Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - AustraliaDatabase of your own country flag vessels Yes Training SAR training courses for international students SAR School will bede
Trang 1Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres in Asia Pacific Region
Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres
in Asia Pacific Region
1 The following linked pages are compiled from the information supplied by other authorities Hong Kong Marine
Department disclaims any responsibility as to their accuracy
2 Please send suggestion for amendments to [9/2/2002 9:08:52 PM]
Trang 2Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Australia
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Australia)
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning 5-6 shift personnel on watch
Rescue sub-centres None
Associated Aeronautical
Bilateral SAR agreement(s)
with neighboring states and
INMARSAT equipment None
Trang 3Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Australia
Web-site introducing your
organization Yes
Facility to receive EPIRB
distress signals Yes
Digital Selective Calling
System Yes, traffic also passed through TELSTRA by X.25 link
Broadcast facility via
Rescue Vessel(s) None
Inshore Rescue boat(s) None
Merchant Ships Yes
Other Defence and Police vessels, volunteer coast guard vessels
Interface to Local
Meteorological office Internet/AFTN
Close contacts with your
neighboring RCCs With New Zealand, Indonesia, PNG & most SW Pacific RCCsDatabase on registration of (2 of 4) [9/2/2002 9:09:01 PM]
Trang 4Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Australia
Database of your own
country flag vessels Yes
SAR training courses for
international students SAR School will bedeveloped in future
Visits by representatives of
your centre to other RCCs
in the last12 months
c) Shipping Companies Yes
SAR plan with any
company/passenger ship
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units
involved in your SAREX Separate annual SAREX with Indonesia and New Zealand RCCsAircraft involved in your
SAREX Depending on nature of SAREX
Shipping involved in your
SAREX Depending on nature of SAREX
SAR exercise with cargo
ships or passenger ships in
the last 12 months
None (3 of 4) [9/2/2002 9:09:01 PM]
Trang 5Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Australia
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (4 of 4) [9/2/2002 9:09:01 PM]
Trang 6Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Canada
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Canada)
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning 1 x Aeronautical, 2 maritime (Admin staff during office hours only)
Rescue sub-centres None
Associated Aeronautical
Bilateral SAR agreement(s)
with neighboring states and
INMARSAT equipment M-761 1 354 393 (POR)
AFTN address None
MF/HF frequency
communication None
Associated Coast Radio
Stations VAJ, VAC, VAE & VAS
Internet connection Yes
Web-site introducing your
organization Yes (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:08 PM]
Trang 7Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Canada
Facility to receive EPIRB
distress signals Yes
Digital Selective Calling
Broadcast facility via
SafetyNet None
Broadcast facility via
Navtex None, via coast radio stations
More than above, please
Primary SAR Resources
Helicopter(s) 5
Rescue Vessel(s) 3, Range : 28 days
Inshore Rescue boat(s) 9, Range : 100 NM
Meteorological office Yes
Close contacts with your
neighboring RCCs With RCC Juneau & RCC Seattle
Database on registration of
Database of your own
country flag vessels Yes
Training (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:08 PM]
Trang 8Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Canada
SAR training courses for
international students Canadian Coast Guard College, PO Box 4500, Sydney, Nova ScotiaVisits by representatives of
your centre to other RCCs
in the last12 months
5 times for business and familiarisation
c) Shipping Companies None
SAR plan with any
company/passenger ship
In development
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units
involved in your SAREX Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary, United States Coast Guard
Aircraft involved in your
Shipping involved in your
SAR exercise with cargo
ships or passenger ships in
the last 12 months
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:08 PM]
Trang 9Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - China
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (China)
SAR organization
Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) China Maritime SAR Centre
RCC established for (Maritime and/or
Aeronautical SAR) Both
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning
Rescue sub-centres 11 MRCCs
Associated Aeronautical RCC None
Bilateral SAR agreement(s) with
neighboring states and nature of
INMARSAT equipment INMARSAT A, B/M and C
AFTN address None
MF/HF frequency communication 7 KW
Associated Coast Radio Stations XSZ,XSE,XSV,XSU,XST, XSG,XSL,XSM,XSQ & XSR
Internet connection None
Web-site introducing your
organization None
Facility to receive EPIRB distress
Digital Selective Calling System 18 DSC stations (in operational trial)
Broadcast facility via SafetyNet None
Broadcast facility via Navtex Yes (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:13 PM]
Trang 10Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - China
More than above, please specify Broadcast weather forecastby Inmarsat_C everyday
Primary SAR Resources
Helicopter(s) None
Rescue Vessel(s) None
Inshore Rescue boat(s) None
Ocean-going salvage Tug(s) 42
Other 256 patrol vessel
Secondary SAR Resources
Aircraft (Civilian) Yes
Helicopter (Civilian) Yes
Merchant Ships Yes
Interface to Local Meteorological
Close contacts with your neighboring
Database on registration of EPIRB Yes
Database of your own country flag
SAR training courses for international
Visits by representatives of your centre
to other RCCs in the last12 months 1 to Singapore RCC and 1 to Japan Coast GuardDocumented procedures for your SAR
Public education on SAR/Survival at
Sea Programmes for
c) Shipping Companies Yes (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:13 PM]
Trang 11Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - China
SAR plan with any shipping
company/passenger ship Yes
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units involved in
Aircraft involved in your SAREX 1
Shipping involved in your SAREX 8
SAR exercise with cargo ships or
passenger ships in the last 12 months 1
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:13 PM]
Trang 12Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Hong Kong, China
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Hong Kong, China)
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning 1 Marine Officer, 1 Marine Inspector and 1 Radio Officer per shift
Rescue sub-centres None
Associated Aeronautical
Bilateral SAR agreement(s)
with neighboring states and
Trang 13Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Hong Kong, China
Web-site introducing your
Facility to receive EPIRB
distress signals Yes
Digital Selective Calling
System 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312, 8414.5, 12577, 16804.5 khz & Ch.70.
Broadcast facility via
SafetyNet Yes
Broadcast facility via
Navtex Via Hong Kong Radio VRX
More than above, please
Primary SAR Resources
Aircraft 2, Range 350 NM with one hour on scene
Helicopter(s) 3, Range 130 NM
Rescue Vessel(s) None
Inshore Rescue boat(s) 66 Police Launches & 85 small craft
Aircraft (Civilian) Yes
Helicopter (Civilian) Yes
Merchant Ships Yes
Other Government-non SAR dedicated helicopters
Interface to Local
Meteorological office Yes.
Close contacts with your
neighboring RCCs With Guangdong RCC, Taipei RCC, Beijing SAR & JMSA TokyoDatabase on registration of
Database of your own
country flag vessels Yes (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:21 PM]
Trang 14Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Hong Kong, China
SAR training courses for
international students None
Visits by representatives of
your centre to other RCCs
in the last12 months
3, (Guangdong RCC-2, Beijing SAR- 1)
c) Shipping Companies Yes
SAR plan with any
company/passenger ship
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units
involved in your SAREX Local Shipping Companies Guangdong RCC& Macau RCCAircraft involved in your
Shipping involved in your
SAR exercise with cargo
ships or passenger ships in
the last 12 months
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:21 PM]
Trang 15Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Japan
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Japan)
Bilateral SAR agreement(s)
with neighboring states and
Telex number 2225193JMSAHOJ
INMARSAT equipment None
MF/HF frequency
communication 1KW & 5 KW
Associated Coast Radio
Stations JNA
Internet connection
Web-site introducing your
organization (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:31 PM]
Trang 16Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Japan
Facility to receive EPIRB
distress signals Yes
Digital Selective Calling
System 4207.5, 6312, 8414.5,12577 & 16804.5 khzBroadcast facility via
Aircraft (Civilian) None
Helicopter (Civilian) None
Merchant Ships Yes
Other Resources of Defense Agency
Interface to Local
Meteorological office Yes
Close contacts with your
neighboring RCCs Yes
Database on registration of
Database of your own
country flag vessels Yes
Training (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:31 PM]
Trang 17Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Japan
SAR training courses for
international students Hyogo International Centre, Kobe City
Visits by representatives of
your centre to other RCCs
in the last12 months
Korea National Maritime Police Agency
c) Shipping Companies Yes
SAR plan with any
company/passenger ship
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units
involved in your SAREX Defense Agency , National Police Agency, Fire-Defense AgencyAircraft involved in your
Shipping involved in your
SAR exercise with cargo
ships or passenger ships in
the last 12 months
Yes (Many exercises)
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:31 PM]
Trang 18Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Kiribati
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Kiribati)
SAR organization
Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) National Co-ordination Centre (NCC)
RCC established for (Maritime and/or
Aeronautical SAR) Both
RCC operating hours Office hours
RCC manning 2 Deck Officers
Rescue sub-centres 1
Associated Aeronautical RCC None
Bilateral SAR agreement(s) with neighboring
states and nature of agreement None
Communication System
International telephone number None
INMARSAT equipment None
MF/HF frequency communication 120 Watts
Associated Coast Radio Stations T3C
Internet connection None
Web-site introducing your organization None
Facility to receive EPIRB distress signals None
Digital Selective Calling System None
Broadcast facility via SafetyNet None
Broadcast facility via Navtex None
More than above, please specify
Primary SAR Resources (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:38 PM]
Trang 19Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Kiribati
Rescue Vessel(s) None
Inshore Rescue boat(s) None
Ocean-going salvage Tug(s) None
Secondary SAR Resources
Aircraft (Civilian) Yes
Helicopter (Civilian) None
Interface to Local Meteorological office Yes
Close contacts with your neighboring RCCs None
Database on registration of EPIRB None
Database of your own country flag vessels Yes
SAR training courses for international students None
Visits by representatives of your centre to other
RCCs in the last12 months NoneDocumented procedures for your SAR system None
Public education on SAR/Survival at Sea
Programmes for
c) Shipping Companies None
SAR plan with any shipping company/passenger
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX None
Other participating units involved in your
Aircraft involved in your SAREX (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:38 PM]
Trang 20Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Kiribati
Shipping involved in your SAREX
SAR exercise with cargo ships or passenger
ships in the last 12 months
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:38 PM]
Trang 21Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Malaysia
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Malaysia)
SAR organization
Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) MRCC Port klang
RCC established for (Maritime and/or
Aeronautical SAR) Maritime SAR
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning 2 watch-keepers
Rescue sub-centres 3
Associated Aeronautical RCC RCC Kuala Lumpur
Bilateral SAR agreement(s) with neighboring
states and nature of agreement None
Communication System
International telephone number 603 3670530
Telex number LAUT MA 39748
INMARSAT equipment None
MF/HF frequency communication 150 KW
Associated Coast Radio Stations 9MG24
Internet connection
Web-site introducing your organization
Facility to receive EPIRB distress signals None
Digital Selective Calling System None
Broadcast facility via SafetyNet None
Broadcast facility via Navtex Yes
More than above, please specify
Primary SAR Resources (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:49 PM]
Trang 22Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Malaysia
Rescue Vessel(s) None
Inshore Rescue boat(s) None
Ocean-going salvage Tug(s) None
Secondary SAR Resources
Aircraft (Civilian) Yes
Helicopter (Civilian) None
Interface to Local Meteorological office Yes
Close contacts with your neighboring RCCs Indonesia , & Singapore
Database on registration of EPIRB Yes (Being developed)
Database of your own country flag vessels Yes
SAR training courses for international students None
Visits by representatives of your centre to other
RCCs in the last12 months During SAREX with Indonesia
Documented procedures for your SAR system Yes
Public education on SAR/Survival at Sea
Programmes for
c) Shipping Companies None
SAR plan with any shipping company/passenger
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units involved in your
SAREX Annual joint SAREX with Indonesia and SingaporeAircraft involved in your SAREX 4 (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:49 PM]
Trang 23Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Malaysia
Shipping involved in your SAREX None
SAR exercise with cargo ships or passenger
ships in the last 12 months None
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:49 PM]
Trang 24Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Maldives
Information of Maritime Rescue Co-ordination
Centre (Maldives)
SAR organization
Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) NSS Coast Guard Operations
RCC established for (Maritime and/or Aeronautical
RCC operating hours 24 hours
RCC manning Coast Guard Personnel
Rescue sub-centres None
Associated Aeronautical RCC RCC Male', / Maldives Airports Company Ltd
Bilateral SAR agreement(s) with neighboring states
and nature of agreement None
MF/HF frequency communication 750 - 1000 Watts
Associated Coast Radio Stations Male' Coastal Radio
Internet connection None
Web-site introducing your organization None
Facility to receive EPIRB distress signals None
Digital Selective Calling System None
Broadcast facility via SafetyNet None
Broadcast facility via Navtex None
More than above, please specify
Primary SAR Resources (1 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:54 PM]
Trang 25Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Maldives
Rescue Vessel(s) 8, Range 150 - 400 NM
Inshore Rescue boat(s) >25
Ocean-going salvage Tug(s) 2
Secondary SAR Resources
Aircraft (Civilian) Yes
Helicopter (Civilian) No
Interface to Local Meteorological office Yes
Close contacts with your neighboring RCCs Yes
Database on registration of EPIRB None
Database of your own country flag vessels Yes
SAR training courses for international students None
Visits by representatives of your centre to other RCCs
in the last12 months 4 times
Documented procedures for your SAR system Yes
Public education on SAR/Survival at Sea
Programmes for
c) Shipping Companies Yes
SAR plan with any shipping company/passenger ship Yes
SAR Exercise(SAREX)
Provision for SAREX Yes
Other participating units involved in your SAREX None
Aircraft involved in your SAREX RCC Male', /Maldives Airports Company Ltd
Shipping involved in your SAREX Yes (2 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:54 PM]
Trang 26Information on Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre - Maldives
SAR exercise with cargo ships or passenger ships in
the last 12 months Yes
Last updated : 22.3.2002 [Home] [Centre List] (3 of 3) [9/2/2002 9:09:54 PM]