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economic development of philippines

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Unlike other natural resources gradually decline and atrophy, human resources always grow with more and more levels higher 1.Concept of human resource A country that wants to develop, it needs to have the resources of economic development components such as natural resources, capital, science technology, human In the resources that the human resources are important most, there are decisive in the growth and economic development of all countries ever A country despite rich natural resources, machinery and modern techniques but no qualified people, capable of exploiting these resources are unlikely to be able to achieve growth as desired Now there are many different views on human resources According to the UN, the "Human resources are all the knowledge, skills, experience, abilities and creativity of man is related to the development of the individual and the country." The World Bank said that the entire workforce is human capital including physical, intellectual and professional skills of each individual Thus, where the human resources are considered as a source of capital in addition to other types of physical capital: the monetary capital, technology, natural resources According to the international labor organization then Human resources of a country is the whole people in the age capable of participating employees *From conception on, approaches from the perspective of political economy can be understood: the sum total of human resources is the physical and mental existence of the entire labor force of a national society, in which the traditional refined and creative work experience of a people in history can be used to produce material goods and the spirit of service for current needs and future of the country In this day and age, people are considered to be a '' special resources '', a force for economic development Today a nation may not rich in natural resources, natural conditions were not favorable, but the economy can grow faster and sustainable development if they fulfill four conditions: + One, knows that country out of economic right way + Second, the national organization that knows the way to successfully implement it + Third, countries that have a team of skilled technicians and crowded + Fourth, countries with talented entrepreneurs II Characteristics of human resource Population Population and development relationships interact very closely The size, structure, quality and population growth have greatly influenced the course of socio-economic development, environmental quality, and vice versa Development has a direct impact on fertility, mortality, population distribution, population quality and direct impact on the development of the country 1.1: Population growth: Population; total in World was last measured at 7,260,652,256 in 2014, according to the World Bank Virtually all future population growth will be in developing countries, the poorest of these countries will see the greatest percentage increase Human population in 2009 increased 74.6 million, and are expected to decline to around 41 million per year in 2050, at that time led the world will rise to about 9.2 billion people The world regions have seen a sharp decline in the rate of increase in recent decades, although the rate of increase remained above 2% in some countries in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa, and in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America Population growth & Economic development For economic growth, it requires that we must strengthen the social production, thereby raising national income Want to accelerate this process requires increased investment However, due to the population increase, due to the high birth rate also led to a situation all the dependency ratio of the population in the total population (or the total working population) taller This is a burden for each family and the entire economy as consumers grow rate, the savings ratio will decrease and lead to reduced investment capacity needed to increase capacity for the production of social background Moreover, because the proportion of the population depends heavily should the right kind of social welfare should increase direct investment for production must be decreased Consequently, production increased slowly This problem is more evident in the least developed countries and the developing countries Meanwhile, the population growth rate is still high as the population size grew up in national income resulting per capita has not increased or increased slowly Population experts say while the population increased by 1%, the GDP increased from 3-4% to meet the needs of the population and the economy while developing new normal Rapid population growth inevitably leads to poverty, and poverty is also the cause of the rapid population growth The fact that the people most populous country in general and in particular the government must win the majority of the income for consumer demand so it is difficult to expand production For families because no conditions better parenting knowledge should be restricted and not eligible for the child's development Vi, they hardly fit in with the development of society that led to a widening wealth gap between localities and regions growing more On the other hand when poverty was often associated with lower labor productivity should lead to more labor need It also increased the demand for more children in rural families Poverty also makes people have no access to social services, including the family planning programs Poverty and rapid population growth is like a vicious circle, as the increasing poverty and rapid population so even more poverty 2.Education Today progressive mankind aspiring towards an economic development goal to enhance social significant for human quality of life in the harmonious combination between physical condition and mental condition, between high living standards and lifestyle beautiful, and secure, sustainable medium for everyone, for this generation and all future generations to come To achieve positive goals above, need to look for is the fundamental driving force of development At the time of the last century, when manual labor plays a major role, the labor factor and soil act as motivation If you know the right combination of labor and land, the wealth will multiply, multiply Therefore, the economist Adam Smith said: "The land is the mother, labor is the father" To the industrial revolution era, labor, capital, technology and management methods are considered key factors of economic growth In this era of scientific revolution and modern technology for the advancement of intellectual civilization, to the "information society" in which "information" become important resources of all nations , the "computerization" make rapid changes in volume as well as the nature of the world economy, the man is armed with modern knowledge is the basic driving force of development Today, when the intellect has become the leading factor to the power and strength of a nation, the countries in the world are aware that education is not just social welfare, which really is an important lever for economic development, social development The developing countries want to grow quickly to be very interested in education and investing in education is investing in development Only a human development strategy properly assist the countries of the new third world slaves escape from the new economic and technological The knowledge economy With the current trend in the role of knowledge is becoming increasingly important, it becomes the driving force of economic growth, also for that reason that launched the term "knowledge economy" According to the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) "knowledge economy is an economy built on the basis of production and distribution and use of knowledge information." Knowledge has a large role for the increase of labor productivity, improve the quality of products Developing knowledge economy will save natural resources, reduce pollution, reduce labor heavy, it is difficult in present, countries are paying attention to leading the development and implement a national strategy on development of knowledge and the intelligentsia Where there is more than knowledge, there has developed economy; companies, units that have more knowledge will grow stronger; individuals who have the knowledge, qualifications will get better jobs, higher incomes Developing knowledge economy is an inevitable trend of all economies, consistent with the behavior and development of society One of the features of today's world it is the revolution of science and technology develop rapidly have a profound impact on many areas of social life The trend of international economic integration and the process of globalization has profound influence on the development of all countries in the world Today, most countries around the world have developed strategist knowledge economy in ways consistent with its own specific conditions of each country Developed countries set to attract intellectual labor, scientific and technological achievements in many countries, research into the field of new energy, new materials, bio-chemical, space exploration to develop the economy Developing country which way to go off, motivational rapid development to close the gap to the developed world 3.Health Health before wealth is an old adage that can be readily understood by looking at the links between ill health and poverty in developing countries Good health boosts labor productivity, educational attainment and income, and so reduces poverty When poor people know their children are more likely to survive and be healthy, they tend to have smaller families and so higher incomes per family member So programmes that aim to protect and improve the health of people below and just above the poverty line in developing countries could greatly help in the battle against global poverty Good health increases the worker strength and stamina and enables him/her to work longer hours and concentrate more effectively There is little argument that a healthy and fit workforce is better able to increase national productivity Healthier people tend to be more economically productive, since they are more energetic and mentally more alert 4.Culture Definition Culture is a system of values physical and mental which created by labor The community is confirmed, accumulated, creating the identity of each ethnic group, each society The history of economic development and cultural shows every form of economy - society is tied to a culture, a shift occurs when economic forms society also led to a shift in culture, including inheritance choose positive values of the previous forms Knowing choose sustainable values of national culture and cultural values of the world's advanced apply to broadcast on the economy, also means shortening the path to the times ahead 1 The role of culture for economic development First: Culture and Economic dialectical relationship with each other Economics is the result of culture and culture is also the result of the economy Practice shows that culture is increasingly unable to stand outside, which should be in the economy and politics Culture is not just a goal, which is located right motivation in the process of economic development Each rung of the economic growth, create new development of culture; cultural development promotes economic growth Second: Culture is the foundation of social spirit, the motivation, the economic development goals Culture is the goal of economic, for economic development to human development Building and economic development must aim to build a society of rich people, strong country, democratic, equitable, civilized and happy human being and comprehensive development Thus, culture acts as immediate goals and long-term economic growth Culture affects economic growth because it is first of all a spiritual foundation, through motivation and the ultimate goal that it set out for all strategic economic development plan: All plans economic development must aim to ensure the highest is the most basic requirement is to protect the people, serve the people, improve the quality of human life Any policy, economic measures on the production, circulation or distribution of prices, wages, goods and products must achieve the objective that most basic requirement, ie, because the benefits of human In order to have sustainable economic growth model derived from the culture and by the cultural qualities, such as high-quality human resources By most precious natural resource, human capital is the most precious, we can master the science and technology, create powerful impact on economic activity in the direction motivating force Third: Cultural promote stable economic growth Cultural development is commensurate basis for economic development in a comprehensive manner Cultural and economic growth is a multi-dimensional relationship Each dimension of this relationship can promote their capabilities, but the dimensions it has an intimate relationship with each other, at the same time promoting many different capacities According to this argument, is the first culture through building human functions, fostering human resources of intelligence and spirit, competence, proficiency, talent, ethics, personality, style lives of individuals and communities Because of this culture will be the indispensable conditions to promote stable economic development Lack of a progressive spiritual platform, there will be no healthy economic growth sustainable

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2016, 19:52

