 20 ,/ll Westernp a r t o f B i s an Seto V\^ 0tl / p K u r u s i m aK a i k y 6 Traffic Route K u r u s i m aK a i k y o Traffic Route Tidalcurrent In Naka-no-Se Traffic @ direction; Route, one-way traffic is in effect in the nothern in Uko East Traffic rection; in Uko West Traffic in Bisan Seto North @ Traffic Route one-way traffic in the northern di- Route one-way in... estimated date of navigation ( Note ) O Further details are given in Article 22 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, Article No 1O9 13 14 of the same Regulation and Maritime Safety Agnecy Notification of 1973 Time of notification Time of notification Type of vessel By noon of the day prior to the estimated date of entering the traffic route o Huge vessel o Vessel of 25,000gross tons or more carrying liquefied... prescribed in the Law for t Preventing Collisions at Sea are given : a When intending to navigate on the starboard side of the other vessel, they should give one prolonged and one short blasts in succession on the whistle; b When intending to navigate on the portside, they should give one prolong- 0 co o t \\ ed and two short blasts in succession on the whistle (7) Method of crossingTraffic Routes Any... Notification When huge vessels,vesselscarrying dangerous cargo or vesselstowing or pushing long objects intend to navigate a traffic route, they shall as a principle notify the Commander of a competent Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters, Chief of a Maritime Safety Office or of Traffic Advisory Service Center of the matters, including the estimated time of navigation of the traffic route by noon of the... restrictions on entry into, departure from or crossing of traffic routes Aids to navigation will be established.to indicate such traffic routes and others This Law has been enforced from lst July 1973 30 11 Navigation Control Singnals at Irago Suido Traffic Route and Mizusima Traffic Route Signalling requiring a big vessel other than a huge vessel to wait outside Irago suido Traffic Route or Mizusima Traffic. .. Traffic such traffic Route, when the huge vessel navigates in either of routes, shall be done in accordance with the shapes or lights mentioned in the following table, and by the control signal station ashore (However, in case of signalling Traffic Control Traffic control is carried out at the I Station in Irago Suido Traffic Route Sienalline method equipment failure etc at the signal station, signalling... Route \arric I Inforrnation Service \/ Information service on huge vesels in by the following O procedured: Information service using Informa huge vessels) Signalling method Information A flash every 4 second board A flash every 2 second Traffic control signal board A flash everv 4 second A flash every 2 second @ service through radi< Regular hourly broadcasts (start Information minating every 30 minutes... vessels' traffic should take emergency steps including settig up a cardinal mark in new Maritime Buoyage System to indicate the existence of accident and notify the chief of a Maritime Safety Office (or Station) of such srcps 1 0 Other rnatters (1) (2) Entry is to be made on charts of the areas of traffic routes, their central lines, sections where there is restriction on ships' speed and sections where... anchoring (e) T?affic separation O Within Uraga Suidd Traffic Route, Akasi Kaikyb Traffic Route and Bisan Seto East Traffic Route, all vesselsshould navigate in that portion of the traffic routes which lies on the starboard side of the central line of such routes @ Within Irago Suidd Traffic Rou and Mizusima Traffic Route : (a) A vesselshall navigate as practicable, that portion r traffic routes which lies

Ngày đăng: 03/05/2016, 22:15

